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Fighting Tigers of Veda - A fanmade army of Space Marines, as seen on "The Jungle"  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in at
Bounding Assault Marine

Austria, Segmentum Solar

Hello friends! I’m back with some pictures!

Sorry I made you wait so long! I’m having trouble splitting my time between real-life stuff, painting and uploading posts, and I’ve not had as much hobby time as I would have liked in the past few months. But like I said, I have at least been able to finish some more Tigers that I can share with you for the near future.
Some of you may have seen that the original Jungle website crashed. Mr. Kilgore is now working on recreating the homepage in its third iteration. There’s already some stuff on there, so definitely head on over and check it out here. While the loss of all the inspirational material has been devastating to me personally, I’m looking forward to seeing where Kenton will take the new Jungle and I’m convinced that, whatever he comes up with, it will be top-notch as always. However, the unfortunate demise of the old website has had a positive side effect for me: In search of material and pictures to “reforest” his Jungle, Kenton has contacted me personally and asked if he could use some pictures from my Dakka thread on his own site! Needless to say, I was incredibly honored by his request and gave him permission to use anything he wants. Maybe, we’ll see some of my Tigers on the official website soon, so keep your eyes peeled when you’re over there!

Anyways, some stuff to look forward to in this thread will be a group of female assault scouts as well as a second devastator squad, but for today, I have something else for you. Without further ado, let’s get to the pictures!
Today, I want to share another vehicle with you: this Land Speeder!

This vehicle was another salvaged mini from a used lot, so it was a little banged up and some parts had been broken. I fixed it as best I could, and removed some of the flimsy details that would just get broken off anyway myself.

To prevent going overboard with the paint scheme, I decided to keep large sections of the vehicle in the standard black and only add orange paint to a few, selected areas where it would look good. In case of this vehicle, I chose the fins as well as some other parts for these orange highlights. This really helps the vehicle blend into the rest of the army.

Above you see a closeup shot of the pilot. Sorry but I didn’t realize how dusty the mini was until I edited the pics later Hope it isn’t too distracting!

The greebly bits like the engines were painted metallic. The previous owner had really globbed the paint on, and you can actually see some cracks that formed in the thickest parts when the paint dried. Unfortunately, some of these imperfections were impossible to fix without ruining the mini, so I painted over them and hoped for the best.

Another detail shot, this time of the vehicle’s gunner. He is also a victim of the overly enthusiastic basecoat, but I hope that my tiger stripe paintjob helps hide some of the worst problems.

Some of you may have already noticed a little difference in this models flight stand. As you all know, these Land Speeders usually come with these annoying, flimsy clear plastic rods. Of course, these are the parts that break first on these kinds of miniatures. Instead of fiddling around with another plastic replacement part, I decided to take Kenton’s example and replace my flight stands with metal nails. I used a very thin wire nail/pin to suspend the miniature.

This thing is extremely sturdy and very low profile. That way, it was really easy for me to hide it from sight by adding a green paintjob and placing some plastic plants around it. I’m kinda proud of the illusion this has created, because you really have to get very close and actively look for the rod to find it amongst the foliage.

But that’s not all! Looking at Kenton’s army, I saw all is Landspeeders were Tornados, so I figured I had to find a way to source some assault cannons for my own army. Check this out:

This assault cannon used to be available from puppetswar.eu, and I really liked the design. I decided to get four of them for my own army to make magnetized upgrades for my Speeders. They paint up really well IMO, but I did have to do some repairs because parts of the rubber mold seem to have been a little damaged. Nothing major though.

A shot from the top. Here you can see the two magnets used to hold the gun in place, as well as a greenstuff connector I added to make sure the gun sits flush against the hull of the vehicle. Let’s attach it now, shall we?

I think the extra gun really adds a level of coolness to the vehicle, and I like that the Puppetswar gun is a little larger than the regular GW one because it gives it a more powerful appearance IMO.

The gun also blends in pretty well with the silhouette of the vehicle.

One more shot for good measure:

Don’t leave yet, there’s more! Another thing I finished was this FTOV Deathwatch veteran. The idea just crossed my mind at some point, and I liked it so much that I had to start kitbashing right away. This guy was a fun little project, and since it’s just a single miniature, I managed to get it from start to finish pretty quickly. Let’s take a look:

This guy is equipped with a bolt pistol and lightning claw. I really liked the idea of a veteran with a silver left arm which had claws mounted on it, so I couldn’t keep myself from building him right away. I think the stripes and claw nicely tie him into the Tigers, while the silver of the arm and pauldron also clearly mark him out as a Deathwatch Marine.

I decided to keep most of the mini black because that’s what colours would be required in the Deathwatch. He gets to keep his right pauldron in chapter colours though, as mandate by the Ordo Xenos.

I kept this guy fully in Mk 6 ‘Corvus’ plate, because that’s what many of the classic models in Kenton’s army have.

The left pauldron shows the typical Deathwatch ornamentations, with the ‘Veda’ inscription painted onto the scrollwork.

Finally, another action shot:

Alright, that’s all I have to show you for today! I hope you enjoyed today’s update and you will visit again soon. I’d appreciate your feedback on today’s stuff. I’d also love to hear what you think about stuff in the previous posts if you haven’t checked them out yet. Thanks for looking, Stay tuned for more Tigers! Until next time!

Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

That’s a serious assault cannon! It reminds me of the A-10 Warthogs nose gun, it means proper business. I love the tiger stripes in the recesses panels, they’re a good place add a spot of colour.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/09/16 17:30:58

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in ca
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Yeah, that Warthog-speeder is quite something. It's at least 50% cannon!

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Necron Warriors 
Made in at
Bounding Assault Marine

Austria, Segmentum Solar

You're right gobert and Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll! Now that you mention it, they do look very similar! Assault cannon go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt
Thanks to both of you for your nice and funny comments! Glad you like it!

Made in at
Bounding Assault Marine

Austria, Segmentum Solar

Hello friends! I’m finally back!

First off, I want to apologize for the slow progress on this thread. Between my job, various real-life tasks and my hobby ADHD pulling me between countless projects, I’m struggling to find time to work on my Tigers. Furthermore, I had unfortunately run out of some of the paints I needed, which also made me hit a speed bump. However, I am currently working on finishing up some Tigers of Kali (Assault Marines) and a second Land Speeder, which means I can soon share some new stuff with you.

Also, I have some good news to share: Last time I visited the Jungle, I found that Mr. Kilgore has used some of my pictures in one of his posts, and I am incredibly honoured to have my miniatures featured on the official website. I noticed there may be some subtle changes to the lore of the Tigers (or at least some good old imperial disinformation), but I will stick to my more traditional, classic interpretation for the remainder of this project. For example, it is stated clearly by Inquisitor Varman Kumar that all accounts of female Space Marines are blatant lies. I’m interested to see where Kenton will take this. Maybe, it's true, and there never were any female Tigers. Or, maybe, it’s all just a clever ruse by Kumar to distract the imperial authorities, knowing that it would costs billions of lives (including his own, most likely) if the higher-ups got wind of some of the Tiger's secrets he is privy to. Either way, I’d definitely recommend you check out the official Jungle website when you find the time.

Now, let’s move on to some pictures. Today, I want to show you some Scouts I finished before I took a break:

These were made from the previous version of the scout kit we used to have for many years. I guess I have to call it the ‘old’ kit now that GW has released an even newer box…

As you know, most, if not all, of the Tigers of Kali are females. For that purpose, I ordered some female ranger heads from Mad Robot Miniatures with which to replace the goofy original heads. Additionally, I made sure to shave down the ‘bulges’ of the codpieces on their armour so they wouldn’t look weird.

When painting, I made sure to create a mix of different skin tones, trying to pick the right tone for each sculpt. I like how some sculpts reflect different ethnicities and allow for more diverse squads.

The sergeant gets the only chainsword in the box to make her stand out as the leader.

Notice I removed the scopes from the scout’s bolt pistols. I think they make the pistols look too busy and way too clunky for a sidearm. Besides, I think it makes more sense to forego scopes on these rather short-ranged guns anyway, so I got rid of them. I think it gives the pistols a more compact, sleek appearance which I really like.

Of course, I had to add a ferocious redhead to the squad, as a nod to Raja Khandar Madu.

Here's the first part of my scout force, together in a group shot:

Let’s move on to the second part:

This Scout has a prominent set of scars across the left side of her face, and I made sure to accentuate them with some diluted red paint to give them a fresh appearance.

I love the variety of hairstyles in the set. This lady, for example, is sporting some sick dreadlocks, reminding me a bit of Michonne from “The Walking Dead”.

I gave this sergeant grey hair.

This lady seems to have dyed her hair red.

I also like this head sculpt a lot. The haircut is really cool. You will see I used this head again for one of my company champions, and it looks really badass.

Time for the second group picture:

And of course, let’s not forget the obligatory action shot:

Alright, that’s all I have to show you for today! I hope you enjoyed the update. I’m looking forward to your comments and feedback, and I’d love to get your opinions and suggestions. Thanks for looking, and stay tuned for more Tigers! Until next time!

Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

Awesome looking scouts! And welcome back!
Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

So glad to see the Tigers return!

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Necron Warriors 
Made in at
Bounding Assault Marine

Austria, Segmentum Solar

Thanks youwashock and Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll for commenting!

Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Always a pleasure to see the Tigers make a return Feisty! The lady scouts work really well together, and it’s some serious attention to detail to shave down their cod-pieces!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in at
Bounding Assault Marine

Austria, Segmentum Solar

 gobert wrote:
Always a pleasure to see the Tigers make a return Feisty! The lady scouts work really well together, and it’s some serious attention to detail to shave down their cod-pieces!

Thanks a lot for your kind words gobert! Happy to be back as well

Quick update on the project: I recently finished the remaining Tigers of Kali (Assault Marines) as well as the second Landspeeder for my squadron. I'll take some pics and post them, but it might take a while to get there because I still have other, older stuff I want to show you first. Stay tuned as there will soon be pics of my second Devastator Squad and a bunch of converted Veterans with specialist loadouts. After that, there will also be a shot of the whole collection so far, something I realised is long overdue for this army. Hope you will enjoy

Next up, I'll start working on a Dreadnought character model. I'll also have to make a bigger board to display my army on, as I am slowly running out of space on my shelf. I'll keep you guys posted on progress!

Made in at
Bounding Assault Marine

Austria, Segmentum Solar

Quick update once again: I created a list of which Tiger models are done and which I still need to finish painting. Put it in spoiler tags cause it's kinda long:

Fighting Tigers of Veda
❌ Librarian w/ Glaive
❌ Landraider
❌ Landraider Crusader
❌ Landspeeder Squadron
- ✅ 1
- ✅ 2
- ❌ 3
- ❌ 4
❌ Shiva the Destroyer (Dreadnought)
❌ Singh Squad female
❌ Singh Squad male
❌ Stormhawk Interceptor (Vimana)
❌ Trike Squadron
✅ Assault Scouts
✅ Assault Squad 1
✅ Assault Squad 2
✅ Assault Squad 3 (ground)
✅ Assault Squad 4
✅ Librarian Chandramatie Bahl
✅ Assault Terminator Squad
✅ Chaplain Talwar Chakram
✅ Bike Squad
✅ Chaplain Daksha Ram
✅ Cybot w/ Autocannon
✅ Cybot w/ Heavy Bolters
✅ Cybot w/ Lascannon, Missile (Surya Ashoka)
✅ Cybot w/ Multimelta
✅ Devastator Squad
✅ Devastator Squad 2
- ✅ Dual pistols Specialist
- ✅ Grenadier Specialist
- ✅ Shotgun Specialist
- ✅Knife Veteran
- ✅ Patta Veteran
- ✅ Veteran w/ Shuriken Catapult
- ✅ Plasma Gunslinger Veteran
- ✅ Stormbolter Veteran
- ✅ Deathwatch Veteran
- ❌ Tiger & Handler
- ❌ Tiger Panja
- ✅ Kshatriya Jirbu Gosh
- ✅ Kshatriya Parashurama
- ✅ Kshatriya Sudra Patel
- ✅ Kshatriya (Magnetized)
Chapter Command:
- ✅ Maharaja Shiva Nagordarika (Primaris)
- ✅ Raja Khandar Madu (Power Armor)
- ✅ Raja Khandar Madu (Terminator Armor)
- ✅ Raja Shamshir Talatra (Power Armor)
- ✅ Raja Shamshir Talatra (Terminator Armor)
- ❌ Inquisitor Varman Kumar
✅ Rhino G-1
✅ Rhino G-2
❌ Rhino G-3
✅ Rhino M-1
✅ Sniper Scout Squad
✅ Sternguard Squad
Tac Squad 1
Tac Squad 2
Tac Squad 3
Tac Squad 4
✅ Techmarine Parvin Sreedhar
✅ Thunderfire Cannon
✅ Terminator Librarian
✅ Terminator Squad
✅ Terminator Squad 2
✅ Terminator Praetor Tribune

I was planning on completing the remaining models on this list and then moving on to other projects. However, I recently ordered a Combat Patrol box which I will be painting up as Fighting Tigers as well, so I guess I won't be done with them for a while still I decided on picking the Space Wolves Combat Patrol box. Now I know it might not be one of the most meta boxes, but I had two distinct reasons for choosing it: First, I prefer the selection of models in this box and all of them look cool to me. Most of the other sets contain at least one unit I can absolutely NOT stand and WILL NOT paint unless I absolutely have to. Second, the Space Wolves synergise well with the Tigers, both from a lore perspective (the two chapters have been known to cooperate on many campaigns and share a bond of comradery and friendly competition) as well as from a modeling viewpoint, using pelts and others symbols that can easily be modified for my purposes. Besides, my gaming buddy and I are not super competitive players, so it should be fine to pick a casual list. I'll keep you guys posted on the progress. Thanks for checking this out and stay tuned!

Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

That’s a mighty impressive list with plenty of cool stuff to come. Hoepfully we get an Army shot or two

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in at
Bounding Assault Marine

Austria, Segmentum Solar

 gobert wrote:
That’s a mighty impressive list with plenty of cool stuff to come. Hoepfully we get an Army shot or two

Thanks for the comment gobert! Still lots to do but I'll get them all done eventually! And yes, there will be an army shot!

Quick update: Since my last post, the SW Combat Patrol arrived, along with some conversion bitz and replacement paints. This means I was able to finish building the entire box relatively quickly. Here's the result of my work:

I gotta say the minis were quite fun to build and convert. The quality of GWs kits is really superb, as everything went together perfectly. I also started painting as well, and the leader miniature (a conversion of the Haldor Icepelt SW character) is already finished. Also, the squad of Reivers is about 70% done I'd say. Pics to follow. I've put the older models aside for now as I want to finish the CP box so I can maybe get a test game of combat Patrol in before the end of april. Will keep you guys posted on the progress Thanks for looking!

Made in us
Brigadier General


How did I miss this before? Nice work all around!

Great to see the tigers return and a new player also carrying the banner.

I remember the fighting tigers website back in the days of Terragenesis and Yahoo groups.

Chicago Skirmish Wargames club. Join us for some friendly, casual gaming in the Windy City.

My Project Log, mostly revolving around custom "Toybashed" terrain.

Visit the Chicago Valley Railroad!
Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Looking good! Are these the first tigers to cross the rubicon Primaris?

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in at
Bounding Assault Marine

Austria, Segmentum Solar

Eilif wrote:How did I miss this before? Nice work all around!

Great to see the tigers return and a new player also carrying the banner.

I remember the fighting tigers website back in the days of Terragenesis and Yahoo groups.

Thank you very much Eilif for the kind words! Very glad to have you on board now! While I certainly won't be able to match the original Tigers regarding the amount of battle reports or the quality of the writing, I will however try my best to at least continue their visual style and flair as best I can

gobert wrote:Looking good! Are these the first tigers to cross the rubicon Primaris?

Thank you so much! Indeed, these are the first Primaris Tigers (unless you count my conversion of Maharaja Shiva Nagordarika in a much earlier post). Don't get your hopes up too high though, because they will probably be the last as well. The Tigers crossing the Rubicon Primaris was never something I intended for. I dislike much of the new range of models, I hate the lorebending GW did to include Primaris, and most importantly, Primaris Tigers don't really make much sense from a lore perspective, either. They are a chapter that is quite remotely situated, not very well supplied and mostly cut off from a large portion of the Imperium in their region of Space. This has allowed them some freedom in how they handle things, but if the Imperium or the Inquisition should ever find out what they are up to on their homeworld of Veda (i.e. the use of female Marines and cloning or "reincarnation" technology), they would be in a hell of a lot of trouble, and certainly wouldn't be granted the Primaris upgrade. However, my reason for making them anyway is quite simple: Since my gaming buddy asked if we could dip our toes into 40k Combat Patrol and I really liked the idea of a converted SW box, I couldn't resist the urge to make at least a few non-lore-friendly Primaris Tigers for my collection. Again, thanks a lot for your comment, gobert!

Update time! As stated previously, I will be focusing on my Combat Patrol box for now, to get it ready for a potential game in april. Therefore, I want to share my progress on that with you before we get back to the older, classic Marines. Let's get jump right into it. May I introduce you to "Kshatriya Kalinda Chopra":

As you can probably tell if you are familiar with SW, this is a conversion of the 'Haldor Icepelt' character model, a lieutenant I believe. I replaced the axe the mini came with with a scimitar, added a special helmet from Puppetswar, removed most of the SW iconography and added a few little bitz here and there to round out the look.

Regarding the paintjob, I mostly followed my tried and true recipe for the White Tigers. The pelt was a special piece and thus received a bit more attention. Of course, I had to add stripes to turn the wolf pelt into a tiger pelt. I also had some fun with the cute little kitty paws on it, giving them a lovely pink color.

The scimitar was painted with a gradient from dark to light blue, as I do with all of my power weapons for this army.

The pelt was a bit of a chore to paint, as I had to go back and individually pick out single strands of hair after the wash had dried. However, I'm quite satisfied with the result, considering white fur is a little more difficult to do IMO.

This models base is rather big, so I had room to experiment with some new details. Here, I added a green static grass tuft for a change.

Gotta say I like the pose on that mini, and the conversion bitz work quite well with the existing model. So this will be the leader for my small Primaris 'SW' Combat Patrol. Hope you liked her! As mentioned above, I'm in the process of painting the Reivers from that box, and they are also well on their way to being done. As usual, here's a final pic with the model in some terrain:

And that's all I have for today! Hope you enjoyed it, and will stay tuned for the next update! Until next time!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/08 19:25:34

Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

Amazing work on this unexpected Primaris Tiger! Appreciate the conversion - great helmet! - but the painting is really smooth and satisfying as well. Looking forward to more of the patrol

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Kshatriya Looks awesome! The puppetwars head works great on the white tigers and fits the Primaris scale well.

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in at
Bounding Assault Marine

Austria, Segmentum Solar

Boss Salvage wrote:Amazing work on this unexpected Primaris Tiger! Appreciate the conversion - great helmet! - but the painting is really smooth and satisfying as well. Looking forward to more of the patrol

gobert wrote:Kshatriya Looks awesome! The puppetwars head works great on the white tigers and fits the Primaris scale well.

Thank you both very much for your nice comments!

Time for another update! Today I want to finally show off my Reivers from the Combat Patrol box. They have been finished for a few days, but I didn't get around to taking pictures any earlier. Let's start right away! First off, we have the Sergeant of the Tigresses of Kali:

As you can see, I also used a custom head option for these minis. This time, they came from Anvil Industry, which I can only recommend. Apart from the different head, the mini is pretty standard, except for some added decorations that came from the SW upgrade sprue as well as the Tactical Marines. In combination with the paintjob, I think this mini manages to convey the Tiger aesthetic pretty well. Moving on to the next model:

Again, I tried to incorporate different skin tones with this squad, as I did with my female assault Scouts that I showed off in a more recent post. Another thing I'm doing slightly differently now with the Primaris Combat Patrol is that I paint the pouches a dark brown leather color, to add a bit of visual contrast. Since this is a smaller force, I can afford to add at least a little more detail than with my larger collection of regular Firstborn Marines. Moving on:

As you know, there always has to be a redhead in those types of squads who happens to bear a striking resemblance to Khandar Madu, Raja of half of the chapter of the Tigers.

For this young lady, I used the left arm with an integrated cogitator and display. This gave me a nice excuse to paint some quick and dirty OSL on her forearm. Moving on to the final mini of the squad:

This lady has a sprinting pose and is in the middle of drawing her combat blade. I had some fun with the parts that came in this Combat Patrol, trying my best to create some dynamic and thematic poses for the minis. I especially like how this gal came out.

Alright then. Since you've now seen all the members of the squad up close, I think it's time to look at some group shots! Here we go:

Next, there's the squad with Kalinda Chopra, the Captain of this Combat Patrol, for reference. I know, this character can technically only attach to the squad of Intercessors. Still, I think the ladies look good all set up together like this!

Oh, and of course, let’s not forget: Here’s the Tigresses in their natural habitat, the deep jungles of Veda:

Aaaaaand that’s all I have, for today at least. I’m working on my squad of Intercessors atm, and I estimate they are about 50% done. I got most of the base colors done, which is at least half the battle. I’ll let you know how things go, and I’ll keep you updated on the progress. Stay tuned for more Tigers in the near future! Thanks for checking this out! Until next time!

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/04/14 20:05:51

Made in at
Bounding Assault Marine

Austria, Segmentum Solar

Hello again! Good news: I finally finished my Combat Patrol box! I’m super proud I that managed to finally complete a project (and not let it sit for years on my table waiting to be painted…). It seems I have gained at least some measure of discipline when it comes to buying and finishing stuff. Let’s hope I can keep the streak going Anyways, I will be showing off the remaining models over the next couple of posts, and today, we’ll start with the Intercessor Squad. Let’s get right to it!

First guy, a regular bolter (or whatever it’s called now) dude. Of course, I painted him in my established orange Tiger recipe, however with some minor tweaks. As I mentioned previously, I decided to make the leather pouches on the Marines a brown colour to add some more visual interest to the models. Also, the Primaris Marines received a little more attention to detail by picking out some glowing bits with a quick OSL effect, namely some buttons on their vambraces and the visors of the helmets.

The next guy has his Bolter slung over his shoulder and his sidearms ready. I really like that you can get the Intercessors to look a bit more ‘CQC-ready’ if you will, and I enjoy the options the Primaris Intercessor Squad box gives you for that. It’s something I wish we could have had for the Firstborn Marines as well. That’s why I always enjoyed converting the older models to make them look a bit more tactical, too.

The next Marine is just reloading his weapon. Another cool thing you can do with the Intercessors IMO.

Next is just a regular guy firing his bolt rifle. He does have one of the shoulder pads with a Marksman’s badge on them though, so you can assume he’d be pretty good at it

Then we have another guy with his knife drawn. I made sure to add a few Marines to the squad that look like they are in close combat. Seeing how they will most likely join the Combat Patrol leader in her ferocious assault, I think it’s fitting. Note this guy also has one of the tiger fur decorations on his belt.

Next, we have another marksman. This guy however, is really committed. He’s ditched his helmet for the added awareness and instead rocks a bionic eye to assist him in aiming and acquiring targets. To enhance his long-range firepower, he’s using a suppressed Stalker pattern bolt rifle with a powerful scope (do note however, in game terms, all the Marines of this combat patrol are using the regular bolt rifles). Of course, this guy also has the Marksman’s honours attached to his pauldron.

The next Marine has drawn his sidearm and is firing it at the enemy at point-blank range.

Another guy with a knife:

One final, regular dude:

And now finally, it’s time for the sergeant! This guy is equipped with a bolt pistol and a chainsword, so that’s all the equipment I gave the model. Why this guy wouldn’t also carry a rifle to add to the firepower of his squad is beyond me, but hey, the rules are the rules, right? I really like this chainsword from the SW upgrade sprue. It’s very reminiscent of the older styles of chainswords, with its double-sided edge and the knuckle duster handguard.

On the sergeant I spent a little more time to make him look special. His chest aquila was picked out in metallic, he has the striped shinguards denoting him as a high-ranking officer as well as the crux terminatus on his pauldron which symbolizes his veteran status. I added a tiger fur and an eagle standard to his armour, and for his head I used one with a respirator from the BA Terminator box set. The different paintjob helps tie him in nicely with the rest of the tigers, IMHO.

I decided to go the extra mile for this guy, painting the chapter’s tiger paw symbol on his right pauldron. I’m pretty happy with how it came out, and it’s a nice throwback to one of my older tactical marine sergeants who also has this decoration.

So that’s the whole squad! However, I still have one final pic to share with you:

Well, that’s all I have to show you for today. I thank you very much for checking this out! I’d love to hear your thoughts on these new models (*cough* or on the Reivers in my previous post which have not yet received any comments *cough* ). Looking forward to your inputs, as always! Also, stay tuned for the next post, in which I will share with you the piece de la resistance of this combat patrol, if you will. That is the ‘big stompy robot’, aka the Primaris Invictor Tactical Warsuit. Boy, that’s a mouthful. Of course, eventually, there will also be a group shot of the whole combat patrol force set up together. Just gotta figure out how to squeeze them all into one shot for that first Anyways, thanks again for reading through my ramblings and taking a look at my stuff. Until next time, see you soon!

Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

I know you didn't plan on any Primaris marines for the Tigers, but the scheme really does look great on them. Having that bit of larger model for the extra canvas suits your scheme.

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Necron Warriors 
Made in au
Possessed Khorne Marine Covered in Spikes

The patterns are so good, almost mesmerising. Never seen such an idea done so well.

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Madrid, Spain

Great result seeing them all together, they look like a professional unit of killers. Are they lorewise related to the Raven Guard, for the stealthy style?

Also known as KeiserS! muette is my old name.

I also have a 3d models shop, check it out here! https://cults3d.com/en/users/keiserspandp/creations 
Made in at
Bounding Assault Marine

Austria, Segmentum Solar

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:I know you didn't plan on any Primaris marines for the Tigers, but the scheme really does look great on them. Having that bit of larger model for the extra canvas suits your scheme.

Thanks Gwyn for your comment! Indeed, the larger models give some nice, flat surfaces, perfect for adding tiger stripes. Wait till you see the Invictor!

Cap'n Facebeard wrote:The patterns are so good, almost mesmerising. Never seen such an idea done so well.

Thanks Cap'n, you're too kind!

muette wrote:Great result seeing them all together, they look like a professional unit of killers. Are they lorewise related to the Raven Guard, for the stealthy style?

Thanks muette! Glad you like em! I think in the lore, it is not defined what chapter the Tigers are successors of directly, at least it is not sure. There has been some guesses that they might be related to the White Scars iirc, but I'd have to check.

Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

Excellent work on the last two units. That white tiger pattern is always so good. Any chance of a shot of everything together?
Made in at
Bounding Assault Marine

Austria, Segmentum Solar

 youwashock wrote:
Excellent work on the last two units. That white tiger pattern is always so good. Any chance of a shot of everything together?
Thanks so much youwashock! I definitely want to take an army shot, but I need a proper backdrop first I'm afraid. I'll try to find one as soon as possible!

I’m back with more pictures! Today, as promised, we’ll take a look at the final piece of the combat patrol, the Invictor Tactical Warsuit. I’m really happy with how it turned out, and I’m looking forward to sharing the pics with you. Let’s start right away!

This robot was really an exciting build. There’s so many parts to assemble, and you have to be very careful with what you glue and what pose you want to end up with before assembling everything. I ended up doing the build in several sub-assemblies to make my life easier when painting and to ensure I would be able to get the pose just right during final assembly. The sub-assemblies in my case were:
- Legs w/ base
- Body/cockpit
- Pilot
- Fragstorm grenade launcher
- Left arm
- Right arm

I made sure not to glue down the moving parts of the cockpit (the lower cowling and the roll cage) to be able to paint inside and add the pilot in at a later stage. While I was going to glue them eventually, I decided against it, as you will see later on. I think it’s kinda cool to be able to move certain parts on the model. I also kept the arms unglued, allowing for a limited amount of poseability.

Since this Warsuit is more of a ranged combat unit, I decided to give it the colors of the Ghuyarashtran half of the chapter, namely orange. As I really liked the look of the Tiger paw chapter symbol on the Intercessor sergeant from last time, I decided to add that to this model as well. I had a nice, big and flat surface on the left shoulder armour plate to paint that symbol, and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. I might add some shading later on to add a bit more contrast and make it pop a bit more, but for now, it’s done.

In this shot, you can also see the heavy bolter the warsuit uses as a sidearm. While I think this is a bit silly for a dreadnought and very much reminiscent of movies like ‘The Matrix’ and ‘Avatar’, I must admit it does look cool.

The base was done in classic goblin green (now warboss green, but oh well) and flocked with the coloured sawdust I always use for my tigers. However, seeing how I had so much room on this enormous base to play around with, I had to add some visual interest to break up the large, flat surface. I added lots and lots of grass tufts, greenery and shrubs. There’s even a dark eldar casualty on there. Now I might have gone in and added some different terrain and elevation on the base before painting and flocking, but I guess the flat base does the job too.

In this back view, you can see the fusion reactor core of the Warsuit that powers the entire machine. I went in and painted up the Mechanicus symbol to add some detail to the back area as well.

The twin Ironhail autocannon, the main armament of this suit. I find it a bit weird that Primaris Space Marines make extensive use of Stubber weaponry and similar less advanced guns. I always thought the Astartes were supposed to be the ones with the better equipment, likely replacing these weapons with storm bolters or something like that. Still, the Autocannon does look nice all painted up I guess.

In this pic, you can see the how the cockpit can swivel open to reveal the pilot. I like that little detail. While it can be a bit difficult to to get unstuck sometimes and it was certainly quite fiddly to assemble in the first place, I still think it adds a lot to the model.

In this shot you can also see the Drukhari casualty on the ground. This Eldar is part of the Cabal of the Ozone Scorpions, the mortal enemies of the Fighting Tigers. This cabal has been in the possession of the planet of Veda long before the Imperium of Man ever arrived there, and thus believe the planet to be rightfully theirs, seeing the humans as invaders. After being driven out of their secret underground city by a joint effort of Astartes from both the Fighting Tigers and Space Wolves chapters, the Ozone Scorpions have staged many raids through their webway portals to try and reclaim their territory. While these attacks have been small and easily crushed by the garrisoned Space Marines, it is only a matter of time until the Drukhari gather their strength to launch an all-out assault on the planet.

Here’s a closeup of the pilot. I really like the details such as the optics and the seat belt across the chest on that sculpt.

Also, let’s take a closer look at the Drukhari on the base cause it’s just so nice and gory:

I modelled the rtorn stumps of the limbs using green stuff, just pulling at the fresh putty to give it a realistic, chunky and sinewy appearance. I had to be careful when painting to keep all my steps in order. First, I painted the base green, then I painted the casualty as I normally would, but without the blood. I painted the torn flesh a nice, juicy pink colour. Then, I had to flock the entire base. Only then did I add the blood effect (Blood for the Blood God), liberally splattering it all over the bloody stumps, the body glove as well as the grass flocking. I also put some blood on the Eldar’s remaining hand to make it look as if he had touched his bleeding wounds.

Now you may get the impression that this mortally wounded Ozone Scorpion is raising his remaining arm, instinctively trying to shield himself from the impending doom that he will suffer by being crushed beneath the Warsuit’s giant, metallic foot. However, this is not how the Dark Eldar are wired. Instead, this Drukhari’s faceplate is hiding a huge, disgustingly wide grin as the creature revels in the immense, torturous pain it finds itself in. The Eldar is reaching up, stretching its fingers, beckoning the gigantic death machine towering above it to hurt it… MORE.

Ah. Lovely grimdark, don’t you think?

Finally, I got one more shot of the Warsuit for you:

And that’s it! I hope you enjoyed this post and liked the Warsuit! As mentioned, I will try to get a good “army shot” of the Fighting Tigers Combat Patrol as a whole, but first, I need to find a suitable backing mat to do that. Until then, I want to thank all of you for checking this out, and also for your continued support, comments and input. Stay tuned for more! Until next time!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/17 18:19:36

Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

Congrats on finishing the Combat Patrol! They look great in their Tiger stripes! I really love the OSL you’ve achieved on these guys, it really looks to be glowing

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

Great work on the Patrol! Warsuit is a grand capper on the project, and a neat way to scale up the Fighting Tigers aesthetic, like with that extra large badge. Props on the smashed, ancient DEldar

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in at
Bounding Assault Marine

Austria, Segmentum Solar

Thanks gobert and Boss Salvage for your comments! Happy to hear you like the Combat Patrol! Now, as promised, I finally got around to taking some pics of the group as a whole:

And with that, I think I can finally call this combat patrol project done! As stated previously, I will now be focusing on finishing the older minis for the Tigers. However, I have to admit that my interest in painting the rest of my Heavy Gear: Blitz Southern Starter Kit has been rekindled, so I might get distracted with that for a while. If you are interested in that, you can check out my thread here.

Thanks for checking this out, see you in the next post!

Made in us
Walking Dead Wraithlord

Awww, yeah! Looks great! The battlesuit makes a good centerpiece.
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