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Idea for new astra militarum units  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

if the spacemarines got all this sweet new weapons, armor, and primaris marines, it makes sense for other imperium of man to also get some new/old stuff? One idea I have is for volkite weapons to make a resurgence, would also be sweet to see those fully armored guard soldiers back (dont remember what they were called), Id love to see like a fully capsulated guardsman (hopefully elite too) packing maybe chem flamer weapons like the chemical flamer hellhound, they would need to be fully incapsulated to fire the weapons without getting sick (so you wouldnt just be able to use them in special weapon squads) would be kind of like orc burna boyz.

Don't worry tho guys, I'm sure games-workshop wont release a new astra militarum codex until atleast 2025, so they have plenty of time to get creative?

also please list any ideas you might have for new astra-militarum tech/units

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/02/14 21:24:49

Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

I personally would fancy (from a modelling POV, not out of a competetive necessity) some small, light tank variant. While the Carnodon kind of fills the niche, he is still almost as big as a Leman Russ. So more something like the Siegfried tank mentioned with DKOK. 2/3 or even 1/2 the size of an LR with twin Heavy Bolters.

Another fancy (and kind of fluffy) thing would be a minethrower like the German Skorpion.
Edit: a while ago I did a brainstorming on potential rules for that:

More of an equipment "invention" would be a either a single use Skystrike missile as alternative to the hunter killer missile or a multiuse AA weapon as alternative heavy weapon for infantry. At least I would find the option of dedicated Flak outside of the Hydra interesting

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/02/14 22:00:05

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Why don’t other 40K races experience significant technological and tactical evolutions.
Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

You mean like the Tau and the Necrons?

Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
51st Dunedinw2;d0;l0
Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

pretty sure only the Tau is evolving still, the necrons just unearthing more stuff?
Made in us
Confessor Of Sins

Tacoma, WA, USA

mrFickle wrote:
Why don’t other 40K races experience significant technological and tactical evolutions.
Let's look:

* Aeldari: The race that has been dying for 10K years who had basically perfected their technology before The Fall
* Chaos Daemons: Timeless entities of the Warp that have no need for technology
* Chaos Space Marines: Transhuman super soldiers who have sold their souls to warp entities and new seem more interested in sorcery and daemons then technology
* Genestealer Cults: A parasite race hiding within humanity
* Necrons: A race of ancient 'robots' who are only now awakening from a slumber hundreds of millennia long
* Orks: A race of intuitive tinkerers who have all types of unexplainable tech
* T'au Empire: An upstart race constantly upgrading their technology
* Tyranids: A biotechnological hive race that can control it's own evolution in place of technology

Yeah. I'm not sure why either

Made in us
Enigmatic Chaos Sorcerer

The dark hollows of Kentucky

 alextroy wrote:
* Chaos Space Marines: Transhuman super soldiers who have sold their souls to warp entities and new seem more interested in sorcery and daemons then technology

Congratulations! You've just described 5 (maybe 6) of the 9 Legions. But hey, a F+ or D isn't too bad for someone who gets all of his information from the Loyalist Scum codex.
Made in us
Sister Vastly Superior

Chaos daemons abosolutely use technology. they have an entire industry involving demons bartering slavery to be bound to machine bodies to kill more things in the hopes of reforging their destroyed bodies quicker.

and for some asinine reason khorne forgot how to smith armor as good as power armor for their demons, while also being neigh invulnerable to psychic powers.

its about time the chaos gods get with the times.

But to the topic at hand: Id love to see storm troopers come back to regular guard, like i get tempestus stupidus, the need for expanding out special forces into the guard but bring back generic storm troopers, kasrkin, etc

personally I think vehicles across 40k need a huge redesign to allow space for light, medium, and heavy vehicles/tanks but to make something like that work would require a complete rules revision of the entire game.

"If you are forced to use your trump card, then the battle is already lost" 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

I'd like some better more soulful units, like rough riders to come back, maybe a dual kit with actually ability and options. I mean they made cyber horse guys why not Guard horse guys ?

We need some most tasty options in Fast Attack as is we have the hell hound variants and Sentinels. While I love sentinels, and hell hounds are alright it just feels pretty dull atm. Gimmie my horse peoples please.

Also, make a regular 40k kit that is like an in between the Baneblade and the Russ, ya know, like a Malcador but in a plastic kit and in the main rules, we got the kids and Big Daddy why not some older brothers ?
Made in us
Storm Trooper with Maglight

 warmaster21 wrote:

But to the topic at hand: Id love to see storm troopers come back to regular guard, like i get tempestus stupidus, the need for expanding out special forces into the guard but bring back generic storm troopers, kasrkin, etc

personally I think vehicles across 40k need a huge redesign to allow space for light, medium, and heavy vehicles/tanks but to make something like that work would require a complete rules revision of the entire game.

Honestly with stormtroopers the rules for Scions work overall, and the only real fix that is needed is to let them have doctrines when in a regiment. While they aren't a 1:1 match exactly, Stormtroopers, Kasrkin, and Scions all fill the same basic role (4+ save, 3+ BS, hellguns, alternate deployment). It was kind of sad when in 8th it was decided that you needed to take a special stormtrooper detachment to get actual doctrines on them, especially when said detachment only has a maximum of 4 units to get the doctrine bonus (stormtrooeprs, command squads, officers, and taurox prime).

Even if GW insists on keeping them separate, just allowing the player to pick a stormtrooper doctrine for their units under that keyword in a regular guard detachment could work. For example, a Valhallan army that has 3 squads of Scions in the detachment that has the Kaplan Eagle (or whatever the exact name of the unit is called) doctrine.

That said, if they brought back the models for 3rd edition Stormtroopers, I'd be all over it.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

NE Ohio, USA

I want:
RT era human bombs to return.
Rough Riders on horse.
Rough Riders on bikes.
a mix & match rules system for making & equipping ab-humans
Made in gb
Slaanesh Chosen Marine Riding a Fiend

Port Carmine

 alextroy wrote:
mrFickle wrote:
Why don’t other 40K races experience significant technological and tactical evolutions.
Let's look:

* Aeldari: The race that has been dying for 10K years who had basically perfected their technology before The Fall

Yeah. I'm not sure why either

I'm just being pedantic, but most of the Drukhari tech is post Fall.

Made in gb
Stubborn Dark Angels Veteran Sergeant

ccs wrote:
I want:
RT era human bombs to return.
Rough Riders on horse.
Rough Riders on bikes.
a mix & match rules system for making & equipping ab-humans

Absolutely zero chance of this happening... Someone would turn it into a PR s***storm from outside the hobby once they caught wind of it, most likely from someone unhappy within the hobby, and I think it would just be a bit un-tasteful personally.

Thematically, it makes sense, penal legions that have a suicide vest etc but yeah, no chance.

I think there is so much scope in the guard for variation without making brand new units. Veterens with an engineering theme, veterans that are catachan devils esq, heavily armoured veterans with hellguns for karskin that are similar but different to scions and have different loadout options and special rules such as deployment... And that's just veterans, think about standard guard squads with a proper regimental theme (including diverse kits).

Guard IMO do not need brand new units, they just need the potential of their current units to be released.

Though, rough riders were cool and I'd love to have them back. Especially the Attilans along with Krieg and Tallarn varieties.

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2021/02/15 10:03:54

My hobby instagram account: @the_shroud_of_vigilance
My Shroud of Vigilance Hobby update blog for me detailed updates and lore on the faction:
Made in us
Powerful Ushbati

United States

I don't really want to see a major leap forward for guard.

I'd be okay with a couple of new spiffy weapons mounted on Leman Russ, like conversion beamers, Volkite cannons or the like.

What I really want to see is the bikers from the GSC get guard versions. Catachan Delta Force bikers would be amazing.
Made in us
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer


I'd like to see:

- Non-horse cavalry; something wild and somewhat monstrous like big cats or the recent Admech cavalry
- Bikes; like the atalan jackals, but in guard uniform
- FAV-like vehicle, lightly armored with a couple of HWS weapons attached
- Recon vehicle; like a WW2 Greyhound, fast, lightly armored with an Autocannon or Missile Launcher as its primary weapon and a defensive stubber
- Light tank; something like a Stuart with moderate armor an Autocannon or two in the turret and a defensive stubber in the hull
- MBT; the Leman Russ is mostly a medium tank, I'd like something with heavier armor and weapons that fills the gap in size and firepower between the LRBT and the Baneblade.
- Dog teams; one guardsmen and bunch of dobermens or shepard-like augmented animals
- Return of the Last Chancers (a customizable Elite unit made up of Veterans; could all have special weapons and at least one heavy weapon)
- Penal squads - armed with stub pistols and could also be armed with explosive collars/explosive vests
- A squat machinist/engineer and entourage (of squats, not servitors)
- Exoskeleton suits; like on Edge of Tomorrow

It never ends well 
Made in nl
Regular Dakkanaut

I really don't think that we need more units, we just need our current roster to actually be viable and to see some old units return.

But if there are to be new units, I would prefer a focus on the ww1 style side. So, something like gas canisters that can be deployed and that slowly spread poison gas (like an expanding aura or the like), emplaced artillery, field fortifications that actually work, penal legions, that sort of thing.

But most of all, I'd just love to see a way to keep units like command and heavy weapon squads alive without them being shot to bits as soon as they expose themselves. Perhaps some sort of screening by other infantry...

Made in gb
Battleship Captain

Bristol (UK)

 Stormonu wrote:
I'd like to see:

- Non-horse cavalry; something wild and somewhat monstrous like big cats or the recent Admech cavalry
- Bikes; like the atalan jackals, but in guard uniform
- FAV-like vehicle, lightly armored with a couple of HWS weapons attached
- Recon vehicle; like a WW2 Greyhound, fast, lightly armored with an Autocannon or Missile Launcher as its primary weapon and a defensive stubber
- Light tank; something like a Stuart with moderate armor an Autocannon or two in the turret and a defensive stubber in the hull
- MBT; the Leman Russ is mostly a medium tank, I'd like something with heavier armor and weapons that fills the gap in size and firepower between the LRBT and the Baneblade.
- Dog teams; one guardsmen and bunch of dobermens or shepard-like augmented animals
- Return of the Last Chancers (a customizable Elite unit made up of Veterans; could all have special weapons and at least one heavy weapon)
- Penal squads - armed with stub pistols and could also be armed with explosive collars/explosive vests
- A squat machinist/engineer and entourage (of squats, not servitors)
- Exoskeleton suits; like on Edge of Tomorrow

The recon vehicles are Scout Sentinels
The light tank is a Salamander, a Forgeworld model. Essentially an open topped and turretless Chimera.
Leman Russes are MBTs, they're described as being very heavily armoured. In fact, they err more towards the heavy tank side of the scale than medium. But they're definitely MBTs.
Leman Russes were actually very impressive vehicles in previous editions, but vehicle rules really nerfed them down very hard.

The problem with IG imo is that they've been left behind by the scale of the game. Space Marines are pretty much the baseline, IG are one of only a few factions that relies on S3 weaponary on basic infantry.
And given that IG infantry now is so weak that they'll never be suited for anything but chaff really, there is limited scope for what you want to do.

I really want to play a sort of mechanised Imperial Guard force. Unloading in the enemy's face to bring devastating firepower. But Imperial Guard can't do that. They can't bring the firepower for one squad of Imperial Guard to be anything other than throwing a damp sponge at a unit of Astartes and they're squishy enough to be removed with a casual flick of the Astarter's bolter.
Made in ch
The Dread Evil Lord Varlak

Considering unlike astartes, most factions can't drive up and disembark into the face of an enemy, no faction can infact play propperly mechanised.

A Mostly Renegades and Heretics blog.
GW:"Space marines got too many options to balance, therefore we decided to legends HH units."
Players: "why?!? Now we finally got decent plastic kits and you cut them?"
Chaos marines players: "Since when are Daemonengines 30k models and why do i have NO droppods now?"
GW" MONEY.... erm i meant TOO MANY OPTIONS (to resell your army to you again by disalowing former units)! Do you want specific tyranid fighiting Primaris? Even a new sabotage lieutnant!"
Chaos players: Guess i stop playing or go to HH.  
Made in gb
Stubborn Dark Angels Veteran Sergeant

 Dolnikan wrote:
I really don't think that we need more units, we just need our current roster to actually be viable and to see some old units return.

But if there are to be new units, I would prefer a focus on the ww1 style side. So, something like gas canisters that can be deployed and that slowly spread poison gas (like an expanding aura or the like), emplaced artillery, field fortifications that actually work, penal legions, that sort of thing.

But most of all, I'd just love to see a way to keep units like command and heavy weapon squads alive without them being shot to bits as soon as they expose themselves. Perhaps some sort of screening by other infantry...

So much can be done really to make the guard thematically more guard like without adding new units, imagine a stratagem for sort of a box barrage around a unit(s) in the centre of the board that the enemy can enter but takes auto hits if it chooses to do so and has it's movement impeded.

I love the gas canister idea but it's a bit too similar to what the DG do now.

Conscripts can be penal legion, just have it as an option with different rules, where they have to always move forward towards an objective, like choosing it as an upgrade (or ideally a side grade that doesn't cost points).

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/02/15 11:11:05

My hobby instagram account: @the_shroud_of_vigilance
My Shroud of Vigilance Hobby update blog for me detailed updates and lore on the faction:
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

 kirotheavenger wrote:

The light tank is a Salamander, a Forgeworld model. Essentially an open topped and turretless Chimera.

I think the Salamander has gone to legends unfortunatly (but I'm not a hundred % sure. Just remember that I looked at my own sadly when the last updated came).
Nonetheless (again from a modelling perspective) I would like to have a smaller tracked/wheeled vehicle. I mean: the Chimera Chassis, LR and Carnodon are all almost the same size and the Sentinel is a walker. When they were still around the Tauros assault vehicle and Tauros Venator kind of filled the niche, but they are gone. I think just for the looks something like a modern Fennek or a tankette like the Wiesel or the M50 Ontos would be interesting. Regarding the latter: a cheap platform with 6x Hunter Killer Missile he can fire all at once might even have some situational use as Alpha strike threat.

But I agree to the general sentiment that a good start would be to get our "lost" Units back. Rough Rider, non-Scion heavy infantry, Salamanders, Tauri and other legendized vehicles.

Regarding the general "new units to expand guard" I would prefer (read: my personal taste) if that would not come along as Belisarius Cawl styled really new tech, but more "less known STCs" that fit the look of what we have.
And even if I'm aware how difficult that would be to implement I would love the guard to have special Sapper vehicles/options like modern military that would be unique as I would not see them fitting in other (imperial) armies:
1. a mine layer (throw mine-tokens maybe 8'' wide. Mortal wounds if a unit touches them) Additionally/alternativly: Special weapons teams etc. can carry anti tank mines (place somewhere, d3-d6 MW if something drives over it)
2. a bridge layer (would only be relevant on reaaaaaly huge boards but cool nonetheless)
3. some bull dozer like machine that can draw trenches really fast, create terrain impassible for vehicles and/or destroy building-like terrain. (if something like the Hades can cross subterrain within battlerounds Building a trenchline should be possible...)
4. a Mineflay upgrade instead of the bulldozer for vehicles that does better damage in CC and removes mines
5. Infantry order "dig in". Instead of shooting the unit builds foxholes etc. and gains cover as long as it doesn't move (but can shoot the next round). Or gain a -1 to hit as long as they stay in their foxholes
6. Sentinels with the option to take massive smoke launchers instead of weapons. They can lay smoke screens. Might be simulated by giving -1 to hit for some vehicles or instead placing 3-5 "smoke token" in a line on the battlefield that block line of sight for 1-3 rounds.
7. real turret emplacements as fortification basically just a LR/Baneblade turret on a concrete base. Immobile and less wounds that the real deal, but cheaper.
8. "minefield" or "Dragons teeth/czech hedgehog" or "barbed wire" as fortifications. Take x empty 25 mm bases for a fair price tag and place them on the battlefield. They are impassible for infantry/cavalry (barbed wire), vehicles (dragons teeth/czech hedgehog) or cause mortal wounds (minefield)

I think all that would add to the "conventional army" feeling of guard. But a I said: I mainly look on the visual/cool to build site of things and have no clue if that would make playing guard any more effective.
[Thumb - Ontos.jpg]
M50 Ontos

[Thumb - Fennek.jpg]

[Thumb - Wiesel.jpg]
Wiesel tankette

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/02/15 11:10:59

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in nl
Regular Dakkanaut

 endlesswaltz123 wrote:
 Dolnikan wrote:
I really don't think that we need more units, we just need our current roster to actually be viable and to see some old units return.

But if there are to be new units, I would prefer a focus on the ww1 style side. So, something like gas canisters that can be deployed and that slowly spread poison gas (like an expanding aura or the like), emplaced artillery, field fortifications that actually work, penal legions, that sort of thing.

But most of all, I'd just love to see a way to keep units like command and heavy weapon squads alive without them being shot to bits as soon as they expose themselves. Perhaps some sort of screening by other infantry...

So much can be done really to make the guard thematically more guard like without adding new units, imagine a stratagem for sort of a box barrage around a unit(s) in the centre of the board that the enemy can enter but takes auto hits if it chooses to do so and has it's movement impeded.

I love the gas canister idea but it's a bit too similar to what the DG do now.

Conscripts can be penal legion, just have it as an option with different rules, where they have to always move forward towards an objective, like choosing it as an upgrade (or ideally a side grade that doesn't cost points).

Absolutely. The guard has units, it's just a matter of getting them to work in a cool way that doesn't reduce all of them to useless chaff. I want the ordinary guardsmen being capable of carrying the army in some way, but right now, they're just far too incapable compared to the much heavier infantry they will constantly have to face.

But generally, it feels like the game has moved far beyond the kind of game where that's possible with all the superheroes, extremely powerful vehicles and ultrasuperelites running around.

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Rough Riders
Heavy Mortar/ Thud Gun batteries
Snipers as lone guys
Assault squads/platoons
Made in gb
Battleship Captain

Bristol (UK)

 Dolnikan wrote:

Absolutely. The guard has units, it's just a matter of getting them to work in a cool way that doesn't reduce all of them to useless chaff. I want the ordinary guardsmen being capable of carrying the army in some way, but right now, they're just far too incapable compared to the much heavier infantry they will constantly have to face.

But generally, it feels like the game has moved far beyond the kind of game where that's possible with all the superheroes, extremely powerful vehicles and ultrasuperelites running around.

I totally agree.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Assault veterans.
10 guys, WS 3+ and BS4+.
3 can have a combat shield and a chainsword or powersword (and a laspistol)
Sarge can have a powersword or chainsword (and a laspistol or hand flamer)
up to 2 can have hand flamers and chainsword
rest have laspistol and chainsword.

ALL have a cheapo gaurd jump pack that gives them 10 inches of movement, fly, and +1 on charges.

Dunno what the unit would cost but I would probably want it!

Guard gaurd gAAAARDity Gaurd gaurd.  
Made in gb
Battleship Captain

Bristol (UK)

I wouldn't want to see Guard jump pack units, that's completely at odds with their 20th century military aesthetic.
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

 kirotheavenger wrote:
I wouldn't want to see Guard jump pack units, that's completely at odds with their 20th century military aesthetic.

Right, because 20th century militaries are known for their elite sniper-cook cadres and brutes with grenade launcher gloves and tank armor shields.
Made in gb
Stubborn Dark Angels Veteran Sergeant

Marines, Custodes and Sisters all have jump troops, I don't really want guard to have the same units as there with the only difference being power armour and having las instead of bolt weapons...

Assault platoons that have special rules for disembarking from chimeras or having cavalry of some sorts (rough riders ideally) then yeah cool, but no just be assault marines copy but well, be guard and flimsy.

Catachan devils (catachans unqiue veterens) with ambush rules though with 6" deep strike/strategic deployment though... Yep, all for it.

My hobby instagram account: @the_shroud_of_vigilance
My Shroud of Vigilance Hobby update blog for me detailed updates and lore on the faction:
Made in gb
Battleship Captain

Bristol (UK)

We already have rules to give Veterans shotguns and carapace armour, I think that should cover the close-assault niche for that.

Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Again from a more fluffy perspective (I don't believe that would come a they would have to change the molds without really changing the model): it always buggered me that Ogryns had projectile weapons, especially when it's mentioned that they tend to like a "big boom" (in the sense of having very little fire discipline). Neither ripper guns nor grenade gauntlets seem to have sufficient ammunition and the Ogryns don't cary them around either. I think (personal opinion) a (twin) Multilaser and a big backpack full of powerpacks would make much more sense. Point your Ogryn towards the enemy and tell them to just push the big red button and enjoy the light show. Until there backpack is empty there are most likely either no enemies or surviving Ogryn left.
And I'm sure if you really put your mind to it you can build a Multilaser sturdy enough to be handled by an Ogryn.

As to dedicated, "elite" CC units: I too think those would be better left to Bullgryn, Crusaders and Rough Riders. I don't see a guardsman being valuable enough to go through the hassle of giving him a jump pack. But I could see Conscripts getting "pistol + dedicated CC weapon" as optional sidegrade to their lasgun to reflect penal guard, conscripted hive gangers and the like.

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in ca
Steadfast Ultramarine Sergeant

Not new units but I'd really appreciate a separation of characters from the command squad like marines. Medic, banner bearer, I don't think anyone takes these characters cause they don't get a chance to do anything, and if they could people would just shoot the unit because they're just unit upgrades and not separate characters.

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