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Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/08/08 13:51:32

Post by: auticus

So this game is out, at least partially. Models are a bit bigger than traditional 28/32mm. Gameplay is done by Alessio, rank and flank fantasy.

Your forces come in waves, based on their category (light, medium, heavy). So your super powerful heavies aren't starting on turn 1.

Personally I don't know where this game has been the last 10 years, because everything about the gameplay has so far been awesome. The only weirdness is you want to roll low instead of high.

Anyone else looking at this game? I don't expect local support at all, but its something I can see taking to cons.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/08/08 14:02:19

Post by: infinite_array

At $68 for the starter set from miniature market, I'll probably pick it up as a birthday gift to myself next month. It definitely looks cool, and from the start I was intrigued by the background and look of the Spires.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/08/08 14:10:15

Post by: auticus

They have done a lot of solid work on their narrative as well.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/08/08 16:07:02

Post by: Gallahad

I'm planning on picking it up, but waiting until the steel legion is released. The bigger minis are a bit off putting, but I only hear rave reviews about the gameplay.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/08/08 16:18:06

Post by: auticus

I actually like the bigger miniatures. Because there is a lot more room for detail and they just feel heftier.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/08/08 17:51:17

Post by: infinite_array

One worry I have is the release timescale. Looking at the Spire army book, there's entries for eighteen types of Regiments (four Light, nine Medium, five Heavy) but we're currently at three releases, with a fourth coming soon. I'm guessing the Hundred Kingdoms is in the same position. So they've got to work on releasing these miniatures, alongside the dwarves and vikings.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/08/08 17:54:41

Post by: auticus

That is true and is a challenge locally getting interest. THe armies for spire and hundred kingdoms are about 30% - 40% released with a trickle out release schedule.

Dwarves and nords come out end of year.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/08/08 18:12:14

Post by: infinite_array

 auticus wrote:
Dwarves and nords come out end of year.

That's good to hear. I'm utterly convinced that most wargames (Star Wars gamed excluded for obvious reasons) need at least four factions to really grab an audience. So the sooner Conquest reaches that roadmark it'll have a better chance.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/08/08 18:40:25

Post by: auticus

I would agree. I personally am interested in the dwarves or nords.

For right now I plan on building up 1000 pts of the starter box for demo and then seeing what happens. 1000 pts can be done with what is out now.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/08/09 12:08:32

Post by: auticus

Noticed going through the rules that Alessio hybridized a lot of whfb and warmaster rules for this.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/08/09 20:02:14

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

 auticus wrote:
Noticed going through the rules that Alessio hybridized a lot of whfb and warmaster rules for this.

Can you elaborate? You just said a combination of words that got me super excited. :-p

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/08/09 23:28:07

Post by: Carthagenj

I saw this displayed at GenCon and the minis are gorgeous!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/08/10 01:01:29

Post by: auticus

Sure. In reading the rules its about 75% based on old whfb with twists here and there. However your guys are on stands like warmaster.

Additionally on things like the charge etc, the stands in the rear contribute attacks like they do in warmaster.

The difference is that you remove models as they take casualties where as in warmaster a stand has HITS that when they are exhausted the stand is removed.

The flanks, rear etc... those diagrams are almost perfect lifts from the old whfb books.

How you bring models onto the table is unique though. You don't line up battle lines vs your opponent and then hulk smash through them. Your stuff comes in an order... as reserves. Lights then mediums then heavies.

So your big nasty stuff is likely only on the table at the end half of the game.

But you can bring them potentially in from any table edge (you can always bring them into your replenishment / reinforcement zone but then you can bring them in from table edges provided certain criteria have been met)

Additionally its alternate activation. I activate a unit then you do. Which I really really like and is how I have houseruled my AOS campaigns already anyway (so seeing it in this game already was awesome)

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/08/10 13:26:49

Post by: auticus

Another interesting thing as this was something that came up a lot in WHFB for discussions: death stars and units crammed with characters.

Unit leaders and unit standard bearers give minor bonuses to the unit.

Characters MUST be a part of a unit unless they are a regiment of their own (like a monstrous character). A regiment may only contain one character.

Characters duel other characters. If a character refuses a duel in a combat, their unit becomes broken (meaning if they lose half of their stands while they are broken they are shattered and immediately are removed)

Characters provide leadership boons and other bonuses to their regiments.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/08/11 03:38:38

Post by: Manchu

I got three starter sets and so far have built the Spire side out of one of them. The miniatures are pretty neato and I too dig the larger scale, esp for a rank’n’flank game where scale generally is somewhat abstracted (e.g., terrain can be in a different scale, one fig can represent many soldiers, etc).

The rules are pretty straightforward but seem to provide for a solid amount of tactical depth, a touchstone of Cavatore design.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/08/27 17:56:33

Post by: auticus

Bunch of new stuff being released right now. Dwarves going on pre order.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/08/27 19:10:23

Post by: DarkBlack

I'm sure it's a cool game. I'll maybe get into it if it takes off, doubt that it will inspire me to climb the barrier to entry though.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/08/27 19:26:29

Post by: auticus

Like any game that does not get published by GW and begin with "40k", it's "taking off" will likely be not so much in most places in the world.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/08/27 21:23:06

Post by: DarkBlack

 auticus wrote:
Like any game that does not get published by GW and begin with "40k", it's "taking off" will likely be not so much in most places in the world.

That's not what I meant. I mean if I can find opponents and some sort of community.
Realistically said community would have to find me though, so enough committed people to actively promote the game and offer demos.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/08/28 11:40:14

Post by: auticus

Thats what we're trying to do. In my neck of the woods however if its not 40k its pretty much not happening. We do have 8 people playing Conquest right now so trying to keep a monthly game night of it going.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/08/31 19:29:00

Post by: Khornate25

I absolutely love this game. Models are great and the system is so fluid. Hell, I might drop 40k alltogether to focus on this game.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/09/01 01:09:05

Post by: auticus

Yeah, this is my primary game as well.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/09/04 10:51:01

Post by: VBS

Game is non-existent around here, which is a shame. Asked in several stores, none had any clue it existed nor seemed remotly interested looking it up, even less in stocking it. Only found one on-line shop that sells the core set with a 30% discount (less than 60e! Might pick it up just for the value). Well, if it ain't GW...

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/09/04 12:02:44

Post by: auticus

Yep no store in my region carries it either, nor do I expect it to. Not until we can pull 15-20 people every week at a game night and that is probably not happening unless the game is 40k or xwing.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/09/04 12:05:32

Post by: Khornate25

 auticus wrote:
Yep no store in my region carries it either, nor do I expect it to. Not until we can pull 15-20 people every week at a game night and that is probably not happening unless the game is 40k or xwing.

I am lucky, there is one store in my local town. Plus another one in the next province (I can get it via mail order).

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/09/04 12:09:26

Post by: auticus

We have a group of about six people right now that have all gotten 1000 point forces we're working on. Our first 1000 pt game is end of the month, I almost have the spire stuff done. Waiting on my expansions to get here so I can get them put together.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/09/11 22:21:13

Post by: VBS

So, I got my Core Set and got blown away by the amount of stuff for the price. Also impressed with the quality of materials and detail.
Still have to delve deeper into the rules, but they seem super solid. Love many of the mechanics like pre-arranging deck cards for unit activation or that deployment has totally different approach compared to other "traditional wargames".

I've also been reading the short stories and listening to all the team's lore discussion, and that is probably the best part of Conquest. It is insane the level of detail and how thought out everything is for a game that just got released. The singular approach to some races like Exiles (Spire) and Nords is too cool! We really notice that world-building and geopolitics are on the foreground, the lore pivoting around this. Very different than just hero-centric factions fighting for generic reasons...
On top of that, the artwork is gorgeous and transmit perfectly the gritty-realistic-fantasy feeling (as the team describes the world). I'm really hoping for a background book compiling all the lore and art.

Such level of professionalism and quality for a newborn game/company is quite unexpected nowadays, where kickstarters or low/cheap stuff is often the norm. Makes me wonder how is Parabellum backed or what are their expectations...

Although it's as if the game doesn't exist here, I would like to run some demos at the lfgs (despite their initial indifference) once I get both starter armies painted. I can see Conquest taking over my wargaming attention. Can't remember being this excited over toy soldiers since the old whfb days

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/09/11 23:13:48

Post by: auticus

We have about 9 people right now on board. We have another 5 or 6 waiting to see if it dies before they invest money into it.

I am collecting all four starting races and building each to 1000 points for demos and we are doing monthly conquest nights.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/09/12 11:50:44

Post by: VBS

Nice, that's a lot of people!

If the info given out by the Parabellum team are any indication, I think the game will be supported for quite some time. The four initial factions seem to be already designed/produced and there are further factions quite fleshed out (Weavers and those not-orcs). That gives many months/years of releases. So I think that if locally there is an active community, it is not likely to die out any time soon.
And if whfb taught us anything, it's always a good investment even without a company's support

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/09/12 12:32:22

Post by: auticus

Well people are always leery that they'll like the game and then it dies (like Runewars or even more infamously like WHFB had the carpet pulled out from under it and replaced with a game that was the polar opposite of what whfb was)

Its a matter of keeping it visible in your community and keeping it going. Once game nights die out, the game is done.

I have the dwarves on order and am looking forward to painting up the nords as well.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/11 12:21:40

Post by: auticus

Dwarves dropping in a couple weeks! Nords going on pre order in November.

Company is rolling out its Vanguard program (volunteer demo agents) and is solidifying their masters program for tournament ranks and championships.

Looking to flesh the game out in 2020 with we hear an undead faction and an orc type faction whose art appears to show them riding dinosaurs.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/13 19:02:29

Post by: Manchu

I played my first game, although I wouldn’t call it a real game, yesterday. It was just a session to feel out the structure of the mechanics, using only the core box contents. We did not even use objectives.

I played Spires and my friend and opponent played 100 Kingdoms.

Well I have to say it was very good fun and I am very impressed with the basic architecture of the game. The moving deployment lines is very fun. I also love the terrain rules. Even with very simple terrain, we had a dynamic experience that shaped the battle without overdetermining it.

This game is really worth getting into for anyone who likes mass battles.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/13 22:59:44

Post by: auticus

Yeah the terrain rules are very simple, but at the same time when you have played AOS you can see that even simple terrain rules make a huge improvement on strategy and gameplay.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/14 01:05:43

Post by: Alpharius

Really looking forward to picking up all the Dweghom...

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/14 11:21:42

Post by: auticus

Yep I had mine on preorder. Hoping to finish painting 100 kingdoms in the next few weeks and then looking forward to starting to paint those guys.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/14 20:24:56

Post by: CthuluIsSpy

Yeah, Dweghom look interesting. Well, the automatons at least. Not sure I like the look of the dweghom themselves though. The warriors don't look right to me. Also, no guns makes me a sad, unless that's what the fireforged have. WHFB spoiled me; I can't help associating dwarfs with guns and artillery.
I think I might have to wait until they release more armies, otherwise I might just invest in 100 kingdoms.

The army builder is nice, and is a good tool for learning how armies are structured. I fiddled with it and I have yet to see any bugs, so it seems well made.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/15 00:55:15

Post by: auticus

They have several ranged units.

The ballistae will be out in a week or so (crossbows)

Fireforged (armor piercing 2 indicates a rifle unit of some type)

Sorcerer and Steelshaper both have volley rule (missile attacks)

Then there is the Hellbringer Drake which has a barrage ability so looks like a dragon with an artillery piece.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/15 01:13:56

Post by: CthuluIsSpy

 auticus wrote:
They have several ranged units.

The ballistae will be out in a week or so (crossbows)

Fireforged (armor piercing 2 indicates a rifle unit of some type)

Sorcerer and Steelshaper both have volley rule (missile attacks)

Then there is the Hellbringer Drake which has a barrage ability so looks like a dragon with an artillery piece.

Yeah, I noticed that the ballistae were armed with crossbows. When I read the name I thought they were going to be bolt throwers.
The Fireforged stats do seem interesting, but I suspect they might just throw fireballs.

Speaking of ranged, am I right in understanding that ranged units only fire once per stand in any ranks past the first, regardless of the barrage rule, meaning that its best to have a single rank of stands?

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/15 04:31:45

Post by: Manchu

I did a detailed breakdown of my first game which I hope is informative!


Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/15 11:19:51

Post by: auticus

 CthuluIsSpy wrote:
 auticus wrote:
They have several ranged units.

The ballistae will be out in a week or so (crossbows)

Fireforged (armor piercing 2 indicates a rifle unit of some type)

Sorcerer and Steelshaper both have volley rule (missile attacks)

Then there is the Hellbringer Drake which has a barrage ability so looks like a dragon with an artillery piece.

Yeah, I noticed that the ballistae were armed with crossbows. When I read the name I thought they were going to be bolt throwers.
The Fireforged stats do seem interesting, but I suspect they might just throw fireballs.

Speaking of ranged, am I right in understanding that ranged units only fire once per stand in any ranks past the first, regardless of the barrage rule, meaning that its best to have a single rank of stands?

Yes ranged units only fire once per stand past the first barring a special rule. The advantage of more stands is bonus to your Resolve rolls, if that matters to you. Otherwise I also MSU my missile units.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Manchu wrote:
I did a detailed breakdown of my first game which I hope is informative!


Thanks for the write up.

The pheromancer is definitely not meant to be engaged in combat. He's an annoying healing character

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/15 12:35:26

Post by: CthuluIsSpy

 auticus wrote:
 CthuluIsSpy wrote:
 auticus wrote:
They have several ranged units.

The ballistae will be out in a week or so (crossbows)

Fireforged (armor piercing 2 indicates a rifle unit of some type)

Sorcerer and Steelshaper both have volley rule (missile attacks)

Then there is the Hellbringer Drake which has a barrage ability so looks like a dragon with an artillery piece.

Yeah, I noticed that the ballistae were armed with crossbows. When I read the name I thought they were going to be bolt throwers.
The Fireforged stats do seem interesting, but I suspect they might just throw fireballs.

Speaking of ranged, am I right in understanding that ranged units only fire once per stand in any ranks past the first, regardless of the barrage rule, meaning that its best to have a single rank of stands?

Yes ranged units only fire once per stand past the first barring a special rule. The advantage of more stands is bonus to your Resolve rolls, if that matters to you. Otherwise I also MSU my missile units.

I was thinking less MSU, and more of a gunline (bowline?) of like 6 stands of crossbowmen / ballistae / whatever, churning out 24 shots at a time.
Getting a resolve bonus is also pointless when it comes to ranged units as resolve only matters in close combat, and you don't want your ranged units in that. That's my analysis, anyway. Conquest has yet to show up in France, and it will probably stay that way until they release the rules in French.

I can't wait to see their City States army. Apparently you will get gunners with them.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/15 13:14:00

Post by: auticus

So far in all of my games, the obscure rule comes to play a lot so the missile units are good to have but I don't load down on them. Need units that can claim objectives and score.

The City-State idea has a few people in my area tempted but thats still quite a bit off. I'm interested in seeing some spartacus warriors though based off of the greeks for sure.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I hope they get a french translation to you soon!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/16 21:32:53

Post by: VBS

Cool report, Manchu!

The FGD are so bad Even as tar-pit, they will just die too fast. I would like to try them as suicide bombers: 3 stands + catabolic node. Maybe adding an assassin with adrenaline surge to (probably) delete a unit/character for sure.
I also think the way characters are dealt with is a bit meh, dying along the regiment makes you think twice before adding upgrades or forces to join a solid "bodyguard". And agree it is a shame the starter set doesn't have 2 cards for the FGD and Men at Arms....

But I'm not sure to get gaming soon. The language barrier for the average local is a death sentence for any game. I picked up a core set in english, but I heard the translated versions are not complete, with special rules, cards and other stuff still in english, which is a deal breaker for many. Maybe Parabellum should look into this? Unless they want to consolidate the US/UK crowd first.
Putting on the web the half translated rules in PDF would already be a good start so people can at least check it out.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/16 22:12:48

Post by: auticus

I like how characters are dealt with simply because I always hated death stars in warhammer with unkillable characters laughing at you while they stomped your army in even if you could kill their unit.

This makes them more a support piece as opposed to the main course, where you have to use your entire army as a whole instead of crutching with the death star and having your massively powerful hero do all of the heavy lifting.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/16 22:33:26

Post by: Baragash

 auticus wrote:
I like how characters are dealt with simply because I always hated death stars in warhammer with unkillable characters laughing at you while they stomped your army in even if you could kill their unit.

This makes them more a support piece as opposed to the main course, where you have to use your entire army as a whole instead of crutching with the death star and having your massively powerful hero do all of the heavy lifting.

I agree, it's a good position between deathstars/herohammer and the disproportionate effect they have in the supposedly unit-based KoW where they run around on their own.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/16 23:07:11

Post by: VBS

Avoiding a comparison to warhammer, but considering the stats and upgrades available, I think it is safe to say that characters in Conquest would not be overpowered at all if counting as their own unit. An average unit could wreck any of them fairly easily (say 4W/2-3D, generally speaking).

Not to mention that counting them as a separate unit does not automatically imply something along the lines WHFB or KOW. Other options are available, such as keeping the "must join unit" enforcement to prevent them running loose or being pretty average in terms of damage output, as most of them already are. The basic design of Conquest already prevents things like deathstars, herohammer or having expandable characters blocking everything even if individual character units were a thing.

All things considered, the current format does sort of rely on large/tough units to hide your characters if you don't want them deleted on a first charge. Also, utility of equipment/upgrades will often be quite limited (ex: defense buffs are only for duels as they don't take damage otherwise, so very situational). It's a valid way of designing the rules, but feels a bit anticlimactic and odd to have them disappear in thin air.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/16 23:33:04

Post by: CthuluIsSpy

VBS wrote:
Avoiding a comparison to warhammer, but considering the stats and upgrades available, I think it is safe to say that characters in Conquest would not be overpowered at all if counting as their own unit. An average unit could wreck any of them fairly easily (say 4W/2-3D, generally speaking).

Not to mention that counting them as a separate unit does not automatically imply something along the lines WHFB or KOW. Other options are available, such as keeping the "must join unit" enforcement to prevent them running loose or being pretty average in terms of damage output, as most of them already are. The basic design of Conquest already prevents things like deathstars, herohammer or having expandable characters blocking everything even if individual character units were a thing.

All things considered, the current format does sort of rely on large/tough units to hide your characters if you don't want them deleted on a first charge. Also, utility of equipment/upgrades will often be quite limited (ex: defense buffs are only for duels as they don't take damage otherwise, so very situational). It's a valid way of designing the rules, but feels a bit anticlimactic and odd to have them disappear in thin air.

They don't just disappear though. There's a rule where they always get to fight, even if the unit is wiped, iirc.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/16 23:37:02

Post by: auticus

Correct, if their unit is wiped out before they have activated they get to fight a last bit of combat and then they are gone.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/16 23:51:17

Post by: CthuluIsSpy

On one hand, it is kind of odd how a character can never just by himself on the field, but on the other it makes sense; if the general of an army is out in the field with none of his soldiers near him, of course he is going to be ganged up and shot by every single enemy soldier.

I greatly prefer the character rules for Conquest than 40k. I don't find the character rules all that dissimilar from WHFB, as whilst there are some absurd statlines on characters, most characters tend to be pretty tame and having them just walk around was a bad idea due to being shot at. Look out sir was only on a 4+ if the character wasn't in a unit, iirc. It was only Vampire Counts, Ogres and Chaos who were the worst offenders, as they had characters who not only were fairly durable but also had a lot of killing power, iirc.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/16 23:59:32

Post by: auticus

Also of note is that there will be monstrous characters that can and will be on their own.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/17 00:12:28

Post by: CthuluIsSpy

Well yeah, that does make sense at least.

The Hellbringer Drake rules are odd to me.
So it has the barrage rule which allows every stand in its regiment to contribute shots when it volleys, but its a single model that can't have more stands added to the regiment.

It has the overcharge rule, but it doesn't have armor piercing, which would mean that, if I understand correctly, that you can overcharge turn after turn, and it will only have Armor Piercing 1, according to the Overcharge rules.

Also, it has terrible accuracy. Its basically an Ork unit; lots of shots, but low hit chances.

Idk, I find the hellbringer drake to be underwhelming for what it provides. Those inferno automata seem to be a much better use of a restricted slot.
For just a bit more points you get more wounds, roughly the same defenses and movement, better close combat, Aura of Death, free reforms, and its a light unit, which means that you can have it on the field early and do some damage to your opponent's light units. I imagine that for a light unit, the automata is pretty deadly. The drake does have terrifying, but as its a ranged unit that rule will never come into action, but the Automata's Fearsome should see more use.

Maybe the drake is better on table than on paper, but if I go Dweghom I think I'll go for automata.

Another thing - I noticed that some of the spells don't specify if the target is friendly or hostile. It just says target regiment. Does that mean I can buff enemy regiments? I'm thinking Roots of Stone can be a pretty effective spell in that case, as you can either use it on your ranged units or units stuck in combat to make them harder to kill, or use it on enemy regiments to immobilize them at the cost of making them more durable.

I like how you have to roll under values. I thought it was a bit odd at first, but after reading more of the rules I noticed that such a system handles modifiers a little better, as in WHFB and 40k the terminology gets a little weird.
For example - A 3+ save gets a +1 modifier. Logically, you'd think it would become a 4+ save as 3+1 = 4, but no, it becomes a 2+ save.
I get the idea is that you are modifying the dice roll itself, but its still an awkward process to explain to new players. Conquest's system is easier to understand, as a minus works like a minus and a plus works like a plus.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/17 11:28:01

Post by: auticus

I'm slowly getting used to the roll low mechanics as well. It took me a little bit I will admit.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/17 11:38:02

Post by: CthuluIsSpy

Mathematically speaking its actually not different from GW's system, its just a question of muscle memory.
A stat of 2 in Conquest is basically just a 5+.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/17 11:52:34

Post by: auticus

Yep. When I started, the first five or six games I would turn the 2 into a 5+ and state that, going for high numbers.

Now that I am a vanguard for the company, I had to force myself to play with the low numbers and get used to them. But now its fine, just a little bit to get used to

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/17 15:56:27

Post by: Manchu

auticus wrote:Thanks for the write up.
VBS wrote:Cool report, Manchu!
Thanks guys! I hope it gives people a pretty good idea of what it’s like to play right out of the box.

I am pretty happy with how characters work. Giving them that chance to take some parting shots if their regiment has not yet acted in the turn on which it is removed strikes the right balance IMO.

I’m also looking forward to getting into a duel — just not with my pheromancer!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/17 16:44:33

Post by: auticus

Tell ya what - my last game my pheromancer ended up killing like 7 men at arms on his own I started calling him Yoda.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/17 17:59:49

Post by: CthuluIsSpy

I'm a little confused by the character activation rules - I get moving when the regiment moves, for obvious reasons, but what about shooting and fighting? Do I have to draw his card first, or do I fight / shoot with him when I draw his regiment's card?

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/17 18:11:40

Post by: auticus

The character fights and shoots with the regiment when the regiment activates.

When the character card comes up he does what they call his "third action" which is whatever buff or draw event that he can do.

That is covered under character actions. It did confuse us for a bit as well.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/17 18:36:01

Post by: Manchu

Dont have the book to hand (currently at work; although it is in my car lol) but do you declare challenge on a character card draw?

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/17 18:50:49

Post by: auticus

Character card activation, you can do a duel, seek new escort, or spellcast.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/17 19:22:08

Post by: Manchu

Pheromancer Seeks New Escort, Must Be Force Grown, Smokers Need Not Apply

Thanks for the snappy answer, auticus!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/17 22:25:14

Post by: auticus

my biomancer was certainly doing that being chased by steel legion! Saved myself giving up a victory point for killing the warlord

Anytime! This is my new favorite game so on top of doing local events, I want to start getting some battle reports going soon.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/18 14:58:19

Post by: Manchu

The Supremacy Ability wording is all over the place. We have

“until the End of the Turn”

“for this Turn”

“for the Turn this Supremacy Ability was activated”

“for the remainder of this Turn”

“This Turn,”

... as well as ...

“This Supremacy ability is always considered to be active.”

So what about the Tempered Sorcerer’s SA? Does he get an extra Action for every Activation during the game (passive SA, like Noble Lord) or only for the turn on which he activates his SA?

[Thumb - 3E678B51-5CB0-4645-A987-709371804646.jpeg]

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/18 15:44:41

Post by: CthuluIsSpy

Yeah, I noticed that. RAW he would indeed get that ability permanently.
So basically Dweghom can do fireball spam.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/18 17:40:37

Post by: auticus

I'd agree. Since there is already a precedent for a character to get an always active supremacy ability (mounted noble lord) it seems that the tempered sorcerer is made to throw two fireballs at you a turn!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/18 18:29:45

Post by: Manchu

OK I preordered some Dweghom from MM.

I just went with the content in PB’s own bundle: sorcerer, kerawegh, and raegh, 3x hold warriors, automata, and berserkers.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/18 18:38:30

Post by: Alpharius

...and still saved around $27 over PB's deal too, amirite?!?

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/18 18:44:28

Post by: Manchu

It was just around $6 less I think.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/18 19:09:21

Post by: Alpharius


I ran the numbers myself and I thought all of that came to just about $200 on Mini Market and 204 Euros is ~ $227 via conversion.

If it really is only $6 then I'd order direct from PB and let them make as much as possible!



Just checked and it is $204USD not Euros for us, so yes, off to order them directly from PB - thanks!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/18 20:42:40

Post by: Manchu

I made the same mistake at first. But I went for MM anyway; hoping the big retailers will take this game seriously.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/18 20:49:25

Post by: Alpharius

Good point there.

I did both - got the Dweghom bundle direct from PB and then ordered 1 x hold warriors, all the new 100 Kingdom characters and some Steel Legion from MM!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/18 23:15:09

Post by: auticus

We have 9 core players right now with about 6 waiting in the wings for nords or to see if the game lasts.

How are things looking with your communities?

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/28 01:44:21

Post by: Alpharius

Do we know when in October the Dweghom items will ship?

I've got stuff on order with PB direct and with the MM, and both orders are waiting for the Dweghom releases...

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/28 03:14:45

Post by: auticus

So there is a logistics issue in place. All of the stores and distributors changed over to a release date of October - December... meaning something is going on with shipping items to the distributors and they don't have a solid date yet.

I suspect it has to do with the tarriffs etc.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/28 03:41:17

Post by: Alpharius



That’s quite an additional delay - especially when you factor i the ‘usual’ Holiday delays around shipping...

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/10/28 13:45:52

Post by: auticus

Yeah its unfortunate.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/07 03:00:07

Post by: auticus

Finishing up my 1000 pts of hundred kingdoms.

[Thumb - 535B126F-93EC-4DAD-8418-8E2B28178912.jpeg]
[Thumb - 190D539B-6F18-4317-B474-433B19B42D3E.jpeg]
[Thumb - 8574DA31-A6F6-4239-B9AA-FE5F3F49F299.jpeg]
[Thumb - 1963C812-4DAD-4FEF-A93F-E51807DB5CE2.jpeg]

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/07 03:59:45

Post by: Alpharius

Very nice!

What are you using for terrain in your games?

Do you find the bigger miniatures to be an issue when trying to use existing terrain?

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/07 12:24:26

Post by: auticus


I use the same terrain that I did with warhammer. I don't find it to be an issue at all.

For one - everything has been assigned a height code so the bigger miniatures (and they aren't bigger by a gross amount) don't impact the game for line of sight purposes.

Two - the footprint of the units is actually quite similar to Kings of War or warhammer, so the existing warhammer terrain seems to accommodate that just fine.

Micro Art is producing a dweghom tower, that I'll be interested to see how it matches up with my other buildings in my collection in terms of scale.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/07 13:06:13

Post by: CthuluIsSpy

I'm not too sure on how the reinforcement rules work

You walk your unit onto the field, right? You don't just plop it down into the reinforcement zone?

What happens if an enemy unit gets deep into your back line? Does that mean you can't have reinforcements anymore?

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/07 14:11:13

Post by: Alpharius

 auticus wrote:

I use the same terrain that I did with warhammer. I don't find it to be an issue at all.

For one - everything has been assigned a height code so the bigger miniatures (and they aren't bigger by a gross amount) don't impact the game for line of sight purposes.

Two - the footprint of the units is actually quite similar to Kings of War or warhammer, so the existing warhammer terrain seems to accommodate that just fine.

Micro Art is producing a dweghom tower, that I'll be interested to see how it matches up with my other buildings in my collection in terms of scale.

All of that is good to know - thank you!

And it reminded me to head on over to Micro Art Studio to pick up some single character bases, among other things!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/07 14:26:41

Post by: auticus

 CthuluIsSpy wrote:
I'm not too sure on how the reinforcement rules work

You walk your unit onto the field, right? You don't just plop it down into the reinforcement zone?

What happens if an enemy unit gets deep into your back line? Does that mean you can't have reinforcements anymore?

Correct you do not just plop your units down. You come in from the table edge.

You can *ALWAYS* come in from your reinforcement zone (your table edge). The only parts affected by how deep your opponent has pushed are coming in from a flank edge.

And it reminded me to head on over to Micro Art Studio to pick up some single character bases, among other things!

I have several of them. Micro Art produces some quality stuff!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/07 15:30:13

Post by: Alpharius

I can't seem to locate the character bases on their site!

Got a direct link to them for us?

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/07 16:56:31

Post by: CthuluIsSpy

 auticus wrote:
 CthuluIsSpy wrote:
I'm not too sure on how the reinforcement rules work

You walk your unit onto the field, right? You don't just plop it down into the reinforcement zone?

What happens if an enemy unit gets deep into your back line? Does that mean you can't have reinforcements anymore?

Correct you do not just plop your units down. You come in from the table edge.

You can *ALWAYS* come in from your reinforcement zone (your table edge). The only parts affected by how deep your opponent has pushed are coming in from a flank edge.

And it reminded me to head on over to Micro Art Studio to pick up some single character bases, among other things!

I have several of them. Micro Art produces some quality stuff!

Ah its to determine coming in from the sides. Interesting.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/07 23:13:21

Post by: auticus

 Alpharius wrote:
I can't seem to locate the character bases on their site!

Got a direct link to them for us?

Use the cavalary bases. Same size. You get one big circle to put them on. Thats the unit footprint you need for the infantry characters.

Alternatively if you want to put other infantry models on your character base you can either diorama that up or get the infantry stands and put three more infantry down as well. I prefer the cavalry base and hte one character on it.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/08 00:10:45

Post by: Alpharius

Ah, that’s it then - they aren’t specifically labeled for characters, but the cavalry base will get the job done with the right dimensions.


Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/11 02:48:04

Post by: auticus

Imperial officer

[Thumb - DDC55781-0FCD-4379-9340-099FB9EA4D83.jpeg]

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/11 03:09:08

Post by: Alpharius

Lovely stuff!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/11 12:23:10

Post by: auticus

Thanks! I now have 1000 pts painted of hundred kingdoms and spires so looking forward to start producing some video and/or diagramed battle reports with them.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/11 14:28:02

Post by: Alpharius

I’m looking forward to that from you, along with continued inspiration to get going on painting my models too!

Speaking of which, is there an update on when the Dweghom will start to ship?

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/11 14:45:59

Post by: auticus

Dweghom have started shipping as of about 10 days ago to the distributors. Folks in Europe have reported getting some.

Based on previous timelines from when they shipped out on boat to the US, it takes roughly 3 weeks or so and I am anticipating around Thanksgiving to have my models in hand to begin painting them up.

Additionally I have suggested to them via my vanguard contact about an official Discord to help get everyone together on a communication channel. There is a fairly active facebook page but I'd like to see something a bit better for those that don't like to use Facebook.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/11 16:41:24

Post by: Alpharius

That would be nice - and your overall efforts here (and there and...everywhere?!?) are definitely appreciated!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/11 16:44:44

Post by: auticus

Thanks! I love the game I want to see it succeed.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Nords about to hit preorder very soon...

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/12 12:48:45

Post by: VBS

How are you guys representing unit upgrades such as Seasoned Veteran or Catabolic Node?

Although Nords are (finally!) coming, I'm also super eager to see the next wave of Spires or 100K. Currently, the unit availability doesn't offer a load of variety but it's completely normal considering how so many releases can't be done on a whim. Though their plans to have 7 full factions in 3 years is really ambitious. Avatara or Orders must be awesome!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/12 13:04:49

Post by: auticus

I currently do not represent those things visually because I may or may not use them and if I paint something different then I am forced to use it (or not use it). If I include those things I just let my opponent know that they are in the command stand.

(My leaders and standards I paint different, and for the starter box I painted my spire leaders different color than the rest of the drones to denote that they were the leader/standard combo that trash drones can take (where one model represents both) since the starter box did not come with standards or leader models)

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/12 22:45:42

Post by: VBS

Yeah, I think that simply informing the opponent should do, but while reading the rules I thought there might have been a particular mini for the Catabolic Node, in the command sprue for example (" Then remove the Catabolic Node model as a casualty and replace it with a spare Rank and File model").

I also thought about painting the leader/veteran/ward with different colors or changing a spear/sword with a banner for the standard-bearers.
Now if I can just find a spare command card to split the FGD from the starter box...

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/12 23:12:37

Post by: auticus

To me that simply means when he explodes you remove a model that represents him plus any models on your side that he took out.

The spare card is something I need too though I know that when we get more core units that I'll be fine with what I have. Right now I only have 2 cards but need to split my stands out into 4 tiny units to meet my requirements since thats the only core unit we currently have.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/13 22:36:54

Post by: Khornate25

Man, just finished assembling my Spires. However I won't be able to paint them for a long while :(

Your models are awesomely painted.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/13 23:03:52

Post by: auticus

Thank you sir!

Para Bellum just gave the link of their official discord as well this afternoon which is awesome. Not sure that I can post it here but if you are on their facebook you should have gotten the link.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/14 13:40:36

Post by: Alpharius

It's on Facebook, I think it is OK to share here:


I hope that's the right link and that it works!

(see you all there - and here too, of course!)

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/15 12:43:51

Post by: auticus

Per their discord discussion - the nords should not only be out but in our hands before the holidays. And that new trailer was awesome.


Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/15 13:23:15

Post by: Alpharius

It was!

They (we?) probably need to get it out there quickly though that the "Blooded" are akin to demi-gods and that's why they've got some fairly ridiculous muscles on top of their muscles!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/15 20:08:24

Post by: auticus

Nords up on preorder.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/19 01:26:42

Post by: auticus

Excited to drop this image. Louisville Wargaming presents its 2020 fantasy campaign. Conquest of the Stornlands. Set in the world of Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings... the northern Stornlands lie in ruin after the fall of the empire. Long buried treasures await, and a forgotten Spire stirs.

This campaign is a map campaign based off of the 2003 General's Compendium Borderlands from Warhammer Fantasy, only reimagined in the Conquest world.

We will be running this in 2020 at our campaign day meetups!

Rules document and story set to be completed before the end of the year so that we can get started in 2020.

[Thumb - ConquestOfStornlands_2020.jpg]

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/22 19:27:35

Post by: Khornate25

Glad to see the Nords sculpt have greatly improved since the first previews. One of my friend is really interested by this faction.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/22 19:43:38

Post by: auticus

These are my primary so I am super hyped for them!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/25 14:00:51

Post by: auticus

Rules clarifications posted today.

Characters must now enter play in a unit from their warband (units they unlock).

They also discussed obscurement and what counts as obscured (clarifications). (p. 39 changes)

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/26 16:01:45

Post by: Zond

Ever since my poor interaction with Parabellum at GamesExpo this year my enthusiasm has went to other rank and file games.

I was interested in the Nords and Dwarves but it feels as thiugh there are hoops to jump through. I was hoping for starter sets or bundles, not necessarily discounted, but a 'here you go, have an army in a box' situation might be nice just for ease of entry.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/11/26 16:37:09

Post by: auticus

They had that for dweghom briefly. Nords are expected to get a bundle as well. Its just not a permanent thing.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
As for hoops, i ordered dweghom sunday and they are being delivered tomorrow (from their store)

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/12/03 00:00:31

Post by: Eldarain

How is the Starter set for a jumping off point? Would multiple sets make interesting games?

Have an opportunity to get starters at like 35 US each.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/12/03 00:52:22

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Where? That’s an amazing deal.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/12/03 01:35:12

Post by: Eldarain


Automatically Appended Next Post:
So would multiple sets make sense to have a solid force of both? 2? 3?

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/12/03 02:16:29

Post by: auticus

A pair of starter boxes do indeed make a good cheap force, though you will be without command sprues. I have two starters for both 100k and my spires though and for the value they were great.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/12/03 02:19:04

Post by: Eldarain

Awesome. Gonna pull an auticus and be the change I want to see. Grabbed 2 from that sale.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/12/03 02:43:26

Post by: auticus

For spires i just paint a trash drone a different color to denote it is a leader model. (it counts as both leader and a standard in that unit). For your 100k, bits can make some banners if you don't want to buy unit boxes for the command sprues or to add on, but you will have:

2 mounted noble characters
6 household knights
6 crossbow
12 men at arms

You will want to order an Imperial Officer so that your force is legal (the crossbow cannot technically be fielded without the officer)

Steel Legion is the nastiest unit currently out.

Spires you'll have
12 trash drone stands
2 abominations
6 brute drones
2 pheromancers

The executor is a great character to pick up and the marksmen are an excellent ranged unit to add on.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/12/03 05:36:54

Post by: Eldarain

Brilliant. Thank you.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/12/06 00:01:43

Post by: auticus

Dweghom progress. Trying 1250 pts by jan to go with my painted spires and 100k.

[Thumb - 1BE87B45-7312-46AE-9493-6261279A599D.jpeg]
[Thumb - 21EB97C8-5BB8-48E1-9CC3-276151F319F8.jpeg]
[Thumb - 42DD0369-BCEB-4FA1-BCDC-60E97D4149C1.jpeg]

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/12/06 01:49:06

Post by: Eldarain

Very cool. Should have my sets in hand on Tuesday. Secured two stores to start doing demo events in the new year.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/12/06 01:49:44

Post by: auticus

Nice - post some pictures.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/12/06 05:01:03

Post by: Eldarain

I absolutely will. Thinking a purple and bone scheme for the Spire and a Gunmetal and Green scheme for the Kingdoms. Should look lovely for demos.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2019/12/31 17:33:43

Post by: auticus

For those of you that enjoy map campaigns, my group in Louisville KY will be starting one in January and it will run throughout 2020.

Links to documents can be found here:

or if you like one zip file

I have ten cinematic style reports in the queue for next year. Our first one I am hoping to shoot this weekend and then have released by mid January both as a demo of the game battle report as well as a story telling exercise.

[Thumb - TitlePage.png]

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/01/06 14:12:11

Post by: auticus

We filmed a tutorial video over the weekend. Working on post-processing that and it was requested on the Conquest Discord to include subtitles so that it can be translated into other languages (close captioning).

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/01/09 12:54:46

Post by: VBS

Looking forward to the campaign reports.
If in need of translations for the videos, I could help out both for French and Spanish.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/01/09 13:31:41

Post by: auticus

That would be awesome and thank you!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/01/09 13:36:01

Post by: auticus

Here is a still.

[Thumb - 36C1B2A9-A78F-4A03-98C6-A9BCD31CF715.jpeg]

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/01/10 20:03:15

Post by: Jammer87

So are we thinking this game is going to last? I'm hesitant to get into another game that fails and loses support - Wrath of Kings, Runewars..

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/01/11 02:30:24

Post by: VBS

I don't think anyone on Dakka can answer that question, clearly not enough info on how the game is doing.

However, there are a few bits of info that make me believe it will be supported for quite some time:
- There is a 3 year plan of releases to have all 4 initial factions + 3 new ones fully fleshed out (20+ units per faction). And they have further plans to expand on more. So they have the foreseeable future all laid out.
- A load of the currently unreleased models seem to be produced. Renders have already been shared on social media or even a long list of to-be-released models were shown during events.
- Para Bellum is a company that only produces Conquest. So they need to go out of business for Conquest to fail. It is not like some big companies that just scrap projects or jump from one to another depending on which is more profitable.

Personally, I'm not too concerned. Mostly coz eternal corporate support is sort of irrelevant if I can just get a some good miniatures along some cool gaming rules. Both which Conquest certainly has.

Edit: Adding the new Dweghom unit, Dragonslayers!!! Look very nice and such a beast unit in game (4 Combat & 4 Cleave )

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/01/11 18:45:35

Post by: auticus

 Jjohnso11 wrote:
So are we thinking this game is going to last? I'm hesitant to get into another game that fails and loses support - Wrath of Kings, Runewars..

No one can answer that. However the rules of this game are my favorite since WHFB 6th edition and so I've gone head long into it. My gut says that it will be around for a bit. There are a lot of people that are going to wait to see if its still around in a year and I can appreciate that.

Those dragon slayers look awesome and are... well... awesome on the table. Though they are very expensive in points! And in an objective game, loading down on those is going to make the rest of the army struggle to score. But I'm definitely afraid of them

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/01/15 12:35:01

Post by: auticus

Awesome news, they are creating two ways of playing. Competitive (current) and an open world where players have accounts and can store battle results as well as voting options to influence the state of the world.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/01/17 17:07:55

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

 Jjohnso11 wrote:
So are we thinking this game is going to last? I'm hesitant to get into another game that fails and loses support - Wrath of Kings, Runewars..

So far it seems to appeal to a very limited pool of gamers, but they seem happy with it. If you are a competitive player who prefers crunch and rank-and-flank games, this might be the game for you. However, it’s up against CmON’s ASOIAF (which is getting some support for now) and soon GW’s Warhammer Old World game. Those are all things to keep in mind.

If you like weird mutants, the Spire minis from the starter are a great place to start. For the human faction, the knights and mounted minis are excellent, but the footsloggers are under-detailed and repetitive, with few or no optional bits. Minis outside of the starter set are shockingly expensive for a game that isn’t Warhammer or Warmahordes, and there is so far no convenient fluff bible or introduction to the setting that isn’t a website; the starter set rulebook is dry and crunchy as melba toast, and just as exciting.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/01/17 17:37:33

Post by: auticus

There is per vanguard chat a fluff book forthcoming with art (a collectors rulebook) around March.

A Song of Ice and Fire may appeal to rank and flank people but the majority who are on the conquest train don't feel that ASOIAF really scratches that wargaming itch. Additionally the old world game could be anything. We have no idea what it is, if its rank and file based, or anything. Also as it pertains to GW games, the balance will undoubtedly be fairly bad with a business model driven around making you chase the powerful faction only to rebuy a new faction in a year, so while I love the old world as far as that project is concerned I am going to be waiting to see what it is and what it looks like when it finally comes out before I even really give it any attention.

The appeal is toward rank and file games as well as an alternating activation system and a risk/reward that exists instead of all reward no risk. Additionally listbuilding is not the key focus, though exists.

I discuss why it appeals to me here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPGv-UZMtak

Demo of a 1250 point game here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUOGqorYteo

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/01/20 20:45:18

Post by: Khornate25

Just by curiosity, which kind of tray foam dimensions do you use for your models ?

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/01/20 20:49:31

Post by: auticus

I don't use tray foam for transport as I have bad experience with foam destroying my models. I use magnets and love magna racks however.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/01/23 21:32:44

Post by: auticus

Water mage

[Thumb - 276E4981-EDFD-408A-B3B7-902032DA15B3.jpeg]
[Thumb - FC9B60EF-F1DC-4219-ACBD-E8190BCAB968.jpeg]
[Thumb - FB87B367-A558-4155-89FC-991A8C44B308.jpeg]

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/01/23 21:54:07

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

I like the detail and the paint job...but that crown looks like a bike helmet.

He’d make a great Frostgrave wizard.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/01/24 12:42:44

Post by: Sarouan

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
I like the detail and the paint job...but that crown looks like a bike helmet.

He’d make a great Frostgrave wizard.

I think it's a "she".

About the game, I really do see the appeal and the interest of the rules. I also understand why the prices are so high for the kits outside of the starter. The bigger scale, I don't like - I already lack room at home for my collection, Conquest would be horrible for me to start.

The fluff...I don't know, the inspiration from earth mythology is really obvious (the Nords with their gods, they didn't bother to change the names - or the direct references to the Four Horsemen). Only the Spires are really a bit different, and even them make me remember another army from Confrontation - Alkhemists of Dirz.

So far, the miniatures' quality didn't blow me up. Some are indeed not great looking (that weird berserker dweghom character). Thing is, with bigger scale, details are more apparent and so when something isn't that very good, it shows even more.

It sounds to me that if it stays around, it will be for a very niche community living in their bubble. A bit like the KoW one.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/01/24 12:56:56

Post by: auticus

The biggest draw for me are the rules. GW models are wonderful. But the rules and balance are straight horrible. Wonderful models in a game system that I cannot stand and have no fun with are, I have found, worthless to me.

The models for Conquest can be hit or miss I agree. The scale I have no issue with. In fact putting them up against my AOS models they are in many ways nearly identical.

So I'm ok with lesser models for a superior game experience. And if push comes to push one can also substitute Conquest models out for models they like better.

I don't think I care too much if it blows up like XWing or 40k or AOS. I think thats probably unrealistic for 99% of the games produced. However Kings of War has a global masters system so if they can get that far, I'd be pretty happy.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/01/25 00:34:39

Post by: Sarouan

 auticus wrote:

The models for Conquest can be hit or miss I agree. The scale I have no issue with. In fact putting them up against my AOS models they are in many ways nearly identical.

That's actually why it bothers me so much with Conquest, I believe. It is because of the scale of the game system it represents : regimental battles. Having a scale even bigger than AoS is, to me, a miscalculation for the sake of the game itself, because I always feel that to have that feeling of epic mass battles, using a bigger scale for the miniatures is a handicap. I mean, you are limitated in the end by the size of your table/room to play. That's why I always felt Warmaster was much better suited for that kind of game, or 15 mm miniatures being way more adapted to have the compromise between numbers and still having enough details to enjoy painting.µ

But then, you can better justify higher prices with bigger miniatures.

So I'm ok with lesser models for a superior game experience. And if push comes to push one can also substitute Conquest models out for models they like better.

Yes, I agree with you. I wonder how the game / community would be if it was a generic game system for mass battles, a bit like Hordes of the Things. Probably like KoW in V2 when they attracted lots of WFB players.

However Kings of War has a global masters system so if they can get that far, I'd be pretty happy.

It would be nice for the Conquest community, no doubt. Unfortunately, I believe that it is their marketing with their own models/fluff that will drag it down. If a game's success was just about rules only, you know a lot of things would be different around here, don't you ?

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/01/25 01:20:12

Post by: auticus

If it were about rules primary, gw would have been gone decades ago.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/04 05:18:00

Post by: Carnikang

Watch your appeal video and the 1250pt vid. Quite like it, and the battlereport gave me a better sense of how the game flows. I was having some issues from just reading the rules and not having gotten games in yet.

Really glad you're gunho and becoming a driving force for the game Auticus. The devs are great and all, but seeing a community member push to spread the game is a little more heartwarming.

Once I know once and for all where GW stands on the Seraphon release (new models, rules being alright or not, etc) I'll know whether I'll be pushing even hard for my Spires to take the tables locally or if I'll make them a pet project for bigger events like Adepticon ..


Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/04 12:31:42

Post by: auticus

Glad you found it useful and I appreciate the comments.

My second in a series - how to develop a community with a non-GW game.


We're filming a campaign report on 2/15 I should have posted near end of the month

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/04 18:04:42

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

How counts-as model friendly is the game, if I just don't love the aesthetics for a given unit? Stands are obviously removed vs. individual models, so I assume as long as its aesthetic, anything goes.

To get rules for their online list builders do you end up scanning QR codes from the boxes, or are all the rules free altogether, if I wanted to try a test game in-house before placing my orders?

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/04 18:20:20

Post by: auticus

That is dependent on your group. There is nothing written that says you must use their models. If you want to attend like adepticon or their official events, I'd say you probably need their models, but anything else would depend on your group or your local event organizers.

I don't restrict my players' choice of models.

The rules are all free on their site. The army lists are on there, the rules are on there. They are PDFs.

The QR code on the cards are for an app to get you up to date stats on the fly without needing to go to the site. I don't know that it works yet, I just use the pdfs.

Also to point out you do remove models not stands. Four infantry models go on a stand. As they die, you remove the infantry model. Its not like kings of war.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/04 23:03:06

Post by: VBS

For anyone starting or curious to know how the game is played, there is a quick-start guide PDF that explains the steps in a fast and clear way. Very handy.


Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/04 23:31:22

Post by: Carnikang

Seeing that W'addrun orc was a pretty awesome sneak peak into the next faction's aesthetic. Once they come out, all in on that faction too..

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/05 00:01:27

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

That Ork really was damn impressive.

@Auticus, Of course you're right, I forgot your own batrep. My bad!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/05 01:23:17

Post by: auticus


Stuff coming out.

Fifth faction this year (orcs on dinosaurs) - an arena game, and a dungeon crawl, all in the same world using the same models

@Auticus, Of course you're right, I forgot your own batrep. My bad!

Ha no worries

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Interesting quote from the video, they realize they are up against a certain company (GW) that owns 95% of the wargaming marketshare that operates on a borderline-monopoly.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/05 01:48:09

Post by: Carnikang

Its not surprising, though that number is still pretty high. Privateer Press was their only 'big' competition last I knew, and even then it wasn't much of a competitor.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/05 12:52:23

Post by: auticus

Another neat take away:

They will be chaining a set of regional titles, national titles, and then if you qualify: world title.

This may be the first time I get back into tournament play since abandoning that notion in 2007.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/05 14:12:23

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

Out of curiosity, what are the current tray sizes? I am sorely tempted to take a break from packing this weekend, and try a test game before I go all in on actual product.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/05 14:34:46

Post by: auticus

If you do a search on Micro Arts studios, they sell the trays and may have the dimensions there. I cannot answer the question today until much later as I have no way to measure them.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/05 20:32:41

Post by: VBS

NewTruthNeomaxim wrote:
Out of curiosity, what are the current tray sizes? I am sorely tempted to take a break from packing this weekend, and try a test game before I go all in on actual product.

I've measured them and there are two types:

6,6 cm X 6,6 cm. These fit infantry (4 miniatures per tray) or cavalry, brutes, characters (1 model per tray). That's about 2,59 inches per side.

11,1 cm X 11,1 cm. These fit monsters (1 miniature per tray). That's about 4,37 inches per side.

EDIT: Check the retailer video and wow, just wooow!! Dungeon crawler? Sieges? Greco-Roman steampunk? Byzantine angelic undead? Not-Orcs on DINOSAURS??? Are you kidding me? I WANT IT ALL AND I WANT IT NOW

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/06 00:04:39

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

I'm already tipping over into the intense-want mode, but I just found out my store won't be able to honor credit I have if I want to put it toward non-GW product... I guess it means i'll be saving cash for a few months since I need to buy models for both the wife and I.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/06 13:10:45

Post by: auticus

Ah are you in a GW ride-or-die area? If your area has no vanguard, petition to be one. You get a coupon for $100 off their store every month if you are a vanguard.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/06 15:57:08

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

 auticus wrote:
Ah are you in a GW ride-or-die area? If your area has no vanguard, petition to be one. You get a coupon for $100 off their store every month if you are a vanguard.

Worse... I earn credit from one of the slightly bigger online stores, writing content, and they won't even order non-GW product. I'll be happily going out of pocket on this one though, as I really believe in these rules.

Edit: Where can I find sign-ups for their Vanguard program?

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/06 18:43:10

Post by: auticus

Drop Leo a line at:

He heads up the vanguard program.

Also they have a discord server.


Vanguards have a private chat channel. Helps you keep up to date with whats going on and the PB guys talk to us in all of the channels.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/06 23:07:04

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

Thanks Auticus. I also just received a green-light to add a weekly non-GW article to my content, meaning I can finally sneak a little attention onto deserving games that aren't just "OMG market penetration!!!1!"

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/07 00:29:45

Post by: auticus

When you get something written make sure you post a link, I'd love to read what you come up with.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/07 15:43:28

Post by: auticus

Upcoming things for the year we know about:

centaur avatara (spires)
Slayers/Thanes box
Ugr (ogres for nords)
Army Card Packs
Rules Expansion
Collectors Rulebook
Lore Book
Paint Sets
House hold guard / gilded legion for 100k

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/07 17:17:18

Post by: Alpharius

Still surprised that they aren't doing specialty 'character' bases!

Them, or someone else!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/07 17:51:22

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

Really personally interested in the Nord take on Ogres as they've been favorite Fantasy armies of mine in WHFB, KoW, etc...

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/07 18:52:50

Post by: auticus

You won't be waiting long. They pre order very soon. And there are pictures out somewhere, there used to be a spoilers channel that they shared in and they posted pics of the ogres before. If I can dig them up I'll post.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/07 19:14:49

Post by: auticus

You can see them behind the militia on the right.

[Thumb - IMG_20200128_162749.jpg]

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/07 20:59:10

Post by: Mangod

Here's another picture of them. I like the look of them, although the joints worry me a bit.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/07 21:49:26

Post by: VBS

 auticus wrote:
You can see them behind the militia on the right.

Are those Avataras behind the Pheromancer and Biomancer? Look sick!

Preordered the vanguard stuff for Spires (the Preceptor will make a great High Clone). Their whole aesthetic and fluff really appeals to me, more than the other three.

I'm also going to start writing Conquest articles on a very popular wargaming blog here. Maybe it will shed some light on the game in this corner of the world, where unfortunately anything not fully translated is bound to die. Here goes!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/07 22:17:23

Post by: auticus

Oh man that sounds great. Post links to your work id love to read it.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/08 01:56:25

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

Woah... what are those Tomb King looking fellows in the pic, Auticus?? I came for the Ogres... I'm freaking IN for not-Tomb-Kings!!!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/08 02:12:48

Post by: auticus

Those I believe are the avatara for spires.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/08 16:43:52

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

They're magnificent and single-handedly have my rethinking my faction plans.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/09 21:08:05

Post by: VBS

 auticus wrote:
Oh man that sounds great. Post links to your work id love to read it.

Well, it's in spanish, so I don't know if you'd understand it With a translator it could give you a good idea: https://www.cargad.com/index.php/2020/02/08/para-bellum-introduccion-a-conquest-el-ultimo-conflicto-de-los-reyes/
Basic intro article with info about the game, fluff and minis. Seems to have sparked some interest, particularly regarding the rules. As expected, complaints about the scale and price (remember kids: if it ain't GW, it ain't allowed to be expensive!). I have many more articles lined-up.

By the way, do you have any clue when are the Vanguard Spires being released? I preordered, but there seems to be no date indications when are they being shipped. In any case, I really really want those Avataras!!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/09 22:51:23

Post by: auticus

Thats funny to me people would complain about price. Especially considering that the starter box is probably the best deal in the history of wargaming for what you get and what little you pay for it.

The boxes are $35 or so on average for 12 models. Thats for the most part much cheaper than GW in a lot of cases, and a bit over what mantic charges (so right in the middle) for a bigger scale.

Edit: nevermind. Its not funny to me people would complain about price. There is a huge huge cry for games that are low model count and cost less than $100 to play so yeah. Because this is a larger mass battle scale game, if its going over $100-$200 to play it, a lot of people are going to complain. But again - I'd say maybe mass battle games are not really something those people would enjoy anyway because I find that price range that I have heard ($100-$200) to be unreasonable for a mass battle game if the company wants to stick around for any length of time able to pay the bills.

The scale - yeah I talked about that in my video. They either want to use their old miniatures and feel they can't because of the scale, or they want the scale to be 10-15mm. Neither of those things we can do anything about, don't know how to really go beyond that about the scale issue.

The spire and militia should release anytime now. The Avataras I would expect will be in next round of spire expansion

Thanks for the link to your article, I'll run it through a translator

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Having read your article, I agree with your thoughts as well I noticed one of the comments mentioned Confrontation and yeah that was also a great game, and I can see the parallels to that game and this as well.

You can also see shades of warhammer and warmaster in Conquest, which Alessio also had a hand in writing.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/09 23:45:31

Post by: VBS

Yeah, I do think Conquest isn't on the cheaper side of wargaming (it is a mass battle r&f game, after all) yet is still very reasonable for what it offers. But since everything must pass through the GW-filter... so it goes. The numbers are there, I just assume people regurgitate the same arguments that don't compute ad nauseam (it's the internet, who cares!!). Or like to compare apple and oranges.

Otherwise, I think Alessio being the rules author could potentially bring a lot of attention (at least having people test the game). Rank&file is still popular here, most notably WHFB (6th and probably 8th) or KoW. Ruleswise, I actually see Conquest being some sort of "alternate activation version" of KoW with a few very relevant key changes here and there. The gameplay feeling has similar vibes, which I like.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/10 00:29:20

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

I am a big devotee of KoW, and having worked on it a bit, I have my biases. That said, Conquest is something I am finding much more compelling. It truly has the things I enjoy most about Oldhammer, KoW, and A Song of Ice and Fire... but I can finally have those things in one system instead of piecemeal.

As Auticus says, I can speak to the importance of value, and if you happen to want to build 100k and Spire, splitting a couple starters with a friend really is an insane value (though the exclusion of command is irksome).

As someone literally making first purchases for my wife and I, I don't remotely feel like this is an expensive game. Maybe GW trained me too well. ;-)

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/10 01:04:20

Post by: auticus

I like Kings of War. In fact if Conquest didn't exist, I'd be 100% in camp Kings of War right now.

However having to pick between the two, Kings of War has some gamey elements that I'm not super enthused about (like the "corkscrew" tactic just one as an example). They aren't enough to make me not ever play the game (in fact I own the rulebooks, and I contribute to their kickstarter every time) but its enough for me to want Conquest more.

I can play Kings of War much cheaper obviously. I have literally two rooms full of WHFB models in cases and display racks. I love my chaos armies and varangur was my KOW main, now the northern alliance.

But alternate activation I love more. IGOUGO ... I'd like to see that removed almost entirely to be honest. Standing there for a whole turn taking it, its just not how a real battle goes down. And for me I'm after that experience of feeling like I'm commanding a battle.

My 2 cents.

Also the Hail Caesar fantasy rule set houserule thing is pretty awesome. Another mass battle system I love (but no one will play lol)

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/13 18:10:18

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

Couldn't wait any longer. After playing a few test games with proxies, and really digging deeply into the rules, I am just in awe. The amount of stuff this game does right, out of the gates, boggles my mind.

Dropped enough to have two 1500pt armies incoming, but I can just tell this is one of those games I will be collecting for years to come.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/13 19:40:53

Post by: auticus

Told ya.

Which armies?

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/13 21:22:03

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

100 Kingdoms and Spires. I suspect we will end up with all four before the Orcs and Undead come out, but I just really like the aesthetic of these factions.

Spire being suuuuuch a novel take on Elves, vs traditional humans feels like a cool match-up.

I almost went Nord for their Ugrs, but Spire Avataras were just too gorgeous.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/13 22:14:00

Post by: Carnikang

I can't wait until the Avatara of all kinds get released. The Cav Avatara are amazing, and the big spindly ones have got me jonesing to see the rest of the line. I'm very keen to see what the Desolation Beast looks like...

Also, I know it's meant to be a mass battle game, but have you tried playing with tighter, more restricting terrain Auticus?
Part of me wants to try out a "cityfight" with wide avenues and buildings. But the scale of it might be a bit restrictive.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/13 22:46:03

Post by: VBS

Just received my Spire Infiltrators+Preceptor. Again, very impressed with the quality. Rocking my 100K t-shirt too

Spires are my absolute favorites, can see myself getting everything. On Halloween my interest might shift towards the Undead (love the Byzantine gloomy angel artwork). Also looking forward to the KS with alternative Conquest related games and everything else.

Yes, I'm quite excited

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/13 23:30:14

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

There's a Conquest Kickstarter in the future?

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/13 23:59:23

Post by: auticus

 Carnikang wrote:
I can't wait until the Avatara of all kinds get released. The Cav Avatara are amazing, and the big spindly ones have got me jonesing to see the rest of the line. I'm very keen to see what the Desolation Beast looks like...

Also, I know it's meant to be a mass battle game, but have you tried playing with tighter, more restricting terrain Auticus?
Part of me wants to try out a "cityfight" with wide avenues and buildings. But the scale of it might be a bit restrictive.

Funny you say that. My Stornlands campaign has rules for city fight because two of the tiles you can fight on are cities.


I have a house rule for those types of battles where you can split out your stands due to the terrain.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
VBS wrote:
Just received my Spire Infiltrators+Preceptor. Again, very impressed with the quality. Rocking my 100K t-shirt too

Spires are my absolute favorites, can see myself getting everything. On Halloween my interest might shift towards the Undead (love the Byzantine gloomy angel artwork). Also looking forward to the KS with alternative Conquest related games and everything else.

Yes, I'm quite excited

I love two things in fantasy wargaming: chaos / evil knights and undead. So undead will definitely be my bag when they come out.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
NewTruthNeomaxim wrote:
100 Kingdoms and Spires. I suspect we will end up with all four before the Orcs and Undead come out, but I just really like the aesthetic of these factions.

Spire being suuuuuch a novel take on Elves, vs traditional humans feels like a cool match-up.

I almost went Nord for their Ugrs, but Spire Avataras were just too gorgeous.

Man I've got all four now on my painting table. I've completed 1250 painted of 100k and spires. 600 painted of dweghom. 0 painted of nords. And I just got my shipment of militia and vanguard in lol. I'll be busy busy. I want 2000 points of all four factions for demos and to be able to bounce into whatever faction I'm needed for campaigns.

For tournament play I'll be doing spire for right now. I'm going to be doing some traveling with this game I see, and I will definitely be at Adepticon 2021, fates willing.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
NewTruthNeomaxim wrote:
There's a Conquest Kickstarter in the future?

There is a retailer video you need to watch.


Its long but he goes over the future of the game in 2020. I do believe there is a kickstarter yes. There is a lot coming down the pipe.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/14 00:06:41

Post by: Carnikang

W'hdrun in the future! Aztecamayan orcs riding dinosaurs is my jam.

I really hope my 100 Kingdoms counterpart gets his butt into gear and at least agrees to playing a game so we can start getting the rules down. Atm, he's been lax because of AoS (and tbh, so have I waiting for my army to get it's book). That shouldn't be too much of an issue in the future if more people take interest.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/14 00:08:28

Post by: auticus

Yeah. We're on the point where its "wait for other people to play before I commit" from a lot of players. Thats understandable. GW games are driven not by their rulesets, but by the massive community and knowing you'll always have games regardless of rules quality.

However this game system, the world, the models, there is something there that rekindled why I got into fantasy wargaming in the first place all of those years ago. I think by end of summer, things will be picking up pace, and by Adepticon 2021 I see the conquest room being on par with the kings of war room if not a little bigger.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/14 00:10:35

Post by: Carnikang

I really hope so. Depending on the next year or so, it may become the main focus of my hobby time as well. I've got numerous other small games and forces for dead games, but this one has struck my fancy hard. The art, the lore, the whole design aesthetic is great.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/14 00:15:20

Post by: auticus

Thats exactly where I'm coming from. And yeah... my collection is so massive I need to start donating and hitting ebay. So I feel that. Adding more to that collection is painful but in this case I've been doing nothing but non stop daily painting on my conquest armies and we have two campaign days a month now playing it.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/14 01:01:44

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

I actually sped through that Youtube vid thinking all the highlights were an Orc preview, and news about Skirmish/Dungeon Crawl. That is my bad.

Waiting for stuff to arrive I already wish I had ordered more of the newest kits. I think at 2000pts I will want two units of at least six stands of Militia, and that isn't even accounting for the ranged versions I will want.

Not even gonna mention how much I expect my wife will want a few units of the Vanguard.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/14 22:14:27

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

While the starter set is an amazing deal, price is not so cut and dry an issue as you make it seem, and neither is scale.

The sprues that came with my starter for everything but the knights felt stingy. There were seemingly no extra optional bits or frills of any kind. The pose ability and variety of weapon arms felt minimal. Add this to gather with the shocking quality of the base troops—the sculpts for the men at arms had the detail of 20mm minis blown up to 35mm—and the stand alone boxes no longer seem like a good deal.

Yes, if you’re into the game they’re fine. The problem is that the minis acted as a large red flag that kept me from getting into a minis range I had planned to go all into. Furthermore, the lack of fluff or any hook other than dry crunch and barebones tokenminis in the starter told me Conquest did not want me as a customer. It’s great you like the game, but to me this went from 0 to WMH MK2 levels of unapproachability when I ordered the starter.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/14 22:32:57

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

There's literally a mountain of lore on the website which they just reorganized, and a lore book coming out. :-) The lore is shockingly good too.


Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/14 22:34:34

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

I look forward to buying and reading the lore book. Hope that sparks a renewal of interest for me.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/14 22:43:27

Post by: auticus

You're right you aren't bludgeoned with a ton of options and bits. You get some, but nothing compared to GW.

However I will say when I examine that particular caveat, I have bits that stretch back 20 years and I use maybe 1% of those bits later, so I ask myself "is this really a big deal?"

Then I remind myself of how much i really dislike AOS as a ruleset and how I haven't had a fantasy game that I've truly enjoyed since like 2006 but have played simply because nothing was around other than what was out and the community was as big as it was so that kept me involved in the gw universe.

There is also that I come from a historicals background where that kind of thing is not a big deal so to me it (not having a lot of bits) was not something I even considered, though I do see your point and how someone can see that as a big negative.

In regards to price, they are cheaper than GW but are not "cheap". So that means indeed people will balk at playing the game as they did with warhammer fantasy because if they have to spend more than $200 (that was at least the threshold of price back in 2015 based on polls, thats why I use that figure) then that was a flat no (and why the third party market was so popular and whfb had a lot of players in spite of the price because you could get a full sized whfb army for $150-$200 on ebay or barter town or other 3rd party sites)

Your complaint about the lore is valid, and they are addressing that with a book that is dropping as NewTruthNewMaxim posted above.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/14 23:03:55

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

My point was that Parabellum have targeted one subfaction of gamers and made a game for them. That’s great for you, since you’re pretty much exactly who this is for. For me and my friends, this range is frustratingly unappealing.

You never use bits? I use tons of bits. You care about the game quality? I use (or houserule) the most convenient ruleset I can find to act as a beard for my miniatures hobby. You think about buy ins in terms of playable armies? I think of miniatures as competing impulse buys that might hook me on an aesthetic or had better work for kitbashing. You consider tabletop usage in determining value for dollar? I consider how many cool things I can make from the box as the determiner of value. The most successful games aim to appeal to both our tastes. This one does not.

Conquest has chosen its niche. Hopefully there will be enough customers in that niche to support them.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/14 23:20:46

Post by: auticus

That sounds like you are a hobbyist first, and awesome. I would agree they focused on the game and supporting the game first. If I was a hobbyist first, I'd probably not be as excited.

Without a good game, for me the miniatures are largely useless. And I would love to be in an environment where I could houserule other systems to my liking, but sadly I live in a very anti-house rule region where you get rode out on a cart and set on fire if you bring in houserules, and its just not worth the drama on my end, which is why I need rules to be the primary driver for a system.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/14 23:40:32

Post by: VBS

I think the future development of side products (side-games/expansions, books, expanding range) will open up the game. Conquest will look very different in 2 years, I bet.
I don't consider myself a gamer (actually rarely play), even if I appreciate a solid and fun set of rules. Mostly into painting/converting and reading but still managed to get completely hooked to Conquest precisely because of the minis aesthetic and lore, which I find considerably more appealing than other alternatives.
About extra bits, sure it's minimal in the coreset (still enough to convert sergeants for the men-at-arms with knight heads/shields). But then there are dual kits which have a load and the minis are for the most part multi-part and customizable by easily exchanging arms, heads, torsos, etc.... Seems good to me.

So I don't think Conquest necessarily caters to a specific type of wargamer. Plenty of room for us narrative and mini enthusiasts.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/14 23:46:26

Post by: auticus

I quite like the narrative and models as well. Its true there aren't a ton of bits though, I can't deny that. There aren't 10 ways to model the same guy, you typically have four poses in a box of 12. But for a mass battle game I'm ok with my guys not all being unique like that.

And there are indeed skirmish games coming (arena, dungeon, siege) that may open that up some.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
And as I type that someone in the facebook group just finished doing militia bowmen and is using the other bits (since its a dual kit) to customize his men at arms hahaha.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/14 23:57:36

Post by: VBS

 auticus wrote:

And as I type that someone in the facebook group just finished doing militia bowmen and is using the other bits (since its a dual kit) to customize his men at arms hahaha.

I am planning to do something like this for my FGD. Splitting the 24 of the core box into 2 units, one will have the Vanguard shields and command sprue (Infiltrators won't need it) to differentiate them apart. Should look cool

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/15 00:06:52

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

The stand alone kits come with dual build options? Which ones?

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/15 00:07:21

Post by: auticus

Yeah that sounds neat. Post pictures (or if you are in the discord or fb, post pictures there!)

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/15 00:36:21

Post by: Carnikang

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
The stand alone kits come with dual build options? Which ones?

The new 100k militia and the Spires Clones

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/15 00:57:34

Post by: auticus

Vanguard clones / infiltrators
Dweghom ballistae / hold warriors
100k militia / 100k militia bowmen

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/24 14:14:36

Post by: auticus

Pre order is up for Dragon Slayers/Thanes and the Ugr.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/25 22:38:41

Post by: VBS

Getting thing rolling around this corner of the world. About a dozen people got interested in the game after my somewhat insistent proselytism through articles, lots of enthusiasms with all the novelty surrounding the game. Lore/narrative seems to be a huge plus for many, specially the dark murky fantasy mood.

Finishing off some older projects for other games, but seems like Conquest will then gather my full attention

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/26 12:31:12

Post by: auticus

Definitely a dark fantasy game! Are you on the discord? They are having a rules and lore Q&A session tomorrow Greece Time at 18:00 (GMT +2), which for us USA folks is 11:00a.est

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/28 18:53:54

Post by: VBS

Aye, I'm on the discord. Not much lore going on, but the retinue info was very cool. And seems like household guard/gilded legion are around the corner!
Wasn't able to log in live, but would have liked to ask if Mercenary Crossbows were going to be added as Restricted to the Noble roster. Seems like they are open to changing unit eligibility (like Militia), and it would be practical considering the Starter Box content.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/03/01 16:46:34

Post by: auticus

The Halford, metal priest of the once and future king.

[Thumb - 326D065C-A7CB-48E8-BB7C-71861E024E30.jpeg]
[Thumb - 78E79B93-6242-4645-B61A-269E6961BD08.jpeg]

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/03/03 17:42:03

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

That is awesome.

BTW, Miniature Market is selling Conquest starter boxes for $54 again.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/03/03 18:11:54

Post by: auticus

Thats a great deal especially if you are a spires or 100k player.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/03/03 18:52:27

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

I'm up to owning three of those, and its been god-tier for getting my wife and I large starting numbers. It helps that most of the included units stay awesome even in larger numbers.

2x starters plus a couple extra purchases easily makes legal 1500pt lists, and 3x starters plus a few units is more than two people would need to each field full lists.

Best value in tabletop gaming.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/03/03 19:38:00

Post by: CthuluIsSpy

 auticus wrote:
The Halford, metal priest of the once and future king.

I don't understand what's going on with his helmet. Is it a mask? Where are the vision slits?

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/03/03 19:45:57

Post by: auticus

I imagine the two jagged gashes on either side of the helmet.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/03/10 21:57:23

Post by: VBS

Well, the next wave of releases with GuildedLegion/Household Guard + Avataras more or less confirmed is quite exciting! And the book. The book! Good times ahead.

With the future projects of dungeon crawler, siege, arenas, etc... it got me thinking of a skirmish version for Conquest.
As a slow painter, and because skirmish are always awesome, such format could be convenient. More ways to use models is also great. Best part of it is that not much rules adaptation would be required.
Theoretically, the core mechanics could remain (almost) the same. Few changes here and there, with only army list organization demanding significant work. I do envision it without characters/monsters, at least for a starter.
Might get to draft a few rules to see if it is viable, and test to measure fun-factor.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/03/10 23:00:41

Post by: auticus

I'm looking forwards to the book and spin off items. To be honest I've been skirmish system'd to death. I get the appeal, but I really really missed a mass battle game with troops and not just super heroes and their monsters and elite bodyguard and tiny model count forces like AOS can turn into.

So I'll probably definitely get the skirmish system as a supplement but I'm glad we have the option to do both and they are separate and I'm glad they went the route they did with putting the mass battle game first.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/03/14 14:13:39

Post by: auticus

Some men at arms command stands.

[Thumb - menAtArms1.jpg]
[Thumb - menAtArms2.jpg]

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/03/17 15:58:12

Post by: Carnikang

Nice looking stands! A lot of my time has been allotted to packing or Seraphon, so all my Clones are still in pieces, while most of my Drones are half built.

Still thinking up a nice scheme for my Spire though.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/03/24 13:18:34

Post by: auticus

Calling 9 stands of men at arms done. Here is the latest batch. Onward to the militia. Im planning on stringing the bows as well.

[Thumb - MenAtArms1.PNG]
[Thumb - MenAtArms2.PNG]
[Thumb - MenAtArms3.PNG]

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/03/26 14:37:32

Post by: auticus


100k faction video.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/03/26 23:35:06

Post by: VBS

Quality video, Auticus.

Surprised by the efficiency of the Militia Bowmen, but sort of makes sense as they really fit their roll perfectly.

I guess the 100k are sort of at a disadvantage for being "mere humans" in a (dark) fantasy world, as they won't have crazy stuff like monsters or troops that have over-the-top because supernatural/genetic engineering (hello infiltrators). In other games that gets sort of compensated by warmachines, but currently they don't exist. Even if the legions+orders give them more tools, they are sort of one dimensional (beefed up versions of what already exists) so I see it more as a lack of options to fulfill all roles efficiently.
Still a great looking army, I'm currently focusing on them. Upcoming models are superb!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/03/26 23:40:09

Post by: auticus

I'd say right now its an army that makes you have to win by superior generalship as opposed to relying on over powered elites.

They are certainly a challenge, but I think that will come around when the gilded legion / household guard are released and when the orders come out to play.

Also our imperial rangers will give us some ranged bite which is sorely lacking.

In other news, I am working on a tabletop simulator mod for this game.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/03/28 00:56:38

Post by: auticus

Q&A Session from today's discord transcript.

Roadmap of releases would be cool to start, where are we going from here in 2020?

A: We are having Thanes, Dragonslayers, Avatara, Lineage Highborne, Huscarls, Steelshaper and Flameforged in the immediate future
(and a book)... that is right a hardback rulebook.

A lot of players have been asking about starting sets. So we are releasing a number of bundles as we speak
From Warband level all the way to an army

Q: do you have any information you could give us about the potential playstyles of the next factions to be released?

Even just as an overview of design space?

A: Wahdrun overall tough troops, mostly focused around mid-game with A LOT of Monsters and cool dino cavalry

Q: Will the companion have rules and lore for just the 4 current factions?
A: @Vanguard Paranoidhawklet The Hardcover Rulebook will be divided into a Lore section and a Rules section. The Lore section will focus more on background, from Genesis to modern times, following world shaping events in history and pre-history. The Rules part will have the Rules of Engagement... with some additions :wink:

Q:1) Lorebook? Any plans for that? Especially about the different units.

2) Any chance to see more artwork from the upcoming races?

3) Painting guides? I think this is one of the most important to have. Giving new people to the hooby simple easy guides to follow will make them more eager to start working on their models

A: Yes want to do books with all the lore in the future. 2) We will be teasing when the time is right. 3) Yeah I agree and part of being this active on Discord and social media overall is to reach a point in which we can not just tutorials but also painting streams and video guides!

Q: Will characters have their own stands by themselves or will they now come with a three model retinue?
A: The character will be on their own stand with their retinue.

Q: I’ve noticed the QR code’s on the cards don’t work for me. Am I messing up or is that feature still in the works. Possible companion app?
A: @Demus Demus the QR codes work when you scan them through our Army Builder here https://armybuilder.para-bellum.com/

Q: i dont know if anyone has asked yet but when are the dwarf and norse objective cards coming?
A: The cards will be coming out in the near future. However, competitive play will not include these cards. Eventually competitive play will allow you to customize your Secondary Objectives based on your Army list. So don't feel that you will be left out when it comes to tournaments.

Q: I havent had the chance to play against all faction currently to have a personal opinion but how balanced do you believe they are right now?
A: @Agar (Sasorijap) We see it from a very different point of view because we have played the game with all entries in mind. We see that right now meta is based heavily around released regiments and that of course is reasonable.

I believe that the game is slowly getting to a good point of balance.

Q: Thoughts on Warmachines for 100kingdoms at some point in the future?
A:@Vanguard Paranoidhawklet I can guarantee the the Hundred Kingdoms will have some monster bases at some point. Does that help?

Q: Has preorders been put on hold due to safety issues?
A: @Walter Releases have not been affected as much. It helps alot that we produce in house in the USA and that definitely working on our favor right now

Q: We have heard talk of these wadrun and angelic undead and people keep kicking rumors that these are supposed to start showing up on the table this year (summer and fall respectively) - is there anything solid in the 5th and 6th faction seeing ilght of day this year?
A: @Vanguard Auticus 2020 will see 5th and 6th.

Q: @CM_Leandros Now the game's out in the wild and you're seeing people play, if you notice army imbalances are you changing the release schedule to try compensate for that?
A: @BTJ - Dublin, Ireland Overall, we try to decide on new releases based on the rules and gameplay they bring on the table. So for example the first expansion for the Spires were the Marksmen as they didnt have any shooting. The 100K got steel Legion cause no Cleave and so on.

We are not compensating as the meta is to an extend affected in a way we expected

Q: assuming we cannot discuss the wadrun and undead issue i have asked about, when can we expect to see 1.03 version of the rules go online?
A: @Vanguard Auticus That is when the hard back rulebook goes out. Unlike miniatures we have to depend to 3rd parties for printed material and unfortunately the virus situation is being a hold-up there

Q: here's a question - i'm working on a tabletop simulator mod for Conquest so we can play each other, and get through this beer virus malarchy... is there any pushback from the company about doing such a project?
A: @Vanguard Auticus None whatsoever, you are more than welcomed to have fun with the game!

Q: Since we already have round bases how likely is to release rules for a skirmish version?
A: @Agar (Sasorijap) very?

Q: Should we expect retinue models this yeah? Also I'm assuming the rules for them will be in 1.03
A: @Vanguard Paranoidhawklet Yes, that is correct rules for them will be in 1.03, Retinue minis will follow soon after

Q: Are the Dweghom Drakes going to be a dual kit?

And on the topic of dual kits (since I like them and that means more units for us to play with) are there any Nord Dual kits coming within the next 3-4 months?

A: @Vanguard Paranoidhawklet The Dweghom drakes will not be dual kits, these things will be massive though with quite a few alternative bits!
We want to push some Nord dual kits up, this is yet to be determined. But we will be pushing some more stuff for them to come earleir
earlier* spelling is something that happens to other people

Q: What are some classic fantasy themes that you would love to see reimagined in Conquest through new armies?
A: @Agar (Sasorijap) Not halflings or gnomes. Anything else is fair game. Whether you've seen them so far or not, most fantasy tropes or monsters are incorporated, in our twisted, grim take, at least. I would actually turn the question back to you. What would YOU guys want to see?

Q: @CM_Leandros If the Drakes won't be dual kits - will they be compatible with one another so that we can use bits for one on the other with minimal trimming?
A: @Vanguard Corvus Actually alot of our kits are designed with interchangeability in mind so you wont be disappointed :slight_smile:

Q: @K.O. I would love to see Fae, true fae rather than elves, running the gamut across different folklore.
A: @Vanguard Corvus hmmm.... Well, let's see. Different variations of the myths will be seen in different ways. For the simplest, for instance, like whisps etc, we have actually posted something that teases that. On the What's New articles, the Lore articles, let's see what you can dig up :wink:

Q: I'm not sure if this has been announced, but would you be able to give an update on when we could expect a full organized tournament play packet?
A: @Vanguard Good Egg - England There is an escalation league that comes with the OP kit. Tournaments will follow soon after

Q: @CM_Leandros oh actually, I did have a question Regarding the packets you were releasing.

Was there any plans for people to be able to order them if they are not a retailer. There are a lot of people in the UK who play at gaming groups and don't have a LGS to run these events through.
A: @Vanguard Good Egg - England Yes actually, Clubs can get in contact with me and make them officially sponsored. That way they can get the OP sets and support!

@K.O. I'll go looking! I know that the Weavers are somewhat hinted to be a Conquest twist of Fae with the various seasonal courts. But throwing it out there so you know to maybe push them up in the release line-up? :wink:
A: @Vanguard Corvus All I can say is that we listen to you guys, when it comes to big and small decisions alike. This doesn't mean we will always deliver as you have asked/envisioned, but we do take community feedback seriously. Even with releases.

Q: @CM_Leandros any chance we'll see imperial rangers and Hunter cadre for the Hundred Kingdoms this year? On that note, does Double Time stack with Vanguard?
A: @Audun54 They might be sculpted and ready for production... You didn't hear it from me...

Q: Oh yeah we aren't getting through year 0 without having the Orders for Hundred Kingdoms right?
A: @Vanguard Paranoidhawklet That would be the plan

Q: @CM_Leandros in my case, my store outright refuses to carry conquest or support events, im thinking of reaching further with my facebook group "North American Conquest: The last argument of kings" and hosting events on a longer reaching scale, if i was to try this, could i register my group for a play kit?
A: @Vanguard Orcryst - ON, Canada Yeah I'll support you no worries. Send me an email and we can talk more about how to go about that

Q: Since you said a bit about the Wadrun, any playstyle info on the Old Domion? Or is that all super secret classified?
A: @Vanguard Paranoidhawklet The mechanic revolves around power distributed through numbers. The less the stronger

Q: @CM_Leandros Does this mean that as they take casualties, they get stronger so you have to really plan how you want to deal with them?
A: @Vanguard Corvus Yep yep... As you take casualties they will grow stronger. But there's a balance to be struck. Too many and you have board control but no staying power. Very few and you are strong but can't hold all objectives

Q: What the city states are gonna play like?
@Agar (Sasorijap) We will tease when time comes

Q: @CM_Leandros What can you tease about weaver playstyle? :wink:
A: @Vanguard Corvus Same with city states, we will start teasing later

Q: Does this mean that they will have an army specific special rule? Or will there be more universal rules arriving?
A: @Vanguard Paranoidhawklet Yes faction specific rules will start showing up same with Regiment specific rules

Q: Is it easy for you to change point costs ? Will you do it ? If yes, how often ?
A: @Silva It is but there are alot better ways to balance Conquest to be honest. Balancing a Regiment via its Class is also an option in this game.

Q: @CM_Leandros is there a plan to put all of the short stories into an easier to find area of the website?
A: @Heath - Vanguard - STL, MO Yes, yes, and yes. I know you asked one thing but I want to emphasize. One yes for we are designing the Lore section anew. Second yes cause we are working on making the entire website and easier and more fluid experience overall. And third yes cause we're working on different ways to bring the stories to you.
This may take some time but hopefully not too much.

Q: Thoughts on possible Sub-faction abilities? Like if I want to run an entirely Underspire army getting a bonus to drones or Pheromancers or something?

Or if I just want to run an army of nothing but Theist Priests and Sicarii (and now Milita I guess) having some bonus?

A: @Vanguard Paranoidhawklet So, we want to get to the point in which sub-faction armies can be played
That means special rules and the whole thing

Q: You've mentionned that players might have an impact on the future of the game through events / campaigns.
Will this impact the lore ? The future units ?
A: @Chocossimo - France for the lore part, yes, yes indeed.
@Chocossimo - France Everything honestly. Impacting the lore by necessity impacts the world of Ea and in turn everything. New rules will come up etc. So there is a lot of stuff that can and will come out of this

Q: This is grand ! But I guess these events would impact all thé factions
A: Yes and no. Meaning, some campaigns would be world-shaping in a way, but the "little" stories, the "smaller" campaigns will also be there. Yet, in the end, add all the smaller changes and the world has changed before you know it :wink:

Q: A somewhat more difficult question, are there any units from the current 4 factions that we shouldn't expect to see by the end of the year?
A: @Vanguard Paranoidhawklet This is a hard question because there are a lot in each faction. Our main goal is to populate all the factions as fast as we can and that by necessity means we have to go wide rather than deep. I won't name Regiments but there are some that will not be out this year

Q: We just saw an alternative sculpt for imperial officer. Can we expect something similar for a noble lord on horse ?
A: @Silva Actually these sculpts were for the Drillmaster. One will be out to retail and the other is a Vanguard exclusive. Yes there will be alternative minis.

Q: @K.O. Speaking of campaigns: Will there ever be campaigns where the outcome of the winning faction will grant new units to that faction? And if so, would you guys take steps to ensure that no one faction continues to dominate in campaigns?
A: @Vanguard Corvus as Leo said, shaping the lore also means shaping both mechanics and releases. Leo is the guy to answer balance goals

Yes the way we have planned on doing it will ensure an overall balance. There are alot of things going on in Ea and alot of factions will be introduced that will practically make it hard for someone to dominate
without us having to intervene

Q: @CM_Leandros Any teasers on how the retinue of each of the currently released factions will vary from one another? Will the retinues be universal within faction or will each character have access to different retinue characters?
A: @Vanguard Corvus So there are faction specific retinue rules. And yes characters will have access to different options

Q: @CM_Leandros So, there's a bunch of releases up for pre-order. Can you tell is what the next set of releases will be?
A: @BTJ - Dublin, Ireland We will be teasing that soon
I have mentioned before that there are alot coming including Huscarls, avatara, lineage highborne, flameforge etc

Q: On that note, will the retinue system effect Brute/Calvary Characters any? Will they be made stronger to balance out their lack of retinue?
A: @Vanguard Paranoidhawklet Whover has no access to retinues has new upgrades and special abilities. Access to retinue is thematic, so not all infantry characters have retinues

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/01 14:27:58

Post by: auticus

As promised, the spires overview!


End of the video you can access the entire Conquest playlist.

Technical note: I had issues with my mic this morning so the sound quality is not the best. However it was servicable.

Guest appearance by... my damn cat. Who wants nothing to do with people until they are talking on a video. Then she demands to be pet.

Leave comments in the comment section and look forward to hearing from you.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/01 22:41:15

Post by: VBS

As usual, great video.

But there is one thing I didn't quite get. When talking about the Heightened Reflexes mutation you say that giving "+2 evasion to a unit is awesome". But I think it only applies to the Character? Not the unit? As per written in rules, like for Venom.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/01 22:49:28

Post by: auticus

Its awesome because it means that character can really start to stack their survivability. Particularly - the assassin would then have an Evasion of 5, or you can put it on a bio or pheromancer to give them something to buff them against cleave characters to give them some kind of save.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/01 23:17:40

Post by: VBS

Ah yes, in duels it is very useful. Somehow I thought you meant it applied to the regiment when you said "unit", my bad.

And yeah, Bios and Pheros have a base 2 Evasion, so become very resilient with that extra +2.

Mutations are great. Love theorizing about possible combos with Assassins or the Highborne (if Warlord), some very deadly combinations spring to mind.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/02 00:16:21

Post by: auticus

My bad with my wording

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/04 21:23:01

Post by: auticus

Tabletop simulator update for Conquest I'm working on.

[Thumb - p1.PNG]
[Thumb - p2.PNG]
[Thumb - p3.PNG]
[Thumb - p4.PNG]

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/07 18:34:58

Post by: VBS

Btw auticus, for your Spire analysis, did you take into account that the Biomancer has Biotic Renewal for free?

You don't mention it the video, and I find it to be very powerful. Downside is it doesn't target anywhere on the table, but in exchange it can heal just as much the biomancer's regiment without putting the card down the stack, and potentially healing a load more in the area.

And as mutation for other characters, it costs 50 points! While the Biomancer (60 base points) gets it for free, which gives more flexibility to choose other biomancies (ex: get an offensive one since he already heals by default) without loading on points, and also for mutations.

I find the in-built draw event gives him an advantage compared to the Pheromancer (since they both have the same base cost, but phero has no default draw event).

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/07 19:10:44

Post by: auticus

Those are good points and good things to consider.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/12 22:01:11

Post by: auticus

100 kingdoms and my score cards and dice roller are now available on the steam workshop for Tabletop Simulator.

You will need a working knowledge of how TTS works. I have included a basic document in the mod to help new players who have never used it before, but the mod essentially is NOT everything you need. It is the 100k models and utility tools and tokens.

For tables, and terrain, etc you (or the player you are playing) will need to have those as well (you can subscribe to all kinds of mods on the workshop that have these things)

I would like to add my own terrain pieces later, but right now my priority is getting my model collection scanned in.

Next up: Spires.

DISCLAIMER: I have not tested these outside of my own machine, so any issues that come up I will have to look up and deal with as best I can.

[Thumb - Steam Workshop.JPG]

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/13 14:56:45

Post by: auticus


Hail my friends. My third battle report is up and live for your eyeballs and ears. This is a format I am not 100% used to, as I do not like video when also playing as the camera is all over the place and hard to watch, so enjoy this new Corona Virus edition of Auticus' battle reports (still images narrated).

100k vs Nords 1500 pts. I would say please pay attention to the very end where I give my thoughts on why I love the game so much (especially if you're new here) and considerations for what makes the game special to me.

As always - comments in the comment section are appreciated, subscribe if you like, and lets discuss the game we all love.


Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/14 21:58:58

Post by: VBS

I much prefer this format. Faster and clearer, the little comments below the pics are a nice touch. The pre-/post-battle comments are good to get a full grasp of the situation. Filmed battlereports are often tedious, especially with no editing (ex: twitch streams are so boring). No one cares seeing buckets of dice rolled or pushing every model, better go straight to the results.

I agree the scenario was a bit off, 8 points made it too quick. 100K needed rangers/hunters to stand a chance. Probably the only way the Nord could have won They are sooo squishy, the Ugrs charging but getting utterly wiped on the counter-attack made me lol Raiders almost getting wiped by Crossbowmen in close combat was even more funny. Low defense and average/low Resolve is not a good combo.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/15 01:24:18

Post by: auticus

Yep they have to be charging at all times, and then I would say charging in concert with other units if MSU is going to be used.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/16 16:48:35

Post by: auticus

Updated tabletop simulator mod to include spires. Missing a few models until I get them painted and scanned in.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/18 09:56:33

Post by: Shadow Walker

@auticus I highly enjoy your battle reports and really appreciate what you are doing for community. Big thanks for all the effort. Cannot wait for some Dweghom vs Nords next time

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/18 13:48:24

Post by: Shadow Walker

Avatara are awesome! One of the best sculpts so far IMO. Huscarls and Household Guard are nice too. Pics found on the FB group here https://www.facebook.com/Conquest-The-Last-Argument-of-Kings-100838204832207/?fref=tag

[Thumb - 89358334_4180476311978185_1746865513994125312_o.jpg]
[Thumb - 90971068_130025535246807_2271127252416593920_o.jpg]
[Thumb - 90722965_130025508580143_2325654851536551936_o.jpg]

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/18 20:55:47

Post by: infinite_array

Spires continues to be the standout range in this game for me. Those Avatara look great.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/19 00:05:59

Post by: auticus

Thanks - I have to get my dweghom assembled and painted. As I have all four factions, trying to get them all painted is what takes longest. I'd love to see dweghom vs spires personally.

However my tabletop simulator models are getting updated. I have spires up now as well and working on getting the infiltrators and vanguard clones in there hopefully next week!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/19 13:23:19

Post by: Shadow Walker

 infinite_array wrote:
Spires continues to be the standout range in this game for me. Those Avatara look great.

Agreed. My favourites in both fluff and minis so far.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/21 14:07:12

Post by: auticus


How to set up tabletop simulator to play Conquest.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/22 23:50:00

Post by: auticus

Update 1.2 to the Tabletop Simulator mod. The remainder of the spires have been added.

[Thumb - Spires_v_1_2.PNG]

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/24 13:10:32

Post by: auticus

Latest content video on game balance and how I think Conquest gets it very right, and why I love the game and put so much energy behind it.


Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/24 18:06:47

Post by: VBS

Complety agree with the analysis, Auticus.

Conquest is a game apart in the wargaming ecosystem precisely due to the introduction of light/medium/heavy units. It might not seem like a big deal for a start, nor does it pop up as a huge thing when reading the rules, but it's a complete game changer.

For example, I would favor Household Guard over Gilded Legion (although I prefer the models for the later). Same points and GL have similar yet better stats, so in any other game it should be a no brainer. HHG would be utterly ignored because "iTs NoT tHe StRoNgEsT uNiT".

But HHG are Mainstay + Medium. That alone makes then better in most situations compared to GL. I'm actually not a big fan of Heavy units with a 5-6" move. I barely did a few personal demos to try out the rules, but I feel that footslogging heavy units will not have enough action. Being on the table a turn more or two can be key.

I also think rules like Flank, extra movement or that alter deployment are super useful, and at times underrated.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/24 18:51:50

Post by: auticus

Totally agree with you those are all excellent points!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/24 23:18:24

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

I honestly cannot get enough of this game. I can't even remember a game that let me play against the same army two dozen times without feeling dull, or stagnating. The core of what is here is just so excellent that more than anything, I want to see the game have a huge, thriving community!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/25 09:35:18

Post by: Shadow Walker

If some fellow dakkanaut will be today on Conquest Discord Q&A, please ask PBW crew the following lore questions:
1. How many continents are there on EA?
2. What actually is a Pteraphon suit? Some kind of organic power armor?
3. Who are the Quiet (except being a faction of Exiles)?
4. In one of the videos on Beasts of War, Konstantinos suggested that Orders members may not be entirely human - could he elaborate, are they somehow empowered, maybe by the essence of their patron god?
5. Were the Exiles aka the gods of the Yggdrasil killed during Ragnarok aka Dominion invasion or did they managed to escape?
6. Are the mysterious enemies of the Exiles native to their planet or are they aliens from some other planet?

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/25 16:09:55

Post by: auticus

I have posted your questions in the FAQ. If / as they get answered I will record the answers for you.

I honestly cannot get enough of this game. I can't even remember a game that let me play against the same army two dozen times without feeling dull, or stagnating. The core of what is here is just so excellent that more than anything, I want to see the game have a huge, thriving community!

You and me both brother. Keep those articles coming!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Leandros' answers:

1) Many :stuck_out_tongue: and some might be created (by forces)

2) Pteraphon is close to that yes

3 + 4 + 5 + 6 that is alot that will be covered later :slight_smile:

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/25 17:37:46

Post by: auticus

Q&A transcript from today

So a few announcemnts:

One is that we will be doing weekly Online hangouts including FAQ's like this one! The purpose for this is to provide a platform on which to hangout and talk about everything Conquest! This will not just be hosted by me or members of the team, but from Vanguards and members of our community that like conquest and want to share their painting skills with the rest of you

We wll be running an RPG campaign between the team and let you explore the world of Conquest through our eyes as we move on with our adventures! We made it so there is room for us to invite you throughout the campaigns and participate!

There will be guides and painting sessions from our team and a bit more focus on specific Kingdoms, Holds, Spires etc. to help you flesh out your armies.

It's not a secret that we will be also doing a Skirmish game. This version of Conquest will play on the Warband level and allow you to play with a few miniatures about 20-30 soldiers. The point is to allow you to explore factions that you want to get a taste of and provide you with one more tool with which to recreate lore related conflicts

The game will enter closed beta very soon! With the help of our wonderful Vanguards, test groups and game designer!

Other question : in the instance where a unit is killed before being activated, is its card kept until the end of the current turn, or is it removed from the command deck ?
@Vanguard Corcaedus - France
When you draw that card discard it and draw the next

(this is covered in the rulebook)

So Conquest Skirmish, will be an in-between with 20 models. Are we going to be able to play with every model ? From abomination to militia ?
Yes, on that scale Command upgrades will be playable characters as well


@CM_Leandros I have a few questions, how do reserve units enter the battlefield from their respective reserve lines? Do they have to take a reform action to face down field? Or do they enter, full formation, facing the line of scrimmage?
@Heath - Vanguard - STL, MO

Imagine they begin their March outside of the table. In that sense you can march them in, in any formation and facing as long as they have enough Movement to full enter

Will there be additional abilities and powers added to the spire at a later date?
@Jediluke69(Kira Nagisho) That is the case with all factions. Actually the new rulebook with the next rules update brings a lot of extra abilities to the game for all. Rules will be available online


because corona has mixed things up :frowning: is there a new release date for the hardcover rulebook?
@Sal Currently the company that prints for us has shut down due to the corona virus. I will have an update by the end of next week
CM_Leandros Do you know when we'll see the next batch of preorders go up on the website?
@BTJ - Dublin, Ireland I don't have that information now, however you will be getting a lot more news as we are launching our new websited next week :slight_smile:

@CM_Leandros if a ranged regiment has a melee character in its formation, and a enemy unit comes base to base with that character, can the character do a melee attack against the enemy if the archers shoot at a different unit?
@Heath - Vanguard - STL, MO If there is a single engaged Stand in a Regiment then everyone is in combat.
is it possible for the 1.03 version of the rules to go online before the printed version? I know for my efforts in the tabletop simulator mod, the new rules for infantry characters would be helpful to know now so I can get them right on their trays :slight_smile:
@Vanguard Auticus We would like to have the rules out online when the books get out. There are a lot of folks that bought the Founders bundle with the signed rulebooks and we would like to give them a first insight into the new rules
1. In the Skirmish game are the models still going to be bound to the movement trays or are the going to be able to move freely as individual models like a more traditional tabletop skirmish game?
2. Are the units we currently see in the army builder (even the ones without models yet) the only units currently being worked on for those factions or are there other units being created in the background? I know a lot of effort is being put into new factions just curious if factions unit selection will be expanded on at a later date.

1. The miniatures will move freely around a Leader and possibly a Standard that acts a second leader (regarding whether you have upgraded for that)
2. The Regiments you see on the Army builder are the ones we want to have a fully fleshed out faction. That does not mean that no other new Factions will come out before we get them out, they are there to give you a sense of how far each faction will go.

We will be creating more than the ones you see on the army lists

@CM_Leandros But really - with COVID-19 going on, how has this impacted your plans and realistically, what kinds of things can we expect in the future in terms of store releases and preorders?

@Vanguard Corvus I think what all businesses have in common regardless of industry is that there has been a lot of uncertainty on the deliverables. For example materials such as the Rulebook or Spell cards have been postponed with no real knowledge of exactly when they will printed as companies have closed down and rightfully so.
so it's the lack of internal visibility that is stressing most businesses
Regarding balance issues, how frequently will we have update on points, class and rules ?
@Silva Honestly, we are open with the fact that it will happen whenever it is needed. That is also why we implemented the QR system with the Command cards

When can we expect more Lore about the Church of Theist? The priest ist like my all time favorite model and I thirst for more lore
@Miles (Kiel- Germany) Actually Im pretty sure there is lore on the Theists in the Hardback rulebook! there is a lot of art and lore in there!
@CM_Leandros We know the HHG/Guilded Legion, Avatara, Huscarls, Lineage Highborn, & flameforged are due soon, are there any non-Spires characters and/or upgrades due to come out alongside them?
@BTJ - Dublin, Ireland Nord Skald and Dweghom Herald of Fire might have been spotted in the office before the lockdown :stuck_out_tongue:
Im the local dwarf Dweghom player so I have to detest any iteration of orc but I have to say ive loved the stuff ive seen about the Wahrdrun.
@TexasNative Thanks! I love how the writers have taken concepts and flipped them on their heads. The classical fantasy tropes are great but it needs to work within the world they are inhabiting
@CM_Leandros You said before that the skirmish game is played with 20-30 miniatures, have you tried a version with less? Like 5-10?
@Agar (Sasorijap) The skirmish is to be played more on the Warband scale not the "squad" scale. A game with less miniatures would require significant changes to the rules and it would stray appart from some of the basic conquest rules. However we are Para Bellum Wargame(s) not Wargame so you never know
has any thought gone into a persistent campaign rule set? with the realism you are putting into your rules I think a campaign where your units get better after battles would be really fun.

@Judgewyrm Yes and there will be a living interactive campaign, we have talked about it but its becoming more fleshed out on the backend

@Judgewyrm you may like www.louisvillewargaming.com/Conquest/Stornlands.pdf its a map campaign with unit progression
@Vanguard Auticus Stormlands! Auticus has done a great job!
When FGD are created they are instilled with basic instincts. That is let's say as an OS on which pheromones are used to command. So they do a few things on their own that could be as simple as collect a piece of bone
The minis are really well designed but I must ask will there be a mold revision possible for things like marksmen who have some wacky gate placement I.E the arrows and charms?

@Jediluke69(Kira Nagisho) I know what you're talking about! There has been a lot of learning and revisiting our processes since our first plastics. The immediate steps that we are taking is to implement the things we learn on our new kits.
Any plans for global tournament system ala ITC? Rankings, standings, larger regional invitationals?

@Darkfine That is always a great next step once competitive play has been established. We are putting efforts into bringing competitive play out asap
Will there be an option to sell the upgrade sprues for the starter set regiments seperately? I need banners!!

@David ”FragEmAll” Richardson Actually I don't know the answer to that. However I will keep it in mind and have an answer for next Q&A!
=================================================================How fleshed out will the skirmish system be? Will it be a "Conquest" lite option without much crunch or will it be something more substantial?

@Darkfine We are looking at substantial ruleset. It feels like Conquest to be able to dip into it whenever you like but there is merit in investing your time in it
@CM_Leandros For official tournaments and such - would you allow mostly Conquest minis but with 3rd party heads or parts (3D printed or otherwise)?

@Vanguard Corvus The line is that minor parts such as a "head" or decorative pieces are fine to be 3rd party but the miniatures need to be from the Conquest line
So, the two player box is a steal, and great for Spires & 100k, but everything else is quite similar in price to GW, which is giving a few local lads not interested in Spires/100k pause for thought. Any plans for similar boxes for the other armies going forward?

@BTJ - Dublin, Ireland The two player box is a great introductory set for players that want to get a taste of Conquest. There will be good deals for all the factions but the two player set will not be there forever
will there be any more beginner content coming out? youtube or otherwise. I think it could be helpful to go over list building and the like.

@Judgewyrm Yes! One of the main goals for the hangouts is to be able to discuss with newcomers how these things work! So I want to get in touch with new players and help them as much as I can. However, I also believe that the best way to do this is like you say through tutorials and videos and that is something that id like to have as soon as the team can gather in the office again
@Judgewyrm - there are also a few of us vanguards and otherwise that create videos so if you have anything you'd like us to cover please feel free to give a shout out
BTJ - Dublin, IrelandToday at 1:13 PM
How long is season 0 of the organised play intended to run on for?

CM_LeandrosToday at 1:13 PM
Agree with Auticus, our Vanguards are doing incredible work and create great content!
How long is season 0 of the organised play intended to run on for?

@BTJ - Dublin, Ireland 1 year after its release
Are there plans for infantry character stands?
@PraetorDragoon Yes along with the retinues for the new rules
Can you give us a tease of what a retinue member might bring to a character?

@David ”FragEmAll” Richardson Sure! So retinues are "upgrades"that come with a miniature that enchance a Characters abilities. For example a scholar to a 100K character could provide the enemy interference ability
or get a bodyguard that enchances survivability etc

Can you give us a tease of what a retinue member might bring to a character?
@David ”FragEmAll” Richardson Sure! So retinues are "upgrades"that come with a miniature that enchance a Characters abilities. For example a scholar to a 100K character could provide the enemy interference ability
or get a bodyguard that enchances survivability etc

Jediluke69(Kira Nagisho)Today at 1:18 PM
Vanguard AuticusToday at 1:19 PM
yep me as well. those are awesome little attentions to detail.

The retinue system looks like a lot of investment into characters, are you not afraid that people will fear to place them inside small units even more than before ?
@Chocossimo - France Hey! It makes a lot of sense what you're saying. It definately makes you more careful on how much you overexted with your characters. You do not need to invest in a Retinue but if you do reap all the benefits it comes with certain risks
Any plans to support Skirmish organized play? Tournament/league kits, prize support, ongoing narratives? It is a great idea to get people into the world but I see it going the way of KIllteam were new players still aren't supported enough to actually do it and old players aren't interested in downsizing their game time. Even if the end game is a larger community
@Darkfine Yes, we want to support it as much as Conquest
is Gencon your next convention date if things pan out? I know Origin is coming up in June, didn't know if PB would make an appearance.
CM_LeandrosToday at 1:23 PM
Yes Gencon is the next one, covid willing. We were not planning on attending Origins this year
Guys we will be wrapping up the Q&A soon so last call on questions

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/25 18:09:54

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

Normally I would be all over the skirmish game, but I am so genuinely happy with the full rules that I feel no rush for a quicker-playing counter-part.

I am, however, very ready for the retinue rules!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/25 18:45:22

Post by: auticus

yeah the bummer is the covid has closed down the printing house doing the rulebook, so we have a few months to wait now for the new version.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I'm interested in seeing how they work the skirmish rules and am looking forward to help beta testing them. I like to integrate that kind of thing into my campaigns.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/25 20:11:22

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

Oh I am excited for skirmish too, I just know the consolation prize of it being a bit out if that I just get to keep loving the amazing game already in our hands!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/26 07:16:13

Post by: Shadow Walker

 auticus wrote:
I have posted your questions in the FAQ. If / as they get answered I will record the answers for you.


Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/26 12:51:31

Post by: VBS

I'm excited for the skirmish game. it's always nice to have an alternative if you just want to play with a handful of models or in less time. I don't want to build a whole Dweghom or Nord army, but I'd gladly pick up two boxes + character and be viable to play. Easier to get a bit of everything Also, might attract more attention to Conquest since skirmish games are all the rage nowadays.

1.03 is also very interesting, can't wait to see how the escort rules change the game! Character customization is always awesome.

When things start opening up, I'll probably place a massive order for the book, avataras, highborn, gilded legion, etc.. Can't wait!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/26 12:59:25

Post by: auticus

Their skirmish game is warband level so 20-30 models as opposed to a handful of models at the squad level.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/26 15:06:48

Post by: Shadow Walker

VBS wrote:
I'm excited for the skirmish game. it's always nice to have an alternative if you just want to play with a handful of models or in less time. I don't want to build a whole Dweghom or Nord army, but I'd gladly pick up two boxes + character and be viable to play. Easier to get a bit of everything Also, might attract more attention to Conquest since skirmish games are all the rage nowadays.

Agreed. It will be much easier to attract players with skirmish-lower cost and less minis to paint. I am not interested in a whole Nords army but would be happy to play Half-Bloods warband. Similar with 100K and Orders etc. etc.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/26 15:09:13

Post by: VBS

Yeah, so 2 boxes + character should generally be enough. Still very accessible. Tbh, as an entry point and having fast games, 10, 15 or 20 models doesn't make that much of difference (if the rules are good/clean. And based on Conquest, I know they will be).

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/06/27 12:10:53

Post by: auticus

I agree. However there has been some talk in the discord and on the facebook groups (and it was asked yesterday to PB directly) about plans to have 5-10 model version of skirmish because that is also immensely popular due to the cost being negligible so I wanted to post that clarification.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/26 15:15:32

Post by: VBS

 Shadow Walker wrote:
VBS wrote:
I'm excited for the skirmish game. it's always nice to have an alternative if you just want to play with a handful of models or in less time. I don't want to build a whole Dweghom or Nord army, but I'd gladly pick up two boxes + character and be viable to play. Easier to get a bit of everything Also, might attract more attention to Conquest since skirmish games are all the rage nowadays.

Agreed. It will be much easier to attract players with skirmish-lower cost and less minis to paint. I am not interested in a whole Nords army but would be happy to play Half-Bloods warband. Similar with 100K and Orders etc. etc.

Yeah, I'm not much into the regular "viking" Nord type (Raiders, Stalkers, etc...). But I think I'll love their more mythical side, like Trolls (very cool minis!):


So a skirmish option is perfect to collect random models that I like without feeling compelled to make a full army.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/26 15:20:59

Post by: Shadow Walker

@auticus: you mentioned in one of your videos that one of your favourites in fantasy are the undead. As I share that sentiment I am curious what are your thoughts about the Conquest' version aka Old Dominion. For me so far they seem more like demon possessed (being vessels for Hazlia's essence) rather than ''proper'' undead. Also that angelic look turns me off. Yet, I like their mechanic = the more killed, the stronger the rest becomes.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
VBS wrote:
 Shadow Walker wrote:
VBS wrote:
I'm excited for the skirmish game. it's always nice to have an alternative if you just want to play with a handful of models or in less time. I don't want to build a whole Dweghom or Nord army, but I'd gladly pick up two boxes + character and be viable to play. Easier to get a bit of everything Also, might attract more attention to Conquest since skirmish games are all the rage nowadays.

Agreed. It will be much easier to attract players with skirmish-lower cost and less minis to paint. I am not interested in a whole Nords army but would be happy to play Half-Bloods warband. Similar with 100K and Orders etc. etc.

Yeah, I'm not much into the regular "viking" Nord type (Raiders, Stalkers, etc...). But I think I'll love their more mythical side, like Trolls (very cool minis!):


So a skirmish option is perfect to collect random models that I like without feeling compelled to make a full army.

Again I agree Ones I cannot wait for are the Werewolves and the Beastpacks, especially Rhinos.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/26 15:43:40

Post by: auticus

@auticus: you mentioned in one of your videos that one of your favourites in fantasy are the undead. As I share that sentiment I am curious what are your thoughts about the Conquest' version aka Old Dominion. For me so far they seem more like demon possessed (being vessels for Hazlia's essence) rather than ''proper'' undead. Also that angelic look turns me off. Yet, I like their mechanic = the more killed, the stronger the rest becomes.

Great question. I don't know much about them so I am witholding judgement. Right now I'm leaning on liking them but will make a more informed judgement when I see art and models in front of me

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/29 20:20:24

Post by: auticus


My dweghom faction overview!

[Thumb - Beavis.PNG]

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/04/30 12:43:44

Post by: auticus

Parabellum's website has been updated to look better and be easier to navigate.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/01 16:49:29

Post by: VBS

Big fan of the Dweghom background, lately I've been translating their website fluff and it's awesome. They are so crazy!

But I'm not a huge fan of the minis (rare, Conquest minis are usually incredible) and as you point out in the video, they seem very elite oriented (basically no chaff) and more static than the other factions. Huge amount of infantry/brute options but besides that it's less flexible. They do have over the top stuff like Flame Berserkers and Dragon Slayers which is fun. I'll probably make a small force for the skirmish warband game.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/06 14:22:33

Post by: Shadow Walker

From this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUDmTFbRClQ it looks like the Avatara and the Lineage Highborne are remotely controlled war constructs rather than actual nobles of the Spires society.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/08 12:12:57

Post by: darkness screamer

Been following this thread for a while and thought I would venture a picture on my angle coming into the game.

I'm going for an snowy themed board and army,with a Lords of Midnight theme thrown in. You might need to look that up as its 80`s gaming.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/08 13:56:22

Post by: auticus

That looks pretty sweet.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/08 13:58:37

Post by: auticus

Coming very soon. Fan site for Conquest - will have its own forums - global ranking system for our tabletop simulator league - a wiki putting the fiction together - news articles on releases and other things - and others providing fiction, tactics, painting guides, etc.

[Thumb - screen1.PNG]

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/16 07:47:36

Post by: Shadow Walker

Hey guys, do you plan for your models to do double duty, and be used in other games? Jotnars are the obvious choice (giant is a giant after all), but more I look at the Avatara the more I think about using them as demons/demonic constructs. Ugr are too big for classic ogres but could be used as smaller giants. Also Flame Berserkers could double as demon possesed or similar.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/16 11:24:14

Post by: VBS

I don't game much but when I do,I will stick to Conquest for now. But in any case, I have thought about using them in other games. Round bases gives some flexibility even if wfhb & t9a are a no go then.

For KoW, I think Nords fit well Northern Alliance (duh!) and Spires could work as Nightstalkers due to freaky looks. Main issue I see are bases for monsters (50mm) and characters (20-25mm), as Conquest bases are considerably bigger. Otherwise movement trays and 50%+1 models will work wonders.

I also think Spires work perfectly as Ossiarch for AoS (but not sure why I'd play that game). The starter box is great for it: drones=mortek, brutes=necropolis, pherom=boneshaper, abom=harvester. Added bonus is that the models vastly improve the terrible GW looking ones. Similarly, Nords can work as StD and some 100K can easily pass for SCE (especially heavy armored ones such as Steel Legion or HHkinghts). The constantly increasing scale of GW models makes them blend in well.

Also, for cool model agnostic games such as Warlords of Erehwon, it's all up to your imagination!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/16 16:08:35

Post by: auticus

Maybe? I have culled most of my gaming out of my life as I don't do it much anymore, so right now its just conquest. If another game came out that the scale worked in, maybe.

But I also play a lot for immersion and aesthetics, so seeing conquest models in another game's lore may be a bit jarring for me as well. Non lore games like warlords of nowhere, sure I'd consider it.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/16 18:23:36

Post by: NewTruthNeomaxim

Kings of War is perpetually a game we play/revisit, because in a pinch, chucking a healthy amount of nicely painted models onto easily milled movement trays, means we end up giving new/2nd lives to functionally every model we own.

Our Spire have played the role of Nightstalkers perfectly on occasion!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/17 03:22:16

Post by: auticus

I do like me some Kings of War.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/17 09:01:33

Post by: Shadow Walker

Games I consider to use Conquest minis for are Frostgrave, Sellswords and Spellslingers, and Oathmark. All are mini agnostic (despite 2 having official minis), and either have no fluff, or it is vague/almost no existent, thus allowing to create your own world/stories. Only Oathmark would require rebasing, having set dimensions for its bases. For example giants bases are 100x50.
Conversely I would never use nonConquest minis in a game of Conquest. I am primarily background oriented player, and in games which have an actual lore, it is always the deciding factor for me. Only later come rules and minis. That is the reason that before the Conquest there was only a single fantasy genre game that I considered playing - Chronopia (sadly it was a dead game before I started to have interest in fantasy gaming).

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/17 14:59:05

Post by: auticus

That topic was being played out in the first argumentative facebook group this weekend. The poll I posted had a solid representation of wysiwyg or using models that represented what they should, but there are a few that argue passionately for counts-as proxies and painting guys purple to represent other units for you to remember easier.

(not saying either is wrong - my preference is also 50% background and lore and immersion with the other 50% being immersive and sensible rules that encourage position and maneuver)

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/18 12:28:52

Post by: auticus


www.underspire.net is now live!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/21 13:09:15

Post by: auticus


My latest content video on proxies.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/26 07:53:42

Post by: Shadow Walker

Shameless plug - my first content entry for the Underspire.net - a short Conquest fan-fiction. Please bear in mind that I am neither a writer nor a native english speaker. You were warned

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/28 21:11:12

Post by: VBS

Cool story, Shadow. I liked the three distinct points of view and how they converge.

It's nice to see Conquest fan content being built.
I've tried myself to make a fansite with articles, links and all types of info for Conquest, in my (currently) futile attempts to push the game in the area of the world: https://conquest-castellano.wixsite.com/-esp
Not english of course, that's what Underspire is for.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/29 08:18:17

Post by: Shadow Walker

VBS wrote:
Cool story, Shadow. I liked the three distinct points of view and how they converge.

It's nice to see Conquest fan content being built.
I've tried myself to make a fansite with articles, links and all types of info for Conquest, in my (currently) futile attempts to push the game in the area of the world: https://conquest-castellano.wixsite.com/-esp
Not english of course, that's what Underspire is for.

Thanks! And yeah, Conquest is hard to promote, mainly because many people are strongly against so big minis, especially used in the mass battles, where you need dozens of them. Hopefully the skirmish version will be easier to stomach for them.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/29 11:24:10

Post by: auticus

Thats always made me wonder... why are the large minis bad for mass battles?

Or is it simply in mass battles you need a lot of models and people don't like to have a lot of models anymore and prefer games like AOS where they can do 20-30 model count armies.

The skirmish version is being playtested now. It is at warband scale (not killteam scale) so there is still a decent amount of models, just not as many as full game. (that was announced at the qa in March)

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/29 12:07:30

Post by: Shadow Walker

 auticus wrote:
Thats always made me wonder... why are the large minis bad for mass battles?

Or is it simply in mass battles you need a lot of models and people don't like to have a lot of models anymore and prefer games like AOS where they can do 20-30 model count armies.

The skirmish version is being playtested now. It is at warband scale (not killteam scale) so there is still a decent amount of models, just not as many as full game. (that was announced at the qa in March)

I guess it may be because people are used to 28mm scale (just as the were used to 25 mm before). Some do not like changes. Some wish to still play with their old minis. Some do not have enough table space. You could probably insert any reason out there. It does not change the fact that by choosing that scale, PBW made it not easy for themselves. If they succeed, which is what we all here wish for, then it will be even more sweeter victory, being so hard fought against all the odds.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/29 12:31:54

Post by: VBS

From my observations, there are a couple of factors.

As we all know, skirmish games/low model count are the real deal nowadays. Rank&File definitely has its place, but in an instant-gratification/low-effort-reward society, the commitment of large armies is second tier.
I also think many people have some sort of cognitive dissonance or skewed perception when looking outside their preference. I've had people tell me that spending 250-400 Eur in a full army makes Conquest unattractive. Those same people have no problem buying 3 greater demons (yeah, that's 330 Eur) just to START their AoS army.
There is also complaining of having to buy and paint 80+ models for an army. Somehow, it appears that is no longer a problem if playing Skaven, Daughters of Khaine, Night Goblins, etc....
About the scale, many complain that Conquest minis "can't be used for other games". I don't see why? Also, it's not like everyone is concerned about double duty when buying models...
I really see no logic behind this way of thinking.
One of them even insisted that Conquest models must cost about 2/3 of their current price to be "worth it", because anything more is clearly over costed for what they offer. I have no clue how he came to that conclusion. However, it does make me want to go back to just paint and read fluff (as usual) instead of bothering introducing a new game.

Being in an area where there is only one gaming store doesn't help. 90% of the minis stocked are gw, which creates this repeating cycle of only gw games without giving others a chance. They have a couple of Conquest boxes in a corner, but the owner just wants to get rid of them. Mind you, he sells them at a higher price than rrp (ex: Raiders or Steel Legion for 40 Eur). Not the smartest way to "get rid of something" but hey, it's his business.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/29 23:31:37

Post by: auticus

There is a little bit of that here as well. That being the "the scale is too big, I can't just use my aos / warhammer models to play so I'm not interested".

I have no answer for that to be honest.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/30 01:46:33

Post by: Alpharius

I know one of the things people initially focused on was that the scale meant they couldn't use their existing terrain.

I was one of them!

But then the more I thought of it, for ranked mass battles?

You really aren't going to be running into - or through - terrain that will matter too much, scale-wise.

You'll want hills and trees - fairly scale agnostic given the relatively minor increase here - and any building or ruins shouldn't impact the immersion level too much.

Once I figured that part out, I was in!

I'm working on 100 Kingdoms and Dweghom, and Spires - since I ended up getting two starter sets!

Now, having said that, for the skirmish version of the game?

Terrain might be more of an issue, because in that game I'd imagine a lot more interaction with buildings, ruins, etc.

Parabellum Conquest @ 9022/05/01 14:31:59

Post by: auticus

I am one of the playtesters for the skirmish game. I use my existing wargames collection and have not had an issue.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/30 15:38:55

Post by: VBS

Yep, terrain scale doesn't show as much. Often negligible if the miniature difference is like 4-5mm.

I also think the "different scale=incompatible=automatic dislike" perception when looking into Conquest is a bit exaggerated. The trend set by the biggest/most popular company is constant scale creep, to the point that many Conquest miniatures work great for those other games. With time and as older models get phased out, it will be more apparent, probably reaching a very similar size across the board. Let's say Parabellum planned in advance

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/30 19:14:50

Post by: Alpharius

VBS wrote:

I also think the "different scale=incompatible=automatic dislike" perception when looking into Conquest is a bit exaggerated. The trend set by the biggest/most popular company is constant scale creep, to the point that many Conquest miniatures work great for those other games. With time and as older models get phased out, it will be more apparent, probably reaching a very similar size across the board.

That is also a VERY good point - GW's minis have been steadily getting larger for years, to the point where these days they're rather oversized themselves, for "28mm" gaming!

Anyway, Conquest is a lot of fun, with a whole new world to play in - good times!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/31 00:47:21

Post by: auticus

AND... we get our companion rulebook with the full narrative and art very soon!! June 15th!!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/31 08:10:22

Post by: Shadow Walker

I would like that in a skirmish version I would be able to field a Warband made of any Regiments, and commanded by any Character or even not commanded by any at all. I would still impose some limits:
1) You would be able to choose any Regiment with any Character present but you would be limited to only a single choice of that Regiment if you do not have a Character that would normally allow to field it. For example: Spires Warband led by a Pheromancer that includes Avatara cannot exceed a 1 Regiment limit for them, but if a Warband is led by a Highborne it can have up to 4 of the Avatara as per normal rules. Additionally you would be limited to no more than a half of your Warband consisting of Regiments normally not allowed for you Character. For example: Spires Warband led by a Pheromancer would be able to field 1 Avatara and 1 Desolation Beast, the rest of it would have to come from the list normally available for a Pheromancer.
2) A Warband without any Characters would be limited to only Mainstay Regiments chosen from any Character's list.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/31 12:46:58

Post by: VBS

I was thinking about something similar, Shadow. If it's warband level, the variety will be quite restrained by the Character chosen with the current format. And some Characters like the Chapter Mage or even the Theist Priest will have a hard time.
It makes sense fluff-wise and balance-wise, as well as not problematic in terms of variety if you have multiple warbands for the classic Conquest game.

But for the skirmish game, it's a different story. Personally, I was thinking of each Character gets their Restricted options moved to Mainstay, while the rest of the otherwise unavailable faction roster moves to Restricted. You get full unit options, but with a minimum cohesion, while keeping the same warband selection philosophy. Whatever they do, I'm reeeally looking forward to it. Hopefully it's not to far away since it's currently being tested and will presumably just be made available online (no need to produce a book)....

By the way, since the founder's edition rulebooks have been shipped, will we see the v1.3 online on or before the 15th? Would be cool, eager to see the escort rules and read the sweet fluff!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/31 13:02:07

Post by: Shadow Walker

I like your version, VBS. In fact, both of our proposals could be combined. In that way any Regiment from a different Character's list could be added to your Warband but limited to a single copy, and only as a Restricted choice.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/05/31 17:25:54

Post by: auticus

I wish i could comment on the rules for the skirmish game here but alas I cannot.

I expect the 1.03 rules to be available on the website before the 15th yes. I can't promise that though. And the 15th is only two weeks away so either way we will see what all the changes are soon enough.

Parabellum Conquest @ 0018/06/01 09:56:14

Post by: Shadow Walker

 auticus wrote:
I wish i could comment on the rules for the skirmish game here but alas I cannot.

Yeah, NDA can be frustrating sometimes to obey.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/06/02 23:04:30

Post by: VBS

A Weather Generator is now available to download @underspire.net

Makes fun games even more fun!

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/06/03 09:27:13

Post by: Shadow Walker

VBS wrote:
A Weather Generator is now available to download @underspire.net

Makes fun games even more fun!

Nice addition to main rules, great job! As you suggest there, it will be most fun for narrative games.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/06/03 12:02:07

Post by: auticus


Underspire writing contest. Winner gets my vanguard coupon for June, thats $100 out of the Para Bellum store!

Details within.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/06/04 16:03:25

Post by: VBS

Might submit something if I find time. Though I wouldn't be competing for the prize (also get coupons and I don't even use it sometimes... hoarding just because it's free is not good!).

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/06/13 09:25:22

Post by: Shadow Walker

Guys, any info when 1.03 rules will be available?

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/06/13 11:28:28

Post by: VBS

Those who ordered the founder's bundle already have it. It is suppose to be out on the 15th, but not clear if that means the pdf will be available on Monday. Or if the books have already been shipped to receive early during the week, or on the contrary, only start to ship on Monday.

I bet the pdf will be available on Monday. Books will arrive during the week depending on mail service.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/06/13 16:03:38

Post by: auticus

The books ship on the 15th. So if you preordered the book you will get it probably next weekend. No one knows when they will make the pdf available.

If I'm a betting man, it will be on the 15th.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/06/14 09:02:27

Post by: Shadow Walker

2 votes for 15th then I hope you both are right. Cannot wait to see what has changed.

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/02/16 08:09:09

Post by: Shadow Walker

So 15th wasn't their goal. BTW the rules section does not work except quick links. Calendar here https://www.para-bellum.com/events/ says that the Companion release date is 22th so maybe next week we will see the 1.03 rules?

Parabellum Conquest @ 2020/06/16 11:37:17

Post by: VBS

Yup, seems to have been pushed back a week.
Bummer as my hype was over the roof yesterday morning.

On other news, they added a new pic of the Avataras from another angle. Finally a good pic for the Lineage Highborn, looks so dope! The arms/weapon position now make sense