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Made in ca
Poisonous Kroot Headhunter

Just wanted to do a little lighthearted post that would make me smile.

Back when I was about 11 and fairly new to the hobby (almost 20 years ago now, yikes) my friend and I were playing a game against each other at our local GW. Us being rowdy 11 year old boys, there was lots of trash talk and the like, but all in good fun. However, when I rolled all 7 of my Terminators 5+ invul saves, my friend got so "mad" that he whapped me in the hand with his red GW measure stick. We had a good laugh about it, but a GW employee came over and told my friend that he would have to leave the store. I told him not to worry I didn't mind, but he said it was store policy, no violence of any kind. Since our folks weren't coming to pick us up for another few hours, I ended up playing another game with someone else at the store, while my friend make the silliest pouty faces he could from outside the store's glass windows for the next couple hours (where he could at least see the game we were playing to stay entertained).

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Blackclad Wayfarer


Scouts in 4th edition could double tap pistols if they stood still while shooting. I was hiding in trees and a squad of terminators teleported via deepstrike right near them.

I was a child playing a local guy that was twice my age easily and had a really nicely painted army

Scouts killed 5 Chaos Terminators

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2022/01/07 19:58:27

Made in ca
Poisonous Kroot Headhunter

 Stevefamine wrote:
Scouts in 4th edition could double tap pistols if they stood still while shooting. I was hiding in trees and a squad of terminators teleported via deepstrike right near them.

I was a child playing a local guy that was twice my age easily and had a really nicely painted army

Scouts killed 5 Chaos Terminators

Ohhh, I feel that one I certainly had a fair few terminators die to lasgun fire in the early days.

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Made in nz

Palmerston North

My funniest moment was not about wargaming, but it is about warhammer.

About 3 year ago when my Son was 5, we went into a GW and he was excited and said look Sigmarines. The staff guy said to him, we don't call them that, they are called Stormcast Eternals. I thought that was hilarious. It was very satirical.
Made in us
Gore-Soaked Lunatic Witchhunter

Superheavy explosion chain in late 7th. Back then when you killed a superheavy you scattered a blast marker from where it was, and the middle of the template was Destroyer-strength, so it could easily kill other things with the explosion, and if it killed another superheavy you kept going. I think a Knight fell over on a Baneblade, which blew up into a Macharius, which hit another Knight that killed most of a squad of Terminators with its explosion. Wildly improbable (though helped along by the fact that some of the vehicles were damaged) and very funny.

Runner-up is the dwarf in a game of Mordheim that got shot while standing near the edge of a very tall tower, failed his Initiative test and fell off, and because dwarves in Mordheim are very good at some things and very bad at others he just got knocked down by the injury and the dwarf player was mostly irritated that he'd have to work his way all the way back up the tower before he got his sniper post back.

Balanced Game: Noun. A game in which all options and choices are worth using.
Homebrew oldhammer project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/790996.page#10896267
Meridian: Necromunda-based 40k skirmish: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/795374.page 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

NE Ohio, USA

Back in 3rd we'd play big multi-player games - 3 or 4 people per side, total pts/side depending upon # of players. We'd use tables 12-18' long/4' across.
So if something terrible happened to one player it often wasn't game over for the rest.

So this one game we had it set up Xenos vs the Imperium. It's a few weeks after the witchhunter Codex had arrived. Most of my Tau Firewarriors are holding a ruined building down on the far left flank vs some Guard. The suits & tanks are elsewhere doing their own thing. And my Firewarriors are doing very well.
So the Grey Knight player decides he's going to help the Guard guy out a bit.
He deep strikes a full squad of GK termies dead-center into my firebase! ( a perfect fit unit wise & a perfect Deep strike roll) I figured "Well, at least he can't charge me this round." Though I was expecting him to lay into me with every bit of shooting he had.
Nope. He clean forgets to shoot.

My turn? I take full advantage of that error & that he couldn't charge me and every unit runs away shooting everything they into those termies.
Just imagine a huge cluster of Fw all running away in every direction screaming & shooting wildly....
Except for one poor squad of pulse rifles who no matter what they did would still get caught on his charge. So they stayed put. I figured if he went after them at least he'd be out of position to consolidate into anyone else...
Shooting (of wich there was ALOT) went quite well & termie after termie died (yes, even despite great saves). After all the dice were rolled there were only 3 termies left standing!
So that one squad who couldn't get away? I charged them into the GK terminators, flinging their photon grenades & swinging their rifles as clubs. I figured they were all dead anyways, but I might get 1 more GK.... (I mean, seriously, can you find a more lopsided fist fight than a full squad of FW vs 3 GK termies?? )

What happened next was more surprising than A) that GK squad not only making their Deep strike but fitting perfectly, B) not remembering to shoot.
Fantastic rolls on my end, abysmal rolls by the GK player.
Result: I killed all 3 of them and suffered ZERO casualties. Tau. In melee. Vs GK terminators.

The "WTF??" look on the GK players face was priceless.
Yes, he DID disrupt my nice defensive position. Wich allowed the Guard player to make some progress. But the attack did not turn out anywhere near what anyone - especially him - was expecting.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/01/08 08:06:33

Made in ca
Skink Chief with Poisoned Javelins


 AnomanderRake wrote:

Runner-up is the dwarf in a game of Mordheim that got shot while standing near the edge of a very tall tower, failed his Initiative test and fell off, and because dwarves in Mordheim are very good at some things and very bad at others he just got knocked down by the injury and the dwarf player was mostly irritated that he'd have to work his way all the way back up the tower before he got his sniper post back.

This one is pretty great. And fun just to imagine a really annoyed dwarf with an arrow sticking out of his beard, grumbling about having to climb the stairs again.
Made in ca
Poisonous Kroot Headhunter

ccs wrote:

What happened next was more surprising than A) that GK squad not only making their Deep strike but fitting perfectly, B) not remembering to shoot.
Fantastic rolls on my end, abysmal rolls by the GK player.
Result: I killed all 3 of them and suffered ZERO casualties. Tau. In melee. Vs GK terminators.

LoL, that's a good one. I love those little memories of completely improbable things. I have a guardsman who has now been given the name Chuck (after Chuck Norris.) here's how he got it:

I was paying against my friends Tau list and the game is VERY close. It's his turn 5 and after that the game is over. I'm on 1CP and he has 2 left. We do some math based on what's left, his only chance to win is to secure an objective that is on the far side of the table that I had already cleared out. His Coldstar is wrapped up in combat and can't make the trip, so his only choice is his Riptide with 2 wounds left, but he has to clear out a unit of 10 Guardsman in cover first. He uses Branched Nova Charge for 1 CP, taking him down to 1 Wound giving his Heavy Burst Cannon 18 shots then later to Boost and get in range. He rolls a bit below average and only kills 7 models. So, his only option left is to charge in, if he can kill at least 2, there's a good chance I fail morale and he gets the objective. I use my last CP to overwatch with my Meltagun and Lascannon, but don't hit. He rolls and knocks off two of the models he needs, leaving the lone Melta gunner to attack back with a single dice. He punches the Riptide and rolls a 5 to hit, then a 6 to wound. Riptide rolls a 1 on his save, then 1 again in his CP re-roll. At the end of the turn, Chuck fails his morale and walks off dramatically into the sunset having done his duty.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/01/11 17:09:34

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Made in gb
Rampaging Reaver Titan Princeps

Earlobe deep in doo doo

Silliest daemon world of coffee cups we couldn't be bothered to fetch terrain but the idea just makes me smile.

"But me no buts! Our comrades get hurt. Our friends die. Falkenburg is a knight who swore an oath to serve the church and to defend the weak. He'd be the first to tell you to stop puling and start planning. Because what we are doing-at risk to ourselves-is what we have sworn to do. The West relies on us. It is a risk we take with pride. It is an oath we honour. Even when some soft southern burgher mutters about us, we know the reason he sleeps soft and comfortable, why his wife is able to complain about the price of cabbages as her most serious problem and why his children dare to throw dung and yell "Knot" when we pass. It's because we are what we are. For all our faults we stand for law and light.
Von Gherens This Rough Magic Lackey, Flint & Freer
Mekagorkalicious -Monkeytroll
2017 Model Count-71
Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

This is as horrible as it is funny. I can't remember if this was tail end of Rogue Trader or during 2nd edition 40k, there was a rule with Ork Battlewagons where your vehicle could carry as many Orks in the tank as you could physically fit the models. The caveat to this was that if a miniature actually fell out of the vehicle then it counted as falling from a moving vehicle as per the rules - this meant if the vehicle was doing any sort of speed it was almost certain death.

There was a kid in the GW store during a gaming event mass battle that had taken this to an extreme, setting up his Orks (I'm not joking) in a pile that was probably over a foot tall. "Check this out guys" he said laughing as he picked up the tank to move it around the table. As he walked around the side, I never know to this day if he was tripped or tripped himself (there were a lot of people watching) but he went absolutely flying. The battlewagon went flying, all of the boyz in it went flying too - everywhere all over the store (it took everyone a while to find them!) Needless to say that was the end of the Ork attack down that flank.. although gamely as an Ork player from memory he still found it very funny (along with everyone that was watching and roaring with laughter!)

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

Made in us
Stabbin' Skarboy

Honestly, the funniest thing that happens consistently is stormboyz squads attacking aircraft. I don’t often find other players running planes, but when they do I make sure to shove as many stormboyz into combat with them as I can, I just love the image it makes in my mind of a whole “gremlin on the wing” type thing.

"Us Blood Axes hav lernt' a lot from da humies. How best ta kill 'em, fer example."
— Korporal Snagbrat of the Dreadblade Kommandos 
Made in gb
Mad Gyrocopter Pilot


I don't remember all the details now but years ago a friend of mine and I were playing a game of 6th edition Skaven versus Orcs and Goblins.

I don't think either of us really killed the enemy armies as everything that could go wrong did go wrong. My weapons teams and warp lightning cannon all caught explovid. His animosity fails were frankly chaotic. His shaman vanished into pieces. My grey seer did the same thing a turn later. It was totally absurd and extremely funny. In the end we called it a draw and decided to bury all the dice we used in the back garden so that they could never do that much damage again.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/01/11 18:39:57

One and a half feet in the hobby

My Painting Log of various minis:
# Olthannon's Oscillating Orchard of Opportunity #

Made in au
Noise Marine Terminator with Sonic Blaster


Back in the old 4th edition Warhammer Undead your-general-dies-so-do-all-your-units-without-heroes era, watching a Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower shoot the general off his monster resulting in 1200pts going poof in one go.

Ex-Mantic Rules Committees: Kings of War, Warpath
"The Emperor is obviously not a dictator, he's a couch."
Starbuck: "Why can't we use the starboard launch bays?"
Engineer: "Because it's a gift shop!" 
Made in us
Wicked Canoptek Wraith


Ok I actually have a really funny one but it requires a bit of setup.

--Background info--
This was during 5th edition at a GW store and I was running a large scale campaign for the store with rules I wrote up myself and crafted up a full galaxy map with planets and each planet was made out of the planetary tile set that they used to sell. During the campaign we had full rules for all the buildings from that set, including a resource mechanic that allowed you to purchase BFG fleets, fortifications, and single use stratagems to be used during the game (I guess we were a little ahead of the curve on those). The rules were 10-12 pages long and took me a couple months to write and balance test. And they were rules the store would be using for months so I wanted them to be good.

The campaign had multiple teams and each team was required to have 1 player with a BFG fleet. If your team wanted to land armies on a planet you had to move your fleets into orbit, battle an opposing fleet in a BFG Planetary assault mission (if another team had a fleet in orbit only), and depending on the outcome of that battle you would get either -500, -250, 0, +250, or +500 points for a 2k Planet Strike scenario mission from the expansion book. The outcome of that would determine if you got an army flag on that planet or not.

Flash forward to the middle of the campaign and my team wanted to put an army flag on a new planet. We play the BFG game, we win an extra 250 points, and then we go to setup the Planet Strike mission. The guy who I was going to play against, who we will call Rob, confirms with me per the Planet Strike rules he gets to setup all the terrain as the defender. I tell him yes as long as he doesn't use any fortifications that his team has not built as permanent structures or paid for as single use deployments. Rob then goes to his car and returns with these large plastic storage containers, and inside each is filled with home built terrain made out of that Styrofoam type material and very poorly painted. He makes several trips just piling up these storage containers against the wall. This is about the time I realized I made a mistake I would regret.

--Board setup--
Rob then starts out by removing all the battle board tiles and replacing it with these large styrofoam 2x2 tiles that attempted to resemble a torn up battle field. He unpacks a couple more boxes and proceeds to build this structure with 4 levels including the roof. This tower/abomination was about 2 feet tall and had about a 2x3ft table footprint. This was not made to look like a ruin but a massive tower with open floors and concrete columns holding them up. Inside the structure had plenty of defensive barriers and a single set of stairs between each floor that would force units to travel across an entire floor before preceding to the next. There was also no roof access to prevent infantry from climbing down (important later).

Rob places the tower on one of the short table edges to act as a short edge deployment mission giving him maximum time that an opposing army would have to cross the table. Around the tower is a full moat that crosses the entire table and the sides of the tower making it impassible to vehicles and huge movement penalties to infantry, a set of trenches, and barbed wire like fencing. At about the half way point the terrain ends to make sure that there is nothing protecting any opposing army units that would attempt to cross the table.

This entire setup takes Rob about 2 hours. I left and got lunch for most of this thankfully.

Rob then proceeds to setup his entire IG army as per Planet Strike rules with the tower as being the only objective. He fills all the entire thing except for the roof (important later) with infantry and maybe 8 tanks with more infantry in front of it but behind the all the other walls and fencing.

--Game Start--
So for those that didn't play during 5th edition Planetstrike, the attacker is allowed to deepstrike nearly any infantry unit in their army during the first turn. As the attacker is deploying from their orbiting ship you are allowed to deepstrike units that would normally not be able to and then walk your other units from the table edges. There were rules for all this but I don't remember them all and its not important.

I then take my Necron army, (and kudos to you if you just realized what is about to happen) and get ready to split off my deepstriking units.

As with all of my Planet Strike missions where I am the attacker, I put three 6 strong Wraith units into deepstrike. In 5th edition you had to DS on full scatter dice so I needed at least 1 to drop on target.

I roll the dice, get 2 hits and put two full wraith squads on the roof. Rob then proceeds to tell me there isn't any way to get to the lower floors as there aren't any ladders and he made the tower that way on purpose. I then proceed to tell him, doesn't matter as Wraiths have wraith flight and can move through impossible terrain without penalty, oh well sucks for you. I then multi-assault several units on the different floors and win the game in just ONE SINGLE TURN, taking less than 20 minutes. As none of his remaining units on the ground floor can see into the tower, he automatically lost. And tanks can't climb ladders.

I can't even remember the tirade that came after with how mad he was but it was hilarious and half the store was watching the nonsense unfold. After which the store manager pulled me aside and told me to make sure he never ever brought that terrain in his store again.

Guy brings in hideous homemade Styrofoam terrain full of impassible barriers in an attempt to game the system in a Planet strike mission during our store campaign. He takes 2 hours to set up the board and in 20 minutes I deepstrike wraith units and ignore said barriers and win the game.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/01/12 15:37:57

Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

Sounds to me that the guy with the stupid tower is an asshat who got exactly what he deserved. I would have just plain refused to play him if he wanted to game the system that hard.

Anyhoo, I have my own funny story. It happened back in 7th edition, not too long after Tau got their big update with all the new formations and units. I was running a Riptide wing and some other stuff (using borrowed Riptides as I didn't own any at that time) in a tournament game. My opponent was running a Necron list with a very dangerous deathstar unit of Lychguard and a bunch of characters with various stacking buffs that made it basically unkillable. One thing it included was a relic that allowed the whole unit to basically be picked up and deep strike anywhere on the board. I had first turn, and my shooting was mostly ineffective because of the insane durability of 7th edition Necrons (for those who don't know, Reanimation Protocols was basically a really strong ignore wounds mechanic back then). My opponent took his first turn, and at the end of his movement phase he popped his teleport relic to deep strike right behind my Riptides, knowing that I would have to break up my formation to escape (he had other units ready to pounce on me if I ran, too). He rolled the scatter and got an 11 and the arrow was pointing straight to the board edge, leading to a mishap. He proceeded to roll on the Deep Strike Mishap table, and got a 1. Entire unit destroyed. 800+ points of models just gone in one fatal mistake. My opponent immediately conceded the game as that was basically half his army destroyed. My gaming group still occasionally tease him about it to this day.

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~15000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: ~1900 | Imperial Knights: ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: ~1200 | Tyranids: ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 13 | Current main painting project: Dark Angels
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
Made in us
Wicked Canoptek Wraith


 ZergSmasher wrote:
Sounds to me that the guy with the stupid tower is an asshat who got exactly what he deserved. I would have just plain refused to play him if he wanted to game the system that hard.

Yeah, he really was being one that day. He wasn't usually that bad, just a bit too competitive and not a gracious loser. Not playing that game at all would have been the wiser decision but I wanted to be hard headed that day and teach him a lesson. Once I saw what he was doing, the idea just popped into my head and I figured I would show him just how much time he wasted on being an asshat and how completely pointless it was. At the very least, he never tried something that stupid ever again so it kind of worked.

Loved your story btw, nearly the exact same thing happened to me in 6th edition against a Dark Angels player. He only lost about 600 points though so he begrudgingly continued the game. I always love when people put all their eggs in one basket like that. But 7th edition really encouraged lists like that and was a big reason why I skipped the entire edition. That and not being able to assault out of transports, a major mistake that I am glad GW reversed course on in 8th.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2022/01/12 15:49:10

Made in ca
Poisonous Kroot Headhunter

 Noir Eternal wrote:

Guy brings in hideous homemade Styrofoam terrain full of impassible barriers in an attempt to game the system in a Planet strike mission during our store campaign. He takes 2 hours to set up the board and in 20 minutes I deepstrike wraith units and ignore said barriers and win the game.

If you hadn't mentioned both that the terrain was impassible and you were playing Necrons. I wouldn't have picked up on what was about to happen, but that was freaking fantastic.

See, despite the gaming of the system the way he set it up, I would have been super excited to play that game as (fair play aside) it does feel like a defender of a planet would set up their fortifications in the most unassailable way possible. Then to have it not just overcome, but so thoroughly routed in such a simple way was just *chef's kiss* so good. Damn, do I wish I could have been there to see all that, felt like a premise out of a 40k novel.

One of the things my friends and I used to do was essentially this, but less grandiose. One player would play as the defender and set up a giant fortification on half the table (or the floor if we decided to go big) and the other person had to lay siege to it. I remember one back in I think it was 4th ed, (I'm not too sure, we were house ruling a lot at the time) where my opponent's horde army was overrunning my Space Marines through sheer weight of bodies and I moved up one 5 man tactical squad into a choke point to try and slow them down while I re-organized my defensive line. The squad itself got eaten pretty fast, but the Sargent refused to die, making 10+ saves multiple times and chopping up about a dozen enemies with his power axe. Not only did I get my defensive line back in shape but clogging up one of the main breaches for so long actually managed to let me hold just long enough to claim the win. He got promoted to my Veteran squad after that, and later a Vanguard Veteran when those became a thing.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2022/01/12 16:16:17

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Made in us
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer


I was umpiring the game, so this was 1E or 2E.

Marine player (I think Space Wolves) had a convoy of 3 rhinos filled with marines. Enemy player was playing orks, all infantry and a bike or three. As the marines trundled up the board, the ork player took a shot at the rear rhino with a krak missile launcher. Manages to score a hit. Damage roll causes the rhino to shoot forward, plowing into the rhino ahead. Middle rhino explodes (as burning marines stagger out of the vehicle) as the rear rhino continues onward, striking the first rhino. Initially, the front rhino is only stunned. On rolling subsequent damage for the rear rhino, it explodes, taking most of the marines inside with it. Which triggers the front rhino to flip. Roll for damage for marines inside as they attempt to escape - the plasma gun-toting marine in the group takes a pot shot/covering fire as he exits - and rolls a 1, incinerating himself and the marines he was trying to cover in the escape.

The orks finish their shooting turn by mercy-killing the remaining burning marines from the 2nd rhino...

It never ends well 
Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

That is absolutely incredible/hilarious

Makes me want to play some early edition

The closest I have ever seen to that was Ragnar Blackmane had just killed an Ork Boss/Warboss in melee. Super cinematic, you can imagine him stood there roaring his victory atop a pile of Ork corpses.

Next to him a Marine tank, that had had it's track shot off (or movement damaged)on a previous turn randomly crashes into a bunker and explodes. The tank flipped/turret flew off (I forget which) and landed directly on Ragnar.. squish..

I can't remember much else of what had happened as I was too busy crying with laughter!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/01/14 10:33:13

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

 StygianBeach wrote:
My funniest moment was not about wargaming, but it is about warhammer.

About 3 year ago when my Son was 5, we went into a GW and he was excited and said look Sigmarines. The staff guy said to him, we don't call them that, they are called Stormcast Eternals. I thought that was hilarious. It was very satirical.

Made in us
Basecoated Black

Berkeley County WV

 Pacific wrote:

Next to him a Marine tank, that had had it's track shot off (or movement damaged)on a previous turn randomly crashes into a bunker and explodes. The tank flipped/turret flew off (I forget which) and landed directly on Ragnar.. squish..

Hey, at least he had a cool headstone!

"At the point in time when bullets can pass through the interdimensional walls. When firepower takes up the entirety and eternity of space and time, all beings stuck in a neverending life and death cycle as bullets recover and destroy their bodies in quick succession. No one is able to think about anything but the sheer force of the bullets rapidly flying literally everywhere in the materium turning the warp itself into nothing but a sea of semi-automatic weaponry.. Then there will be enough dakka. Or, at least almost." -The Glorious God Emperor of Mankind 
Made in ca
Skink Chief with Poisoned Javelins


And now he's Ragnar Flatmane.
Made in gb
Executing Exarch

London, UK

I guess the silliest thing to happen to me recently was more the absurdity of the probability of it happening, more than it being actually silly or funny.

My Wraithseer made five attacks (Hunters of Ancient Relics), hitting on 3s with one reroll from expert crafters. Rolled five 1s and rerolled another 1, which I do believe is a 0.013% chance of that happening.

I always have fond memories of a couple of Termagants going toe to toe with Abaddon in 5th edition, thanks to another bout of absurd rolling!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/01/14 15:37:55

Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

@ krijthebold - Yes indeed

Those are the best ones in terms of odds, its incredible how certain things happen. In the older editions it was compounded because you had the exploding '1' (fumble) results, which meant you could get a marine commander running in, rolling a fist-full of ones, and I should imagine narrative-wise tripping over his shoe laces and getting a rifle butt to the face from an Imperial Guardsman.

Not in the wargame, but in the online game of Blood Bowl (which I guess is pretty much the same rules wise) I had someone block my human lineman with a Str 7 Treeman (so three dice). He wrote in the chat beforehand "So what size coffin will it be?"
He then proceeded to roll triple skull > Re-roll, triple skull again > injury = dead > used an apothecary, injury = dead
I then replied "I guess a treeman sized coffin?" and the guy disconnected

Honestly I have got no idea about the odds for that (I would have thought many tens of thousands to one), although I have always had my suspicions about how the random dice rolling works in the Bloodbowl computer game, just because there are too many instances of utterly insane probabilities happening!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/01/14 16:23:11

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

Made in us
Basecoated Black

Berkeley County WV

Nuffle giveth, and Nuffle taketh away

btw, that block was a 0.000000045425829% chance

<triple skulls is a 0.46% chance, multiplied by itself for a reroll (0.002116%), multiplied by the 2.78% chance for an armor break on an AV11 (5.88248e-5%), multiplied by 16.67% to result in a 10+ on 2d6 and therefore a casualty (9.80609416e-6%), multiplied by 16.67% for a 6 on 1d6 and therefore a Dead result (the d8 is irrelevant, 61-68 are all Dead) (1.6346759e-6%), multiplied by 16.67% AGAIN for a second casualty roll (2.72500472e-7%), multiplied by 16.67% AGAIN for another Dead result (4.5425829e-8%).>
Math included so you can check yourself, and please do!

"At the point in time when bullets can pass through the interdimensional walls. When firepower takes up the entirety and eternity of space and time, all beings stuck in a neverending life and death cycle as bullets recover and destroy their bodies in quick succession. No one is able to think about anything but the sheer force of the bullets rapidly flying literally everywhere in the materium turning the warp itself into nothing but a sea of semi-automatic weaponry.. Then there will be enough dakka. Or, at least almost." -The Glorious God Emperor of Mankind 
Made in us
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

 Baragash wrote:
Back in the old 4th edition Warhammer Undead your-general-dies-so-do-all-your-units-without-heroes era, watching a Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower shoot the general off his monster resulting in 1200pts going poof in one go.

Saw a similar one at our local club. 7th/8th ed WHFB (I forget which one, been a while) one guy is using VC with like the Von Carstein extended family deathstar in a unit of Grave Guard, regeneration banner, the works. This lynchpin unit was pretty much a brick of unstoppability, until that fateful day when he played Chaos Warriors. Chaos player for the lulz casts Infernal Gateway on them and gets an irresistible force so it cannot be dispelled. Infernal Gateway was the unit takes 2D6 strength 2D6 hits, if you rolled an 11 or 12 for it the unit hit by it was just deleted, that was it. no backsies. It was sucked in the Realm of Chaos and gone forever. Guess what strength was rolled?

Even over the tumult of everyone else in the club you heard the bellow of FOR FETH'S SAKE!. You could have heard a pin drop after that when he realised the game was over on turn 1 or 2.

Games Workshop Delenda Est.

Users on ignore- 53.

If you break apart my or anyone else's posts line by line I will not read them. 
Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

 Squidsy22 wrote:
Nuffle giveth, and Nuffle taketh away

btw, that block was a 0.000000045425829% chance

<triple skulls is a 0.46% chance, multiplied by itself for a reroll (0.002116%), multiplied by the 2.78% chance for an armor break on an AV11 (5.88248e-5%), multiplied by 16.67% to result in a 10+ on 2d6 and therefore a casualty (9.80609416e-6%), multiplied by 16.67% for a 6 on 1d6 and therefore a Dead result (the d8 is irrelevant, 61-68 are all Dead) (1.6346759e-6%), multiplied by 16.67% AGAIN for a second casualty roll (2.72500472e-7%), multiplied by 16.67% AGAIN for another Dead result (4.5425829e-8%).>
Math included so you can check yourself, and please do!

Very well done sir! I shall take your word for it

I think that probably does prove that the dice rolling in the game isn't as random as it is meant to be..

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

Made in ca
Poisonous Kroot Headhunter

 Pacific wrote:
 Squidsy22 wrote:
Nuffle giveth, and Nuffle taketh away

btw, that block was a 0.000000045425829% chance

<triple skulls is a 0.46% chance, multiplied by itself for a reroll (0.002116%), multiplied by the 2.78% chance for an armor break on an AV11 (5.88248e-5%), multiplied by 16.67% to result in a 10+ on 2d6 and therefore a casualty (9.80609416e-6%), multiplied by 16.67% for a 6 on 1d6 and therefore a Dead result (the d8 is irrelevant, 61-68 are all Dead) (1.6346759e-6%), multiplied by 16.67% AGAIN for a second casualty roll (2.72500472e-7%), multiplied by 16.67% AGAIN for another Dead result (4.5425829e-8%).>
Math included so you can check yourself, and please do!

Very well done sir! I shall take your word for it

I think that probably does prove that the dice rolling in the game isn't as random as it is meant to be..

If it happened twice it would. The thing is insanely statistically improbably things happen all the time, it's just really rare for it to happen to you. You have to factor in every single time that doesn't happen by comparison.

17210 4965 3235 5350 2936 2273 1176 2675
1614 1342 1010 2000 960 1330 1040  
Made in ie
Sinister Chaos Marine

During the Eye of Terror campaign I was playing as CSM against my friends IG. We picked our lists first then rolled a random mission and ended up rolling me as attacker and the objective was eliminate enemy general.

I throw everything at his Command Platoon and just bounce off him while I get whittled down turn by turn. Eventually I get in to combat with the Command squad with my Terminator Lord and Terminator squad (that were set up as combat monsters in the 3.5 codex). I somehow still cant kill his general although his squad has to fallback......except the Commisar attached to the squad summarily executes his General for falling back. We paused for a second and then burst out laughing that his Commisar won me the game.

Also the same friend once got eaten by a deck chair playing 40k which is still making me laugh nearly 20 years later.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/01/15 00:42:52

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

NE Ohio, USA

Not minis games related, but board games.
We had a Pandemic game end on turn 1, player tun 1 when we ran out of infection cubes of 1 color.

For those who've never played this game, you begin by drawing 9 city cards & placing x cubes of the indicted color on the cities shown.
1st draw 3 cards & each of those cities gets 3 cubes.
2nd, draw 3 cards & those cities each get 2 cubes.
3rd, draw 3 & place 1 cube on each.
There are 4 colors & 24 cubes of each color. Usually this gives you a mix of colors & intensities spread across the map.
Once in awhile though....:(

Our 1st draw set was all red.
Our 2nd draw set was all red.
And the 3rd draw set was all red.
That's 9 red cards out of a total of 12!
All of these cards then start play in the Infection discard pile.

And for those keeping track, that's 18/24 red cubes on the board before play has even begun.

All players start in Atlanta USA. The "red" area of the map is Asia/pacific. Player 1 had to use all of their actions just getting to Asia - they didn't have any cards/abilities to speed up the travel & neither did the rest of us. So they get there, but they can't remove any cubes.
This is not a good way to start.
So they move onto the "Draw 2 Player Cards" step. These are the cards where you get special 1-shot actions. Such as ways to speed up movement, slow down infection rates, etc The catch? 4 out of the 59 cards in the deck are "Epidemic" cards.... If you draw one of these you draw a new city card, infect that city with 3 cubes of the shown color, put that card into the Infection discard pile - and then shuffle that pile & place it ON TOP of the infection draw pile. So when you move onto the "Infect" stage in a few moments you're going to be drawing from a smaller subset of city cards that already have cubes on them.
So player 1 draws the 1st card - it was something that wasn't imediately helpful.
Then they draw the 2nd. It's an epidemic. 3 blue cubes go on London. Whew, that could've been bad. Oh, wait. There's 9/12 Red cards + now this one Blue card getting shuffled & placed back on top of the infection deck player 1 is about to draw from....
Whatever you do, don't draw one of the red cards that already has 3 red cubes on its city! (because a 4th cube of the same color triggers an outbreak wich will put 1 red cube on each surrounding city. And if any of those would then have 4 matching cubes....:( and one of the loss conditions is not being able to place a cube when required.)

Guess what's drawn?
That one red cube went onto an already full city. Wich spread to other cities, one of wich was also full, wich triggered another outbreak.... :(
Player #2 was like "WT !"

It takes longer to tell this story that it did to set up & lose that game.

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