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Pile of Shame 2023: Paint with a Vengeance!  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Stubborn Dark Angels Veteran Sergeant


Hangovers from... to my double shame... 2021:-

KoW Northern Alliance army:
* Assorted 1980s Dwarf minis, mostly with 1980s era paint jobs so at least needing a wash or two...
* Blood Rage minis to be my main human forces. Mostly primed, some painting done.
* Three Shieldwolf Amazon riding bears. Assembled and primed.
* Three Mierce Walrus Dudes. Assembled and primed. These will be Snow Trolls.

Hangover from... to my somewhat lesser shame... 2022:-

One space dorf airship (converted toy). I hit a bit of a sculpting wall on this but will get back to it soon.


More Northern Alliance bits -- two units of ice elementals and one of snow foxes

Terrain scratchbuilds -- I really want to make a big-ass oil rig thing for SF skirmish and narrative gaming

28mm scale converted toy spaceships -- got at least 5 or 6 of these that want painting and probably mild conversion

My next army for F28: War Always Changes will be a Thunder Warriors & Imperial Army, Unification Wars era force. I'd like a 1200 point force painted by year's end.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/01/05 11:35:02

My painting & modelling blog: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/699224.page

Serpent King Games: Dragon Warriors Reborn!

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

NE Ohio, USA

Goals for 2023:

*x2 small demo forces for Bolt action (US army & Italians) - build & paint.
US force is complete build wise & base coated.
(5/16/23) Italian force is now a WiP as far as the building goes.

*3k pts worth of Votann - build & paint.

*a French army for WL Games epic scale Black Powder game (whatever it's called) - build & paint.
Status: all spues from army box base coated

*finish up my 30k Iron Warrior project from this past summer/fall - finish building/painting.
Status: WiP

*Cursed City game - build & paint.

*Blood Bowl/Dungeon Bowl - build & paint (at least) two teams.
(9/18/'23) Dwarf/Oger DB team built & base coated!
10/30/'23) Dark Elf/Skaven DB team built & base coated!

*build & base coat at least 1 other kit/item from my inventory per week - in addition to planned projects.
Status: 134/52.
{Many of this # are individual minis from assorted companies. Not whole units, just one-off minis I liked enough to pick up over the years}

# of Models fully painted in 2023: 13! (though one came out fairly poorly & so almost doesn't count)

This message was edited 56 times. Last update was at 2023/12/14 04:57:44

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Things I owned January 1st, 2023, 12:00 AM that are still unpainted:

Things I bought in 2023 that are still unpainted: shame shame
Five Servitors (I didn't actually buy these, I feel no shame at the kit-bash)

Modular Chaos Knight

The 'nid half of the Leviathan box.

A great big pile of Dwegholm.

Things I owned January 1st, 2023, 12:00 AM that are now painted:
10 Devastator Marines and a Cherub
14 assorted veterans/Sergeants/special weapon guys
5 Sternguard
Jump pack Librarian

Knight Abominant
Knight Tyrant x2
War Dogs x6

Two Eferrit Scouts
Bone Shrine
War Hog
Farrow Valkyries

Things I bought in 2023 that are now painted:
Road Hog
Razorback Crew
Farrow Brigand Warlord
Gobber Tinker

Aristarch x2
Polemarch x2
8 City State retinue models
7 stands of Thorakites
14 stands of Hoplites
10 Minotaur Thyreans
14 stands of Phalangites
11 Minotaur Haspists
5 stands of Agemas
6 Inquisitors
6 stands of Selenoi
6 stands of Satyroi
One ambiguous giant

Three stands of Ugrs
Three stands of Stalkers
Four stands of Valkyries
Four stands of Raiders
Four Fenr Beast Packs

Things removed from The Pile per The Rules of Acquisition

Jump pack Chaplain
Ten Desolators
Five Heavy Intercessors
One Lieutenant
Brutalis Dreadnought
3 stands of Valkyries

This message was edited 45 times. Last update was at 2023/12/29 14:55:30

Made in gb
Stubborn Dark Angels Veteran Sergeant


I will happily edit the thread title if anyone can better Boogalee which I agree is dreadful

My painting & modelling blog: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/699224.page

Serpent King Games: Dragon Warriors Reborn!

Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Perhaps....Pile of Shame 2023: Paint with a Vengeance!

Edit: I am going into this year with a clean slate, but will update once I decide what miniatures I want next.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/01/03 17:50:04

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

It's Two Thousand Twenty Three, the Pile of Shame's Where Chestnut Be.

Pile of Shame: The 2023 Reunion Tour

2023: The Year We Piled Shame

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/01/03 17:52:24

Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Things I owned January 1st, 2023, unpainted:
3 Sentinels
1 Chimera + various 3D printed turrets
A box of Archon Studios Terrain

Titanforge Amazons:
7 Characters
11 Dinosaur riders
3 Gorillas as Ogryn-Proxies

Edit: one MDF robot thingy (probably a Knight proxy)

the beginning of an Admech force I hunted on Ebay:
5 Pteraxis
2 Kastelan Robots + Datasmith
1 Sydonian Dragoon

Things I bought in 2023: shame shame:
nothing, but having an eye on a Forgeworld Gorgon and a Skytalon...
Edit: 5 Sicarian Ruststalkers
1 Tech Priest Manipulus

Things I owned January 1st, 2023, 12:00 AM that are now painted:
a bunch of IG/Inquisition characters:
2 Commissars (one intended to be traded)
6 priests (3 intended to be traded but I might paint them)
1 Jokaero
1 Beastmen hero
1 Rogue Trader dude
10 Skitarii
1 Tech Priest Dominus
1 Skitarii Marschal

Things I bought in 2023 that are now painted:

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 2023/03/01 19:02:16

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

I've dialed way back on painting lately to make time for other things. That said, I finished 2 of my unpainted Knights over the break and I'm nearly finished with 4 Armigers to go along with them. That'll leave my Pile of Shame just down to:

Sisters Executioner
Dominus Class Knight
Hooch Hauler

Pretty close to caught up prior to new projects. Here's what's on the horizon:

Battletech Alpha Strike - Got this for XMas. Paralyzed trying to decide a paint scheme. More of a painting project than anything I expect to play.

Warmachine Mk4 - Khador - Been playing a ton of this proxying with my old models. Liking the new rules enough I'll be painting up one of the new armies.

Judgement: Eternal Champions KS - Looks like its nearly here. I've been wanting to play this since 2016 or so. Very excited this one is finally going to deliver.

Rivenstone - Locals are very excited about this one. I'm a little meh on it, but I bought in and will paint some dwarves.

Monsterpocalypse KS - Might fail to deliver. Honestly, I have more than enough of this game, but I'd like this to show up and restart interest in our players.
Made in us
Yellin' Yoof on a Scooter

Somewhere in rural Georgia

Orks: I have a lot of Ork vehicles, Kommandos, terrain from Octarius not finished. My Warboss isn't even done yet.

I have a lot of Beast Snaggaz not put together because the guy who traded me for them couldn't be bothered to provide the flipping manual on how to put them together.

I have some un put together Death Guard stuff that I just neglected.

I have new Chaos Space Marines in a boxset not even touched, (going to get them together with my Death Guard and put them in the same army).

I have daemons unpainted.

My Ork Army needs to be given more attention and my Chaos army will be a work in progress.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

@Pyroalchi imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/01/04 21:16:35

Made in de
Oozing Plague Marine Terminator

Planning to finish all remaining Squig units for my 40K Orks.
Today I finished two mangler squigs which will count as Deffdreads. Pile includes 10 small Aos Squigs, 4 of these will be turned into bomb squigs, the other 6... used as unit fillers and attack squigs.
Also two Squiggoths, 3 Kromlech Killa Squigs and 3 Killa Kans. I hope to finish these, would bring my Orks over 2000points. And I'll have two painted Squiggoths.
Aside from these there are some Beasts of Nurgle and Plague Marines on the pile. Usually I only make 5 Plague Marines/ year because DG is annoying to paint. Didn't finish any last year so let's see how it goes.
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

The Newman wrote:
@Pyroalchi imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

there's a saying here in Germany: "Besser gut geklaut, als schlecht selbst ausgedacht"
roughly: "better to steal a good idea than come up with your own dumb one"

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

47 various fantasy minis, half of them primed.
Made in us
Blackclad Wayfarer


I painted sporadically last year. 150~ finished. I got a new job teaching and had a hard adjustment time with painting.

- New 4x4 Table
- Traitor Guard / Renegades (10 Vehicles, 120~ infantry)
- Inquisition Force (50 infantry, 2 Aircraft)
- Biotitans, Warhound titan, some large models that might be benched to the end of the year

I'm really looking forward to it

Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

 Pyroalchi wrote:
The Newman wrote:
@Pyroalchi imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

there's a saying here in Germany: "Besser gut geklaut, als schlecht selbst ausgedacht"
roughly: "better to steal a good idea than come up with your own dumb one"

In fairness, it's a solid framework for this sort of thread. Would you just update the original post, or do a quoted update post from time to time?

2021-4 Plog - Here we go again... - my fifth attempt at a Dakka PLOG

My Pile of Potential - updates ongoing...

Gamgee on Tau Players wrote:we all kill cats and sell our own families to the devil and eat live puppies.

 Kanluwen wrote:
This is, emphatically, why I will continue suggesting nuking Guard and starting over again. It's a legacy army that needs to be rebooted with a new focal point.

Confirmation of why no-one should listen to Kanluwen when it comes to the IG - he doesn't want the IG, he want's Kan's New Model Army...

tneva82 wrote:
You aren't even trying ty pretend for honest arqument. Open bad faith trolling.
- No reason to keep this here, unless people want to use it for something... 
Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

I've got way too much..

Going back and forth wanting to retouch a lot of my old mini's but with so many still boxed I cannot do it..
This is what I would like to actually finish in season 2023. (before oldworld comes and I buy 1000 euros worth of boxes from that too to build an iglo out of I can live in in the middle of my condo)

-Fully assembled mortal Nurgle army, still unbasecoated' to which I haven't got a clue what scheme to use yet. (Was thinking grey skin with dull agapite armor, gold detail.. but test-blightking didn't look so well with that armor so still breaking my brain over it..)

-Harlequins of which 2 deathjesters, 1 solitaire and a floppy sky-speedboat.. (and 4 more dancers to do aswell..)


-Orks orks orks (do I need to list these?) .. (ok.. ) ; 2 boxes of nobs, 2 boxes of boys, a blitzabomba, a morkanaut, a box of (30%sale) kommandoes that misses a scubagrothead (who cares) I will likely all kitbash into something else and a pack of jetpackorksiforgotnameofyouknowwhatImean.

-Have to retouch my Tyranid harpy to get it up to the level of my tyrannofex.. and maybe retouch my Toxicrene a bit because I forgot to do some of its detail.. also retouch the tongue of my Trygon prime because Its not the same hue as the other Tyranids. -_-

-Are we talking Tyranids?.. hmm.. still have to finish 10 gargoyles and 10 minespores x_x

I think that's it.. probably forgot something but ok.

Will probably fail doing half of this due to old world release.

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Borrowing the template from The Newman, though tweaking one category a little...

Note - I'm just going to be tracking GW things here.

Things I owned January 1st, 2023, WIP*
- Thunderer Siege Tank (WIP)
- 5 Flesh Hounds (WIP, based)
- Karanak, The Hound of Vengeance (WIP, based)
- Convergence of Dominion (WIP)
- 2 small ruins from 40k Command Edition (undercoated)
- Firstborn Dark Angels Master (WIP, based)
- Lord Felthius (undercoated or WIP, based)
- Vostroyan Officer (WIP, based)
- Commissar (WIP, based)
- Chaplain with Jump Pack (WIP, based)
- Firstborn Mentor Legion Captain (WIP, based)
- Mentor Legion Primaris Lt. (WIP, Based)
- Bladeguard Lieutenant (WIP, based)
- 5 Assault Intercessors (WIP, based)
- Cadian Command Squad (4 models, WIP, based)

* - WIP is defined as at least undercoated, not just built. If I tried to include the unpainted stuff, the year would be over before the survey was done...
Note - this may expand as I find other WIP things I'd forgotten about, and as/when I start on things from the Pile that previously hadn't been undercoated.

Things I bought in 2023:
- Eldar Bonesinger (metal)
- Cadia Stands! (28 models?)
- Black Templar Castellan
- 3 metal Cadian Shock Troops with Meltaguns (the 3rd ed design, not the 2nd ed one)
- 2 M2O Inquisitors
- Scarcrag Snivellers (12 Goblins, being split into 3 groups of 4 (2 Gouged Eye teams, and reinforcements for my other Goblin team))
- Captain Messinius
- Necron Combat Patrol (Overlord, 5 Immortals, 5 Immortals, 3 Tomb Blades, 1 Death Crescent)
- Store Birthday Kahl
- Store Birthday Kharadron guy
- Melee Leviathan Dreadnought
- Necron Boarding Patrol box (5 Warriors, 5 Warriors, 3 Scarab Swarms, 10 Lychguard, 3 Ophydian Destroyers, 1 Plasmacyte)
- The Lion and Friends (The Lion, 3 Bladeguard Veterans)

- Typhus (Metal, M2O)
- Ashes of Faith (7 Inquisitorial Agents, 5 Tempestus Scions, 5 Sisters of Silence, Dank Commune (5 models), Accursed Cultists (8 models), Chaos Cultists (10 models))
- Primaris Company Champion
- A Commissar's Duty
- Telemon Dreadnought (secondhand, unbuilt)

- Leviathan (Terminator Captain, Lieutenant with Combi-Weapon, Terminator Librarian, Apothecary Biologis, Ballistus Dreadnought, 5 Terminators, 5 Sternguard Veterans, 10 Infernus; Winged Tyranid Prime, Neurotyrant, 2 Neuroloids, Screamer-Killer, Psychophage, 3 Von Ryan's Leapers, 5 Barbgaunts, 11 Neurogaunts, 20 Termagants, 2 Ripper Swarms)
- 2 Armigers (probably destined to be Warglaives)
- Mina Lensk

- Skyshield Landing Pad (second attempt, after GW screwed me over when they went off sale initially)
- Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought

Italics means I've ordered them, but they've not gotten to me yet...

Things I purchased in 2023, now WIP (at least undercoated)
- Nothing at present

Things I owned January 1st, 2023, now completed:
- 2 barricades from Ryza-pattern ruins
- Cybernetica Datasmith
- 5 Blood Angels Scouts with Shotguns
- Bayard's Revenge (not painted by me, though)
- Spoilpox Scriviner
- 5 Plaguebearers
- 5 more Plaguebearers
- Lt. Calsius
- Psychomancer
- 10 Plaguebearers
- Sloppity Bilepiper
- Canoptek Doomstalker

Things I bought in 2023, now completed:
- 3 Scarab Swarms
- 5 Necron Immortals with Gauss Blasters
- 5 Necron Immortals with Tesla Carbines
- 5 Necron Warriors with Gauss Flayers

Net change to the Pile of Shame/Potential
217 bought, 52 painted, so a net of +165

This message was edited 63 times. Last update was at 2023/12/31 09:05:24

2021-4 Plog - Here we go again... - my fifth attempt at a Dakka PLOG

My Pile of Potential - updates ongoing...

Gamgee on Tau Players wrote:we all kill cats and sell our own families to the devil and eat live puppies.

 Kanluwen wrote:
This is, emphatically, why I will continue suggesting nuking Guard and starting over again. It's a legacy army that needs to be rebooted with a new focal point.

Confirmation of why no-one should listen to Kanluwen when it comes to the IG - he doesn't want the IG, he want's Kan's New Model Army...

tneva82 wrote:
You aren't even trying ty pretend for honest arqument. Open bad faith trolling.
- No reason to keep this here, unless people want to use it for something... 
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

@ Dysartes: I think I will post a quote maybe once a quartal.
But I already see things going slow this year. I hope I can finish at leat half of my pile till christmas.

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Time to start rebuilding the pile it seems

Picked up a few more Battletech figures I ran across in the wild. Also it looks like Malifaux, Legion and Infinity have some updates for my armies and both Warmachine mk4 and Judgement feel like they're going to land in February. Need to wrap up those Armigers and get cracking before there's a pile to be ashamed of again.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Dysartes wrote:
 Pyroalchi wrote:
The Newman wrote:
@Pyroalchi imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

there's a saying here in Germany: "Besser gut geklaut, als schlecht selbst ausgedacht"
roughly: "better to steal a good idea than come up with your own dumb one"

In fairness, it's a solid framework for this sort of thread. Would you just update the original post, or do a quoted update post from time to time?

Last year I posted a summary what I got done as I finished units and then updated my original post for overall progress. I did improve last year's format a little for 2023, I didn't separate finished models according to whether I owned the unit at the start of the year last time and I would have liked to have had that information available.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/01/11 16:26:54

Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

I have also started re-building my pile thanks to printing.

Printed out the following:
- 6 Objective markers
- 6 cows for various games
- 6 6mm tanks

I also found some old metal Foundry Samurai figures hiding in a bin from 15-20 years ago that I am going to paint up.

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

Mostly just gonna be a copy-paste of last year's pile of shame as I didn't make nearly as much progress as I wanted to, plus I picked up more stuff!
Warhammer 40k:
Over a dozen Ravenwing bikers, plus Outriders, ATVs, and vehicles. Hoping to get at least a few of these done. Might even 3D print some stuff for these since the new season is making them better.
A bunch of Deathwing Terminators. With the new Arks of Omen and the points changes these are looking real spicy!
Most of the Indomitus Space Marines. One of my main goals for the year is to finish knocking these out.
Lots of Firstborn Dark Angels. As in Tactical, Assault, and Devastator units, plus their transports. Probably won't have time for these.
Space Wolves. As in, a pretty fair sized army of them, many of which are still on sprues. Space Wolves are going bye-bye; picked up Votann and need the shelf space and I just don't have much desire to paint Wolves anymore. That'll shrink the pile of shame, at least!
Sisters of Battle vehicles. A couple of Rhinos that are basically minimal paint standard for events, plus some Mortifiers and Morvenn Vahl in the same condition. Not a huge priority currently but I might at least try to squeeze Vahl in.
Some random Sisters infantry and characters as well as some Paragon Warsuits. Low priority since most of it is not very competitive. Might make good "palette cleansers" since I can paint them quickly with Contrast paint.
The Triumph of Saint Katherine: Still bare plastic and in subassemblies; might get painted this year, might not.
2 (probably recast) Cerastus Knight-Castigators, plus a Questoris Knight still on sprues. Very low likelihood of getting worked on this year.
A bunch of Wargames Atlantic Les Grognards infantry. Low priority for now; could get bumped up if I decide I really want to play Guard (their codex seems really good!).
2 Leman Russ tanks and a Valkyrie. See above with the Grognards infantry. Might even get some 3D printed reinforcements...
Japanese-themed Drukhari proxy army. 3D printed; planning to print a bunch more for it to make it a full proper army; not sure how quick I can get it painted, my year is already pretty full as it is.
Roman-themed 3D printed AdMech army. Will need a bunch more stuff printed to actually have a full army. Not sure I'm gonna have time for it, just like the Drukhari.
Plenty of Leagues of Votann stuff, and more yet to buy. Painting them to look somewhat like the Grineer from Warframe. This is something that will likely have priority this year, as I love the models and am excited to work on them.
40k Kill Team:
The original starter set with Ork Kommandos and Death Korps of Krieg kill teams, plus Orky terrain. The Orks are primed and will be painted with Contrast and Army Painter Speedpaint and would make decent palette cleansers, other stuff may not unless a painting challenge warrants it.
Warhammer Age of Sigmar:
5k points of Stormcast Eternals. I hope to at least get some of these painted this year, but I'm unlikely to do more than that unless I get a bunch of games in and attend an AoS event (as I said, not very likely). Painted a couple of units last year, still plenty more to go.
Minas Tirith: Started painting a few infantry last year, didn't finish them. Got plenty of infantry and heroes, plus some cavalry. I'm hoping to get at least some of this painted.
Rohan: I've got the models from the Pelennor Fields starter, but none of them are even primed at this point. I'd like to paint them, but we'll see if I have time.
Lothlorien: I've got Wood Elves, a lot of Galadhrim infantry and cavalry, and a handful of heroes (including 3 different Haldir sculpts). This is now my main Good army and will have priority over other Good armies for painting.
Khazad-dum: I really need to add a few things to this army to get it properly playable, but I do have some stuff that needs paint. Probably won't happen this year.
Mordor: Pelennor Fields stuff, plus a few reinforcements (like Warg riders). Low priority, but might get bumped up if I can get more local interest in the game going.
Easterlings: My main Evil army for this game, still have plenty of models to paint, including some Forge World stuff. I want to pick up the Dragon Emperor of Rhun and paint him, but the money might be an issue there.
Variags of Khand: I really want to paint these as allies for my Easterlings, but I may just not have time. We shall see.
A fair-sized Orlock gang including vehicles. My local group wants to run a Necromunda campaign sometime this year, so these will likely get at least some paint down.
Other stuff:
Infinity: I've got the contents of the Red Veil starter set, plus the Beyond Red Veil expansion box. Low priority for painting this year.
Guildball: Kickoff box, plus a starter of the Blacksmiths' Guild team. Low priority for paint despite the fact that I think I'd have fun with the models. 2023 update: picked up the Ratcatchers and Farmers starter teams last year, so yet more to work on!
Ankh: Gods of Egypt: Picked up the Kickstarter edition at my FLGS late in 2021, plus all of the expansions. I hope to at least get started on painting the models this year, but we'll see if I can find time.
Blackstone Fortress: I still have the game kicking around, and most of the models have not yet been painted. I probably won't get around to them this year.
Star Fleet Battles: I have the heavy cruisers from most of the races, and a couple of them are partially painted. I'd like to get those finished and put some paint on more of them this year if possible.
Star Saga: Probably won't get paint this year; might actually get sold if I can find someone who wants it.
Aliens: Another Glorious Day In The Corps: Have the main game plus expansions, started painting some of the heroes last year and haven't touched it since. Might happen this year, might not.
Primal: The Awakening: Kickstarter that will hopefully be fulfilled later this year (already been delayed multiple times). If it arrives at a good time, I hope to at least start painting the models from it this year.
Godtear: The Borderlands starter set. Won this in a raffle at a 40k tournament last year; probably low priority for paint despite having some cool models.

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~15000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: ~1900 | Imperial Knights: ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: ~1200 | Tyranids: ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 25 | Current main painting project: Kruleboyz Spearhead
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
Made in au
Dakka Veteran

Sydney, Australia

I've cut back on the backlog a ton, but some of the big things remain

Bolt Action British Airborne- Might paint, probably won't, but might sell too. I haven't played in years and have no intention of doing so
Malifaux- I have a few crews unpainted, but the game has become so bloated I have no interest in playing and I'm cutting back what I do have
40k- Have about 2-3k ish of Eldar unpainted, should be able to knock it over but I also have to find the time/motivation
30k- Almost painted for now, but I have plans for 2 more full armies so I have to keep on top of them all and make sure the backlog doesn't get unmanageable


I mainly play 30k, but am still fairly active with 40k. I play Warcry, Arena Rex, Middle-Earth, Blood Bowl, Batman, Star Wars Legion as well

My plog- https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/787134.page
My blog- https://fistfulofminiatures.blogspot.com/
My gaming Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/fistfulofminis/ 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Malifaux is great if played within keyword these days. Most of my friends don't even try to play factions anymore. They just focus on their favorite 2-3 masters across the game.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Just finished ten Devastator marines and a Cherub, and also put basing on 15 Hormagaunts. I don't consider the unbased 'nids as Pile of Shame models because they were done as far as I was concerned and adding basing is something I decided on later. I'm just pulling a few out to base every time I finish painting something else and get the basing tools out.

On the other side I added a final Chaos Knight to the pile. I figured out how to tab-cut the elbows so this one can be fielded as any of the medium size Knights, that collection is now complete until GW releases something new.

Paint with a Vengeance is definitely a better title.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2023/01/21 14:35:27

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Last year I painted 12 more models than I bought, bringing my total pile of shame (I guess it's more of a little paperweight) down to 14.

Started the year off well, finished 5 Chaos Chosen for AoS so now I'm at 9. And I've started on the new Daemon Prince from that box.

Fingers crossed over the next two-three months I can get that "pile" down to effectively zero.
Made in gb
Executing Exarch

London, UK

I have quite a number of toys that I need to clear out. Definitely managed to buy less than I painted last year, but I've managed to fail already this year.

I have loads to paint that I don't have with me due to travel, but here's what I have in the immediate future:

3x Aggressors - 80% complete
1x Space Marine Company Champion - 80% complete
1x Phobos Librarian - 60% complete
8x Squat Prospectors - Primed
KT: Into the Dark (24 minis + Terrain!) Kroot assembled

Other Goals:
Finish my Space Marines army - 19x Intercessors, 6x Phobos, 6x Inceptors, 6x Aggressors, 1x Repulsor, 2x Firestrikes, 4x Bladeguard, a slew of characters (this is a hangover from my 2021 and 22 hobby goals)
Paint more than I buy - thus far, failing (2 Done vs 30+)
Paint more than the previous year (2/114)
Enter a painting competition
Try out KT
Finish my Aeronautica Eldar and Marines

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2023/02/13 16:20:04

Made in us
Rogue Daemonhunter fueled by Chaos

Toledo, OH

I moved out of my house for a job relocation in January, and prior to that did a huge ebay spree to clear out unpainted stuff. Since I don't even have my pile of shame right now (it's chilling in a warehouse in Cleveland), I'm going to focus on the stuff I brought with me to the rental house and things I've bought since the move:

6 Field guns
3 Sentinels
20 Sisters Novitiate
60 Necron Warriors + 18 Scarabs
40 Hearthkyn Warriors
6 Pioneers
2 Kahls
2 Champs
Heart of Ghur Terrain
2 Darkoath Warbands
2 Corvus Cabal Warbands
Cypher Lords
Rotmire Creed
Horns of Hashut
Iron Golems
2 Tarantuls Brood
Khaintite Shadowstalkers
12 Chaotic beasts
Mindstealer Sphiranx
Ogroid Myrmadon
Fomoroid Crusher
Scions of Flame

Bought in 2023:
12 Pioneers
60 Hearthkyn Warriors

completed so far:
4 Hearthkyn warriors
Made in ca
Fixture of Dakka

Surrey, BC - Canada

New year and a shorter list than last year. I am certain I will add some old metal at some point, looking for the metal Dark Reaper and Howling Banshee Exarchs.

To Paint List Final Stages Base Coat Completed - Primed - Un-assembled – Still in Blister/Box/Closet/Under the Bed

Eldar – 2
Eldar Falcon
Eldar Dark Reaper Exarch

Necromunda - 40K Terrain Large - 17
Ruined Cathedral - 3
Battle Zone Nachmund -5
Imperial storage pallets - 6
Imperial test site - 1
Classic Necromunda towers - 2

Sisters of Battle – finished.

Painted in 2023
2 bridges
3 burnt forest segments
1 cherub

The long painting war continues...


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/02/26 03:20:18

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Finished my Knights. Working on some Battletech now but really struggling to find a color scheme.
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