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Made in pl
Longtime Dakkanaut

Yeah, those archers are decent on their own, but you better not put then next to the Perry Squires.
Made in us
Maddening Mutant Boss of Chaos

Albany, NY

The 6E Starter Orcs are so good. Really hoping that means we'll see the Empire sprues released as well, those are great Spearman and Handgunners for bulking up ranks quickly.

Made in us
Keeper of the Flame

Monticello, IN

Almost $70 US for 20 Black Orcs?


For 4-6th WFB, 2-5th 40k, and similar timeframe gaming

Looking for dice from the new AOS boxed set and Dark Imperium on the cheap. Let me know if you can help.
 CthuluIsSpy wrote:
Its AoS, it doesn't have to make sense.
Made in ie
Fixture of Dakka

 Just Tony wrote:
Almost $70 US for 20 Black Orcs?

€62.50 is $80 in GW conversion rates
Made in us
Stealthy Warhound Titan Princeps

 DaveC wrote:
 Just Tony wrote:
Almost $70 US for 20 Black Orcs?

€62.50 is $80 in GW conversion rates

Which is cheaper per orc than it was in 2016, when it was 41.25 USD for 10! 2.50$ in savings, and that's not even counting price increases that would've occured

I'm on a podcast about (video) game design:

And I also stream tabletop painting/playing Mon&Thurs 8PM EST
And make YouTube videos for that sometimes!
Made in at
Second Story Man


which just tells us that even for GW level Warhammer Fantasy was overpriced by its end

Harry, bring this ring to Narnia or the Sith will take the Enterprise 
Made in us
Possessed Khorne Marine Covered in Spikes

Dallas, Tx

What was the pricing when they were ard boys in AoS before the new sculpts? Didn’t they come in a box of 20?

ToW armies I own:
Empire: 10,000+
Chaos Legions: DoC- 10,000+; WoC- 7,500+; Beastmen- 2,500+; Chaos Dwarves- 3,500+
Unaligned: Ogres- 2,500; Tomb Kings- 3,000
Hotek: Dark Elves- 7,500+; High Elves- 2,500
40k armies I own:
CSM- 25,000+  
Made in at
Second Story Man


box of 10 with the old price

as GW never reduces the price of one of their products, they just bundle them at a new price point if needed

Harry, bring this ring to Narnia or the Sith will take the Enterprise 
Made in se
Rough Rider with Boomstick


 nathan2004 wrote:
Didn’t they come in a box of 20?

15 per box

With the galaxy as large as it is the odds of the average guardsmen seeing and fighting a marine or MEQ are relatively slim. Unfortunately the guardsmen in your (and anyone else who plays IG's) army are the REALLY, REALLY LUCKY ones that fight marines ALL the time... 
Made in de
Battlefield Tourist


Hmm, my enthusiasm, as usual, has cooled on seeing the prices.

I thought they'd be a bit cheaper than that. You can get 15 oathmark cavalry of similar quality for 35 euro, 50 euro seems steep.

And those archers/boyz are monopose, I'm surprised they're going for such high prices.

I've obviously been shopping for historicals and North Star figures for too long and my price sensitivity has come back!

Made in us
Terrifying Doombull

I am excited for the black orcs. Its the one big unit (other than stone trolls & savage orc boar boys) that my O&G are missing.

The price is high enough that it convinced me not to buy that Dark Oath box, however.

Efficiency is the highest virtue. 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Columbia, SC (USA)

Voss wrote:
I am excited for the black orcs. Its the one big unit (other than stone trolls & savage orc boar boys) that my O&G are missing.

The price is high enough that it convinced me not to buy that Dark Oath box, however.

The Black Orcs and a few Stone Troll models are my primary interests from the old kits. I am not sure that I need much else other than maybe a night gobbo regiment.

The secret to painting a really big army is to keep at it. You can't reach your destination if you never take any steps.

I build IG...lots and lots of IG.  
Made in de
Battlefield Tourist


I love my Orcs and Goblins, but I dislike the feeling of being taken for a mug too.

At the moment I don't have a full unit of stone trolls and I could do with more Wolf Riders, but man, it is not the nicest feeling paying that much for ancient models. The old Stone Trolls are really brilliant though, and there isn't really a decent alternative.

I'm just going to scratch build my last boar chariot.

Made in nl
Been Around the Block

When i saw those night goblins it brought back memories, but not fond ones. I hated building the kit, the proportions were really weird (head the same size as torso) and they are too tall compared to, for example, state troops.

I remember how happy i was when they were replaced by the battle for skull pass night goblins and the new regiments after it. Many of the re-released sets give me warm, nostalgic feelings....this kit does not.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2024/04/17 04:04:04

Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

Brets Heraldry https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/04/17/the-heraldry-of-bretonnia-in-the-world-of-legend/
Made in us
Possessed Khorne Marine Covered in Spikes

Dallas, Tx

From what I read, there was a different transfer sheet in the Bret Army Box versus what they are selling now...wonder why they changed it?

ToW armies I own:
Empire: 10,000+
Chaos Legions: DoC- 10,000+; WoC- 7,500+; Beastmen- 2,500+; Chaos Dwarves- 3,500+
Unaligned: Ogres- 2,500; Tomb Kings- 3,000
Hotek: Dark Elves- 7,500+; High Elves- 2,500
40k armies I own:
CSM- 25,000+  
Made in au
FOW Player

 Da Boss wrote:

At the moment I don't have a full unit of stone trolls and I could do with more Wolf Riders, but man, it is not the nicest feeling paying that much for ancient models. The old Stone Trolls are really brilliant though, and there isn't really a decent alternative.

Do we know when the Stone Trolls are up for purchase?

I've been saving my meagre pennies for months even though I don't play WFB or the Old World, because those are the quintessential Troll miniatures. As a young teen I pictured the trolls early in Raymond E. Feist's Magician as looking like them.
Made in us
Terrifying Doombull

Zenithfleet wrote:
 Da Boss wrote:

At the moment I don't have a full unit of stone trolls and I could do with more Wolf Riders, but man, it is not the nicest feeling paying that much for ancient models. The old Stone Trolls are really brilliant though, and there isn't really a decent alternative.

Do we know when the Stone Trolls are up for purchase?

I've been saving my meagre pennies for months even though I don't play WFB or the Old World, because those are the quintessential Troll miniatures. As a young teen I pictured the trolls early in Raymond E. Feist's Magician as looking like them.

No date, and from the (older*) article it sounds like they are a Made-To-Order release.

Thanks guys! The Marauder Giant will be available on a Made to Order basis shortly, joined by the Orc Shaman on War Wyvern from 1993, two sets of Stone Trolls, the River Trolls, and the Black Orc Big Boss with Axe and Shield.

this is the 20th of march, so that 'shortly' is starting to stretch

 JB wrote:
Voss wrote:
I am excited for the black orcs. Its the one big unit (other than stone trolls & savage orc boar boys) that my O&G are missing.

The price is high enough that it convinced me not to buy that Dark Oath box, however.

The Black Orcs and a few Stone Troll models are my primary interests from the old kits. I am not sure that I need much else other than maybe a night gobbo regiment.

Yep. There's a character or two I wouldn't mind having, but I don't need much more.
I've got plenty of standard infantry, probably enough cav and definitely enough artillery (including a second stone thrower in the form of the old 'man-mangler'). I've also got the old regiment of renown cannon, and I'm contemplating ways to combine it with the old doom divers, possibly with fanatic ball & chains).

I do definitely want to kitbash a black orc boss on boar.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/17 18:17:43

Efficiency is the highest virtue. 
Made in se
Longtime Dakkanaut

6th ed starter box orcs?? Wouldn't have guessed that.

All this mostly makes me wonder what sort of things they'll put up for sale when the turn rolls around to Chaos. I'm hoping for the Forsaken box and a smattering of 1988 champions. Considering some of the orc choices, I wouldn't be surprised to see the first multi-part plastic warrior set. I'm not betting on it but it would be funny.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

 kodos wrote:
which just tells us that even for GW level Warhammer Fantasy was overpriced by its end

I want to say it was when the Dark Elves got their last release that the prices got bad. $60 for ten witch elves.
Made in gb
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator

Exeter, UK

Rosebuddy wrote:
6th ed starter box orcs?? Wouldn't have guessed that.

All this mostly makes me wonder what sort of things they'll put up for sale when the turn rolls around to Chaos. I'm hoping for the Forsaken box and a smattering of 1988 champions. Considering some of the orc choices, I wouldn't be surprised to see the first multi-part plastic warrior set. I'm not betting on it but it would be funny.

A MTO of all the Realm Chaos Champions would be amazing... But we'll probably get a limited smattering of three of the most common ones.
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

 GaroRobe wrote:
 kodos wrote:
which just tells us that even for GW level Warhammer Fantasy was overpriced by its end

I want to say it was when the Dark Elves got their last release that the prices got bad. $60 for ten witch elves.

Were they before or after the Goldswords? I can't recall. Though being Core, it was worse than the Goldswords, for sure.

2021-4 Plog - Here we go again... - my fifth attempt at a Dakka PLOG

My Pile of Potential - updates ongoing...

Gamgee on Tau Players wrote:we all kill cats and sell our own families to the devil and eat live puppies.

 Kanluwen wrote:
This is, emphatically, why I will continue suggesting nuking Guard and starting over again. It's a legacy army that needs to be rebooted with a new focal point.

Confirmation of why no-one should listen to Kanluwen when it comes to the IG - he doesn't want the IG, he want's Kan's New Model Army...

tneva82 wrote:
You aren't even trying ty pretend for honest arqument. Open bad faith trolling.
- No reason to keep this here, unless people want to use it for something... 
Made in at
Second Story Man


one of the last releases for Warhammer

the Greatswords were the first plastic kit that was more expensive than the metal models it replaced

the Witches were one of the last ones, overpriced and the models did not rank up at all with most people wanting to play them 7 wide but anything but the formation and arrangement seen on the box art was impossible to manage

Harry, bring this ring to Narnia or the Sith will take the Enterprise 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

When did plastic heroes stop costing $15 USD? Was it before or after AOS? It's funny how the Lord of Blights costs double what the Lord of Plagues/Nurgle Chaos Champion cost when he first debuted, despite basically being the same model. Though the Lord of Plagues is now 18 USD.
Made in au
Slaanesh Chosen Marine Riding a Fiend


Rosebuddy wrote:
All this mostly makes me wonder what sort of things they'll put up for sale when the turn rolls around to Chaos. I'm hoping for the Forsaken box and a smattering of 1988 champions. Considering some of the orc choices, I wouldn't be surprised to see the first multi-part plastic warrior set. I'm not betting on it but it would be funny.

I'm just hoping we don't have to wait a year to see WOC! Really need some Forsaken

The Circle of Iniquity
The Fourth Seal
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Central Valley, California

 Marshal Loss wrote:
Rosebuddy wrote:
All this mostly makes me wonder what sort of things they'll put up for sale when the turn rolls around to Chaos. I'm hoping for the Forsaken box and a smattering of 1988 champions. Considering some of the orc choices, I wouldn't be surprised to see the first multi-part plastic warrior set. I'm not betting on it but it would be funny.

I'm just hoping we don't have to wait a year to see WOC! Really need some Forsaken

I found my 10 old primered black Forsaken last week and I was so elated.

Some money into conversion trays later, I'm very glad I did not sell or trade away my WoC collection. It will be enough to at least try the game, sub-optimally
unit wise.

Have fun too -- those Forsaken will be cool to see re-released. Faces and sculpts only a mother could love.

~ Shrap

Rolling 1's for five decades.
AoS * Konflikt '47 * Conquest Last Argument of Kings * Team Yankee * Horus Heresy * The Old World * Warcrow 
Made in de
Huge Bone Giant

 GaroRobe wrote:
When did plastic heroes stop costing $15 USD? Was it before or after AOS? It's funny how the Lord of Blights costs double what the Lord of Plagues/Nurgle Chaos Champion cost when he first debuted, despite basically being the same model. Though the Lord of Plagues is now 18 USD.

It was a bit of a drawn out process for a while as GW no doubt probed what they could get away with. The first plastic characters like the Dark Elf Sorceress started out at around 10€. She's 14.50€ now. GW took that up a bit with new releases before the end of Fantasy. I don't recall the exact price on release for Dwarf characters, but I think that was the time of 17€ to 18€ characters. GW only got funny with character prices after AoS launched. I think Sigmarines set the new standard at 25€, and two years later Primaris followed suit.

At the same time a Necron Overlord was 18€ or 20€ originally, went up to 22€ at some point and I think 23€ last I checked. I guess he got axed in the meantime so GW can sell the 31.50€ Overlord from last edition instead. That particular jump is best associated with the default price of Marine special characters during 8th ed that were 5€ more expensive than generic characters, and also showed on two sprue kits like the Shokk Attack Gun. Generic Marine character prices going up to that special character price are a development of the past few years.

Nehekhara lives! Sort of!
Why is the rum always gone? 
Made in ie
Gangly Grot Rebel


 Geifer wrote:
 GaroRobe wrote:
When did plastic heroes stop costing $15 USD? Was it before or after AOS? It's funny how the Lord of Blights costs double what the Lord of Plagues/Nurgle Chaos Champion cost when he first debuted, despite basically being the same model. Though the Lord of Plagues is now 18 USD.

It was a bit of a drawn out process for a while as GW no doubt probed what they could get away with. The first plastic characters like the Dark Elf Sorceress started out at around 10€. She's 14.50€ now. GW took that up a bit with new releases before the end of Fantasy. I don't recall the exact price on release for Dwarf characters, but I think that was the time of 17€ to 18€ characters. GW only got funny with character prices after AoS launched. I think Sigmarines set the new standard at 25€, and two years later Primaris followed suit.

At the same time a Necron Overlord was 18€ or 20€ originally, went up to 22€ at some point and I think 23€ last I checked. I guess he got axed in the meantime so GW can sell the 31.50€ Overlord from last edition instead. That particular jump is best associated with the default price of Marine special characters during 8th ed that were 5€ more expensive than generic characters, and also showed on two sprue kits like the Shokk Attack Gun. Generic Marine character prices going up to that special character price are a development of the past few years.

I found it funny that they continued to raise the price of the stormvermin kit (which even with a €10 gradual increase over around a year, remained one of the better valued kits as it was a full unit) even though it remained out of stock the entire time it went through the three or four price increases

Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

 Dawnbringer wrote:
 Shadow Walker wrote:
 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Definitely a box or two of the Men at Arms for me. One of my favorite kits, up there with the Empire militia.

I love that monk there. Strong Friar Tuck vibes

I'll be honest, I found the men at arms and archer kits a let down as a follow up to the 5th Ed Perry metals. I didn't like the lean into comedy with the sets (blind archer etc). I'm still holding out for a MtO for the 5th Ed metals (Inc knights).

Echoing my thoughts precisely. I know the 5th Ed Questing Knights are somewhat redundant as they have lances but they're probably my favourite unit in the WH range so I'd relish the chance to get them at a (somewhat) reasonable price rather than auction sites.
Made in gb
Sergeant Major

JimmyWolf87 wrote:
 Dawnbringer wrote:

I'll be honest, I found the men at arms and archer kits a let down as a follow up to the 5th Ed Perry metals. I didn't like the lean into comedy with the sets (blind archer etc). I'm still holding out for a MtO for the 5th Ed metals (Inc knights).

Echoing my thoughts precisely. I know the 5th Ed Questing Knights are somewhat redundant as they have lances but they're probably my favourite unit in the WH range so I'd relish the chance to get them at a (somewhat) reasonable price rather than auction sites.

Yeah, I get the shakeup to give them two-handed swords (though still jot convinced that actually works from horseback...). But there were just so many variants of the sculpts. I'll probably just use them as Knights of the Realm, as there weren't many of those in metal (having the first plastics released at the same time).

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/18 15:06:35

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