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Dakka Veteran

 Dawnbringer wrote:

I doubt GW would release models over a year before bringing out a book that highlights them, that's not the way they do things. We know they can keep some sculpts awaiting release for long times, so to me if they were going to do a Lothlorian supplement they would have held back those releases to go with the book.

I think the Easterling Acolytes and some other miniatures were released over a year before Defense of the North was released. There was even another supplement inbetween the release of those models and the book that had their rules.

It could be that the plan was for this new supplement to be released last year but due to things related to Horus Heresy and The Old World (that both were delayed last year) the MESBG team had to shift over enough resources that anything MESBG related got delayed even more than the other 2 games. Specialist Games have a lot of games to handle and the people on that team aren't working on only one game and 2 new game releases in just over a month took priority.
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Shadowy Grot Kommittee Memba

The Great State of New Jersey

I think GW's willingness to continue investing into terrain kits for MESBG are indicative of their willingness to invest into new plastics. Terrain, generally speaking, doesn't sell nearly as well as actual units do.

CoALabaer wrote:
Wargamers hate two things: the state of the game and change.
Made in it
Evil man of Carn Dûm


Finally, very excited! I do expect a second age era supplement too.

Hope for Aenarion (resin) Isildur, Elendil Gil Galad and maybe Sauron in plastic.

And remember that War of the Rohirrim is out at end of the year..
Made in au
Tunneling Trygon

Sauron in plastic seems like the best return on investment, I'd imagine he has the potential to be the most popular kit in the range.

Anarion will almost certainly be resin if and when he arrives, but I'm actually not sure about the others. I could see them going to resin if they get the same sculptor behind Glorfindel, but plastic would also make sense if they get the Elrond treatment and bring a captain/banner each (although I'd expect the Numenoreans at least to get a resin commanders set like Dale)
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

I could see Elendil, Anarion, and Isildur as a plastic trio like Faramir, Madril, and Damrod.
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Elronds Banner Bearer fueled the Idea of new Last Alliance plastic Troops...

Also that suppliment, mentioned in 2016.
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Tim the Biovore wrote:
Sauron in plastic seems like the best return on investment, I'd imagine he has the potential to be the most popular kit in the range.

Anarion will almost certainly be resin if and when he arrives, but I'm actually not sure about the others. I could see them going to resin if they get the same sculptor behind Glorfindel, but plastic would also make sense if they get the Elrond treatment and bring a captain/banner each (although I'd expect the Numenoreans at least to get a resin commanders set like Dale)

Man, i would kill for a plastic Sauron. Such an old piece, he deserves it.
Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


zombie_sky_diver wrote:
I'm very doubtful we will see plastic troops for anything, even if they did a Last Alliance supplement. It will probably all just go to FW.
No, I don't think they would go resin.
Both Noldor and Numenoreans are in a something of a strange position, where their plastic troops share a sprue and yet both races are still missing basic troops in plastic. The last alliance sprue contains elves with swords, elves with bows and men with swords.
Neither have plastic spearmen and the Numenoreans also lack plastic bowmen. All of which are still resin/metal.

The two options GW have in that regard are create a 2nd Last Alliance kit that has the missing spearmen and bowmen. Or create 2 entirely new kits one for each race.
I don't think they'd go for the first option, even though it'd mean less work for them over all. And a new kits would mean they could address some posing issues, which both the men and elves with swords suffer from.

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Gangly Grot Rebel


 Inquisitor Gideon wrote:

Man, i would kill for a plastic Sauron. Such an old piece, he deserves it.

But they were, all of them, deceived, for another Sauron was made. In the land of Nottingham, in the fires of Mount Citadel, the Dark Lord Sauron forged in finecast.

I would also kill for a plastic Sauron and a proper set of plastic numenorean troops. I'm putting together about 200 last alliance elves right now and whilst the plastic numenoreans that come with them are good, the metal sets to put together enough bowmen and spearmen is costly.

Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


My fear (its too strong a word, but we'll roll with it) about a plastic Sauron is that they'll make him into an embiggened centrepiece model on like an 80mm base with Elendil/Isildur in ring cutting pose as well as all manner of extraneous scenic bs it doesn't need. Rather then just keeping him neatly on a 40mm base with Elendil/Isildur separate.

Unless of course they do it like the FW primarch scenic bases where you can detach them on a smaller gaming base. That'd be fine.

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Regular Dakkanaut

I hope I'm wrong, but my point was, other than a plastic character once a year, when have we ever seen a LotR plastic kit? Not since The Hobbie have they released a plastic troop box. Even with Battle of the Five armies was it all finecast.

I find it hard to believe, and doubtful, we will see new plastic Last Alliance Elves and Men. I hope I'm wrong. I would love it and buy a ton, but I'm not counting on it.

Given the track record and history I'll be in shock of they do anything. Given the new animated movie coming this year that's probably they're focus and reason for the Rohan MTO list.

I would love a new Sauron.. even in a resin display as you described.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/27 04:24:49

Made in au
Tunneling Trygon

Snrub wrote:My fear (its too strong a word, but we'll roll with it) about a plastic Sauron is that they'll make him into an embiggened centrepiece model on like an 80mm base with Elendil/Isildur in ring cutting pose as well as all manner of extraneous scenic bs it doesn't need. Rather then just keeping him neatly on a 40mm base with Elendil/Isildur separate.

Unless of course they do it like the FW primarch scenic bases where you can detach them on a smaller gaming base. That'd be fine.

If they do him in resin as a Character Series, then he'd 100% have a detachable scenic base. As a plastic remaster, there'd have to be a significant scale increase to necessitate bumping him off a 40mm, which I can't imagine they'd do unless they went for a split profile to represent him fully-powered in the Second Age with the Ring in his possession, and the Ring-less Third Age version that was originally planned to appear in the third film. Considering how tight the community is, I can't imagine the creative team would be too keen to invalidate the sculpt that people have been buying for the last two decades

Kanluwen wrote:I could see Elendil, Anarion, and Isildur as a plastic trio like Faramir, Madril, and Damrod.

I hadn't even considered them not updating the mounted Isildur at the same time, and finally giving Elendil his horse, but you're right, this is probably the most efficient way for them to do it, and it matches the precedent of the Rangers and the Three Hunters too
Made in it
Evil man of Carn Dûm


I am quite sure we will never see new plastic troops in the near future, too.
But honestly I don't care, I am fine for what we have and for the support they give to the game, that is not suffocating the audience with continuous plastic release and unbalanced rules.
Very excited about the new supplement!
Made in no
Dakka Veteran

In some ways I do think it is more and more likely we get plastic warriors for each passing year. Should be much cheaper and effective to make new plastic sprues now than ever before and the old sprues are quite inefficient in their layout.

Just cramming in a bit more on each sprue so when they do make plastic MESBG kits they can get more models out per time spent in the machines might make it worth it alone. If they at the same time can retire a metal or resin kit due to the extra options on the sprue they will save money/time/resources there as well.

Their production capabilities seem to be their bottleneck so anything that could improve that might get an upgrade rather than if a kit really needs it for just being old.

A plast kit for Numenor and one for Rivendell would be 1 more plastic kit but they could at the same time retire elf spearmen, numenor spearmen, numenor bowmen and the rivendell captain + banner pack while also adding in a helmet or shield for a numenor captain upgrade and maybe even a banner (unless they want to save space on the sprue and instead do it like Elrond and make a plastic hero and add in the banner there). 2 products for what is now 5. Would clean up their terrible website at the same time and make it much easier and cheaper to start a new Rivendell or Numenor army.
Made in de
Oozing Plague Marine Terminator

Might be a biased view since lotr is still quite strong in germany but I don't think middle earth plastics sell worse than Aeronautica Planes, Necromunda squads, or some of the upcoming ancient whfb kits that have been replaced by newer stuff already (or have better and cheaper alternatives).
That being said Numenorians wouldn't be the first thing on my list to get a new kit, not because it's not necessary but because it's quite a fringe faction in the game and always was.
Made in no
Dakka Veteran

Sgt. Cortez wrote:
Might be a biased view since lotr is still quite strong in germany but I don't think middle earth plastics sell worse than Aeronautica Planes, Necromunda squads, or some of the upcoming ancient whfb kits that have been replaced by newer stuff already (or have better and cheaper alternatives).
That being said Numenorians wouldn't be the first thing on my list to get a new kit, not because it's not necessary but because it's quite a fringe faction in the game and always was.

Numenor might be a bit fringe but at the same time a new kit would probably sell better than some other more popular factions just because not everyone has bothered with Numenor due to it being fringe and you almost have to start a Rivendell army at the same time. With upgraded characters and a new Rivendell kit at the same time it could probably sell very well. I think it would be hard to sell for example new orcs or minas tirith warriors since everyone already has so many of them and you would have to convince people to rebuy the same models. That problem wouldn't exist to the same regard with a new numenor kit if they do decide to split the current box and make 2 new ones.

I don't think they would put numenor as a priority by themselves but Rivendell might get that treatment and just because of that Numenor kinda has to get that free ride.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/28 12:06:37

Made in de
Battlefield Tourist


I quite like that LOTR is a time capsule to the early 2000s GW.
I made the plastic Eomer recently, and although the finished product is nice, I did not enjoy the process of building him at all. I definitely prefer the metal characters I have, and I'd be disappointed to see any of the great plastics replaced by modern GW plastics with a million parts for one pose. Give me the joy of really nicely designed one or two piece models that have 12 poses in a box and metal for special models.

I know the modern plastics are a technical marvel but I'm exactly the demographic that doesn't like them - too many pieces for zero modularity, not to mention spectacularly high prices.

Made in de
Oozing Plague Marine Terminator

Klickor wrote:
Sgt. Cortez wrote:
Might be a biased view since lotr is still quite strong in germany but I don't think middle earth plastics sell worse than Aeronautica Planes, Necromunda squads, or some of the upcoming ancient whfb kits that have been replaced by newer stuff already (or have better and cheaper alternatives).
That being said Numenorians wouldn't be the first thing on my list to get a new kit, not because it's not necessary but because it's quite a fringe faction in the game and always was.

Numenor might be a bit fringe but at the same time a new kit would probably sell better than some other more popular factions just because not everyone has bothered with Numenor due to it being fringe and you almost have to start a Rivendell army at the same time. With upgraded characters and a new Rivendell kit at the same time it could probably sell very well. I think it would be hard to sell for example new orcs or minas tirith warriors since everyone already has so many of them and you would have to convince people to rebuy the same models. That problem wouldn't exist to the same regard with a new numenor kit if they do decide to split the current box and make 2 new ones.

I don't think they would put numenor as a priority by themselves but Rivendell might get that treatment and just because of that Numenor kinda has to get that free ride.

These are some good points.
I'd say modern kits of Orcs and elves would also be interesting to people outside MESBG, like Oathmark or Saga Fantasy players if GW didn't price themselves out of competition . I'd say that's less the case for Minas Tirith warriors, because their look is connected to lotr for everyone.
Made in de
Dakka Veteran

Mrs. GG and I would certainly like to see new Elves in plastic.

Rick, the Grumpy Gnome

Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


New FAQ is up

They've updated the Main Rule Book, Matched Play, Defence of the North and Armies of tLotR.

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Hardened Veteran Guardsman

The only Balancing aspect is +30 points for the Dragon Emperor

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Longtime Dakkanaut

Melbourne, Australia

Should have been plus a million.

The galaxy is littered with the single-planet graveyards of civilisations which made the economically sensible decision not to explore space. 
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Longtime Dakkanaut

Ah he's fine. That's just cut 3 models out of the list.
Made in it
Evil man of Carn Dûm


It had to be amended in a way or another... lot of people think it is useless now!
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Lots of people love to overreact. He's still brutal in his LL, but not such an auto include outside of it.
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Tunneling Trygon


Grand Tournament and another drip-fed preview

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Longtime Dakkanaut

Preview is a preview. Gives me Numenor vibes
Made in au
Fixture of Dakka


Yeah that's got Last Alliance written all over it.

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Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Actually giving it some consideration, i'm changing my mind to Arnor. Numenor barely ever used cavalry.
Made in au
Tunneling Trygon

Arnor is more likely in terms of cavalry, but don't forget the mount options for Last Alliance characters
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