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I'd prefer a 'Great Crusade' setting actually - that would be the best!
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Rampaging Reaver Titan Princeps


 CalgarsPimpHand wrote:

This all makes the most sense for 30k, and has only limited Horus Heresy crossover, but many people do want to play the Great Crusade. I don't see why you would poo-poo that.

This! I love Forgeworld's depictions of the Great Crusade campaigns in each of the Chapters background and history, from the liberation of strange worlds, otherworldly aliens and strange technology. The description and artwork of Port Maw is a highlight and even then you've got the excellent background of House Orhlacc, The Imperial Fists void conquest (whose name escapes me), on and on. I can't get enough of this stuff! I love the exploration of the wider universe which, to me, has been lost in a lot of GW's recent stuff. Now, all I need is for the long promised Rogue Trader Militant list (and models) to be released and I'll be as happy as a pig in gak!
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Pragmatic Primus Commanding Cult Forces

Southeastern PA, USA

I'd love me some proper Thunder Warriors.

But the HH stuff is great, and has much more of my attention now than 40K. It's flavorful and fun, with terrific treatments of the Legions, and...more sanity than we have with 40K these days, IMO.

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Most Glorious Grey Seer

Everett, WA

I thought Thunder Warriors were only used on Earth. If I remember correctly, Mk 2 armor was used during the Crusade.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/10/16 16:15:16

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Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit

 zedmeister wrote:
Now, all I need is for the long promised Rogue Trader Militant list (and models) to be released and I'll be as happy as a pig in gak!

That would be the Solar Auxilia list in Book 4.

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Pragmatic Primus Commanding Cult Forces

Southeastern PA, USA

 Breotan wrote:
I thought Thunder Warriors were only used on Earth. If I remember correctly, Mk 2 armor was used during the Crusade.

They were a Unification Wars thing. Which is what I want.

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 Gashrog wrote:
 zedmeister wrote:
Now, all I need is for the long promised Rogue Trader Militant list (and models) to be released and I'll be as happy as a pig in gak!

That would be the Solar Auxilia list in Book 4.
Indeed, the Solar Auxilia list from Conquest can be used to represent those within Imperial society who have been granted such a honour. More than once the book and the list makes a reference to this. The list certainly allows for an excellent elite fighting force not made up of Astartes. I use the list for a Rogue Trader fleet of my own, there are certainly enough options present to make your Lord Marshal as unique as possible.

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Wonderwolf wrote:
 jonolikespie wrote:
So people seem really excited for HH stuff from GW, not Forgeworld, but a thought just occurred to me.

The reason people are liking the FW HH stuff right now is because it is handled by FW and not GW surely.

1) FW had a lot of failed attempts of trying to revitalize less popular miniatures (incl. Fantasy). The FW-brand did or their vaunted writing-skillz nothing there.
2) Space Marines/Heresy was a hit before FW ever took a stab at it. The Heresy-brand was already a hit without FW.

Heresy is the thing that draws, and FW profited from that "spill-over"-appeal for the last few years, not the other way around.

I agree, although it helps that FW have done what they have done with it and not gone OTT.

There is always the thought that as soon as GW start this you're going to have some massive plastic kits that look like they should have flashing lights and fire plastic missiles, and things that look like the Centurion or Dreadknight.

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

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Rampaging Reaver Titan Princeps


 Gashrog wrote:
 zedmeister wrote:
Now, all I need is for the long promised Rogue Trader Militant list (and models) to be released and I'll be as happy as a pig in gak!

That would be the Solar Auxilia list in Book 4.

Not quite. It's do, but I'm hoping for a proper Rogue Trader expedition list whatever it appears as. It's been constantly mentioned as possibly allies in all the HH books so far.
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Longtime Dakkanaut


Just hoping they(GW) leave the Legion lists alone and not screw up something that's already perfect when they make their board game. If there's a rules change on a major scale I might be selling off at least one of my Legion armies.

Infantrymen do not die, they go to heaven and regroup. 
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Pragmatic Primus Commanding Cult Forces

Southeastern PA, USA

I think it's become fairly clear that GW's board game is a separate product to FW's HH series.

I have my fingers crossed for a plastic Spartan like you wouldn't believe. I have a resin one, and I'm scared to even start it based on the horror stories I've heard about the tracks.

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Never had any trouble with my Spartan. Had a devil of a time with my Fire Raptor though.

Infantrymen do not die, they go to heaven and regroup. 
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Brainy Zoanthrope

Chatting to my GW guy today - some friends had been speculating that the "big" November release was a new 40k edition, but when I suggested it was this instead he strongly hinted it might be.

If that's right, a mid-Nov (14th or so) release would be what happens, putting the 7th earlier in the thread as pre-orders day.
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Lit By the Flames of Prospero

Edmonton, Alberta

 zedmeister wrote:
 CalgarsPimpHand wrote:

This all makes the most sense for 30k, and has only limited Horus Heresy crossover, but many people do want to play the Great Crusade. I don't see why you would poo-poo that.

This! I love Forgeworld's depictions of the Great Crusade campaigns in each of the Chapters background and history, from the liberation of strange worlds, otherworldly aliens and strange technology. The description and artwork of Port Maw is a highlight and even then you've got the excellent background of House Orhlacc, The Imperial Fists void conquest (whose name escapes me), on and on. I can't get enough of this stuff! I love the exploration of the wider universe which, to me, has been lost in a lot of GW's recent stuff. Now, all I need is for the long promised Rogue Trader Militant list (and models) to be released and I'll be as happy as a pig in gak!

I never been as big on the great crusade, because to me the narrative of 40k is Order vs the arch-enemy(Chaos), and chaos/warp dosen't play as big a role in great crusade as they do in dureing long night or post HH.

To me, it's the Great Scourging after the HH that is the most interesting to me. With the traitors falling back to the eye of terror, the imperiuem trying to rebuild after the HH, and Xenos taking advantage of the situation and reclaiming territory they lost during the great crusades.

Some of tyhe old concepts like Tarellian Dog-Soldiers and Saharduin brought back to life for a post HH/Great Scourging would be more interesting in my mind. Because then you still have the threat of chaos with more predatory xenos threatening a weakened imperiuem.

(Plus the fact allies have been part of 40k for ahwile now, it's a shame Tarellians never made a come back. It's a system like that is what GW needed to do them justice.)

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2015/10/17 19:58:02

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Longtime Dakkanaut

Las Vegas

 Zywus wrote:
 DarkStarSabre wrote:
 Gashrog wrote:
Wonderwolf wrote:

There is no elegant way to bring Xenos to the Heresy. Because the whole thing is called "The Horus Heresy", not "30K". It's not about any given point in time, but about a particular conflict, notably between Space Marines vs. Space Marines.

Bringing, say, Eldar into the Heresy would be as thematic a fail as bringing the Heresy-Legions into a War in Heaven setting/book-series.

Yup, total fail..

And you haven't even quoted any of the books yet either.

Which have confirmed there were Orks, Eldar, Dark Eldar (iirc there is mention of Eldar having 'dark kin' in plenty which makes people very wary about dealing with them as no way of knowing which type of Eldar you are talking to for most Imperials) and if you really want the ultimate definition of a counts-as race if I saw one...the Megarachnids.

I'm not sure if any Eldar is referred to as 'dark kin' or similar but there are several depictions of eldar conforming to the aestetics and mannerisms we connect with the Dark eldar. (Butcher's nails and Promethean Sun has some pretty deliberate dark-eldarish descriptions). Going by the eldar timeline; at the time of the heresy there has already been plenty of time for both the craftworlders and the dark to have already solidified their cultures into much as they appear in 40k

One of the Eldar in Angel Exterminatus specifically mentions Commorragh.
Made in ca
Lit By the Flames of Prospero

Edmonton, Alberta

shade1313 wrote:
 Zywus wrote:
 DarkStarSabre wrote:
 Gashrog wrote:
Wonderwolf wrote:

There is no elegant way to bring Xenos to the Heresy. Because the whole thing is called "The Horus Heresy", not "30K". It's not about any given point in time, but about a particular conflict, notably between Space Marines vs. Space Marines.

Bringing, say, Eldar into the Heresy would be as thematic a fail as bringing the Heresy-Legions into a War in Heaven setting/book-series.

Yup, total fail..

And you haven't even quoted any of the books yet either.

Which have confirmed there were Orks, Eldar, Dark Eldar (iirc there is mention of Eldar having 'dark kin' in plenty which makes people very wary about dealing with them as no way of knowing which type of Eldar you are talking to for most Imperials) and if you really want the ultimate definition of a counts-as race if I saw one...the Megarachnids.

I'm not sure if any Eldar is referred to as 'dark kin' or similar but there are several depictions of eldar conforming to the aestetics and mannerisms we connect with the Dark eldar. (Butcher's nails and Promethean Sun has some pretty deliberate dark-eldarish descriptions). Going by the eldar timeline; at the time of the heresy there has already been plenty of time for both the craftworlders and the dark to have already solidified their cultures into much as they appear in 40k

One of the Eldar in Angel Exterminatus specifically mentions Commorragh.

He was a Dark Eldar, pretending to be a craft world eldar, well a actual craft world eldar farseer was sending warnings to the Iron Hands warning them and guiding them to stop his evil kin. In the same book the Tratiors also stright up fight a army of Wraith guard during the book's climax. Eldrad and his body gaurds also has a fight with Fulgrim and the phoenix guard in "Emperor's Children". Thows are the only times I know of dureing HH were Eldar were fighting traitors in open combat.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2015/10/17 20:19:51

Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

The Horus Heresy Boxed Set by GW will definitely be not a Starter for a new GW Game. Horus Heresy by GW can be awaited for 2016.
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On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

How very cryptic!

 Lockark wrote:

He was a Dark Eldar, pretending to be a craft world eldar, well a actual craft world eldar farseer was sending warnings to the Iron Hands warning them and guiding them to stop his evil kin. In the same book the Tratiors also stright up fight a army of Wraith guard during the book's climax. Eldrad and his body gaurds also has a fight with Fulgrim and the phoenix guard in "Emperor's Children". Thows are the only times I know of dureing HH were Eldar were fighting traitors in open combat.

ANGEL EXTERMINATUS *demonic choir music from the Omen in the background when you say that* is hands down one of the worst books to have been released by BL, let alone the Heresy series. The ending felt like a Dragonball Z episode in written form, the only thing it was missing was Fulgrim flying through the air, firing laser beams from his eyes and screaming in Japanese.

So far FW at least have managed to keep the description of the Heresy as a kind of psuedo 'realistic' military feel, as you imagine Marines might behave if they were to exist (as funny as that sounds, I really think that's the reason a lot of the Imperial Armour books were so popular in terms of the narrative). Still waiting to see if GW manage to twist this into OTT, Mega Super-Hero & friends childish pap.

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I enjoyed Angel exterminatus so there :p
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Home Base: Prosper, TX (Dallas)

I quite enjoyed Angel Exterminatus. And really enjoyed a book finally featuring my favorite Primarch. Also the way it tied it in to later IW related books by McNeil was pretty great.

As for the game I'm interested and we'll see what it looks like once it's out.

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Leaping Khawarij

The Boneyard

Fw chaos dwarfs sold very well. It was GW higher ups who pulled the plug on more fantasy
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Pragmatic Primus Commanding Cult Forces

Southeastern PA, USA

 Pacific wrote:
ANGEL EXTERMINATUS *demonic choir music from the Omen in the background when you say that* is hands down one of the worst books to have been released by BL, let alone the Heresy series. The ending felt like a Dragonball Z episode in written form, the only thing it was missing was Fulgrim flying through the air, firing laser beams from his eyes and screaming in Japanese.

So far FW at least have managed to keep the description of the Heresy as a kind of psuedo 'realistic' military feel, as you imagine Marines might behave if they were to exist (as funny as that sounds, I really think that's the reason a lot of the Imperial Armour books were so popular in terms of the narrative). Still waiting to see if GW manage to twist this into OTT, Mega Super-Hero & friends childish pap.

I kinda know what you mean, but at some point these traitor primarchs have to ascend to princehood and become big, scary monsters. And a big cinematic power-up moment -- whether a rain of blood or a swirl of eldar souls -- seems appropriate in that context.

Fulgrim's ascension might have been over the top, but we are talking about Fulgrim, the Emperor's Children and Slaanesh here. It's a flamboyant bunch.

Besides, for pure OTT-ness, I think the events on Signus Prime trump anything else we've seen to this point.

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As long as they stay away from any of the first 4 HH books, I'll be happy. Man those were poor.
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Ork-Hunting Inquisitorial Xenokiller

I head it will be up for pre-order November 7th

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/10/22 23:56:47

Made in ca

Canada,Prince Edward Island

Yeah Nov 7th has been repeated a lot on this thread. If that were the case though shouldn't we have WD pics by now?

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Numberless Necron Warrior

Ohio, United States

So I was browsing the 40k section of GW's site on mobile and noticed Horus Heresy.....

Ok no big deal, says novels......except there's only the third one listed.

Very odd. Not sure if this has been noticed or posted, but figured Id toss it in here just in case.

[Thumb - wp_ss_20151022_0004.png]

[Thumb - wp_ss_20151022_0005.png]

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 stormotron wrote:
So I was browsing the 40k section of GW's site on mobile and noticed Horus Heresy.....

Ok no big deal, says novels......except there's only the third one listed.

Very odd. Not sure if this has been noticed or posted, but figured Id toss it in here just in case.

The others are out of print? Plus if you look on Amazon (UK site at least), they will soon be releasing omnibus versions of the HH series.

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Longtime Dakkanaut

 stompygitz wrote:
I head it will be up for pre-order November 7th

Actually, BoLS was very specific about Nov. 7th being the release, not the pre-order date

The Horus Heresy Boxed Game will arrive in Early November. Looks like a release (no pre order) on November 7th.”

Source: http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2015/10/horus-heresy-plastic-game-schedule.html

That is, of course, aside from the initial May(2015)-release prediction

via a Reader here on Faeit 212
confirmed that HH was coming to regular GW stores.

A starter box set for 2 players with 'generic', non-Legion specific Heresy-era units is coming in May. Wasn't specific on plans beyond that, apart from that FW will take care of Legion-specific upgrade packs, unique units and any other stuff that GW doesn't want to run in plastic.

Apparently the demand for HH stuff has been so intense GW is centralizing the range.
Didn't mention anything about FW in stores though.

The details on the Horus Heresy boxed set keep on coming. Here’s the latest:

via Steve the Warboss 2-25-2015

-Gaming Set Includes a Suppliment for the Age of Darkness
-Rules and a Dettachment for Playing Legio Astartes and Xenos in the Past of 40k
-A new Allied Matrix including Xenos of the 31st Millenium
-Very generic Dataslates for the Models, only the featured Characters will have specific Background, but can used for any Legion
-Unlike the previous Sets, the Squads will have no unique Leaders, only names “Sergeant”
-Box will include 6 versions of new Sprues

Larry Vela wrote:~It’s going to be quite a May!

Source: http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2015/03/40k-plastic-horus-heresy-latest.html
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Blood-Drenched Death Company Marine

York, NE

Quoting BoLs......


They will repeat anything they find to drive clicks.

They're about as accurate as a game of catch between Ray Charles and Helen Keller.

Something is happening on the 24th, we sent you a poster.
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Fixture of Dakka


Allied matrix for the the Horus Heresy era? That's easy

Imperium: No Xenos
Space Marines: No Xenos

What Xenos are they even talking about? Eldar? Orks? Because that's all there is.. If GW adds the newer races to 30k...

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