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![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/15 14:48:37
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Otiose in a Niche
I'm weird, I've bought a lot of Fantasy over the years but always to convert to 40k or other games. And Empire was one of my favorite lines.
So when Empire comes back my main concern is what cool toys will we get?
The returning terrain was a nice surprise but I wonder what else we might see.
I imagine the 2000s Handgunners and Troops rather than the 1990s ones. But what about the Mordheim/Empire Militia kit, it was always one of my favorites and I would love to get it back.
What are people eager to see?
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/15 14:53:09
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Moustache-twirling Princeps
I'd like to see the War Wagon return, as well as the FW Landship and the alternate Steam Tanks.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/15 15:29:41
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Second Story Man
I expect the 8th Edi plastic for the most part specially the infantry as there were not plastic spear and muskets except for the core box ones (and no crossbows outside the militia kit)
but I hope we see the metal knights return as those were the better ones (despite the plastic ones being shiny and cheap back than, everything else got or stayed bulky with the plastic knights not fitting in)
Harry, bring this ring to Narnia or the Sith will take the Enterprise |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/15 15:35:41
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Basecoated Black
I'm hoping that manann's blades and the nuln ironsides kits make a come back 🤞 Maybe some unreleased kit for that blackfire pass event that never came to be lol.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/15 15:49:00
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Knight of the Inner Circle
Montreal, QC Canada
Reiksguard on foot is what I hope they bring back. I pretty much have all the Empire models I will ever need already but there are a few pieces I would like to get my hands on just to round out my collection.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/17 09:58:52
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Otiose in a Niche
beast_gts wrote:I'd like to see the War Wagon return, as well as the FW Landship and the alternate Steam Tanks.
GW definitely made a mistake by making the Wizard Wagon with 3 variants (who'll take more than one) rather than a War Wagon with a wizard variant.
They do that sometimes, making a super rare uber centerpiece model instead of something that armies might have a couple of.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/17 11:12:34
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols
I would love to see the old state troopers with the lion shields. I really liked those minis.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/19 01:49:19
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Mighty Chosen Warrior of Chaos
Olthannon wrote:I would love to see the old state troopers with the lion shields. I really liked those minis.
One million times this! No barefoot bushmen for me please
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/19 01:59:34
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Ship's Officer
Since Talabecland banned the church of Sigmar in this era it would be cool to get a unique list for them. New Priest of Taal, no access to sigmarite priests, slightly more of a nature themed army compared to the more industrial Reikland.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/19 10:34:28
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Gavin Thorpe
I expect the plastics will look very much like the 8E lineup, complete with shoeless pyjamas, 6E Knights and a return of the Free Company Militia kit.
I also predict we will see the return of Reiksguard on foot and the War Wagon in resin. My hope is that we also get the Teutogen Guard along with a Middenheim-themed Army of Infamy.
As for the other Army of Infamy, I think it'll either go for a Marienburg theme with plenty of mercenaries, or a Taal-theme for Talabecland. Possibly both, giving the Empire 3 to choose from.
The photos of Empire in the core rulebook and Forces of Fantasy have scuppered any likelihood of resculpts in my opinion.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/08/19 10:40:49
WarOne wrote:
At the very peak of his power, Mat Ward stood at the top echelons of the GW hierarchy, second only to Satan in terms of personal power within the company. |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/19 22:42:05
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Dakka Veteran
Mozzamanx wrote:I expect the plastics will look very much like the 8E lineup, complete with shoeless pyjamas, 6E Knights and a return of the Free Company Militia kit.
I also predict we will see the return of Reiksguard on foot and the War Wagon in resin. My hope is that we also get the Teutogen Guard along with a Middenheim-themed Army of Infamy.
As for the other Army of Infamy, I think it'll either go for a Marienburg theme with plenty of mercenaries, or a Taal-theme for Talabecland. Possibly both, giving the Empire 3 to choose from.
The photos of Empire in the core rulebook and Forces of Fantasy have scuppered any likelihood of resculpts in my opinion.
I wouldn’t be that surprised if Empire gets 2x AJs to cover all 4 factions within the AoIs.
Could be a ‘Southern Empire’ with Reikland and Marienburg and. ‘Northern Empire’ with Middenheim and Talabecland.
Tbh, it’s not completely beyond the realms of possibility they get 4, with one for each.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/20 12:52:19
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Otiose in a Niche
So we're pretty confident the Empire Militia will be back?
I wouldn't mind another box or two for old time's sake.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/20 18:15:00
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Regular Dakkanaut
I took a quick spin through the core TOW book and Forces of Fantasy and they aren't in any of the photos. (that I saw at least, though I didn't systematically go through, not being in the Empire color section seems pretty damning though)
I could see them not releasing the Militia figures and just expecting people to make them out of mixing and matching leftovers from State Troops.
e: I did go through systematically and they are not shown in the rulebook, Forces of Fantasy, or Ravening Hordes. There is a chance they show up in the main range or as an MTO, but I personally wouldn't expect to see them now.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/08/20 20:04:51
DA70+S++G++M(GD)B+++I++++Pw40k96-D+++A++/mWD218R+++T(M)DM++ |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/21 12:02:46
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Battlefield Tourist
Wouldn't it be consistent for them to re-release the 6e starter set empire, seeing as they did that for the Orcs?
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/21 12:24:53
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Second Story Man
by now they have released the kits that gave the full set of models
Like for Orks, the core box ones were the only available archer models
Neither Empire nor dwarfs had unit types exclusive to those boxes
I would like to see them releasing the 6. Edi core box models and 5th Edi plastics, but as the newer sets have all the units and are removed from AoS, high chance we are going to see those instead
Harry, bring this ring to Narnia or the Sith will take the Enterprise |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/21 14:45:25
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Otiose in a Niche
Robert Facepalmer wrote:Maybe?
I took a quick spin through the core TOW book and Forces of Fantasy and they aren't in any of the photos. (that I saw at least, though I didn't systematically go through, not being in the Empire color section seems pretty damning though)
I could see them not releasing the Militia figures and just expecting people to make them out of mixing and matching leftovers from State Troops.
e: I did go through systematically and they are not shown in the rulebook, Forces of Fantasy, or Ravening Hordes. There is a chance they show up in the main range or as an MTO, but I personally wouldn't expect to see them now.
Boycott GW!
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/23 14:23:00
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Preparing the Invasion of Terra
Free Company are in the FoF book though, and as far as we've seen so far (please correct me if I'm wrong) the units in the generic army lists have all had model releases.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/23 16:24:29
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Regular Dakkanaut
There might be a second wave they are in or there might be random units that are niche enough to not make the cut or have some kind of other issue preventing their release.
DA70+S++G++M(GD)B+++I++++Pw40k96-D+++A++/mWD218R+++T(M)DM++ |
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/23 16:46:14
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Otiose in a Niche
Robert Facepalmer wrote:Forsaken.
There might be a second wave they are in or there might be random units that are niche enough to not make the cut or have some kind of other issue preventing their release.
That would take the Empire in an interesting direction
IN all seriousness, feel free to chime in on other units for other armies. I know I wouldn't mind High Elf Archers to make 40k scribes.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/31 14:57:46
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Regular Dakkanaut
I'd want to see the earlier round of plastics rather than the barefoot weirdos, but I could see arguments for each from GW's perspective, and there's no way we're getting both.
Empire Militia would be incredible and a huge boon to Mordheim fans as well as a nostalgia pick that I imagine would do well, so I do have some hopes for them coming, but, well, it IS the first step on a particular road and all.
Teutogen Guard and Reiksguard I could see as an MTO, along with some of the metal horse knights.
The Marienburg landship would be spectacular, but given how much trouble Jordan Sorcery mentioned it was, I don't think it's too likely as it's, by all accounts, SUCH a finicky kit.
What I'm curious to see is what happens to units that are still shared between AoS Cities and TOW Empire. Steamtank, Griffon, Flagellants, and the foot Wizards kit. I was honestly surprised that we're getting Empire before Beast or either Elves as those kits have been fully relegated from AoS. I wonder if we'll see a Cities release as the third after Skaven and SCE to ditch those WHFB era kits and smooth the move to TOW...
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/08/31 17:07:00
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Preparing the Invasion of Terra
I'm interested in the article's use of the term "collection" of new models.
I mean, if it was just going to be two characters for the Journal, surely that wouldn't be the term used?
Don't think it'll be enough to tempt a friend into TOW but you never know.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/09/01 17:57:59
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols
I think we would have to have different minis / upgrade kit for the three empires. That is a given.
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/09/02 22:29:23
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Mighty Chosen Warrior of Chaos
Halflings? Or is that stepping on MESBG toes?
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/09/03 12:57:58
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Preparing the Invasion of Terra
Surely the Halfling Hotpot will get an MTO?
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/09/03 16:55:21
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Otiose in a Niche
If the Tolkien estate hasn't objected by now...
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/09/04 20:31:43
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Trigger-Happy Baal Predator Pilot
Dont expect to see something new, maybe a character or two but thats it
full compagny of bloodangels, 5000 pnt of epic bloodangels
5000 pnt imperial guard
5000 pnt orks
2500 pnt grey knights
5000 pnt gsc
5000 pnts Chaos legionars
4000 pnt tyranids
4000 pnt Tau
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/09/04 20:41:48
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Preparing the Invasion of Terra
Again though, I would argue that the term "collection" implies more than the couple of characters found in the other Arcane Journals.
Next to march out against the forces of darkness will be the Empire of Man, bringing with them a host of returning plastic, metal, and resin – as well as a collection of totally new models, and an Arcane Journal bursting with good stuff. Get your Nuln Oil ready…
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/09/04 20:42:29
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/09/05 01:47:23
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Mighty Chosen Warrior of Chaos
I hope you are right Gert but the cynicism... its too strong...
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/09/05 17:20:15
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Preparing the Invasion of Terra
Well obviously there's that but honestly, while the likes of TK and Brets need some kits updated, cos they are older than me, a fair whack of the Empire Troops have the problem of being very much Karls Lads and as such, not fitting of a time where Karl is very much not around.
Well not that Karl at least, probably at least a few but not enough that every 6th Swordsman should be wearing what amounts to a team jacket with his initials on the front.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/09/05 17:21:17
![[Post New]](/s/i/i.gif) 2024/09/05 22:39:38
Subject: Empire, what are we likely to see?
Mighty Chosen Warrior of Chaos
Very true. And they are IMO such hideous models. They would probably make much more in nostalgia sales if they reprinted the 6th sets or made a new set inspired by them.