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Made in us
President of the Mat Ward Fan Club

Los Angeles, CA

This forum is an informal meeting place to allow like-minded individuals who are looking to trade/buy/sell gaming related items to find each other.

Dakka is NOT a trading site and there are absolutely no safeguards in place to guarantee that your transaction will be successfully completed. In all cases when making a trade or sale set up using this forum, Caveat Emptor (buyer beware). The owners and moderators of Dakka cannot and will not help you in any way if something goes wrong.

There are many steps you can take to help improve your chances of making a successful trade or sale, please read the other sticky threads in this forum for advice from other users on the simple steps you can take to better protect yourself. Ultimately, however, there are no guarantees. If that makes you wary, there are many other trading and selling sites on the internet that do specialize in sales and trades, such as Ebay and Bartertown (just to name a few).

There are a few rules to follow when making a post or new thread in this forum. Failure to follow these rules can result in your post/thread being edited, locked or deleted by a moderator. Persistent breaking of the rules can (and will) result in your account being suspended. As always, if you have a question on whether something you are posting is acceptable or not, please PM (private message) a moderator or post your question in the Nuts and Bolts forum before making your post.

Any questions should be directed to the Swap Shop moderators first. Your current Swap Shop Moderators are:


Please read all the swap shop rules & guidelines in this post (and those posts below made by swap shop moderators) first before posting anything.


  • All the normal forum rules apply to the swap shop forum.

  • Please stick to one single trade thread rather than create multiple threads for multiple items. Remember, you can edit your original post and title as many times as necessary to reflect changes/trades made

  • Any post that is not related to a transaction or pursuit of further information on a transaction is considered off-topic. That is to say, commentary that does not concern buying, selling, or swapping stuff, is off-topic. Anyone simply "commenting" on an offer is off-topic. Users who continuously post off-topic material may have their posts edited or deleted and their account suspended.

  • As stated before, the Swap Shop is intended as an informal forum for the trade/sell/bartering of wargaming related products. As such, the direct sale of non-gaming related items will be prohibited. Trading non-gaming related items for Gaming related items, however, is allowed.

  • Please do not post any goods that are not from their original manufacturer, but are instead copies of the IP owned by someone else. These are commonly know as recasts, china-cast, or russia-cast.

  • Updates/Bumping

    When you post a reply to a thread, this moves the thread back to the top of the forum - this is known as a bump. The Swap Shop has the following restrictions in place as to when you can/can't do this. This is in order to keep the Swap Shop fair and accessible for all instead of a constant race of users trying to keep their threads on the top of the pile. While you are free to edit your initial post as often as you would like, please be mindful of these rules regarding bumping:

  • Users who create multiple threads pushing the same trade/sale or who continuously bump their threads will have their threads locked or deleted and potentially have their accounts suspended (if they continue to do it after being warned).

  • Limit yourself to one self-bump every 4 days, at minimum, unless you are responding to a question within the thread and supplying more information (Note: posts responding to questions with more information do reset your 4 day bump period)

  • Even if you are are adding more info or updating a list of items, the 4 day rule still applies. Posting that you have updated the OP still bumps the thread, whether it is a genuine update or not.

  • With regard to providing more information, please do not post to say that you will provide more info/pictures in the future. Instead, please wait to post until you actually have the info/pictures to post

  • DO NOT post that you have responded to a PM. Similarly, if you are going to self-bump a thread, do not do so with inane posts such as '^^' or 'bump'

  • In order to ensure that accountability exists for swap shop transactions, users are expected to create and maintain a single account for all swap shop transactions. If a user is found to have created multiple accounts on Dakka in order to bump their own threads, create duplicate transactions, etc, it will often result in a permanent suspension of some or ALL their accounts, so please don't do it!

  • Similarly, two or more users found to be 'cross-bumping' each others' threads specifically to get around the 4 day limitation can result in account suspension.

  • Mandatory Thread Title Layout

    In order to keep the Swap Shop clean, organised, quick and easy to navigate, the following title format must be adhered to when creating Swap Shop threads.

    [H] The item you have [W] The item you want [Country of Origin] [eBay](whether or not these items are linked to an eBay auction)

    [H] Orks [W] Dark Eldar [UK]
    [H] $$$ [W] Space Marines [USA]
    [H] Imperial Steam Cannon [W] $$$ [CAN] [eBay]
    [H] Orcs & Goblins [W] Rogue Trader minis [UK]

    As a general rule - assume that a trader is willing to trade to/from internationally. Therefore, if you wish to restrict yourself to your own country/continent, please be sure to specify that in your thread title. I.e. [USA] or [UK] signifies that the trader is based out of the US and UK, respectively, but willing to trade anywhere. [USA only] or [UK only], however, signifies that the trader does not wish to deal outside of the US or UK, respectively.

    Contrary to popular belief, the Mod team do not enjoy editing thread titles ad infinitum so please ensure you stick to the rules. Repeat offenders will run the risk of their threads being locked and/or deleted.

    Again, the intent is to simplify the information for Swap Shop users. Any questions may be directed to one of the Swap Shop Moderators. It is important to keep your titles as concise as possible to benefit from this system.

    Below are noncompulsory suggestions for the body of your thread. This format is also designed for simplicity and ease of use but you are in no way required to use it. It is simply here as a suggestion and/or for you to copy-and-paste.

    1. Shipping/Location: Willing (or Unwilling) to ship Internationally. Location: Djibouti

    2. Haves: (This is your area to go into further explanation regarding what it is you have)
    114 boys with Shootas
    1 GW Battlewagon
    3 FW Battlewagons
    2 GW Trukks (old style)
    1 GW Trukk
    8 GW Warbikers (old style)
    3 GW Deff Dreads
    1 GW Deff Kopta (old Style)

    3. Wants: (This is your area to go into further explanation regarding what it is you want) Example: As the title says I am looking for anything Space Marine related. Even the old Rogue Trader Space Marine Beakies.

    4. (Alternate paying methods) Example: Also willing to pay cash via Money Order or PayPal

    5. (eBay or other trade/auction site link) eBay: 40K Ork auctions here WWWdotblahblahblah_at_ebaydotcom

    6. Details: (Anything else you may want to say regarding this thread. Please stay on topic.) Example: Looking for any Rogue Trader stuff in general, not just Space Marines. Also I have a few Tau and Chaos minis for trade as well.

    As always, general suggestions on how the swap shop is run can be posted here in this thread or in the Nuts and Bolts forum section of DakkaDakka.

    Several DakkaDakka members have been goodly enough to devote their time and effort on a list of tips to help new traders. If you're new or unsure of how to trade, please go check them out. This thread is filled with good, common and not so common sense advice.


    Tips on Trading / Buying / Selling ( swap shop~)

    Also, please fell free to add any advice you have learned regarding trading.

    Thank you.

    This message was edited 22 times. Last update was at 2018/04/03 14:44:52

    I play (click on icons to see pics): DQ:70+S++G(FAQ)M++B-I++Pw40k92/f-D+++A+++/areWD104R+T(D)DM+++
    yakface's 40K rule #1: Although the rules allow you to use modeling to your advantage, how badly do you need to win your toy soldier games?
    yakface's 40K rule #2: Friends don't let friends start a MEQ army.
    yakface's 40K rule #3: Codex does not ALWAYS trump the rulebook, so please don't say that!
    Waaagh Dakka: click the banner to learn more! 
    Made in gb
    Killer Klaivex

    Transaction Reports

    If you feel that a trade is going wrong somewhere, or has gone wrong somewhere (due to lack of communication, the wrong goods being sent, damaged goods, etc), then you should start a thread in the SwapShop titled, 'Transaction Report:(insert other traders name)' In this thread, you should state the trade agreed upon, the length of time that has elapsed since then, and the details of your issue with the trade/trader in a clear, polite, and concise fashion. If the issue is with the goods in question, then posting some photographs would also be appropriate. You may also post all communications that have been had with the other trader, as long as they have been edited appropriately so as to follow the rules below. Then, any other user who also has an issue with/info on the aforementioned trader may also chip in with any relevant information they may have.

    The rules for a Transaction Report are as follows:-

    - Please be mindful of Rule #1 - Be Polite!This means no insulting the other user, calling them a scammer, etc. Rule 1# applies everywhere, Transaction Reports included.
    -No posting of personal information. This means names, addresses, phone numbers, private email addresses, etc. If several users have an issue with a trader, then this kind of information may be shared with other users who request it via PM, but any posting of it publicly will result in the information being removed by a moderator.
    -If you have no pertinent information to add to a Transaction Report, DO NOT POST! Jumping on the bandwagon may be appropriate in other places, but we would like to keep Transaction reports concise and clear. Doing so will result in your post being removed.
    -Please allow a trader a few days to respond, as not everyone checks the forum on a daily basis.
    -Please allow ~2 weeks before posting a Transaction Report. While this may seem a long time, sometimes Real Life does catch up to all of us at times and our internet time can become limited at times. As a bit of a courtesy, please try contacting the trader in question over PM/email/phone for a couple of weeks before posting a Transaction Report.

    Having posted/read a transaction report, if you feel you have genuinely been scammed by the user in question, you should send a PM to one of the SwapMods(Ketara, Jin, whalemusic360 or filbert). We will then contact the user and request that they justify themselves in the Transaction Report you have just started. Should there be no satisfactory response, and multiple complaints about the user, then they will be warned, and subsequently banned from DakkaDakka, the same as if they had caused trouble in another section of the site.

    It is recommended that before you start a trade on DakkaDakka, that you use the Search Function to look for Transaction Reports. This way, if there has been trouble with a trader before, you can quickly assess and digest all of the available info, and decide whether or not to deal with those users. However, please note that simply having a Transaction Report is not necessarily a black mark against a user, simply the fact that someone has felt that they have had difficulties with them. It is recommended that you read a Transaction Report before coming to a decision about a user.

    This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2016/09/20 16:56:38

    Made in gb
    Killer Klaivex

    Trading Tips and Suggestions, with many thanks to RogueMarket for compiling and allowing the reproduction of these guidelines:

    First and foremost - please remember:

    Dakka is NOT a trading site and there are absolutely no safeguards in place to guarantee that your transaction will be successfully completed. In all cases when making a trade or sale set up using this forum, Caveat Emptor (buyer beware). The owners and moderators of Dakka cannot and will not help you in any way if something goes wrong.

    Dedicated Trading sites:

    There are sites PURELY dedicated for Buying/Selling/Trading and have made efforts in security to help traders. If you are looking to be serious about trading large quantities of models, we highly recommend you look into these following websites:

    Rogue Market

    This guide has been broken down into different sections to make it easier for you, the Forum Member, to quickly reference this thread based upon your situation (whether you are buying, selling, or trading.). Sections are titled in GREEN HEADINGS. Read the section details carefully and follow the advice given at your discretion.

    These are merely guidelines set forth by veteran trade members who've had great success using these methods. These ARE NOT RULES, only suggestions.

    Should you have any further questions or need any further assistance, please post in the Swap Shop Suggestions/Discussion Thread or PM one of the SwapMods.

    Trading Pointers

    Trade Threads

    When posting a new trade thread there are a few things that you should always be including in the thread.

    1. A list. You should be posting a list of anything and everything you are wanting to trade and receive. Posting something like "Have a buncha IG want SM terminators, Devastators, and Captain." will get you some responses, most of which will be asking what IG minis you have. So to cut out that extra step you should be posting what exactly you have.

    2. Pictures. Posting a picture helps loads when it comes to selling anything that is not NIB (new in box). It shows the shape and condition of the trade item. How it's assembled or painted (if it is assembled or painted) and gives just a little bit of proof that you actually have the items in question.

    3.Clear and concise description. Post **exactly** what you have and it's shape and condition. Be honest with this. If the mini is broken or missing a limb or item then list that. Chances are people will still be interested, but maybe not the same people who would want the mini intact.

    4. Don't rush. Posting a trade thread in a rush leads to a ton of mistakes and generally a very poor thread. Take your time. If your thread gets posted 20 minutes later than it would have if you had posted in a rush, I guarantee you won't have gotten any more responses than you would have gotten from a rushed post.

    5. References. If you're new, post references to your credibility, will only help establish your identity.

    General Tips
    Whatever your transaction is, be it buying, selling, or trading, you should always take care to gather these bits of information from those you are dealing with:

    1. First name, and Last name = Full name on both. No partials.
    2. Home/Mailing Address
    3. Phone number
    4. Alternative Contact Information:
    * Emails
    * Instant Messengers (AIM, YIM, MSN, GTALK, etc.)


    1. PMs. Private Messages are the lifeblood of all trades on this site. They are used to relay information between the two trade parties whether it be to negotiate the trade details or to exchange address info. You should have a VALID EMAIL ADDRESS associated with this site so when you receive a PM you get a notification sent to an email address you check regularly. This is so that you can keep in good contact with your trades even if you do not check the site regularly.

    2. Payment.
    * PayPal. Anytime you are sending money to someone else electronically, you should be using Paypal. It's simple enough that all you need is a bank account with money in it. You can also use a credit card to pay for things via Paypal. It's secure, has many countermeasures to protect you from scams and also has a high success rate of getting your money back should you be scammed. It should also be noted that unless you are 100% trustful of the person you are buying from, never pay with PayPal using the 'Gift' option as you will have little or no buyer protection and be unable to dispute the transaction at a later date. Always pay using the 'Goods/Services' option.

    * Checks (Cheques). This is also another secure method (however not quite as secure as PayPal as your bank defines fraud a bit differently.) Be sure to notate on the ledger/notes section EXACTLY what you're paying for. If you're concerned about your bank info being used inappropriately and would rather not risk your bank account then use an M.O.;

    * Money Orders. These should be a last resort. They have little to no scam protection, very little in the way of tracking, and can easily be scammed. Avoid using Money Orders if you have other means of sending money.

    3. Communication. Upon receipt of your shipment you should contact the seller to confirm the receipt of your product and to also alert them of any problems if there were any (remember they can't make it right for you if they don't know something went wrong.).

    4. Feedback. At the conclusion of the purchase, once BOTH parties have received their items (whether it's money-for-minis or minis-for-minis) BOTH parties should leave *somewhat* detailed info for their trade via the Reputable Traders List. This is considered a courtesy as well, but as a member of this site you should help others to build member credibility which will establish a stronger community built upon trust.


    1. PMs. Private Messages are the lifeblood of all trades on this site. They are used to relay information between the two trade parties whether it be to negotiate the trade details or to exchange address info. You should have a VALID EMAIL ADDRESS associated with this site so when you receive a PM you get a notification sent to an email address you check regularly. This is so that you can keep in good contact with your trades even if you do not check the site regularly.

    2. Receipts. Anytime you are receiving money through any money transfer service you should contact the buyer with a PM or email stating that the money was received and confirm that you are shipping their product. This is just one step to ensure trust between you two and to keep them informed of your progress.

    3. Shipping. The item should be shipped no later than a business week after receipt of payment. Nothing barring sickness (personal hospitalization) or Acts of God that would prevent you from getting to the post office (post office burned down, Hurricanes destroyed the post office, etc.) should excuse you from taking over 7 days to get something shipped once paid. IF such a delay does occur CONTACT THE BUYER IMMEDIATELY to inform them. 99 out of 100 times, the other person will be ok with the delay and understand so long as you keep them in the loop. That said, if you fail so completely that it takes over 2 weeks to ship something you shouldn't be selling the item in the first place.

    * Shipping 'extras'.
    o Delivery Confirmation. Every package should be shipped with delivery confirmation if possible. It's $0.65 from the Post Office. It can provide proof of shipment and arrival. It aslo gives the buyer a heads up for when to expect the package. If anything, charge extra for shipping to cover this cost. If the buyer declines it, then that's their choice, but you at least made the effort.

    o Signature Received. Any sale over $50 should have this included. It provides proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that you package arrived safe and secure with it's contents secure and was accepted by the recipient.

    o Insurance. This isn't a necessity in most cases. It only provides coverage should something happen to your package while it's being delivered. 999 times out of 1000 it's gonna make it to the recipient in good condition.

    4. Communication. Contact the seller with the info pertaining to their shipment. Include
    * when you dropped it off
    * where you dropped it off (which delivery service, i.e. : P.O., UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc.)
    * give tracking info (if purchased by the buyer.)

    5. Feedback. At the conclusion of the sale, once BOTH parties have received their items (whether it's money-for-minis or minis-for-minis) BOTH parties should leave *somewhat* detailed info in the Reputable Traders List. This is considered a courtesy as well, but as a member of this site you should help others to build member credibility which will establish a stronger community built upon trust.


    1. PMs. Private Messages are the lifeblood of all trades on this site. They are used to relay information between the two trade parties whether it be to negotiate the trade details or to exchange address info. You should have a VALID EMAIL ADDRESS associated with this site so when you receive a PM you get a notification sent to an email address you check regularly. This is so that you can keep in good contact with your trades even if you do not check the site regularly.

    2. Shipping. This is something that can be a bother, but is a necessity. When you complete a trade, you should have the items AT the post office NO LATER than a week after the conclusion of the trade via PMs. There's no excuse that will validate any reasoning for why it would take you longer to get the items to the post office any later than a week. No one likes to wait for items, yourself included.

    * Delivery Confirmation/Signature Received/Insurance. All of these extras add just a little bit more security to your trade and cost $3 in total usually. Delivery Confirmation gives proof that a packages was shipped and can prove it arrived. Signature Received gives proof that it was received *and* accepted. Insurance will rarely be needed, but should something happen to your package it will be covered by the deliverer.

    3. Communication. Once you have shipped the item(s), send a PM to the receiver stating that you shipped and include all info of the shipment (delivery confirmation #, delivery service, expected arrival, etc.) This is a common courtesy and will let the receiver know to expect the package.

    4. Feedback. At the conclusion of the trade, once BOTH parties have received their items (whether it's money-for-minis or minis-for-minis) BOTH parties should leave *somewhat* detailed info for their trade via the Reputable Traders List. This is considered a courtesy as well, but as a member of this site you should help others to build member credibility which will establish a stronger community built upon trust.

    Things to look out for with potential scams
    1. Post Count. this is not a be all end all when it comes to detecting scammers. If someone is trading with you and has less than 5 posts, be wary. They're not very active on the forums, keeping a low profile.

    2. Join Date. If someone has registered less than a few months back, exercise caution. Check their references, post counts, actual posts, PM communication (timeliness). Going back to #1 scammers tend to keep an extremely low profile cause they want to fly in under the radar. Less attention on them means they aren't being scrutinized.

    3. Odd offers. If someone is offering you something that is too good to be true, chances are - IT IS. If you're getting the better end of the stick by far then you might want to exercise caution again.

    4. Do your homework. Don't trade blindly. Research who you're trading with using the site's many resources in the user profile of the person with whom you are trading with.

    5. Build rapport. Don't make a trade over $50 with someone for the first time unless you are certain they're legit. If things go smooth, trade some more and build rapport with one another.

    6. Overseas countries are places to watch out for. Those are where most scammers are located and are hard to get back your item once its shipped. Some countries are:
    also Africa

    Italy is also a VERY known country to have missing / scam packages.

    How to handle Scammers

    Are you a victim of online fraud, or think you are a potential victim due to a single person or a company? Well, you have come to the right place to see what you can do to get your item/money back from the thieves.

    Steps you should take:

    0. Send them a last effort email/phone call to let them know whats up. Also, it would be a good idea to create a Transaction Report This helps other users deter a potential problem seller, and alerts the SwapMods to the issue. Greater details on Transaction Reports can be found here:-

    [OPTIONAL] - I always write them a physical letter, and send it to their address with SIGNATURE CONFIRMATION. Telling them that they signed for the letter itself, to show that they are fully aware. By doing this - you got them on a greater lockdown. No joke.

    1. If you paid via paypal - file a dispute. If you paid via Credit Card, call your company to cancel the payment.
    2. Contact your Local Postal Office, and THEIR Postal Office.
    3. Contact your Local Police Department, and Contact THEIR police department.

    -How? Use google to your advantage and type in " [CITY NAME] Police Department"

    4. Fill out the internet forms I provide below (Look further down the post)

    USA Mail Fraud Information

    The following sites are places to file for mail fraud. I suggest filing as many as you can. This will not only help you, but will make the process quicker and notify the authorities of what the person is doing.

    Contact your nearest local law enforcement agency such as Police Department or Sheriffs Department and inform them of the situation. Some local law enforcements do have Fraud Departments to help you with your cases.

    U.S. Postal Inspection Service

    USPS Mail Fraud Complaint Form
    Mail-in Mail Fraud Complaint Form (.PDF) -- Adobe Acrobat is needed to view.
    USPS Online Feedback Form
    Postal Inspector Office Locator

    Inspection Service Support Group
    Attn: Fraud Section
    Ste 1250
    222 S Riverside Plaza
    Chicago, IL 60606-6100

    If you feel you've been victimized in a mail fraud scheme that in any way involves the U.S. Mail®, contact the U.S. Postal Inspection Service in one of the following ways:

    * Mail correspondence to:
    STE 1250
    CHICAGO IL 60606-6100
    * Locate your local Postal Inspector's office.
    * Submit a Mail Fraud Report or contact the Mail Fraud hotline (1-800-372-8347)
    if you have a complaint involving fraud and the U.S. Mail.

    Internet Fraud Complaint Center for the FBI

    IFCC Complaint Form

    Federal Trade Commission

    FTC Consumer Complaint Form

    National Fraud Information

    National Fraud Complaint Form

    9am - 5pm Eastern Time

    Better Business Bureau

    BBB Online Complaint Form

    International Mail Fraud Info

    Contact your nearest local law enforcement agency such as Police Department or Sheriffs Department and inform them of the situation. Some local law enforcements do have Fraud Departments to help you with your cases.

    International Fraud -- econsumer.gov

    econsumer.gov Complaint Form

    International Web Police

    Canadian Consumer Information Complaint Form

    P.O. Box 686
    North Bay, Ontario
    P1B 8J8

    Toll Free Phone: (888)495-8501
    Toll Free Fax: (888) 654-9426
    Email: [EMAIL="info@phonebusters.com"]info@phonebusters.com[/EMAIL]

    Council of Better Business Bureaus
    220 - 44 Byward Market Square
    Ottawa, Ontario
    K1N 7A2

    Phone: (613)789-5151
    Fax: (613) 789-7044
    Email: [EMAIL="ccbbb@canadiancouncilbbb.ca"]ccbbb@canadiancouncilbbb.ca[/EMAIL]


    SquareTrade -- File a dispute. SquareTrade will be the mediator.

    SquareTrade Online Dispute Resolution Service -- FREE
    4 Step Process To Resolve Disputes
    What is Online Dispute Resolution?

    PayPal Email Help Form
    PayPal Service Center:

    PayPal Customer Service Agents are available to help you during the following times:

    7:00 AM EST to 1:00 AM EST Monday through Friday
    9:00 AM EST to 11:00 PM EST on Saturday and Sunday

    Call us toll-free at: 1-888-221-1161

    We may only discuss an account with the account-holder.
    Please have the following information available when you call:

    Your telephone number
    Your email address
    The last 4 digits of your credit card or bank account registered with PayPal

    For security reasons, we must verify the above details before discussing any account-specific information.

    :Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    1. I think I have been ripped off. What should I do?

    Go to any of the mail fraud sites listed below to file a complaint. I suggest filing for as many as you can.

    2. When should I file for mail fraud?

    First of all, you can choose your patience limit however as you may, this is just a 'guideline'.

    If you have sent out numerous e-mails regarding your payment being received and/or item being sent and never received the item/e-mail within a 10-20 days from the date you shipped the item/payment, send out ONE LAST e-mail informing them that you will take action if they do not respond to your e-mails. If after 3-7 days of no response, start to file for mail fraud. The faster you file the mail fraud, the faster you will get what is owed to you.

    3. The other party responds to my e-mails, but keeps giving me excuses and/or the run around. What should I do?

    It's more than likely they just trying to buy more time. If they reply to your e-mails but keeps telling you that it will be shipped soon, over and over, notify them that you will be filing for mail fraud. File for mail fraud as soon as possible. Especially with PayPal and their 30-day policy (see FAQ #6). If you keep on letting them buy more time, they'll just keep giving you that same answer over and over until either the PayPal 30-day complaint is over, or if you forget about it and give up trying to get the item.

    4. What do I need when I file a complaint?

    Most of the time it's a win-win situation if you have most, if not all of the following..
    You will need the following contact information of the other party:

    Phone Number (if available)
    You will need any of the following proof and/or evidence: (the more the better)

    Email and/or Instant Message conversations
    Proof of shipment of item
    Proof of payment (Credit Card Bill, Check Statements, PayPal, Receipts, etc.)

    5. I paid for something online with a credit card, money order, check or cash and I never received the item. What should I do?

    If you paid with credit card, notify the credit card company, and inform them of the situation. Tell them you want to dispute the charge, and they will investigate.

    If you paid with a money order, you can go back to the place you bought the money order from or call the number that is on the receipt stub from the money order and have them do a 'stop payment'. What 'stop payment' does is, it prevents the person from cashing it in. But if the money order has been cashed already, there is nothing that can be done, unless you file for mail fraud. Also, the receipt stub that was on the money order can also be used as proof of payment, as well as proof of them cashing it when they track the money order.

    If you paid with a check, its similiar to a money order. You can do a 'stop payment'. If the check has been cashed, there is nothing that can be done, unless you file for mail fraud. If the check has been cashed, you can ask your bank for a bank statement concerning the check. This will be used as proof that the person cashed your check.

    If you paid in cash, this will be harder as there is no proof/receipt that you sent it. So, send at your own risk.

    6. I ordered something online using PayPal. What should I do?

    PayPal's policy is that, you have 30-days to file a complaint. If after 30-days, you are out of luck. If you have not received a response and/or item within 20-days, file a complaint with PayPal. If by any chance, you do receive the item, you can cancel the complaint with PayPal. If the other party is at fault, PayPal will recover whatever money is owed to you, IF the money is in the other party's account. If there is no money in the account, there is nothing that can be done unless you used your credit card on PayPal to pay for the item (see FAQ #5).

    Beware of Paypal. People can also do a chargeback on you if they use a credit card to buy your stuff. They can take back their money and keep your stuff, without even really explaining why.

    If you send items out, MAKE SURE YOU USE TRACKING. This will your evidence.

    7. Does there have to be a certain value before I can file for mail fraud?

    No. It's not the cost and/or value of the item, in order for you to file for mail fraud. It's the principle. You can file for mail fraud whether your lost or the item costs, $5.00, $100.00, or even $1,000.00. Mail fraud is a crime and a federal offense. Legal action can be taken against the the other party if they are found guilty if they do not return what is owed to the respectful ower.

    8. When is it a good time to send out an item once I have received payment from buyer via PayPal?

    There have been instances where a seller has sold an item (most of the time expensive items) to a buyer, whether it be a hard to find game, cellphone, systems, electronics, etc., and a couple days later, the payment was reversed. Most of the time, the payment is reversed due to stolen credit cards, stolen bank account information or just plain scam.

    Most sellers ship the item the next day after receiving the payment. Its good to be quick on shipping, but its also bad. If the payment was a scam/reversed, it takes PayPal 1-day to find out, email you and reverse the payment (2 days max..but rarely). Once payment is reversed, PayPal will do an investigation to see if it indeed was a fraudulent payment. If you're lucky to read the email before it is sent out, than you've saved yourself from losing an item. If not, and the package is already on the way to the scammer, go back to the place where you shipped the package and request it back do to an investigation and fraudulent payment.
    Best suggestion is to:

    Ship item 2-3 business days after you have received the payment. This will give you enough time to see if there is problems with the payment.

    Overseas countries are places to watch out for. Those are where most scammers are located and are hard to get back your item once its shipped. Some countries are:
    also Africa

    Italy is also a VERY known country to have missing / scam packages.

    Send package with Delivery Confirmation. This will show the tracking of the package, proof of shipment and proof of arrival to buyer. This is a major factor when it comes to providing proof of shipment.

    9. I have a question but its not mentioned above. Can you help me?
    Should you have any further questions or need any further assistance, please post in the Swap Shop Suggestions/Discussion Thread or PM one of the SwapMods.

    This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2012/03/06 21:17:04

    Made in us
    Scuttling Genestealer

    Greenville, NC

    Recently the Dakka Swap Shop search function has been encountering an error, preventing myself (and I'm assuming everyone else) from using the search function at all. Has this already been reported and is being taken care of right now, or has the search function simply been put out to pasture? Please let me know! Thanks!
    Made in us
    President of the Mat Ward Fan Club

    Los Angeles, CA

    Mr. Feel Good wrote:Recently the Dakka Swap Shop search function has been encountering an error, preventing myself (and I'm assuming everyone else) from using the search function at all. Has this already been reported and is being taken care of right now, or has the search function simply been put out to pasture? Please let me know! Thanks!

    Yes, currently the server needs to be reset to fix the search engine. It should be done within a few days, but until then you will see those errors when you try to search.

    I play (click on icons to see pics): DQ:70+S++G(FAQ)M++B-I++Pw40k92/f-D+++A+++/areWD104R+T(D)DM+++
    yakface's 40K rule #1: Although the rules allow you to use modeling to your advantage, how badly do you need to win your toy soldier games?
    yakface's 40K rule #2: Friends don't let friends start a MEQ army.
    yakface's 40K rule #3: Codex does not ALWAYS trump the rulebook, so please don't say that!
    Waaagh Dakka: click the banner to learn more! 
    Made in ie
    Crazed Gorger


    would selling through ebay be a violation here?

    'The One Who Doesn't Fall, Doesn't Stand Up'
    -Fedor Emelianenko 31-3-1 The Greatest Heavyweight ever
    Made in us


    Yugsor2011 wrote:would selling through ebay be a violation here?

    Ebay this are fine. The only thing we ask is that you don't spam the forum with multiple threads pointing to single auctions each, but rather, consolidating things to a single thread. Also, posting up threads on anear daily basis is also highly frowned upon.

    Most importantly, make sure to include a link to your auction (happens a lot that people forget) and make sure to add 'EBAY' in the thread title.


    Madness and genius are separated by degrees of success.

    Remember to follow the Swap Shop Rules and Guidelines! 
    Made in us
    Veteran ORC

    So, If I were to create a thread trading Magic Cards for some models or such, that would be fine?

    I've never feared Death or Dying. I've only feared never Trying. 
    Made in us


    As Magic Cards are gaming related, it'd be alright just to do a regular sale thread for them.

    Non-gaming related items (electronics, dvds, paintball equipment, etc.) we allow only in the context of gaming-related trades. While we won't disallow it for the most part, there are certainly better venues for trying to sell off such items.


    Madness and genius are separated by degrees of success.

    Remember to follow the Swap Shop Rules and Guidelines! 
    Made in us
    Drop Trooper with Demo Charge

    I have a question:
    Is it alright if I send things via U.S. postal service within the USA or do i use a commerial shipper? like UPS or fedex.

    "Dahl makes weapons for professional mercs. They're heavy, accurate and effective, assuming you are strong enough to hold one!" - Marcus Kincaid
    82-PVT Maa Squad II Platoon Gamma of the 222nd catachan transferred now 134-Sniper Maa
    Hoping for storm trooper training
    my IG squad beats your squad!
    Oh $#!% 
    Made in us


    You're free to ship however you want. It's just always recommended to get some form of Delivery Confirmation/Tracking for whatever you send so that both parties can keep track of packages and know where/when they get shipped/arrive. As far as I can recall, all 3 (USPS, UPS, FEDEX) have such options available.

    The only issue comes from how the shipper tends to handle actual receipt of packages (there tend to be fewer UPS/FedEX distribution centers, which means a missed delivery can become a pain in the butt for the receiver, whereas USPS tend to either leave it at the doorstep or allow people to pick up their package from the local Post Office). Probably best to discuss with your trading partner.


    Madness and genius are separated by degrees of success.

    Remember to follow the Swap Shop Rules and Guidelines! 
    Made in us
    Drop Trooper with Demo Charge

    Jin wrote:You're free to ship however you want. It's just always recommended to get some form of Delivery Confirmation/Tracking for whatever you send so that both parties can keep track of packages and know where/when they get shipped/arrive. As far as I can recall, all 3 (USPS, UPS, FEDEX) have such options available.

    The only issue comes from how the shipper tends to handle actual receipt of packages (there tend to be fewer UPS/FedEX distribution centers, which means a missed delivery can become a pain in the butt for the receiver, whereas USPS tend to either leave it at the doorstep or allow people to pick up their package from the local Post Office). Probably best to discuss with your trading partner.

    Thanks for the quick response! I'll probably use USPS because leave package at P.O. boxes or at your door! I had a bad experince with the commercial shippers so I'lll avoid them.

    "Dahl makes weapons for professional mercs. They're heavy, accurate and effective, assuming you are strong enough to hold one!" - Marcus Kincaid
    82-PVT Maa Squad II Platoon Gamma of the 222nd catachan transferred now 134-Sniper Maa
    Hoping for storm trooper training
    my IG squad beats your squad!
    Oh $#!% 
    Made in us
    Stealthy Space Wolves Scout

    Lincolnton, NC

    I know Ketara has had alot going on with school work......reality is real life comes first, and not to step on his toes, he has done great work but will he or someone else be updating the reputable traders list.........its getting seriously neglected

    120 Successful trades on Dakka Dakka ........and looking forward to more

    Space Wolves - Ragnar's Great Company - 25,010 Points 
    Made in us
    Decrepit Dakkanaut

    Eternal Plague

    LakotaWolf wrote:I know Ketara has had alot going on with school work......reality is real life comes first, and not to step on his toes, he has done great work but will he or someone else be updating the reputable traders list.........its getting seriously neglected

    They'll be getting around to it soon. Such as it is, the principal caretaker of the list has had many things to do and time has been precious for him.

    Made in us
    Dankhold Troggoth

    Shadeglass Maze

    Ketara mentioned that, as of today, the Reputable Traders List is fully up to date . The Transaction Report List is, as well.

    This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/08/28 03:55:30

    Made in ca
    Avatar of the Bloody-Handed God


    Hi Yak, I would like to request other then where the item is sold at, if we have enough subject space left,
    can we also include which countries we could do trades with?


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    Made in us
    Dankhold Troggoth

    Shadeglass Maze

    You certainly have the option to do so- currently, if people only want to trade in a single country, adding the word "only" works just fine (i.e. [USA Only]).

    You could easily add something such as (in your case) "[Can] Trades within N. America" if you wish.

    It's unlikely that this will become a requirement for titles, just due to how unweildy it could be with all the possible combinations (some people only refuse to ship to a few countries, but everywhere else is fine).
    Made in us
    Gimlet-Eyed Inquisitorial Acolyte

    Would it be correct to put price appraisal threads here, without the intent of selling them here?

    I ask because I have an army I am looking at selling to a guy at my FLGS and I don't even know where to start appraising it.

    Made in us
    Badass "Sister Sin"

    Camas, WA

    Should the swap shop rules violations be reported using the nice little Alert Mod button or just left alone until one of the SS mods shows up?

    Looking for great deals on miniatures or have a large pile you are looking to sell off? Checkout Mindtaker Miniatures.
    Live in the Pacific NW? Check out http://ordofanaticus.com
    Made in us
    Painlord Titan Princeps of Slaanesh

    Is posting for a third party allowed? Especially what is, in effect, an ad for another person's Ebay sales. See this thread: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/421213.page

    Made in us
    Dankhold Troggoth

    Shadeglass Maze

    Sorry for not responding to these requests sooner- if you need a fast response to a specific question, feel free to PM any SwapShop Mod directly at any time

    Here are some belated answers, for future reference:

    Armless Failure wrote:Would it be correct to put price appraisal threads here, without the intent of selling them here?

    I ask because I have an army I am looking at selling to a guy at my FLGS and I don't even know where to start appraising it.

    These kinds of threads belong in Dakka Discussions

    petre wrote:Should the swap shop rules violations be reported using the nice little Alert Mod button or just left alone until one of the SS mods shows up?

    Yes, please do hit the yellow triangle to report problems in the Swap Shop! Things like titles without tags don't really need to be reported (we'll fix them as soon as we are able, anyway) but any site rules violations should definitely be reported with the yellow triangle.

    Leo_the_Rat wrote:Is posting for a third party allowed? Especially what is, in effect, an ad for another person's Ebay sales. See this thread: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/421213.page

    Generally, this doesn't fit the guidelines of what this section is for (buying, selling, and trading directly). There could be an exception, but in general the answer is "no".

    Made in au
    Warning From Magnus? Not Listening!

    Adelaide, Australia

    Sorry if i should not post here, but there is something i do not understand. If two people want too trade a squad each, eg, Termigaunts for a Tactical squad, do they just keep in contact and both post to destination, and both hope the other posted it?

    Notice: If you notice this notice you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing
    Made in ca
    Avatar of the Bloody-Handed God


    Norn King wrote:Sorry if i should not post here, but there is something i do not understand. If two people want too trade a squad each, eg, Termigaunts for a Tactical squad, do they just keep in contact and both post to destination, and both hope the other posted it?

    Pretty much, though both side should always have some form of receipt or tracking so atleast we know they have been sent and not a scam.

               ◂◂  ►  ▐ ▌  ◼  ▸▸
              ʳʷ   ᵖˡᵃʸ  ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ  ˢᵗᵒᵖ   ᶠᶠ 
    Made in gb
    Yvan eht nioj

    In my Austin Ambassador Y Reg

    Norn King wrote:Sorry if i should not post here, but there is something i do not understand. If two people want too trade a squad each, eg, Termigaunts for a Tactical squad, do they just keep in contact and both post to destination, and both hope the other posted it?

    Generally speaking, when trades are negotiated, users come to an arrangement on shipping. This can either be both parties shipping at the same time or one party shipping before the other. Quite often, newer users or users with little or no positive trades here on Dakka will be asked to ship first by the other party as a sign of good faith but ultimately, any trade is at risk and as such involves a degree of trust. You do this by communicating with the user, searching through both the Reputable Traders and Transaction Reports sticky, seeing when they joined and what posts they have made and coming to a conclusion as to their character. As always, if in doubt or you have any concerns, then don't trade.

    This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/03/27 09:00:56

    =====Begin Dakka Geek Code=====
    ======End Dakka Geek Code======

    Click here for retro Nintendo reviews

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    30K Death Guard, 30K Imperial Fists

    Completed Armies so far (click to view Army Profile):
    Made in au
    Warning From Magnus? Not Listening!

    Adelaide, Australia

    Thanks, i was just wondering because i have never traded or anything on the swap shop and i am keen to start.

    Notice: If you notice this notice you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing
    Made in us
    Khorne Rhino Driver with Destroyer

    Depths of the Webway

    The site warns me not to bump, is it still ok to do it???

    Current Armies
    -Chaos Marines: The Black Brethren of Eyreas
    -Renegade Guard: Cadian 333rd/Vraksian PDF
    -Imperial Guard: Cadian 8th
    -Dark Eldar: Kabal of the Scarred Shark
    -Space Marines: Ultramarines

    Army Project
    Made in us


    quilava1 wrote:The site warns me not to bump, is it still ok to do it???

    Refer to the rules regarding Bumping:

    If your last post in your thread is less than 4 days old (with the exception of adding more information in response to an in-thread question), then no, it is not ok to ignore the warning.


    Madness and genius are separated by degrees of success.

    Remember to follow the Swap Shop Rules and Guidelines! 
    Made in gb
    Dispassionate Imperial Judge

    HATE Club, East London

    Not sure about the bumping rules any more - only a few weeks ago you were able to bump a thread every four days. Now the warning says you can't do it at all?

    So do I have to start a new thread every time I dig out some new models to sell? Or should I add them to an old thread way down the list where they never get seen?

    In addition, I get the warning telling me that I 'have posted in the last four days' even when it's been WEEKS since my last bump/post. It seems that whenever I post to my swap thread I automatically get a warning.

    Made in ca
    Avatar of the Bloody-Handed God


    ArbitorIan wrote:It seems that whenever I post to my swap thread I automatically get a warning.

    Yep :3

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    Made in us
    Sergeant Major

    In the dark recesses of your mind...

    ArbitorIan wrote:Not sure about the bumping rules any more - only a few weeks ago you were able to bump a thread every four days. Now the warning says you can't do it at all?

    So do I have to start a new thread every time I dig out some new models to sell? Or should I add them to an old thread way down the list where they never get seen?

    In addition, I get the warning telling me that I 'have posted in the last four days' even when it's been WEEKS since my last bump/post. It seems that whenever I post to my swap thread I automatically get a warning.

    I've noticed this and I think it is because I first update the original post and then post the bump afterward. As far as I can tell, the auto-warning pops because it appears you have posted twice in a row, even though one post was an edit. I haven't had any issues with mods following up on these warnings so I'd say to ignore them, unless a mod tells you otherwise.

    A Town Called Malus wrote:Just because it is called "The Executioners Axe" doesn't mean it is an axe...

    azreal13 wrote:Dude, each to their own and all that, but frankly, if Dakka's interplanetary flame cannon of death goes off point blank in your nads you've nobody to blame but yourself!

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