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Made in us
Renegade Kan Killin Orks

San Francisco, CA

I'm editing this thread so it will be an on going tally of the forces that comprise my trukk stop project. This project isgrowing at an almost uncontrollable speed. After adding and editing several ork lists to make up the different clans in Bigtoof, I have added an Eldar Exodite army to the fluff (aided by a Harlequin troupe), as well as a human force, which is further split into traitors and loyalists, as well as IG and SM. I have also started work on a Rogue Trader crew which contains both humans and xenos.

The project seems to be a massive, layered and quite fluffy campaign. The campaign centers on the Tyrant Star, which will appear at the climax. IT pits Loyalist Humans, Eldar, as Rogue Traders against Orks, Dark Eldar (to a small extent) and Tainted Humans, as well as some demons and possibly Tyranids (depending on what the Tyrant Star ends up being) in what may turn into a two sided event (if the "good guys" team up and the "bad guys" team up) or a huge mess of tangled front lines (if everyone attacks everyone).

There are many different scales to play on in the campaign, too. Starting on the smallest scale of RPG. There are many name characters (or potential for such) in every force involved. Plenty of opportunities for smaller gangs to fight one another. Whether it's two ork houses fighting it out for control of Bigtoof, or the IG trying to rid the Naval Depot of Traitors. The Eldar can even get in on the fun, sending elite teams to scout or interrupt the going on of other factions. Also, because I've themed Bigtoof as a small freeway town, there are obvious opportunities for Gorkamorka style driving games.

That said, I'll be using this thread to keep track of the pieces of the Campaign as they develop from list entries to workbench incarnations to table worthy models. I'll be adding to the list, as well as changing entries, as I think of them... or they are suggested (much like the evil sunz gas station attendants).

As you might notice, I still have quite a bit to update on the following list. I will add the human entries soon... some of them anyhow. Also, I continue to edit this post. The newest of changes is that I will be filling in the decided details of each unit as they are "finalized".

Table Ready

Warboss on Boar
Nobz on Boarz
Boar Boyz
Weird Boyz
Uzgrim's Grots

Tow Trukk Boyz

Wortgob Gutsnik (big mek)
-Big Mek with KFF, PK, Cybork Body, Grot Oiler (125)
Gutsnik's Retinue
Mobile Kroot
Battle Wagon
Big Mek with SAG
Big Gunz
Shoota Boyz
Burna Boyz
Tank Bustas
'ard Boyz Trukk squad
Deff Dredz

Big Mek w/Burna
Burna Boyz

Flash Gitz
Shoota Trukk Boyz

Warboss on bike
Nob Bikers
Biker Boyz

EXODITE (Thinking about doing the Exodites as "counts as" Tau)
Guardian Storm w/Warlock
Howling Banshees
Striking Scorpions
Wraithlord w/Warlock (Jack and the Scotsman)

Death Jester

Rogue Trader
Darius Miska (Sensei/jedi)
Vet Squad
Penal Legion (press gang)
Infantry Platoon

Imperial Naval Depot
IG Army + Marine Contingent and =][= Agents
Mechanicus Shipping & Receiving staff

Now, I know some of these units no longer exist in the regulation game, but I figure some friendly opponents wont mind. Also this is how they will be modeled while they can count as the current closest approximating unit (example: the Boarboyz could count as Bikerboyz)

That's all for now. Open for suggestions as to themed units. Thanks.

This message was edited 62 times. Last update was at 2012/10/10 21:46:14

Made in au
Sinewy Scourge


Get The Codex! This is really SMEGGING important!!!

Every 40k army needs a HQ unit and 2 Troops Units. These represent the core of your army and should be thought about as much as the big shiny Battlewagon with the be-zillion gunz on it.

You'll need stuff to bust tanks, stuff to hit massed light infantry, stuff to crush elite tough infantry, units that can scrap with Characters or Monstrous Creatures, and above all it has to mesh together and not be a random assortment of SHINY!!

First up; You want to run Orks on bikes? You'll want to run Wazdakka Gutzmek as your HQ. He allows Bikers to be taken as Troops. All biker mobs should be at maximum size as they're not very effective below that.

A Big Mek is a support type character. Most people take them for the KFF but the SAG is also quite nasty for opponents.

Gretchin exist purely as meatshields/ablative wounds that can shoot.
Expect them to die, a lot.

In fact expect that with all your Orks, being a horde race makes the overall expendibility of a single ork go up quite a bit compared to SM/CSM counterparts.

Deffkoptas are a little Hit & Miss, sometimes they can bust a tank or piss off a squad. Other times they get thrashed by gunfire or assaulted by a better melee unit.

Biker Nobz can be either a waste of points, or a waste of points that refuses to die. Formerly one of the most feared units, Nob Bikers can exploit several rules to be bastards to kill, at the expense of representing 99% of your total points spread.

Burna Boyz are FUN. Think lots of FIRE. Think lots of soldiers ON FIRE. Burna Boyz are great for being bastard. Look for posts by Dashofpepper, he has a lot to say on the topic of Burna Boyz and wiping out squads in one turn with them.

Also consider Lootas; they're often hanging around Meks and they will provide some long-ranged fire power. In fact stick them in a battlewagon, or three...

Also littlenibbler Orks aren't about armour saves.
Orks are about having too many models on the table, and wasting the other guy's time with your movement phase.
Orks are about having the toughest units on the table.
Orks are about not caring about how many bodies are left in a long winding trail until the squad is down to less than a third its starting strength.
Orks are about rolling more dice then you can count without the aid of a calculator or a pen and paper.
Orks are about having totally fething insane characters tearing gak down like Doc Grotsnik, Ghazghkull or Snikrot.
Orks are about being too fething awesome to die...
Lets settle this in the arena http://pantsformer.mybrute.com 
Made in gb
Elite Tyranid Warrior

As has been said, get the 'dex.

A list (1850p) could be something like:

Big Mek - KKF, 'Eavy Armour - 90
Big Mek - Burna, Warbike - 95

Burna Boyz (10) - 150
Lootas (10) - 150
Nob Bikers (4) - PK + Slugga, Big Choppa + Slugga + Bosspole, Big Choppa + Kombi-Skorcha, Choppa + Slugga - 180

Slugga Boyz (11) - Nob w/PK, Bosspole, Trukk - 141
Grots (15) - 52
Grots (16) - 55
Deff Dread - DCCW, Skorcha - 95
Deff Dread - DCCW, Skorcha - 95

Deffkoptas (3) - TL Rokkits - 135
Warbikers (6) - Nob w/PK, Bosspole - 190
Warbikers (6) - Nob w/PK, Bosspole - 190

Battlewagon - Big Shoota, Lobba - 110
Battlewagon - Big Shoota, Deff Rolla - 115


Lootas sit back in the Lobba BW, Burnas advance in the Deffrolla BW. KFF Mek goes with the boyz in the trukk, and Burna wagon, DDs and Nob bikers croud around if for the save. Koptas outflank. Biker Mek goes with the Nobz.

Armys: , , , Skaven
Number of Threads Won: 1 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Feasting on the souls of unworthy opponents

Money isn't unlimited for anyone, so I think you should start small.

You can build a nob biker list at 1850 points or so with 22 models. Two Warbosses, 20 nobs. Give it a try.

Made in us
Water-Caste Negotiator

Mobile, AL. USA

If you wanted to go all bikers/mech list.

2 WB

20 nob biker, that count as troops with upgraded bikes

or Go with Wazzdekka and you can have Bikers as a troop choice.

So technically you could have 2 WB with 20 with nob bikers, 30 nob bikers then have 3 sqauds of warbikers 36 bikers. and umm I dont know throw in 3 BW teamed out with firepower with shoota boyz in them and enjoy.

It may not be the most effective army but it will look cool.

Now as for price this will be very expensive. It will look really cool on the table though. And you will scare the bejesus out of people putting on the table 88 bikers and 3 BW.

So for coolness there you go, but understand it probably wont be the most effective.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2009/11/09 01:03:53

Made in us
Squishy Oil Squig


I like gold tooth jerry's list would be real fun to play. but not so great when it came to actually fighting power.

I like going with one warboss and one mek with kff is what i run. usually just truck everyone forward and jump out with a bunch of boys behind bringing down the hammer.
Made in us
Renegade Kan Killin Orks

San Francisco, CA

Wow, thanks for the lists.

I haven't had much time to work on any of my armies this week. I did manage to throw a short list together, themed to a truck stop.

So, as far as the biker gang goes:
War Boss on Bike (Evil Sunz)
Power Claw
Rokkit kombi-weapon
Ammo Runt
Attack Squig
Boss Pole
‘eavy Armour (Leather Jacket)

Nob Bikers and Doc Urtzgud (pronounced “hurts good”) (Evil Sunz)
Power Claw (at least 2)
(all weapons options)
1 Boss Pole
Ammo Runts
Grot Orderly (with the doctor)
Cybork Body (not the whole unit)
And some trukk boyz and non nob bikers, but that'll come later

Now for the Mek Shop crew:
HQ: BIGMEK Wortgob Waagrot (Blood Axes)
Power Claw (4 “fingers” one wrench set, one cutter set)
Skorcha kombi-weapon
Cybork Body
Ammo Runt (personal grot rigger)
Boss Pole
Attack Squig
3 Grot Oilers

Burna Boyz and 3 Meks (Blood Axes)
Grot Oilers
1 Rokkit Launcha

Deff Dread

There will be a towing company too: Lootas from the Death Skull clan, riding in style with their small fleet of tow trucks.

And last, but not least, the Snake Bite Diner Staff is gonna be mostly grots.

So the sum of the war band will work for the rules, but they'll all be from different clans and such. That's all for now. Sorry, I haven't had time to figure points and how many of each that inhabit the Truck Stop. I'm thinking three or four trucks for the Truck Stop and one for the biker gang, plus some buggies and more bikers.

Lemme know what you think. This is just a start, so any comments are welcome.

Thanks for all the tips and lists so far. When I have more time, I'll go into a bit more depth about all this.
Made in us
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

List is illegal unless you bring those nobs as troops with the warboss . And then you've only got 1 scoring unit, until you bring the grots/boyz.
Biker boss is a good idea, but I'd drop the rokkit/runt and the bosspole. The single shot rokkit (with 55% hit chance if you use the runt) is unlikely to earn those points back, and the pole should be on the unit he's attached to if possible so it can't get singled out in CC.

Nobs: Make sure you use a wargear spread that allows you to allocated wounds across the entire unit. I'd drop the runts. You have to cybork the whole unit iirc.

Mek: Can't have a kombi shoota and a kff, making the grot useless as well. 3 oilers is probably overkill.

Dred troop: Unless there's a good reason for the dred, 3 kans are usually more bang for the buck (and you're not using your HS slots atm anyway). Grotzookas firing scrap metal would fit the theme well imo.

Lootas: Note that these can't take trukks. You'd have to buy someone else the trukk then deploy them separately and embark in turn 1 or use a different transport. Your army isn't planning on bringing many units that can take dedicated transports but won't use them, so these will probably need to end up in a wagon or two (a better place for them, all things considered).

The theme looks fantastic, good luck with it.

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2009/11/11 04:02:22

Made in us
Renegade Kan Killin Orks

San Francisco, CA

Just have a second.

I don't have a problem taking the biker nobz as troops. I don't know what that means as far as game play, though.

I need to get the rule book. I still don't really know how to put a list together (and I'm not asking for an explanation... yet, cause all I need to do is read up) I'm just putting units together that fit with the background I've got growing in my head.

I'll throw the Trukk Stomp back story up next week, hopefully.
Made in us
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

The Good Green wrote:Just have a second.

I don't have a problem taking the biker nobz as troops. I don't know what that means as far as game play, though.

I need to get the rule book. I still don't really know how to put a list together (and I'm not asking for an explanation... yet, cause all I need to do is read up) I'm just putting units together that fit with the background I've got growing in my head.

Yep, you'll get it together once you've got some rules in hand.
A basic army requires 1HQ and 2 troops choices, which your barebones list only met if you used the warboss's rules to take the nobs as troops like you did with the mek/dred. Doing so means they don't take a rarer elite/HS slot, can meet the army list troop requirement, and can take objectives unless they're a vehicle like the dred. It's generally a good idea, unless you need troops slots for some reason.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/11/11 23:12:42

Made in us
Renegade Kan Killin Orks

San Francisco, CA

Eyclonus wrote:
Deffkoptas are a little Hit & Miss, sometimes they can bust a tank or piss off a squad. Other times they get thrashed by gunfire or assaulted by a better melee unit.

Burna Boyz are FUN. Think lots of FIRE. Think lots of soldiers ON FIRE. Burna Boyz are great for being bastard. Look for posts by Dashofpepper, he has a lot to say on the topic of Burna Boyz and wiping out squads in one turn with them.

Also consider Lootas; they're often hanging around Meks and they will provide some long-ranged fire power. In fact stick them in a battlewagon, or three...

That's what I figured about the koptas, but I like the way that sounds like it would play. Something more like the kopta from Mad Max, eh? Thanks for the tip on pepper's burnaboy posts. I plan on taking a squad of at least five burnaz with some backup, but I don't know the details cause I need to read!

Black Antelope wrote:
Lootas sit back in the Lobba BW, Burnas advance in the Deffrolla BW. KFF Mek goes with the boyz in the trukk, and Burna wagon, DDs and Nob bikers croud around if for the save. Koptas outflank. Biker Mek goes with the Nobz.

That is a great battle plan. I really like the biker gang crowding around the Mek's trukk, and for the protection. It just makes a lot of sense to me, fit's with the story and everything. For smaller challenges, I think the Big Mek would hang back a bit, while he let the bikers have their fun, like on a wreck and salvage run. In a battle though, or on a wreck and salvage run that involved more interesting salvage, the mek would lead the force. I might run it like this all the time though, we'll see...

Gold tooth Jerry wrote:
It may not be the most effective army but it will look cool.

Now as for price this will be very expensive. It will look really cool on the table though. And you will scare the bejesus out of people putting on the table 88 bikers and 3 BW.

So for coolness there you go, but understand it probably wont be the most effective.

Yeah, I am definitely going for the cool points. I like the idea of scaring the fight outa my opponent just by showing up... makes the salvage par tof the mission easier . I'd throw some trukks and buggies/trakks in there too, though. After all this is a Meks army. Granted he's not the boss of the biker gang, it's just his waaagh.

Gorkamorka wrote:
Biker boss is a good idea, but I'd drop the rokkit/runt and the bosspole. The single shot rokkit (with 55% hit chance if you use the runt) is unlikely to earn those points back, and the pole should be on the unit he's attached to if possible so it can't get singled out in CC.

Nobs: Make sure you use a wargear spread that allows you to allocated wounds across the entire unit. I'd drop the runts. You have to cybork the whole unit iirc.

Dred troop: Unless there's a good reason for the dred, 3 kans are usually more bang for the buck (and you're not using your HS slots atm anyway). Grotzookas firing scrap metal would fit the theme well imo.

Lootas: Note that these can't take trukks. You'd have to buy someone else the trukk then deploy them separately and embark in turn 1 or use a different transport. Your army isn't planning on bringing many units that can take dedicated transports but won't use them, so these will probably need to end up in a wagon or two (a better place for them, all things considered).

The theme looks fantastic, good luck with it.

When you say it like that, "single shot rokkit" does sound kinda limp. Maybe I'll put a rokkit in the biker mob... if that's doable, or maybe just have a tankbuster trukk or two. The boss poll tip is great. It makes sense to me, too, to have it in the unit. So, if the boss charges off the mob still has that bonus.

The Dred was a troop filler, I didn't realize about the bikers being a troop choice. That will be adjusted. I will probably still take a dred at some point, but it will more likely be a looted walker. I saw one on this forum, in the P&M section, a penitent engine conversion that I think I will be shamelessly copying. If the maker of said engine reads this, that thing is amazing. I will find your thread, and I will post there.

Ok, Lootas- no trukk! really? But they can ride in a battle wagon? I don't get it, but I imagine it is very clearly explained in the rules somewhere... I'm gonna do a little reading tonight, mainly about getting a dedicated transport for the Lootas, as they own the towing company. Who else would run a salvage sompany? If you have suggestions as to who might be driving a towtrukk, please share.

Made in us
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

The Good Green wrote:
Ok, Lootas- no trukk! really? But they can ride in a battle wagon? I don't get it, but I imagine it is very clearly explained in the rules somewhere... I'm gonna do a little reading tonight, mainly about getting a dedicated transport for the Lootas, as they own the towing company. Who else would run a salvage sompany? If you have suggestions as to who might be driving a towtrukk, please share.

Dumb as it is, trukks are dedicated only and thus only a few specific units can take them (and deploy in them).
Your only other transport options are looted wagons and battlewagons, which have their own advantages/disadvantages that you can read.
Made in us
Renegade Kan Killin Orks

San Francisco, CA

So, everyone is going in wagons, because those are the only vehicles that sound worth fielding a mass of that can take anything beside boyz and grots on the first turn. woow- mouth full. sorry.

What's up with that, anyway. I got a peak at an old codex and it looked like most of the units were troop choices. Why take that down to only the most basic units. Ok, enough with that.

The other reason to use wagons is they are riding out of a mek shop, they wouldn't be riding out with junkers.

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Feasting on the souls of unworthy opponents


In terms of helping your Ork army list (bikers) I'm going to point you out to another thread where I just wrote everything I would write here. Rather than writing it again, or copying and pasting....


Read that thread, and my post. I also posted two links in there to two other threads in this forum with lengthy posts about a mechanized list and a kan-wall list that are very good. Read, learn, osmose.

Made in us
Renegade Kan Killin Orks

San Francisco, CA

awesome, thanks. I was reading Dakka's Ork tactica last night. It was giving me some idea, though now I can't remember any of them...

I was late.

I'll read you thread now. Thanks again, Dashofpepper

Made in us
Renegade Kan Killin Orks

San Francisco, CA

Ok, I've decided to start small. Just the Big Mek, with his Dread Troop choice, some grechin, and a pack of lootas and burnaz.

That will cover the staff at the trukk stop. The lootaz being the towing company. Burnaz for the shop staff. Grechin manning the dinner, with the herder as head Chef.

I'll add the regulars (the biker gang and trukk boyz) will come a bit later. So, after I consult the codex, I'll write up a small list. I'm gonna try to keep it under 1000 to begin with.

The story goes something like this. The lootaz set up the towing company in a no-mans land, but out of the way, so they could more easily get to scraps on the battle field. The grots that they brought started the dinner, with a push and a shove from the the boss among them. The Big Mek joined them after some time, when he caught word of their glorious scrap collection. So he joined up with them and started a garage of his own. Then the dinner started to get bigger, and more and more orks heard about the trukk stop, most known for their ability to stop trukks, and tanks, with massive fire power and lots of rokkets.
Soon a biker gang started hanging around, looking for a good fight and easy upgrades on their wheelz. But we aren't there yet. The towing company isn't even off the ground. But I have started working on the Mek's shop, he's gonna have a foundry!

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Feasting on the souls of unworthy opponents

Cool beans.

If you like your back story, head over to the background section of the forums and post your lore and pictures.

Made in us
Mutilatin' Mad Dok

Medford Oregon

Here might be a good list for a big mek and Bikers.

HQ:Wazdakka of course!

Then Big Mek with some gretchen or whatever.

Then full troops of Ork Bikers..not nobs on warbikes. Give them all a Biker Nob with powerclaw and Boss poll.

Then I might take something like a Battle Wagon

Should be around 2500 I think

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2009/11/29 07:52:25

Made in gb
Never-Miss Nightwing Pilot

In the Webway.

Perhaps a few boyz in a trukk? Take some heavy firepower, big gunz or killkannon BWs. Otherwise just get warbiker boyz.

"The stars themselves once lived and died at our command yet you still dare oppose our will. "-Farseer Mirehn Biellann

Armies at 'The Stand-still Point':

Cap'n Waaagggh's warband (Fantasy Orcs) 2250pts. Waaagghhh! in full flow... W-D-L=10-3-3

Hive Fleet Leviathan Strand 1500pts. W-D-L=7-1-2 Nom.

Eldar armies of various sizes W-D-L 26-6-3

Made in us
Renegade Kan Killin Orks

San Francisco, CA

Ok, here is a partial list, sort of a phase 1 for the trukk stop staff, aka The Stop Trukk Workers Association

Big Mek
Boss Pole
Grot Oiler
Attack Squig

6 Lootas (Mek)
Grot Oiler

12 Shoota Boyz
Nob w/PK and Bosspole
Big Shoota
Rokkit Launcha
Red Paint
Grot Riggers
Stikkbomb chukka
Armour Plates
Boarding Plank
Reinforced Ram

13 Gretchin (Runtherd)

2 Deffkoptas
TL Rokkit Launcha
2 Bigbomm

It totals 606 points.

I'm still wroking on the biker gang and the Battlewagons. The Mek and Lootas will have their own BWs.

If I wanted to use a Trukk for some elite boyz, like burnaz, would it take turn one to get them in the trukk or could I empty the trukk, load the elites and move on turn one?

I've got to work the numbers a bit more, but Wazzdakka and 3 or 4 warbiker mobs does sound pretty sweet.

c&c on the list so far are very welcome

Made in ca
Stabbin' Skarboy

123 fake street

First off, you can't take 2 special weapons in a group of 12 boyz, second, don't. Boys are best when you don't make them expensive. Also that mek is looking too expensive, you don't want him in combat, so no need for attack squig, I vote no on grot oiler as well. No mek on the lootas, more lootas, and defantly no big bomm, they are weak and you must literaly drive over the enemy to use them.

"I can envision a world with no war, pain, or strife, were peace is constant, then I envision attacking that world because they'd never see it coming."
- Orks, 4175 points
- The face of an opponent when you lose five dozen models and say "that's it?", priceless. 
Made in us
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

despoiler52 wrote:First off, you can't take 2 special weapons in a group of 12 boyz,

He didn't.
Made in ph
Regular Dakkanaut


the boys only took a big shoota its the trukk with a rokkit launcha
Made in us
Renegade Kan Killin Orks

San Francisco, CA

It's true, I meant for the rokkit launcha to be mounted on the trukk. I want to pack a lot of rokkits into the list, but I feel like a one shot item is no good for the boyz.

I will probably have one trukk of boyz wiith a rokkit instead of a big shoota, but I'll set up the trukk a bit differently... I think.

Upon checking the first trukk, I wouldn't change much. Maybe just add a grabbin klaw.

Made in us
Renegade Kan Killin Orks

San Francisco, CA

-Farseer w/bike, mind war, doom (130)
-Warlocks w/bikes
-Autarch on jetbike (dragon king) (100)

-Striking Scorpions
-Howling Banshees
-Wraithguard w/warlock (big lizards with a handler)

-Harlequin Troupe

-7 Rangers/Pathfinders (168)
-11 Storm Guardians and warlock w/enhance (140)
-Guardians Jetbikers (Pterosaur riders, or whatever)
-6 Guardian jetbikers w/2 cannons (152)

-Shining Spears (Pterosaur riders, but with more elite riders)
-Swooping Hawks (Pterosaur riders, but different from the jetbikes)
-Viper Squad (dragon things)

-War Walkers (big lizards)
-Wraithlord (Hydra)
-Fireprism (Dragon)

The wave serpents could be modeled as large lizards

So here's what I'm thinking the fluffy breakdown of this list is. I'm trying to digest the eldar background still so this probably has too much in it, but I plan to tier it to point levels for larger battles and so on. The story for this exodite colony is that their farseer led them to escape the fall, but more importantly that they were to be standing guard to protect the universe from another terror. Something potentially worse even than Slannesh (that's Gork 'n' Mork for those of you that don't already know ). I'm trying to use a lot of samuri style and culture with the fluff because I like it, but really because I have this Jack & the Scotsman team-up that I have tied into the campaign fluff (The Scotsman being a Grey Knight... sort of).

Moving on to the structure of the list, fluff wise. The exodites on 88Tanstar are guided by their farseer, but they are lead to battle by the mightiest among them, their Autarch (Jack). I am putting Saim Hann at the top of the ladder in this colony, not for the least because of their fast attack theme (the dino-eldar gotta ride dinos) but also because they are among the first to have fled the fall. That advanced foresight and action gives them room to look at the rest of the universe and see where they might be of most use before they too shall join their ancestors. Atleast this one farseer did, and he/she (I haven't decided yet) talked a bunch of other eldar into going along for the ride. Back on track, the Saim Hann eldar have a hierarchical system of families, at the top of which is the autarch and farseer, right - the HQ. And the closest family is the Kinsmen and they "guide" the chief into battle. So the top tier characters ride into battle with an elite guardian jetbike pose.

But the, because this group is lead (mostly) by the farseer, and because their entire purpose of being on 88Tanstar is to fight some unknown foe, they are constantly training their warriors. So, the guardians would be better than other guardians, which sounds more like Ulthwe. Also, That one craft--world has the Cosmic Serpent for it's icon, which fits pretty awesomely into the theme, I think. SO- what I'm saying is I'm going to be mashing it all together for this one little exodite colony.

... My intention with this edit/update was to describe how I plan to break the list into points levels in a fluffy way, and I have only shown that it is clearly too soon for me to be settling on any of it yet. I'm still reading up. I might end up deleting all this later, to replace it with something closer to what I had intended... I hope.

To Begin with:
Farseer and warlocks on bikes
Guardian Jetbikers (cold one riders)
War Walkers (Larger lizards than the guardians ride)

This message was edited 9 times. Last update was at 2011/12/07 21:48:50

Made in us
Renegade Kan Killin Orks

San Francisco, CA

I'll be getting more specific with the list later tonight. Right now, I'm just fishing for advise on how to equip the units and how many to put in a unit.

The kommandos will get one burna at least. If they get two burnas I might leave out the unit of burnas. I forgot they could take 'em. As for fluff, having just the kommandos with two burnaz would work quite well.

How many Flash Gitz are optimal for their cost? Questions like that go for all the units. Thanks for your input.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Feasting on the souls of unworthy opponents

The Good Green wrote:

How many Flash Gitz are optimal for their cost?

Precisely zero, no more no less. Seriously. Don't use them.
Made in us
Renegade Kan Killin Orks

San Francisco, CA

really, that "good fer nothin" huh?

Well, they are the last on the list, and least important to the army. So... they shall be fluff only, and a small bit of terrain.

Were they ever worth the points?

Made in pl
Lesser Daemon of Chaos

Whats wrong with flash gitz?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/01/09 06:16:00

Melissia wrote:How many Space Marines does it take to screw in a lightbulb.

6, 1 techpriest and 5 tacticals that stand around trying to pose like badasses.
agroszkiewicz wrote: Rawr, chaosy magic and tentacle porn!
Made in us
Renegade Kan Killin Orks

San Francisco, CA

Besides they're bloody expensive. 25points per model, and all upgrades are cost per model as well. Otherwise, I don't know whats wrong with 'em.

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