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Graven's Bloggit 4th October, prepare to Enter the Deadzone!  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Mostly, on my phone.

Gitsplitta wrote:Nice work on the stone graven. I've tried that several times but it's never come out properly.

Most kind chum.
Don Qui Hotep wrote:Thanks for sharing the marble recipe! I got a bunch of fun terrain this holiday that I have to paint up, and it will be fun to experiment with marble effects. Dino fierce and Todd looks dangerous.
RIP Gloomhaven, never got a chance to try it myself. The card-based combat sounded neat, but what doesn't grab ya doesn't grab ya. Glad you're able to make a clean trade of it for more IA goodness.

Yeah, well, cutting my losses. I got the equivalent of retail value back on it so can't complain.
Sorry to yell. I got excited.
The statue dude looks good as well.
The backdrop for work calls is excellent. Quite professional indeed.

funny fella. Many thanks. Yeah, my colleagues were pleased by it

Right, so, it definitely seems that the theme of what I'm doing for the current dakka contest (New Tricks) is terrain.

Again, not quite finished, but nearly. New things here - 3D prints, and first time combining unpainted and painted elements in a finished piece. Osl still needs a bit more highlighting.

Because of issues with the prints, I'm also resculpting sections rather than binning them. I never, ever sculpt in milliput, so this is also a first. And with the statue, that'll be my 5 things
Speaking of terrain, I built the Reaper Astrolabe/Orrery/World Engine.

It's pretty big. How big is it?

Well that's a 60mm base Giant Robot Hellboy's on

On the matter of Hellboy, got my visitor bust painted up

Print painted up rather well, I think.
And did a fresh T3-M4 droid after we broke the last one

Didn't paint over the lens, just white dotted, allowed the clear blue to show through. Think the droid itself needs a little brown in the mix, even though it's pretty true to the colours it "should" be in.
Ended up finishing up the pylons and tidying up the portals.

Really happy with the gates. Pylons are... Ok, considering. A decent save. As well as the Harvesters that came the other day, the Guardian of Targa (xl epic boss) came today as well, so that's built and ready to ... surprise them on their otherworld adventures
Had a crazy follow up game with the boys, escaping from the Empire

They did very well, focusing on the mission objectives and not getting distracted. Next, off on a secret mission to Coruscant (shhhhh!) - and then, the finale! Maybe. If I don't force (ahem) another mission on them
Till then

Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."

Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven.  
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


Those pylons and gates look great! OSL effect looks cool but I’m most jealous of your gaming with the kids. Any chance to do an online campaign ;-)?
Made in jp
Incorporating Wet-Blending


NIce save on the sculpted parts-- I can't tell which is which. The glowy effects are a little rough, though.

Now showing the Kalyshi team for Dreadball, and WIP on a Strider for Deadzone!

Painting total as of 5/6/2024: 49 plus a set of modular spaceship terrain

Painting total for 2023: 79 plus 28 Battlemechs and a Dragon-Balrog

Made in us
Deranged Necron Destroyer

Nice work on the portals and pylons, the portals are sufficiently glowy and mystical.

My painting log is full of snakes
Have any retro, vintage, or out of print models? Show them off here!
Games I play: 40k (CSM, Necrons); AoS/Fantasy (Seraphon/Lizardmen); Warcry; Marvel Crisis Protocol; Wargods of Olympus/Aegyptus; Mythos 
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Mostly, on my phone.

Yorkright wrote: Those pylons and gates look great! OSL effect looks cool but I’m most jealous of your gaming with the kids. Any chance to do an online campaign ;-)?

Nah, I wish. My time is fast vanishing with online schooling :/
JoshInJapan wrote:NIce save on the sculpted parts-- I can't tell which is which. The glowy effects are a little rough, though.

Cheers chief. And I don't disagree, the Pylons are a bit ropey, granted.
Don Qui Hotep wrote:Nice work on the portals and pylons, the portals are sufficiently glowy and mystical.

Why thanks kindly!

So what's next?
Painted up Kaya the Bouncer from Supers Unlimited as DC's Terra:

Always been a fan of the character, and Kitbash games very kindly gave me her as a freebie (missed her in the first KS, inexplicably).

Also, I weathered the T3 droid.

Much happier, much more of that lived-in universe vibe. The odd thing next to it is a terminal - yes, I know, it doesn't look like much, but it holds the terminal tokens for IA (which flip in game). I mean, if you want a PROPER terminal:

Comms terminal objective. Nice wee print.
The printer now has the blast effects going, in trans blue this time. Then, the next batch is a mixed bag: couple of remora drones, Oni with naginata, different portals, and a pumpkin (test, for a Shadows scenario). After that, I've got 2 sets of Star wars prints sliced up: a set of doors and more terminals (dull, but necessary) and a mixed bag of evil: Jabba, Salacious Crumb, Krennik, Dr Aphra, and impressively grumpy looking KTS0. Need to get some AI scenery done after that. I've also found some excellent serpentine types I quite fancy printing up. Down the rabbit hole
On we go!

Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."

Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven.  
Made in us
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?

Affton, MO. USA

Your getting pretty good results with the printer already . Even the "bad" prints you have been able to fix and reuse.

Terra/Kaya is looking good.

LOL, Theo your mind is an amazing place, never change.-camkierhi 9/19/13
I cant believe theo is right.. damn. -comradepanda 9/26/13
None of the strange ideas we had about you involved your sexual orientation..........-Monkeytroll 12/10/13

I'd put you on ignore for that comment, if I could...Alpharius 2/11/14 
Made in hk
Krazed Killa Kan


Seeing those two pictures of the T3 droid brought a smile to my face, it really brings me back to when I played Knights of the Old Republic
Nice figures and painting all around, but along with the T3, the shot of the Star Wars game was my favorite to see, that AT-ST looks so dominant on the board.

Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

So much to read up on. Others are contemplating what they will do this year and you just jump in Love the portals, really cool sculpts and the green/grey color scheme fits really well.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Mostly, on my phone.

Theophony wrote:Your getting pretty good results with the printer already . Even the "bad" prints you have been able to fix and reuse.

Terra/Kaya is looking good.

Cheers sunshine! Well, not all of them. I'm really struggling to get this oni with naginata printed successfully. I've now got the body and one arm done on 3rd attempt, 4th attempt at naginata in right now and today's big print went HORRIBLY wrong because one of the kids banged into the hot water tank cupboard (which the printer sits on top of) and so Aphra, K2 and the door went wonky. Jabba's survived (so big no squint) and I *think* Salacious Crumb and Krennic will be salvageable. OTOH, I printed a cople of remoras and one is missing one engine outlet so I've just GSd that. Equally, I accidentally printed a couple of extremely tiny AI ships. So it's give and take
Syro_ wrote:Seeing those two pictures of the T3 droid brought a smile to my face, it really brings me back to when I played Knights of the Old Republic
Nice figures and painting all around, but along with the T3, the shot of the Star Wars game was my favorite to see, that AT-ST looks so dominant on the board.

Yeah, the kids have discovered KOTR on their tabs, they love it. Takes me back lol. It was a really good game, we're very close to finishing the campaign now (2 or potentially 3 games, if I pull some nasty Imperial influence tricks )
Viterbi wrote:So much to read up on. Others are contemplating what they will do this year and you just jump in Love the portals, really cool sculpts and the green/grey color scheme fits really well.

Thanks the real danger is making rather than painting, won't end well

Another day, another narrow escape:

Good game, breaking into an Imperial facility on Coruscant. They did well, but now they've got to escape through a Stormtrooper barracks

Some hits and misses with the prints but I'm particularly happy with the pumpkins:

Punk and pumpkins, sounds like a win I have managed, at last, to get to Oni printed, along with Krennic, the Hoth-themed Imperial officer, 3 more doors and terminals, and the bases for Atrocitus and Mera (though I promptly knocked Mera over, shattering her - so need to reprint her). Next plan is Aeronautica, I think, and if I can find it again a Morrigan, sexy female demon with bat-winged helm, to be the Red Lantern Bleez.
Starting online teaching today, going to be... interesting.

Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."

Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven.  
Made in hk
Krazed Killa Kan


 inmygravenimage wrote:

Yeah, the kids have discovered KOTR on their tabs, they love it. Takes me back lol. It was a really good game, we're very close to finishing the campaign now (2 or potentially 3 games, if I pull some nasty Imperial influence tricks )

That's great, I'm glad your kids are enjoying it, it is a really good game. That's exciting that you are getting that close to finishing the campaign. In the latest game that is an intimidating amount of imperial forces (which makes sense if they are running through the barracks)

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Mostly, on my phone.

Syro_ wrote:
That's great, I'm glad your kids are enjoying it, it is a really good game. That's exciting that you are getting that close to finishing the campaign. In the latest game that is an intimidating amount of imperial forces (which makes sense if they are running through the barracks)

Actually, this is them breaking IN to the research facility - which they won, but I've used my influence to make them have to escape through the barracks as a forced mission rather than getting away and going straight to the finale. Mwahahahahahaha...

Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."

Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven.  
Made in us
Posts with Authority

Boston-area [Watertown] Massachusetts

A little disappointed that I'm not seeing the triple AT-ST combo...

Falling down is the same as being hit by a planet — "I paint to the 20 foot rule, it saves a lot of time." -- Me
ddogwood wrote:People who feel the need to cheat at Warhammer deserve pity, not anger. I mean, how pathetic does your life have to be to make you feel like you need to cheat at your toy army soldiers game?
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Mostly, on my phone.

Briancj wrote:A little disappointed that I'm not seeing the triple AT-ST combo...

I am ashamed of myself. Like Starscream to your Megatron, I have failed you once again.
First day of lockdown teaching was surprisingly ok, if a bit of a juggle. But it might work, ish Plus, unwinding with some beer and paint. Always a bonus

Couple of trees printed the other day.

And a couple of other animals printed for Beast Boy. I do NOT have a problem!

Pile of weird (wyvern?) Bones

Reaper calendar really is the gift that just keeps giving. Some Sci-Fi fun from it:

RK-M and SK-M, mini bots.

Cute AND murderous.

Martian, who I'll need to print a dome helmet for as he's a bit big for Mantic ones. Painted up as a staffer for my Martian team, with extra-large goggles GSd on. I think I'll call him Statto

And space lizard, perfect Klegg for Judge Dredd. Slicey Dicey!

Plus, a classic Warlord metal Dredd fig, on that subject. Kenny Who? Radge wee CalHab bugger, only man to beat Judge Dredd (at least, that's the way he tells it). Questionable tartan trews!
I've dug out a dozen zombies to surprise the kids with in Shadows of Brimstone mostly mantic with a couple of zombicide and reaper ones that I had floating about (need to get paint on the Reaper one - it may in fact be a ghoul, but hey). The lack of availability of a lot of Shadows stuff is really killing me
Just when I thought the weather was turning, woke up to sheet ice today. At this rate I'll have to paint a Batman miniature

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/01/12 07:29:25

Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."

Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven.  
Made in gb
Calculating Commissar

Reading, Berks

Great progress there. T3 looks awesome... I loved him in the game.

Where'd the pumpkin stl come from? I need some of those to expand my countryside terrain

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2021/01/12 11:01:28

Made in us
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?

Affton, MO. USA

I may have to print the pumpkins for Rangers of Shadow Deep , There's an evil root in one mission and it sprouts tentacles (pumpkins ).

I think you have yet to reach Problem phase of Beast Boy animal collecting. When you have a shelf full.....then we may have to intervene (send ninjas to swipe them ).

LOL, Theo your mind is an amazing place, never change.-camkierhi 9/19/13
I cant believe theo is right.. damn. -comradepanda 9/26/13
None of the strange ideas we had about you involved your sexual orientation..........-Monkeytroll 12/10/13

I'd put you on ignore for that comment, if I could...Alpharius 2/11/14 
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Madison, WI

Man I'm behind. Is it weird that I really like the trees?

Anvildude: "Honestly, it's kinda refreshing to see an Ork vehicle that doesn't look like a rainbow threw up on it."

Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Mostly, on my phone.

endtransmission wrote:Great progress there. T3 looks awesome... I loved him in the game.

Where'd the pumpkin stl come from? I need some of those to expand my countryside terrain

Cheers! Thingiverse, along with the giant mutant darkstone pumpkin: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3172406 It comes with pdf links for adventure, threat cards etc for SoB also.

Theophony wrote:I may have to print the pumpkins for Rangers of Shadow Deep , There's an evil root in one mission and it sprouts tentacles (pumpkins ).
I think you have yet to reach Problem phase of Beast Boy animal collecting. When you have a shelf full.....then we may have to intervene (send ninjas to swipe them ).

Fair enough. Fair enough

Gitsplitta wrote:Man I'm behind. Is it weird that I really like the trees?

Not at all, I'm thrilled, I love the trees thanks man.

Got a couple more portals done:

Mail drop!

Ah, Coruscant! City planet! Jewel of the Empire! Nothing could POSSIBLY go wrong here.

Let's combine printing and star wars, shall we?

So all in all I'm rather pleased

More prints you say? Ok:

Krennic, Bodi, K2S0, Maul, Cassian, Elite officer and Ahsoka. Let's hope they paint up okay!

Couple of thunderbolts, one to orkify and one to crash in a crater.

And for Hellboy:

Finally! An oni with naginata! If you've not seen Storm and Steel, one of the animated prequels to the Del Toro movies (and straight out of the comics), it's excellent; the Oni sculpt in game is ideal for Thunder but finding Lightning has been impossible up into now - and given that Oni can turn up in pairs, it made perfect sense to get another!

I started building my Armada stuff.

Shiny. Lovely casts.

Going to crack on. I'm not thinking about numbers though

Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."

Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven.  
Made in us
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?

Affton, MO. USA

These are the portals I am looking for

Jabba looks as good as he can, being a Hut does have some drawbacks after all.

That Oni Is one that I printed a while ago, I think It's from Duncan Shadow Lucas isn't it?

LOL, Theo your mind is an amazing place, never change.-camkierhi 9/19/13
I cant believe theo is right.. damn. -comradepanda 9/26/13
None of the strange ideas we had about you involved your sexual orientation..........-Monkeytroll 12/10/13

I'd put you on ignore for that comment, if I could...Alpharius 2/11/14 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


Quick catch up for me, you may not have problem printing things left and right but it sure seems like your having a blast! I really like how you did Slicey Dicey and those little bots are cute.
You did a great job on Jabba he really looks like he stepped (slid) off his party barge.
Made in gb
Calculating Commissar

Reading, Berks

That ship is lovely! Dammit, I went and looked at the sets. I must not buy into another game system that I can't/won't play as I don't have a gaming group...

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


Jabba! Awesome stuff...

Made in be
Liberated Grot Land Raida


Jabba is looking just like in the movies .

A Squeaky Waaagh!!

Camkhieri: "And another very cool thing, my phones predictive text actually gave me chicken as an option after typing robot, how cool is that."'

Meercat: "All eyes turned to the horizon and beheld, in lonely and menacing grandeur, the silhouette of a single Grot robot chicken; a portent of evil days to come."
From 'The Plucking of Gindoo Phlem' 
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Mostly, on my phone.

Theophony wrote:These are the portals I am looking for
Jabba looks as good as he can, being a Hut does have some drawbacks after all.
That Oni Is one that I printed a while ago, I think It's from Duncan Shadow Lucas isn't it?

I'll fire you over the link for the STL if you want? Oni is indeed one of his.

Yorkright wrote: Quick catch up for me, you may not have problem printing things left and right but it sure seems like your having a blast! I really like how you did Slicey Dicey and those little bots are cute.
You did a great job on Jabba he really looks like he stepped (slid) off his party barge.

I need to print the party base for him at some point, actually. Glad you like the sci-fi goodies (baddies, whatever)!

endtransmission wrote:That ship is lovely! Dammit, I went and looked at the sets. I must not buy into another game system that I can't/won't play as I don't have a gaming group...

Arrrrr! Yeah it's a very pretty game of lovely toys.
Slinky wrote:Jabba! Awesome stuff...

Thanks kindly!
CommissarKhaine wrote:Jabba is looking just like in the movies .

Cheers, it's all about the drool
On a bit of a catch up. Reaper again, first of all.

This ghoul is a test scheme for Shadows undead.

Likewise, this is a test for swamp serpentfolk.

This lovely lady is painted up as Mad Hettie, the 250 year old witch from Sandman and Hellblazer. Dreadful photo Speaking of DC...

Thomas Wayne, the Batman of Earth-2 where Bruce dies and Martha goes insane, becoming the Joker.

And Bane the Bat. Finally!

This has been sitting threateningly on my shelf unpainted for aaaaaages.

I added spare deathstroke and deadshot masks to base also, to add some spot colour variations.

Do enjoy a bit of cape work

Another display figure to check off the list!

Couple of extra oddments. More terminal mounts.

My usual self-imposed rule is 2 tokens = 1 "figure". I'll grudgingly call these 4 one painted thing.

Doors! I wanted these done as one of middle creature's home learning tasks is to play a board game with family today. Shucks. What a challenge. 4 are home printed, 1 is mantic (star saga). Had fun with scorch marks and scratches the post-it note says "Shut" in Aurabesh, because why not eh? by normal token rules, that's 2 1/2 models, but I'll round down as they weren't exactly a lot of work

Having successfully parted ways with all my HP (to a mate, who'd forgotten his wife's birthday tomorrow ), I briefly looked at the CMON Teen Titans game, but $50 for the basic game plus shipping and VAT, maybe delivered at the end of the year? Nah. I have Teen Titans minis and I can write a better game by November, I'll wager (the gameplay looks... just dull, dull, dull). Plus, I can invest that in more Shadows and IA. I think focusing on games we all enjoy is the way forward, it would be dangerous to invest (for example) too heavily in Armada at this stage, even though I'm likely to want to add at least an Abbess (giant human ship) to my fleet, just so the two fleets exactly match.

I am trying not to think about the fact that I've managed to average a mini a day, and we're only halfway through the month. I'm enjoying just hopping from one thing to another. Ah, hobby ADHD! What's next? Well, I've got a couple more things hand primed - promo Red Hood Joker, final Dreadball MVP, and Donnie the businessman promo from Street Wars NYC (I think I'll do him... peach - although the kids are hassling me to get the AT-DP for IA done (and @briancj will be happy with triple walker threat ) Unprimed, there's some Strontium Dog figs, Reaper oddities, printed Star Wars and DC stuff, Tau for AI - if there's anything you fancy seeing, lmk

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2021/01/15 11:35:37

Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."

Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven.  
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


So which board game is it you are going to play for "school"?

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Mostly, on my phone.


And little miss wanted in on the action so built her own board:

Theophony"... and there's strippers in terminator armor and lovecraftian shenanigans afoot."
Solar_Lion: "Man this sums up your blog nicely."

Anpu-adom: "being Geek is about Love. Some love broadly. Some love deeply. And then there are people like Graven.  
Made in us
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?

Affton, MO. USA

I think the teacher is just looking to see if there are other gamers out there to connect with , it's a great ploy using your students to connect with a new game group.

LOL, Theo your mind is an amazing place, never change.-camkierhi 9/19/13
I cant believe theo is right.. damn. -comradepanda 9/26/13
None of the strange ideas we had about you involved your sexual orientation..........-Monkeytroll 12/10/13

I'd put you on ignore for that comment, if I could...Alpharius 2/11/14 
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

HATE Club, East London

That stone is top-notch. It looks great. Really ancient.

Though guards may sleep and ships may lay at anchor, our foes know full well that big guns never tire.

Posting as Fifty_Painting on Instagram.

My blog - almost 40 pages of Badab War, Eldar, undead and other assorted projects 
Made in be
Liberated Grot Land Raida


Lovely terrain and DC models .

A Squeaky Waaagh!!

Camkhieri: "And another very cool thing, my phones predictive text actually gave me chicken as an option after typing robot, how cool is that."'

Meercat: "All eyes turned to the horizon and beheld, in lonely and menacing grandeur, the silhouette of a single Grot robot chicken; a portent of evil days to come."
From 'The Plucking of Gindoo Phlem' 
Made in us
Liche Priest Hierophant

See, now that you have a 3D printer, you need to grab yourself a copy of Blender, and learn how to make your own miniatures!

GENERATION 8: The first time you see this, copy and paste it into your sig and add 1 to the number after generation. Consider it a social experiment.

If yer an Ork, why dont ya WAAAGH!!

M.A.V.- if you liked ChromeHounds, drop by the site and give it a go. Or check out my M.A.V. Oneshots videos on YouTube! 
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

So much great stuff, Mad Hettie looks cool and love Thomas Wayne. But the Bane the Bat mini is really amazing, so much detail, the masks on the base are a great idea.
And that was a very thankful school assignment
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