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Team Fluffy Bunnies Goes to the ATC - 2K Draigowing + Necrons (Game #6 on p.8, Game Links on p.1)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

San Jose, CA

Game #6 vs Quality Control + Tournament Results

This is it. The last game of the tournament. We are going into the match currently at 1st with 537 BP's. Surprisingly, our final opponent, Quality Control, are coming into the match at 2nd! In Round #5, they were 3rd or 4th, but they did extremely well last turn and leapfrogged all the way up to 2nd for the last match. They are coming in with 498 BP's, including a dominant win over Endless Gaming, a team we had trouble with, last round. But when you look at their roster, it isn't all that surprising. Quality Control isn't without its share of Internet greats. Their team included Kurt Clauss (aka Clauss) and Justin (aka JGrand), both successful tournament players as well as dakka regulars. And then there's Eric Hoerger (aka CreepyCrawly), winner of the St. Valentine's Day Massacre GT 2012 and also my opponent for this round. The other 2 players on their team, I wasn't familiar with.

So that's great. With the exception of our 1st round opponents, every round has been against a #2 seed in this tournament. Fortunately for us, we are going into the match with quite a comfortable lead. As long as we don't screw up royally, there is a good chance that we will take this tournament.

This is how the rest of our teams matched up:

Kevin: Grey Knights + Necrons (Coteaz, Henchmen in Psybacks, 3 Dreadknights, Destroyer Lord, 2 Night Scythes, Annihilation Barge)

Bill vs Kurt: Eldau (Farseer, 5 Wave Serpents, Wraithknight, Tau Buff Commander, Riptide, Missile-sides)

Brandon: Tau (Ethereal, Buff Commander, 5 units of Kroots, 3 Riptides, 2x6 Pathfinders, Ionhead, Missile-sides)

Mike vs JGrand: Necrons (Destroyer Lord, Overlord on Barge, Royal Court, 3 Night Scythes, Ghost Ark, 3x6 Wraiths, 3 Annihilation Barges)

2000 Eric's Imperial Guards + Space Wolves

I actually requested to play against Eric. He was QC's sacrificial army and I requested to go up against him. Never mind what army he had, but I wanted to play against the player. Why? Because I have a personal quest to play against as many GT winners as I can. I've already played against many from the West Coast:

Kevin, my own teammate (aka Janthkin, Anime Expo 2013)
Adam (Mortetvie, Golden Throne 2013)
Christian (ChristianA, Bay Area Open 2012)
Frankie (White925, Broadside Bash 2011?)
Reece (Reecius, don't remember which but I'm sure he won something)

I've even played against a few of the East Coast GT winners:

Alex (Whigwham, Feast of Blades 2012)
Brett (Tomb King, Indy Open 2012)
Paul Murphy, my Round #5 opponent (blood angel)

Eric will be my 4th East Coast GT Champion that I will have played. He won the St. Valentine's Day Massacre last year with wraithwing necrons. I requested to play against him. With the 2 successes my army has had against IG in this tournament already, my team decided to grant my request. Ok, time to try to take down another GT player. Heh, heh....


Company Command Squad - Mortar, Vox Caster

Infantry Platoon:
Platoon Command Squad - Auto3x Flamers
Infantry Squad - Power Axe, Krak Grenades, Vox Caster
Infantry Squad - Power Axe, Krak Grenades
Infantry Squad - Power Axe, Meltabombs, Sniper Rifle
Infantry Squad - Power Axe, Meltabombs
Infantry Squad

Infantry Platoon:
Platoon Command Squad - Auto3x Flamers
Infantry Squad - Power Axe, Krak Grenades, Vox Caster
Infantry Squad - Power Axe, Krak Grenades
Infantry Squad - Power Axe, Meltabombs, Sniper Rifle
Infantry Squad - Power Axe, Meltabombs
Infantry Squad

Vendetta - Heavy Bolters
Vendetta - Heavy Bolters
Vendetta - Heavy Bolters


Aegis Defense Lines - Comms Relay


Rune Priest - Chooser
Rune Priest - Meltabombs

Lone Wolf - Terminator, Chainfist, Stormshield

5x Grey Hunters - Flamer

2000 Jy2's "Draicronic Measures" Grey Knights + Necrons



10x Paladins - 4x Psycannons, Apothecary, Brotherhood Banner, Warding Stave, 5x Hammers
1x Soladin - Hammer

"Psyfleman" Dreadnought - 2x TL-Autocannons, Psybolt Ammo
"Psyfleman" Dreadnought - 2x TL-Autocannons, Psybolt Ammo


Necron Overlord - 2+, Mindshackle Scarabs, Warscythe

5x Warriors - Night Scythe
5x Warriors - Night Scythe

Annihilation Barge



Eric's Imperial Guards IMO are more dangerous than my previous 2 opponent's IG armies. His army was inspired by the GT-winning IG armies won by Tony Kopach and Andrew Gonyo (aka Target). As a matter of fact, Eric constantly plays against Tony and Andrew just as I constantly play against Reece and Janthkin. They are from the same area and I believe they even frequent the same gaming stores. So you can bet with 2 GT winners as practice partners, he's going to be quite a good player. The way I look at it, he is to Frankie what Reece and I are to Tony and Andrew.

So getting back to his army, I won't be able to wipe out both blobs (maybe 1, but not both) so I'm not going to even try. Instead, my paladinstar is going to keep on doing what they've been doing all tournament long. I'm going to control the middle and then dare my opponent to take it away from me. Once again, that is my philosophy of Positional Dominance. He controls his homecourt objective. I control my homecourt objective. My advantage is that I will also control the middle objectives. I then kill off everything else in his army other than his blob squads (unless he is foolish enough to move them into range of my paladins). That has been my strategy against my previous 2 IG opponents and so far, it has worked.

With 3 vendettas, 2 manticores and 2 units that can FRF!SRF!, Eric's got some scary firepower. It won't be easy, but I think my NecroKnights can pull off the win if I can somehow manage to down all of his vendettas and kill his mobility.


Mission: Purge the Alien, Emperor's Will & Crusade (5 Objectives)

Heavy Supports are scoring and worth +1 additional VP in Purge the Alien.

Deployment: Vanguard Strike

Initiative: NecroKnights



Ironically enough, this will actually be the very first game of the tournament where I will be going 1st. So far in this tournament, it's either I win initiative and choose to go 2nd or my opponents win and choose to go 1st.

No Night-fight.

Coteaz gets Prescience, Forewarning and a useless Warlord trait.

The Rune Priests get Prescience + Misfortune and Prescience + Foreboding. His Warlord trait is actually quite good - re-roll reserves.

I'm actually probably more tired than I realize. We are playing Big Guns. I then use Grand Strategy to make both of my dreads scoring.

Man....I'm off to a great start already.....NOT!

My deployment. Once again, due to the manticores, I am forced to spread out. I also deploy 1 unit of warriors in area terrain (we played the hexagonal ice terrain as area). I hope I played my reserves right. I won't count my Overlord, who is in a flyer with the warriors.

So I have deployed 4 units - Draigo, Coteaz, paladins and warriors.

The "voluntary" reserves - 2 dreads, annihilation barge and soladin.

Eric's deployment - 1 blob squad with Rune Priest, Company Command Squad (CCS), 1 unit of unblobbed infantry and a manticore here.

More towards the middle is the lone wolf and his other manticore.

In reserves are the 3 vendettas with both Platoon Command Squads (PCS) and 1 unblobbed unit of infantry (I think), his other blob squad + IC and his grey hunters.

Eric does not attempt to seize.


NecroKnights 1


Very uneventful turn. I cast my powers, move up and then run with my paladinstar.

Imperial Guards 1


Rune Priest casts Prescience (assume every turn we both cast our powers unless noted otherwise). Blob squad then backs up away from my paladins and spreads out as well.

Shooting is rather uneventful. He fires 1 manticore at my warriors and I go-to-ground in area for the 3+ cover. He fails to kill a single warrior. He fires his other manticore at my paladins, doesn't hit many and I make my saves.

NecroKnights 2


OMFG! Despite trying to keep him out with Psychic Communion, my soladin comes in anyways. I then deepstrike him near one of my objectives and about 9" away from my paladinstar. He then scatters 9" directly into my paladinstar....and dies! First Blood for my IG opponent! Are you fricking kidding me!?!

Coteaz then perils and takes 1W while casting one of his powers.

VP's - Imperial Wolves: 1, NecroKnights: 0

I try to keep him out as well, but one of my dreads come in.

Unfortunately, not a single necron comes in from reserves.

Paladins advance. Rather than firing just a few of my paladins at his blob squad, I decide to run them forwards instead.

Dread takes off 1 (maybe 2?) HP's from his right manticore.

Man, I am not feeling the love this game.

Imperial Guards 2


Blob squad and grey hunters come in from the right flank, where Eric's got 1 Crusade objective.

2 of his vendettas come in as well.

Blob squad advances but stays against the edge.

His shooting is much better this turn. Between the vendettas, the manticores and his 2 blob squads (1 with Prescience), my opponent manages to kill 3 paladins. More importantly, he snipes out my Apothecary/Banner with his manticore.

My dread is lucky to escape with only 1 HP of damage from his vendetta.

NecroKnights 3


My other dread and 1 night scythe comes in. Ignore the right vendetta. It is still in reserves.

Actually, both night scythe comes in. This one goes after the manticore. My Overlord disembarks onto terrain.

Paladins move, but as you can see, they are still too far away to do anything.

I wreck his right manticore with my dread, I believe. I also get +1 bonus VP for killing a heavy support.

VP's - Imperial Wolves: 1, NecroKnights: 2

Paladins do 1 HP of damage to the vendetta.

My scythe fail to do any damage to his other manticore due to cover. Dread and night scythe fails to take down his other vendetta as well.

Imperial Guards 3


The last vendetta comes in.

His vendetta goes after my dread.

Guardsmen move.

BTW, right next to our table is Mike's space wolves battling it out with JGrand's necrons.

Guardsmen moves just a little closer. Grey hunters go to claim the objective.

The pink brigade shoots down my Overlord with just volume-of-fire. He would not get back up.

VP's - Imperial Wolves: 2, NecroKnights: 2

Finally, the lone wolf starts to move out as he runs forwards.

Vendetta shoots at my night scythe. I jink and he only does 1 HP of damage.

His other vendetta shoots at my dread out in the open. I am lucky as he only does 1 HP of damage to it as well.

NecroKnights 4


Finally, my AB comes in. BTW, ignore the vendetta on the right. It's in Ongoing Reserves.

My night scythe goes after his other vendetta.

Paladins spread out to cover multiple objectives.

Dread and AB blows away the vendetta. 3 guys survive from the explosion. Not quite sure whether that's his infantry squad or PCS. Also, not quite sure whether he was zooming or hovering last turn. In any case, they pass Morale.

VP's - Imperial Wolves: 2, NecroKnights: 3

I fail to take down his other vendetta.

Imperial Guards 4


Vendetta comes in. PCS jumps out of it and scatters. 1 dies to dangerous terrain.

His right blob starts to head towards my objective but is careful to stay out of assault range of my paladins.

The other blob unit spreads out.

PCS starts to head towards my objective.

Both of them do.

Vendetta tries to take out my dread once again but this time, I believe I have cover. My dread takes another 1 HP of damage (down to 1 HP remaining). For the life of him, Eric cannot take out any of my vehicles.

Finally, his PCS runs to contest my Crusade objective.

NecroKnights 5

I am in trouble. This will be the last game turn due to time. I'm pretty sure Eric will be in range on his turn to contest or grab another 2 of my Crusade objectives with his blob squads. Thus, I need to kill off his unit of 3 guardsmen contesting my home Crusade objective.

He's also got his lone wolf dangerously close to contesting another of my Crusade objectives. My paladins will be forced to deal with him.

Emperor's Will is going to be a tie, unless I can shoot his troops off of his objective or he can shoot my warriors off of mine.

Finally, VP's are close. I need to continue wracking up those VP's.

Can I do it?

Night scythe zooms forwards and drops off my warriors as far as they can go. I am still too far from contesting his Emperor's Will objective.

I also make a mistake here. My brain must be mush today. We are playing Vangard Strike and my warriors are already in his deployment zone for Linebreaker. But for some inexplicable reason, I think that we are playing Dawn of War. So instead of shooting his troops on his objective, I run them forwards to try to grab Linebreaker, which I already have!

Here's the plan. Warriors will rapid-fire his contesting guardsmen to death. Dread and AB will go after his vendetta and/or his PCS for more VP's.

Dread climbs up on terrain to help with taking out his vendetta. Paladins will take care of the lone wolf.

Both night scythes are going to blow his infantry squad off of his EW objective. Had I not been so out of it, my warriors would have also helped to take out his infantry squad.

Objective #1 completed. Vendetta down (by my dreads).

VP's - Imperial Wolves: 2, NecroKnights: 4

AB fires at his PCS squad and kill 3. He passes Morale to deny my a VP. Objective #2 - fail.

My night scythes then fires at his infantry squad on his EW objective. They go-to-ground. I still kill about 5 or 6. They pass morale! Objective #3 - fail.

Finally, this one may be for the game. 5 warriors fire 10 rapid-fire shots at his 3 guardsmen contesting my Crusade objective. They go-to-ground. I kill 2. However, the closest guy is his sergeant and he successfully Look-Out-Sirs both wounds to the other guardsmen. He then passes morale! Doh! Objective #4 - fail!

Finally, my paladins assault his lone wolf and kill him. However, I get a crappy consolidate move and fail to make it to my far right objective by 2"! Objective #5 - fail!

I think I just gave Eric the win thanks to a very poor round for me.

Imperial Guards 5


Last vendetta comes in. He goes after my warriors on both my EW and Crusade objective. Don't forget his vendettas have heavy bolters on them.

Both blob squads moves and then runs to contest my 2 Crusade objectives. Actually, since my paladins failed to consolidate back into range of my far-right objective, his blob squad is actually claiming that objective.

Vendettas unloads onto my warriors. They go-to-ground and I pass every single save.

With that, the game ends due to time.


I've got Purge the Alien 4-2.

We draw on Emperor's Will. His infantry squad and my warriors are both claiming our own EW objectives.

As for Crusade. I've got my paladins on 1 objective. We have 2 contested - blob contesting my dread and his guardsmen contesting my warriors. Eric has got 2 objectives - grey hunters on 1 and his blob squad on another that my paladins failed to contest (due to their poor consolidation roll). Thus Eric takes Crusade. If only I had managed to wipe out his contesting guardsmen or if my paladins had consolidated just a couple of inches further, we would have drew in Crusade. Sigh....

Neither of us get Warlord. Both of us get Linebreaker (my warriors, his guardsmen). So we are tied all the way through so far.

However, my opponent gets First Blood because of my stupid soladin who decided to land on his own teammates and then got himself impaled by a halberd.

That was all my opponent needed for a 16-14 win for his Imperial Wolves (though we miscalculated and reported it as 17-13 win).

Man, I am still kicking myself for a game that I could have won.

Minor Victory for the the Blob Mob Imperial Wolves!!!



I had this game! It was mine for the taking, but I just couldn't follow through. The game would have been different if even any 1 of the following was to happen:

1. If only I hadn't of mishapped and killed my own soladin, thus giving my opponent First Blood and the win.

2. If only I had been able to shoot down just 3 guardsmen contesting my objective.

3. If only my paladinstar consolidated a little further after killing his lone wolf, I would have been able to cover the far-right Crusade objective, thus denying my opponent that objective.

However, my game wasn't without its share of mistakes. I made a couple of bone-headed in-game mistakes and then a couple of mistakes upon hindsight after the game.

1. Forgetting that this was Big Guns and using Grand Strategy to make my dreads scoring.

2. Forgetting about the deployment when I tried to secure Linebreaker.

3. I was a little too impatient when sending my Overlord and troops after his objective. I just came in 36" with my flyer and then dropped them off. Rather, I should have taken the 2-turn approach. Basically, come in with my flyer and go after 1 of his vehicles. Then next turn, go after the objective and drop my guys off then. This would have ensured that I would make it to contesting range of his EW objective and I could have used the terrain to hide from his blob squad.

4. I should have focused on his 3 guardsmen contesting the objective my warriors were on. I fired my vehicles 1st and then my warriors last. I should have fired my warriors first and then if I needed to, fire at his guardsmen with my AB or dread. This was IMO the biggest mistake in the game that I made.

5. Not really a mistake, but this contributed to Eric's win.....he went 2nd and thus had the final say.

Congrats to Eric for playing a solid game. He made very few mistakes and had a solid strategy. His strategy was to split up his 2 blob mobs and go after the flanks. Thus, if my paladins committed to 1 flank, he could then grab the objectives on the other flank. Stuck between his 2 threats, I couldn't really play too aggressively or I might just find myself grossly out of position. Then again, my strategy was never really to go after his mob squads (I knew he was going to do that because that would've been how I'd play his army as well). Rather, I was quite content to guard the middle and to keep his guards away. So in a sense, he did play into my game. Unfortunately, with him going 2nd, he had the last say on the objective grabs/contesting and I just didn't have time to react to it. In short, he did to me what I've been doing to my other opponents.


So for the final round, suprisingly, Mike was our high scorer his round with 24-pts. Wraithwing's main weakness is psychic powers (and especially Jaws), so that matchup went well for Mike. Kevin had another solid outing. His tyranids turned a lot of heads this tournament as he won all 6 of his games. He came out of the round with 21-pts. Unfortunately, those were our only 2 wins this round. Brandon and I both barely lost, getting 10-pts and 13-pts (actually 14) respectively. Bill, who had been solid all tournament, finally had a bad game and basically got demolished by Kurt's eldau. Overall, we barely lost this round 71-79. We came in with quite a comfortable lead, but with this lost, there was a chance that the 3rd place team could surpass us if they somehow managed to win big against their opponent. Fortunately for us, they only won by a score of 92-58, which wasn't enough to get the job done.

So the final standings were:

1st - Fluffy Bunnies - 608 BP's

2nd - Wrecking BOLS - 578 BP's

3rd - Quality Control - 577 BP's

4th - Endless Gaming - 543 BP's

5th - 4 Horsemen and a Monkey - 530 BP's

Kevin, my teammate, was the Best Tyranid player. He was also the 7th best player overall. Very well done, Kevin.

Our teammate, Bill, was in the running for Best Daemon player but because of his last game, dropped down to be the 2nd best daemon player. He would end up ranking 30th overall.

Mike, my 4th round opponent (Endless Gaming), won the award for Best Chaos Space Marines player. He was also the 8th best player overall.

Eric, my 6th roundl opponent (Quality Control), won the award for Best Imperial Guards player. He was also ranked 31st overall.

Nick (Darkwynn from Wrecking BOLS) was the 2nd best player overall, however, he was only the 2nd best eldar player in the tournament.

Finally, there was me. For some reason, the TO's grouped all the marine players into just 1 category - Best Space Marines. That included space wolves, space marines, blood angels, grey knights, dark angels and all the other marine armies (except Sisters, who had their own category). The top 2 "space marine" players were actually space wolves players. Officially, I was the 3rd best space marine player. Unofficially, I was the Best Grey Knight player (had the award existed) and placed 32nd overall (I was actually tied with Eric overall).

In any case, I was estatic that our team had won. I was slightly disappointed in my performance in my 2 losses, but I'm not going to complain. Both were close games that I could have won. But here we were, just a group of guys who had never played together before (at least for the majority of us). We came into this tournament and we almost beat all of the best teams in the tournament. I'd especially like to congratulate my teammate, Kevin, for bringing such consistency to the team (and of all armies, with tyranids!). I'd also like to thank Mike for being our punching bag in these series of games. He had some of the tougher matchups as he was, for the most part, our sacrificial army, yet he still managed to do well, averaging almost 16-pts per game.

I would like to conclude my report with a picture of our team and our trophies. Thanks, dakkalites, for dropping in to take a look at my reports.

From left to right: Kevin (Janthkin), Brandon, Mike, Bill, Jim (Jy2)

This message was edited 15 times. Last update was at 2013/09/09 03:26:50

6th Edition Tournaments: Golden Throne GT 2012 - 1st .....Bay Area Open GT 2013 - Best Tyranids
ATC 2013 - Team Fluffy Bunnies - 1st .....LVO GT 2014 Team Tournament - Best Generals
7th Edition: 2015-16 ITC Best Grey Knights, 2015-16 ITC Best Tyranids
Jy2's 6th Edition Battle Report Thread - Links.....Jy2's 7th Edition Battle Report Thread - Links
Made in us
Guardsman with Flashlight

Many that list of his looks like a mountain to climb. 50 man blobs that can GTG behind an aegis line... I don't know how well your list can deal with that. All he really has to do is make sure that he get 4 good shots with his manticores and keep those vendetta's pumping out shots while those two blobs hold his home objectives.

I predict that your overlord does some serious work this game though.

Also I have to commend you on all of your batreps so far. I very much enjoy reading your batreps and this tournament has been some of your best work yet, keep them coming!

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Eye of Terror

You can add Paul Murphy to your GT winners list.

My blog... http://greenblowfly.blogspot.com


Made in us
Pulsating Possessed Chaos Marine

Seattle, WA

GrayOwl wrote:
Many that list of his looks like a mountain to climb. 50 man blobs that can GTG behind an aegis line... I don't know how well your list can deal with that. All he really has to do is make sure that he get 4 good shots with his manticores and keep those vendetta's pumping out shots while those two blobs hold his home objectives.

I predict that your overlord does some serious work this game though.

Also I have to commend you on all of your batreps so far. I very much enjoy reading your batreps and this tournament has been some of your best work yet, keep them coming!


The paladins just need to make it into assault with the blobs. They can happily sit there until the end of the game and contest the objectives. Power axes are not really terrifying when they might get one swing (if that) before being in wounding range. Even if they get more, WS3 at S4 is not too scary. Being in combat also keeps the paladins from being targeted by lascannons or manticores.
Made in gb
Angelic Adepta Sororitas

bogalubov wrote:
GrayOwl wrote:
Many that list of his looks like a mountain to climb. 50 man blobs that can GTG behind an aegis line... I don't know how well your list can deal with that. All he really has to do is make sure that he get 4 good shots with his manticores and keep those vendetta's pumping out shots while those two blobs hold his home objectives.

I predict that your overlord does some serious work this game though.

Also I have to commend you on all of your batreps so far. I very much enjoy reading your batreps and this tournament has been some of your best work yet, keep them coming!


The paladins just need to make it into assault with the blobs. They can happily sit there until the end of the game and contest the objectives. Power axes are not really terrifying when they might get one swing (if that) before being in wounding range. Even if they get more, WS3 at S4 is not too scary. Being in combat also keeps the paladins from being targeted by lascannons or manticores.

Remember each power axe will get 3 attacks with likely rerolls due to precience. + the blob will likely get to shoot at least once before the paladins get into combat. Thats 100+ shot with rerolls. The paladins might go down to sheer weight of fire.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/09/06 20:49:15

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Even 100 shots with rerolls is:
75 hits
25 wounds
4 failed saves
3 failed FnP
1.5 dead pallies or a scratch on draigo.

My blog - Battle Reports, Lists, Theory, and Hobby:
Made in us
Pulsating Possessed Chaos Marine

Seattle, WA

Having played guard for a while I know that the bucket of dice a blob throws feels awesome when you start. Then you figure out wounds and watch your opponent make 2+ armor saves and you feel sad that you wasted all that time rolling all those dice.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

San Jose, CA

GrayOwl wrote:
Many that list of his looks like a mountain to climb. 50 man blobs that can GTG behind an aegis line... I don't know how well your list can deal with that. All he really has to do is make sure that he get 4 good shots with his manticores and keep those vendetta's pumping out shots while those two blobs hold his home objectives.

I predict that your overlord does some serious work this game though.

Also I have to commend you on all of your batreps so far. I very much enjoy reading your batreps and this tournament has been some of your best work yet, keep them coming!


I won't be able to take on both of his blob squads, unless he foolishly brings them both into the threat range of my paladins. Thus, I'm not going to even try. I really don't need to.

Overlord won't do much to his blob squads. The Overlord is used to pick off easy units like the manticores or his command squads or any unit not blobbed up, though I have a feeling that in order to get to them, I'm going to have to put my Overlord into the threat range of his blob.

And thanks!

 Dozer Blades wrote:
You can add Paul Murphy to your GT winners list.

Ok, added.

BTW, do you happen to know which GT he has won?

bogalubov wrote:
GrayOwl wrote:
Many that list of his looks like a mountain to climb. 50 man blobs that can GTG behind an aegis line... I don't know how well your list can deal with that. All he really has to do is make sure that he get 4 good shots with his manticores and keep those vendetta's pumping out shots while those two blobs hold his home objectives.

I predict that your overlord does some serious work this game though.

Also I have to commend you on all of your batreps so far. I very much enjoy reading your batreps and this tournament has been some of your best work yet, keep them coming!


The paladins just need to make it into assault with the blobs. They can happily sit there until the end of the game and contest the objectives. Power axes are not really terrifying when they might get one swing (if that) before being in wounding range. Even if they get more, WS3 at S4 is not too scary. Being in combat also keeps the paladins from being targeted by lascannons or manticores.

The problem with being in combat with them is this. I kill a lot. He then fails Morale and breaks off (cannot be swept). He then auto-regroups next turn and now he's going to have 2 blob squads FRF!SRF! my paladins.

And for those who don't know, ATSKNF (from the Rune Priests) + blob squads = really good.

 Mythantor wrote:

Remember each power axe will get 3 attacks with likely rerolls due to precience. + the blob will likely get to shoot at least once before the paladins get into combat. Thats 100+ shot with rerolls. The paladins might go down to sheer weight of fire.

Assault is not an issue. I have no fear of his assault. The problem is getting them to stay in assault and not run away only to regroup next turn and have his entire army light up my paladinstar.

bogalubov wrote:
Having played guard for a while I know that the bucket of dice a blob throws feels awesome when you start. Then you figure out wounds and watch your opponent make 2+ armor saves and you feel sad that you wasted all that time rolling all those dice.

I've had both good and experiences playing both as and against guards. I've been in games where their shooting didn't really do much because they're wounding on 5's against 2+ models. I've also been in games where their shooting did a scary amount of damage and lots of 1's were rolled on saves. It really depends on the dice.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 TheKbob wrote:
Just wanted to say I enjoyed reading the reports, I usually don't like them. Very well done!

I'm qualified for the Feast Invitational, but will probably attend the open with my own Draigo list. I thought I was being dumb by building one in sixth! I'm painting now, but my banner bro is definitely getting a magnet and an apothecary upgrade. Also, going to paint one of my Coteaz models, too.

I probably won't get play testing in prior to competition, so good primer for me too in DW tactics. I'm running a theme army (you won't miss mine if you come, trust me ) so no Necrons for me
Though, I own all those models. Going to have some fun locally with your take on the DW!

Congratulations on the win.

Too bad I won't be going to the Feast of Blades this way, though I have played against the FoB winner from last year before.

One of the biggest weaknesses of Draigowing is their lack of mobility. That was the main reason for the necron allies. If you go pure GK's, then consider a couple of soladins for late game deepstrikes onto enemy objectives/territory. Also, make sure to use Draigo's Psychic Communion to manipulate reserves. I've found it to be very helpful in these series, especially when I want to protect my dreads from opposing alpha-strikes.

Thanks, and good luck!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/09/06 22:29:10

6th Edition Tournaments: Golden Throne GT 2012 - 1st .....Bay Area Open GT 2013 - Best Tyranids
ATC 2013 - Team Fluffy Bunnies - 1st .....LVO GT 2014 Team Tournament - Best Generals
7th Edition: 2015-16 ITC Best Grey Knights, 2015-16 ITC Best Tyranids
Jy2's 6th Edition Battle Report Thread - Links.....Jy2's 7th Edition Battle Report Thread - Links
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Pulsating Possessed Chaos Marine

Seattle, WA

jy2 wrote: The problem with being in combat with them is this. I kill a lot. He then fails Morale and breaks off (cannot be swept). He then auto-regroups next turn and now he's going to have 2 blob squads FRF!SRF! my paladins.

And for those who don't know, ATSKNF (from the Rune Priests) + blob squads = really good.

Forgot that terminators can't sweep. If Coteaz was with them he could sweep as his armor is merely artificer. I guess that just risks him getting killed though.
Made in us
Powerful Phoenix Lord

Buffalo, NY

bogalubov wrote:
jy2 wrote: The problem with being in combat with them is this. I kill a lot. He then fails Morale and breaks off (cannot be swept). He then auto-regroups next turn and now he's going to have 2 blob squads FRF!SRF! my paladins.

And for those who don't know, ATSKNF (from the Rune Priests) + blob squads = really good.

Forgot that terminators can't sweep. If Coteaz was with them he could sweep as his armor is merely artificer. I guess that just risks him getting killed though.

Except that if one model in a unit cannot Sweep, then nobody in the unit can sweep.

Greebo had spent an irritating two minutes in that box. Technically, a cat locked in a box may be alive or it may be dead. You never know until you look. In fact, the mere act of opening the box will determine the state of the cat, although in this case there were three determinate states the cat could be in: these being Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious.
Orks always ride in single file to hide their strength and numbers.
Gozer the Gozerian, Gozer the Destructor, Volguus Zildrohar, Gozer the Traveler, and Lord of the Sebouillia 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Eye of Terror

 hyv3mynd wrote:
Even 100 shots with rerolls is:
75 hits
25 wounds
4 failed saves
3 failed FnP
1.5 dead pallies or a scratch on draigo.

Paladins being multi wound brings a whole nother dimension to their innate survivability. That's one thing that makes them still good.

Jim - Paul won a GW GT with his Blood Angels. I believe it was either in Atlanta or Baltimore.

Necrons and Grey Knights are a great combination but I think both codices are starting to show their age now. You have shown repeatable times here they can still get the job done though.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2013/09/07 00:59:07

My blog... http://greenblowfly.blogspot.com


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 Dozer Blades wrote:
 hyv3mynd wrote:
Even 100 shots with rerolls is:
75 hits
25 wounds
4 failed saves
3 failed FnP
1.5 dead pallies or a scratch on draigo.

Paladins being multi wound brings a whole nother dimension to their innate survivability. That's one thing that makes them still good.

Jim - Paul won a GW GT with his Blood Angels. I believe it was either in Atlanta or Baltimore.

Necrons and Grey Knights are a great combination but I think both codices are starting to show their age now. You have shown repeatable times here they can still get the job done though.

My four armies are Wolves, Cron, GK, and Sisters. So basically the last four of 5th Edition. It makes me sad if people think GK and Necrons still can't hold their own.

Plus, surprise sisters is ALWAYS fun. I learned the hard way (twice) that Necrons are not their friend, though.

Shine on, Kaldor Dayglow!
Not Ken Lobb

Made in us

Fortress of Solitude

GK and necrons are still decent armies, with necrons certainly being very strong. They have, however, been superseded decisively by Tau and Eldar as the NOVA results show.

Celesticon 2013 Warhammer 40k Tournament- Best General
Sydney August 2014 Warhammer 40k Tournament-Best General 
Made in ca
Hurr! Ogryn Bone 'Ead!


Oh look, another top-tier player with Imperial Guard choices that very few internet people would approve of. Mortars! Sniper rifles!

I'm really excited to see how this one plays out!

 Paradigm wrote:
The key to being able to enjoy the game in real life and also be a member of this online community is to know where you draw the line. What someone online on the other side of the world that you've never met says should never deter you from taking a unit for being either weak or OP. The community is a great place to come for tactics advice, and there is a lot of very sound opinions and idea out there, but at the end of the day, play the game how you want to... Don't worry about the hordes of Dakka descending on your gaming club to arrest you for taking one heldrake or not using a screamerstar. Knowing the standard opinion (and that's all it is) on what is good/bad and conforming to that opinion religiously are two entirely separate things.
Made in gb
Angelic Adepta Sororitas

Im guessing he's using the snipers to extend the range of the damage he can do.

Single sniper in there means he can take of models beyond 24" away when he lights up a squad.
Made in us

 Mythantor wrote:
Im guessing he's using the snipers to extend the range of the damage he can do.

Single sniper in there means he can take of models beyond 24" away when he lights up a squad.

Clever tactic. Took two days to work through how that rule works now with my local scene.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/09/07 14:59:23

Shine on, Kaldor Dayglow!
Not Ken Lobb

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

San Jose, CA

 TheKbob wrote:

My four armies are Wolves, Cron, GK, and Sisters. So basically the last four of 5th Edition. It makes me sad if people think GK and Necrons still can't hold their own.

Plus, surprise sisters is ALWAYS fun. I learned the hard way (twice) that Necrons are not their friend, though.

Actually, there was 1 Sisters player at the ATC. Want to venture a guess as to who won the Best Sisters player award?

Wolves, crons and GK are all still pretty good. Crons IMO are still top-tier. Wolves and GK's are upper-middle to lower-top tier, but when you throw in allies to them, especially cron and IG allies, IMO they become top-tier as well.

 ImotekhTheStormlord wrote:
GK and necrons are still decent armies, with necrons certainly being very strong. They have, however, been superseded decisively by Tau and Eldar as the NOVA results show.

I still believe necrons belong right up there with Tau and Eldar . However, people just don't run them as often in tournament play anymore as they used to. Actually, a lot of the top players have switched over to tau and/or eldar. That's really what NOVA is showing. A lot of the top players who went to NOVA the previous year with different armies have switched over to Taudar/Eldau/etc. this year.

 Talore wrote:
Oh look, another top-tier player with Imperial Guard choices that very few internet people would approve of. Mortars! Sniper rifles!

I'm really excited to see how this one plays out!

BTW, my opponent for this game, Eric, ended up winning the award for Best Imperial Guards player.

 Mythantor wrote:
Im guessing he's using the snipers to extend the range of the damage he can do.

Single sniper in there means he can take of models beyond 24" away when he lights up a squad.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/09/08 04:59:45

6th Edition Tournaments: Golden Throne GT 2012 - 1st .....Bay Area Open GT 2013 - Best Tyranids
ATC 2013 - Team Fluffy Bunnies - 1st .....LVO GT 2014 Team Tournament - Best Generals
7th Edition: 2015-16 ITC Best Grey Knights, 2015-16 ITC Best Tyranids
Jy2's 6th Edition Battle Report Thread - Links.....Jy2's 7th Edition Battle Report Thread - Links
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Angry Blood Angel Assault marine

Close to Maddness, Far from Safe

Can't wait for the ending!

Check out my little ork story I am working on here!


Made in us

Fortress of Solitude

 jy2 wrote:

 ImotekhTheStormlord wrote:
GK and necrons are still decent armies, with necrons certainly being very strong. They have, however, been superseded decisively by Tau and Eldar as the NOVA results show.

I still believe necrons belong right up there with Tau and Eldar . However, people just don't run them as often in tournament play anymore as they used to. Actually, a lot of the top players have switched over to tau and/or eldar. That's really what NOVA is showing. A lot of the top players who went to NOVA the previous year with different armies have switched over to Taudar/Eldau/etc. this year.

Whilst that is certainly true, I believe it is this very change in the meta which is hurting Necrons. They have always had difficulty with eliminating MCs at range, and wraiths cannot do the job by themselves. The NOVA winning list, for example, featured 4 riptides, two of which were in a combined unit with farsight and a buffmander. This new emphasis on MC spam, with 3 riptide becoming the norm for tourney tau lists really damages necron viability in my opinion. The tactical utility of Nightscythes is also greatly diminished when you have to spend a turn skulking along the board edge to avoid all the interceptor fire from tau lines.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/09/08 14:35:27

Celesticon 2013 Warhammer 40k Tournament- Best General
Sydney August 2014 Warhammer 40k Tournament-Best General 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

San Jose, CA

Game #6 completed.

Post-game thoughts and Tournament Results coming later.

6th Edition Tournaments: Golden Throne GT 2012 - 1st .....Bay Area Open GT 2013 - Best Tyranids
ATC 2013 - Team Fluffy Bunnies - 1st .....LVO GT 2014 Team Tournament - Best Generals
7th Edition: 2015-16 ITC Best Grey Knights, 2015-16 ITC Best Tyranids
Jy2's 6th Edition Battle Report Thread - Links.....Jy2's 7th Edition Battle Report Thread - Links
Made in us
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

I want to thank you for the report on the tournament from the eyes of your team. It's been a great read and the reports for each game are in depth enough to know how it's going yet not overly wordy.

I've been following it each day in the hopes that there is an update!

5 successful trades to date! 
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Willing Inquisitorial Excruciator

Sarasota, FL

Great reports all the way through. Thank you for sharing your experience at the ATC and congrats on the dominating win on your first appearance there. Your team concept and composition are really cool, with 2k and the way matchups work in the ATC it makes for some extreme lists that are also very thematic. Great pictures and tactical insights throughout make your reports not just entertaining but very informative. Thanks!

7K Points of Black Legion and Daemons
5K Points of Grey Knights and Red Hunters  
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Fortress of Solitude

As has been said, great report!

Celesticon 2013 Warhammer 40k Tournament- Best General
Sydney August 2014 Warhammer 40k Tournament-Best General 
Made in us
Ship's Officer

I have to say, I really like the objective setup in this tournament. It seemed like it helped out your Draicronic Measures quite a bit but was pretty balanced for everybody.

I recently took a modified version of your list (1750 instead of 2k) up against a friend's Eldar. He was running an all Bikes/Warp-spiders list and we ended up rolling The Relic, which turned out really well for him since he could force me to chase him around the table. I lost 3-1, but it was close up until about Turn 5 where all I could do was deny him the Relic. (It would have been a draw if I had managed to get First-blood, but he rolled like 13/14 3+ saves on my first round of shooting).

The positional dominance strategy is really solid though. Once you get those Paladins into position, it takes a lot to move them away and with so many objectives (and not many kill points to boot) your method of holding the center of the board is really fantastic. Hopefully I'll get better at using it myself

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/09/08 19:48:49

Ask Not, Fear Not - (Gallery), ,

 H.B.M.C. wrote:

Yeah! Who needs balanced rules when everyone can take giant stompy robots! Balanced rules are just for TFG WAAC players, and everyone hates them.

- This message brought to you by the Dakka Casual Gaming Mafia: 'Cause winning is for losers!
Made in ca
Rampaging Carnifex

West Coast, Canada

Thanks for sharing the reports mate. Well played.

Made in gb
Cackling Chaos Conscript


 Lord Arturius wrote:
I want to thank you for the report on the tournament from the eyes of your team. It's been a great read and the reports for each game are in depth enough to know how it's going yet not overly wordy.

I've been following it each day in the hopes that there is an update!

I second that. This has been a superb read. I always learn loads from reading your reports but this has been the best education so far due to the range of opponents you've played

Check out my Karloth Valois themed 40k/Necromunda thread
Made in ca
Regular Dakkanaut

I can tell how upset with your play in the last game you are JY2, but I gotta say, you're playing the best players around on a constant basis, feel good man you did awesome IMHO!
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

San Jose, CA

Post-game Thoughts and Tournament Results posted above.

Will respond to comments after dinner. Thanks to all for reading.

6th Edition Tournaments: Golden Throne GT 2012 - 1st .....Bay Area Open GT 2013 - Best Tyranids
ATC 2013 - Team Fluffy Bunnies - 1st .....LVO GT 2014 Team Tournament - Best Generals
7th Edition: 2015-16 ITC Best Grey Knights, 2015-16 ITC Best Tyranids
Jy2's 6th Edition Battle Report Thread - Links.....Jy2's 7th Edition Battle Report Thread - Links
Made in us
Sneaky Lictor

Awesome report series jy2. You played great, barring a few minor mistakes that everyone would make.

Couple of questions for Janthkin rather than yourself.
1) who was his MVP unit? 2) introduction of the Mawloc, I like it, how'd it do? And 3) what was the worst performing unit for him?

Finally, one question for you. How come you charged the lone wolf in the last game? Tara the move that took you out of reach to control/contest 2 other objectives. Would it have been better for you to await his change so you wouldn't have had to move so far from where they were placed?

I really enjoy your battle reports and gaming expertise. Congratulations on taking first!
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

What an epic road! Thanks for the tourney report jy2 awesome as usual, and congrats on the team win. I thought you had that last game against eric but such is life haha.
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