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Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Scavenger's Reign

Survivors of a spaceship accident are stranded on an alien world. They have to survive.

This is all animated and won an Emmy. I just started watching it, and the alien world is lush and full of alien-ness. Very fun animation. They keep the basics simple by design, but there is a lot going on in the ecology. Reminded me of some old, classic early Sci-fi stories, with very interesting and imaginative flora and fauna on display.

It is too early to tell if it will work as a story though.

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Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Escape to River Cottage

A classic UK show, where chef Hugh Fearnley-Eats-It-All decamps from the big smoke, to a small holding in Dorset, to live off the land for a year.

It’s part cookery show, part documentary and a wonderful watch. Indeed from an arguable publicity stunt, Hugh became ever more dedicated to that lifestyle, and whilst he now runs a farm, restaurant and what have you? He’s still down the neck of the woods well over a decade later.


25 years later.


Made in gb
Revving Ravenwing Biker

Wrexham, North Wales

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Escape to River Cottage

A classic UK show, where chef Hugh Fearnley-Eats-It-All decamps from the big smoke, to a small holding in Dorset, to live off the land for a year.

It’s part cookery show, part documentary and a wonderful watch. Indeed from an arguable publicity stunt, Hugh became ever more dedicated to that lifestyle, and whilst he now runs a farm, restaurant and what have you? He’s still down the neck of the woods well over a decade later.


25 years later.


The other half and I like Hugh and his early River Cottage stuff was a good watch, but I think the restaurant and the 'green gardening & living' school were always the long term plan, and kudos to him for getting Channel 4 to kickstart it for him. The fact that he hasn't sold it on yet is a testament to his integrity and any programme that he presents has a green/sustainable slant. Just goes to show that not every Eton graduate has to be a, well, person of low regard.
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Indeed. I feel that, from the off, he was taking it all seriously, and with a genuine interest which may have extended as far as an initial passion.

Granted I’m sure he’s not exactly struggling for money overall, but that he’s stuck to his roots and done campaigning (including getting the EU to ban catch discards!) speaks to his genuine nature about the whole thing.

Really must visit River Cottage HQ at some point. I’ve done Rick Stein’s restaurant decades ago, so about time I did a “big name”.

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Second series now, entitled Return to River Cottage.

Despite the simple fact I’m unskilled and would almost certainly starve to death? I’d still love to have that sort of lifestyle.

It’s overly romanticised and bloody hard work, but it seems so peaceful and idyllic.

Made in gb
Revving Ravenwing Biker

Wrexham, North Wales

You don’t see the days on end of digging soil, and you will certainly not see the production team that do the bulk of the work. But hey, that’s telly.
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

I ran across Bubblegum Crisis on a 24-hour channel that was streaming them one after the next. I admit, I was hooked and could not stop watching.

Sure, there is a lot of nostalgia in watching them. The voice-acting/dub is terrible. The dialogue is terrible. It is offensive on so many levels and misogynistic, with some annoying stereotype characters.

All that said, there is something about them that still has not been topped. The Boomers are cool. The "city" is cyberpunk. The mecha suits are super fun. The world feels alive and real. I really dug it a lot.

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Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

MarkNorfolk wrote:
You don’t see the days on end of digging soil, and you will certainly not see the production team that do the bulk of the work. But hey, that’s telly.

I’m not sure it would the be production team. There are plenty of scenes of Hugh getting his hands dirty.

Are the scenes filmed staged? Absolutely. But he did live in the cottage, and wasn’t married at the time. Plus, the plot of land was definitely of a size where one person could manage it, as it’s less than five acres, and four of those are for his livestock.

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Frasier S2

And he’s back again, in the second season of the revival show.

The first season was, acceptable I guess. Kelsey Grammar was his usual consistently entertaining self, but it was missing Niles, Martin and Eddie. The rest of the cast weren’t exactly dreadful, but it wasn’t the same. Though I think overall preferable to trying to make the new cast directly analogous to the original.

This time everyone is feeling a bit more settled in their role, and the writers seem more confident.

It perhaps inevitably remains somewhat lesser than the original series. But, as tv sitcoms go this is still enjoyable enough, devoid as it is the smugness of drivel like Friends and Big Bang Theory.

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Sexy Dancing Intensifies, it’s….

Roald Dahl’s Tales of the Unexpected

A series of slightly macabre tales, often of morality.

They’re typically quite inventive, but rarely supernatural. The two seasons (1 & 3) on Prime were satisfying enough.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/09/20 18:09:51

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Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

The Golden Girls

I watch this off and on on Disney+, and it’s just fantastic.

Wholesome, but with a certain caustic wit and odd rude bits.

Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Started re-watching the old X-men cartoon before taking a shot at X-men 97.

Man, the theme music still cooks. The rest? Well, the best mid-90's story telling you could get in a Saturday morning cartoon.... so not great....

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Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Whilst still an enjoyable classic, I think it’s fair to say it came second to Batman, The Animated Series at the time, and hasn’t aged anywhere near as well.

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