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Made in us
Battlewagon Driver with Charged Engine


Check out the new datasheets in better resolution. And also warbikers!

Edit: Don't have my index with me, but they seem pretty similar/the same right?

Edit 2: The difference seems to be that the normal non-nob bikers "may" take a slugga and/or choppa whereas they just had that in the index. I wonder if that means our boyz are still 6ppm and it's the weapons that now cost 1 point each?

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2018/10/20 09:03:42

Made in us
Roarin' Runtherd

Based on that data sheet having no changes and the price being 4 power level for 3 bikes, I'm not super optimistic for bikes. Sounds like they still cost close to 26 points per bikr with no gain. I dont think any amount of stratagem opportunities will make ork bikers worth that many points.
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Ah, "monopose", all the fun of "easy to build" but none of the sweet, sweet pricing The biggest bummer besides the fact that the buggies have no options. Despite the sprues looking thrice as dense as the bike sprues.

The terrain is pretty boss, though, love the halved skrapjet included. If only the other half was partially there somewhere, I bet someone would've had the thing up an running in five minutes after release

Looking for a Skaven Doomwheel banner to repair my Nurgle knights.  
Made in gb
Nasty Nob

PiñaColada wrote:
The difference seems to be that the normal non-nob bikers "may" take a slugga and/or choppa whereas they just had that in the index. I wonder if that means our boyz are still 6ppm and it's the weapons that now cost 1 point each?

I actually hope that they do have a price for every weapon, since that could possibly indicate that they are paving the ground for a custom vehicle design system. Something like 4 points for a base boy, 2 for a choppa, 1 for a slugga, 2 or 3 for a shoota? Although that raises the possibility of a vehicle just coated in sluggas for like 30 points, so maybe 2 points per slugga would be more reasonable (but the choppa is clearly a better option for a sidearm on a flash git kaptin for example... maybe the whole thing is harder to balance than I thought).

Also, 'Nob Weapons List' seems to allow two choppas for 2 bonus attacks, but doesn't include kustom shootas or kombi-weapons (sad if that is also the case for boss nobz in boyz units, nobz on warbikes, etc.)

Made in de
Waaagh! Warbiker


 Perfect Organism wrote:
PiñaColada wrote:
The difference seems to be that the normal non-nob bikers "may" take a slugga and/or choppa whereas they just had that in the index. I wonder if that means our boyz are still 6ppm and it's the weapons that now cost 1 point each?

I actually hope that they do have a price for every weapon, since that could possibly indicate that they are paving the ground for a custom vehicle design system. Something like 4 points for a base boy, 2 for a choppa, 1 for a slugga, 2 or 3 for a shoota? Although that raises the possibility of a vehicle just coated in sluggas for like 30 points, so maybe 2 points per slugga would be more reasonable (but the choppa is clearly a better option for a sidearm on a flash git kaptin for example... maybe the whole thing is harder to balance than I thought).

Also, 'Nob Weapons List' seems to allow two choppas for 2 bonus attacks, but doesn't include kustom shootas or kombi-weapons (sad if that is also the case for boss nobz in boyz units, nobz on warbikes, etc.)

I suspect its just the datasheets from speed freaks and not the codex.

Made in gb
Nasty Nob

ManTube wrote:
Based on that data sheet having no changes and the price being 4 power level for 3 bikes, I'm not super optimistic for bikes. Sounds like they still cost close to 26 points per bikr with no gain. I dont think any amount of stratagem opportunities will make ork bikers worth that many points.

Looks like:

1 Nob + 2 Bikers = 70-89 points
1 Nob + 5 Bikers = 130-149 points
1 Nob + 8 Bikers = 210-229 points
1 Nob + 11 bikers = 270-289 points

That suggests a minimum price of 22 points per biker plus 12 points extra for the nob. Hopefully the nob price is calculated with his stupid option of two power klaws as the maximum cost. If we're really lucky, the warbikers are paying for the option of taking choppas and sluggas, so the actual cost per model might be as low as 21 points.

EDIT: I believe that is still way too much for warbikers. Even as objective-grabbers, they seem to be inferior to stormboyz and trukks (if trukks drop below 70, as seems likely from them being power 3).

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/10/20 10:50:50

Made in us
Most Glorious Grey Seer

Everett, WA

I like the new buggies and terrain pieces. I'm slightly saddened that we only get the two buggies, mostly because I've already got enough bikes. Can always use more, I guess.

Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

Anyone seen they kommandos are completely gone from the gw website??
Made in us
Last Remaining Whole C'Tan

Pleasant Valley, Iowa

At $150(?) USD, Speed Freeks is going to be a hard pass for me. I already have 9 bikes and don't want more, and while I do love the buggies, I'm damn sure not paying $75 each for them, functionally.

I think it's impossible that individual sprues won't be up pretty soon though, the way that Kill Team Commanders are. If the Buggies are $25ish I will definitely get a few.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/10/20 10:42:40

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Respect to the guy who subscribed just to post a massive ASCII dong in the chat and immediately get banned.

 Flinty wrote:
The benefit of slate is that its.actually a.rock with rock like properties. The downside is that it's a rock
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Rogerio134134 wrote:
Anyone seen they kommandos are completely gone from the gw website??

Yes, likely due to Kill Team popularity. I wouldn’t get excited.

"The Omnissiah is my Moderati" 
Made in gb
Nasty Nob

 Nostromodamus wrote:
Rogerio134134 wrote:
Anyone seen they kommandos are completely gone from the gw website??

Yes, likely due to Kill Team popularity. I wouldn’t get excited.

They aren't just out of stock, they aren't on the website at all.

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


It'll be a reboxing with the 32mm bases, new art & instructions (well maybe a photoshop of the original)

and the reason they've dropped off the site, a new barcode

Made in nl
Blood-Drenched Death Company Marine

The Netherlands

Although if it's removed for the larger bases, why isn't the other Ork infantry that's currently on 25mm bases?

Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

That is one expensive box. I'll find a way to get the terrain separately.

Those buggies are on a single sprue with zero options (wouldn't want them evil 3rd parties making bitz now, would we?). They're going to price them as much as a Death Guard Plague Mortar thingy (whatever it's obnoxious Adjective Nounverb name is... I can't remember) aren't they?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/10/20 11:55:34

Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

Made in us
Mekboy Hammerin' Somethin'


It's nice that previews of Speed Freeks are starting to show up on YouTube channels.

2+ Tough has one with assembled models, which is good for getting a size reference:

I like the looks of the model, but at that size if it is much more than $50 I'm going to be really disappointed. It looks more like a $30 model to me, but then again so do Mek Gunz and they're closer to $50.

On the other hand the game actually looks like it might be something valuable and not just a couple sheets of thin cardboard to be tossed in the trash. That could be why the box is so expensive, because GW is putting a higher value on the game than usual.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/10/20 12:07:32

Made in gb
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon


 mrshl9898 wrote:
Up on Aus GW. 250 dollaridoos, zog off.

Ouch. GW must think you are all rich or something. Or you are paying a ton on importing.

Also Wow preorders are up. Lots of pretty pictures, but I probably won't get it.

Made in us
Battlewagon Driver with Charged Engine

Okay so I'm looking at Strikingscorpions unboxing of Speed Freeks for some clues of the other buggies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxUu5KuOiRc

At 13.40 he starts to pick up the datasheets (for the speed freeks game, but the weapons should be the same names at least)

So the Megatrakk Skrapjet has an ability that says Supercharger
"Once per battle, when this model is picked to move you can declare it to activate its supercharger. When you do so, you can reroll 1 speedin' dice for this model this round" Who knows if this will make it into 40k and what that would do? Hopefully not just reroll advance rolls.

It also has:
- A Rokkit Kannon (we knew that)
- Twin big shootas
- Rear twin big shoota (facing matters in that game, but in 40k it'll probably just be 2x twin big shootas then)
- Wing missiles (In speed freeks they're the exact same stats as a rokkit launcha, except you don't get to reroll 1 failed attack roll with the missiles)

We already know all the guns for the Boomdakka Snazzwagon but it also has the supercharger ability (same as above), It has a Reinforced Ram "You can reroll 1 dice for the other model when this model rams and the collision point is in this models front arc" Maybe that translates into something in 40k?
It also has Watch Dis! "If this model has a burnin'! damage card, subtract 1 from its drivin' tests (instead of adding 1)" Who knows if this'll translate?

The Deffkilla Watrike we already know all the guns for but it has a few abilities.
It has the Rokkit Engine "Once per battle, when this modeil is picked to move, you can declare it to fire its rokkit engine. When you do so, you can reroll any of the speedin' dice for this model this round. For each [star,explosion symbol??] result after any rerolls have been made, draw a damage card for this model" So it seems like a more high risk, high reward supercharger ability

Wheel Scythes "You can reroll 1 dice for the other model if the collision point of a ram is in this models side arc"

It also has two more abilities that I can't quite make out what they do. They're named Snagga Klaw, which I think says "In the Fightin' phase, draw a damage card for the target if any attack rolls of [ligthning symbol] are rolled for this [can't see] rolling any defence dice for the target"

And it has an ability called Fuel Mixa or something like that. I literally can't tell

Anyways, better this tiny nugget of info rather than nothing I suppose

Edit: The last ability is Fuel Mixa Grot. I still can't tell what it says but it's some sort of Once per battle ability

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/10/20 13:29:53

Made in jp
Longtime Dakkanaut

The board is surprisingly big, essentially two Killteam boards stuck together with a bit of room to spare. The Japanese language version of the game has already sold out so I guess it will be popular here at least.
Made in au
Dakka Veteran


 mrshl9898 wrote:
Up on Aus GW. 250 dollaridoos, zog off.

Ridiculous. I wont be paying $125 for a single buggy.
I really hope that the ridiculous price point isn't ignored when the kit doesn't sell as well as they hoped.

"Orks dont sell" may be the first thing said in a board meeting

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/10/20 12:34:59

Made in us
Haemonculi Flesh Apprentice

Now we know why those are on a base, from the underside you can see they saved money making it very unfinished and hollow in most spots (which is fine since you won't see it on the base provided). It would be like a rhino being completely hollow underneath lol. Not sure how I feel about that. If the models are going to be unfinished all around they certainly need to cost way less.

I am betting it is specifically those two buggies though since they needed less sprues for the boxed game. Also makes sense why they are exclusive to the game now.

Made in gb
Nasty Nob


It simply doesn't feel good value to me at £90, or £72 plus shipping (£77) from your favourite online discounter. I'm not a massive fan of the scenery, and the game maybe fun,but it'll be short lived in my local game club.

I'm holding on until the codex drops before I decide to put any cash towards this. I like the buggies, but at that price, warbikes and buggies need to be solid, viable units.
Here's hoping they're releasing these buggies later on, or some sort of speedfreeks getting started kit.

"All their ferocity was turned outwards, against enemies of the State, foreigners, traitors, saboteurs, thought-criminals" - Orwell, 1984 
Made in jp
Regular Dakkanaut

Pretty expensive if interesting content.

By the way, boyz are sold-out (getting the 32mm bases treatment) but Kommnados
are no way to be found on the on-line store.
May be one can guess.

I can't believe we are keeping these crappy tankbustas.

Eldar aspect warriors are old, but at least they
are looking good (in my humble opinion).

Tankbustas... will remain boyz with rokkit and helmets as far as I am concerned.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/10/20 13:40:12

Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Re: Price. If you guys pass, maybe write GW a quick mail/letter explaining why. Can't hurt.

Re: Kommandoz. It's repacking. They literally sent me an automated notification that the "direct only" AoS Ironblaster was available again with a link that led to a 405 message. Wasn't listed online anymore instead of the currently unavailable feom before the message. Mailed them, "oh, sorry, that product is not available anymore". A month or so later I bought the reboxed and re-"released" Irobblaster with discount from an online store instead of GW direct.

Re: The game. Might be a fun little X-Wing of sorts with stupidly huge minis The datasheets for all new buggies, upgrades and campaigns are included, right? I wonder what is left for WD articles, then. I don't think they won't ever mention it again, so, maybe rules for the trusty old truck and Warwagon?

Looking for a Skaven Doomwheel banner to repair my Nurgle knights.  
Made in us
Mekboy Hammerin' Somethin'


I think the Tankbustas look fine. I'd rather have plastic ones than finecast, but I don't think the sculpts are bad.

Made in us
Lieutenant General

Florence, KY

 Dakka Flakka Flame wrote:
I think the Tankbustas look fine. I'd rather have plastic ones than finecast, but I don't think the sculpts are bad.

The Nob looks a little off, but the rest are fine.

'It is a source of constant consternation that my opponents
cannot correlate their innate inferiority with their inevitable
defeat. It would seem that stupidity is as eternal as war.'

- Nemesor Zahndrekh of the Sautekh Dynasty
Overlord of the Crownworld of Gidrim
Made in fi
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

 Ouze wrote:
At $150(?) USD, Speed Freeks is going to be a hard pass for me. I already have 9 bikes and don't want more, and while I do love the buggies, I'm damn sure not paying $75 each for them, functionally.

I think it's impossible that individual sprues won't be up pretty soon though, the way that Kill Team Commanders are. If the Buggies are $25ish I will definitely get a few.

25? More like 40-50

2024 painted/bought: 109/109 
Made in au
Ork-Hunting Inquisitorial Xenokiller

I was looking for a new 40k army, Orks where gunna be it but idk with pricing now? Let's look at speed freaks... is the most expensive start off or one off army game since AT (granted is $250AU over $240AU on average only $10 more). But what does that bode for all prices when they repackage models? I would tissue over pennies but Idk see what comes on next few weeks then will see if a waaaaaagh is in order or not

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/10/20 14:18:12

14k Generic Space Marine Chapters
20k Deathwatch
10k Sisters of Battle
3k Inquisition
4k Grey Knights
5k Imperial Guard
4k Harlequins
8k Tau

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

tneva82 wrote:
 Ouze wrote:
At $150(?) USD, Speed Freeks is going to be a hard pass for me. I already have 9 bikes and don't want more, and while I do love the buggies, I'm damn sure not paying $75 each for them, functionally.

I think it's impossible that individual sprues won't be up pretty soon though, the way that Kill Team Commanders are. If the Buggies are $25ish I will definitely get a few.

25? More like 40-50

Leman Russ price band would be my guess.

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in us
Nasty Nob


ERJAK wrote:

The fluff is like ketchup and mustard on a burger. Yes it's desirable, yes it makes things better, but no it doesn't fundamentally change what you're eating and no you shouldn't just drown the whole meal in it.

Made in au
Ork-Hunting Inquisitorial Xenokiller

I'll totally be Waaaaaah them if they are reasonable or in line with everything else 40k, if they are inflated, I will be like Waaa.......sry wrong forum. I will just put more to savings AAAH< savings.

14k Generic Space Marine Chapters
20k Deathwatch
10k Sisters of Battle
3k Inquisition
4k Grey Knights
5k Imperial Guard
4k Harlequins
8k Tau

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