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Dashofpepper takes the Pink Waaaugh! to the Nova Open: Game 1 (pics!)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Feasting on the souls of unworthy opponents

Hey folks!

You can read my other battle reports for this event here:
Whiskey Challenge / Celebrity Match
Round Two
Round Three
Round Four
Round Five
Round Six

After a 12 hour drive to Washington D.C. on Friday, followed by four hours of gaming Friday night in an exhibition match, I woke up at 6:00 AM Saturday morning to get ready for Saturday morning registration. My nerves are shot, which for me means some time spend in the restroom being queasy and worse, and DEFINITELY no eating breakfast. My wife and I had complimentary breakfast certificates because of her priority rewards membership, but I couldn't even look at the donuts and coffee in the hotel lobby without feeling queasy. I called Hulksmash, who was devouring breakfast in his hotel room, waited for him to meet me in the lobby, and we walked over to the convention center. 7:00 AM rolls around and....no one is there. Ok, wrong convention center. We wander across the way to the other convention center, go in and register.

I get my table assignments and head to table #31 to find myself paired up against Matt Hoell's Tyranids for round 1!

The Pink Waaaugh!
HQ1: Ghazghkull Thraka
HQ2: Big Mek with KFF and Powerklaw

Troop1: 7x Nobs, cybork bodies + wound shenanigans in dedicated transport battlewagon
Troop2: 16x Boyz, Nob/Powerklaw/Bosspole
Troop3: 12x Trukk Boyz, Nob/Powerklaw/Bosspole + Trukk
Troop4: 10x Gretchin + Runtherder

Elite1: 15x Burnas
Elite2: 5x Lootas
Elite3: 5x Lootas

Fast Attack1: 3x Warbuggies with TL Rokkits
Fast Attack2: 1x Deffkopta, TL Rokkits + Buzzsaw
Fast Attack3: 1x Deffkopta, TL Rokkits + Buzzsaw

Heavy1: Battlewagon
Heavy2: Battlewagon (Deffrolla, Boarding Plank, Grabbin' Klaw, Armor Plates, Grot Riggers, Big Shoota).

Matt Hoell's Tyranid Brood:

HQ1: The SwarmLord + 3x Tyrant Guards
HQ2: Tyranid Prime + Lash Whip, Bonesword

Elite1: 3x Hive Guard
Elite2: 1x Deathleaper
Elite3: 3x Zoanthropes + Spore Pod

Troop1: 10x Genestealers
Troop2: 10x Genestealers + Broodlord
Troop3: 10x Genestealers + Broodlord
Troop4: 13x Termagants + Spore Pod

Heavy1: Mawloc

Here's a close-up of his scaries.

Round One is Dawn of War Deployment, using the following order of win conditions:
1. Win by 250 Victory Points
2. Table Quarters
3. Objectives

Pre-game tactical assessment:
I've never played against a Mawloc before, but I know what it can do. He's only packing one unit of zoanthropes and one unit of hive guard - and with the Zoeys in reserve, I know I'll get at least one turn of movement before they get to drop on me...and that they're a one-hit wonder. Short of that, it looks like I need to stay away from the edges and the potential of genestealer threats, try neutralizing his ability to hurt my vehicles, and basically kill more than I lose. With Dawn of War, I'm going to have to walk onto the board and lose some of my Loota utility, and the Mawloc means I'm going to have to *very* carefully assess how I spread my vehicles around. The Swarmlord....gives me shudders. I know he's nasty, and I want to stay away from him.

We roll for deployment and Matt rolls Ha!! I also roll We re-roll and I win the roll to go first. I choose to deploy nothing, and keep everything in DoW Turn1 reserve. Matt deploys his Swarm Lord 24" up the field behind the central piece of terrain, with his hive guard in DoW reserve and everything else in true reserve.

Ork Turn One:
2,000 points of Orks roll onto the board. There's a piece of terrain in decent position for my Lootas to (eventually) get into on the left, while the right side has a cover-less hill on it, so I move onto the table just left of center. I'm avoiding the edges to prevent Genestealers from getting surprise assaults on me, and move my vehicles on in such a fashion that my Turn 2 move can spread them out to minimize the potential of the Mawloc to wtfpwn my army.

Both Loota squads roll well enough for terrain and make it at least half in - with no stranglethorn cannons, or venom cannons, I'm not worried about spacing them 2" apart or anything, and I don't expect him to use his Zoey warp blasts on my Lootas. At the same time, my Deffkoptas took a turn1 turbo-boost up the field - far enough up that they can start sniping turn2, but not far enough that his Hive Guard can march onto the field and splatter them.

Tyranid Turn One:
Matt marches his Hive Guard onto the board with an attached Tyranid Prime. His Swarmlord looks at the battlewagon line, realizes that he's outgunned by a huge wall of Orks, and moves 6" away from me, then runs D6 away as well.

Ork Turn Two:
I find his unwillingness to engage with the Swarmlord VERY interesting at this point. He's either trying to bait me forward to open up my rear for his spore pods to safely drop in without fear of scattering off, trying to catch me in a pincer attack, or is worried that I'll throw Ghazghkull at his Swarmlord and eat him. I move my battlewagons forward another 12" or so, but break apart my formation in preparation for the Mawloc dropping on me. My Lootas are happy where they are - he can't outflank genestealers and make it to me in 18", and my Deffkoptas maneuver for some shooting. My rokkit buggies line up for some of the same - they're trying to get cover behind a rock, but I don't want them clogging things up within 6" of the KFF for when the Mawloc arrives.

Lined up for shooting, I open up! Rokkits open up on his Swarmlord - He fails an invulnerable save on the Swarmlord, and a Tyrant Guard takes a wound.

Back to my Lootas, who plan on opening up on the Hive Guard. Or, they could both roll one shot each, and not score a single hit.

Tyranid Turn Two: HERE THEY COME!
Matt rolls for reserves and gets everything except his zoanthrope unit and one genestealer unit.

The Mawloc tunnels up from reserve. Matt didn't see any particularly juicy openings to try trashing multiple vehicles and instead aims for my Lootas. He scatters 5" and drops exactly between everything, hitting nothing. Awww. :(

The first squad of Genestealers outflanks where he wants them - in the corner I'm occupying. If those Space Wolves in the background look familiar, yes - that is Stelek on the table next to me. =p

Despite having rerolls for table sides, his second genestealer squad comes out on the other flank, far away from everything. His third Genestealer squad stays in reserves.

The Spore Pod with the Termagants in it deep-strikes behind my line and scatters 5" towards the edge. Balls of solid steel to try deep-striking there!

Termagants with their assault3 STR4 guns spill out.

His Deathleaper pops out of a tree next to the Lootas, who are like, "Auugh! I'm so startled right now!!"

His Hive Guard advance while the Swarmlord retreats, and the Tyranid Prime switches units to join the Swarmlord.

His Hive Guard line up for clear shots on my buggies - I didn't do a very good job after all of giving them cover. One is wrecked, he glances the other into shaken.

Our game takes a comedic turn here! He's trying to decide what to fire his termagants at. He can get back armor on any battlewagon, my trukk, and I've two Loota squads sitting in cover. He's like, "Well, this is overkill but I'm going to shoot my termagants at your closest Loota squad." He assembled a vast pile of dice for his shots.

Nine wounds later, my Lootas are still standing!!! Not overkill after all.

On the left flank, his genestealers roll for their run and don't make it far.

The genestealers on the right roll a nice five, and move 5" closer towards still not being close to anything. Poor things. :(

While I passed six of nine 4+ cover saves with my Lootas to only lose three, my dice are apparently feeling bad for the three losses and try making up for it with more 4+ rolls on my leadership test. My Lootas run off the board, and first blood goes to Matt!

Ork Turn Three:

I think this is probably a game-defining moment here. Matt is expecting me to Waaaugh! and send Ghazghkull after his swarmlord. I could make it there, but don't feel comfortable with my ability to deal with all the threats in my backfield if I do extend myself, so I instead intend to hold fast and clear out my backfield....meaning that I'm going to get to take the Tyranids on piecemeal.

For those of you who don't know, Ghazghkull Thraka LOVES the smell of cooking Tyranids. The burna wagon moves 6" straight backwards, keeping its front to the Hive guard across the field, and Ghazghkull gets out.

The wagon full of boyz gets out and eyeballs the Mawloc, while the trukk full of boyz jumps out next to the deathleaper.

My nob battlewagon moves 12" over to the genestealers and they disembark. My deployment probably doesn't look like what you're expecting; I made a mistake here. I thought that the Brood Lord's gaze of terror thingy worked against any one model he chose while in base contact - I didn't know it only worked when THEY assaulted. Otherwise I would have deployed 2" out of my wagon, close to them, shot and assaulted. Instead, I deployed so that a 6" assault would get me to him, he would react to me and pile in so that all my models go to attack, but his Brood Lord wouldn't make it into base contact anywhere. Oops.

Sorry for the blurry picture here. Loota shooting causes one wound to the Mawloc. The boyz on foot score two wounds! Take that! 6+ to wound vs. a 3+ armor save....then again, my deffkoptas and rokkit buggies were over there too; could have been a couple failed 4+ cover saves against rokkits. We had a short discussion about the trees and whether his Mawloc would get cover because we had been moving them around. I told him to go ahead and take cover saves; I was going to get him on the assault anyway.

Not pictured: The burna boyz open up on the termagants, hitting 8. Matt isn't expecting 15 of those templates though, and is waiting for me to roll - I explain that I'll be doing 120 hits to wound with no saves, and he picks them up off the board. The genestealers charging across the field on the other flank falter. A rokkit from a deffkopta drops the spore pod with a STR8 hit.

My nobs charge into his Genestealers!

Ghazghkull and the Boyz mob charge into the half-wounded Mawloc, while the trukk boyz jump into the woods to entertain the Deathleaper.

Here's a perspective shot of the rest of the table as we're piling in on the back corner.

While the Genestealers get to strike first, the nobs have wound allocation shenanigans, 5++ and 4+ FNP. I take three wounds, and in return wipe the squad, minus a wounded brood-lord....who flees.

There used to be a Mawloc and a Deathleaper in here.

Tyranid Turn 3:

Matt rolls for reserves: His other genestealers come out. His Zoanthropes.....decide to sit this turn out.

Worse, despite having a 2/3 chance of coming on where he wants, and a reroll.....the remaining genestealers decide to also come on far, far away from the Orks.

Both squads of genestealers roll poorly for running and moving through cover; I don't think they want to get near that burna wagon.

In mid-field, his Swarmlord reverses his retreat and comes around, bringing the Alpha and Hive Guard with him. Ghazghkull had to use his Waaaugh! to get into base with the Mawloc, and for the nobs to pull their "Lets keep the Brood Lord out of base" shenanigans to make sure I lined up exactly 5.9" away from him, so he's not afraid of my threat range now.

Genestealers on the right flank have moved as far as they can (not too far).

His broodlord runs - nothing in synapse, and he heads 11" - further than I can chase in a turn. His Hive Guard can't really threaten AV14, so they turn their guns on a Deffkopta, which splatters to the ground.

Ork Turn Four:

At this point of the game, I'm feeling quite confident. The only reserves he has left are his zoanthropes, and I've got a solid lead on victory points, and his genestealers and swarm lord are not within a turn being threatening. I decide to re-embark everything and rotate my army around to protect my trukk and buggies from the potential threat of Hive Guard and deep-striking zoanthropes.

Crow's eye view of the end of my turn.

My remaining Loota unit opens up on the Swarmlord's unit and drops in another wound - Matt takes it on the swarmlord....who fails! He's got two wounds now.

Tyranid Turn Four:

Genestealers move across the board. Slowly. Dice rolls aren't working for Matt today.

Zoanthropes drop onto the field - close enough to the Brood Lord to bring him into synapse and he stops fleeing. DAMN IT!

His Swarmlord and entourage are sneaking around the building, staying in cover and trying to find an opportunity for a counter-charge.

Zoanthropes open up on the Nobs wagon!! He passes all three psychic tests, rolls to hit and....gets one hit. Which I pass my KFF save against.

The Hive Guard across the field open up on Ghazghkull's wagon and score a glance, my KFF fails and.....shaken! At least no burnination for him.

Ork Turn Five:

I tank shocked my Nob battlewagon into his Zoanthropes, JUST missing hitting the spore pod. All three zoeys fail invulnerable saves and disappear.

I continue to castle up. In hindsight, I probably should have gotten out my nobs and assaulted his pod at least, but I didn't think I could make it to his brood lord and didn't want him assaulting my nobs. Or his hive guard insta-gibbing them.

Shooting puts another wound on the Swarmlord, and back to the Tyranids.

Tyranid Turn Five:
The Swarmlord and friends jump into the middle objective, while the Hive Guard hide behind the BLOS terrain in the middle to snipe at my battlewagon. Genestealers decide to sit tight; he doesn't want to come near my burnination.

I've got my Rokkit buggies out front - I'm trying to bait him into assaulting them so that I can counter-assault / burn / everything. He takes the bait and 2D6s out of terrain.

Brood Lord swings around to come peek at the Battlewagon and perhaps assault it.

Shooting from the Hive Guard penetrates through the Nob wagon's KFF and wrecks it. The nobs get out, pass pinning, and get out away from the Broodlord. Mistake on my part there too - he only had one wound, I should have invited the fight.

The swarmlord is JUST out of assault, and his turn ends.

Ork Turn Six:
We're running out of time in the round, and rather than going for it, I sit tight, back up and castle more - looking for shots at his spore pod and brood lord. This will be the last turn, and I've got the game in the bag if I just stay alive.

Shooting puts a 4th wound on the Swarmlord, his spore pod doesn't die, and his darned broodlord goes to ground and survives rokkits and big shootas.

Tyranid Turn Six:

His Brood lord has gone to ground, his genestealers stay put on their objective, and the swarmlord is too far away to try getting in an assault on anything. Hive guard don't do anything.

End of the game:

I win on Victory Points. My opponent controls 3 table quarters to my one, and two objectives to my one.....but the primary win condition is the only one that matters if it doesn't come down to victory points.


Post Game Assessment:
What....the hell....was I thinking? I played passively, which I *never* do. This game and how I played it would result in a horrible tournament draw. While I won the game, I was the "worst of the winners." Since the tournament bracketing was based on strong vs. weak, the rest of my games were going to be against the top of the winner bracket - the people who trounced their opponents.

I don't think that Matt's list was suitably equipped for dealing with Orks very well, and the one shot he had was probably to hit me with everything at once, or to bait Ghazghkull into a Waaaugh! and then exploit my post-Waaaugh! weakness.

Having won, I move on to game 2!

This message was edited 7 times. Last update was at 2010/08/31 06:44:45

Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

Dashofpepper wrote:Post Game Assessment:
What....the hell....was I thinking? I played passively, which I *never* do. This game and how I played it would result in a horrible tournament draw. While I won the game, I was the "worst of the winners." Since the tournament bracketing was based on strong vs. weak, the rest of my games were going to be against the top of the winner bracket - the people who trounced their opponents.

Maybe you were tired from the long drive (Thursday?) and then the late-night game the day before .

I'll be looking forward to reading how you did against the top of the winners bracket in the next few rounds!
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

San Jose, CA

Some minor errors by your opponent there - the Swarmlord & Tyrant Guard are 2 separate units, so you can't have both at the beginning of a DoW mission. And the Swarmlord's invul save only works in HtH.

He definitely should have death-or-gloried w/the Zoanthropes against the battlewagon.

Interesting game - I'm looking forward to the rest of your reports.

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes? 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

San Jose, CA

Sorry to say, but the Tyranid army was horrible. He's got a deathstar unit that's slower than a snail. He's got very little anti-tank and no redundancy. He's also got no mobility at all. Not only was I expecting you to table him, but I'm surprised he beat you on objectives and table quarters.

Guess you need a little more practice against nids, eh?

6th Edition Tournaments: Golden Throne GT 2012 - 1st .....Bay Area Open GT 2013 - Best Tyranids
ATC 2013 - Team Fluffy Bunnies - 1st .....LVO GT 2014 Team Tournament - Best Generals
7th Edition: 2015-16 ITC Best Grey Knights, 2015-16 ITC Best Tyranids
Jy2's 6th Edition Battle Report Thread - Links.....Jy2's 7th Edition Battle Report Thread - Links
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Great, now my wife has even more ideas for "drag queen" Orks.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Feasting on the souls of unworthy opponents

jy2 wrote:Sorry to say, but the Tyranid army was horrible. He's got a deathstar unit that's slower than a snail. He's got very little anti-tank and no redundancy. He's also got no mobility at all. Not only was I expecting you to table him, but I'm surprised he beat you on objectives and table quarters.

Guess you need a little more practice against nids, eh?

I've mentioned this in a bunch of other places, so I haven't here....

But I'm not really an Ork player anymore. I play Dark Eldar, and have consistently for six months now with the exception of 'Ard Boyz, for which Dark Eldar don't scale well.

Against Tyranids as Dark Eldar....I sit back and shoot. Lances and Plasma until they're all gone, with wyches adding in Agonizer attacks in close combat when necessary. I'm used to play Dark Eldar, and its probably fair to say that I was a bit hampered by swinging back to Orks. I had no practice, no mission practice, no runthroughs....the weekend before I had been in a ridiculous 2250 tournament, and I brought my Dark Eldar there too. I brought my DE to the Nova Open as well, and expected to play them, but simply had too many people tell me that I was being dumb to ignore, so I left them in my hotel room and broke out the Orks.

My games were a bit slow; breaking back into a style of play I'm not used to anymore. I don't switch well between completely different playstyles. I was doing a lot of very careful contemplation every game, trying to remember what to do, where to move stuff, trying to not miss anything. I still made some serious mistakes in some of my games - rookie mistakes with target priority and concentration of force that I had no business making.

Made in ca
Furious Fire Dragon

the swarmlord can deploy with his guard as he cant seperate from them. they arent a retinue, but they are a retinue.....atleast thats how the FAQ makes it work.

Also, thats a terrible terrible tyranid list, and running away with his deathstar which should obliterate your units in CC was dumb. he insta gibs anything in combat on 3d6 ldrship, and makes you REROLL invulls......not sure why he ran away.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Good job there.

What are your thoughts on tyranid armies?

Hope more old fools come to their senses and start giving you their money instead of those Union Jack Blood suckers...  
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

San Jose, CA

Mafty wrote:the swarmlord can deploy with his guard as he cant seperate from them. they arent a retinue, but they are a retinue.....atleast thats how the FAQ makes it work.
Nope. It's true he can't separate from them once he joins, but there are no rules that make him and the Tyrant Guard a single unit (either for KP or for DoW deployment). Sad, but true. (He also isn't required to join them in the first place - you can run the units separately all game.)

Also, thats a terrible terrible tyranid list, and running away with his deathstar which should obliterate your units in CC was dumb. he insta gibs anything in combat on 3d6 ldrship, and makes you REROLL invulls......not sure why he ran away.
The Swarmlord isn't a "death star" in the traditional sense; it's a force-multiplier who happens to be pretty solid in HtH against small, elite targets. Hordes of orks would pull him down pretty easily. (And the Swarmlord's Bone Sabres don't require the leadership test; they just inflict Instant Death on every wound.)

I have some problems with his list, and how he played it, but I can see how he wants it to work.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/08/18 02:36:07

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes? 
Made in ca
Furious Fire Dragon

Janthkin wrote:
Mafty wrote:the swarmlord can deploy with his guard as he cant seperate from them. they arent a retinue, but they are a retinue.....atleast thats how the FAQ makes it work.
Nope. It's true he can't separate from them once he joins, but there are no rules that make him and the Tyrant Guard a single unit (either for KP or for DoW deployment). Sad, but true. (He also isn't required to join them in the first place - you can run the units separately all game.)

Also, thats a terrible terrible tyranid list, and running away with his deathstar which should obliterate your units in CC was dumb. he insta gibs anything in combat on 3d6 ldrship, and makes you REROLL invulls......not sure why he ran away.
The Swarmlord isn't a "death star" in the traditional sense; it's a force-multiplier who happens to be pretty solid in HtH against small, elite targets. Hordes of orks would pull him down pretty easily. (And the Swarmlord's Bone Sabres don't require the leadership test; they just inflict Instant Death on every wound.)

I have some problems with his list, and how he played it, but I can see how he wants it to work.

I think they are treated as a retinue......which should mean they can deploy together in DOW. Thats how I would play it anyways.

Made in us
Sinewy Scourge

Long Island, New York, USA

Dash - I noticed on turn 4 you said the Zoanthropes dropped in and the Broodlord was now in synapse and stopped fleeing.
But the GW Tyranid FAQ says;

Q: Do units who begin their turn more than 12” from
any Synapse Creature have to test for Instinctive
Behaviour if a Synapse Creature arrives from reserve
within 12” at the beginning of the Movement phase?
A: Yes – the model has begun its Movement phase
outside of synapse range.

So the Zoanthropes could not be used for the Broodlord's synapse check.
Or did I miss something?

I have found again and again that in encounter actions, the day goes to the side that is the first to plaster its opponent with fire. The man who lies low and awaits developments usually comes off second best. - Erwin Rommel
"For having lived long, I have experienced many instances of being obliged, by better information or fuller consideration, to change opinions, even on important subjects, which I once thought right but found to be otherwise." - Benjamin Franklin
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Feasting on the souls of unworthy opponents

The tournament ruled that he could drop his Zoanthropes first, and then at the start of the movement phase be in Synapse range.

Neither the TO nor myself knew about that rule - I don't know if Matt did or not. You'd think that you'd know your own FAQ. =p

Made in us
Sinewy Scourge

Long Island, New York, USA

I play vanilla SM at the moment, but am considering a nid force, so I picked up the new codex.
I've read the codex and the FAQ, so I was more than a little interested to see how Steleck's force fared.
Also, there was a rule discussion about it either here or on Warseer, or I probably wouldn't have picked up on it myself!

I have found again and again that in encounter actions, the day goes to the side that is the first to plaster its opponent with fire. The man who lies low and awaits developments usually comes off second best. - Erwin Rommel
"For having lived long, I have experienced many instances of being obliged, by better information or fuller consideration, to change opinions, even on important subjects, which I once thought right but found to be otherwise." - Benjamin Franklin
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut


Dashofpepper wrote:
Crow's eye view of the end of my turn.

Woot! I''m in one of dashs reports the flip floped foot under the table in the back is mne woot lol

i play bro plays
bros :1200 points 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

San Jose, CA

time wizard wrote:Dash - I noticed on turn 4 you said the Zoanthropes dropped in and the Broodlord was now in synapse and stopped fleeing.
But the GW Tyranid FAQ says;

Q: Do units who begin their turn more than 12” from
any Synapse Creature have to test for Instinctive
Behaviour if a Synapse Creature arrives from reserve
within 12” at the beginning of the Movement phase?
A: Yes – the model has begun its Movement phase
outside of synapse range.

So the Zoanthropes could not be used for the Broodlord's synapse check.
Or did I miss something?

The thing is, regrouping is not the same as testing for IB. If you become fearless, you automatically regroup.

6th Edition Tournaments: Golden Throne GT 2012 - 1st .....Bay Area Open GT 2013 - Best Tyranids
ATC 2013 - Team Fluffy Bunnies - 1st .....LVO GT 2014 Team Tournament - Best Generals
7th Edition: 2015-16 ITC Best Grey Knights, 2015-16 ITC Best Tyranids
Jy2's 6th Edition Battle Report Thread - Links.....Jy2's 7th Edition Battle Report Thread - Links
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

San Jose, CA

Dashofpepper wrote:The tournament ruled that he could drop his Zoanthropes first, and then at the start of the movement phase be in Synapse range.

Neither the TO nor myself knew about that rule - I don't know if Matt did or not. You'd think that you'd know your own FAQ. =p
The Tyranid codex is pretty explicit on what happens if a broken unit ends up back in synapse (p. 33, under Synapse). The main rules tell you to try & regroup when you go to move the broken unit (NOT at the start of the phase). The FAQ refers to the Instinctive Behavior check (which happens at the beginning of the phase), not to units which fall back into synapse.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/08/18 05:14:36

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes? 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Feasting on the souls of unworthy opponents

Yeah.....I don't know what's going on here.

Was it played right or did we do it wrong?

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

San Jose, CA

Dashofpepper wrote:Yeah.....I don't know what's going on here.

Was it played right or did we do it wrong?

What Janthkin and I are trying to say is that you guys played it right.

6th Edition Tournaments: Golden Throne GT 2012 - 1st .....Bay Area Open GT 2013 - Best Tyranids
ATC 2013 - Team Fluffy Bunnies - 1st .....LVO GT 2014 Team Tournament - Best Generals
7th Edition: 2015-16 ITC Best Grey Knights, 2015-16 ITC Best Tyranids
Jy2's 6th Edition Battle Report Thread - Links.....Jy2's 7th Edition Battle Report Thread - Links
Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan

Columbus, Oh

How does the Brood lord have 4 wounds in turn 6 and survive? I thought those buggers had only 3 wounds.

2+2=5 for sufficiently large values of 2.

Order of St Ursula (Sisters of Battle): W-2, L-1, T-1
Get of Freki (Space Wolves): W-3, L-1, T-1
Hive Fleet Portentosa (Nids/Stealers): W-6, L-4, T-0
Omega Marines (vanilla Space Marine): W-1, L-6, T-2
Waagh Magshak (Orks): W-4, L-0, T-1
A.V.P.D.W.: W-0, L-2, T-0

bringing 40k Events to Origins Game Fair in Columbus, Oh. Ask me for more info! 
Made in us
Hurr! Ogryn Bone 'Ead!

porkuslime wrote:How does the Brood lord have 4 wounds in turn 6 and survive? I thought those buggers had only 3 wounds.

I think he meant for that to say Swarmlord.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Feasting on the souls of unworthy opponents

I just fixed that. It was 3:00 AM when I finished.

Made in ca
Infiltrating Broodlord

Oshawa Ontario

Fairly disappointed in the Tyranid player. The list wasn't amazing, but is similar to what i run, and he made the mistake of breaking up his force. The Deathleaper/Mawloc/termigant maneuver would have been better sprung a turn later when the battle wagons were hopefully out of range, but stuff comes on when it comes on sadly. Also, dropping the termigants somewhere without synapse wasn't too wise, I think he planned the Zoan to cover that for him, but it never happened. Would have been better off dropping the gants with his swarmlord and using them as an assault screen IMO.

Combining his errors with abysmal dice rolls for flanking stealers and running rolls, and your insane rolling for those cover saves (On average, 5 should have been dead, and you know it!) and he was just rolled.

Every battle report of yours i read, my dislike for deth-rollas increases. Thank god there are zero ork players in my meta/tourny scene. Smart move on playing it safe and clearing the back field though. If the Mawloc/Deathleaper had been given free reign while you pushed towards the swarmlord, you might have had issues if his genestealers arrived in a timely manner.

Also, I'd hadn't thought of trying to death or glory with a psychic attack before, that's do-able? Doesn't come up very often, people try to stay AWAY from my Nids typically.

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Fixture of Dakka

Feasting on the souls of unworthy opponents

Carnage43 wrote:

Also, I'd hadn't thought of trying to death or glory with a psychic attack before, that's do-able? Doesn't come up very often, people try to stay AWAY from my Nids typically.

Since the Psychic attack is a shooting attack, he's be fine, and allowed to do it. Against Orks, and my list in particular....you would still have to take a psychic test, and still have to get past a 4+ KFF save.

In the grand scheme of things, a Deffrolla should be expected to hit on average 3 times, and you should be expected to fail on average 0-1. Wiser to just get out of the way - if you *do* death or glory, you take 2d6 deffrolla hits.

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

San Jose, CA

Dashofpepper wrote:Since the Psychic attack is a shooting attack, he's be fine, and allowed to do it. Against Orks, and my list in particular....you would still have to take a psychic test, and still have to get past a 4+ KFF save.

In the grand scheme of things, a Deffrolla should be expected to hit on average 3 times, and you should be expected to fail on average 0-1. Wiser to just get out of the way - if you *do* death or glory, you take 2d6 deffrolla hits.
No, he should have. The Zoanthropes were dead anyway - if the tank shock hadn't killed them, you could have dropped Nobs on their heads (done carefully, you could have hidden in combat with them for a turn, too). Zoanthropes in a pod are a disposable unit - you rarely get more than one shot with them.

But it wasn't going to change the shape of the game at that late stage, anyway.

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes? 
Made in us
Fighter Ace

Good match... and well you may be surprised at your safe play, you prevented any odd turnabouts by keeping well away from his own units that are VERY good at assaulting. Played to the objective... and well done.

Can I say though that I love your opponent's army? VERY nice paintjob.

Started wargaming with heroscape. Who says kids can't be generals?

Tournament Results:
Space Marines 2-1-0

In Soviet Russia.... you go to Gulag.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Feasting on the souls of unworthy opponents

Unfortunately, Matt said that he doesn't post on Dakka.

Made in us
Plaguelord Titan Princeps of Nurgle


Also, in Turn 1 you mentioned that the Swarmlord took an invul save. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe he only has invul saves in HtH.

Edit: Why on earth did he keep the Swarmlord so cowered? That's the point of taking him - to get into assaults (besides his special rules for the stealers). Sure, he might lose him, but one of the maxims (I think) of 40K is that you can't be afraid to lose a unit. Kinda like gambling. If you don't have enough money to lose, then don't gamble. Rush the Swarmlord forward and give em hell. You may lose him, but you probably lose if you don't.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/08/20 15:52:26

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Fixture of Dakka

Feasting on the souls of unworthy opponents

I don't know his rules. ><

It wouldn't have affected our game, so I'm not too worried about it.

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Fresh-Faced New User

Dashofpepper wrote:Unfortunately, Matt said that he doesn't post on Dakka.

Just got an account

To answer a couple of posts:

1. Deploying the Swarmlord with the Guard, I always saw them as a retinue and could be deployed as one in DoW. It wasn't until after the tournament that a friend of mine (Don Mondo), told me I couldn't. Can really see the debate either way, and until GW FAQs it I'll probably keep them off.

2. I'm 95% certain the invul saves I took on the Swarmlord were actually cover saves, he pretty much hid behind the building the entire game. If they weren't then it was definitely an error on me.

3. As stated, the rallying of the Broodlord, is different than SB.

4. Probably should have DoG the Zoanens, "foolishly" thought their 3++ save would have saved them.

5. Janthkin is right the Swarmlord is good, but not that good. My fear was Gaz the the Nobs drive up WAAGH and charge together, there is not way my unit can survive that, especially with Gaz having a 2+ have and immune to instadeath. My hope was to get the Zoanens in their earlier and pop Gaz out, cast proxism on him and then charge. But of course that didn't happen.

6. I have had a tremendous amount of success with the list. I had a lot of bad luck with my reserves, but hey it happens.

Either way it was a really great game and despite the hammering took the secondary and tertiary objectives. Again thanks for the game!
Made in us
Plaguelord Titan Princeps of Nurgle


MattHoell wrote:

5. Janthkin is right the Swarmlord is good, but not that good. My fear was Gaz the the Nobs drive up WAAGH and charge together, there is not way my unit can survive that, especially with Gaz having a 2+ have and immune to instadeath. My hope was to get the Zoanens in their earlier and pop Gaz out, cast proxism on him and then charge. But of course that didn't happen.

That's one thing I think that people don't really realize about characters like Mephiston, Ghaz, Swarmlord, Marneus, etc, is that they are so much more than a statline and a power weapon or what have you. They are more than just special rules and abilities granted to another unit. They can, oftentimes, control the board. If your enemy rightfully fears one of these units, be it Swarmlord, Ghaz or any of the others, that character has an upperhand in the game. Before you even set your models on the table, the opponent is grumbling, "Man, Ghaz on a Waagh!, don't wanna deal with that." Or, "Mephiston shielded by those terminators and with FNP, how am I going to pry him out without letting him into my ranks?" These questions can change the opponent's battle plan and can certainly change the tempo of the game.

Ghaz did it here. You didn't want to get assaulted by Ghaz with a 2++ accompanied by a unit of Burnas. Who would? But simply having that model on the field influenced the game. I love when units can do this. They are so much more than some people realize.

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