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Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Jehan-reznor wrote:
Yep the tank is slightly less than 2 and half inch long talking about scale 1:144.
i bought these votom miniatures a while ago


Where did you get those, do they still make them? And who will sell them to me?
Made in us
Executing Exarch

Gundam Build Fighters is currently airing (3rd season, I think?), as is a brand new self-contained series called Gundam Reconquista G. Reconquista G has absolutely no connection to G Gundam, and should not be confused with it in any way, shape, or form. Tomino, the original creator of Gundam, is involved with it.

A series called 'Gundam Age' aired a few years back, and should be avoided like the plague.
Made in us
Thermo-Optical Tuareg


Reconguista in G isn't a standalone storyline. It's part of the UC timeline. If you want a self contained series to watch, my rather biased opinion would be to check out X. If you want the main universe/timeline, check out 08th MS Team, follow up with 0080 and if you're still interested, start watching the tv shows.

Made in ca
Posts with Authority

I'm from the future. The future of space

I'm going to recommend just the first season of Gundam 00. With subtitles as the English voice actors often don't get the tone right and that really matters for that series.

Balance in pick up games? Two people, each with their own goals for the game, design half a board game on their own without knowing the layout of the board and hope it all works out. Good luck with that. The faster you can find like minded individuals who want the same things from the game as you, the better. 
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Decrepit Dakkanaut

Biloxi, MS USA

Personally, I wouldn't recommend Wing or many of the other newer series since then outside of 08th MS Team, but I'm an outlier in that I HATE HATE HATE super-suits in Gundam. Wing is the most egregious example, as the main suits are untouchable gods until PLOT and suddenly they're taken out by a single lucky shot.

I much prefer the main suits that actually take damage and need repairs. Something that always stuck with me was that Amaro and Char were what were special, not their actual suits(which take some beatings in some episodes) bar some of ther later suits that were built specially for them(and even then, those weren't untouched by the end), and I was glad that that was mantained when they did 08th nearly 20 years later.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2014/11/22 11:04:18

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Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

 Alpharius wrote:
It is good, but I'd love some 1/144 or smaller (10mm) Japanese SF tanks and Robots...

Tehnolog made 1/144(ish) tanks of the same design as the 28mm one, but I'm having trouble finding a seller that still stocks them.


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Decrepit Dakkanaut

Biloxi, MS USA

 lord_blackfang wrote:
 Alpharius wrote:
It is good, but I'd love some 1/144 or smaller (10mm) Japanese SF tanks and Robots...

Tehnolog made 1/144(ish) tanks of the same design as the 28mm one, but I'm having trouble finding a seller that still stocks them.


I now feel compelled to KNEEL before these tanks.

You know you're really doing something when you can make strangers hate you over the Internet. - Mauleed
Just remember folks. Panic. Panic all the time. It's the only way to survive, other than just being mindful, of course-but geez, that's so friggin' boring. - Aegis Grimm
Hallowed is the All Pie
The Before Times: A Place That Celebrates The World That Was 
Made in jp
Fixture of Dakka


 solkan wrote:
 Jehan-reznor wrote:
Yep the tank is slightly less than 2 and half inch long talking about scale 1:144.
i bought these votom miniatures a while ago


Where did you get those, do they still make them? And who will sell them to me?

Bought them at the Japanese Toys are us, at a discount, i think they were a limited release as i don't see them anymore.

Talking about gundam
The 8th ms team ova is very good as well as gundam 00 (it is like gundam wing but without the over the top gundam designs)
Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory is also very good.

"That sound? That's the sound of me drinking all my paint and stabbing myself in the eyes with my brushes. "
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Executing Exarch

 Barzam wrote:
Reconguista in G isn't a standalone storyline. It's part of the UC timeline.

Yes, technically Reconquista is part of the UC timeline. But it's part of the UC timeline in the same way that Turn-A Gundam was part of the UC timeline (as well as all of the other timelines that had existed up until then). It's set so far into UC's future that the connections (so far, at least) are merely window dressing.

Made in jp
Fixture of Dakka


I found these cheap at a shop here in Japan, Lego star wars planets with a ship, a pilot and a planet.

The interesting part is the Planet that can be used for Battle fleet gothic, X wing or other Space ship tabletop combat game


"That sound? That's the sound of me drinking all my paint and stabbing myself in the eyes with my brushes. "
My Doombringer Space Marine Army
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Legendary Master of the Chapter


 Paradigm wrote:
Here's a tank kit that was mentioned in a Mantic thread, but would also fit well enough into 40k as anything on a Chimera hull.

Holy crap that's awesome. I'm forcing myself to only buy one since I went nuts for the FFG Dust sale, but that kit has so much awesome I can't resist.

The Dust walkers and tanks are for my Eisenkern (and enemy Space Russians), but the Technolog must go to my Shock Troops or UAMC.

Made in ca
Renegade Inquisitor with a Bound Daemon

Tied and gagged in the back of your car

 Alpharius wrote:
Barzam - I'm confused - should I be buying a different Zaku kit that the one previously linked?

Please also keep in mind that I know almost next to nothing about Gundam.

My Giant Robot knowledge sadly ends a few years before it started!

First off, avoid Seed and 00. Seed is only decent for the first 25 episodes, than the last 25 and its second season are just awful. Similarly, 00 manages a strong first half, but gets pretty bad after that, and the movie is abysmal.

Wing is an good starting point, and Treize is an amazing villain, but there are honestly better series to watch out there (the complaints about the gundams not taking any damage in the series is actually a fault of the animation budget, rather than actual plot invulnerability, for what it's worth). Similarly, G Gundam is good if you want some super robot action, but it's also a very far cry from everything else "Gundam."

Turn A Gundam is probably the best series in the entire franchise, but it really helps to have a bit of background before watching it.

With that in mind, I'd suggest just sticking to the Universal Century. 8th MS Team, 0080: War in the Pocket, and 0083: Stardust Memory are all fantastic standalone series set in the UC timeline that don't require a huge amount of background knowledge to fully enjoy. Additionally, you can always watch the First Gundam movies if you don't feel like watching the entire 50 episode series.
Zeta Gundam is a classic, and the New Translation movies are pretty good alternatives as well (although they have a different, less horrifically sad ending). If you get around to watching first gundam and Zeta in one iteration or another, Char's Counterattack is a fantastic movie (it's also pretty good on its own, but knowing the relationship between Amuro and Char goes a long way).
Lastly, Gundam Unicorn is absolutely fantastic, even if the main character is a bit annoying and the ending is a bit weird, although I'd suggest not watching it until after seeing Char's Counterattack.

As far as breaking the UC timeline down, here they all are in chronological order of events within the timeline. Bolded titles are ones that are considered major parts of the continuity, best seen with at least some introduction to previous materials. The rest can be viewed as standalone titles.

UC 0079: Mobile Suit Gundam ("First Gundam")/Gundam Movie trilogy
UC 0079: 8th MS Team
UC 0080: War in the Pocket
UC 0083: Stardust Memory
UC 0087: Zeta Gundam/Zeta Gundam: A New Translation trilogy
UC 0088: Gundam ZZ
UC 0093: Char's Counterattack
UC 0096: Gundam Unicorn
UC 0123: Gundam F91
UC 0153: Victory Gundam

Lastly, I'd say that, overall, your best standalone introduction to Gundam would be 0080: War in the Pocket. It's short, well written, and emotionally devestating. Everything you'd expect from a good Gundam series.
Made in ca
Posts with Authority

I'm from the future. The future of space

The thing about 00 is that each season is self contained. You don't have to watch the second season or the movie to have a complete experience of the show.

Balance in pick up games? Two people, each with their own goals for the game, design half a board game on their own without knowing the layout of the board and hope it all works out. Good luck with that. The faster you can find like minded individuals who want the same things from the game as you, the better. 
Made in us
Thermo-Optical Tuareg


Lol. It seems that G Savior is universally not talked about. Shame it sucked, it had some neat designs.

I really didn't mind the second season of 00. It really wasn't that bad. It just wasn't as good as the first season.

Also, I prefer Zeta to have that "sad" ending. Kamille was a terrible main character. I hated him the entire way through and he didn't deserve the happy ending he got in ZZ. Judau on the other hand, he's a much more enjoyable main character.

Made in ca
Posts with Authority

I'm from the future. The future of space

 Barzam wrote:
I really didn't mind the second season of 00. It really wasn't that bad. It just wasn't as good as the first season.

I enjoyed it as well. It's just best viewed as it's own thing rather than as the completion of the first season. The mech designs in 00 are excellent in both seasons.

Balance in pick up games? Two people, each with their own goals for the game, design half a board game on their own without knowing the layout of the board and hope it all works out. Good luck with that. The faster you can find like minded individuals who want the same things from the game as you, the better. 
Made in ca
Renegade Inquisitor with a Bound Daemon

Tied and gagged in the back of your car

The second season started out really well, but got pretty silly later on. It still had its good moments, and the final final battle between Setsuna and Ribbons in their original MS was great. That said, it's not a series I'd prioritize.
I'd go easier on the series as a whole if the movie wasn't so god damn awful. It's easily one of the worst things I've managed to dedicate my time to watching all the way through, and that ending was just completely unforgivable. I'd go as far as to say that the movie ended up ruining the entire 00 universe for me.

As for the mechanical designs, they feel a bit hit and miss for me. The gundams themselves were pretty good (although the Nadleeh transformation was just dumb), but then you got a bunch of real stinkers like the Ahead, the Thrones series, the Gadessa series, Reborns Gundam, and everything that Graham pilots in season two.
In the case of the movie, all of the new gundams look pretty awful, with the Rapheal being painfully stupid. But at least the Brave series looked amazing.
Made in us
Land Raider Pilot on Cruise Control

08th MS team and 0080 are the only ones I actually finished.

Both really amazing.

Also saw G Gundam.

Who thought THAT was a good idea?!
Made in us
Rogue Inquisitor with Xenos Bodyguards

Eastern edge

I also enjoyed 0080 and 0083: Star Dust Memories

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Dragons fear nothing, if it acts up, we breath magic fire that turns them into marshmallow peeps. We leaguers only cry rivets!

Made in ca
Renegade Inquisitor with a Bound Daemon

Tied and gagged in the back of your car

 Bronzefists42 wrote:
08th MS team and 0080 are the only ones I actually finished.

Both really amazing.

Also saw G Gundam.

Who thought THAT was a good idea?!

For what it's worth, G Gundam pays homage to the oldschool super robot cartoons that were the norm before Gundam really made its impact. It's a very different style from any other Gundam series for a reason. Yes, things are ridiculously over the top and nonsensical, that's the point.
Made in us

If that's the case, I think I'll really enjoy G Gundam too!
Made in us
Gargantuan Gargant

New Bedford, MA USA

 Fafnir wrote:
For what it's worth, G Gundam pays homage to the oldschool super robot cartoons that were the norm before Gundam really made its impact. It's a very different style from any other Gundam series for a reason. Yes, things are ridiculously over the top and nonsensical, that's the point.

Sounds like I might have to give it a try. I grew up watching FORCE 5. (Grandizer, Danguard Ace, Spaceketeers, Starvengers, etc..)

The only Gundam Series I ever watched was Gundam Wing. The heroes have absolute script immunity based powers, but the Wing Zero concept, of making the pilots fearless combat junkie killing machines was very cool, and stuck with me.

Made in jp
Fixture of Dakka


 Fafnir wrote:
 Bronzefists42 wrote:
08th MS team and 0080 are the only ones I actually finished.

Both really amazing.

Also saw G Gundam.

Who thought THAT was a good idea?!

For what it's worth, G Gundam pays homage to the oldschool super robot cartoons that were the norm before Gundam really made its impact. It's a very different style from any other Gundam series for a reason. Yes, things are ridiculously over the top and nonsensical, that's the point.

That's strange because the whole Gundam premise is that it shows "realistic" warfare with all the consequences. But they made other strange choices i didn't like the Gundam Wing designs they looked too much like a computer street fighting game designs

"That sound? That's the sound of me drinking all my paint and stabbing myself in the eyes with my brushes. "
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Made in us
Land Raider Pilot on Cruise Control

With g gundam the characters (barring that one old guy in the pilot) we're almost all 2D and unrealistic.

Wing just had too many protagonists, meaning you trade quantity for quality.
Made in us
Thermo-Optical Tuareg


The funny thing about G Gundam is that despite everything it does different compared to other Gundam series, it still manages to hit on a lot of the tropes and despite being totally nuts at points, it plays everything up straight. Even the giant skull shaped robot and the windmill robot.

Also, we're WAY off topic. So, to bring us back on topic, Volks is adding two new kits to their plastic Five Star Stories line.

First, the 1/100 Terror Mirage (something I never thought I'd see a plastic kit of)

I should point out, it will include its big-ass boomerang blades and that the 1/100 line includes full internal skeletons, are fully poseable, and require no paint.

The other kit is in the 1/144 scale line, the A-Toll!

That'd make one hell of a stand in for the Eldar Wraith Knight. The 1/144 kits don't feature internal skeletons and do require a bit of painting, but they're still fully poseable upon completion and are at a pricepoint that still manages to be cheaper than GW.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/11/28 07:24:34

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

There's also the new series currently airing, Gundam Reconguista in G. Obviously it hasn't finished yet, but it is more along the same lines as the older sites and Turn A, having the same director.

Made in gb
Tunneling Trygon

Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland

The A-Toll actually looks like it could be a Retribution of Scyrah Warjack. Colossal, obviously.

G Gundam also has a character in latex for some reason. Apparently it's not latex at all, it's "nanomachines" that cover the body so that the suit responds to the pilot's motions. Definitely not fanservice.

Sieg Zeon!

Selling TGG2! 
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...this isn't your first anime, is it?!?
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Executing Exarch

 Frozen Ocean wrote:
The A-Toll actually looks like it could be a Retribution of Scyrah Warjack. Colossal, obviously.

Back when the Retribution was first being released, I showed a friend an appropriately-sized Qubeley (specifically, Haman's - it was one of the pencil sharpeners that I got with my Z Gundam discs), and told him it was a Retribution jack.

That'd make one hell of a stand in for the Eldar Wraith Knight

Agreed. Most of Mamoru Nagano's designs are too slender to pass as Imperial equipment. But they do a decent job as Eldar wargear.
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

Five Star Stories mechs are always so beautifully designed, shame there always so expensive.

The Terror Mirage colour scheme really reminds me of the old Z-Knights toys, which could potentially be used for mecha conversion parts
if anybody can track them down for cheap.


Speaking of which, just looked up Z-Knights and it seems two new modern plastic kits are being released by Kotobukiya, and they're pretty neat looking.

Z-Knights HMM: Z.A03 TYPE-K Z Knight

Z-Knights HMM: Z.A01 Type-V Arine Kaiser

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2014/11/28 18:57:45

Made in gb
Tunneling Trygon

Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland

Alpharius wrote:...this isn't your first anime, is it?!?

Not by far! I don't tend to watch ones that have such blatant fanservice, though.

That first Knight is very nice. I'll have to check those out.

Sieg Zeon!

Selling TGG2! 
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