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HeroQuest by Hasbro/Avalon Hill - First Light starter set revealed.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in ca
Knight of the Inner Circle

Montreal, QC Canada

Yeah, 150 bucks (in American dollars) for the Core box and both Expansions + 135 dollar shipping to Canada (also in American) means I'd be dropping a ton of cash for something I technically already have.

Guess this whole project is US only, oh well. Maybe I'll finds bits and stuff off Ebay once its out.

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Made in us
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator


Looks pretty cool if you ask me. I’m kinda of bummed the expansions contain like 1 new mini each. The stretch goals are a bit lame too. 200k for 6 more dice? That’s just greedy. At least give us alt sculpts and new characters for each of them.

Made in ie
Fixture of Dakka

Going to be a last minute decision on this I can use a mail forwarding service for delivery but it's a long way off 1 year for postage - the mail forwarding is with the national postal service to a physical US address so not really an issue but there's still a risk and I'd have to be prepared to write off about €170 if it all went wrong (there's still the sting of losing €110 to GZ)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/09/22 17:24:20

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

People on my Facebook Oldhammer/Middlehammer groups suggest that they can later get to a European release as well (I guess it's something they've done before with projects, though I didn't get details). So hopefully people won't miss out.

I feel like they've got a high funding goal and pretty big stretch goal amounts considering they've cut off half the audience. I also wonder if Kickstarter doesn't have better market reach than Haslab, especially if talking about 5-10% margins. Doesn't seem like we'll be unlocking a lot of content.

And also I noticed they replaced fimir with deep ones, so that pretty definitively clarifies that changes are all about IP, and not about their unsavory backgrounds... because, you know...
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

It’s been less than two hours, and it’s already 20% funded.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Sabotage! wrote:
Looks pretty cool if you ask me. I’m kinda of bummed the expansions contain like 1 new mini each. The stretch goals are a bit lame too. 200k for 6 more dice? That’s just greedy. At least give us alt sculpts and new characters for each of them.

I mean it's hasbro with very certain expectations on profits for shareholders. I'm surprised we're even getting new characters/minis at all.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Myrtle Creek, OR

"The Heroic Tier includes...and 1 exclusive miniature only available during the HasLab campaign."

Probably reading too much into a single sentence that this will hit retail, but why say the figure is exclusive to the HasLab campaign if the entire game isn't similarly exclusive to the campaign.

Thread Slayer 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

It looks like some of the Games Workshop stuff have been changed - "Chaos" replaced with "Dread" and Fimirs with the Fish creatures.
Made in gb
Yu Jing Martial Arts Ninja

North Wales

Darn it...

I was really in the market for a copy of HQ with updated, 21st century bits. Then, the North America only completely wrecks that idea.

Mind you, if the shipping cost to Canada is $135, the mind boggles as to what worldwide shipping would cost!

I guess that my options are some low cunning scheme to get it out of the US, wait for eBay, wait for a possible international retail release or try to get hold of an original copy.

Made in us
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer


Really like the resculpts enough that I'm in for this thing. Hope they turn out as well as the digital models.

Also, I never had the money for the expansions back in the day, so its nice to be able to get them now.

Now, off to Thingaverse to grab all the old models in case I end up needing replacements for my original game...

It never ends well 
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

I’m working with a US based member of the Loot Group to see if I can use their address and phone number to place an order.

I’ll report back once I know it work tomorrow morning (payday!).

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

 privateer4hire wrote:
"The Heroic Tier includes...and 1 exclusive miniature only available during the HasLab campaign."

Probably reading too much into a single sentence that this will hit retail, but why say the figure is exclusive to the HasLab campaign if the entire game isn't similarly exclusive to the campaign.

Looking around Hasbro Pulse it looks like things funded via Haslab are available via the Pulse Website. So the 1 figure that's exclusive to the HasLab is like a KSer exclusive. The 4 gendered swapped heroes are Pulse Exclusives so only available when you but the game on Pulse. Whether or that means there will be a general retail release is anyone's guess. But it does seam like the intention is to sell it online at least.

The Heroquest panel is this weekend so I'm sure we'll hear more about this then.
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Meh, not impressed. If it were 5 years ago I might have been, but there's so many better options out there when it comes to games of this style nowadays.
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Its almost as if they launched this so poorly they are hoping it doesnt succeed and they wont have to produce it.. $400,000 over for extra dice, $600,000 over for 2 extra skeltons.. maybe its just me, but this looks like the exact opposite way a major company should run a kickstarter in 2020
Made in de
Experienced Maneater

Really bummed about the NA delivery only. Would have loved to get this to play with the kids.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Houston, TX

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Couldn't be more generic if they tried.

It fits the source material, so not sure what you expected.
Made in us
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran

California the Southern

Yeah, I like what I see but it's a bit underwhelming at the same time.

Really big stretch goal gaps for not a lot extra. No real mention of how the game has been updated. The way the text reads it sounds like there's still quite a bit hidden away, and considering how long this is going to run I may come around by the end.

Does Hasbro Pulse do add ons and stuff like Kickstarter?

As it stands I feel like I'd probably get a lot more bang for my buck with Massive Darkness 2.

Poorly lit photos of my ever- growing collection of completely unrelated models!

Watch and listen to me ramble about these minis before ruining them with paint!
Made in ca
Regular Dakkanaut

 Chillreaper wrote:

Mind you, if the shipping cost to Canada is $135, the mind boggles as to what worldwide shipping would cost!

It's not really shipping. Hasbro isn't going to import a container of product into Canada, and what they're basically doing is handing off the shipping to a courier company. The breakdown of that $135 shipping is probably:
$ 50 (shipping and insurance)
$ 26 (13% sales tax to the Ontario on shipping and product)
$ 59 (broker fee for "clearing customs" and paying tax on your behalf- what a service)
Made in us
Stoic Grail Knight

Central Cimmeria

I've never played the original so I don't have nostalgia goggles but I've heard a lot of good things about this game, so I gave it a browse...

I have to say I'm not even mildly tempted currently. The value is very low imo unless this game is truly top tier fun.
Made in no
Liche Priest Hierophant


I remember svaing up money and buying this game. It was quite good at the time. We also made a lot of our own dungeons with it.

Made in us
Pragmatic Primus Commanding Cult Forces

Southeastern PA, USA

Chopxsticks wrote:
Its almost as if they launched this so poorly they are hoping it doesnt succeed and they wont have to produce it.. $400,000 over for extra dice, $600,000 over for 2 extra skeltons.. maybe its just me, but this looks like the exact opposite way a major company should run a kickstarter in 2020

I dunno. When Frosthaven pulls in $12 mil...seems dumb to set the stretch goals too low. I get that the rewards seem underwhelming, mind you.

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Made in gb
Crafty Bray Shaman

Anor Londo

Heroquest was a fantastic gateway game, but Advanced Heroquest was far superior for anybody that wanted more depth to their dungeon crawls.

If they do a reboot of AHQ I’d move heaven and earth to get a copy!

Never got into Warhammer Quest though, didn’t like the tile art and really disliked the whole “named characters only” thing.
Made in gb
Focused Dark Angels Land Raider Pilot

The grim darkness of far Fenland

As a massive HeroQuest fan for most of my life (I got the game when released in the UK in 1989 and most of the expansions), I'm pretty disappointed by this.

The commercials seem rubbish - non-UK (where we know there's a huge market) and huge company using crowd-funding for a sure bet - just seems poor.

But really it's the game itself that bothers me. I was hoping for a re-make of HeroQuest. The same "DNA", but with some new fun stuff. So keep it simple (aimed at kids) with easy to learn rules, but add a little more flavour. New heroes to choose from (and actual new heroes, not just female versions of existing ones - although having a female option is probably the only great change they've made!), new weapons, new quests, maybe some skills for the heroes to learn as experience. There's so much potential. Just look at Ye Olde Inn (https://www.yeoldeinn.com/) to see what can be done with the game.

But instead of a re-make, it's just a re-print. From what I've seen it's identical to the original (US) version. Same numbers of models (i.e. exactly the same number of orcs, skeletons etc as the original), the board is the same, the cards look the same, as do the stone/trap/door tiles. It's all new artwork that looks exactly like the original artwork. It's literally just a re-print. There's been no imagination put into this at all. I mean, the box art is so similar it's unreal. The characters are the same, in the same positions, the Wizard's even wearing almost the same clothes, the magic lightning is the same - there's just nothing new here.

We don't know the 'new' rules, but from what I've seen (character boards, wording on some of the cards) there'll be nothing new or changed. Which means the clunky search mechanic will still be there, the slow pace of: enter room, stop. Search for trap, wait a turn. Search for treasure, then move again. Some of the weird rules interactions won't be fixed. And if The Castle of Mystery is in the quest book that confirms there's been no effort whatsoever put into this.

I don't see the point in buying this if you have the original (not that I can, because I'm in the UK).

I feel like I've put more effort into HeroQuest (house rules) than Hasbro have.

Dark Angels/Deathwing - just getting started!
Space Marines - Stark Crusaders 4500pts/PL244 (2700pts painted)
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My Blog - mostly 40k, some HeroQuest 
Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

 Hellfury wrote:

Do you honestly think Hasbro would give any money to GW in order to license a fimir?

No. Hence my comment that it was unlikely unless the original agreement was stupid.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Undead_Love-Machine wrote:
Heroquest was a fantastic gateway game, but Advanced Heroquest was far superior for anybody that wanted more depth to their dungeon crawls.

If they do a reboot of AHQ I’d move heaven and earth to get a copy!

Advanced Heroquest was a GW game, so that would be up to them.

Have to admit, the cynical part of my brain would be slightly amused if GW were to announce an Advanced Heroquest or Warhammer Quest re-release tomorrow...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
Can’t the Loot Group help you all get copies?

From the screengrab posted earlier, the conditions of sale specifically forbid people from buying it to ship overseas. Make of that what you will.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2020/09/22 19:58:15

Made in ca
Regular Dakkanaut

 insaniak wrote:

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
Can’t the Loot Group help you all get copies?

From the screengrab posted earlier, the conditions of sale specifically forbid people from buying it to ship overseas. Make of that what you will.

That may imply that Hasbro only has North American rights to the name.
Made in au
Making Stuff

Under the couch

 Whittlesey40k wrote:

I don't see the point in buying this if you have the original (not that I can, because I'm in the UK)..

Replacing some worn out, 30-year-old parts would have been a bonus. New minis would have also been nice, as would access to new expansion material to flesh out the original, if such a thing happens.

The plastic furniture is also good - the original stuff was mostly a hybrid of plastic components joined to cardboard.

Even aside from the North America-only issue, though, the minis here mostly leave me cold. I expected them to be different to the Citadel originals, but while I like the player characters, the aesthetic that they've gone with for the evil models does nothing for me, and the goblins look like there's from a completely different game (although are, funnily enough, my favourite sculpts from amongst the monsters).

The female elf and orcs are nice touches though.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2020/09/22 20:04:51

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Myrtle Creek, OR

Dicebreaker (dunno their reputation as a board game reporter site) says the game is slated for retailers in late 2021. That assumes the crowdfunding version makes its target.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/09/22 20:11:48

Thread Slayer 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Whittlesey40k wrote:
As a massive HeroQuest fan for most of my life (I got the game when released in the UK in 1989 and most of the expansions), I'm pretty disappointed by this.

The commercials seem rubbish - non-UK (where we know there's a huge market) and huge company using crowd-funding for a sure bet - just seems poor.

But really it's the game itself that bothers me. I was hoping for a re-make of HeroQuest. The same "DNA", but with some new fun stuff. So keep it simple (aimed at kids) with easy to learn rules, but add a little more flavour. New heroes to choose from (and actual new heroes, not just female versions of existing ones - although having a female option is probably the only great change they've made!), new weapons, new quests, maybe some skills for the heroes to learn as experience. There's so much potential. Just look at Ye Olde Inn (https://www.yeoldeinn.com/) to see what can be done with the game.

But instead of a re-make, it's just a re-print. From what I've seen it's identical to the original (US) version. Same numbers of models (i.e. exactly the same number of orcs, skeletons etc as the original), the board is the same, the cards look the same, as do the stone/trap/door tiles. It's all new artwork that looks exactly like the original artwork. It's literally just a re-print. There's been no imagination put into this at all. I mean, the box art is so similar it's unreal. The characters are the same, in the same positions, the Wizard's even wearing almost the same clothes, the magic lightning is the same - there's just nothing new here.

We don't know the 'new' rules, but from what I've seen (character boards, wording on some of the cards) there'll be nothing new or changed. Which means the clunky search mechanic will still be there, the slow pace of: enter room, stop. Search for trap, wait a turn. Search for treasure, then move again. Some of the weird rules interactions won't be fixed. And if The Castle of Mystery is in the quest book that confirms there's been no effort whatsoever put into this.

I don't see the point in buying this if you have the original (not that I can, because I'm in the UK).

I feel like I've put more effort into HeroQuest (house rules) than Hasbro have.

Hasbro is in an odd spot as there's a large group of people that don't want the rules changed but there's a large group of people that want it updated. Probably pretty close to 50%-50% just here on Dakka.

I wouldn't be surprised, if this does really well, to see their own version of Advanced HQ (called something else since GW owns that) or Heroquest 2 come out that's exactly what you want. It would be good business plan I think as there's more people that down own the OG one then do but it's regularly talked about how great it is (nostalgia is a hell of a drug) then once that's taken care of and the OG fans that demand it reprinted with little to no changes are happy (as they're most likely to be the ones the most vocal about it being updated causing negative press) do an updated/modern version that I'm sure all the game designers working on this want to do.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

If it is in fact a 1:1 reprint sans GW stuff, I might just spend the extra cash and pick up the original versions. Or maybe get the mythic version and replace the minis with sculpts I actually like.

The furniture being actual models is pretty nice, I will say that.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/09/22 20:22:12

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Houston, TX

Given that Hasbro owns WOTC, and D&D is having a massive resurgence, I'm kinda surprised they didn't put this out under that brand. Maybe that's in store for a wide release outside of NA with modernized mechanics? Keeping this essentially as a nostalgia reprint for 40 something dads to bond with their kids seems about right for Haslab.
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