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corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/01 10:31:04

Post by: nomsheep

Hey I saw this game here and thought I'd make a thread here.

NeroArcana wrote:We all have wishes right? Well this is a fun way to post them and see what others' responses are. However, there's a twist. You wish for something, but the person below you corrupts it! Then they post their wish and whoever posts below them gets to corrupt theirs. For example:

User One: I wish I could go on a picnic.

User Two: Wish granted, but it rains. I wish I had a cat.

User Three: Wish granted, but it has rabies. I wish I had a million pounds.

Etc. etc. Get how it goes? This can get really fun if you really get into it. Think about your corruptions, and make them terrible

I'll start since it's my thread.

I wish firefly hadn't been cancelled.


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/01 10:41:05

Post by: TheRobotLol

But it is AWEFUL

I wish I was immortal.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/01 10:43:02

Post by: rockerbikie

But you are put on lifesupport and you are a cripple.

I wish for a new Powerful Wood Elf Army book.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/01 10:55:03

Post by: CthuluIsSpy

But its written by Matt Ward, so all the Elves are now Spesse Mahrines.

I wish Duke Nukem Forever didn't blow.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/01 11:13:14

Post by: nomsheep

Granted now it sucks

I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish a baller, I wish I had a girl that looked good, I would call her, I wish I had a rabbit in a. Hat with a bat and a "6" "4" Impala.

Internet if anyone gets that.


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/01 11:27:23

Post by: rockerbikie

Granted. The rabbit is dead. The girl has aids and is a shemale. The 64 Impala is rusty and the engine is dead. You are 7 foot tall now.

I wish to be a Red Corsair Khorne Beserker.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/01 11:31:24

Post by: SilverMK2

Granted, but you accidentally annoyed the daemon that granted your wish and are turned into a choas spawn instead.

I wish that my armies would assemble and paint themselves.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/01 11:41:40

Post by: nomsheep

Granted but they don't include the arms and paint swastikas on the foreheads of every troop meaning that you can never play them again

I wish I was a fish.


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/01 11:48:05

Post by: SilverMK2

Granted. But since you are not in water you quickly asphyxiate.

I wish to have lots and lots of money.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/01 11:52:08

Post by: nomsheep

Granted you are now a columbian drug lord with loads of money, shame your second in command wants to rise up the ranks...

I wish America was still a part of the colonies [therefore easier to move to]


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/01 11:58:51

Post by: rockerbikie

Wish but the French win the Napoleonic wars and Britain is reduce to the status of Protectorate.

I wish that Red Corsairs get their own codex.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/01 12:02:23

Post by: SilverMK2

Granted. However, you arrive in the Americas just they are celebrating "We love the Queen Day" and your plane is shot down by an errant firework as it come in to land, killing you in a horrific fireball of pain.

Damn, ninja'd.

Granted, but unfortunately it is released just before the new edition, which renders it completely unplayable.

I wish that we could travel to distant planets.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/01 12:08:12

Post by: nomsheep

Granted it sucks

Granted but it takes too long and you die

I wish I was jamacian


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/01 12:09:20

Post by: SilverMK2

Granted. Unfortunately you are alive during the period where slave ownership is still around and you live your life in endless toil.

I wish I could fly.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/01 12:26:33

Post by: CthuluIsSpy

Wish granted, but you fly into a airplane's turbine.

I wish I was a walrus. Koo Koo Kachoo

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/01 12:42:29

Post by: SilverMK2

Granted. Unfortunately you are rounded up by animal control and locked in a zoo for the rest of your life where you are bullied by the other animals.

I wish that chocolate was good for you.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/01 12:43:02

Post by: nomsheep

Granted but I'm a hungry Eskimo

I wish I was a jamacain in these times so no slavery.


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/01 13:09:11

Post by: rockerbikie

Wish granted but you are in jail for life.
I wish to be a Daemon Prince of Khorne.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/01 13:28:30

Post by: nomsheep

Granted but wires are crossed and you become a deamon prince of corn

I wish I had some manga


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/01 13:34:24

Post by: SilverMK2

Granted. Unfortunately it is the kind with "tentecles".

I wish I could make people explode with a thought.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/01 13:34:37

Post by: rockerbikie

Wish granted but it is Naruto.

I wish for a real Death Note which my name is not written in.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/01 13:38:43

Post by: nomsheep

Granted but I steal it and write your name in anyway.

I wish I was overlord of earth


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/01 13:43:39

Post by: SagesStone

Granted, you are now a rock.

I wish I could actually think up good wishes for these things...

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/01 16:41:27

Post by: SilverMK2

You think up the best wish ever, but then forget it before you can post it.

I wish that GW had more affordable prices

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/01 17:01:17

Post by: nomsheep


I mean granted but you get conscripted and can't actually biy them.

I wish my rat was friendlier


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/01 17:01:38

Post by: Slarg232

Granted, but you quickly spend so much your wife/girlfriend/woman leaves you, you lose your house, and your parents write you out of hteir will.

Granted, He's now Peter Pedigrew.

I wish I was an Oscar Meyer Weiner.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/02 08:22:53

Post by: rockerbikie

Wish granted but you die Ebola virus after you get it.

I wish that Santa Christ exists.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/02 21:00:10

Post by: TheRobotLol

But you are him and live a life of hard, unrewarding work, where 99.999% of the world does not believe in you and are morbidly obese.

I wish I had an epic x-box 360 game.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/02 21:17:33

Post by: nomsheep

Granted but its so epic that you play it so much that you never leave home and are never heard of again.

I wish I had a personal army at my command.


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/03 05:26:01

Post by: rockerbikie

Wish granted but it is an army of little girls.

I wish for an army of Space Marines.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/03 05:31:46

Post by: nomsheep


how are your hello kitty marines?

I wish for battlefleet fury's revival


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/05 23:05:07

Post by: CthuluIsSpy

Granted, but its bloody terrible.

I wish I were a Oscar Meyer Hotdog

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/05 23:09:54

Post by: Slarg232

CthuluIsSpy wrote:Granted, but its bloody terrible.

I wish I were a Oscar Meyer Hotdog

Granted, but you fall on the floor and get thrown away, never to be consumed; the best death of OM Hotdogs.

I wish I was constantly flanked by beautiful women.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/05 23:13:43

Post by: CthuluIsSpy

Slarg232 wrote:
CthuluIsSpy wrote:Granted, but its bloody terrible.

I wish I were a Oscar Meyer Hotdog

Granted, but you fall on the floor and get thrown away, never to be consumed; the best death of OM Hotdogs.

I wish I was constantly flanked by beautiful women.

Granted, by they are all militant feminazis.

I wish I was Charlie Sheen.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/05 23:18:02

Post by: nomsheep

Granted, there isn't really a way to corrupt that cos charlie sheens sucks on so many levels.

I wish my hair would sort myself out.


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/06 03:24:35

Post by: Slarg232

Granted, your hair rips you apart peice by peice and places you in Alphabetical order.

I wish Said Feminazis weren't feminazis....

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/06 03:27:11

Post by: nomsheep

Granted but now they need and new cause and they just hate you.

I wish my hamster stopped peeing on me.


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/06 08:02:25

Post by: TheRobotLol

Granted. It now pees on/in your food.

I wish I was always in perfect health.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/06 08:21:36

Post by: nomsheep

granted, but because of your insanely good health you now are sought after by the MoD for 'testing'.....

I wish I could move already :/


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/07 07:06:55

Post by: rockerbikie

Wish granted but you move next to a Carnifex migration trail.

I wish to play a Good Board Game with someone.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/07 08:30:22

Post by: JohnnoM

granted but the person is a TFG and a rules nazi.

I wish games workshop was cheaper.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/07 08:53:01

Post by: Dragonheart

Granted but they would still be too much

I wish that i had over 9,000 ponys on planet unicorn

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/07 17:11:48

Post by: Urien_Rakarth

there are only 8,000.
I wish this thread would end...

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/07 17:15:05

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

But you shall slowly be torn in half by my minions.

I wish I had the money to start a Lizardmen Army, along with the rulebook and army book.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/07 17:31:34

Post by: nomsheep

Granted you get three hundred dollars, that should cover a lord, one troops choice and one different troop along with the books.

Shame they just got squated

I wish Sisters were cheaper.


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/07 17:48:49

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

But they are now a fantasy army

I wish I could eat my feet

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/07 18:01:16

Post by: nomsheep

Granted, but no real way to corrupt that since having no feet is generally viewed as a bad thing.

I wish I could get a story published with BL.


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/07 18:08:32

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted, but it shall be several hundred pages thick, hardcover and smacked repeatedly upside your head.

I wish I could bring Edd Gould of Eddsworld back to life

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/07 18:15:20

Post by: nomsheep

Granted but he comes back as a douche.

I wish marmite was nice


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/07 18:22:47

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

nomsheep wrote:Granted but he comes back as a douche.

Now that is impossible!

Granted, but it causes cancer.

I wish that I could fit my fist into my mouth.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/07 18:26:35

Post by: nomsheep

Granted but it gets stuck. good luck explaining that to the doctors.

I wish i had a hello kitty army


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/07 18:30:43

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted, but the entire thing is taken by your new brother to a science fair to show what happens when plastic is microwaved.

I wish that the female gender was attracted to me.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/07 18:37:04

Post by: nomsheep

Granted but they give you so much attention that you go insane.

I wish that the 'just friends' category didn't exist.


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/07 18:43:44

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted, but it gets replaced with the "Only Friends" catergory.

I wish I could ride a Carnifex.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/07 18:44:59

Post by: nomsheep

Granted but he eats you after.

I wish i coud hug a bear.


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/07 18:49:09

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted, but the bear is a lie.

I wish I could make a Gatling Gun

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/08 01:02:26

Post by: JohnnoM

Granted by its ant sized.

I wish I could pouch a hole in the moon.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/08 01:41:00

Post by: Great White

Granted, but you break every bone in your body.

I wish I had a new laptop.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/08 02:12:33

Post by: nomsheep

Granted but but it gets virused and dies.

I wish i knew why my browser was suddenly spell checking everything.


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/08 07:46:47

Post by: Dr. Temujin

Granted, but now you are left to wonder why your computer is pondering the mysteries of the universe.
I wish gauss weapons were rending.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/08 09:23:09

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted, but now all Necrons are BS 1

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/08 12:42:59

Post by: nomsheep

Since you didn't actually make a wish, hungry piranhas eat your groin.

I wish gw actually had a sane and stable release schedule.


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/08 15:21:59

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted, but now all of their releases explode when they come into contact into human beings.

I wish that I could Flash Animate.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/08 20:11:49

Post by: marmaduke

granted but all you can do is hentai

I wish i Gw's prices weren't so outragous

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/08 23:17:30

Post by: snurl

Granted. GW management gives up their collective crack habit and re-prices their entire range realistically. Gas and food prices fall as well. Then you wake up.
I wish for better glue.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/09 00:24:32

Post by: nomsheep

Granted but you accidently stick your fingers together permanently.

I wish meat didn't make me ill.


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/09 03:27:43

Post by: Dr. Temujin

Granted. You are now allergic to water.
I wish mecha were real.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/09 12:33:22

Post by: nomsheep

Granted but it goes mad and kills you.

I wish I was immortal.


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/09 12:47:50

Post by: liquidjoshi

Granted, but you're buried alive underground with no limbs.

I wish everyone would stop making wishes.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/09 13:41:08

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted, but people voice hopes instead

I wish that fish could eat off my enemy's face

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/09 14:29:46

Post by: liquidjoshi

Granted, he enjoys them eating fish flakes from his cheeks. He emerges completely unharmed, while the fish asphyxiate.

Wish I had a burger.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/09 15:12:03

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted, but the burger is made using your own hand.

I would get the "Ralphwich" clip from the simpsons, but I can't find it.

I wish that magical pixies would shoot me in the face with a laser

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/09 15:14:23

Post by: Squidmanlolz

Your face melts like the guy's from Raiders of the Lost Ark.

I wish that my walls were covered in shag carpeting.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/09 15:19:09

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted, but now you live inside the digestive tract of a Sperm Whale.

I wish that I could jump out of a 3rd story window and survive.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/09 16:44:52

Post by: liquidjoshi

Fine. You land inside Squidman's Whale house.

I wish I was Elvis.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/09 16:54:33

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted, but after he died.

I wish that I had psychic powers.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/10 13:38:26

Post by: CthuluIsSpy

Granted, but you are then kidnapped by the WBC who immolate you for witchcraft.

I wish I just got my bloody diploma already and didn't have to do exams.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/10 14:19:43

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted, but your diploma is for Clown College.

I wish that ravenous Daemons would set fire to my pinkie.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/10 14:42:03

Post by: Squidmanlolz

Granted. The fire spreads to your entire body.

I wish I could brew alcohol in my body, like an elephant.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/10 14:51:23

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. You get busted on producing moonshine and get the chair.

I wish I could play Green Day on guitar.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/10 15:17:21

Post by: Squidmanlolz

Granted. But you can only play their music from American Idiot on.

I wish my TV were a butler robot T1000

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/10 15:25:42

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

That's my favourite album.

Anyway, Granted, but it malfunctions horribly. 2 minutes later you are charged on acts of terrorism.

I wish that I could make it rain.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/10 19:09:36

Post by: liquidjoshi

Granted. Acid rain, with no cover for you. You die as your flesh sloughs away from your bones in the most ironic death ever.

I wish I could do a barrel roll.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/10 19:19:51

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. You show your new trick to your friend, and accidentally roll of a cliff.

I wish that all GW models were made out of stale marshmallows.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 02:26:22

Post by: marmaduke

granted but now orks are awesome and all other armys are no longer usefull or relevent. all the MARSHMELLOWS

i wish i could think of something creative

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 05:05:18

Post by: JohnnoM

granted but its already been thought of.

I wish I had the money to start a new 40k army.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 06:30:03

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. It's Draigowing.

I wish that I had a tank of Pirahnas

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 12:28:59

Post by: liquidjoshi

Granted. The Tank wasn;t as fool proof as you thought, resulting in the Pirahna-pocalypse.

I wish I was a bird.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 12:52:49

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. Enjoy having your head bitten off by my cats!

I wish I could eat large amounts of sugar.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 13:23:05

Post by: hotsauceman1

Then you get diabetes.
I wish I was a MLP:FIM Pony

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 13:25:19

Post by: Sonophos

Granted, you can now only consume sugar.

I wish that I was omnipotent

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 13:28:14

Post by: hotsauceman1

But then you know the secret to the universe and are depressed about how simple it is.
Also i wish i had a girlfriend.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 13:29:38

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. Ever met the troll under the bridge in the Billy Goats Gruff?

I wish I had a suit of Terminator armour.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 13:31:55

Post by: hotsauceman1

You didnt mention what type or terminator, You are now Arnie.
I wish finecast would get fixed(you cant beat that!!!!, finecast cant get worse)

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 13:35:05

Post by: Sonophos

Granted, but all they can make are necrons

I wish for nothing

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 13:42:54

Post by: hotsauceman1

Wish granted, The world is turned to nothing.
I wish i was in ponyville.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 13:50:30

Post by: liquidjoshi

Granted, you have to take me with you.

I wish Tau would be the new game-breaking army, so people stop whining about Grey Knights.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 13:50:50

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. Just to let you know, it's at the bottom of the Marinas Trench.

I wish I could eat sugary foods at regular intervals.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 13:54:21

Post by: Sonophos

Granted You have type 2 diabetes

I wish Matt ward would do something productive and praiseworthy.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 13:56:38

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Sonophos wrote:Granted You have type 2 diabetes

Too late, already have Type 1

Granted. He cooked a Pizza!

I wish that Star Trek never happened.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 14:02:19

Post by: Sonophos

Granted: Farscape is now the cult replacement

I wish I was a Ninja.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 14:03:22

Post by: Sonophos

BlapBlapBlap wrote:
Sonophos wrote:Granted You have type 2 diabetes

Too late, already have Type 1

I kinda got that earlier but with type 2 you kinda have to do the regular thing.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 14:05:21

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Sonophos wrote:
BlapBlapBlap wrote:
Sonophos wrote:Granted You have type 2 diabetes

Too late, already have Type 1

I kinda got that earlier but with type 2 you kinda have to do the regular thing.

But you can't have both...


You end up being burned at the stake for Witchcraft.

I wish that I were a submarine.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 14:24:44

Post by: hotsauceman1

Cool, But War was delared and yu where pushed into service.
I wish math wasnt required for all degrees.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 14:30:44

Post by: Sonophos

Granted, you end up with a meaningless degree and get a rewarding career that involves the words "good morning" at least 200 times every day.

I wish I were more intelligent.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 14:42:54

Post by: hotsauceman1

Good, But..... you have a brain the size of an elephant and cant move.
I wish dragons where real.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 14:49:51

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. Ever wanted to get a tour of a Dragon's digestive tract?

I wish that I was a baby.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 14:52:22

Post by: hotsauceman1

Granted, But, well your a baby.
I wish i have pyrokeneitic powers

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 14:55:53

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. You are now a pile of ashes.

I wish that I could walk into walls.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 14:56:11

Post by: Sonophos

Granted but you always incinerate your alarm clock and have to spend a fortune on one everyday.

I wish that I had never been introduced to THE GAME.


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 15:02:08

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

OK, but it's replaced with Das Spiel.

I wish that I was a Time Lord.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 15:07:51

Post by: Sonophos

Granted but you are one of the ones that never leave Gallifray (scuse spelling) and wears a huge poncey collar.

I wish I was more diplomatic.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/12 21:09:33

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. You, however, are now the Ambassador for North Korea.

I wish that people would listen to my ideas.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 19:58:05

Post by: hotsauceman1

Grantede, But then people hear EVERY idea you have(even the naughty ones)

I wish college didnt stress me out so much.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 20:00:11

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted, but you fail every degree that you take.

I wish I had a cookie.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 20:08:05

Post by: Sonophos

Granted but it makes the world look like a slightly brighter world than your avatar.

I wish I had more time.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 20:18:34

Post by: Squidmanlolz

Granted, you live forever in a tuck everlasting-ish hell

I wish for world peace

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 20:21:19

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. Unfortunately, we discover life on Mars, and start an interplanetary war.

I wish I had more cookies.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 22:47:10

Post by: marmaduke

granted but you break your leg and ankle and have to be put down

i wish infinity was more popular

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/11 23:34:53

Post by: hotsauceman1

Granted, But prices go up.\
I wish i was a cowboy ninja zombie.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/12 00:56:59

Post by: marmaduke

granted but you cant ride a horse (none will take you) you cant draw a gun (your hand keeps falling off) and you dont even look like a cowboy (is that rag on your head a hat?)

i wish for cryx to get even better models

*now try to be original here please raise price has already been done *

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/12 02:45:49

Post by: hotsauceman1

Granted, But they all are space marines.
I wish for a pony.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/12 03:09:18

Post by: Slarg232

Granted, but you ride her twice, get bored, and sell her to make glue.

I wish I had MAD SKILLZ!

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/12 07:37:27

Post by: Sonophos

Granted but your horse runs away becauser you are a zombie and can't find you again coz you are a ninja so you end up just being a zombie with a silly hat and chaps.

I wish for everything to go really badly for everyone.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/12 07:41:41

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. Unfortunately, everybody dies before this happens, so you're the only person under this wish.

I wish I was a Necromancer.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/12 07:47:08

Post by: Sonophos

Granted but your creations are always highly attracted to you and can not stand to be away from you.

I wish I could teleport anywhere I want.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/12 07:54:42

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. You suffer a Deep Strike mishap in real life.

I wish that I had even more cookies.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/12 15:43:39

Post by: master of ordinance

Granted but there stale and the weevils have got to them

I wish for a nice girlfreind, my dream one

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/12 15:46:12

Post by: master of ordinance

Sonophos wrote:Granted but you always incinerate your alarm clock and have to spend a fortune on one everyday.

I wish that I had never been introduced to THE GAME.


Thanks now i lose to.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/12 17:04:58

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. Unfortunately, she's also the ex of Johnny-Crass...

You do know who he (Or she...?) is?

I wish that my cookies burst into flames.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/12 19:13:22

Post by: liquidjoshi

Granted. Johnny- Crass then steals them.

I wish the Stormraven didn't look like a flying dumpster.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/12 20:05:36

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. It now looks like an Aviary Waste Storage Unit.

I wish that I ate lasers instead of food.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/12 20:50:58

Post by: marmaduke

Granted but they dont have any nutetional value so you die of starvation.

I wish i had a UNICORN!!!

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/12 20:52:35

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted, but it impales you and you start leaking rainbows...

I wish that I could replace my brain with a brick.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/12 20:56:02

Post by: marmaduke

BlapBlapBlap wrote:Granted, but it impales you and you start leaking rainbows...

I wish that I could replace my brain with a brick.


anyway back on topic

you do but for some reason you get smarter....

I wish i was a hamster

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/12 20:59:02

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted, but you get stranded on a desert island and are slowly roasted alive by the natives.

I wish that people wouldn't cry.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/13 09:18:38

Post by: Sonophos

Granted but everybody goes blind due to lack of lacrimal fluid. The world collapses and everybody dies apart from the cybernetics department of Cambridge university who die out some years later because they are all male.

I wish for brevity.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/14 01:17:42

Post by: nomsheep


But complex messages are now impossible get across.

I wish for more food.


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/14 01:29:58

Post by: TheRobotLol


But you can never stop eating, and explode shortly after consuming a waffer thin mint.

I with people would stop writing terrible fluff for 40k.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/14 01:35:07

Post by: nomsheep

Granted, but after all the codex writers are fired from gw, the company can't afford to rehire anyone and goes bust.

I wish I could cut my rats claws.


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/14 02:12:36

Post by: Slarg232

Granted, but when you wake up tomorrow morning you find that YOU have rats claws.

I wish that I was handed millions of dollars out of the blue.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/14 02:14:21

Post by: TheRobotLol


Then you wake up.

I wish I could assemble models quicker.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/14 02:18:53

Post by: Squidmanlolz

Granted, but you cut the hell out of your fingers with the Exacto

I wish I could paint my Catachans faster.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/14 03:12:26

Post by: marmaduke

Granted, but you now just army paint them blue

I wish Chaos begin to grow

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/14 11:05:28

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted, but it only happens in a small village in southern Yorkshire.

I wish that I was made of breakfast.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/14 12:55:41

Post by: snurl

Granted. You get pitched out with the leftovers and rot in a dumpster for a week until you are whisked off to a landfill and buried alive.
I wish for another bottle of crystal head. The last one was over way too soon.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/14 12:57:58

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. Brains or eyeballs?

I wish that my legs were turned into Beavers.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/15 00:41:54

Post by: nomsheep

Granted but they eat you alive when they get hungry.

I wish i had a nice pizza shop nearby.


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/15 00:50:27

Post by: marmaduke

granted but it burns down when you order take out.

i wish i was in a video game

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/15 00:53:03

Post by: Squidmanlolz

Granted. It's Fable: the Journey, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

I wish I were a character on the Big Bang Theory.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/15 00:55:31

Post by: TheRobotLol

Granted. As A 10-second extra.

I wish this wish did nothing, as in it has no effect on anything, past, present and future.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/15 00:56:35

Post by: Squidmanlolz

Granted. Your wish is wasted.
I wish I had a FLGS within driving distance

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/15 01:00:11

Post by: nomsheep

Granted, but now you live there and its full of sticky fingered kids.

I wish for more fish.


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/15 15:24:10

Post by: marmaduke

Granted But they can now walk on land breath air and are out to eat you

I wish for the 3.5 codex back exaclty as it was

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/15 16:38:44

Post by: nomsheep

Granted but noone will play cos of how broken it is.

I wish I could find a game of warmachine.


corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/15 18:05:41

Post by: marmaduke

Granted you do, but its in America that its being played

i wish more people played Warmachine

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/15 19:18:05

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. They're all massive douchebags.

I wish that I could afford my Pre-Heresy Emperor's Children army.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 09:27:01

Post by: Sonophos

Granted. You have the money but you can't get hold of what you need anywhere. All you get is Out of stock messages.

I wish I could have anything I want.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 10:31:05

Post by: Squidmanlolz

Granted, you drown in the massive pile of granted wishes
I wish that the school year was over already

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 10:42:49

Post by: Sonophos

Granted. You missed your exams and now have to repeat the year.

I wish I could be young again.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 10:51:26

Post by: black templar

Granted you are a sperm

I wish to be rich.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 11:13:36

Post by: liquidjoshi

Granted. Rich in appreciation of life. Unfortunately, you die alone as a greasy hobo.

I wish for world dominance.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 11:41:43

Post by: snurl

You got it. Then the game of risk is over.
I wish for hot girl gamer opponents.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 11:48:56

Post by: Leigen_Zero

Your wish has been granted! Your FLGS is now filled with Gamer Girl Opponents of Supreme Hotness!

Unfortunately none of them are your opponent, your stuck with the 300lb neckbeard with cheeto fingers and coffee-breath...

I wish for more bacon

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 11:53:27

Post by: Sonophos

Granted. A 300lb pig lands on your head.

I wish I had an umberella

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 12:46:32

Post by: liquidjoshi

Granted. Made out of magnesium, meaning it burns up in the rain.

I wish I was the batman.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 12:54:21

Post by: Sonophos

Granted. Your parents are dead and you have problems forming lasting relationships with anyone who isn't a wizened old codger.

I wish that Liquidjoshi knew the difference between Magnesium and Sodium.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 12:56:26

Post by: liquidjoshi

Granted. I am now a bit smarter.

I wish cruise control no longer worked.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 15:58:21

Post by: HellsGuardian316

Granted, Cruise control no longer works, motorists worldwide suffer accidents after switching on their cruise control only to deccelerate rapidly and cause accidents and pile ups galore. police looking into this strange phenomenon discover this thread and your wish that was granted, you are then sued 10's of thousands of times by motorists suffering injuries from their accidents in small claims court cases.

I Wish my PC would run faster

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 16:07:24

Post by: TheRobotLol


But it is not designed to, and soon explodes from overheating, and takes the surrounding three feet or so with it.

I wish for a three-wish genie.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 16:08:58

Post by: zedmeister

Damn Ninjas!
Granted, your PC now has robotic legs and will run from you each time you want to use it.

Granted. Shame two have already been used up by others.

I wish I had the discipline to go to bed earlier to get more sleep.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 16:15:56

Post by: Deadshot

Granted, but you will go into a coma.

I wish my wishes can't be corrupted.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 16:18:08

Post by: TheRobotLol


It is however, wasted.

I wish my damn neighbours would shut up.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 16:19:18

Post by: Deadshot

Granted, they will die soon.

I wish I had a forest money tree and my last wish makes this one is incorruptable.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 16:21:20

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. However, wishes are not stackable, and the money tree burns to the ground.

I wish that I could win 40K games.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 16:21:43

Post by: zedmeister

Damnit, Ninja'd again!


Unfortunately a freak rainstorm unconnected with the wish makes the money all soggy and shortly afterwards it contracts dutch elms disease and dies.

Granted, unfortunately, all your future opponents are frustrated TFGs with each game reduced to grinding rules lawyering and elastic tape measuring.

I wish that I have a pleasant walk home.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 16:23:43

Post by: Deadshot

When you reach home a plane crashes into your house.

I wish I was Khorne Himself.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 16:24:22

Post by: liquidjoshi

Granted. Tzeench eventually overthrows you.

I wish I was a Space Marine.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 16:24:27

Post by: black templar

2 Ninja's
granted but you die 10 seconds after you become one.

I wish to be a character from Mortal Kombat.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 16:26:38

Post by: Deadshot

I wish mortal Kombat goes bankrupt and you die off.

A corruption and a wish.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 16:53:21

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. It comes back as Mortal Combat, however.

I wish that I had a Top Hat.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 17:12:23

Post by: Deadshot

It has a rabbit inside. With diarrhea.

I wish I was a Vampire (as in real vampires not the Twilight crap).

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 17:27:48

Post by: liquidjoshi

Deadshot wrote:It has a rabbit inside. With diarrhea.

I wish I was a Vampire (as in real vampires, just like Twilight!).

Well, if you insist...

I wish I was part of a syndicate.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 17:32:38

Post by: Ma55ter_fett

liquidjoshi wrote:
Deadshot wrote:It has a rabbit inside. With diarrhea.

I wish I was a Vampire (as in real vampires, just like Twilight!).

Well, if you insist...

I wish I was part of a syndicate.

You are, but you're a character in this game…

…as an ordinary dude who stands between the protagonist and the end of the level cutscene.

I wish I was buff.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 17:57:23

Post by: MrMerlin

Problem is, I know a dog called buff. Sit, Buff!

I wish I could fly

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 18:05:10

Post by: black templar

Granted you are a fly.

I wish I was a member of Metallica.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 18:08:49

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. However, you wrench Metallica apart in a matter of days.

I wish that my pinkie was gnawed of by rabid gophers!

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 18:09:52

Post by: Ma55ter_fett

black templar wrote:Granted you are a fly.

I wish I was a member of Metallica.

Granted you are the new drummer...

...and all the old fans hate you.

I wish I could live forever

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 18:21:53

Post by: Shadowbrand

Granted, though everyone you love will eventually die and you shall wander this Middle-Earth alone.

I wish I wasn't sick anymore.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 18:39:37

Post by: Deadshot

Granted but you pass it on to a GF/BF and they dump you.

I wish I was a better painter of 40k.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 18:44:42

Post by: black templar

Granted but you become so good everybody kills you for it.

I wish I could have all my dead relatives back.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 18:46:01

Post by: liquidjoshi

Damn, ninja'd

Fine , they come back. As zombies.

I wish I could slay Chuck Norris in Mortal combat.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 18:50:28

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. Unfortunately, he steps through the screen and destroys you.

I wish someone could do my last wish.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 18:54:22

Post by: Deadshot

Granted, but no one read it, including me.

I wishI could be a Herald of Khorne.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 19:28:38

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. You're killed in your first battle by a stampede of Squiggoths.

I wish that I was popular and well liked by all.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 19:40:02

Post by: MrMerlin

Granded. Well liked by gorillas that haven't seen a female in quite a while, that is....

I wish nobody would corrupt ma wish

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 19:41:03

Post by: Deadshot

Granted, but you are too busy being popular you neglect your studies and end up a hobo then no.one likes yoj.

I wish I was Khorne's best Herald so he just kept making me new bodies!

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 19:42:37

Post by: Deadshot

Damn Ninjas. Corrupting yours now.

Granted but it.is autocorrupted by Chaos because even my incorruptability wish got ignored. Because Chaos is begin to grow.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 19:58:29

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

No wish. So you end up with your head with a a rusty blunt nail slowly driven through your cranium.

I wish that people would remember to wish.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 19:58:43

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

I'm only counting the second post.

I wish that people would remember to wish.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 20:16:48

Post by: Deadshot

I did wish. But got ninjad so corrupted his wish.

Granted but people wish for your poverty.

I restate my wish. I wish I was Khorne's favourite so he kept making me new bodies.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 20:26:33

Post by: TheRobotLol

But the bodies Khorne gives you are all fat and blubbery and can't move. The chaos Gods are fickle things indeed

I wish for cheese, and cheese alone.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 20:27:42

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. You've been buried under a pile of Dairylea.

I wish for my house to burst into flames.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 20:29:12

Post by: TheRobotLol

But then it rains.

I wish I could eat my way out of the previously mentioned darylea heap.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 20:34:11

Post by: MrMerlin

But all the cheese was pissed on.....

I wish people would stop being rude on the internet

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 20:35:58

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. Now people will start sending each other death threats and hiring assassins to take out internet enemies. Society grinds to a halt as it's every man for himself.

I wish that I could do Ork Scratchbuilding.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 20:39:07

Post by: MrMerlin

Granted. But you can't do anything else now. Not even breathing! Mwhahahahahaaa!

I wish I was an immortal ork

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 20:39:13

Post by: Deadshot

I already send assassins and death threats via Facebook.

Granted. You can now build scratches on Ork Nobs.

I wish for a Power Fist to smite my enemies.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 20:43:22

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Deadshot, type faster! You keep on getting ninja'd! Therefore, I'm doing MrMerlin's!

Granted. However, you have to ride Fluffy the Carnifex for eternity.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 20:44:18

Post by: TheRobotLol

However, it runs out of batteries only found in the year 40k.

I wish I was the undisputed king of cheese.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 20:49:11

Post by: Deadshot

Damn this phone!

Granted. You have a dairylea crown the sticks to your hair.

I wish I don't get ninjad.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 20:59:25

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. You get Samurai'd instead.
I wish for a rock.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 21:00:48

Post by: TheRobotLol

It starts a terror campaign against you, slowly driving you to madness and creeping paranoia.

I wish I could have a gold house.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 21:49:08

Post by: Deadshot

It collapses on.you.

I wish for a pony. To slaughter for the Blood God!

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 22:33:16

Post by: MrMerlin

Grated. But It slaughters you!

I wish for a great idea!

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/16 22:38:18

Post by: Deadshot

Granted but you forget instantaneously and can not remember.

I wish I remembered why I was outside the 40k forums in the first place.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 00:27:37

Post by: Squidmanlolz

Granted, It was because you were being trolled by the trolliest trollolol

I wish I could get my WM/H models soon

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 00:33:03

Post by: Ma55ter_fett

Granted, but they are all fine cast and horribly disfigured.

I wish for a chocolate cake

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 00:36:27

Post by: Coolyo294

Granted, but it's laced with arsenic.

I wish I was less confused by Centurion's ending.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 00:36:29

Post by: Slarg232

Granted, but the Cake was a lie.

I wish for my headache to go away.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 06:13:23

Post by: TheRobotLol


And with it your head.

I wish I was a real life ninja.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 06:22:20

Post by: DemetriDominov

Granted. Arrow to the knee, you die due to the crappy hit detection that came with.

I wish I was a Black Library Author.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 06:23:23

Post by: Deadshot

Granted but you fail training and are executed.

I wish I forget all of yesterday.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 07:54:07

Post by: Sonophos

Granted along with all the rest of your life before 10 minutes ago.

I wish I felt better.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 09:04:56

Post by: liquidjoshi

Granted. For three seconds.

I wish my cat had wings.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 09:38:44

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. It raises a massive legion and over throws the earth.

I wish that I was a bomb

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 10:19:36

Post by: Sonophos

Granted. Click. You are a dud.

I wish i was immortal.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 10:40:14

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. You have no mouth and have to live in the local GW, and play a minimum of 5 TFGs a day or be left to swim in lava for eternity.

I wish that I had infinite incorruptible wishes.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 10:44:02

Post by: Deadshot

Granted but you waste them all on trivial things and lose them all.

I wish I could be an Ork Warlord.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 10:56:47

Post by: Sonophos

Granted but a bigger ork immediately kills you for your teef.

I wish I could enjoy a perfect life forever.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 11:01:44

Post by: Deadshot

Forever ends now.

I wish I was Gork/Mork

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 11:01:52

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Deadshot wrote:Granted but you waste them all on trivial things and lose them all.

You can't use up Infinite wishes.


You are. Unfortunately, you're in a Coma and doctors eventually have to pull the plug.

I wish that I had a pair of mittens.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 11:08:57

Post by: Deadshot

Those mittens are dead kittens.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 11:09:21

Post by: Deadshot

I wish for an actual PowerSword

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 11:16:42

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. It's a proxy, however, and turns out to be a female guardsman.

I wish that froth would pour out of my nose. Like fire extinguisher foam

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 12:23:59

Post by: Sonophos

Granted. You have nasal rabies.

I wish that people would stop being so selfish.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 12:38:51

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. Now everyone has to share everything with you, meals, organs, vomit, over bodily fluids, disease...

I wish that I could shoot lasers out of my eyes.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 12:58:24

Post by: Sonophos

Granted but you are now blind due to the cauterising effects of laser light and they only act as pointers anyway.

I wish that I could issue one hundred or less orders each day to any person or group that will be obeyed no matter what.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 13:36:16

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. You're ordering about a group of anime characters.

I wish that dinosaurs would stamp on my enemy's face.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 14:52:46

Post by: Deadshot

BlapBlapBlap wrote:Granted. You're ordering about a group of anime characters.

I wish that dinosaurs would stamp on my enemy's face.

Granted but it is eaten by my attack dog with.built in forcefield (Toy Story)

I wish my sword-PROXY as a Female Guardsmen was true.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 15:05:24

Post by: ineptus astartes

yes. but it seems not to make any sense.

I wish I could get PS3 games in nepal. and they better have Space Marine.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 15:12:24

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. However, the moment you switch on your PS3 it explodes and your house burns to a cinder.

I wish that I could eat a raven. WHOLE.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 15:20:52

Post by: ineptus astartes

you do. it pecks and claws out of you through your digestive tract and leaves your intestines and colon a bloody ruin.

I wish for revenge on my enemies.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 15:22:26

Post by: liquidjoshi

Granted. As we all know, one good act of vengeance deserves another and they leave you swimming with the fishes.

I wish my post count would go up.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 15:24:09

Post by: TheRobotLol

Granted. And then you are banned.

I wish grey knights would END.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 15:26:55

Post by: ineptus astartes

Granted. but then they get reinstated.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 15:29:43

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

No wish. You have your face beaten in with a die-cast skillet.

I wish that I could breathe fire.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 16:03:39

Post by: Deadshot

Your face catches when you do.

I wish I had a girlfriend.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 16:20:53

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. It's a man in drag, as it turns out.

I wish I had a girlfriend.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 16:26:27

Post by: TheRobotLol

Granted. Its a Dog in drag, as it turns out.

I wish for a good new car.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 16:28:28

Post by: ineptus astartes

(Am I the only one here with a girlfriend?)

Granted, it's great, but then you find out she's a man.

I wish I was a primarch.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 16:31:13

Post by: BlapBlapBlap



You are. You're Expunged. That guy was always good for a laugh or two.

I wish that I could shake hands with Jeebus.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 16:31:59

Post by: Ma55ter_fett

Granted, but he crushes your hand in his grip.

Wish I had a puppy

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 16:35:11

Post by: TheRobotLol

Granted .But its a girlfriend in disgise

I wish for a little rain.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 16:38:48

Post by: ineptus astartes

granted. it is a little rain. too little rain. your last sight is the bleached bones of you neighbors on the cracked grounds

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 16:39:34

Post by: Private_Joker

That little rain turns into an ever worsening flood the envelopes the worlds land mass.

I wish for a sweet gaming PC.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 16:58:05

Post by: Deadshot

Granted but the neighbours steal it and clog it up with You-Know-What.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 16:58:57

Post by: Deadshot

I wish for a hat like Willa Wonka had in the original movie.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 17:23:42

Post by: ineptus astartes

you get it but it's really a pink horror.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 17:24:36

Post by: Deadshot

No wish. You get your 'ead crumped by Wardified Orks.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 18:20:37

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

No wish. You get your head beaten in by Tiger Woods.

I wish that my RPG would get more followers.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 18:38:42

Post by: liquidjoshi

Ok. They block it, causing the rocket to explode in the launcher, killing you.

I wish for eternal night.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 18:40:07

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

Granted. Without light, crops won't grow, and the entire planet starves.

I wish that I could eat marshmallows.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 18:52:27

Post by: ineptus astartes

granted but they taste bad.

I wish a good 40k movie would come out that I could get to and watch comfortably, preferably featuring the Avenging Sons or Night Lords.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/17 19:59:09

Post by: Deadshot

Granted but Matthew Ward wrote the scripta new Chaos codex.

I wish for a break.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/18 02:03:56

Post by: marmaduke

Granted You break Both your arms legs... and your neck

I wish everyone that said forever alone would get put on a blunt stake

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/18 02:09:44

Post by: Ma55ter_fett

Granted a blunt stake is thrown on the ground and people take turns standing on it. Then they all go off the get laid and drink beer.

I wish for 2 more days before my trip to finish all my schoolwork.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/18 02:27:15

Post by: The Mad Tanker

Granted, but after you finish, all your homework lights on fire.

I wish I owned an Imperial Guard Armored Company.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/18 02:32:20

Post by: Ma55ter_fett

Granted, However you and the rest of the pdf get involved in a bar-room brawl.

And are killed to the last man...

I wish I had a cookie

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/18 05:22:12

Post by: ineptus astartes

granted. have a cookie.

I wish Games Workshop would advance the storyline for 40k.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/18 06:56:33

Post by: Deadshot

Granted, but Khorne says "Feth sake" and smites the Emp.

I wish I had more time on Dakka.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/18 07:00:14

Post by: TheRobotLol

Granted. Too much time on dakka. Before you know it, everyone is dead and you are old and your life wasted.

I wish for my next wish to be unable to corrupt in any way, shape or form.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/18 07:20:32

Post by: Deadshot

Granted. Unfortunately an unrelated illness puts you in a lifelong coma.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/18 07:22:30

Post by: TheRobotLol

No wish. Evil ensues.

I wish for an apple.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/18 07:54:35

Post by: Deadshot

Its poison. I wish I was out of school

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/18 11:07:53

Post by: master of ordinance

Deadshot wrote:Its poison. I wish I was out of school

Granted. Unfourtunatley your interd at the all male sex offenders institution for life and have to share a cell with "Big" Bill who just happens to like other men.....

I wish Matt Ward was dead or fired so he couldnt write anymore terrible fluff.....

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/18 13:01:27

Post by: Deadshot

I wish he was niether and people liked him.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/18 13:10:52

Post by: snurl

Granted. People like him, but then he writes another codex and is lynched by a mob of disgruntled fanboys.
I wish for some free time.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/18 15:02:06

Post by: ineptus astartes

You get all the free time in the world, you're fired.

I wish for more dakkka.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/18 15:37:33

Post by: liquidjoshi

Granted. Into your face, quite literally, by a mob of raging boyz.

I wish I could ride the Popemobile into battle.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/18 15:55:06

Post by: ineptus astartes

granted but it proves no match for mines.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/18 16:07:45

Post by: BlapBlapBlap

NO wish. You end up with your face being replaced with a fishbowl.

I wish that people would get my references.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/18 16:20:12

Post by: Deadshot

People get your references and crve your skull in because they hate them.

I wish I didn't take so long to type RPG sections.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/19 10:51:28

Post by: master of ordinance

Granted! You are still typing your responce to post 10 when there on post 100. your character is annialated.

I wish for porn

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/19 10:52:41

Post by: MrMerlin

Granted. With fat guys and sheep.....

I wish for a bike

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/19 16:02:33

Post by: master of ordinance

Granted but the seat breaks off and the jagged spike violates you analy

oh how I wish for rain (yes a nightwish quote from Nemo{the song}-lets see you pervert THAT)

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/19 16:04:48

Post by: Deadshot

Granted, but it floods your house and your models melt because it is acid rain.

I was for my models to never, ever, be damaged, paint chipped etc.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/19 16:05:40

Post by: Castiel

Granted, but you cannot clip them off the sprue.

I wish I could skip the next 4 hours of today.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/19 16:07:36

Post by: Deadshot

Granted, but if you have watched Flight of the nvigator, you will know the corruption. If not, here.

You are taken to another planet. The journey takes 2 hours there and back but the time pased on Earth is twenty years.

I wish I had a decent brush.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/19 19:11:44

Post by: captain collius

Granted but a family memeber will destroy it.

I wish I didn't work with imbeciles

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/19 21:29:37

Post by: Deadshot

Granted. You no longer have to work with Cruddace. They stick.you in the Finecast making bit.

I wish I had another good brush.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/19 22:06:16

Post by: MrMerlin

Granted, but you drop it before painting anything with it and the bristles are ruined.

I wish I had GD painting skills.....

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/19 22:09:19

Post by: Deadshot

Granted. You enter the open category. You find the standard has dropped and people are entering their "dipper"£marines. A guys splashed Calgar Blue and Blue glaze on and wins Slayer Sword

I wish for another awesome brush! Tis my only wish.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/19 22:17:48

Post by: MrMerlin

Granted, but the guy next door is mad at you, so he smashes your door, grabs your brush and shoves it up your arse.

I wish for a plane

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/19 22:19:04

Post by: Squidmanlolz

Granted. Using said brush incites the rage of Cthulhu upon you

I wish I had a desire to paint more

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/19 22:39:10

Post by: Deadshot

Grante. Slanesh has claimed you and you ue blood to make red, tears to make white, urine for green/yellow, and faeces for darkness.

Wish is another new brush. I will keep wishing this untill someone runs out of corruptions or buys me a new brush (I would like a GW Large Brush, colour coded red). I will simply write wish=brush from now on.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/19 22:40:04

Post by: MrMerlin

Granted. You paint your complete surrounding in a bright yellow.....

I again wish for a plane

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/19 23:06:56

Post by: Deadshot

Granted. oil pices rise to 50000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 of all currencies, so you will not bne able to afford fuel.


BTW, I don't mind the yellow bit.

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/20 08:05:15

Post by: MrMerlin

Granted. You get this one:

I wish for 100 bucks

corrupt a wish! @ 2012/04/20 08:43:03

Post by: Deadshot

Granted. Its stolen.
