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Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/10/30 23:57:39

Post by: Matrindur

I think its time we got another generic 40k rumour thread so lets start with this new guy:

New Necron Overlord with Translocation Shroud

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/10/31 00:23:17

Post by: cuda1179

So it's almost, but not quite, like giving a unit jump packs. Might make Lychguard a bit more interesting.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/10/31 03:00:18

Post by: Jaxmeister

I'm not greatly impressed with this design. Hopefully the rules in the codex will give the Necrons a boost but I feel both codexes released so far for tenth have been a bit hit and miss. As primarily a narrative player I'm not overly concerned with how powerful units are, but I would like the rules around them to make sense in regard to the background.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/10/31 03:44:39

Post by: AduroT

Don’t care for the model as an Overlord. Too dynamic and stand out to be a unit leader. It’s a cool model though, and could make a good Orikan conversion.

I’m hoping the ability there is an Enhancement and not a new, additional Overlord profile. It’s a cool ability though, it’s actually the previous Nephrekh army rule, which I love.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/10/31 04:07:21

Post by: Snrub

Why in the 9 hells did he have to be teleporting onto a tactical rock!? Could he not just have you know... materialised on the ground?

The concept for the model is cool, but I don't think it's overly well executed. While the general pose itself is nice enough, the balancing precariously on a rock is not though. The mid-relocation is cool, but the swirly bullgak does not convey very well what I think they're trying to and just serves to clutter the model up and make it unnecessarily busy. They could have just have easily had him walking out of a portal and it would have looked infinitely better while representing the same thing.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/10/31 04:54:30

Post by: Xirix

GW's obsession with tactical rocks is unfortunately, untameable at this point.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/10/31 07:12:41

Post by: Uptonius

 Snrub wrote:
Why in the 9 hells did he have to be teleporting onto a tactical rock!? Could he not just have you know... materialised on the ground?

The concept for the model is cool, but I don't think it's overly well executed. While the general pose itself is nice enough, the balancing precariously on a rock is not though. The mid-relocation is cool, but the swirly bullgak does not convey very well what I think they're trying to and just serves to clutter the model up and make it unnecessarily busy. They could have just have easily had him walking out of a portal and it would have looked infinitely better while representing the same thing.

Who's to say he isn't rising off the ground in that moment and the rocks are being pulled up with him?

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/10/31 07:24:34

Post by: lcmiracle

Uptonius wrote:
 Snrub wrote:
Why in the 9 hells did he have to be teleporting onto a tactical rock!? Could he not just have you know... materialised on the ground?

The concept for the model is cool, but I don't think it's overly well executed. While the general pose itself is nice enough, the balancing precariously on a rock is not though. The mid-relocation is cool, but the swirly bullgak does not convey very well what I think they're trying to and just serves to clutter the model up and make it unnecessarily busy. They could have just have easily had him walking out of a portal and it would have looked infinitely better while representing the same thing.

Who's to say he isn't rising off the ground in that moment and the rocks are being pulled up with him?

That's a very tactical way of propping up a rock, I must say

That said, if tactical rocks are the price to pay to get ride of transparent flyer bases, I'm all the more for it; those transparent sticks;

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/10/31 07:34:46

Post by: kodos

the rock is there because he is not teleporting in, but teleporting out
and teleport works better if you jump off a rock

just imagine him running away from the enemy and therefore he jumps backword off the rock and vanish

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/10/31 07:36:07

Post by: lcmiracle

 kodos wrote:
the rock is there because he is not teleporting in, but teleporting out
and teleport works better if you jump off a rock

just imagine him running away from the enemy and therefore he jumps backword off the rock and vanish

I refuse, that rock is there because it's tactical rock, I've decided.

Besides, teleportation shouldn't require rock; the rock is there because the designer put it there and they thought it was tacticool. I've also decided.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/10/31 07:42:01

Post by: Matrindur

For a model like that I'm fine with a tactical rock as the effects need a few contact points at different positions/orientations to be structurally sound

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/10/31 07:46:20

Post by: Dudeface

I'd like to say thanks for taking the time and effort to make a general 40k new thread.

On topic, I really couldn't care less about the rock, it doesn't detract from the sculpt and I don't think the overlord should be floating given what the wargear does.

I do feel like there's been a run of "alternate test sculpts we liked but didn't have room for in the main release" going on, like the last 3 event necrons and the recent einhyr champ.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/10/31 07:58:07

Post by: Formosa

I didn't even notice the rock.

I like the model though, paint scheme is a bit naff but that doesn't dissuade me from liking it, some expert painters are gonna be able to make this thing look amazing.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/10/31 08:17:01

Post by: Geifer

It looks like the tactical debris is just large enough to support his left foot while the right foot does nothing to actually keep him up there. I'm not a fan of that choice. If the designers absolutely have to have a tactical rock on the model, I'd rather if the rock had some substance to it so the Necron can comfortably and securely stand on it.

Aside from that, eh. Wouldn't be my first choice, but no complaints about getting something a bit different. Suitable models for non-fancy lords aren't in short supply.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/10/31 08:33:42

Post by: Dudeface

 Geifer wrote:
It looks like the tactical debris is just large enough to support his left foot while the right foot does nothing to actually keep him up there. I'm not a fan of that choice. If the designers absolutely have to have a tactical rock on the model, I'd rather if the rock had some substance to it so the Necron can comfortably and securely stand on it.

Aside from that, eh. Wouldn't be my first choice, but no complaints about getting something a bit different. Suitable models for non-fancy lords aren't in short supply.

I think it's meant to be them stepping/kicking off as they dissipate, hence the pose not quite looking comfy/supported.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/10/31 09:00:22

Post by: Geifer

I'm tempted to say that if a tactical rock only supports a single pose, the sculptor's intention doesn't make much of a difference. The tactical rock loses any pretense of being a natural feature and strictly becomes a means to facilitate that specific pose. I'm not particularly fond of that approach.

Compare that to Lord Horseyman for instance, who gets titan head so he has a mound to stand on. Doesn't matter if his horse is standing or rearing, or if he's by himself or has attendants below him. His mound provides elevation and can support all manner of things while it fulfills its core function. The Necron's tactical rock can't.

I just prefer for a tactical rock to be meaningful and interesting on its own if it has to be there in the first place.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/10/31 09:03:12

Post by: Manfred von Drakken

I also didn't see the rock, which I assume is there to elevate the Overlord to accommodate his large weapon and all that swirly gak.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/10/31 09:19:20

Post by: Hellebore

My cynical side would say the reason there are so many tactical rocks under models is that they already weigh nothing, and GW want to add more heft to the box so it feels like you're buying more than compressed farts. At least for the parents handing over the cash...

That and it's an easy way to make a model stand out on the battlefield next to everything else.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/10/31 10:17:19

Post by: Kanluwen

 AduroT wrote:
Don’t care for the model as an Overlord. Too dynamic and stand out to be a unit leader. It’s a cool model though, and could make a good Orikan conversion.

I’m hoping the ability there is an Enhancement and not a new, additional Overlord profile. It’s a cool ability though, it’s actually the previous Nephrekh army rule, which I love.

Unlike regular Overlords, who must rely on leisurely barge cruises or hefty teleportation gates to get where they’re going, this mobile variant makes use of their personal translocation shroud to slip through solid walls, enemy sentinels, and other obstructions – even bringing their bodyguards along for the ride.

Definitely sounds like it's meant to be a new profile/variant.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/10/31 10:29:14

Post by: Lord Damocles

'We should make a Necron Lord who teleports'
'With a Veil of Darkness?'
'No. Also he can move through walls'
'With a Phase Shifter?'
'Shut up and add something new!'

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/10/31 10:46:12

Post by: Dudeface

 Lord Damocles wrote:
'We should make a Necron Lord who teleports'
'With a Veil of Darkness?'
'No. Also he can move through walls'
'With a Pashe Shifter?'
'Shut up and add something new!'

I think it is a phase shifter, it's just the overlord got ripped off at the necrontyr relics market and told it was a phase shifter +1. Which it is I guess as it now affects the full retinue.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/10/31 12:19:18

Post by: skeleton

Why not an overlord with sword and res orb, we have rules for that but no model. only lord with orb.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/01 00:32:05

Post by: Platuan4th

 skeleton wrote:
Why not an overlord with sword and res orb, we have rules for that but no model. only lord with orb.

Command Barge Overlord plus Praetorian kit sword. Boom, Overlord with sword.

Assuming, of course, that the book even keeps that load out.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/01 02:29:01

Post by: AduroT

Will be interesting to see what’s still in there. Based on previous info the book has 47 entries, and our index has 50. People were already debating and guessing what 3 things we lose, but if this Overlord is indeed a new entry, that puts us up to 4 lost things at least now.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/01 04:36:07

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Lords, Destroyer Lords... probably some special characters.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/01 07:13:55

Post by: Valkyrie

Looks good, might be a bugger to paint. Not sure why people are complaining about a rock, would the same people also complain if he didn't have any base decor?

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/01 08:02:09

Post by: Snrub

 Valkyrie wrote:
Not sure why people are complaining about a rock, would the same people also complain if he didn't have any base decor?
As the first person here to mention it (and therefore chief complainer), I would absolutely zero issues if this model (or literally any other for that matter) had no base decor. A rock, or in this case lump of concrete with a piece of rebar sticking out of it, adds nothing to the miniature. Look at all the models in the GW range posed on tactical scenery and tell me how many of them are genuinely enhanced by its presence.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/01 08:47:02

Post by: Andykp

 Snrub wrote:
 Valkyrie wrote:
Not sure why people are complaining about a rock, would the same people also complain if he didn't have any base decor?
As the first person here to mention it (and therefore chief complainer), I would absolutely zero issues if this model (or literally any other for that matter) had no base decor. A rock, or in this case lump of concrete with a piece of rebar sticking out of it, adds nothing to the miniature. Look at all the models in the GW range posed on tactical scenery and tell me how many of them are genuinely enhanced by its presence.

That’s very much a subjective opinion, some of the stuff GW has done with tactical rocks has been great, I think there are loads of good examples and few bad ones. This one I see as a way to show him appearing in mid air, it was used to add hight generally to the pose. Not the best but overall the design is very clever and again by gw, the use of negative space is very clever.

Saying you don't like the rock is just like saying you don’t like the shape of the head or how they’ve painted it. It’s not a fault with the model, it’s just not to your taste.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 AduroT wrote:
Will be interesting to see what’s still in there. Based on previous info the book has 47 entries, and our index has 50. People were already debating and guessing what 3 things we lose, but if this Overlord is indeed a new entry, that puts us up to 4 lost things at least now.

I can see lords going and for me they could trim out a bunch of special characters. Maybe the old destroyer models but I dint really see anything with a plastic kit getting binned.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/01 08:57:59

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Maybe if the tactical rocks were optional... or if they weren't on (or under, really!) every damned character they put out these days.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/01 09:01:04

Post by: Matrindur

Andykp wrote:
 Snrub wrote:
 Valkyrie wrote:
Not sure why people are complaining about a rock, would the same people also complain if he didn't have any base decor?
As the first person here to mention it (and therefore chief complainer), I would absolutely zero issues if this model (or literally any other for that matter) had no base decor. A rock, or in this case lump of concrete with a piece of rebar sticking out of it, adds nothing to the miniature. Look at all the models in the GW range posed on tactical scenery and tell me how many of them are genuinely enhanced by its presence.

That’s very much a subjective opinion, some of the stuff GW has done with tactical rocks has been great, I think there are loads of good examples and few bad ones. This one I see as a way to show him appearing in mid air, it was used to add hight generally to the pose. Not the best but overall the design is very clever and again by gw, the use of negative space is very clever.

Saying you don't like the rock is just like saying you don’t like the shape of the head or how they’ve painted it. It’s not a fault with the model, it’s just not to your taste.

The big problem I have with their tactical rocks is that they don't fit my basing scheme most of the time. I'm all for including stuff to put on the bases and having the miniature standing on stuff as long as its not molded to parts of the model itself. So for example the Votann Kahl or Einhyr Champion are also standing on rocks but if I want to use something else for basing I can just swap out the rocks for something else. The Grymnir on the other hand has both his feet molded on the rocks so I have to take out the saw to separate them.
And with this guy it very much looks like the feet will be molded on the rocks and with the way they are posed it looks quite hard to get them off

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/01 09:05:54

Post by: Andykp

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
Maybe if the tactical rocks were optional... or if they weren't on (or under, really!) every damned character they put out these days.

It does seem to the fashion right now but when they are used well they are great, the base detail on Illuminor serez (excuse spelling) is amazing and adds so much character to the model. The way they did it on the new deathkopters is brilliant and miles better than any flying base but especially the horrible new ones.

But then you get it in the primaris lieutenant and it adds nothing I wasn’t keen on the tyranid themed ones in leviathan marines either, tyranids have no place on my bases and were a pain to shift.

But it’s a matter of taste really, I don’t like the crest thing they put on overlords heads, I get why they do it but I don’t like it. Doesn’t make it a bad model. My issue with the model is more to do with the rule/fluff they released with the pic. They makes it so it’s zipping about and moving faster parading in and out, the model makes the process look quite slow and involved. Clashes for me.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/01 10:00:12

Post by: Snrub

Andykp wrote:
That’s very much a subjective opinion,
Yes, that's why it's an opinion and not a fact. All opinions are subjective.

some of the stuff GW has done with tactical rocks has been great, I think there are loads of good examples and few bad ones.
That's very much an opinion.

This one I see as a way to show him appearing in mid air, it was used to add hight generally to the pose. Not the best but overall the design is very clever and again by gw, the use of negative space is very clever.
Yes the use of negative space is clever and I'm glad GW are able to make use of it. Using the rock to add height though doesn't hold up though. If they wanted to add height to the miniature to represent him teleporting in off the ground they could have quite easily done that with the swirly bullgak. Look at the Celestant Prime, Nagash or Mortarion. All of them floating nothing.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/01 10:09:05

Post by: H.B.M.C.

I dunno. I just think he's going to be an absolute bitch to put goether.

And AoS-Pattern "Swirly Bull gak" comes to 40k in a very dramatic fashion.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/01 10:10:13

Post by: tneva82

 Valkyrie wrote:
Looks good, might be a bugger to paint. Not sure why people are complaining about a rock, would the same people also complain if he didn't have any base decor?

Lack of base decor isn't problem. That can always be added.

Base decor meanwhile limits on what you can realistically base with.

Got any idea how hard it is to base Sigvald on a icefield?

How stupid the screamer killer looks in lava field? Hey here's random piping amidst lava!

I enjoy seeing various basing people do but the GW's base decor makes those pretty damn hard at times.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/01 13:53:36

Post by: Andykp

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
I dunno. I just think he's going to be an absolute bitch to put goether.

And AoS-Pattern "Swirly Bull gak" comes to 40k in a very dramatic fashion.

Have you seen the shard of the void dragon, swirly gak central!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Snrub wrote:
Andykp wrote:
That’s very much a subjective opinion,
Yes, that's why it's an opinion and not a fact. All opinions are subjective.

some of the stuff GW has done with tactical rocks has been great, I think there are loads of good examples and few bad ones.
That's very much an opinion.

This one I see as a way to show him appearing in mid air, it was used to add hight generally to the pose. Not the best but overall the design is very clever and again by gw, the use of negative space is very clever.
Yes the use of negative space is clever and I'm glad GW are able to make use of it. Using the rock to add height though doesn't hold up though. If they wanted to add height to the miniature to represent him teleporting in off the ground they could have quite easily done that with the swirly bullgak. Look at the Celestant Prime, Nagash or Mortarion. All of them floating nothing.

Ok i get it, you don’t tactical rocks. For all we know there may well be a “technical” reason for the rock. And we haven’t seen the sprue it might be easy to remove and not use (doubt that though looking at the model).

Automatically Appended Next Post:
tneva82 wrote:
 Valkyrie wrote:
Looks good, might be a bugger to paint. Not sure why people are complaining about a rock, would the same people also complain if he didn't have any base decor?

Lack of base decor isn't problem. That can always be added.

Base decor meanwhile limits on what you can realistically base with.

Got any idea how hard it is to base Sigvald on a icefield?

How stupid the screamer killer looks in lava field? Hey here's random piping amidst lava!

I enjoy seeing various basing people do but the GW's base decor makes those pretty damn hard at times.

I’d say he’s one the better ones to do without the rocks, the model just stands of top of them it isn’t integrated with the rock at all. Never built the model though so I may be wrong.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/01 17:17:03

Post by: Lord Damocles

Why would phasing in/out in mid air ever be a thing anyway?

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/01 18:47:14

Post by: Dudeface

 Lord Damocles wrote:
Why would phasing in/out in mid air ever be a thing anyway?

Depends how physics apply whilst he's all pixilated. My assumption from that sculpt is that relative velocity and trajectory remain, so he just becomes able to phase through stuff, rather than having 3d freedom of movement and propulsion.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/01 19:34:55

Post by: chaos0xomega

I would assume mid-air teleportation would be the way togo, that way you don't accidentally contaminate the process with foreign matter from stuff on the ground at your point of departure or your destination - thats how you end up with The Fly after all.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/01 20:39:07

Post by: Nicorex

He would have looked much better in a walking pose and without his arms crossed over his chest, I think.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/01 22:34:27

Post by: Shakalooloo

 Nicorex wrote:
He would have looked much better in a walking pose and without his arms crossed over his chest, I think.

Yeah, he currently looks like he's digistructing after being killed in Borderlands.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/01 22:43:15

Post by: H.B.M.C.

chaos0xomega wrote:
I would assume mid-air teleportation would be the way togo, that way you don't accidentally contaminate the process with foreign matter from stuff on the ground at your point of departure or your destination - thats how you end up with The Fly after all.
Now someone needs to model the tactical rock into the negative spare where his leg isn't.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/01 23:59:20

Post by: Hellebore

The atmosphere being full of contaminants seems to always slip past designers when creating these things...

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/02 00:46:41

Post by: Darnok

I like the new Necron model in terms of its look. It seems to be entirely unfit for playing purposes, but I expect some great entries into painting competitions with this one in the future.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/02 07:12:37

Post by: Lord Damocles

chaos0xomega wrote:
I would assume mid-air teleportation would be the way togo, that way you don't accidentally contaminate the process with foreign matter from stuff on the ground at your point of departure or your destination - thats how you end up with The Fly after all.

It's always been implied that Necron teleportation doesn't have the same issues with foreign matter that standard warp-based teleportation has, as Necrons can teleport under the ground.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/02 07:53:55

Post by: Insularum

 Shakalooloo wrote:
 Nicorex wrote:
He would have looked much better in a walking pose and without his arms crossed over his chest, I think.

Yeah, he currently looks like he's digistructing after being killed in Borderlands.
I like the model but he would look better in a dynamic pose. A couple of problems though, 1 it's hard to dynamically pose a model with a staff and orb that doesn't mimic the old orb lord model, 2 with the swirly whirly stuff he is probably by necessity one of the 3d jigsaw style models to assemble and I doubt there is enough room on the sprue to have limbs at angles or elongated striding legs.

Hopefully there is still more to come for Necrons - as much as I like the new models, they are both overlords and I already have a bunch of those.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/02 09:57:11

Post by: Geifer

 Lord Damocles wrote:
chaos0xomega wrote:
I would assume mid-air teleportation would be the way togo, that way you don't accidentally contaminate the process with foreign matter from stuff on the ground at your point of departure or your destination - thats how you end up with The Fly after all.

It's always been implied that Necron teleportation doesn't have the same issues with foreign matter that standard warp-based teleportation has, as Necrons can teleport under the ground.

The best way to look at it is that The Fly and teleportation in 40k predate the invention of telefragging, and telefragging predates Necrons. Necron fluff is based on later scientific discoveries and is therefore not as limited or prone to failure as the teleportation of lesser races.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/02 18:07:33

Post by: Fayric

If the Boss were to materialize in mid air he would make a very unworthy entrance, and might even be forced to make a stumble step as he tries to find ground. I percive Necron Lords as very uptight and humourless leaders, so it would be devastating for morale to see their lord caugth in such a situation. Thus, they would most likely opt for a more suiting tactical rock for everyone to see the wonderous and theatrical appearance of the great leader.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/02 21:35:25

Post by: Shakalooloo

This necron really should have been two models, one guy split in two on two different bases, his head and torso manifesting on an 'arriving' base and his remaining leg about to follow on the 'departure' base.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/02 21:56:41

Post by: Stormonu

 Fayric wrote:
If the Boss were to materialize in mid air he would make a very unworthy entrance, and might even be forced to make a stumble step as he tries to find ground. I percive Necron Lords as very uptight and humourless leaders, so it would be devastating for morale to see their lord caugth in such a situation. Thus, they would most likely opt for a more suiting tactical rock for everyone to see the wonderous and theatrical appearance of the great leader.

The old "the Earth rises to meet them" ?

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/03 12:36:16

Post by: Danny76

There was that one Heresy novel where the Marines teleported onto a ship and some came through like half in the ground and stuff because of whatever error etc.
Surely something like this would stop that if you teleport in slightly above ground.

I feel like in a lot of films etc where people teleport in they sort of appear then drop as it looks cooler.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/03 21:38:30

Post by: boyd

Danny76 wrote:
There was that one Heresy novel where the Marines teleported onto a ship and some came through like half in the ground and stuff because of whatever error etc.
Surely something like this would stop that if you teleport in slightly above ground.

I feel like in a lot of films etc where people teleport in they sort of appear then drop as it looks cooler.

Its the super hero landing!

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/03 23:16:48

Post by: Lord Damocles

Danny76 wrote:
There was that one Heresy novel where the Marines teleported onto a ship and some came through like half in the ground and stuff because of whatever error etc.
Surely something like this would stop that if you teleport in slightly above ground.

As I noted above, Necrons routinely teleport into position under the ground (and then dig/rise out). Presumably either foreign matter is displaced to another location/dimension as the Necrons come in, or Necrons are able to remain partially out of phase until they're clear of obstructions.

Never before has any infantry unit felt the need to teleport into mid air and then drop onto the ground (or phase out by floating to the air!). Now Necron Lords do because 'swirly gak look cool'.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/06 14:26:07

Post by: Matrindur

If I interpret this correctly :
You’ll be able to field both forces in Combat Patrol games, whether you pick them up as boxed sets or individual kits.

The both forces parts isn't talking about admech and necrons but about both the admech combat patrols instead and the fact they say you can pick both up as boxed sets makes me think the old one will stay available? So two Admech combat patrols?

Whether or not that is true the fact Admech got a new one (and not just Necrons who never had rules for their old one in the first place) means any other faction could also get a new CP with their codex

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/06 14:35:14

Post by: xttz

 Matrindur wrote:
makes me think the old one will stay available? So two Admech combat patrols?

The old AdMech CP is still in stock, so maybe they will just keep it on sale until that runs out then only the new version will get restocks. Meanwhile until the end of 10th, they can just keep both rules PDFs online for people who bought either.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/06 16:05:38

Post by: The Phazer

On the plus side, the two Admech patrols also complement each other quite well. A new player could do worse than buy both and have the option to play either in CP mode, and then get the foundations of a solid force for "proper" 40k.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/18 04:59:30

Post by: Arschbombe

Necron teaser is up.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/18 07:30:16

Post by: Lord Damocles

1) They need to give the 'holding orb/cube and staff' poses a rest.
2) Doesn't look like a howler monkey anymore. Worst astromancer ever!
3) More pixelated gak.
4) Given that the green orbs plastered over every Necron nowadays are supposed to be power sources, why are they always just totally exposed?
5) What an uninspired update.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/18 13:51:41

Post by: Geifer

It's probably not the worst idea to have the new roadmap in this thread.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/18 13:57:11

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Bets on the Redacted one?

I'm guessing/hoping Emperor's Children.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/18 14:02:24

Post by: GaroRobe

Leagues of Votann?

I’d hope for kroot but we’d probably have solid rumors about them by now

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/18 14:12:32

Post by: Geifer

Squats only make sense if the cover art reveals a new unit. There's more danger of that for a new army that doesn't have a lot of unit choice yet. So that might be it.

I'd rather if it was something that isn't as sure a bet as a new codex for an army that already had one in the last edition. Maybe Imperial Agents, now that there is a larger number of non-affiliated single units thanks to Kill Team that may need a printed home.

Otherwise, yeah, would be nice to get Emprah's Kiddies out of the way. It's a little early for that based on the intervals between the other Daemon Primarchs, but I just want GW to get it over with already.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/18 14:18:34

Post by: tneva82

Or it's just more months away than gw wants to reveal.

Gw reqularly hides name of tomes. If lucky we get imperium/chaos/xenos. Or not that.

Doesn't have to be anything special. Could just be blood angels with recycled art for cover but gw doesn't want to reveal factions that far so put boilerplate hidden tome art.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/18 14:20:43

Post by: Kanluwen

Emperor's Children has a weird caveat to consider as well, in that it requires their removal from the main CSM book. We'll have warning signs that it's coming when that book drops.

Whatever the army is, it's possibly just not locked-in yet. I don't think the "only reveal a cover if it has a new unit" bit matters these days. AdMech still don't have the techpriest from their cover.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/18 15:21:04

Post by: Manfred von Drakken

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
Bets on the Redacted one?

I'm guessing/hoping Emperor's Children.

The biggest indicator will be when Codex: CSM drops. Here's hoping, because the Emperor's Children really deserve it at this point.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/18 15:28:01

Post by: Lord Damocles

Probably some variation of Loyalist Marines.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/18 17:06:04

Post by: MajorWesJanson

Imperial Agents supplement.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/18 17:15:25

Post by: Olthannon

Did just have a recent rumour engine that was definitely Votann, given the need for new units it would be nice if that was the redacted.. but somehow I doubt it..

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/18 18:06:32

Post by: Souleater

Yeah. If it isn’t EC I’d go with GK and this being a bit of cheeky roleplay by the comms team.

It could be GW giving themselves a little leeway on releases. Unlikely, one would hope but maybe wise considering their apparent supply issues.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/18 21:30:18

Post by: EightFoldPath

It should be Chaos as the release order will be:

Otherwise at this rate the end of the releases is going to be:
Space Marines 2.0

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/18 23:00:17

Post by: Abadabadoobaddon

Chaos Squats.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/19 13:50:09

Post by: tneva82

 Souleater wrote:
Yeah. If it isn’t EC I’d go with GK and this being a bit of cheeky roleplay by the comms team.

It could be GW giving themselves a little leeway on releases. Unlikely, one would hope but maybe wise considering their apparent supply issues.

What makes you think it's different to any other far away redacted cover art? It's what gw use in roadmaps on too far away books.

Think people are overreading.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/19 16:59:04

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

Codex Redacted will cover a new Xenos faction the Redacted, an alien race so vile and destructive they were erased from Imperial Records.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/19 18:11:35

Post by: pgmason

Codex Redacted - Covering the 2nd and 11th legions!

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/19 21:06:20

Post by: Voss

Huh. I really did not expect 'Winter 2023' to be Thanksgiving weekend.

I guess it tracks, since several radio stations have switched over to Xmas musak already.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/19 21:07:02

Post by: lord_blackfang

pgmason wrote:
Codex Redacted - Covering the 2nd and 11th legions!

The most obvious answer, really

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/19 22:20:38

Post by: Souleater

tneva82 wrote:
 Souleater wrote:
Yeah. If it isn’t EC I’d go with GK and this being a bit of cheeky roleplay by the comms team.

It could be GW giving themselves a little leeway on releases. Unlikely, one would hope but maybe wise considering their apparent supply issues.

What makes you think it's different to any other far away redacted cover art? It's what gw use in roadmaps on too far away books.

Think people are overreading.

Just having some fun with speculation really.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/19 22:39:43

Post by: TalonZahn

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Codex Redacted will cover a new Xenos faction the Redacted, an alien race so vile and destructive they were erased from Imperial Records.

Laer with Zoat Auxiliaries

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/19 23:42:55

Post by: H.B.M.C.

tneva82 wrote:
Think people are overreading.
God forbid people have a little fun speculating.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/20 00:24:10

Post by: Insularum

The limited edition Necron codex has something new on the cover right? Otherwise it's shaping up as 2 (nice) resculpts, 2 models everyone already has from 9th, overlord with a new hat and the CP box full of models everyone already has from 9th.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/20 00:43:53

Post by: Shakalooloo

 Insularum wrote:
The limited edition Necron codex has something new on the cover right? Otherwise it's shaping up as 2 (nice) resculpts, 2 models everyone already has from 9th, overlord with a new hat and the CP box full of models everyone already has from 9th.

And DICE!!! Everyone LOVES dice, right?

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/20 00:57:25

Post by: Overread

 Shakalooloo wrote:
 Insularum wrote:
The limited edition Necron codex has something new on the cover right? Otherwise it's shaping up as 2 (nice) resculpts, 2 models everyone already has from 9th, overlord with a new hat and the CP box full of models everyone already has from 9th.

And DICE!!! Everyone LOVES dice, right?

I'd buy more GW dice if they were smaller!! Big dice are fine but in a game that can easily have you rolling 20-30 dice I want to have dice I can hold in my hand

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/20 02:17:09

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Oh the dice are great. Best part was when they reduced the amount of dice by 25% but kept the price the same. Bargain!

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/20 02:20:47

Post by: Manfred von Drakken

 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
Codex Redacted will cover a new Xenos faction the Redacted, an alien race so vile and destructive they were erased from Imperial Records.


Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/20 02:28:43

Post by: H.B.M.C.

The Pan Fo.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/20 03:00:35

Post by: Snord

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
The Pan Fo.

Wow, that's a callback to a very long time ago...

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/20 03:13:19

Post by: AduroT

Really disappointed we’re getting a new Orikan but no Trazyn. That’s like Statler without Waldorf.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/20 03:36:32

Post by: chaos0xomega

I'm glad I'm not the only one who remembers the Pan Fo. I've dropped references to them a few times over the past few months but got little if any acknowledgement of them.

They will be reviled.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/20 05:43:56

Post by: MajorWesJanson

 AduroT wrote:
Really disappointed we’re getting a new Orikan but no Trazyn. That’s like Statler without Waldorf.

Trazyn could kind of be dropped in anywhere and work fluffwise.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/20 09:19:35

Post by: Geifer

 Overread wrote:
 Shakalooloo wrote:
 Insularum wrote:
The limited edition Necron codex has something new on the cover right? Otherwise it's shaping up as 2 (nice) resculpts, 2 models everyone already has from 9th, overlord with a new hat and the CP box full of models everyone already has from 9th.

And DICE!!! Everyone LOVES dice, right?

I'd buy more GW dice if they were smaller!! Big dice are fine but in a game that can easily have you rolling 20-30 dice I want to have dice I can hold in my hand

I'd buy more dice if... they were available for more than five seconds.

That said, in my opinion Necrons didn't get nice dice yet. These are the first ones I might feel tempted to buy, so for me they're definitely worth mentioning. GW should have shown more dice and less packaging, though.

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
Oh the dice are great. Best part was when they reduced the amount of dice by 25% but kept the price the same. Bargain!

Not to doubt you, but if the price stayed the same at the time, it sure didn't for long. Regardless of quantity, price of dice leapt up by a hilarious amount over the last few years.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/20 09:51:09

Post by: tneva82

Yea price per dice has actually went DOWN. Less dice, less price, cost of individual dice down. At least in euro's.

Unusual move for GW to actually lower unit cost

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/20 10:07:04

Post by: Geifer

20 Hedonites dice in '21 were 25€ (like the dice packs for the second 8th ed Marine codex/supplements a little earlier). The latest Marine dice are 16 for 23€. That doesn't sound like price went down per die.

I was more talking about the difference to the price of dice packs prior to GW's Brexit price hike bonanza. I don't have any with the price tag still attached but I'm fairly sure they were markedly below 20€.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/20 14:20:18

Post by: AduroT

I like the previous Necron dice. Got two sets of them.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/20 14:22:17

Post by: Kanluwen

AdMech Detachments article today.

I like the Explorator setup:

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/20 14:48:45

Post by: Tyel

Seems kind of rubbish?

I guess there's some possibility of castling up on an objective to spread the buff. But otherwise what? You are giving reroll 1s to wound to 1-2 units you have on a given objective - or when shooting 1-2 enemy units on a given objective.

From the company that thinks Eldar having a reroll to hit and wound on every unit is reasonable?

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/20 15:20:07

Post by: RaptorusRex

Tyel wrote:
Seems kind of rubbish?

I guess there's some possibility of castling up on an objective to spread the buff. But otherwise what? You are giving reroll 1s to wound to 1-2 units you have on a given objective - or when shooting 1-2 enemy units on a given objective.

From the company that thinks Eldar having a reroll to hit and wound on every unit is reasonable?

The Lieutenant with Combi-Weapon has something similar, and he's a top pick for SM characters rn.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/20 15:24:41

Post by: Dudeface

Tyel wrote:
Seems kind of rubbish?

I guess there's some possibility of castling up on an objective to spread the buff. But otherwise what? You are giving reroll 1s to wound to 1-2 units you have on a given objective - or when shooting 1-2 enemy units on a given objective.

From the company that thinks Eldar having a reroll to hit and wound on every unit is reasonable?

It feels about right in terms of power imo. Usually as a rule of thumb you've got your big guns on your backfield obj or your key threats on an objective you need to take, so it makes sense you'll get good value from it. Even then this is also the same company that maybe now regrets giving eldar a free reroll per unit, which is obviously apples to oranges compared to reroll all 1's with a condition.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/20 16:37:43

Post by: em_en_oh_pee

 RaptorusRex wrote:
Tyel wrote:
Seems kind of rubbish?

I guess there's some possibility of castling up on an objective to spread the buff. But otherwise what? You are giving reroll 1s to wound to 1-2 units you have on a given objective - or when shooting 1-2 enemy units on a given objective.

From the company that thinks Eldar having a reroll to hit and wound on every unit is reasonable?

The Lieutenant with Combi-Weapon has something similar, and he's a top pick for SM characters rn.

Context is everything. SMs get multiple additional rules that usually buffs everything they have and then they can spend a measly 70pt for this perk. I am not saying it is a bad benefit, but it is when it is the entire detachment bonus.

Though that sure is better than the Index one so... yay.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/20 17:41:53

Post by: Platuan4th

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
tneva82 wrote:
Think people are overreading.
God forbid people have a little fun speculating.

When we at Dakka speculate, SpikeyBits and Taco BoLS salivate for content.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/20 17:48:00

Post by: Tyel

Dudeface wrote:

It feels about right in terms of power imo. Usually as a rule of thumb you've got your big guns on your backfield obj or your key threats on an objective you need to take, so it makes sense you'll get good value from it. Even then this is also the same company that maybe now regrets giving eldar a free reroll per unit, which is obviously apples to oranges compared to reroll all 1's with a condition.

I just don't see how reroll 1s either on a couple of units - or against a couple of units (and potentially just one) is a good trade off versus so many "faction wide" abilities of a kind we've seen in SM and Tyranid Codexes, never mind the old indexes.

Giving Robots Doctrina Imperatives also feels decidedly weak. (Its unclear why every Ad Mech unit can't have this relatively modest ability, regardless of the fluff.)

I'm left wondering if Ad Mech are "tuned" to have poor detachment abilities.
Which isn't exactly promising for Dark Eldar...

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/20 18:01:42

Post by: Dudeface

Tyel wrote:
Dudeface wrote:

It feels about right in terms of power imo. Usually as a rule of thumb you've got your big guns on your backfield obj or your key threats on an objective you need to take, so it makes sense you'll get good value from it. Even then this is also the same company that maybe now regrets giving eldar a free reroll per unit, which is obviously apples to oranges compared to reroll all 1's with a condition.

I just don't see how reroll 1s either on a couple of units - or against a couple of units (and potentially just one) is a good trade off versus so many "faction wide" abilities of a kind we've seen in SM and Tyranid Codexes, never mind the old indexes.

Giving Robots Doctrina Imperatives also feels decidedly weak. (Its unclear why every Ad Mech unit can't have this relatively modest ability, regardless of the fluff.)

I'm left wondering if Ad Mech are "tuned" to have poor detachment abilities.
Which isn't exactly promising for Dark Eldar...

Imo it beats 1st company detachment benefits, there's plenty of detachment and army rules out there which are based on battleshock which basically means they don't most of the time, this one is a little niche but people pay points for it in other armies, it's really not that bad. The dream should be that other armies come down in power, not that admech catapult up.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/20 23:53:19

Post by: Kanluwen

Did we get prices today for this stuff?

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/21 07:31:12

Post by: DaveC

 Kanluwen wrote:
Did we get prices today for this stuff?

[Thumb - 71C3B73D-53E2-42B2-99A5-8E1AD63D7D0C.jpeg]

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/21 09:10:35

Post by: tneva82

 Kanluwen wrote:
Did we get prices today for this stuff?

We always get the prices on monday. GW puts them out. It's public info. No need for rumours, leaks etc. GW posts it out themselves for anybody to check who cares

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/21 11:25:50

Post by: Nevelon

tneva82 wrote:
 Kanluwen wrote:
Did we get prices today for this stuff?

We always get the prices on monday. GW puts them out. It's public info. No need for rumours, leaks etc. GW posts it out themselves for anybody to check who cares


That’s something I’d like to bookmark instead of waiting for others to get around to reposting.

Edit: Preferably the US $ prices if they are in different spots. Or the search terms people use to locate the info.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/21 11:39:07

Post by: Matrindur

 Nevelon wrote:
tneva82 wrote:
 Kanluwen wrote:
Did we get prices today for this stuff?

We always get the prices on monday. GW puts them out. It's public info. No need for rumours, leaks etc. GW posts it out themselves for anybody to check who cares


That’s something I’d like to bookmark instead of waiting for others to get around to reposting.

Edit: Preferably the US $ prices if they are in different spots. Or the search terms people use to locate the info.

Here is their trade-portal:

Guidance Docs -> Order Forms -> Pricelist

You can change the country and language in the top right but as far as I know US doesn't get price lists there.
But you can still get the UK/EU lists and compare on the webstore to find out US prices

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/21 11:39:39

Post by: xttz

 Nevelon wrote:
tneva82 wrote:
 Kanluwen wrote:
Did we get prices today for this stuff?

We always get the prices on monday. GW puts them out. It's public info. No need for rumours, leaks etc. GW posts it out themselves for anybody to check who cares


That’s something I’d like to bookmark instead of waiting for others to get around to reposting.

Edit: Preferably the US $ prices if they are in different spots. Or the search terms people use to locate the info.


Select your region, then click on Guidance Docs then Order Forms.

The exact layout and file names vary by region.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/21 12:51:00

Post by: Nevelon


Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/21 12:56:41

Post by: Kanluwen

 DaveC wrote:
 Kanluwen wrote:
Did we get prices today for this stuff?

That's the ticket!

$38 for the Skatros and Overlord, $45 for Orikan and Imotekh.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/24 18:11:38

Post by: cuda1179

Lol, a super fast grot for 40 pts, that can spam up to 12 mortal wounds per turn, averaging 6. Charge a single marine squad and he's more than paid for himself.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/24 18:16:49

Post by: The_Real_Chris

Can't see him on the store though?

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/24 18:27:32

Post by: Platuan4th

The_Real_Chris wrote:
Can't see him on the store though?

Because it's not available yet, hence why the article doesn't link to a store page for it.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/25 02:49:22

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Necrons and Adeptus Mechanicus pre-orders are delayed in OZ/NZ.

It was a surprise delay, as WarCom didn't call it out in advance like they normally do.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/25 05:02:34

Post by: Matrindur

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
Necrons and Adeptus Mechanicus pre-orders are delayed in OZ/NZ.

It was a surprise delay, as WarCom didn't call it out in advance like they normally do.

At this point they only need to call it out if they aren't delayed

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/25 10:05:33

Post by: Gimgamgoo

Are there any Datasheet cards for the new 10th ed Adeptus Mechanicus Codex?

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/25 10:24:47

Post by: Geifer

 Gimgamgoo wrote:
Are there any Datasheet cards for the new 10th ed Adeptus Mechanicus Codex?

Not this week:

GW wrote:* The Adeptus Mechanicus Datasheet Cards have been slightly delayed in the UK, Europe, and South East Asia.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/25 13:07:22

Post by: vipoid

Am I the only one who collapsed in a fit of laughter on seeing this beauty?

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/25 13:14:22

Post by: CorwinB

 Gimgamgoo wrote:
Are there any Datasheet cards for the new 10th ed Adeptus Mechanicus Codex?

Don't worry, they will be here "sooner than you think!" (R)(TM)(C)

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/25 16:55:59

Post by: Shadow Walker

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/25 17:36:24

Post by: Lord Damocles

 vipoid wrote:
Am I the only one who collapsed in a fit of laughter on seeing this beauty?

More leg is more good.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/25 17:38:39

Post by: Shadow Walker

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/25 21:17:05

Post by: Lord Damocles

The first sentence of the webstore description of the new Necron codex is an error.

I'm sure that the books will be fully proof read though...

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/25 21:41:10

Post by: Mario

 vipoid wrote:
Am I the only one who collapsed in a fit of laughter on seeing this beauty?
A lot of these somewhat weird GW miniatures remind me of concepts that were more interesting (and less cumbersome) when originally done by Rackham. For this one it's their High Elves "cavalry" on stilts instead of horses:


Lens Mendkenn (page 3) and Echahim (page page 5)

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/26 09:04:00

Post by: Shadow Walker

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/26 12:39:00

Post by: Manfred von Drakken

I'm guessing Orikan is about to become a lot less popular now that he can't join Lychguard...

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/26 13:14:27

Post by: Sotahullu

Well interesting enough, Dragoon with Jezzail (big sniper rifle) is separate unit now.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/27 08:19:15

Post by: Danny76

Going back to the redacted Codex.
I believe the last redacted showed Chaos or xenos symbol behind the words right? And this one is the Imperial Eagle, so it’s probably a loyalist one.
That’s my guess.

Personally, EC won’t be right in the middle of an Edition.
The others who got their Primarchs were all bookending editions weren’t they? At least in the most recent ones (I don’t remember Magnus and the Thousand Sons book offhand, but all the others certainly seemed to be).

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/27 08:39:59

Post by: Dudeface

Danny76 wrote:
Going back to the redacted Codex.
I believe the last redacted showed Chaos or xenos symbol behind the words right? And this one is the Imperial Eagle, so it’s probably a loyalist one.
That’s my guess.

Personally, EC won’t be right in the middle of an Edition.
The others who got their Primarchs were all bookending editions weren’t they? At least in the most recent ones (I don’t remember Magnus and the Thousand Sons book offhand, but all the others certainly seemed to be).

Rumour is there may be 2 primarchs this edition.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/27 08:43:18

Post by: Malika2

Will there also be a plastic Thunderhawk comin’?

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/27 08:44:21

Post by: Matrindur

Danny76 wrote:
Going back to the redacted Codex.
I believe the last redacted showed Chaos or xenos symbol behind the words right? And this one is the Imperial Eagle, so it’s probably a loyalist one.
That’s my guess.

Personally, EC won’t be right in the middle of an Edition.
The others who got their Primarchs were all bookending editions weren’t they? At least in the most recent ones (I don’t remember Magnus and the Thousand Sons book offhand, but all the others certainly seemed to be).

Thousand sons were released with Wrath of Magnus if I remember correctly which was November 2016 so pretty much end of 7th which went from May 2014 to June 2017.
Death Guard were obviously start of 8th as they were part of the starter box.
And World Eaters are end of 9th again.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/27 08:45:07

Post by: Dudeface

 Malika2 wrote:
Will there also be a plastic Thunderhawk comin’?

Well, no rumour of that, but Valrak has been very much right repeatedly the last year. If his sources hint there's 2 coming it's not something to immediately discredit.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/27 08:49:39

Post by: Matrindur

Dudeface wrote:
 Malika2 wrote:
Will there also be a plastic Thunderhawk comin’?

Well, no rumour of that, but Valrak has been very much right repeatedly the last year. If his sources hint there's 2 coming it's not something to immediately discredit.

Also its really not that surprising anymore. 9th had both Angron and the Lion and 7th had both Magnus and Guilliman. If you don't go by edition but actual time its an even closer grouping with Magnus, Guilliman and Mortarion all being released within a year (November 2016 to September 2017) and Angron and the Lion within 5 months in 2023. The long time between those two groups is more surprising

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/27 08:59:09

Post by: xttz

Danny76 wrote:
Going back to the redacted Codex.
I believe the last redacted showed Chaos or xenos symbol behind the words right? And this one is the Imperial Eagle, so it’s probably a loyalist one.
That’s my guess.

Personally, EC won’t be right in the middle of an Edition.
The others who got their Primarchs were all bookending editions weren’t they? At least in the most recent ones (I don’t remember Magnus and the Thousand Sons book offhand, but all the others certainly seemed to be).

Primarchs have mostly been tied to narrative events like new campaign books, but that doesn't necessarily exclude mid-edition.

One possibility is that after the first year of 10th they retire the Leviathan matched play card deck, and release a new deck for the next 12 months. Throw in a Crusade book or two and that's enough for a little narrative development alongside a new faction launch.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/27 09:32:03

Post by: DreadfullyHopeful

Danny76 wrote:
Going back to the redacted Codex.
I believe the last redacted showed Chaos or xenos symbol behind the words right? And this one is the Imperial Eagle, so it’s probably a loyalist one.

Finally ! Ratling codex confirmed

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/27 10:21:25

Post by: Geifer

 DreadfullyHopeful wrote:
Danny76 wrote:
Going back to the redacted Codex.
I believe the last redacted showed Chaos or xenos symbol behind the words right? And this one is the Imperial Eagle, so it’s probably a loyalist one.

Finally ! Ratling codex confirmed

The mystery codex being Imperial Guard doesn't sound like a bad idea. Next summer is going to focus on AoS 4th ed. Sisters are easily released with just a single character like a priest that doesn't exist in plastic yet (or is only on a multi-character boardgame sprue for now). Genestealers already have a ton of characters, but that's not going to stop GW from adding more. Then for Imperial Guard as the codex with an actual model release, we get plastic Ratlings and a crate full of edible sandbags just so GW can retire the resin models and perhaps expand the Ratling part of the army a little (akin to Ogryns who jumped from a single squad to two squads and a bodyguard/Nork). Add a solo release of an Guard Kill Team we might get in the first half of the year and that's 40k sorted out without going overboard on kits during the new edition release for AoS.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/27 10:47:21

Post by: DreadfullyHopeful

 Geifer wrote:
 DreadfullyHopeful wrote:
Danny76 wrote:
Going back to the redacted Codex.
I believe the last redacted showed Chaos or xenos symbol behind the words right? And this one is the Imperial Eagle, so it’s probably a loyalist one.

Finally ! Ratling codex confirmed

The mystery codex being Imperial Guard doesn't sound like a bad idea. Next summer is going to focus on AoS 4th ed. Sisters are easily released with just a single character like a priest that doesn't exist in plastic yet (or is only on a multi-character boardgame sprue for now). Genestealers already have a ton of characters, but that's not going to stop GW from adding more. Then for Imperial Guard as the codex with an actual model release, we get plastic Ratlings and a crate full of edible sandbags just so GW can retire the resin models and perhaps expand the Ratling part of the army a little (akin to Ogryns who jumped from a single squad to two squads and a bodyguard/Nork). Add a solo release of an Guard Kill Team we might get in the first half of the year and that's 40k sorted out without going overboard on kits during the new edition release for AoS.

Or just a Ratling kill team ? I'd be surprised Imperial Guard would get the mystery treatment.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/27 10:53:51

Post by: Geifer

I thought the Kill Team rumors suggested Elysians or Stormtroopers/Scions?

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/27 11:24:35

Post by: DreadfullyHopeful

 Geifer wrote:
I thought the Kill Team rumors suggested Elysians or Stormtroopers/Scions?

The rumour engine pic could be from a kill team that'll come out in 9 month. The rumours can be true.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/27 11:36:08

Post by: Geifer

True, but that means we'd get two Guard Kill Teams in rapid succession. What are the odds of that?

The idea is that Sisters won't get more than a token model and I don't know if GW has anything in store for Genestealers. So it feels like the mystery codex is the logical candidate for a handful of kits. It would be the least in need of Kill Team supplementing it.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/27 11:50:40

Post by: Dudeface

 Matrindur wrote:
Dudeface wrote:
 Malika2 wrote:
Will there also be a plastic Thunderhawk comin’?

Well, no rumour of that, but Valrak has been very much right repeatedly the last year. If his sources hint there's 2 coming it's not something to immediately discredit.

Also its really not that surprising anymore. 9th had both Angron and the Lion and 7th had both Magnus and Guilliman. If you don't go by edition but actual time its an even closer grouping with Magnus, Guilliman and Mortarion all being released within a year (November 2016 to September 2017) and Angron and the Lion within 5 months in 2023. The long time between those two groups is more surprising

If things pan out as rumoured, looking at Fulgrim next yearish and Russ at the end of 10th.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/27 13:21:17

Post by: Matrindur

New Valrak rumours:

Space wolves will likely take until the end of the edition but should be getting big things.
Blood Angels with new Sanguinary Priest and Sanguinary Guard but no idea when they will release
Dark Angels, in addition to the old rumours about Deathwing stuff they will get a new combat patrol: five hellblasters, ten intercessors, three bladeguard and gravis captain. There will also be a new upgrade sprue
Horus Heresy should get a new battlebox but Valrak still wants so get some more information bevor telling more.
Kill Team scouts vs SS will be next preorder on the 9th
Tau will get a big release for Kroot, also a new melee etherial? Either new combat patrol or new launch box with 20 new kroot, 2 new characters, cavalry and a big gun all dedicated to kroot

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/27 13:23:08

Post by: H.B.M.C.

 Matrindur wrote:
Dark Angels, in addition to the old rumours about Deathwing stuff they will get a new combat patrol: five hellblasters, ten intercessors, three bladeguard and gravis captain.
A character who can't lead any of the units? Interesting choice...

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/27 13:35:13

Post by: Shadow Walker

 Matrindur wrote:

Tau will get a big release for Kroot, also a new melee etherial? Either new combat patrol or new launch box with 20 new kroot, 2 new characters, cavalry and a big gun all dedicated to kroot

New Krootox would be awesome.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/27 13:35:28

Post by: Kid_Kyoto

2 more primarchs?

Hoping for Corax and Alpharius!

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/27 13:49:25

Post by: Mr_Rose

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
 Matrindur wrote:
Dark Angels, in addition to the old rumours about Deathwing stuff they will get a new combat patrol: five hellblasters, ten intercessors, three bladeguard and gravis captain.
A character who can't lead any of the units? Interesting choice...

Last time I saw a set like that, it was an edition starter. I bet they just busted out the old moulds.
 Kid_Kyoto wrote:
2 more primarchs?

Hoping for Corax and Alpharius!

Two loyalists at once? Unlikely, but then I guess the other side did just get Lion’O…

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/27 17:44:43

Post by: chaos0xomega

The source of the rumor of two primarchs just told us that it will be Fulgrim and Russ, given his recent track record theres no reason to doubt that, so I don't know why you'd hope for it to be something else, you're just setting yourself up for disappointment.

Curious what the HH battlebox will be, battlebox usually means two opposed armies, as opposed to battleforce which means one army - unless they consider like the Age of Darkness box to be a battlebox because its technically half Imperial Fists half Sons of Horus?

GW is hitting my wallet hard with the FEC box and then the Kill Team box right afterwards. Sheesh.

And f. yeah Kroot! Honestly was hoping for a Kroot mercs book but I'll take an expansion of them as a subfaction within the Tau just as well.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/27 18:03:36

Post by: lord_blackfang

chaos0xomega wrote:
Curious what the HH battlebox will be, battlebox usually means two opposed armies, as opposed to battleforce which means one army - unless they consider like the Age of Darkness box to be a battlebox because its technically half Imperial Fists half Sons of Horus?

The Mk3 box was a Battle Group, not Battleforce, so disregarding strict terminology, the most likely big box for HH right now would be the new faction's Launch Box or Battle Group.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/27 18:07:22

Post by: NAVARRO

GW must be some kind of spy of my random shopping habits. Black Friday I had my kart packed with paints and then got the freaking awesome KT Kroot team on top of that, as whim...I don't even collect them and I surely don't need a new army.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/27 18:10:18

Post by: Overread

chaos0xomega wrote:

And f. yeah Kroot! Honestly was hoping for a Kroot mercs book but I'll take an expansion of them as a subfaction within the Tau just as well.

I wonder if GW just needs to get new Kroot out as a subfaction of the main book to generate enough attention and sales to get the numbers up enough to justify a whole second book of their own.

I've long thought that Tau should splinter like that, just like Tyranids and Genestealer Cults did; however it might be that Kroot models are just so old of date and overshadowed that they are way under selling and won't justify that amount of investment on their own. Esp since things like Vespid are about the only other non tau models in their line right now.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/27 18:13:05

Post by: NAVARRO

 Overread wrote:
chaos0xomega wrote:

And f. yeah Kroot! Honestly was hoping for a Kroot mercs book but I'll take an expansion of them as a subfaction within the Tau just as well.

I wonder if GW just needs to get new Kroot out as a subfaction of the main book to generate enough attention and sales to get the numbers up enough to justify a whole second book of their own.

I've long thought that Tau should splinter like that, just like Tyranids and Genestealer Cults did; however it might be that Kroot models are just so old of date and overshadowed that they are way under selling and won't justify that amount of investment on their own. Esp since things like Vespid are about the only other non tau models in their line right now.

If they tap into something like Yautja Kroot they will sell like hotcakes on a cold winter day!

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/27 18:35:17

Post by: Overread

 NAVARRO wrote:
 Overread wrote:
chaos0xomega wrote:

And f. yeah Kroot! Honestly was hoping for a Kroot mercs book but I'll take an expansion of them as a subfaction within the Tau just as well.

I wonder if GW just needs to get new Kroot out as a subfaction of the main book to generate enough attention and sales to get the numbers up enough to justify a whole second book of their own.

I've long thought that Tau should splinter like that, just like Tyranids and Genestealer Cults did; however it might be that Kroot models are just so old of date and overshadowed that they are way under selling and won't justify that amount of investment on their own. Esp since things like Vespid are about the only other non tau models in their line right now.

If they tap into something like Yautja Kroot they will sell like hotcakes on a cold winter day!

Yeah! The other thing is if Kroot become the new core of a separate force, it means that they can really go wild with models without ending up bloating the Tau army itself and the Tau army can focus heavily on the mechs with a few Kroot units thrown in here and there. Just like how Tyranids can have a core of Genestealer models, but isn't swamped by the whole Cult army in itself - and the same for the Cult (actually double for the cult in terms of not being swamped by either tyranids and/or Imperial Guard models)

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/27 18:48:17

Post by: Shakalooloo

 DreadfullyHopeful wrote:
Or just a Ratling kill team ? I'd be surprised Imperial Guard would get the mystery treatment.

Maybe the mystery - and the reason for holding back the title - is that they're shifting back from Astra Militarum to Imperial Guard!!!

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/28 06:51:16

Post by: Old-Four-Arms

Looks like some new terrain @ timestamp 2.43 (stacked, right-hand side of image) and @ 3.50 (single, right-hand side again).

A new container, with two different hatch/door designs ?

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/28 07:04:43

Post by: Matrindur

Old-Four-Arms wrote:

Looks like some new terrain @ timestamp 2.43 (stacked, right-hand side of image) and @ 3.50 (single, right-hand side again).

A new container, with two different hatch/door designs ?

Nicely spotted, could just be for in-house photos but also seems like it's designed to would work well for injection moulding. Could be for a future Kill Team terrain release, since the terrain set for the Scouts vs SS set is a new rendition of the old sector mechanicus terrain I wouldn't be surprised if they also make a new rendition of the munitorum containers

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/28 08:10:49

Post by: DreadfullyHopeful

 Mr_Rose wrote:

...Two loyalists at once? Unlikely, but then I guess the other side did just get Lion’O…

Right... Two loyalists

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/28 12:31:38

Post by: PoorGravitasHandling

I think they're hiding the redacted codex in plain sight.

The James Workshop apology video ended with him going off to give Codex Zoats an army wide 2++.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/28 12:43:08

Post by: Overread

I'd honestly welcome Zoats or anything as a chance for 40K to get some totally fresh creative blood within it.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/28 13:18:40

Post by: Not Online!!!

With the nostalgia tripp gw has been on?

I mean it could be, or it couldn't and be something entirely else.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/28 13:19:10

Post by: Scottywan82

EDIT: Disregard.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/28 13:27:45

Post by: lord_blackfang

40k pod hotel

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2027/03/28 14:11:22

Post by: kurhanik

Huh hell yeah with kroot if that is true. I actually just ordered the old old kit last week on sale to slow build an auxilliary based tau army over the next few years. If both new kroot and new vespids is true, that would definitely be a plus - the old kroot are good enough for something to batch paint quickly and mixing in with the kill team make them pop out a bit more, but the vespids are just...not that good looking.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/28 14:18:13

Post by: MajorWesJanson

Kroot Mercs expansion for Tau would be great. Then just need Vespids and Sniper drone squad in resin, and hopefully a remastered tank kit like how the Russ and Chimaera got updated.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/28 14:59:18

Post by: Overread

 MajorWesJanson wrote:
Kroot Mercs expansion for Tau would be great. Then just need Vespids and Sniper drone squad in resin, and hopefully a remastered tank kit like how the Russ and Chimaera got updated.

It would also give them room to add other Xeno races who have joined the Tau as well. Kroot forming the core and then specialist Xenos, like the Vespids around the edge. Potentially with a few custom armies within. Ergo you could go pure Kroot; or one or two other aliens might have enough to build up to having battleline options in their own theme list etc...

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/28 15:20:41

Post by: Geifer

To me that just sounds like the worst parts of early AoS's mini factions. Tau auxiliaries are meant to supplement a core of Tau by shoring up weaknesses of the blue guys. Even back when we had the Chapter Approved Kroot list, there wasn't a whole lot to the army. The lack of diversity and tactical tools meant that basically any Kroot army looked the same, loaded up on maximum Fast Attack mobs that could first turn charge and at least try to level the playing field between them and fully fleshed out armies.

And that's just Kroot that actually have a number of different units. In spite of the unfortunate focus on giant robots since the early days, the Tau army isn't overflowing with units to the point that you would have to take auxiliaries out and shove them in their own book. They're better off integrated into the core army, if for no other reason than that a separate codex is bound to lead to no interaction of rules/keywords because the rules writers suck at that stuff. You'll get an army that doesn't function well on its own and likely doesn't compete with the giant robots either.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/28 15:29:20

Post by: mithril2098

i would rather see more auxilaries added to the Tau army. Gue'vesa for example (Human PDF troops), which used to have a chapter approved entry. or Tarellian dog-soldiers, Morallian Deathsworn, or Thraxians (bug people which supply melee units)

we've had a number of mentions of other auxiliaries beyond kroot and vespid, but never inclusion into the game.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/29 13:25:44

Post by: Matrindur

 Matrindur wrote:
New Valrak rumours:

Space wolves will likely take until the end of the edition but should be getting big things.
Blood Angels with new Sanguinary Priest and Sanguinary Guard but no idea when they will release
Dark Angels, in addition to the old rumours about Deathwing stuff they will get a new combat patrol: five hellblasters, ten intercessors, three bladeguard and gravis captain. There will also be a new upgrade sprue
Horus Heresy should get a new battlebox but Valrak still wants so get some more information bevor telling more.
Kill Team scouts vs SS will be next preorder on the 9th
Tau will get a big release for Kroot, also a new melee etherial? Either new combat patrol or new launch box with 20 new kroot, 2 new characters, cavalry and a big gun all dedicated to kroot

Valrak elaborated a bit more on the 40k rumours in his newest video:

Dark Angels:
The boxset with terminators, deathwing knights and belial seems to be an army set thats coming earlier than the full DA release. Should be coming in January.
DA upgrade kit will be like the Black Templar and Cadian upgrades and apparently will have Ravenwing upgrade parts in there.

One of the kroot characters is riding something and the melee ethereal seems to be a commemorative series model, could be the new store birthday model for next year?

The rest of the video is just theorizing and not actual rumours anymore

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/11/29 14:06:32

Post by: Shadow Walker

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/01 02:14:09

Post by: cuda1179

Gotta say I am more than a little grumpy that Obyron got cut from the Necron codex. I loved him a couple codex's ago, back when his Ghostwalk mantle was a glorified second Veil of Darkness and you could have two units bouncing around.

Having him be gone now is just frustrating. Making him count as either a generic Lychguard or an overlord is stretching it one way or another.

The codex does seem better overall, but it kinda bums me out.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/01 03:16:12

Post by: ProfSrlojohn

 cuda1179 wrote:
Gotta say I am more than a little grumpy that Obyron got cut from the Necron codex. I loved him a couple codex's ago, back when his Ghostwalk mantle was a glorified second Veil of Darkness and you could have two units bouncing around.

Having him be gone now is just frustrating. Making him count as either a generic Lychguard or an overlord is stretching it one way or another.

The codex does seem better overall, but it kinda bums me out.

This has been the whole edition in a nutshell for me. It's probably better now that things are cleaner (in theory anyway), but so many things I liked about the game as it was are being killed off now. I don't play Necrons, Heck, I'll freely admit I find them (and to a lesser extent their players) annoying to play against, but but it does sadden me to see Old Man Kandrekh and his Minder gone.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/01 05:48:31

Post by: drbored

we're feeling the result of a situation that GW created for themselves: making so many characters in finecast that need to be updated or cut.

Even with some updated and some cut, we're still waiting on Trazyn and a few other things to get updated out of Necron to make the faction 'complete' at least in the plastic model sense, and that's the case with many other codexes.

Makes me wonder what may get cut or what may get updated from future codexes. Drukhari might get updated Grotesques but end up sacrificing the Beastmaster and all his beasts. Sisters of Battle may get updated Priests, but say goodbye to Death Cult Assassins. Who knows.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/01 06:40:14

Post by: Sgt. Cortez

drbored wrote:
we're feeling the result of a situation that GW created for themselves: making so many characters in finecast that need to be updated or cut.

Even with some updated and some cut, we're still waiting on Trazyn and a few other things to get updated out of Necron to make the faction 'complete' at least in the plastic model sense, and that's the case with many other codexes.

Makes me wonder what may get cut or what may get updated from future codexes. Drukhari might get updated Grotesques but end up sacrificing the Beastmaster and all his beasts. Sisters of Battle may get updated Priests, but say goodbye to Death Cult Assassins. Who knows.

I know it hits a dead horse a bit but Primaris Lieutenants and Captains and Space Marine Heroes show that GW could replace any Failcast character in any other army within half a year if they wanted to. (I also know there are even some SM chars in failcast left which is even more puzzling).

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/01 07:24:38

Post by: DreadfullyHopeful

Sgt. Cortez wrote:

I know it hits a dead horse a bit but Primaris Lieutenants and Captains and Space Marine Heroes show that GW could replace any Failcast character in any other army within half a year if they wanted to. (I also know there are even some SM chars in failcast left which is even more puzzling).

The thinking heads at GW must think that brand new space marines characters move more boxes off the shelves then old finecast marines. Even named ones ?

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/01 08:19:29

Post by: tneva82

chaos0xomega wrote:
Curious what the HH battlebox will be, battlebox usually means two opposed armies, as opposed to battleforce which means one army - unless they consider like the Age of Darkness box to be a battlebox because its technically half Imperial Fists half Sons of Horus?

They are doing quite a lot of characters with mkiv armour now so wouldn't be surprise if it's just box to introduce new version of mkiv armour much like mkiii got now.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Sgt. Cortez wrote:
drbored wrote:
we're feeling the result of a situation that GW created for themselves: making so many characters in finecast that need to be updated or cut.

Even with some updated and some cut, we're still waiting on Trazyn and a few other things to get updated out of Necron to make the faction 'complete' at least in the plastic model sense, and that's the case with many other codexes.

Makes me wonder what may get cut or what may get updated from future codexes. Drukhari might get updated Grotesques but end up sacrificing the Beastmaster and all his beasts. Sisters of Battle may get updated Priests, but say goodbye to Death Cult Assassins. Who knows.

I know it hits a dead horse a bit but Primaris Lieutenants and Captains and Space Marine Heroes show that GW could replace any Failcast character in any other army within half a year if they wanted to. (I also know there are even some SM chars in failcast left which is even more puzzling).

You assume Oberon etc would sell as much as marine models

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/01 08:27:04

Post by: vipoid

tneva82 wrote:
You assume Oberon etc would sell as much as marine models

Why even have other armies at all?

Just scrap all of them and make the game Marines vs. Marines, as they are apparently the only models that anyone ever buys.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/01 08:38:19

Post by: Matrindur

 vipoid wrote:
tneva82 wrote:
You assume Oberon etc would sell as much as marine models

Why even have other armies at all?

Just scrap all of them and make the game Marines vs. Marines, as they are apparently the only models that anyone ever buys.

They already did that, its called Horus Heresy

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/01 08:42:17

Post by: Sgt. Cortez

 vipoid wrote:
tneva82 wrote:
You assume Oberon etc would sell as much as marine models

Why even have other armies at all?

Just scrap all of them and make the game Marines vs. Marines, as they are apparently the only models that anyone ever buys.

Despite having produced a plastic kit GW also made 28 different monopose models of plastic Plague Marines.
As a DG Player I'm happy about that but If they can do that for a subfaction it makes you wonder.
And to answer tneva: yes, I do think Oberon would sell more than "Plague Marine with an Icon" which you can get far cheaper in a troop box or "Plague Champion with fist" which you have already 3 of if you only bought the starter kits in 8th.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/01 10:30:54

Post by: dan2026

tneva82 wrote:
chaos0xomega wrote:
Curious what the HH battlebox will be, battlebox usually means two opposed armies, as opposed to battleforce which means one army - unless they consider like the Age of Darkness box to be a battlebox because its technically half Imperial Fists half Sons of Horus?

They are doing quite a lot of characters with mkiv armour now so wouldn't be surprise if it's just box to introduce new version of mkiv armour much like mkiii got now.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Sgt. Cortez wrote:
drbored wrote:
we're feeling the result of a situation that GW created for themselves: making so many characters in finecast that need to be updated or cut.

Even with some updated and some cut, we're still waiting on Trazyn and a few other things to get updated out of Necron to make the faction 'complete' at least in the plastic model sense, and that's the case with many other codexes.

Makes me wonder what may get cut or what may get updated from future codexes. Drukhari might get updated Grotesques but end up sacrificing the Beastmaster and all his beasts. Sisters of Battle may get updated Priests, but say goodbye to Death Cult Assassins. Who knows.

I know it hits a dead horse a bit but Primaris Lieutenants and Captains and Space Marine Heroes show that GW could replace any Failcast character in any other army within half a year if they wanted to. (I also know there are even some SM chars in failcast left which is even more puzzling).

You assume Oberon etc would sell as much as marine models

Well I doun't doubt he would come in a set with Zahndrekh.
But yeah I think that would do better that Primaris Lieutenant number #122233 only this one has a slightly different hat.

Trazyn definately would. He's easily the Necrons most popular character.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/01 10:33:11

Post by: H.B.M.C.

The fact that Trazyn didn't get a new mini and hasn't been removed from the new Codex implies to me that he has one, but he's delayed for some event or something.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/01 10:48:19

Post by: Overread

Considering that Tyranids have been slowly getting models from codex 2 or 3 editions ago that were announced and never released. I'd wager that GW will bring back removed models that are gone because their current version is only in finecast and GW are pushing that out of their system very aggressively.

It just means that he will appear in an expansion book or a later codex; annoying yes, but its no-models-no-rules which has its up and downsides as a policy (even if most of the downsides are issues created by GW on their own, often in earlier editions)

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/01 12:18:22

Post by: GaroRobe

Trazyn not being in the Codex is strange, and I guess that lessens the chance of him dropping during the Black Library preview.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/01 12:29:37

Post by: Dawnbringer

 GaroRobe wrote:
Trazyn not being in the Codex is strange, and I guess that lessens the chance of him dropping during the Black Library preview.

That wasn't what HMBC said. He's in the codex, but still has his old model. Which implies a new one is likely in the pipeline.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/01 12:32:40

Post by: ProfSrlojohn

Sgt. Cortez wrote:
drbored wrote:
we're feeling the result of a situation that GW created for themselves: making so many characters in finecast that need to be updated or cut.

Even with some updated and some cut, we're still waiting on Trazyn and a few other things to get updated out of Necron to make the faction 'complete' at least in the plastic model sense, and that's the case with many other codexes.

Makes me wonder what may get cut or what may get updated from future codexes. Drukhari might get updated Grotesques but end up sacrificing the Beastmaster and all his beasts. Sisters of Battle may get updated Priests, but say goodbye to Death Cult Assassins. Who knows.

I know it hits a dead horse a bit but Primaris Lieutenants and Captains and Space Marine Heroes show that GW could replace any Failcast character in any other army within half a year if they wanted to. (I also know there are even some SM chars in failcast left which is even more puzzling).

Not even named chars. To this day there has never been a plastic firstborn techmarine, and the only plastic techmarine is the primaris one with his stupid little bolter on a stick, weird grabby arm, and only grav weapon in the whol fething primaris range.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/01 12:39:41

Post by: xttz

 Dawnbringer wrote:
 GaroRobe wrote:
Trazyn not being in the Codex is strange, and I guess that lessens the chance of him dropping during the Black Library preview.

That wasn't what HMBC said. He's in the codex, but still has his old model. Which implies a new one is likely in the pipeline.

Yeah considering what happened with Tyranids last year it's probably just a matter of time for Trazyn. I guess they'll do another Psychic Awakening / Arks of Omen event in the latter half of 10e.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/01 12:42:25

Post by: Kanluwen

They don't have to wait to do it. They can just poof it in whenever.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/01 14:29:41

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Garo mentioned the Black Library preview. He could show up there alongside a new book that features him.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/01 17:34:38

Post by: MajorWesJanson

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
The fact that Trazyn didn't get a new mini and hasn't been removed from the new Codex implies to me that he has one, but he's delayed for some event or something.

New Trayzin model could show up in say a "Acquisition Brigade" box as a tie in to the new Crusade setting

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/01 17:56:36

Post by: Lord Damocles

Imagine a world in which, instead of getting a new Necron Lord with teleportermajig-which-isn't-a-veil-of-darkness, we got a generic Vargard model, with optional parts to make Obyron.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/01 18:20:44

Post by: tneva82

 MajorWesJanson wrote:
 H.B.M.C. wrote:
The fact that Trazyn didn't get a new mini and hasn't been removed from the new Codex implies to me that he has one, but he's delayed for some event or something.

New Trayzin model could show up in say a "Acquisition Brigade" box as a tie in to the new Crusade setting

Or not.

It's not like every model(even fincast) gets replaced in 1st codex that comes along.

Codex isn't "every fincast model gets new model" event. Multiple codexes can come and still have finecast. Codexes have limited # of kits they can have and necrons are neither starter box army nor complete makeover army which means # kits get is limited. Still higher than average though. But next models could just as well be with 11th codex in 2027.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/02 01:30:19

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Ok. Thanks for the input.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/02 03:48:49

Post by: Snrub

tneva82 wrote:
Codexes have limited # of kits they can have
Good god you talk a lot of gak.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/02 09:00:56

Post by: tneva82

 Snrub wrote:
tneva82 wrote:
Codexes have limited # of kits they can have
Good god you talk a lot of gak.

Lol. Maybe you should follow how GW plans these things more

Here's example of how GW has done these. Eldar jetbikes. They were done and ready to go long time before they did. But then they also made new wraithguard & wraithknights. GW COULD have released them BOTH. But instead they opted to keep jetbikes for future release and released just the wraith stuff.
They only wanted couple SKU's for eldar in that release so ALREADY DESIGNED JETBIKES HAD TO WAIT.

That's how GW works. They don't release everything as soon as it's done. We can only guess how much they have waiting for suitable release slot. Wouldn't surprise me if they had new grave guard waiting for AOS 4th edition soulblight ready for example. Maybe 6th mega gargant. Something for marines pretty much given.

You really should follow how GW operates and not just assume GW chucks out products as soon as it's done.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/02 09:33:43

Post by: xttz

tneva82 wrote:

That's how GW works. They don't release everything as soon as it's done.

Yeah it's pretty clear by now they have a couple of rules that marketing will follow:

1) Don't overload the customer with too much stuff at once. Selling customers 2-3 updated characters with their new codex is realistic, but very few people are going to drop £150+ on just 5-6 models in one go. As most sales of new releases happen in the first month, overcrowding the release schedule just means more products will undersell.

2) Every model release is planned alongside other products. It might be a codex, a campaign book, Black Library release, or subsidised by an army / battle boxed set. But they don't just release single kits at random without some kind of coordination.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/02 09:57:30

Post by: Geifer

Isn't getting rid of Finecast much less of a priority for GW by now? I thought the Finecast we know and love is long gone and GW switched to letting Forge World do their resin casting for the main games a few years ago? As long as they keep staff and machines around for all the Forge World stuff, they're casting resin models anyway and there's less pressure to get rid of an unwanted casting medium.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/02 10:25:22

Post by: Snrub

tneva82 wrote:
Lol. Maybe you should follow how GW plans these things more

Here's example of how GW has done these. Eldar jetbikes. They were done and ready to go long time before they did. But then they also made new wraithguard & wraithknights. GW COULD have released them BOTH. But instead they opted to keep jetbikes for future release and released just the wraith stuff.
They only wanted couple SKU's for eldar in that release so ALREADY DESIGNED JETBIKES HAD TO WAIT.

That's how GW works. They don't release everything as soon as it's done. We can only guess how much they have waiting for suitable release slot. Wouldn't surprise me if they had new grave guard waiting for AOS 4th edition soulblight ready for example. Maybe 6th mega gargant. Something for marines pretty much given.

You really should follow how GW operates and not just assume GW chucks out products as soon as it's done.
Good god you talk a lot of gak.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/02 10:27:24

Post by: Olthannon

Anyone else seeing the admech and necron preorders back in stock on the GW website?

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/02 11:50:00

Post by: Gimgamgoo

 Olthannon wrote:
Anyone else seeing the admech and necron preorders back in stock on the GW website?

I did notice the Admech Datacards have now arrived, unannouced.
Mind you, I find trying to see the pre-orders all in one place like I could with the old website, an impossible task.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/02 16:31:19

Post by: grouch666

 Olthannon wrote:
Anyone else seeing the admech and necron preorders back in stock on the GW website?

I did find that odd because I am sure the Limited edition codexes went out of stock last weekend. Something naughty going on or loads of cancellations.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/02 20:50:53

Post by: Sgt. Cortez

 Geifer wrote:
Isn't getting rid of Finecast much less of a priority for GW by now? I thought the Finecast we know and love is long gone and GW switched to letting Forge World do their resin casting for the main games a few years ago? As long as they keep staff and machines around for all the Forge World stuff, they're casting resin models anyway and there's less pressure to get rid of an unwanted casting medium.

Nah, they just dropped the Finecast designation, but it's still the same old rubbish it was since the start. And there are worlds between failcast and FW resin. Failcast is easily the worst stuff on the market (and I have a lot of resin minis from 1guy garage companies), while Forgeworld resin can sometimes be hit or miss but overall their newer stuff can compete with some of the best resin models out there.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/04 12:31:55

Post by: Matrindur

New Valrak rumour video:
Dark Angel boxset:
Will be out in February with preorder likely in late January
Contents are Belial, 10 Terminators, 5 Deathwing Knights and the Codex

No info if there is a upgrade sprue inside but the contents are slightly cheaper than other army sets so I would say its likely

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/04 13:00:04

Post by: cuda1179

 Matrindur wrote:
New Valrak rumour video:
Dark Angel boxset:
Will be out in February with preorder likely in late January
Contents are Belial, 10 Terminators, 5 Deathwing Knights and the Codex

No info if there is a upgrade sprue inside but the contents are slightly cheaper than normal so I would say its likely

Only 16 models, but they are terminators. Honestly, I could think of worse choices. This could be a 750 point box set. Tempting for someone just wanting to dabble in the game and not have to carry around huge cases.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/04 13:30:12

Post by: xttz

My DA army is mostly 15-year-old poorly painted Deathwing, so this box is fairly tempting. Especially given that I've kept the pushfit Leviathan terminators untouched waiting to see if DA will get a new upgrade sprue that can be kitbashed with them.

This one box might fix up all my DW in one go.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/05 19:32:03

Post by: Xirix

 Matrindur wrote:
New Valrak rumour video:
Dark Angel boxset:
Will be out in February with preorder likely in late January
Contents are Belial, 10 Terminators, 5 Deathwing Knights and the Codex

No info if there is a upgrade sprue inside but the contents are slightly cheaper than other army sets so I would say its likely

I can't imagine them releasing a DA themed box set without an upgrade sprue with Plasma Cannon etc for the Termies.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/05 21:02:03

Post by: chaos0xomega

other rumors I've seen indicate a DA upgrade sprue is coming. Seeing a couple plasma based weapons on the sprue doesn't seem unreasonable.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/05 21:07:22

Post by: Kanluwen

chaos0xomega wrote:
other rumors I've seen indicate a DA upgrade sprue is coming. Seeing a couple plasma based weapons on the sprue doesn't seem unreasonable.

For sheer pettiness, I hope it doesn't include them. It was daft how badly the other Founding Legions got treated with their sprues.

It's been a wild ride of missed opportunity after missed opportunity for the basic Codex Chapters.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/05 21:11:15

Post by: Lord Damocles

Go on, GW; put a plasma blaster on the upgrade sprue. Do it.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/05 23:32:59

Post by: cuda1179

 Kanluwen wrote:
chaos0xomega wrote:
other rumors I've seen indicate a DA upgrade sprue is coming. Seeing a couple plasma based weapons on the sprue doesn't seem unreasonable.

For sheer pettiness, I hope it doesn't include them. It was daft how badly the other Founding Legions got treated with their sprues.

It's been a wild ride of missed opportunity after missed opportunity for the basic Codex Chapters.

It would be funny if the upgrade sprue contained the Plasma Blaster, making the relic terminators legal again.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/05 23:41:51

Post by: Dawnbringer

 Kanluwen wrote:
chaos0xomega wrote:
other rumors I've seen indicate a DA upgrade sprue is coming. Seeing a couple plasma based weapons on the sprue doesn't seem unreasonable.

For sheer pettiness, I hope it doesn't include them. It was daft how badly the other Founding Legions got treated with their sprues.

It's been a wild ride of missed opportunity after missed opportunity for the basic Codex Chapters.

It's not like the DA don't have a mediocre primaris upgrade sprue. If they get a new better one, it'll be years after the first came out. And it's not just the 'codex' chapters that suffer. At least Imperial Fists snd Ultras get a power weapon / fist. Wolves and Blood Angels just get a chainsword.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/06 00:02:48

Post by: Kanluwen

 Dawnbringer wrote:
 Kanluwen wrote:
chaos0xomega wrote:
other rumors I've seen indicate a DA upgrade sprue is coming. Seeing a couple plasma based weapons on the sprue doesn't seem unreasonable.

For sheer pettiness, I hope it doesn't include them. It was daft how badly the other Founding Legions got treated with their sprues.

It's been a wild ride of missed opportunity after missed opportunity for the basic Codex Chapters.

It's not like the DA don't have a mediocre primaris upgrade sprue.

Which they got with the initial Primaris drop, alongside a unique Lieutenant for their Chapter.
If they get a new better one, it'll be years after the first came out.

Yeah, it's not like they've gotten:
-A unique Captain with a named character build as an alternate.
-A unique Lieutenant sculpt/loadout.
-Their Primarch returned
-A revamp of one of their older character figures.

And also they have a release wave coming with a unique unit and another redone character.
And it's not just the 'codex' chapters that suffer. At least Imperial Fists snd Ultras get a power weapon / fist.

Power Fists/Power Weapons are on the Assault Intercessor sprue.

Wolves and Blood Angels just get a chainsword.

...and unique Primaris units, plus upgraded characters.

It's time for the other Founding Legions to get something beyond a token character and upgrade sprue.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/06 00:43:44

Post by: H.B.M.C.

 Kanluwen wrote:
Power Fists/Power Weapons are on the Assault Intercessor sprue.
Which came out quite a bit after those upgrade sprues came out. For a time these were the only places one could get Primaris Power Swords/Fists/Thunder Hammers.

 Kanluwen wrote:
It's time for the other Founding Legions to get something beyond a token character and upgrade sprue.
Just say "Raven Guard", because that's what you mean.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/06 14:31:18

Post by: pjklan


Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/06 21:41:13

Post by: alextroy

There is also an update to the other marine indexes. It is all about which units can lead Assault Intercessors, Assault Intercessors with Jump Packs, Company Heroes, and Sternguard Veterans.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/08 21:22:39

Post by: gigasnail

where did you find this on the site? i'm trying to point someone to it and it's not in the downloads section (unless i'm blind which isn't impossible or even unlikely).

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/09 00:40:03

Post by: Matrindur

 gigasnail wrote:

where did you find this on the site? i'm trying to point someone to it and it's not in the downloads section (unless i'm blind which isn't impossible or even unlikely).

Its the very first entry in the 40k download section for me, under key downloads at the top.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/09 07:24:28

Post by: gigasnail

i may need to clear my cache or something. it says munitorum was last updated in june or something for me.

EDIT: nevermind, they post dates the in day/month/year format, and i'm not very smart.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/09 07:32:56

Post by: ZergSmasher

I was looking at the updated Dark Angels index to see what new units the characters can now join, and hoo boy are there some strange inconsistencies. For some reason Ezekiel and Asmodai can join Company Heroes, although if they do the unit will go poof as it cannot also have a captain with those characters and is destroyed if there is no Captain/Chapter Master attached. Also for some reason neither Ezekiel nor Asmodai can join regular Intercessors, and Lazarus, despite being a captain, cannot join Company Heroes. Oh GW, never change...

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/09 08:12:09

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Shows how much they play their own game.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/09 08:31:55

Post by: Lord Damocles

I wonder if the update was penned by the same jallopy who can't tell the difference between a chainfist and a narthecium?

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/09 15:18:47

Post by: Shadow Walker

New model from BL.

[Thumb - JbLyPH6w1EYrZVT7.jpg]
[Thumb - jKkhTlz2mgS1n3ih.jpg]

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/09 20:01:00

Post by: Mr_Rose

Is he a Mek or what? Not a lot of orks into hammers…

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/09 20:29:50

Post by: Shadow Walker

 Mr_Rose wrote:
Is he a Mek or what? Not a lot of orks into hammers…

He is not a Mek but he is part of Waaagh led by the Big Mek.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/09 20:45:00

Post by: Mr_Rose

 Shadow Walker wrote:
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Is he a Mek or what? Not a lot of orks into hammers…

He is not a Mek but he is part of Waaagh led by the Big Mek.

Cool, nice to see someone remembered that Mekbosses exist.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/09 21:41:01

Post by: AduroT

 ZergSmasher wrote:
Also for some reason neither Ezekiel nor Asmodai can join regular Intercessors,

They’re not Primaris yet. In the base Marines book Vulkan has the same issues with limited units he can join, though they did let him join Infernus and Assault Intercessors.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/09 22:30:04

Post by: lord_blackfang

That's a pretty cool Ork, are Black Library minis available at indy retailers?

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/09 22:37:10

Post by: Kanluwen

 lord_blackfang wrote:
That's a pretty cool Ork, are Black Library minis available at indy retailers?

They should be able to get it, if it's not a regular stock item.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/09 22:55:09

Post by: Snrub

Model's a touch busy for my tates, but the weapons are both cool and I can see it being the basis for many a fine conversion. Tripod-cum-tactical rock squig not withstanding.
Biggest gripe, as with all the modern orks, is that head is terrible and needs to be changed.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/09 22:58:29

Post by: MajorWesJanson

This head is quite good. I just think he needs to be darker green.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/10 00:29:50

Post by: Tim the Biovore

He's about as decorated as you'd want a Bad Moon to be

Though if you cut up the moon glyphs and gave him a snazzy new hat, he'd also make a fine Freebooter

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/10 05:52:36

Post by: Rolsheen

Has the Ballistus Dreadnought been released yet?

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/11 00:10:52

Post by: Irbis

tneva82 wrote:
Here's example of how GW has done these. Eldar jetbikes. They were done and ready to go long time before they did. But then they also made new wraithguard & wraithknights. GW COULD have released them BOTH. But instead they opted to keep jetbikes for future release and released just the wraith stuff.

They only wanted couple SKU's for eldar in that release so ALREADY DESIGNED JETBIKES HAD TO WAIT.

That's how GW works. They don't release everything as soon as it's done. We can only guess how much they have waiting for suitable release slot. Wouldn't surprise me if they had new grave guard waiting for AOS 4th edition soulblight ready for example. Maybe 6th mega gargant. Something for marines pretty much given.

You really should follow how GW operates and not just assume GW chucks out products as soon as it's done.

Funny with that last line, because it applies first and foremost to the above (which is laughably wrong). GW does WIP mockups and concepts, yes, but these tend to differ in a lot of details from the finished product and if it's not moved to sprue design stages, it means the design was not accepted for whatever reason and is sent back to drawing board. It's not ""ready"", it's still just a pitch (like, say, oh, the Eldar jetbikes which differed a lot from initial models, being only oh, completely rescaled in proportions of individual parts and had options changed).

Or Atomantic Pavise for Horus Heresy, which went through 4 or 5 revisions since 2013 or so, changing look each time, and it still is not released yet. I guess it's waiting for that mythical new release/book, one decade/whole new edition of HH (and 20+ new dread models that could use it but can't due to lack of bit that were released in meantime) later?

And yes, they do release everything as soon as they can find production slot. Try paying attention to Sisters of Battle/World Eater/Cities of Sigmar ranges where we saw progress in real time and they were dumped pretty much immediately after being finished plus time needed to produce boxes/sprues/books/etc stuff needed for release. Or interviews with Jes Goodwin who pretty much confirmed the aim to close the design and release/produce, at least for the stuff company ordered (some, like DE or SA ranges are pitches from sculptors but even in these cases GW pushed to produce them ASAP after they were accepted, funny that).

And it's the production slots that are the bottleneck here, GW already runs their machines constantly and they would love to produce more but physically can't. Sitting on ready (as opposed to concepts and WIPs) product means you pay your workers for highly expensive creative work that costs you money while earning nothing. In what universe does this strike you as good/sane business decision?

As for the dumb grave guard/SM speculation, yeah, no. Just look at Space Marine II, they only got half of the new SM/Tyranid designs from edition starter box, the most important GW product of three year cycle, something that had absolute priority, simply because other designs weren't done yet and the game had to make do with ancient resin Lictor design among others. Yeah, sure, they were instead designing obscure units for literally who faction that won't get any production slots for the next 18-24 months at least (or more likely 36+ because they just got big model dump). This makes any sense how, again?

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/11 07:20:25

Post by: AduroT

The Necron Lord that just came out this weekend appeared in a Rumor Engine post over two years ago…

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/11 07:45:25

Post by: Bob Lorgar

So he's an Ork that can't lift his own gun and needs help from a squiq? That won't get him beat up by the other Orks or anything...

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/11 08:08:28

Post by: Snord

Bob Lorgar wrote:
So he's an Ork that can't lift his own gun and needs help from a squiq? That won't get him beat up by the other Orks or anything...

He's not puny, he's just lazy. Typical Bad Moon...

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/11 08:57:45

Post by: Mr_Rose

Probably an aimin’ squig, like the one the Flash Gitz nob has. I’m mor interested in dat ‘ammer - looks like it’s got some sort of power gubbins or something.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/11 09:30:37

Post by: Shadow Walker

So here goes the hope for the new, updated, multipart Carnifex kit. Screamer is the same push fit from the Leviathan, sharing sprue with Neurotyrant.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/11 09:33:53

Post by: tneva82

We knew on day leviathan sprues was shown that sprue comes to sale.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/11 11:34:59

Post by: chaos0xomega

 Shadow Walker wrote:
So here goes the hope for the new, updated, multipart Carnifex kit. Screamer is the same push fit from the Leviathan, sharing sprue with Neurotyrant.

I wouldn't hope too hard, ask csm players how the wait for a standalone venomcrawler is going.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/11 11:44:19

Post by: Shadow Walker

chaos0xomega wrote:
 Shadow Walker wrote:
So here goes the hope for the new, updated, multipart Carnifex kit. Screamer is the same push fit from the Leviathan, sharing sprue with Neurotyrant.

I wouldn't hope too hard, ask csm players how the wait for a standalone venomcrawler is going.

Yeah, I should know better, hope is the first step on the road to disappointment after all

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/11 12:39:04

Post by: H.B.M.C.

tneva82 wrote:
We knew on day leviathan sprues was shown that sprue comes to sale.
No we didn't. There's always a chance that some things would get full release kits.

 Shadow Walker wrote:
So here goes the hope for the new, updated, multipart Carnifex kit.
You think a new Carnifex kit would be in any way as flexible and option-rich as the current one?

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/11 14:30:10

Post by: chaos0xomega

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
You think a new Carnifex kit would be in any way as flexible and option-rich as the current one?

I sure don't. Im perfectly happy and content with the current kit.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/11 15:48:13

Post by: Shadow Walker

 H.B.M.C. wrote:

You think a new Carnifex kit would be in any way as flexible and option-rich as the current one?

Experience so far tells me that some options would be lost but I still would prefer one carnie kit rather than two, each looking like a separate species rather than the same unit that is simply differently armed.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/11 15:51:50

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

chaos0xomega wrote:
 Shadow Walker wrote:
So here goes the hope for the new, updated, multipart Carnifex kit. Screamer is the same push fit from the Leviathan, sharing sprue with Neurotyrant.

I wouldn't hope too hard, ask csm players how the wait for a standalone venomcrawler is going.

How’s the wait for a standalone venomcrawler going?

*runs away giggling*

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/11 15:55:28

Post by: Platuan4th

Bob Lorgar wrote:
So he's an Ork that can't lift his own gun and needs help from a squiq? That won't get him beat up by the other Orks or anything...

He lifts the gun without Princess just fine in the book. This is just to improve his aim.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/11 15:55:42

Post by: Overread

In some ways a new Carny could end up being 4 or 5 individual models. Screamer Killer; Old One Eye; Crusher; and then some carny with light guns and one with heavy guns.

It lets GW release more models and have less modular carnifex kits; at the same time I could see the Carny losing an option or two along the way. If just because we have better options now - eg a fex with venom cannon was the go-too anti tank; but now we've the Rupture Cannon on a Tyrannofex that's just vastly superior as a choice.

The worst option loss in the Tyranid range right now are the Warriors which have lost all their close combat weapon variety. I still think this is cause there's a new warrior kit in the works that has swapped the close combat weapons for wing options which will bring the warriors into line with the new winged prime. So we'd have ranged options or winged close combat; with fewer close combat weapon options so that GW didn't have to increase the sprue count to add the wings

That's my going theory supported by the lack of close combat weapon variety in the codex and the choice to give the leader-prime model wings, which right now are near useless if its leading a unit because its the only model in the unit with wings attached.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/11 16:03:03

Post by: chaos0xomega

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
chaos0xomega wrote:
 Shadow Walker wrote:
So here goes the hope for the new, updated, multipart Carnifex kit. Screamer is the same push fit from the Leviathan, sharing sprue with Neurotyrant.

I wouldn't hope too hard, ask csm players how the wait for a standalone venomcrawler is going.

How’s the wait for a standalone venomcrawler going?

*runs away giggling*

AWFUL! It will have been 5 years without a standalone kit this coming March!

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/11 16:03:53

Post by: Shadow Walker

 Overread wrote:

The worst option loss in the Tyranid range right now are the Warriors which have lost all their close combat weapon variety. I still think this is cause there's a new warrior kit in the works that has swapped the close combat weapons for wing options which will bring the warriors into line with the new winged prime. So we'd have ranged options or winged close combat; with fewer close combat weapon options so that GW didn't have to increase the sprue count to add the wings

That's my going theory supported by the lack of close combat weapon variety in the codex and the choice to give the leader-prime model wings, which right now are near useless if its leading a unit because its the only model in the unit with wings attached.

I think you are right, especially now when Prime is released separately. Warriors will probably have talons as their only cc, Shrikes being pure cc variant like their Prime.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/11 16:28:40

Post by: Overread

 Shadow Walker wrote:
 Overread wrote:

The worst option loss in the Tyranid range right now are the Warriors which have lost all their close combat weapon variety. I still think this is cause there's a new warrior kit in the works that has swapped the close combat weapons for wing options which will bring the warriors into line with the new winged prime. So we'd have ranged options or winged close combat; with fewer close combat weapon options so that GW didn't have to increase the sprue count to add the wings

That's my going theory supported by the lack of close combat weapon variety in the codex and the choice to give the leader-prime model wings, which right now are near useless if its leading a unit because its the only model in the unit with wings attached.

I think you are right, especially now when Prime is released separately. Warriors will probably have talons as their only cc, Shrikes being pure cc variant like their Prime.

Yeah, I'd still have liked GW to leave the warriors alone and given the Shrikes their very own kit totally built for flying from the ground up; but if we get shrikes and warriors in one kit I won't be sad.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 03:08:17

Post by: Matrindur

Dark Angels leaks:


Whats interesting is that these very much look like back of the box images but then why are both Belial and Asmodai on the same one?
The rumoured DA boxset only has Belial in it if I remember correctly? So either that changed or there might be a Dark Angels character box?

Edit: likely not the back of a box but the codex instead

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 03:10:13

Post by: chaos0xomega

Kinda looks like it might be photos of a screenshot of an unpublished warcom article or whatever. Or photos of a codex page?

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 03:11:56

Post by: Matrindur

chaos0xomega wrote:
Or photos of a codex page?

Thats likely it.

Which does mean the Companions aren't necessarily a 3-man squad as the codex often doesn't show every model of a box in their showcase section. 

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 07:05:28

Post by: Dudeface

 Matrindur wrote:
chaos0xomega wrote:
Or photos of a codex page?

Thats likely it.

Which does mean the Companions aren't necessarily a 3-man squad as the codex often doesn't show every model of a box in their showcase section. 

They look like a bladeguard equivalent so I fully expect 3 man units tbh in line with other primaris elite dudes.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 07:49:07

Post by: Matrindur

Dudeface wrote:
 Matrindur wrote:
chaos0xomega wrote:
Or photos of a codex page?

Thats likely it.

Which does mean the Companions aren't necessarily a 3-man squad as the codex often doesn't show every model of a box in their showcase section. 

They look like a bladeguard equivalent so I fully expect 3 man units tbh in line with other primaris elite dudes.

According to Valraks newest video they are a 3-man box as far as he was told so seems like they are DA bladeguard

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 08:42:40

Post by: GaroRobe

Kinda dumb they released bladeguard alongside the lion then. And made them deathwing

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 09:04:49

Post by: Shadow Walker

Ones from those photos look great. Hopefully more leaks soon.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 10:05:33

Post by: Kanluwen

Angels appear for Christmas Day


Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 10:12:09

Post by: Matrindur

Also better pictures for Belial and Companions:



Love that upgrade sprue and hope we'll get those for every chapter (or at least for BA/SW)

Also if we estimate the price for Belial/Deathwing Knights/Upgrade sprue based on existing kits and add the codex and datacard prices, the army set would have about 312€ inside which at the last army set prices of 170€ would be a 46% discount. The last few army sets had about 43% discount so seems believable.
The assumed prices are: 35€ for Belial as he should be a bit more expensive than the pushfit Terminator Librarian, 55€ for the Deathwing Knights (same as the Terminators), 27€ for the upgrade sprue (same as the Cadian and BT ones) and the same prices for the Codex and Datacards as the current stuff so 46€ and 12€

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 10:22:41

Post by: Shadow Walker

At least 3 Rumour Engines are solved?

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 10:30:55

Post by: NAVARRO

Wow a box full of termis thats is going to sell out in minus 10 minutes.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 10:34:14

Post by: Mr_Rose

 Matrindur wrote:
Love that upgrade sprue and hope we'll get those for every chapter (or at least for BA/SW)

I just hope that when it comes to the SW upgrade sprue, they remember that other Great Companies exist and that the blackmaned wolf is not the chapter symbol.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 10:35:22

Post by: H.B.M.C.

Pretty cool. The Plasma Cannon is ace. I like Belial (I swear, if you painted the un-hooded head black he'd be a dead ringer for Teal'c).

But... would it have killed them to put 3 of the Ravenwing spines on the sprue?

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 10:39:46

Post by: Sotahullu


I noticed that if you look bottom right corner you can see transfer sheet for DA but that it also includes transfers for other chapters. Lovely.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 10:46:01

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Very sexy!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I’m…I’m gonna end up doing Dark Angels in Epic, Heresy and 40K, aren’t I?

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 11:08:45

Post by: lord_blackfang

Nice sprue. I'll agree that it should have more winged hussar bits.

Companions are Fallen?

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 11:12:32

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Well, Risen

This is the first such boxed set I’m actually kind of tempted by.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 11:16:19

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

 Shadow Walker wrote:
At least 3 Rumour Engines are solved?

Looks like five. Yesterday's, the bolter, the sword sheath, the censer and the skeleton with the cross.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 11:47:54

Post by: Scottywan82

So, are they showing us the rest of them too? Or just the ones people manage to leak?

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 11:50:52

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Who knows?

I think we can reasonably assume the article was written ahead of time, and they just changed the ‘go live’ time. So I suspect the others will also be ready to go.

When we might see them? Who knows.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 11:59:01

Post by: Kanluwen

 Scottywan82 wrote:
So, are they showing us the rest of them too? Or just the ones people manage to leak?

There were 2 Old World and 2 Age of Sigmar videos hidden yesterday but no 40k.

I think this one is out of sequence.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 12:01:04

Post by: Inquisitor Gideon

Well it's pretty obvious what the old world are going to be. Curious what's come for AoS.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 12:01:59

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Observation of the Box Art.

Two Chaos Terminators…with Power/Thunder Hammers.

Sign of a forthcoming kit refresh?

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 12:07:40

Post by: Kanluwen

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Observation of the Box Art.

Two Chaos Terminators…with Power/Thunder Hammers.

Sign of a forthcoming kit refresh?

One's very clearly meant to be a lord.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 12:19:50

Post by: BertBert

Companions look ace. Can't wait to buy them once they get their general release.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 12:27:50

Post by: GaroRobe

Kind of an underwhelming upgrade sprue. I feel like the black Templar one had much more character, as did the old veteran upgrade version

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 12:31:18

Post by: Kanluwen

 GaroRobe wrote:
Kind of an underwhelming upgrade sprue. I feel like the black Templar one had much more character, as did the old veteran upgrade version

To be fair, the Templar one was weird. It basically was relics in model form.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 12:45:52

Post by: GaroRobe

I really love the use of firstborn helmets lately

[Thumb - 3F1842AF-BDE5-4C2C-B6D8-31D60F20D1D0.jpeg]

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 12:47:53

Post by: Matrindur

For anyone interested and who is also mixing up which SM kits use which shoulder pads like me the DA upgrade sprue has the following shoulder pads:

6 Tacticus shoulders pads on the bottom right with one being a sergeant variant in the middle used by Intercessors, Hellblasters, Suppressors, Desolation Marines and Infernus Marines,
5 Phobos pads also on the bottom right that are used by Incursors, Infiltrators, Reivers (and Eliminators but those can't really be switched due to the capes),
5 Gravis pads on the bottom left with one being a sergeant variant in the middle used by Heavy Intercessors, Eradicators and Inceptors,
3 Elite Gravis pads on the top left with one being a sergeant variant in the middle used by Aggressors,
5 Terminator pads on the top left with three being ornate variants in the middle used by Terminators,
3 Elite Tacticus pads on the top right used by Outriders and Bladeguard Veterans

What we don't have pads for are Sternguard Veterans, Assault Intercessors and Jump Pack Intercessors as they use a kind of pad with a full guard? on the trim instead of just being on the front half like the Elite Tacticus version.
Also the Scouts which use trimless pads.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 12:53:57

Post by: GaroRobe

Looks like a few heads are intended to be used for bladeguard veterans? So the inner circle won’t be replacing them

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 12:56:02

Post by: Sotahullu

 GaroRobe wrote:
Looks like a few heads are intended to be used for bladeguard veterans? So the inner circle won’t be replacing them

Well I expect that lot of those parts are interchangeable.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 13:20:55

Post by: SamusDrake

Very tempting but I'll save the cash for a new edition of Space Hulk.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 13:37:22

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Right. Now my mind has thrown it up I can’t unsee it. So it’s only fair under Internet Law I inflict this on as many as possible.

The Watcher In The Dark from the upgrade sprue bears a bizarre resemblance to a Game Show “Dolly Bird” showing off the prizes.

There. Enjoy.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 14:00:08

Post by: Scottywan82

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Observation of the Box Art.

Two Chaos Terminators…with Power/Thunder Hammers.

Sign of a forthcoming kit refresh?

That would be lovely. I miss having weapon options.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 14:08:53

Post by: Geifer

 Matrindur wrote:
Also if we estimate the price for Belial/Deathwing Knights/Upgrade sprue based on existing kits and add the codex and datacard prices, the army set would have about 312€ inside which at the last army set prices of 170€ would be a 46% discount. The last few army sets had about 43% discount so seems believable.
The assumed prices are: 35€ for Belial as he should be a bit more expensive than the pushfit Terminator Librarian, 55€ for the Deathwing Knights (same as the Terminators), 27€ for the upgrade sprue (same as the Cadian and BT ones) and the same prices for the Codex and Datacards as the current stuff so 46€ and 12€

Thanks for the calculation. I expect that the box will be a little more expensive than 170€ (if they stick with the price band to begin with) because of the annual price increase.

It would be a tempting box if I still played the game. I'd definitely want a modern version of my old Deathwing army.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 14:14:50

Post by: Irbis

Don't like Belial. This is one of the few examples where old model was better in every detail besides proportion, huge miss there

 GaroRobe wrote:
Kinda dumb they released bladeguard alongside the lion then. And made them deathwing

Because DA bladeguard are regular DA promoted to inner circle, similar to 30K companions, these seem to be primaris-ed Fallen loyal to Lion keeping eye on the whole DA mess for Lionel because he can't trust them after 10.000 years of routine betrayals of everyone around. That's why they wear black of old legion.

Pretty neat development, and certainly better than certain dumb fantasies of Lion just accepting all the above nonsense wholesale and jumping into deep end of treason himself, while completely ignoring his whole character development. I am shocked, I expected GW to just surrender to fanon again

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Observation of the Box Art.

Two Chaos Terminators…with Power/Thunder Hammers.

Sign of a forthcoming kit refresh?

I pointed out CSM termie champion (lord?) with two handed mace box art years ago and it never materialized so...

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 16:08:56

Post by: No One Important

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Right. Now my mind has thrown it up I can’t unsee it. So it’s only fair under Internet Law I inflict this on as many as possible.

The Watcher In The Dark from the upgrade sprue bears a bizarre resemblance to a Game Show “Dolly Bird” showing off the prizes.

There. Enjoy.

All I saw was purple, green, small, and carrying a book. Came to the obvious conclusion and wondered why Spike was wandering around without Twilight Sparkle.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 16:39:59

Post by: Mentlegen324

Some nice miniatures revealed today, but I really don't get why they used some of the christmas rumour engines to tease a miniature that would be shown only days later. One of them was just yesterday, even.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 16:41:03

Post by: Kanluwen

 Mentlegen324 wrote:
Some nice miniatures revealed today, but I really don't get why they used some of the christmas rumour engines to tease a miniature that would be shown only days later. One of them was just yesterday, even.

Reveals were supposed to be all throughout the week. There was, as of yesterday, no 40k videos hidden but 2 AoS and 2 TOW.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 16:41:19

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

The images were leaked sometime last night or this morning, so it seems GW just said “well sod you then” and released the main article.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 19:02:40

Post by: Voss

Companions are pretty nice (with some snipping and knife work. The censers and purity seals are a bit much), with a lot of little details. The huge vambraces aren't great, but the iconography is interesting.

Belial could be more boring, but it would take some effort.

All told, GW needs to decide if marine robes and hoods are for inside, outside or upside down on models. All at once is a bit much, especially with helmets.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 19:07:36

Post by: Mentlegen324

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
The images were leaked sometime last night or this morning, so it seems GW just said “well sod you then” and released the main article.

They said yesterday that there would be a "Huge reveal" today though, implying that this was meant to be what they were showing anyway regardless of a leak or not.

It just seems odd that at least 5 of the rumour engine picture from this christmas teaser stuff turned out to be something that would be shown within just a few weeks anyway. And from just 2 kits, even.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 19:13:16

Post by: Kanluwen

This isn't really "huge".

The reveal is literally Belial, the Companions, and the upgrade frame...which Lewis had mentioned already during the last stream.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 19:18:17

Post by: xttz

 Mentlegen324 wrote:

It just seems odd that at least 5 of the rumour engine picture from this christmas teaser stuff turned out to be something that would be shown within just a few weeks anyway. And from just 2 kits, even.

Wasn't it just a couple of years ago that they used the entire advent engine for models from a single boxed set? Also it pretty obvious within the first week what was coming because all the pics were from the same two factions.

 Kanluwen wrote:
This isn't really "huge".

Sure it is. It's a £130+ boxed set that will set out on release day for huge profit.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 19:24:21

Post by: Mentlegen324

 Kanluwen wrote:
This isn't really "huge".

The reveal is literally Belial, the Companions, and the upgrade frame...which Lewis had mentioned already during the last stream.

It's an updated iconic character, a completely new unit, a quite large upgrade set, an army box, and the codex reveal. Alongside a video for it.

I wonder just what you consider a big reveal if somehow that isn't much to you.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 19:42:14

Post by: dienekes96

Last years reveal was Azrael. That’s it. This seems big.

Companions look fantastic.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 19:48:27

Post by: Kanluwen

 Mentlegen324 wrote:
 Kanluwen wrote:
This isn't really "huge".

The reveal is literally Belial, the Companions, and the upgrade frame...which Lewis had mentioned already during the last stream.

It's an updated iconic character, a completely new unit, a quite large upgrade set, an army box, and the codex reveal. Alongside a video for it.

I wonder just what you consider a big reveal if somehow that isn't much to you.

I would have considered an Old World army box as a "huge reveal"...even if they had already been leaked.
I would have considered an announcement of Solar Auxilia a "huge reveal".
I would have considered a reveal of something Kroot as "huge".
I would have considered a reveal of either of the Order/Death Warbands for Warcry to be "huge".
There's a ton of things I would have considered "huge".

I do not consider an army set, featuring a single new unit, a resculpted character and an upgrade set mentioned before on stream, and a unit we already had seen(the Deathwing Knights) along with an army book with recycled artwork that is known to be the next codex coming to be "huge".

As a reminder, this is what the Sunday Preview said:
We’re off to hang our stockings and finish all of our last-minute preparations, but you won’t be without articles to read on Warhammer Community in the gap between Christmas and New Year. Tune in tomorrow for a huge reveal, followed by something special on Boxing Day. Throughout the week, there will be teases for what’s coming in 2024, as well as the result of this year’s Miniature of the Year vote.

YMMV, but "army set for a space marine faction that's the next codex to come" isn't "huge reveal" material to me.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 19:58:12

Post by: Mentlegen324

 Kanluwen wrote:
 Mentlegen324 wrote:
 Kanluwen wrote:
This isn't really "huge".

The reveal is literally Belial, the Companions, and the upgrade frame...which Lewis had mentioned already during the last stream.

It's an updated iconic character, a completely new unit, a quite large upgrade set, an army box, and the codex reveal. Alongside a video for it.

I wonder just what you consider a big reveal if somehow that isn't much to you.

I would have considered an Old World army box as a "huge reveal"...even if they had already been leaked.
I would have considered an announcement of Solar Auxilia a "huge reveal".
I would have considered a reveal of something Kroot as "huge".
I would have considered a reveal of either of the Order/Death Warbands for Warcry to be "huge".
There's a ton of things I would have considered "huge".

I do not consider an army set, featuring a single new unit, a resculpted character and an upgrade set mentioned before on stream, and a unit we already had seen(the Deathwing Knights) along with an army book with recycled artwork that is known to be the next codex coming to be "huge".

As a reminder, this is what the Sunday Preview said:
We’re off to hang our stockings and finish all of our last-minute preparations, but you won’t be without articles to read on Warhammer Community in the gap between Christmas and New Year. Tune in tomorrow for a huge reveal, followed by something special on Boxing Day. Throughout the week, there will be teases for what’s coming in 2024, as well as the result of this year’s Miniature of the Year vote.

YMMV, but "army set for a space marine faction that's the next codex to come" isn't "huge reveal" material to me.

Well an updated iconic character model, a brand new unit, an upgrade sprue, a codex reveal, and an army box set with limited edition codex, all alongside a video for that, is clearly something that both GW themselves and the majority of others consider more than just a small reveal.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 20:02:21

Post by: Kanluwen

Again, the codex was already revealed.

They gave us this with Asmodai.

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 20:35:09

Post by: stonehorse

Maybe itnis my colourblind eyes, but arw thise Red robes on the Companions?

Shouldn't they be Dark Green or Cream?

Warhammer 40k news and rumours.  @ 2023/12/25 22:51:00

Post by: Lord Damocles

So... slightly different Bladeguard.

Yep. The variant codexes do continue to deliver.