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Brigadier General


 em_en_oh_pee wrote:
 Barzam wrote:

Also in Dougram news, Max Factory is releasing the Big Foot in their Dougram kit line.


I want this just so I can paint it like a classic House Steiner Battlemaster.

Awesome! If the scale is right I'd love to add a Battlemaster to my 28mm Mech Attack games.

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Depends on what you consider the right scale. If it follows the other Max Factory Dougram models it will be about 6" tall. Far too small to use with 28mm Battletech models. But large enough for a generic 28mm Mech.
Made in jp
Fixture of Dakka


This came out last Thursday in Japan



With some paint


"That sound? That's the sound of me drinking all my paint and stabbing myself in the eyes with my brushes. "
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Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

I'll just park this here.

28" tall.
[Thumb - 14446024_10154778923284396_8327013091773955909_n.jpg]
1/35 AT-AT by Dragon

Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

More? Like a whole line?
[Thumb - 12734262_1296346067058543_3519566381700241051_n.jpg]

Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

I think Project: Wat-at Lord Titan is a go.
[Thumb - CVX6RKUXIAAtYIC.jpg]

[Thumb - CqgssbLUkAA0CcR.jpg]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/09/26 10:40:10

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Evasive Eshin Assassin

personally I think that guy with the bazooka is screwed
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Terminator with Assault Cannon


oh wow. Must have!

SickSix's Silver Skull WIP thread
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JSF wrote:... this is really quite an audacious move by GW, throwing out any pretext that this is a game and that its customers exist to do anything other than buy their overpriced products for the sake of it. The naked arrogance, greed and contempt for their audience is shocking.
= Epic First Post.
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

SoCal, USA!

First, OMG.

 usernamesareannoying wrote:
personally I think that guy with the bazooka is screwed

Yeah, he's not wearing winter uniform. He'll die of exposure out there!

Made in gb
Brigadier General

The new Sick Man of Europe

 usernamesareannoying wrote:
personally I think that guy with the bazooka is screwed

I don't know, he could probably penetrate the bottom plates by firing straight up at it. Then you'd have to move before it collapses onto you though

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/09/26 16:54:01

Made in us
Thermo-Optical Tuareg


The hip joints would be the weakest point on the At-At. Bazooka guy actually has a good chance of disabling it if he can get in that close. It's actually a very poor design choice to have the knees and hips so exposed. That's why most Mobile Suits have skirt armor and such pronounced armor around their knees and ankles.

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

SoCal, USA!

 Barzam wrote:
The hip joints would be the weakest point on the At-At. Bazooka guy actually has a good chance of disabling it if he can get in that close. It's actually a very poor design choice to have the knees and hips so exposed. That's why most Mobile Suits have skirt armor and such pronounced armor around their knees and ankles.

And here I thought that was because they were trying to emulate Samurai armour...

Made in us
Thermo-Optical Tuareg


Well, that too. But, the skirts do actually serve a functional purpose in protecting one of the weakest points on a giant robot. One of Kazuhisa Kondo's more recent Gundam manga, Operation Troy, I think depicts a team of Federation tank hunters disabling a Zaku with just a rocket launcher. They set up an amush and basically fire the rocket right up into the skirt armor. A single anti-tank rocket blew the whole hip assembly apart and tappled the Zaku. The Rebellion probably could have downed the AT-ATs if they could got troops under them.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/09/26 19:40:50

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

SoCal, USA!

To be fair, in that particular case, the presence of skirt armor served to trap and focus the blast...

Made in us
Gun Mage

That one AT-AT did explode pretty easily once it fell over. Presumably, once it's still it's easy to aim at the weak spots.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

 Barzam wrote:
Well, that too. But, the skirts do actually serve a functional purpose in protecting one of the weakest points on a giant robot. One of Kazuhisa Kondo's more recent Gundam manga, Operation Troy, I think depicts a team of Federation tank hunters disabling a Zaku with just a rocket launcher. They set up an amush and basically fire the rocket right up into the skirt armor. A single anti-tank rocket blew the whole hip assembly apart and tappled the Zaku. The Rebellion probably could have downed the AT-ATs if they could got troops under them.

Which makes quite a few assumptions about the power of hand-held weapons vs. the toughness of superheavy vehicle armor in the Star Wars Universe. The joints may be exposed because the material of the joints themselves might just be THAT tough.

On the other hand, if the Rebels had brought some X- and Y-wings over for air support instead of those glorified skimmers, I expect a couple proton torpedoes would have done the trick...

My job here is done. 
Made in us
Gun Mage

Complicating the question of AT-AT durability is Luke killing one with a lightsaber and a hand grenade. That raises a lot of questions if ship guns have trouble penetrating armor that a handheld weapon can cut. And that's not even Jedi superpowers at work, anyone can apparently just use a lightsaber to chop things.
Made in gb
Brigadier General

The new Sick Man of Europe

 TheWaspinator wrote:
Complicating the question of AT-AT durability is Luke killing one with a lightsaber and a hand grenade. That raises a lot of questions if ship guns have trouble penetrating armor that a handheld weapon can cut. And that's not even Jedi superpowers at work, anyone can apparently just use a lightsaber to chop things.

Luke was cutting through the bottom plate of the AT-AT [the thinnest armour by far for the average armoured vehicle] and used a thermal detonator, not a grenade, which has been established as causes a tiny nuclear fusion blast usually capable of atomising anything within 5 metres of the epicentre. An explosion like that hitting the fuel or ammunition would easily knock out such a vehicle.

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

SoCal, USA!

 sing your life wrote:
 TheWaspinator wrote:
Complicating the question of AT-AT durability is Luke killing one with a lightsaber and a hand grenade.

Luke was cutting through the bottom plate of the AT-AT [the thinnest armour by far for the average armoured vehicle] and used a thermal detonator, not a grenade, which has been established as causes a tiny nuclear fusion blast usually capable of atomising anything within 5 metres of the epicentre. An explosion like that hitting the fuel or ammunition would easily knock out such a vehicle.

Except, this is a super-tall walking tank. I think the bottom can't be that thin if it towers over the enemy, such that they have to shoot UP at the belly plate...

Made in us
Gun Mage

It's still the equivalent of a hand grenade in size and delivery mechanism. They should be able to fire much stronger things out of larger vehicle-based weapons.
Made in ca
Dakka Veteran

 TheWaspinator wrote:
It's still the equivalent of a hand grenade in size and delivery mechanism. They should be able to fire much stronger things out of larger vehicle-based weapons.

A walking tank designed by the same people whose terror weapon's fatal flaw was its exhaust port? Weak belly armor and serious threats from hand weapons sound about par for the course. Bet that design team was fired...into space.

Now about those VOTOMS toys...

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

SoCal, USA!

Chairman Aeon wrote:
Now about those VOTOMS toys...

dime a dozen.

Now that Gunhed...

Made in fi
Dakka Veteran

 TheWaspinator wrote:
Complicating the question of AT-AT durability is Luke killing one with a lightsaber and a hand grenade. That raises a lot of questions if ship guns have trouble penetrating armor that a handheld weapon can cut. And that's not even Jedi superpowers at work, anyone can apparently just use a lightsaber to chop things.

I thought the AT-AT had a shield generator, which is why it's difficult to kill with long range weapons, despite being a huge target. Not sure, though.

In any case - this is exactly why armour should always be escorted by infantry. You don't want any sneaky dudes crawling up from behind and shoving a satchel charge up the tailpipe. Or a lightsaber.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/09/27 12:26:31

Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

 prowla wrote:
 TheWaspinator wrote:
Complicating the question of AT-AT durability is Luke killing one with a lightsaber and a hand grenade. That raises a lot of questions if ship guns have trouble penetrating armor that a handheld weapon can cut. And that's not even Jedi superpowers at work, anyone can apparently just use a lightsaber to chop things.

I thought the AT-AT had a shield generator, which is why it's difficult to kill with long range weapons, despite being a huge target. Not sure, though.

In any case - this is exactly why armour should always be escorted by infantry. You don't want any sneaky dudes crawling up from behind and shoving a satchel charge up the tailpipe. Or a lightsaber.

Me too, that's why the rebels were about to blow them up once they were down but not when they were walking-

I mean uh, let's keep this on topic folks!

Made in gb
Brigadier General

The new Sick Man of Europe

 JohnHwangDD wrote:
 sing your life wrote:
 TheWaspinator wrote:
Complicating the question of AT-AT durability is Luke killing one with a lightsaber and a hand grenade.

Luke was cutting through the bottom plate of the AT-AT [the thinnest armour by far for the average armoured vehicle] and used a thermal detonator, not a grenade, which has been established as causes a tiny nuclear fusion blast usually capable of atomising anything within 5 metres of the epicentre. An explosion like that hitting the fuel or ammunition would easily knock out such a vehicle.

Except, this is a super-tall walking tank. I think the bottom can't be that thin if it towers over the enemy, such that they have to shoot UP at the belly plate...

It's got a 40 man transport capacity and 4 huge stompy legs protecting the bottom plate. I think that's enough to protect that part from any attackers more conspicuous than a single man who they thought they'd stomped a minute ago.

Made in us
Thermo-Optical Tuareg


 JohnHwangDD wrote:
Chairman Aeon wrote:
Now about those VOTOMS toys...

dime a dozen.

Now that Gunhed...

One of the few cases where the "Drive me closer" meme would actually be appropriate. I could totally see a Gunhed punching Baneblades and flipping over Russes.

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

SoCal, USA!

Speaking of Kotobukiya kits...

Right now, I'm kinda wanting to get one of these...

Made in us
Thermo-Optical Tuareg


Just get this Frame Arms kit when it comes out. It'll be significantly cheaper.

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

SoCal, USA!

Yeah, but does it pose like this?

Because that's like half the reason of getting that particular kit.

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

 JohnHwangDD wrote:
 sing your life wrote:
 TheWaspinator wrote:
Complicating the question of AT-AT durability is Luke killing one with a lightsaber and a hand grenade.

Luke was cutting through the bottom plate of the AT-AT [the thinnest armour by far for the average armoured vehicle] and used a thermal detonator, not a grenade, which has been established as causes a tiny nuclear fusion blast usually capable of atomising anything within 5 metres of the epicentre. An explosion like that hitting the fuel or ammunition would easily knock out such a vehicle.

Except, this is a super-tall walking tank. I think the bottom can't be that thin if it towers over the enemy, such that they have to shoot UP at the belly plate...

Watch the scene again. Luke makes one cut, then a hatch pops open. He wasn't cutting through the belly armor, he was cutting the lock on a hatch.

From there, it's 'grenade through the hatch of a tank' time. Only with a mini-nuke.

My job here is done. 
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