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Chapterhouse Lawsuit - Settlement reached, Appeals withdrawn - Pg 234! Chapterhouse to re-open store  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us

 RiTides wrote:
If anything, I think this case has shown that saying something is "compatible with _______ kit from GW" is acceptable. No "nudge nudge wink wink" required. I think some of the things CHS lost on were whole models (the "not" farseer) but most of the bits were totally fine. The after market car parts industry is a perfect analogy, as another poster above stated (and has been often compared to in this case).

CHS were pretty brazen (they got smarter later and made things clearly "compatible with" but not to be confused with) and imo as Polonius says, likely just got bought out after GW spent a fortune in legal fees trying to squash them. I think this sets a great example (even if only internally at GW, deterring them from legal bullying) and third party bits makers will be quite safe.

Bolded the important parts, I think?

Other than that, I'm not sure how the CHS settlement/NDA really 'hurts' the rest of the facts of this case.

For me, GW definitely 'lost' here.
Made in us
Deva Functionary


 Sinful Hero wrote:
It would be really interesting if he got bought out and becomes the Forgeworld of bitz and mod kits...
they would not do that. They would just let it die. People would forget or never know so gw still wins.
Made in us
Stoic Grail Knight

Raleigh, NC

 Laemos wrote:
 Sinful Hero wrote:
It would be really interesting if he got bought out and becomes the Forgeworld of bitz and mod kits...
they would not do that. They would just let it die. People would forget or never know so gw still wins.

Also, GW makes the best miniatures in the world! Ergo, they would never dirty themselves by accepting another company's inferior product into their own.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/11/17 15:07:47

Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

 Alpharius wrote:
 RiTides wrote:
If anything, I think this case has shown that saying something is "compatible with _______ kit from GW" is acceptable. No "nudge nudge wink wink" required. I think some of the things CHS lost on were whole models (the "not" farseer) but most of the bits were totally fine. The after market car parts industry is a perfect analogy, as another poster above stated (and has been often compared to in this case).

CHS were pretty brazen (they got smarter later and made things clearly "compatible with" but not to be confused with) and imo as Polonius says, likely just got bought out after GW spent a fortune in legal fees trying to squash them. I think this sets a great example (even if only internally at GW, deterring them from legal bullying) and third party bits makers will be quite safe.

Bolded the important parts, I think?

Other than that, I'm not sure how the CHS settlement/NDA really 'hurts' the rest of the facts of this case.

For me, GW definitely 'lost' here.

I agree. There are still lots of bits makers out there, the lines in the sand are more clearly defined and those companies can continue selling their products (and the customers continue benefiting from them) without GW's legal team coming down on them like a sack of bricks.

The biggest casualty here, other than the obvious ones of someone's life essentially being wrecked for 4 years (as well as the people around him), and just the massive waste of time and effort on both sides for something that you would have thought could have been sorted out with a few phone calls, is that you are no longer going to get the variety of characters and different units (without models) in GW army books and codexes. There was already I think something of a dirth of imagination in those books as it is, this is reducing that imaginative side of the GW-hobby, of creation and promoting artistic and modelling ability in players, still further.

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Redmond, WA

 Pacific wrote:
There are still lots of bits makers out there, the lines in the sand are more clearly defined and those companies can continue selling their products (and the customers continue benefiting from them) without GW's legal team coming down on them like a sack of bricks.

I know there is a legal document somewhere that states what trademarks and copyrights were addressed, but has anyone made a more detailed list we can use as a reference?

What I mean when I say more detailed is that I know there are descriptions in the document for what CHS "lost" on, but I can't find any pictures of them so I can see for myself what is and isn't allowed.

Having a type of "cheat sheet" would be helpful for all the current and prospective bits maker out there.

I would do this myself, but I can't find pictures of many of the items CHS had to remove form their store.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/01/02 00:46:17


Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter

 mechanicalhorizon wrote:
 Pacific wrote:
There are still lots of bits makers out there, the lines in the sand are more clearly defined and those companies can continue selling their products (and the customers continue benefiting from them) without GW's legal team coming down on them like a sack of bricks.

I know there is a legal document somewhere that states what trademarks and copyrights were addressed, but has anyone made a more detailed list we can use as a reference?

What I mean when I say more detailed is that I know there are descriptions in the document for what CHS "lost" on, but I can't find any pictures of them so I can see for myself what is and isn't allowed.

My reasons for asking this are a bit selfish; I have a number of pauldrons (and other accessories) I sculpted that I plan on selling but would like to be able to see what isn't allowed so I don't, by accident, make one similar.

Having a type of "cheat sheet" would be helpful for all the current and prospective bits maker out there.

I would do this myself, but I can't find pictures of many of the items CHS had to remove form their store.

Id figure "compatible with X" Would be enough.

 Unit1126PLL wrote:
 Scott-S6 wrote:
And yet another thread is hijacked for Unit to ask for the same advice, receive the same answers and make the same excuses.

Oh my god I'm becoming martel.
Send help!

Made in us

Yeah, I think it has now been 'proven' that it really is that simple.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Redmond, WA

I dont mean to sound pedantic, but I recall there were some items CHS could no longer sell because of how they looked, or because of certain details on the model itself.

It wasn't just a matter of changing his descriptions to say "compatible with...."

What I think would be helpful is to see the actual parts, matched up to the respective descriptions the legal document.

I just can't find pictures of them to do it myself.


Made in us
Infiltrating Broodlord


Hello folks, the web store will be up and going by the end of the week and I will ship out any orders that were not disputed this week as well. Hopefully the site will be able to stay profitable and I am hoping the defense lines will sell as well as some new products as well.

Thank you to those that supported Chapterhouse through the last years.


Made in gb
Bryan Ansell

Birmingham, UK

 Chapterhouse wrote:
Hello folks, the web store will be up and going by the end of the week and I will ship out any orders that were not disputed this week as well. Hopefully the site will be able to stay profitable and I am hoping the defense lines will sell as well as some new products as well.

Thank you to those that supported Chapterhouse through the last years.


Good to hear from you!

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

 Chapterhouse wrote:
Hello folks, the web store will be up and going by the end of the week and I will ship out any orders that were not disputed this week as well. Hopefully the site will be able to stay profitable and I am hoping the defense lines will sell as well as some new products as well.

Thank you to those that supported Chapterhouse through the last years.


YAY! I would hope this mean only good news.
Made in gb
Smokin' Skorcha Driver

 Chapterhouse wrote:
Hello folks, the web store will be up and going by the end of the week and I will ship out any orders that were not disputed this week as well. Hopefully the site will be able to stay profitable and I am hoping the defense lines will sell as well as some new products as well.

Thank you to those that supported Chapterhouse through the last years.


well, theres a welcome turn up for the books. Congrats, and good luck.

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Made in fi
Courageous Space Marine Captain

 Accolade wrote:

Also, GW makes the best miniatures in the world! Ergo, they would never dirty themselves by accepting another company's inferior product into their own.

Well, at least in this case the difference in quality was pretty obvious; most of CHS stuff was rather hideous.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


 Crimson wrote:
 Accolade wrote:

Also, GW makes the best miniatures in the world! Ergo, they would never dirty themselves by accepting another company's inferior product into their own.

Well, at least in this case the difference in quality was pretty obvious; most of CHS stuff was rather hideous.

However one feels about the quality, the company deserved the right to sell the products. That's precisely how GW and CHS should have been competing; on the relative strengths of the products, not via aggressive litigation.

Kirasu: Have we fallen so far that we are excited that GW is giving us the opportunity to spend 58$ for JUST the rules? Surprised it's not "Dataslate: Assault Phase"

AlexHolker: "The power loader is a forklift. The public doesn't complain about a forklift not having frontal armour protecting the crew compartment because the only enemy it is designed to face is the OHSA violation."

AlexHolker: "Allow me to put it this way: Paramount is Skynet, reboots are termination attempts, and your childhood is John Connor."
Made in gb
The Daemon Possessing Fulgrim's Body

Devon, UK

 Crimson wrote:
 Accolade wrote:

Also, GW makes the best miniatures in the world! Ergo, they would never dirty themselves by accepting another company's inferior product into their own.

Well, at least in this case the difference in quality was pretty obvious; most of CHS stuff was rather hideous.


We find comfort among those who agree with us - growth among those who don't. - Frank Howard Clark

The wise man doubts often, and changes his mind; the fool is obstinate, and doubts not; he knows all things but his own ignorance.

The correct statement of individual rights is that everyone has the right to an opinion, but crucially, that opinion can be roundly ignored and even made fun of, particularly if it is demonstrably nonsense!” Professor Brian Cox

Ask me about
Barnstaple Slayers Club 
Made in us

I wonder if this changes weeble's stance on 'what might have happened'?!?
Made in us
Storm Trooper with Maglight

 Chapterhouse wrote:
Hello folks, the web store will be up and going by the end of the week and I will ship out any orders that were not disputed this week as well. Hopefully the site will be able to stay profitable and I am hoping the defense lines will sell as well as some new products as well.

Thank you to those that supported Chapterhouse through the last years.


yay, good to hear from you nick!

Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

 Chapterhouse wrote:
Hello folks, the web store will be up and going by the end of the week and I will ship out any orders that were not disputed this week as well. Hopefully the site will be able to stay profitable and I am hoping the defense lines will sell as well as some new products as well.

Thank you to those that supported Chapterhouse through the last years.

I feel like this needs to be quoted a lot.

I wonder if we can get a comment on what the outcome was? Or at least confirmation that the settlement included an NDA and we'll never know.

Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

 Chapterhouse wrote:
Hello folks, the web store will be up and going by the end of the week and I will ship out any orders that were not disputed this week as well. Hopefully the site will be able to stay profitable and I am hoping the defense lines will sell as well as some new products as well.

Thank you to those that supported Chapterhouse through the last years.



I can vouch that the space bug defense line is fantastic. Looking forward to seeing your store back up and running!
Made in dk
Stormin' Stompa

 Chapterhouse wrote:
Hello folks, the web store will be up and going by the end of the week and I will ship out any orders that were not disputed this week as well. Hopefully the site will be able to stay profitable and I am hoping the defense lines will sell as well as some new products as well.

Thank you to those that supported Chapterhouse through the last years.


Welcome back.

"He died because he had no honor. He had no honor and the Emperor was watching."

18.000 3.500 8.200 3.300 2.400 3.100 5.500 2.500 3.200 3.000

Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

 Alpharius wrote:
I wonder if this changes weeble's stance on 'what might have happened'?!?

That's also a great point! I would think that if GW had really gotten a settlement anything close to what they wanted, CHS would have had to be closed down as a result of it, and that clearly has not occurred.
Made in jp
Anti-piracy Officer

Somewhere in south-central England.

Thank goodness that it hasn't!

As I noted earlier it would have been a travesty of justice for tha to have happened.

Welcome back, Chapter House!!

I'm writing a load of fiction. My latest story starts here... This is the index of all the stories...

We're not very big on official rules. Rules lead to people looking for loopholes. What's here is about it. 
Made in gb
Tough Traitorous Guardsman

Liverpool Hive

 Chapterhouse wrote:
Hello folks, the web store will be up and going by the end of the week and I will ship out any orders that were not disputed this week as well. Hopefully the site will be able to stay profitable and I am hoping the defense lines will sell as well as some new products as well.

Thank you to those that supported Chapterhouse through the last years.


Nick, you're a man of considerable intestinal fortitude. Glad to hear you're getting back on the horse.

Oh What a Lovely War. 
Made in us
Blood-Raging Khorne Berserker

I don't even KNOW anymore.

Glad to see you're still running, Nick. I'll definitely be buying something when your webstore is back up.
Made in gb
Lord Commander in a Plush Chair


Any result that sees Chapterhouse continuing to operate has to go down as a positive. I think it would be four years this christmas when they first received litigation notice from GW, that they survived all this time and continue beyond is great. There are many small companies that don't even last four years on their own merits.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Runnin up on ya.

 Chapterhouse wrote:
Hello folks, the web store will be up and going by the end of the week and I will ship out any orders that were not disputed this week as well. Hopefully the site will be able to stay profitable and I am hoping the defense lines will sell as well as some new products as well.

Thank you to those that supported Chapterhouse through the last years.


Thanks for informing us Nick and welcome back!

Stay strong.

Six mistakes mankind keeps making century after century: Believing that personal gain is made by crushing others; Worrying about things that cannot be changed or corrected; Insisting that a thing is impossible because we cannot accomplish it; Refusing to set aside trivial preferences; Neglecting development and refinement of the mind; Attempting to compel others to believe and live as we do 
Made in gb
Ultramarine Librarian with Freaky Familiar

Thank feth for that.
Made in us
Daemonic Dreadnought

Eye of Terror

Nick, you are my hero. I hope the terms of the settlement were not as bad as many have made them out to be.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


 Alpharius wrote:
I wonder if this changes weeble's stance on 'what might have happened'?!?


Edit: That said, I agree that it is awesome that Nick is still in business and I also wish him the best. I agree that it looks good for Chapterhouse to still be in business.

I think a lot more good would have come from the appeal though.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2014/11/17 20:32:27

Kirasu: Have we fallen so far that we are excited that GW is giving us the opportunity to spend 58$ for JUST the rules? Surprised it's not "Dataslate: Assault Phase"

AlexHolker: "The power loader is a forklift. The public doesn't complain about a forklift not having frontal armour protecting the crew compartment because the only enemy it is designed to face is the OHSA violation."

AlexHolker: "Allow me to put it this way: Paramount is Skynet, reboots are termination attempts, and your childhood is John Connor."
Made in nl

Oslo, Norway

Congratulations to Nick for opening up again!

While I do not play any GW games any more, I'll definitely take a look at the web site when it comes back up, and buy something to put some cash into the company.

I pretty much feel the same as Weeble, I think the appeal would've overturned at least the most crazy decision from the first trial. But then I'm not the one with a house on the line and a family to feed.

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