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Made in dk
Been Around the Block

Denmark, Odense

Speedpainted 20 boyz and 10 'ard boyz since last posting.
Also undercoated the buggy and prepared some old school artillery pieces and gun-upgrades (rokkit boyz, big shootas and burnas) for painting.

Made in dk
Been Around the Block

Denmark, Odense

Gotten the Scorcha done.
I'm really happy with the reds, im pretty unhappy with the skin on both ork and grots. Weathering was ok too, looks a bit better IRL, but I think I will have to pick some more contrasting colours for weathering, for now I'm using Chardon Granite chips with chain-mail streaks in it. Guess I'll have to use a brighter colour than Chardon g..

My orcs are a tuff lot, here he is counting how many gits he has scorched. Lets just claim he only counts terminators and Space marine captains, which is why the count is so low.

Made in gb
Nasty Nob

london (all of it)

"Lets just claim he only counts terminators and Space marine captains, which is why the count is so low" lol, funny. also liking the paint job youve done on the buggy, very clean hazzard stripes and checkers. well done

Matt.Kingsley wrote:'Bigfish, Dakka's official Plastic-Fu master'

My ORK project Blog: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/361076.page#2675998
Nova Marines project blog: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/411472.page
tyranid project blog: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/30/360228.page#7461387 
Made in dk
Been Around the Block

Denmark, Odense

Thanks bigfish. Surely orks only count the big gits they stomp, grots and runts don't count!

Next in the pipeline.....

A major project for sure, tips are appreciated.

Made in dk
Been Around the Block

Denmark, Odense

Finished the body of the STOMPA, and magnetized the arms.
Made a cool scaffolding-terrainpiece for it to dock in, when I'm using it as terrain, hence the magnetized arms.

Also kinda hit a bump in the road on the STOMPA, so it's shelfed for now.

I have not been idle, tho.
Making nobs, a boss and a painboy, for the battlewagon-crew =)
And here are some pictures:

The boss is gonna be a 'eavyarmoud power-claw totting warboss, needed one as all I had was Ghazkool Tralalala and the big-chopper one , that this is based on.
The gun is purposely huuuge, albeit it perhaps got a bit too huge in the process. 2 big shootas and a autocannon on there.
The claw is a dozer-blade obviously and a lascannon powerpack. Looks cool metinks

Waaaagh-banner bloke, based on a WHFB black ork, with leg-extensions =)

The painboy, Just a normal nob, with ideas stolen from the internet, the buzz-saw is a shaved down killer-kan arm.
Also, the Waaagh-banner bloke sneaks in, for you to get a close-up of him.

And the painboys helper, not too sure why he is carrying a bosspole, perhaps he'll be relegated to ammo-runt if I find something better =)

As you can see its still early process, so comments and suggestions are very welcome.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/04/28 15:08:59

Made in us
Stubborn Prosecutor


Really nice looking orks there. The colors are fantastic bright and eye catching. The lifta dropa is really cool to. Maybe I missed it, but I think it would look better on a battle wagon, a little more beefy than a trukk, but whatever works for you. Keep up the good work.

It's time to go full Skeletor  
Made in gb
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Albany, Australia

Love the new Orks!

Made in gb
Nasty Nob

london (all of it)

Really looking good, would like to see some work in progress pics of the stompa though, sounds good

Matt.Kingsley wrote:'Bigfish, Dakka's official Plastic-Fu master'

My ORK project Blog: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/361076.page#2675998
Nova Marines project blog: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/411472.page
tyranid project blog: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/30/360228.page#7461387 
Made in se
Repentia Mistress

Love your conversions. Very nice.
Made in dk
Been Around the Block

Denmark, Odense

I had forgotten I'd started this here thread, but here is some (very late) follow up on my work with orks.
Funnily enough, I only recently painted the warboss and the converted grot. Here they are:

Made in au
Mutilatin' Mad Dok


a good ork army is a converted ork army, i like where ur going with this
that buggy, bloody gold, that truck, that shets
keep it up

If you want to take good pictures - please follow these instructions. It will make it a lot easier for Dakka to constructively critique your stuff/ shower your masterpiece in praise

Alternative, click and drag the below picture onto a new tab.

Made in dk
Been Around the Block

Denmark, Odense

It's not all boyz and buggies, sometimes you need to boom, zzzzap or splat the enemy, and that's where these beauties come in. It took like 1 hour to paint them from undercoat to finish, which I was very pleased with.

Almost all my ork stuff have checkers, I think they really work well with the orks, where there's quite a few surfaces that are open and free for freehand, but intriquete (sp ) freehand designs are just not super-orky. I think they'd, like me, loose their cool, and just slap some paint on it.
Of course, it could be that there is a gene-strain of Painters out there, just like Meks, Painboys and so on. Properly a underappreciated part of the tribe tho =D

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I had the old dual-jump packs laying in my bitzbox for litteraly 10 years, atleast. And then I wound up with some spare ork nobs, and the rest is history. Rocketpacked, we-deliver-pain history, smashing into your battle lines. The best kind of history.
More checkers. =) The guy on the left has what I belive to be a plastic biker arm, with just a closed fist wearing a leather glove, I think he looks realy menacing =) Got 14 stormboys in total, they rarely do much, because my friends target them so fiercely with drop pod-troops and what not. But I guess that they then aren't shooting holes in my transports, so there's an upside =)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/03/20 17:42:33

Made in dk
Been Around the Block

Denmark, Odense

Im spending my painting time closing gaps in my army so I can field fully painted and based models only. It is not very far off now, which is awesome. Played some games over the Easter with almost entirely painted armies, and that was great.
I've been working on a nob squad, amongst many things, this is the beginings of the Waaaaagh banner, gonna be chekcers down the sides, and properly yellow-black stripes on the cross bar.

Made in dk
Been Around the Block

Denmark, Odense

I've finished the banner, and done some touch ups on the Banner-waver, he was a very very simple paint job. So I made him a tad prettier, if that applies to orks.
The design on the banner is properly the best freehand I've done to date. It consists of very simple pieces, and all I've done is highlight the areas the design consists off, and I'm really happy with the result.

CC and ideas for what to with his legs/pants are very welcome!

Made in it
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon

Good stuff!
From Mek Job to paint and freehand, I love all of It.


May Gork and Mork drive your WAAAAAAAGH!

Welcome to the Krazy Pak. P&M Blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/420957.page
The Inquisimunda World of Saky http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/534593.page
The Mantis Warrior Challenge (by Gitsplitta) http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/11550/289929.page#5776853

May Gork and Mork drive your WAAAAAAAAAGH! 
Made in dk
Been Around the Block

Denmark, Odense

Ty ty =)

Here is a picture of a Mek I've constructed from the Bitz Box. I believe the major pieces are a biker torso, nob legs, and burna-bits.
It is, obviously a KFF mek, underslung shoota on his right arm is a nob-arm I think.
I elongated the legs to make him bigger, he is a BIG mek after all =)

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2013/04/09 12:46:05

Made in gb
Bloodthirsty Bloodletter

NE England

Awesome banner!

Harlequins: 1500
HH AL: 2500

Assorted painting blog:
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Southeast Texas

That banner is amazing! Awesome work!

"Cowards die many times before their deaths,
The valiant never taste of death but once."
Julius Caesar (II, ii, 32-37)
Made in dk
Been Around the Block

Denmark, Odense

Thank you =)
It actually wasn't very hard. The hardest part was drawing a nice, good circle on cloth that folds and was not hanging down straight.
But once that succeded, the rest could be practiced with pencil and paper and then simply duplicated with brush and paints =) Simple highlights and watered down paints. Loads of layers on it.
I wanted to do some yellow to red blends on the flames, but I was adviced against it.
I also originally planned to do more items lower on the banner, but I think the banner works like this. =)

Looking at the Nob carrying the banner I think I'll end up repainting his armour red, and doing paint-chipping on it, like the "powerglow" he is holding the banner in, seeing how the metal looks horrible.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/04/10 16:17:41

Made in dk
Been Around the Block

Denmark, Odense

Working on a warboss on a bike. Trukk and deffkopta parts, AOBR boss, deff-rolla front wheel

Earliest WIP pic, trying to get a feel for where to nip and tuck

Approxamately this will be the pose.

Should I add a grot gunner? Pondering making the area on top of the rear bit into a gunners nest and a booster rocket dock. I could forgo the goblin+gun, but I kinda want to add it, as the warboss DOES come with a twin dakkagun from being on the bike, and representing that in the conversion would be nice and suitable.Something like this:

Made in dk
Been Around the Block

Denmark, Odense

Moved the boosterrocket back some, removed some of the trukk engine to make room for it. Leaving me with a bit more room, as can be seen.
I'm pondering if it should be filled with
A grot observer
A grot gunner/gun nest
Tech crap (no grots)

Replaced all the bluetag with greenstuff, so now he is glued in place. Theres lots of room on his vest for freehand designs, skulls and wings hehe. Bad-ass biker =)

The black sprayed gobo is just ponderings =)

Made in dk
Been Around the Block

Denmark, Odense

Statusraport on the warboss. Colourtest to ensure that he is red enough, while still overall pleasing to the eye.

After good counciling I've found a diffferent grot-gunner and I'm gonna place it so it shoots in the same direction as the warboss is pinching. But I'm not gonna mount the gobo untill i've painted the rest, because he'd just be in the way.

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Love your stuff. The KFF mek is brillant, but that banner! Amazing.
Made in dk
Been Around the Block

Denmark, Odense

A few shots of the painted Mek.
I spent waaaay too long building the base for him, I've halfway decided that I wont do that again, and just content with buying resin bases if the urge for such scenic bases strikes me again. Never been good with bases.

Iphone seems to disagree with metallics, it looks like it blurs them a bit, they aren't as smudged out IRL.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/04/24 08:18:14

Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Albany, Australia

Quick! Drill those barrels!

Looking good, almost... cartoonish - I think it's the high contrast style. Was that what you were going for?

Made in dk
Been Around the Block

Denmark, Odense

Cartoonish, well, my wife says so atleast.
In regards of painting;
It isn't really what I'm going for as such, but a consequence of some deliberate choices. My ork-skin tone is pretty bright, as can be seen on most miniatures, and I'm sorta going for Evil Sunz colourscheme, with a whole lot of rich reds.
The rich reds kinda urges me to do some powerfull yello contrasts, inspired byTheSecretSquigs ork army, and the effects he uses on his guys. I really liked the red/yellow balance on his killerkans for instance. I feel the orks benefit greatly from some stark contrasting paint jobs, which reflects in part the over-the-top humour inherent in the army. Gritty, more earthy colours don't work for me on orks. I'm sure the orks themselves would pick super-bright over weedy camo any day of the week.

In regards to conversions:
At the same time I wanted to avoid taking some of the more boring solutions I see around the net, like looted vehicles just being Leman Russ tanks with glyphs on them, and conversions being clumsy or undetailed. In a way I feel that my colour-scheme is over the top and cartoonish, while my conversionwork ATM is rather realistic and smooth. That's what I've been trying for so far, atleast. Realistic, in the sense that it looks like actual models, and is detailed and finished, not just a repainted undetailed GI-JOE toy. I feel that the devil very much is in the detail in regards of conversion work. The lifta droppa is quite over the top, but with high amount of detail, and the construction looks like something a GW ork might actually construct. I'm trying to rework my late night coffee-induced bright ideas into something better, before painting it up, and calling it models hehe. In that regard the Dakka forum has been a huuuge inspiration with loads of zany awesome ideas from pretty crazy, impressive people.

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2013/04/24 19:15:19

Made in dk
Been Around the Block

Denmark, Odense

Agreed with a few friends to play some Necromunda in June, so I'm going to try to finish a gang before then.
Having painted red for AGES, I'm getting slightly sick of red, so I've gone a different way with these guys. Or guy, as it were, only one guy finished so far.
Got a plan for 12 in total, mix of Necromunda Orlocks, Scum, IG heavy weapons team crew memers and some old plastic Orlock from the original Necromunda set.

C&C in general and in particular on the colour choice velcome

Made in us
Blood Angel Captain Wracked with Visions

Amazing work!! I'm kicking myself for not seeing this blog sooner

Made in dk
Been Around the Block

Denmark, Odense

In descending order of completeness, I bring you what I have painted so far of my Orlocks, so far planning 12 in total.

And one for the ladies, check out those blue jeans butts! ;-)

I'm considering putting in some reds or oranges for the headbands, do you think that is appropriate? It deviates a bit from the rest of the palette chosen for these guys, but I kinda feel they are missing something.

Suggestions for the bases?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/05/25 13:41:14

Made in hk
Krazy Grot Kutta Driva

Hong Kong

Love those grots! and the free hand work on the banner was perfect

Keep it up mate


Check out my Orks WIP blog 'ere http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/451845.page
Painting, and modeling models, not armies.
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