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Robotech® RPG Tactics™-License lost, the end is near!  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

I am surprised this is still being talked about. Not having time to go through 300 pages, what exactly has pissed everyone off? The lack of more product? Did people pay for things they haven't received?

I actually picked up the main box set when it came out. While I have a huge appreciation for Macross, I feel 'Robotech' is kind of an abomination. However its neat to see the robots in mini form. But I wasn't crazy about the game mechanics. If I never actually sit down and build the models, let alone play the game, I am not sure I'll be that disappointed.

I guess I see it as a bit of a novelty item than a hobby in itself.

I am a big collector of the original 1/200 Nichimo kits (later the Testors R.O.B.O.T. series and even later TCI Unseen mechs), so I have a lot of these kits.
Made in us

Washington State

KTG17 wrote:
I am surprised this is still being talked about. Not having time to go through 300 pages, what exactly has pissed everyone off? The lack of more product? Did people pay for things they haven't received?

I actually picked up the main box set when it came out. While I have a huge appreciation for Macross, I feel 'Robotech' is kind of an abomination. However its neat to see the robots in mini form. But I wasn't crazy about the game mechanics. If I never actually sit down and build the models, let alone play the game, I am not sure I'll be that disappointed.

I guess I see it as a bit of a novelty item than a hobby in itself.

I am a big collector of the original 1/200 Nichimo kits (later the Testors R.O.B.O.T. series and even later TCI Unseen mechs), so I have a lot of these kits.

Others will go into far more detail. The heart of our discontent is that Palladium Game's owner, Keven Siembedia, has constantly and consistently berated and lied to everyone about his Robotech game. For those of use that got into the Kickstarter, what five years ago? We are still waiting for 1/2 of the Kickstarter product promised to us. The Wave 2 that has never materialized, is constantly in development, a new deal with a Chinese manufacturer is being negotiated, re-tooling of the models, exploring different shipping options... the excuses go on and on and on. Combine that with the lack of any comment or action at all by Harmony Gold (who own the Robotech brand in the US, and doing their to kill it), and the Robotech RPG Tactics game is dead.

Doesn't help that the rules are crap too. Dumpster fire as a matter of fact.

Kara Sloan shoots through Time and Design Space for a Negative Play Experience  
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

What happens if you contribute to a kickstarter but dont get the item you have paid for? Do they return the money?
Made in us
DCM User

In theory?


In most cases in reality?


Go on over to Kickstarter and read about creator responsibility and such.

It is rather toothless, and Kickstarter itself will do just about nothing to 'enforce' just about anything.


Creators - once they 'give up' - are "obligated" to show where the money all went.

Theories are plenty on just WHY Palladium will be loathe to do this.

SO, *if* they are continuously "working on it", they can kick that particular can down the road for quite a while.

Just how much longer, and farther, they can kick it is a matter of some debate.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/07/13 14:57:42

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

SoCal, USA!

It's really a question of whether anybody wants to spend the money to file suit against Palladium over $100-$200. In most cases, no.

Made in us
DCM User


It isn't 'worth it' for most individuals.

So the only hope is for a 'class action' suit or if a State or Federal authority decides to intervene.

If any of those things happen, it will, of course, finally mean the end of PB.
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

SoCal, USA!

Note that Coolest Cooler was sued and forced to create a timeline for delivery / refunds:

I would very much like to see this happen to Palladium.

Made in us
DCM User

So the DOJ had to step in first?

There's that whole "State or Federal authority decides to intervene" thing...

Of course, that one had 20K backers and raised $13M too though.
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

SoCal, USA!

Yeah. I just like to see that some justice exists.

Made in ca
Regular Dakkanaut

Wave One UEDF posted as well as aircraft movement rules replacement

Made in es
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer

KTG17 wrote:
I am surprised this is still being talked about. Not having time to go through 300 pages, what exactly has pissed everyone off? The lack of more product? Did people pay for things they haven't received?

We paid for the KS stuff (to the average tune of $160-$320, before shipping) on may 21st, 2013, to get stuff (that was 98% done, according to them) by December 2013.

We got the core game stuff over about 6 months depending on where exactly did you live on the planet, starting October 2014 (about a year late for most people), and some time after it got sold to the general public on... Black Friday, I think? Anyways, it didn't get sold before just because the stuff didn't arrive on time for Gen Con.

Now, the core game stuff, which was then called "Wave 1", it's composed of about... 30-40% of the sculpts that got Kickstarted, so there's a whoooole lot of stuff still owed, both as part of the core pledges and as add-ons.

Fast forward to nowadays, summer 2017. From around march 2015, we've been regularly fed on a strict bs diet, with no end on sight. And we paid for all the stuff owed four years ago, so there is no chance in hell we'll be getting any kind of refund.

So yeah, bit salty.
Made in us
Nurgle Predator Driver with an Infestation


Because this is complete shenagins, that's why most of us are mad.

Oh, and finally got a response to a message I sent them last week. Which finally enough is the same message I sent them last year at this time.

July 6, 2017

"Project Creators are required to fulfill all rewards of their successful fundraising campaigns or refund any Backer whose reward they do not or cannot fulfill."

What is the timeline for completing Wave 2 items or the resin objectives?

What are your plans to obey this portion of Kickstarter's Terms of Service?
user avatar

Palladium Books

July 12, 2017

Hi Robert,

We sincerely understand your concerns and
issues with the RRT Wave Two production delays.
Palladium is working on RRT Wave Two and if all
goes well as we are "anticipating," then Wave Two
will not only be produced and fulfilled for the
Kickstarter, but with positive improvements as we
desired based off the release of RRT Wave One.
With that being said, as we review the quotes
coming in and the possible projection dates, it
has not yet been determined as to which quote PB
will utilize as this is a major project with many
units and we are seeking to not only reduce part
count, but also preserve the reward quality.
Project Manager, Scott Gibbons will continue to
post progress and answer questions in the
upcoming RRT Kickstart updates in order to keep Backers informed.

Thank you for your support,

RRT Support Team
Palladium Books

Palladium Books

July 12, 2017

Sorry about that Gene,

Multi-tasking and meant to say Hi "Gene," not Robert in the previous email.

Best Regards,

RRT Support Team
Palladium Books

Made in au
Dakka Veteran

 Albertorius wrote:
KTG17 wrote:
I am surprised this is still being talked about. Not having time to go through 300 pages, what exactly has pissed everyone off? The lack of more product? Did people pay for things they haven't received?

We paid for the KS stuff (to the average tune of $160-$320, before shipping) on may 21st, 2013, to get stuff (that was 98% done, according to them) by December 2013.

We got the core game stuff over about 6 months depending on where exactly did you live on the planet, starting October 2014 (about a year late for most people), and some time after it got sold to the general public on... Black Friday, I think? Anyways, it didn't get sold before just because the stuff didn't arrive on time for Gen Con.

Now, the core game stuff, which was then called "Wave 1", it's composed of about... 30-40% of the sculpts that got Kickstarted, so there's a whoooole lot of stuff still owed, both as part of the core pledges and as add-ons.

Fast forward to nowadays, summer 2017. From around march 2015, we've been regularly fed on a strict bs diet, with no end on sight. And we paid for all the stuff owed four years ago, so there is no chance in hell we'll be getting any kind of refund.

So yeah, bit salty.
Alby and others have covered most of the big issues. But don't forget all the other little shenannigans that caused issues of their own. Being late isn't the only issue. I've got a campaign delivering later this year that's almost as late, but I'm not close to as irate as I was with RRT.

I'll probably miss some things, but here's a non-comprehensive list. Some dates may be off, but they should be close.
- May 2013, campaign concludes, and Kevin says on target for December, maybe earlier. Pledge manager runs, and this timetable is kept. Pledge manager runs from July 19th to September 8th (having been extended twice I think). Up to, and through to September 26th, they were still expecting a December release. The book hadn't been completed, the cards hadn't been done, no molds had been made. There was ZERO chance that December was a possibility. So while they were collecting money, everything was still on track. This wasn't as big an issue at the time, but in hindsight it was terrible.

- July 2013. The first GenCon-gate, during the Pledge Manager. Kevin decides he wants some convention exclusives for GenCon. So they did a run of Max Battloid and Miriya FPA. And you could get them at GenCon. And ONLY GenCon. Backers, many international, who had literally just pumped $1.44M into RRT were excluded unless they were at the convention. The reasons this was an issue, is because firstly, it was the only Max branded miniature made available. Second, all Kickstarter Exclusives were considered Kickstarter/Convention Exclusives, but wasn't reciprocated (note, I'm not a fan of KS Exclusive game content, but even I thought that was a crappy double standard). This has since become a non-issue, as Kevin graciously allowed backers to buy them, and now, they're completely non-exclusive, despite Kevin still using that phrase ("Robotech® RPG Tactics™ Convention Exclusives – now available to anyone") in the latest PBWU.

- January 2014, we get the split wave announcement. At the time, most people were OK with this, but it established the first "kick the can". Wave 2 is promised later that year. Then later that year, nope, it'll be 2015. Then late in 2015, nope, 2016. Then late in 2016, nope, 2017. And Scott's big Update shows that the kicking of the can is imminent. Usually, there's a leak, I believe Adepticon 2016 (April?) someone got told 2016 wasn't possible, but it wasn't until much later that year the can got kicked. Simply put, after having done it with Wave 1, they KNOW how long it takes from when they have all the ducks in a row, how long it'll be. But they won't share how far along they are, and they wait until WELL past the deadline, rather than getting ahead of things.

- March 2014, we finally see the first breakdown of parts. And that's when things went right off the rails for a lot of people. It took me three days, but that's how long it took me to make the decison to request a refund on over $1500US. And I got a letter very similar to what sqir666 just posted. It wasn't multitasking, it was copypasting that caused Gene to be incorrectly addressed. Some people have had little issue with the number of parts. Some have. But nearly everyone agrees that the parts count is WAY above the norms for this kind of model. Especially for the base box miniatures. And because they were on such a tight schedule, redesigning was out of the question. But instead of saying that, we were told that they had to be done this way. I spent my early adulthood in die casting (aluminium mostly, some other soft metals). They absolutely did NOT have to be done this way. And technology has improved since then, Wyrd's use of "sliding core" technology allows them to do Witchling Stalkers as single piece models. Here's an article dated almost a year before this announcement, showing the details achievable. Granted, backers were promised multipose, so multiple pieces were always on the table, but 10, not 30 should have been the maximum.

- July 2014, Kevin is looking at GenCon as his first big payday. There's multiple parts to this, and some didn't become a known issue until later. First, despite 15 months of saying "Backers First!", Kevin unilaterally decides GenCon doesn't count. After much outcry, he then proposes putting it to a vote. But instead of just putting his thumb on the scale, he stands on it. Instead of trusting that enough commentors would rally to his defense, he states at the outset that anyone who doesn't vote, will count for a yes. And this causes things to go crazy. Of course, when the votes are tallied, and he's won without that, he only uses those numbers (78% of backers that voted), Only about 30% of backers voted, according to one backer who was collating. So the ACTUAL number should have been a little over 93% if you include the 3500 absentees that didn't vote.

Just to be clear, it wasn't that he wanted to sell at GenCon, it was that he completely rigged the system so he could. And as I said in a post a page or two back, it was always inevitable, hence the rigging. The declaration of intent was made on July 11th, the vote was started on the 13th, the vote concluded on the 21st. But on the 18th, three days before the vote was finished, "It’s on a Boat!". Why this is important, is that this container appears to have contained nothing but Core Boxes and possibly some retail Expansions. They were very cagey about not saying it explicitly, but it's pretty clear they could not fulfill Battlecry's until Container 2. Why is this a problem? Because only ~200 backers went in for First Contact (Core Boxes only, for Wave 1). Meaning that the remaining 1300 Core boxes were only suited to retail sales.

- September 2014, this didn't cause a problem until later (and there was an earlier though harder to see picture, but the third photo on the "Back from China" Update clearly shows that 17,502 core boxes were ordered. And only about ~6000 were needed for backer fulfillment. When it seemed clear that money for Wave 2 may be an issue, those extra 11,000 boxes seemed the obvious reason. Taking advantage of mass production to get a cheaper rate is one thing. Using backers money to purchase retail stock is another.

- November 2014, Palladium wrap up shipping to North American backers. And decide to ship to North American distributors before finishing international orders, because of Black Friday. This, despite as mentioned earlier, MANY statements that said "Backers first!". This caused...

- January 2015, while the EU and AU orders were still yet to leave the country, Robotech Tactics was available in EU and AU stores. Because unlike Palladium, distributors don't feth around. Palladium said this shouldn't have happened, but it was always going to happen. Note, at this point, PB hadn't even organized shipping for AU backers. Pallets just sitting in the warehouse, "waiting for quotes". Final delivery doesn't start until mid March. So some backers waited more than three months beyond when they could get it in the store.

- March 2015, the first showing of actual development of Wave 2 since the wave split was announced, 14 months earlier, about 8 months after Wave 1 development finished, and about 6 months after Wave One manufacturing concluded. Despite a promise to the contrary ("More will be coming in the following days."), it was also the last. There has literally been no sign of developmental progress in 28 months. There were some 3D printed prototypes for the AValk and YF-4 last year, but these were done of the digital sculpts that have existed since around when the funding campaign had just wrapped.

- June 2015, after months of silence, a lot of noise in a big update about nothing. Instead of addressing Wave 2 properly, Kevin loses himself congratulating himself on how awesome he is, how other people let him down, and spruiking new content (Conventional Vehicles and Invid) and promising backers first! Neither of these two production lines ever saw the light of day, because takeup was low. And one reason takeup was so low is that unit/force information was promised, and never delivered, despite multiple promises. So people were expected to preorder units not knowing what they did, how many were needed to purchase, or if there were any restrictions that might have been important.

At the same time, Palladium decided that despite it having been discussed during the campaign, and having made a firm decision, they'd also re-open scale as a discussion point. It apparently didn't occur to them until two years after the campaign, and a year after they'd finished developing Wave 1, that the third generation in particular, might be too small at the scale originally chosen. So, despite wanting to put the Invid into production in less than six months (contemporaries of the cyclones that are the prime reason for the change), and that the Conventional forces would absolutely be 6mm, they throw up the very real possibility that they'll backtrack on consistent scale. For me, relative scale isn't a huge issue, but for some, it absolutely was. Thankfully, Palladium didn't put their thumb on the scale, again, but it was cause for consternation for some.

- July 2015. I'll let the second para speak for itself.
"As for Wave 2, I’m working on a big breakdown of where each and every component is in its development, but that’s going to take some time. The short version is that some have been approved for tooling, some are still pending minor changes, and a couple are being reworked to reduce part counts while preserving detail. It’s going painfully slowly."
Yeah, that time is two years, three days, and counting.

And then, that started the "early year totally this year!" and "mid-late year we're working hard, we promise!". And not a lot in between. Until Scott posted, there had been 9 posts in 18 months. Two of those were in relation to the "incident", and three of the remaining 7 begin with "I know it’s been a while without much info, and I’m sorry about that.", "We apologize for the 3 months of MIA", "Hey, guys. It’s Wayne. Sorry for the long silence.", as if apologies for being absent mean anything.

Basically the summation is,
PB promise Wave 2 and don't deliver.
PB promise progress of any kind and don't deliver.
PB promise information and don't deliver.
Communication is unimportant to PB.
Bad reputation is unimportant to PB.
There's no real consequence to PB not finishing the Kickstarter or improving in any way.
PB do what they want for the most part, and backers are irrelevant.
Most backers appear to be owed at least half of their content by value, and at least a third of their content by volume (for some, especially those who got in heavy on Add-Ons).
Scott may be the latest in a long line of PR people put out to distract and take some of the flak. That list so far, IIRC. Ninja John (John Cadice, Ninja Division), Jeff Burke, Wayne Smith, Chuck Walton and now Scott Gibbons.

So, will things change? We'll see this week. I wonder when (if?) the Update will drop.
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Update: Just checking in like I promised. Things are moving along here, but there's nothing new I can reveal at this time.
Made in ca
Longtime Dakkanaut

Building a blood in water scent

Merijeek wrote:
Update: Just checking in like I promised. Things are moving along here, but there's nothing new I can reveal at this time.

Is this satire? I can't tell anymore.

We were once so close to heaven, St. Peter came out and gave us medals; declaring us "The nicest of the damned".

“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'” 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

It's a prediction because I've become psychic.

I forgot to add on the end, "...have more for you in two weeks!"
Made in ca
Regular Dakkanaut

Update - may put up wave two zentraedi data cards for alpha strike tonight......may not. Stay tuned. More to come. Maybe. Things are boiling.
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

You forgot to apologize for the big delay between posts.
Made in ca
Regular Dakkanaut

It hasn't been two months plus yet.
Made in us
Shocked Micronized Zentraedi Spy

Shelby Twp. Michigan

I read PB update I got in my email. BOY OH BOY !! What load of crap. I live in the great state of Michigan and yes the weather have been bad. A lot of rain northern part is getting flooded but we have been getting some nasty storms . We Michiganer deal with this its part of living in Michigan when you get 4 season in one day. I just don't know why he put all that crap in his company update with all of their Staffs problem. To me it sound like a lot their books are going to be very late. Wave 2 no new sales or new information. Oh Well later.
Made in us
Knight of the Inner Circle

DEZOAT wrote:
I read PB update I got in my email. BOY OH BOY !! What load of crap. I live in the great state of Michigan and yes the weather have been bad. A lot of rain northern part is getting flooded but we have been getting some nasty storms . We Michiganer deal with this its part of living in Michigan when you get 4 season in one day. I just don't know why he put all that crap in his company update with all of their Staffs problem. To me it sound like a lot their books are going to be very late. Wave 2 no new sales or new information. Oh Well later.

This is my view of what the kickstarter update we will get from Scott in a few days.... First paragraph will be talking about the weather... Second will be some type of joke... "Take my wife.. No, seriously, Please take my wife"..

We also just got an update from Palladium and I don't think Kevin would allow Scott to steal his thunder if something big happened the past few weeks.

So kick the can some more... maybe talk about Gen Con in a few weeks... Makes me think talking to the Department of Justice about this and see what happens.. Even most Senators like to have something to

chase after...

Made in us
Nurgle Predator Driver with an Infestation


Apparently HG has allowed places to get the Robotech license. Which looks exactly like a Star Trek board game clone.


So one of their fan friends found out and immediately went running to PB with this news. Which caused some kerfuffle because they weren't informed that their "good friends" at HG issued a license to somebody else, even though they're both business trying to make a quick buck off of the Robotech IP.

PB issued this statement the other day about this whole shenanigans.

We've received several inquiries about a recently discovered website that is announcing a new board game based on Robotech®. This board game is not one of our projects. We reached out to Harmony Gold about it and they let us know that, with the Sony movie in the pipeline, we all should start seeing limited licenses being announced in the coming months for many new Robotech products. We are excited for our friends at Harmony Gold and wish them and all their newest partners great success!

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Why would PB be concerned, this other company is making a boardgame (hopefully with minis) so it totally wouldn't compete or clash with RPG tactics game accessory pieces (which are totally not miniatures, or models cause of reasons!)
Made in us
Nurgle Predator Driver with an Infestation


 stanman wrote:
Why would PB be concerned, this other company is making a boardgame (hopefully with minis) so it totally wouldn't compete or clash with RPG tactics game accessory pieces (which are totally not miniatures, or models cause of reasons!)

Y'know, I don't think anyone truly knows why PB would be concerned about a Robotech board game. Maybe they thought it would steal their thunder and possibly rain on their parade for RRT?
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

I'm fairly certain HG will never get another licensing penny out of me...but where's this announcement? I'm just seeing second hand references to...something.
Made in us
DCM User

Maybe that boardgame will actually also be able to function as...WAVE 2?!?
Made in us
Nurgle Predator Driver with an Infestation


Merijeek wrote:
I'm fairly certain HG will never get another licensing penny out of me...but where's this announcement? I'm just seeing second hand references to...something.

Sorry, I don't know how to do the website qoute thing on my mobile browser.

Funnily enough, the first website I posted only leads to the Strange Machine Games Facebook page but no announcements.

PBs announcement about this.https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1772417979439122&id=175809969099939

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/07/17 02:32:36

Made in ca
Fireknife Shas'el

What's this? Surely the years of buying licenses from HG would have instilled some sort of loyalty that would prompt HG to contact Palladium if other companies were seeking some sort of board game license? Surely!

Ahh, pure schadenfreude.

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

So, we have third hand stuff from PB's Facebook and that's it?
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

SoCal, USA!

 Alpharius wrote:
Maybe that boardgame will actually also be able to function as...WAVE 2?!?

At this point, I have far more confidence in *both* of those board games reaching customer hands than RRT Wave 2. Despite seeing no production anything for either of them.

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