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Dakka Painting Challenge Round 99 May 23: Mistakes Were Made  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in ca
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!

Soviet Kanukistan

And done...

Model: Tabbybrook Mage
Range: Super Dungeon Explore
Maker: Ninja Division

To expand on the levels of mistakes made - I backed the original Super Dungeon Explore and the Forgotten King back when they first launched.
I only just opened my Forgotten King box (circa 2017). My launch SDE box is unopened.



Made in de
Shrieking Guardian Jetbiker

So cute!! I remember being super hyped about Relic Knights and Soda Pop stuff in general but had neither the money nor the time to get into it then, otherwise I guess I'd also be sitting on unopened game boxes or agonizing about failed Kickstarters ...

~~~ I Love The Power Glove. It's So Bad. ~~~ 
Made in us
Incorporating Wet-Blending


These guys have been finished for a few days, but it took a while to get some decent photos. I guess I made some mistakes in my phone's camera settings:

Now showing the Kalyshi team for Dreadball, and WIP on a Strider for Deadzone!

Painting total as of 5/6/2024: 49 plus a set of modular spaceship terrain

Painting total for 2023: 79 plus 28 Battlemechs and a Dragon-Balrog

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

YouWasShock, JoshinJapan and Keezus … I am in awe of your work! You’re certainly motivating me to keep this all up! Of course I love all the paint jobs I see here and this competition is becoming a highlight of my month very quickly…

To digress, I had the exact same situation as Josh here… been done a few days but getting the pictures to where I was happy has taken some fiddling… I currently use a combo of mobile phone, black felt and my hobby light (then PhotoRoom for a black background). Seem to have gotten a fair result with that combination sooooo….

Here is a hapless peasant experiencing the joys of being transformed from sentient being to mathematical paradox. I’m telling you, taking that risky trip a mile too far in search of just one more cabbage is never worth it:

[Thumb - 091471E7-713A-422F-AA90-BD601E52D87F.jpeg]

[Thumb - DF1CDC98-7348-41C5-A8EC-7904EE4ED996.jpeg]

[Thumb - 28C181AD-DF09-4810-A088-94AB8CE18207.jpeg]

[Thumb - 706E0956-EF39-4C55-B131-62339F5EB198.jpeg]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/05/29 19:36:06

Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

Wheeeee. Mistake was not too big and managed to finish my entry. 5 Clan omnimechs. New toy this time around is the fake snow basing (which you can only see in the close ups…)

Stole the marking scheme from British army armoured regiments. This lot will eventually be broken up between a medium star (square) and a strategic command star (diamond).

And this one is just comparing latest Madcat with previous Madcat

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/05/29 22:04:18

Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
51st Dunedinw2;d0;l0
Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 
Made in us
Grumpy Longbeard

 Nevelon wrote:
 Mothsniper wrote:
I'll jump in while I am home and have a free day.

Closest models I have on hand are these 2 guys. they are primed and dry-brushed. If it is ok, I'll submit these as Proofs, If not then I'll pass this round.

You are fine, Still basically blank.

Alright then! quick and dirty.
Tamclar the Shorn is a beardless dwarf, returns with vengeance after his mate somehow caused his beard to vanish!

Made in gb
Liberated Grot Land Raida

Northern Ireland

Bazalcrut the Sharpshooter


Bit of a rush job but glad to be getting this posted in on time.

What a delightful sculpt by Kevin “Goblinmaster” Adams which found its way to me courtesy of Warmonger Miniatures, and I think you’ll agree very on-theme.

That’s a 40mm base btw. He’s a bigg’un.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/05/31 17:56:04

Made in us
Stabbin' Skarboy

So many mind-blowing entries already!

Here's mine. This fella's whole life has been a litany of mistakes, the latest of which is believing his trusty shotgun is all he needs to take on the Imperium's finest while mistakenly believing that "Saviors from the Stars" will lead him to paradise.

All Orks, All Da Zoggin' TIme. 'Cause Da Rest of You Gitz is Just Muckin' About, Waitin' ta Get Krumped.
My Painting Blog: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/689629.page  
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

So much cool stuff being posted! I need to kick myself into gear and get my last two models finished..
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Mistakes were made... and now the doctor will see you.

Finished pictures of my IW 30k Primus Medicae (apparently minus any apothecary markings), but I guess using a chainfist as a reductor is very Iron Warrior thing to do.

Proof pic also:
Made in us
Storm Trooper with Maglight

Lots of good stuff being posted! Just finished the last coat of varnish about 5 minutes ago, so once it has some time to cure I'll take some photos. Should at least still be May in my time zone at that point.
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Generally I close these over breakfast on the 1st of the month, so about 24 hours to go. Unless someone needs an extension.

But time to wrap things up and grab pics!

Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

 Nevelon wrote:
Generally I close these over breakfast on the 1st of the month, so about 24 hours to go. Unless someone needs an extension.

But time to wrap things up and grab pics!

*sigh* yeah, I need an extension. I've unexpectedly lost today for painting due to work and I still need to do basing and decals and a few extra bits and pieces. Sorry Nev, sorry everyone...
Made in us
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran

Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra

Mistakes were indeed made.

"Hey guys? I think we wandered into the wrong neighborhood!"

"Calgar hates Tyranids."

Your #1 Fan  
Made in ca
Buttons Should Be Brass, Not Gold!

Soviet Kanukistan

 Pariah Press wrote:
Mistakes were indeed made.


"Hey guys? I think we wandered into the wrong neighborhood!"

Oh nice...! I like.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/05/31 17:48:44

Made in gb
Executing Exarch

London, UK

My entry, albeit late! Final photos tonight

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Here is my entry for the month. If your quest for daemonhood ends up like this, you're going to question some of your life choices..

Cant remember if I added a proof pic to the thread earlier or not

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/05/31 21:12:08

Made in de
Shrieking Guardian Jetbiker

Umm so about this extension CancelledApocalypse mentioned, I came up with an idea for another little detail to complete the scene (see new proper proof below) and while I managed to finish painting both I still have to do proper photos once the sun comes up tomorrow morning (CET) ... sorry ...


~~~ I Love The Power Glove. It's So Bad. ~~~ 
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

That’s fine, take your time guys.we’ll go an extra day and see where we are at.

Made in us
Storm Trooper with Maglight

Ok, photos are done and the varnish is dried! I seem to have been a bit hasty in the final coat of the matte varnish on a bit or two, looks like I'll need to touch up the missiles a tiny bit down the line as well as the base rims. Luckily the slop on the basing material itself looks enough like the snow that it looks intentional At least those little mistakes are on brand for the month's theme.


Like I said, just a tabletop paint job, but I'm very happy with it overall. First fully painted thing of the year.
Made in gb
Mekboy Hammerin' Somethin'


 Nevelon wrote:
That’s fine, take your time guys.we’ll go an extra day and see where we are at.

Got back from my work trip a few days ago, was away for most of the month. I've put the paintbrush down now and will get the photos up tomorrow evening

Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Proof pic if I've forgot:

Didn't really make time for better pics, or even the other two models, so finals:

Made in gb
Executing Exarch

London, UK

 Tyranid Horde wrote:
My entry, albeit late! Final photos tonight


Actually managed to crank this guy out in a day so paintbrush also down for me. Photos tonight. Thanks Nev for the extension!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/06/01 07:49:49

Made in de
Shrieking Guardian Jetbiker

So, mistakes were made, but which and by whom?
Was it the Squat turning up to a bonesword fight with a flashlight?
Was it GW briefing their designers to sculpt the OG plastic Tyranids as something like a reptile but also a bug and also do you know this artist, Giger?
Was it GW squatting the Squats only to have to unsquat them literally decades later?
Is it me, sticking to this silly hobby since OG Squats were actually a thing?

Actually, all of those are wrong! The mistake is the Tyranid thinking that this is easy prey just a second before the Squat's las projectile pierces through it's unprotected, pulsing innards. The Squat soon recovered from the irritating flesh wound and lived on to become an important member and beloved elder of a peaceful mining community.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/06/01 11:41:39

~~~ I Love The Power Glove. It's So Bad. ~~~ 
Made in gb
Executing Exarch

London, UK

Finished with photos, not sure if I like the blue pouch anymore but here we are:

Mistakes Were Made - Killaboss

Made in gb
Mekboy Hammerin' Somethin'


Heres my final pics

Its been a busy month being away and im not as far forward on the build for the 100th as i would have wanted but I think these guys are pretty cool, its defiantly a mistake to mix Orks and Nids in a massive fight, who knows what you might end up with

Ork Stormboyz Gargoyles Conversion (Stormgoyles?

Made in us
Speed Drybrushing

Colorado, USA

Oh, where do I start with the mistakes that were made here . . .

(Spoiler links contain no vulvas)

This rant is spoilered just because of its length. I'll keep a running tally of the total mistakes made.

The first mistake would be GW's by making another stand alone board game with a bunch of minis, as if anyone needed that (1). But, the second would be the general nerd populace gulping it up (2). GW didn't make enough copies so the on hand sets quickly sold out (3), prompting GW to have to make more. There was, however, some sort of calamity involving potentially lost sculpts (4), and transportation issues (5) due to the pandemic (6), and so it took a while to get the next wave of the game ready for sale. Enter me. I spent quite a while looking on ebay and salivating at the cool minis in Cursed City. I almost bought one for nearly double retail. But fortunately, I didn't (avoided mistake number 7). Then they released another wave and I bought it! (Mistake #7 catches up) Did I need another stand alone game? No (8). Am I ever going to play it? Probably not! (9) I get together with some buddies once a month if I'm lucky, but I generally make it to once every two or three months (10?11?). We mostly play 40k and Boarding Action or Killteam. So, not much call for a niche, stand alone fantasy game. At this point I've had it sitting on my desk in various forms for over a year (12).
I wanted to paint the heroes kind of like the pieces from the board game Clue. I'd take the main color of those characters and use each as the main color in the character minis. Capital Idea! Except, there are two more CC heroes than there are Clue characters (13) and who the thought yellow was a good color to choose? (14). P.S. - The "Colonel Mustard" figure didn't get included because I dropped him and he flew apart into all of his pieces(15). I had to spend the last hobby day I had finding and glueing him back together, rather than finishing him.

So, why not paint one of the Cursed City characters for this competition?(16) It's not like I have over 60 models for my main 40k army to still finish. Plus tanks and dreadnoughts (17). Or 30-40 units to convert for my secondary army (18) not to mention just painting all the battle suits that I have primed. (19) Or, even finishing the Skaven army I have never played with (20, 21?) No, let's jump in! And while we're at it, why not try several new painting techniques I've never done before! Like a glass bottle containing liquid (22) or NMM techniques using TMM paints! (23). Contrast paints to flavor metallics? Sure! (24). Wet blending skin? Why not! (25) Glazing? We've come this far! (26).

{I won't go into all of the mistakes in the dwarf who didn't make it, but they do include more glass bottles (27), realizing the "glass" had rivets (28), covering up the glass paint with metal (29), deciding to scrape the rivets off with a knife (30), and stripping and painting the glass again(31).}

In the story of the game itself, this guy seems like a mistake. He is Brutogg Corpse-Eater, a flesh hungry ogre who is a member of the party in order to fight and eat vampires. (32) Who thought that was a good idea? If you don't get enough kills, where do you think this blood-thirsty one-man-walking-massacre is going to turn for fresh meat?

Then, the pictures I took didn't turn out as good as the wip photos I took previously (33). And I forgot to take a proof photo (34). Fortunately, one of the photos I took at the end of last month for the LoER Competition had a black-primed Brutogg in the background. (-1?)

Anyway here are the pictures.


Side with some of the metals:

Back with a bunch of the little crap on his belt.

First try at a glass jar:

The skin on his arm turned out good.

And a spoilered proof (sort of):

Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

Here's my entry:

Had a bit of a nightmare with my decals, but they're finally done. They're members of an astartes contingent on board a dauntless light cruiser sent out as a PR stunt prior to the events of the Horus Heresy. They call themselves 'the Circle' and there is one representative from each of the eighteen legions. The idea was to show all of the legions working together on a long term mission (sort of like a proto-deathwatch). Unfortunately, things quickly went wrong after a bad reversion to realspace from the warp left them without a navigator and they found themselves adrift in hostile space, attempting to survive and discover what went wrong. They must also keep the circle from breaking, as the foibles, secrets and flaws of each legion begin to come to the fore.

This is a modelling and writing project I started about three years ago. When I began writing the story, I thought it would be fun to kitbash the characters I was writing, so I picked up a box of mk3 and mk4 marines, assorted bits and put them together. Three years later, I've finally finished painting the first batch of characters...

Also attached is a proof for the Raven Guard as I haven't posted one for him, yet.
[Thumb - IMG_20190808_183241.jpg]

Made in jp
Incorporating Wet-Blending


Great Caesar's Ghost! Everyone is really upping their games this time around!

Now showing the Kalyshi team for Dreadball, and WIP on a Strider for Deadzone!

Painting total as of 5/6/2024: 49 plus a set of modular spaceship terrain

Painting total for 2023: 79 plus 28 Battlemechs and a Dragon-Balrog

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

OK, forgot to formally close this one after the extension, but we should be done at this point.

Vote thread is up:

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