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Omnipotent Necron Overlord

Neophyte2012 wrote:
 Niiai wrote:
The SW dread comes with a multi melta. Also, SW players like to make wulfen dreads and Murderfang. Bjørn can take a melta. But trade with your SW buddies.

Sadly the Space Wolves Dreadnought bits do not have Twin Lascannon..... which is actually the best choice for Bjorn.

That is debatable. Personally I'd go with a MM or plasma cannon and just keep the thing cheap. He has character protection wants to melee - adding 40 points to his shooting profile seems like a waste to me.

If we fail to anticipate the unforeseen or expect the unexpected in a universe of infinite possibilities, we may find ourselves at the mercy of anyone or anything that cannot be programmed, categorized or easily referenced.
- Fox Mulder 
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Guarding Guardian


Hi guys i have an easy question, which do you think is the best chapter to play only primaris choices?
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Ancient Venerable Dark Angels Dreadnought

Phoenix Lord wrote:
Hi guys i have an easy question, which do you think is the best chapter to play only primaris choices?

hmm, depending on which way you lean...

Iron Hands (hvy focus with redemptors)
Salamanders if flame aggressors and eradicators
Ravenguard for phobos and eliminators
Deathwatch for Obsec Outriders, eliminators etc.

Would avoid BA, DA and SW.

Or you could go custom chapter too.
Made in us
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine


I love Ultramarines for things like Invictor Warsuits, Phobos and having all around goodness.

70% of all statistics are made up on the spot by 64% of the people that produce false statistics 54% of the time that they produce them. 
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Regular Dakkanaut


If I had to choose between buying a Repulsor Executioner or a Gladiator, what would y'all recommend?
Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

 GreatGranpapy wrote:
If I had to choose between buying a Repulsor Executioner or a Gladiator, what would y'all recommend?

Neither. Both are garbage.

If you have to pick one, I'd say the Gladiator. You'll be able to get it into more lists easier than a RepEx. And I think it's less inefficient for its points. Both models are pretty cool, though, so pick the one you like the look of more and go nuts!

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~15000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: ~1900 | Imperial Knights: ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: ~1200 | Tyranids: ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 13 | Current main painting project: Dark Angels
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut


 ZergSmasher wrote:

Neither. Both are garbage.

If you have to pick one, I'd say the Gladiator. You'll be able to get it into more lists easier than a RepEx. And I think it's less inefficient for its points. Both models are pretty cool, though, so pick the one you like the look of more and go nuts!

My flgs was running an Independence day weekend sale and I didn't have any of the Primaris tanks so I wanted to pick one up. Ended up getting the Gladiator. Also got a Primaris Apothecary and some Heavy Intercessors. I've literally never gotten any Space Marine units outside of box sets like Indomitus and Shadowspear except for one Redemptor and a Librarian so hopefully this diversifies my roster a but lol.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/07/03 13:54:23

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

I need help choosing what to buy. Someone gifted me a 25 dollar gift card and I'm stuck between these two as an ultramarine player:

Ventris or a Primaris Speeder

I don't have any of the new tanks either but I have 3 repulsors I'm more then happy to proxy as regular Primaris tanks
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Are Reivers any good in the backfield bully role?

The thing about 40k is that no one person can grasp the fullness of it.

My 95th Praetorian Rifles.

SW Successors

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Dakka Veteran

Lebanon NH

Hey folks, kinda a fun and silly question:

I have a glut of intercessors right now and was thinking of running a sort of massed gunline conversion (use some of my big fur hat bits, red coat paint-job, you get the idea: Napoleonic space marine gunline!)

Obviously they would be backed up with a captain /LT for re-rolls (or just do custom chapter with bolter-fusilades maybe.)

I was thinking for theme I would kit them out with the stalker bolt rifle, as it best approximates the sort of napoleonic musket theme... but I'm also worried that this idea is just too dang silly to work.

What do you think? I already have almost all the bits for it, and not much idea what to do with my intercessors... But this could also end up being a lot of work for pretty much no payoff... (def look cool though!)
Made in us
Perturbed Blood Angel Tactical Marine

leerm02 wrote:
Hey folks, kinda a fun and silly question:

I have a glut of intercessors right now and was thinking of running a sort of massed gunline conversion (use some of my big fur hat bits, red coat paint-job, you get the idea: Napoleonic space marine gunline!)

Obviously they would be backed up with a captain /LT for re-rolls (or just do custom chapter with bolter-fusilades maybe.)

I was thinking for theme I would kit them out with the stalker bolt rifle, as it best approximates the sort of napoleonic musket theme... but I'm also worried that this idea is just too dang silly to work.

What do you think? I already have almost all the bits for it, and not much idea what to do with my intercessors... But this could also end up being a lot of work for pretty much no payoff... (def look cool though!)

Probably too silly to work but let's explore the idea.

How many intercessors are you envisioning specifically?

What are your average opponents? If you play against DG or something else with -1dmg or an army that leans heavily into cheap body horde units, stalkers are going to shift from situationally useful to very bad. I never use them, but I can see one squad sitting on backfield objective taking them. Never all of my troops though. Too few shots and heavy weapon penalty hurts.

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Dakka Veteran

Lebanon NH

Yeah, I was talking about it with a few folks at my LGS and it definitely does seem just too silly for the work it would require. Oh well! Not every idea is a gold and all that :-)
Made in us
Storm Trooper with Maglight

New Hampshire

For Impulsor's, is it worth taking Shield Dome's? I am planning on running 2 (mostly for style reason) in a small friendly league and I'm not sure if it's worth the points for the +5 invul.

"Elysians: For when you absolutely, positively, must have 100% casualties" 
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Painlord Titan Princeps of Slaanesh

General question- What use, if any, are Chosen and Fallen? I can't think of a single instance when something else of approximately the same value isn't a better choice. I mean any of the marked elite choices seem like a better fit in most armies and as far as I can see the only real advantage that Chosen have is that they can be a plasma/melta suicide squad but you'd also have to invest in a rhino to make them effective.
Made in us
Perturbed Blood Angel Tactical Marine

 Salted Diamond wrote:
For Impulsor's, is it worth taking Shield Dome's? I am planning on running 2 (mostly for style reason) in a small friendly league and I'm not sure if it's worth the points for the +5 invul.

How many turns do you need them to stick around and is there anything else like a Redemptor that will catch some of your opponents anti-tank instead?

If you're trying to move a squad of BGV all the way to your opponents deployment zone, maybe. If you just need it to reposition some hellblasters into midboard in turn one, maybe not.

Once it drops its cargo, it's not a very attractive target.
Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

What's worth taking over the shield dome, then?

Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

Made in cn
Steadfast Ultramarine Sergeant

Sobie wrote:
 Salted Diamond wrote:
For Impulsor's, is it worth taking Shield Dome's? I am planning on running 2 (mostly for style reason) in a small friendly league and I'm not sure if it's worth the points for the +5 invul.

How many turns do you need them to stick around and is there anything else like a Redemptor that will catch some of your opponents anti-tank instead?

If you're trying to move a squad of BGV all the way to your opponents deployment zone, maybe. If you just need it to reposition some hellblasters into midboard in turn one, maybe not.

Once it drops its cargo, it's not a very attractive target.

I think it would be good to stick around longer anyway. After you disembarked your cargo, consider also ram the impulsor into enemy shooting units to get them tied down. hold them there as long as possible so your other guys can do what they need to do.
Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

So... Invictor Warsuits.

Autocannons or Flamers?

Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

Made in gb
Stubborn Dark Angels Veteran Sergeant

Questions for the maths people.

With T5 orks, and their -1DMG shenanigans... Is it time to go ultra high STR and AP for anti tank/heavy infantry (Str 8+, and the higher the ap the better), rather than weight of fire. In addition, to deal with T5 troops, is it Heavy Intercessor time, to at least wound on 4+, or do you go normal intercessors and have a few higher strength, high rate of fire weapons around, such as Heavy onslaughts or accelerator autocannons, maybe hell blasters etc.

I think you specialise rather than multi-task personally, this goes the same against AdMech lucius (maybe with stalker variant on intercessors or heavy), and proper AT for the big things, I don't see just going high ROF in the mid range working.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/07/25 08:53:59

My hobby instagram account: @the_shroud_of_vigilance
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Made in cn
Steadfast Ultramarine Sergeant

 endlesswaltz123 wrote:
Questions for the maths people.

With T5 orks, and their -1DMG shenanigans... Is it time to go ultra high STR and AP for anti tank/heavy infantry (Str 8+, and the higher the ap the better), rather than weight of fire. In addition, to deal with T5 troops, is it Heavy Intercessor time, to at least wound on 4+, or do you go normal intercessors and have a few higher strength, high rate of fire weapons around, such as Heavy onslaughts or accelerator autocannons, maybe hell blasters etc.

I think you specialise rather than multi-task personally, this goes the same against AdMech lucius (maybe with stalker variant on intercessors or heavy), and proper AT for the big things, I don't see just going high ROF in the mid range working.

Heavy Intercessors with the Hellstorm Heavy Bolt Rifle and gatling cannon Redemptor Dread may be the only chance marine have against T5 Orks. Hell, for 810pts, Orks can have 90 boyz while Marine can have around 25 Heavy Intercessors. Assume they are Ultramarine and have a captain back up while Orks has 6++/6+++ from a couple Big Mek and Clan Kultur. It depends on who goes first. If Marine goes first, 25 marines outputing 100 shots of Str5 against would result in 27 dead Orks in 1st round, then Orks advance and suffers another 27 casaulty, now only 36 Orks left which might be not enough to kill or pin all 25 Heavy Intercessors in place (Waaaagh 144 attacks of Str4 AP-2 would only kill 7 Heavy Intercessors, the rest 18 marines dish out 54 attack will kill another 10 Orks, then Ultramarine fallback and shoot will decimate the rest green tide). However if Orks go first, Orks would only suffer 27 dead before Ere We Go into marine lines, so the rest 63 Waaaagh Orks with 252 attacks will kill 12 Marines, the rest 13 Marine will kill 7 Orks in melee, before fallback and shoot killing another 10 Orks; now come in Turn3, rest 26 Orks will kill another 9 marines. Now marine will GG.
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Ancient Venerable Dark Angels Dreadnought

I said it elsewhere.....assault cannons, hvy onslaught gatlings, Volkites. Wounds Orks on 3's and doesn't invest too much in AP to be super expensive. Also has the benefit of being S6 so wounds skitarri and sisters on 2s if facing the 20 blob units. My Talon Master's worth just went up tenfold.
Made in us
Oozing Plague Marine Terminator

Librarians seem pretty lackluster. I'm playing Ultramarines, and picked up a Primaris Librarian to combat my buddies Death Guard psykers.

What are the usual builds? I'm thinking Psychic Shackles as one power, but all the other ones seem daft.
Made in us
Perturbed Blood Angel Tactical Marine

 Nightlord1987 wrote:
Librarians seem pretty lackluster. I'm playing Ultramarines, and picked up a Primaris Librarian to combat my buddies Death Guard psykers.

What are the usual builds? I'm thinking Psychic Shackles as one power, but all the other ones seem daft.

For me, the swiss army knife build is some combo or all 3 of Psychic Fortress, Veil of Time, and Null Zone.

FWIW, I think your buddy's DG ignore the effects of Psychic Shackles. They don't take movement, advanced, or charge penalties.
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Dakka Veteran

Lebanon NH

What about flamers/heavy flamers? Anti-ork or just too low str?
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

I played a TTS game with an online friend. I really like Phobos units now; they rock. I had two units of Infiltrators and one of Eliminators in my army, along with a Phobos Lieutenant w/ Lord of Deceit. You have a lot of options to mess with your opponent with Phobos. They might not hit harder, but you can fight smarter.

They have plentiful access to redeploy options via the aforementioned warlord trait and Guerrilla tactics. If need be, Infiltrators can pop smoke and put on Transhuman to become really durable. And, while this is a Space Wolves-exclusive thing, you can put Morkai's Teeth Bolts on a sergeant and have re-roll 1s to wound for everyone.

The thing about 40k is that no one person can grasp the fullness of it.

My 95th Praetorian Rifles.

SW Successors

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The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 RaptorusRex wrote:
I played a TTS game with an online friend. I really like Phobos units now; they rock. I had two units of Infiltrators and one of Eliminators in my army, along with a Phobos Lieutenant w/ Lord of Deceit. You have a lot of options to mess with your opponent with Phobos. They might not hit harder, but you can fight smarter.

They have plentiful access to redeploy options via the aforementioned warlord trait and Guerrilla tactics. If need be, Infiltrators can pop smoke and put on Transhuman to become really durable. And, while this is a Space Wolves-exclusive thing, you can put Morkai's Teeth Bolts on a sergeant and have re-roll 1s to wound for everyone.

How are the eliminators working? What sort of things do they do for you that makes you rate them?

I was pumped to get mine painted and on the table in 8th, but by the time they made their way across my paintbench, 9th was here, I looked at their current rules and got a whole lot of “meh” out of them. Not that they looked terrible, but bang for buck, they just didn’t wow me.

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Regular Dakkanaut

At their current cost, Eliminators are fairly good in comparison to most Marine infantry....Of course, Marine infantry in general hasn't had highly rated bang for buck since the release of 9th.
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Dakka Veteran

Lebanon NH

So, jumping on this little bandwagon: I recently played my first 2 games of 9th with the bog-standard marine dex (custom chapter, but no super-doctrine successor things yet).

I played a 1000pt game and a 500pt game, and won them both (though, we technically just called the 1000pt game after my land-raider blew up and took most of the remaining opponents with it with SIX mortal wounds!)

Some of my thoughts were:

1) flamers seem pretty dang good in 9th (making me think Salamanders for a successor chapter)

2) Vehicles/dreadnoughts firing into melee is amazing, and is probably my favorite part of the new rules.

3) Herohammer seems pretty much out, as my HQ choices seem pretty underwhelming for the most part.

4) I love terrain now. 9th really upped the terrain game!

5) My firstborn only army was surprisingly good. I totally thought that without primaris I would struggle, NOPE!

6) I'm 90% certain that both my opponents and I forgot at least some of the rules at least some of the time. I know this has been a problem in previous editions, but it seems somehow even worse now.

7) And lastly: if an army hasn't gotten an updated codex it now seems WOEFULLY underpowered. My second game was against a 500pt Thousand Sons army and... yeah... I actually felt kinda bad about it... I'm sure that when their new dex comes out it will be the exact opposite though, so that's something.

...all in all: I'm very excited to have a few more games under my belt! Here is hoping the winning streak continues!
Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

On the subject of Phobos, I made a really silly Phobos list the other day, just trying to use nothing but Phobos units:

1x Phobos Chapter Master
1x Phobos Chief Librarian
1x Phobos Lieutenant

10x Incursors
10x Incursors
5x Infiltrators
5x Infiltrators
5x Infiltrators
5x Infiltrators

1x Invictor
1x Invictor

1x Eliminators
1x Eliminators
1x Eliminators (Las Fusils)

1850 Points
I doubt it would be any good, but it'd be fun to try.

The most frustrating thing about the list is that everything has Concealed Positions except the Lieutenant.

Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 H.B.M.C. wrote:
On the subject of Phobos, I made a really silly Phobos list the other day, just trying to use nothing but Phobos units:

1x Phobos Chapter Master
1x Phobos Chief Librarian
1x Phobos Lieutenant

10x Incursors
10x Incursors
5x Infiltrators
5x Infiltrators
5x Infiltrators
5x Infiltrators

1x Invictor
1x Invictor

1x Eliminators
1x Eliminators
1x Eliminators (Las Fusils)

1850 Points
I doubt it would be any good, but it'd be fun to try.

The most frustrating thing about the list is that everything has Concealed Positions except the Lieutenant.

You’ve just shown that we obviously need another primaris lieutenant.

(or, more accurately, that the rules for the phobos Lt. are a mess, their gear choices make no sense, and that they don't mesh well with the range they are supposed to be leading)

Honestly, I’ve seen (and played) much worse theme lists. Might be a little light on AV, but has enough tricks going on, I think that would work out. Infiltrators auto-wounding on 6’s can strip off some hull points, and the war suits and Las Fusils should cause some harm.

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