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Here we go again... Tomb Blade(r)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

Nice plasma generator Dysartes.



Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

@gobert - Thanks gobert. These weren't helped by me remembering them as being in a different box for a couple of months.

@Olthannon - Thanks Olthannon. They're definitely a contrast to the green units I've put out before now.

@Captain Brown - Why, thank you, Cap'n. And thank you for tipping us over onto page 7

+ + +

I've been meaning to do a Sickly Pallor of Decay (SPoD) Plaguebearer unit ever since I completed a SPoD Poxbringer back in 2019, and followed it up with a SPoD Sloppity Bilepiper last year. There are also SPoD Nurglings on each base I've painted.

It's a fun variant colour scheme, just so my Daemons aren't a sea of green. I may well add a second unit in this scheme at some stage, as I know I've got more Plaguebearers kicking around somewhere, awaiting build and paint.

I'd've finished this unit sooner, but for two things - one, I was away for a week towards the end of July, and secondly I've been working with a friend of mine on starting a podcast. We've got 4 episodes in the can now (subject to editing), so we're hoping to launch soon. Mainly problem we've found so far, though, is sticking to an intended duration - but I guess that just means they'll make good background for painting sessions

What's up next? Well, I think I'm going to continue with "finishing off WIP stuff" while I decide what to build next. That means I'm looking at four options - finish the Haemotrope Reactor (2024); work up the two ruins from the 9th edition Command Starter (2022); finish the Thunderer (2022); finish the 5 BA Assault Intercessors & BA Bladeguard Lieutenant (2023). Not currently sure which.

In terms of building, I've got one more Plasma Generatorium to build; the Generatorum Hub to build; 10 more Necron Warriors to build; and 3 Tomb Blades to build, all as immediate options. Building the third PG is almost certainly going to happen this time round, as it is a simple build I can do while watching a Twitch stream. I should probably build my first unit of Tomb Blades, too, as I haven't got any of them in my Necrons yet. Probably the Gauss build for the first three.

HR - Haemotrope Reactor
PB - Plaguebearers
PG - Plasma Generatorium
+ + +
PB - Basecoated the bases with P3 Cryx Bane Highlight (twice)
PG - Built the first Plasma Generatorium
HR - Picked out three large elbow pipes on the rear of the Reactor with Brass Scorpion.
PB - Drybrushed the bases with P3 Trollblood Highlight
PB - Drybrushed the bases with P3 Sickly Skin
PB - Picked out the bricks on the bases with Khorne Red
PB - Shaded the bases with Agrax Earthshade
PB - Picked out the hair of the severed heads carried by the champion with Black Templar
PB - Painted the edge rims with Abaddon Black (twice)
PB - Went over the maggots on one base, and the severed heads in the Champion's hand, with Reikland Fleshshade
PB - Went over the maggots with Seraphim Sepia
PB - Went over the skin on the severed heads with Athonian Camoshade.
PB - Picked out the standard's woodwork with Wyldwood.
PB - Realised there was a severed head on the standard, so went back and picked out the hair with Black Templar, then the flesh with Reiklad Fleshshade and Athonian Camoshade.
PB - Basecoated all swords & banner top with AP Speedpaint Talos Bronze. I swear this is more of a copper than what I was aiming for, but it'll do, Donkey.
PG - Built a second Plasma Generatorium
PB - Touched up the undercoat with Grey Seer
PB - Picked out leather strapping on standard & musician's pipes with Snakebite Leather.
PB - Went over the rest of the musician's instrument with Skeleton Horde
PB - Agrax'd all the Talos Bronze, to take down the shine a bit and add deeper shadows to the recesses.
PB - Basecoated the skin with a 1:2 mix of Fenrisian Blue & Lahmian Medium.
PB - Shaded the skin with a 1:2 mix of Druchii Violet & Lahmian Medium.
PB - Shaded specific wounds with neat Druchii Violet.
PB - Went back and re-basecoated some bits with Grey Seer.
PB - Went over any teeth with Skeleton Horde
PB - Picked out Fly Guy's tongue and that one dude's belly maggots with Reikland Fleshshade
PB - Leadbelcher'd a couple of rings on the standard
HR - Picked out some of the elements on the rim of the reactor with Warplock Bronze.
PB - Went over Fly Guy's tongue and that one dude's belly maggots with Seraphim Sepia
PB - Went over all the horns and claws with Black Templar.
Insert 1 week gap here...
PB - Realised I wasn't keen on how the horns looked like that, so went over them again with Grey Seer.
PB - Went over all the horns with Reikland Fleshshade
PB - Went over the horns with Athonian Camoshade, twice.
PB - Shaded the eyesockets on everyone bar Fly Guy with Druchii Violet
PB - Picked out Fly Guy's eyes with Incubi Darkness
PB - Picked out everyone else's eyes with Ulthuan Grey
PB - Tactically applied Nihilakh Oxide to weapons & banner top


Sickly Pallor of Decay Plaguebearers

I should probably go back and add some Ulthuan Grey highlights to various points on the skin at some stage, but these guys are ready for the table at the moment.

Talos Bronze worked well for a metallic paint over a white basecoat, but I wouldn't describe it as a bronze - it looks far more like copper to me. Still, a dash of Agrax and some Nihilakh Oxide got things closer to how I wanted them to look.

2024 Points Log (MFM v1.11, 22/06/24)
Chaos Daemons
- 3 bases of Nurglings - 40pts
- 5 Flesh Hounds - 70pts
- Karanak, Hound of Vengeance - 65pts
- 10 Plaguebearers - 110pts
- 5 Necron Warriors with Gauss Flayers - 50pts
- 3 Canoptek Scarab Swarms - 40pts
Total: 375pts

- 2 Thermic Plasma Regulators - 0pts

27 models painted, and I'm only at 375 points? Damn.

2021-4 Plog - Here we go again... - my fifth attempt at a Dakka PLOG

My Pile of Potential - updates ongoing...

Gamgee on Tau Players wrote:we all kill cats and sell our own families to the devil and eat live puppies.

 Kanluwen wrote:
This is, emphatically, why I will continue suggesting nuking Guard and starting over again. It's a legacy army that needs to be rebooted with a new focal point.

Confirmation of why no-one should listen to Kanluwen when it comes to the IG - he doesn't want the IG, he want's Kan's New Model Army...

tneva82 wrote:
You aren't even trying ty pretend for honest arqument. Open bad faith trolling.
- No reason to keep this here, unless people want to use it for something... 
Made in ca
Powerful Spawning Champion

There is not this idea.

That's a really good color scheme for those bearers of the plagues.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Mostly, on my phone.

Papa's is a very inclusive church, and he absolutely approves of purple pustules Papa Bless!

Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."

Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven.  
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Lovely (probably not the right word) plague bearers. Good to get a bit of diversity in Papa’s minions, he does not car who or what he touches!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

@toasteroven - Thanks. It is one that I originally saw on a Warhammer YT painting video, so I'm not taking credit for it, but I do like the look

@inmygravenimage - Cheers graven. When it comes to Grandfather, a pustule is a pustule.

@gobert - Thanks gobert. In theory, you could probably do a Nurgle army where each unit is painted for a different form of disease or necrosis, but would it look good on the table?

+ + +

I had an idea what I was going to get finished next, and this definitely wasn't it. Still, progress is progress. Couldn't really get any traction with painting the Reactor or the Marines, but once these Tomb Blades were built, it was pretty simple to roll through into basing & undercoating them, then getting them painted.

I definitely want a word with whoever designed the Tomb Blade kit - both the Gauss Blasters and Shield Vanes would really benefit from a better way of attaching them, which is why the alignments on the three I've built might not be perfect.

Might try and do another post in a week or so, just showing off the "active" WIP models that are on the go, assuming I've not finished any of them by then.

AI - Assault Intercessors
BGL - Bladeguard Lieutenant
GH - Generatorum Hub
HR - Haemotrope Reactor
PG - Plasma Generatorium
TB - Tomb Blades
+ + +
PG - Built the third Plasma Generatorium
BGL - Second coat of Mephiston Red on everything that will be red
GH - Built the Generatorum Hub
TB - Constructed 3 Tomb Blades with twin Gauss Blasters
HR - Went over the "faceplate" side of the large skull with two coats of Black Templar
HR - Decided I'd split the panel behind Big Skull as well, so went over the other half of that with two coats of Black Templar
HR - Basecoated the other halves of the Big Skull and backplate with Celestia Grey (twice)
HR - Went over the Celestra Grey with thinned Ulthuan Grey
TB - Built the bases for the Tomb Blades.
TB - Undercoated the bases for the Tomb Blades.
TB - Painted the bases for the Tomb Blades.
TB - Undercoated the Tomb Blades with Leadbelcher
TB - Drybrushed the Tomb Blades with VMA Chrome
TB - Basecoated the ankh symbols and recessed script with VMA Chrome
TB - Went over those areas with Seraphim Sepia (twice)
TB - Shaded three sets of ribbed cables on each Tomb Blade with Nuln Oil
TB - Used Black Templar on the spine above the Tomb Blade riders, as well as various recesses & the riders' spines.
TB - Deployed the Nuln Oil in the joints on the Tomb Blade pilots, as well as the areas of the Gauss Blasters needed to keep them in line with my existing Immortals.
TB - Black Templar'd the Gauss Blaster housings.
TB - Blocked in the pilots' shoulder pads with Leviadon Blue
TB - Went over the rest of the armour on the pilots with Aethermatic Blue
TB - [Insert series of steps as I work in Nuln Oil, Black Templar, Leviadon Blue & Aethermatic Blue on various bits of the tomb Blades]
TB - Went over the arguably-black-rock bits in the guns and sensors with Incubi Darkness.
TB - Picked out anything that's meant to be glowy with VMA Chrome. Also rebasecoated the panels on the... stabilisers(?) with Chrome, as I wasn't happy with how the Aethermatic Blue looked there.
TB - Picked out cables with Caliban Green.
TB - Went over all the glowy bits with Tesseract Glow.
TB - Went over the Chrome on the stabilisers with Aethermatic Blue.
TB - Highlighted the cables with Warpstone Glow


Necron Tomb Blades

2024 Points Log (MFM v1.12, 21/08/24)
Chaos Daemons
- 3 bases of Nurglings - 40pts
- 5 Flesh Hounds - 70pts
- Karanak, Hound of Vengeance - 65pts
- 10 Plaguebearers - 110pts
- 5 Necron Warriors with Gauss Flayers - 50pts
- 3 Canoptek Scarab Swarms - 40pts
- 3 Tomb Blades with twin-linked Gauss Blasters - 75pts
Total: 450pts

- 2 Thermic Plasma Regulators - 0pts

2021-4 Plog - Here we go again... - my fifth attempt at a Dakka PLOG

My Pile of Potential - updates ongoing...

Gamgee on Tau Players wrote:we all kill cats and sell our own families to the devil and eat live puppies.

 Kanluwen wrote:
This is, emphatically, why I will continue suggesting nuking Guard and starting over again. It's a legacy army that needs to be rebooted with a new focal point.

Confirmation of why no-one should listen to Kanluwen when it comes to the IG - he doesn't want the IG, he want's Kan's New Model Army...

tneva82 wrote:
You aren't even trying ty pretend for honest arqument. Open bad faith trolling.
- No reason to keep this here, unless people want to use it for something... 
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

 Dysartes wrote:

@gobert - Thanks gobert. In theory, you could probably do a Nurgle army where each unit is painted for a different form of disease or necrosis, but would it look good on the table?

There’s only one way to find out! Might make it easier to tell the difference between units, I think tzurks geometric daemons did that iirc.

Love how the tomb blades turned out, and I could not agree more about how much of a pita they are to assemble… and how easy they are to break! They do look cool though

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Nice tomb blades. I love the look of these models and your subtle blue paint scheme works very well with them.

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