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2013/08/20 00:59:49
Subject: ~ Lucarikx's Blog ~ 1/14 - It's been a while... Display board complete!
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Hey Dakka! After about a year I've decided to restart my blog.... This time with brand new BA and Lizardmen!
After looking at my entire BA collection at an Apoc game, I decided it was about time I repainted my army!
I still need to get myself a decent photo-taking setup, so be easy on me!
Here are the first few "new" models:
Heavy Weapons Marine:
ASM Sergeant:
Librarian (Base is still WIP):
Heres a repaint of one of my Contemptors:
You can see my silly attempts at freehand - I'm still trying to get the hang of it!
Here is my first model for my Lizardmen, who happen to be my first WFB army!
The basing theme for my BA is really snowy, as I hope it contrasts with the red well!
For my Lizardmen, I'll be doing a "river" theme. Piranha count-as Ripperdactyls, Skinks swimming on the bases - stuff like that.
For my BA I have about 2.5k points to repaint. Its gonna be a pain, but its definitely worth it!
Thanks for checking out my blog!
Any C&C at all would be wonderful!
This message was edited 59 times. Last update was at 2015/01/15 01:50:44
2013/08/23 10:45:46
Subject: Re:~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA and Lizardmen! ~ Pic Heavy
Longtime Dakkanaut
More Blood Angels! Lovely!
The Librarian is my favorite one. Who needs pysker powers when you can run to the enemy and strike with a massive axe!
Keep practicing that free-hand, only with practice one improves. I'm on the same boat.
And that Lizardmen, oh yes, how I love to see colorful armies <3. The blue together with the very exotic feathers is a joy to look at!
As a sidenote, you should update your signature banner. I see BA and Lizardmen, not BA and Tau
"Fear is freedom! Subjugation is liberation! Contradiction is truth! These are the truths of this world! Surrender to these truths, you pigs in human clothing!" - Satsuki Kiryuin, Kill la Kill |
2013/08/23 14:26:06
Subject: Re:~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA and Lizardmen! ~ Pic Heavy
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Thanks, TheDraconicLord! I should really fix my banner, now that you mention it! Heres another Lizard~ I tried to use hot glue to emulate water dripping off of him(her?). I'm not too sure about it though, anyone have a better way of making "water drops" on minis? Heres a WIP of my new Librarian to go along with my other one: I wanted a more "static" pose with this guy. Thanks for looking! Lucarikx
This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2013/08/23 16:43:02
2013/08/24 01:18:40
Subject: Re:~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA and Lizardmen! ~ Pic Heavy
Longtime Dakkanaut
I think you already did a terrific job I remember reading tutorials about something similar, dripping blood. One technique, IIRC, was using a hair. You would glue the hair and then you would... and this is where it gets fuzzy, I don't remember if you just paint with "normal" acrylic paints or use a paint like Tamiya Red.
But man, that Skink looks damn good! I like how his eyes are just a big red glowing blob. EEEEEVIIIILLLL
The librarian is starting to look cool. Just drill those damn barrels!
"Fear is freedom! Subjugation is liberation! Contradiction is truth! These are the truths of this world! Surrender to these truths, you pigs in human clothing!" - Satsuki Kiryuin, Kill la Kill |
2013/08/24 15:21:45
Subject: Re:~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA and Lizardmen! ~ Pic Heavy
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
I should get some small drill bits for the barrels soon!
Here is another set of WIP pics:
The Librarian got a sword:
And a magnetized backpack! It was my first shot at using magnets, and its not really flush. I still like it though
The Contemptor got some cleanup on the freehand and a magnetized arm! I jacked up all my other DCCW so I had to make a silly looking one:
And last but not least, I made 4 objective markers!
Thanks for checking out my blog!
2013/08/30 03:00:16
Subject: Re:~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA and Lizardmen! ~ Pic Heavy
Perturbed Blood Angel Tactical Marine
looking good so far, love the freehand! but just a question to make sure. are you thining your paints?
2013/09/02 03:49:06
Subject: Re:~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA, Tau, and Lizardmen! ~ Tau Pathfinder!
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Thanks ikitnos! I do thin my paints, though. The dread has had a tough life, so he has a few quite a few layers of paint that I didn't strip off.
Here's a Tau Pathfinder I've been working on for my beloved Tau army.
Thanks for checking out my blog! There will be more Tau to come!
2013/09/04 19:20:39
Subject: Re:~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA, Tau, and Lizardmen! ~ Tau Pathfinders Done!
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Hey guys! I got a new camera setup, and I think it looks wonders better Heres some finished shots of 2 Pathfinders: Comms guy: Shooting guy: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have an idea for my Tau army... Its where I use different suits of poker cards to designate the force org selections! ie: Hearts for HS, Diamonds for Elites, Spades for FA and Clubs for Troops. Each unit will have their own #, so my Hammerhead would be Ace of Hearts, Crisis Team would be Ace of Diamonds, Pathfinders would be 2-3 of Spades.... etc. Anyones opinion would be great! Please leave comments ! Thanks, Lucarikx
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/09/04 19:21:14
2013/09/06 20:37:28
Subject: Re:~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA, Tau, and Lizardmen! ~ Tau Pathfinder!
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Quick update, with my count-as Mephiston! Painting is still in the works, and I'll need to do some filling later:
Also, here is the "card designation" thing I was talking about, with some freehand tests on my HH:
C & C please!
Thanks for checking this out,
2013/09/06 20:53:17
Subject: ~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA, Tau, and Lizardmen! ~ Mephiston + painting idea!
Twisting Tzeentch Horror
Dude that HH is Awesome, but I think you should just water down your paints a bit, but really cool freehand.
2013/09/07 12:19:57
Subject: Re:~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA, Tau, and Lizardmen! ~ Mephiston + painting idea!
Longtime Dakkanaut
Ok, I'm loving your Tau paint scheme and the card designation idea is fantastic!
"Fear is freedom! Subjugation is liberation! Contradiction is truth! These are the truths of this world! Surrender to these truths, you pigs in human clothing!" - Satsuki Kiryuin, Kill la Kill |
2013/09/09 15:37:30
Subject: Re:~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA, Tau, and Lizardmen! ~ Mephiston + painting idea!
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Thanks for comments, guys! I decided I really hated my Mephiston kit-bash lol, so I made a new one!
Here he is!
Face shot:
I made him from the Winged Vampire Lord from WFB. I tried to go for an unnatural look for the wing, with his psychic energy flowing through the veins!
Hope you guys like him!
As always, C & C would be great!
2013/09/09 19:47:40
Subject: Re:~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA, Tau, and Lizardmen! ~ New Mephiston Model!
Longtime Dakkanaut
That is one very original Mephiston. I love it The Pale wing with the blue energy really contrasts with his red armor.
And he's a truly EEEEVIIILLL looking Mephiston
"Fear is freedom! Subjugation is liberation! Contradiction is truth! These are the truths of this world! Surrender to these truths, you pigs in human clothing!" - Satsuki Kiryuin, Kill la Kill |
2013/09/11 05:12:14
Subject: ~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA, Tau, and Lizardmen! ~ New Mephiston Model!
Longtime Dakkanaut
Like Mephiston !!!
My WiP -affiliated Traitors - War on Tranch : Renegades
The World Tree's offsprings - Various WIPs : Skavens, Tzeentch & Nurgle CSMs, Marine Swap
My first tutorial - Object Source Lighting
What will I achieve in 7 months? : Radio Omid is online
"Squat Hulk- in space no one knows you no longer exist." - Gitzbitah
"Now you're just being silly, everyone knows red paint tastes fasta." - monkeytroll
"Both servers are on different continents so space meteors or thermonuclear war will not be enough take out dakka hopefully." - legoburner
Please remember to tick the "Disable Voting" box, if the pics you are uploading do not deserve votes (ie. early WIP, blurry pics, batreps, ...) Thanks in advance. |
2013/10/22 05:39:17
Subject: ~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA, Tau, and Lizardmen! ~ New Mephiston Model!
Perfect Shot Ultramarine Predator Pilot
Lucarikx wrote:Hey Dakka! After about a year I've decided to restart my blog.... This time with brand new BA and Lizardmen!
After looking at my entire BA collection at an Apoc game, I decided it was about time I repainted my army!
I still need to get myself a decent photo-taking setup, so be easy on me!
yep, that's what apoc'l do to ya!
looking forward to following this blog!
2013/11/05 22:48:33
Subject: Re:~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA, Tau, and Lizardmen! ~ New Mephiston Model!
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Hey guys, long time no update!
Schools been eating away most of my time, but here are some new additions to my Tau force, a allied Farseer and my Battlesuit Commander!
Thanks for looking,
2013/11/06 09:49:15
Subject: Re:~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA, Tau, and Lizardmen! ~ Farseer and Crisis Commander!
Longtime Dakkanaut
Why do I get the impression that Crisis Commander paint job is based on a certain Mech anime? Looks good considering all that white... white *shivers* what a pain in the butt.
The Shadowseer looks like a good Farseer proxy
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/11/06 09:50:40
"Fear is freedom! Subjugation is liberation! Contradiction is truth! These are the truths of this world! Surrender to these truths, you pigs in human clothing!" - Satsuki Kiryuin, Kill la Kill |
2013/11/06 13:15:23
Subject: ~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA, Tau, and Lizardmen! ~ Farseer and Crisis Commander!
Scouting Shadow Warrior
Man I love your skinks. Bright and dangerously poisonous looking, just as they should be.
2013/11/06 15:09:09
Subject: Re:~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA, Tau, and Lizardmen! ~ Farseer and Crisis Commander + more Tau!
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Thanks for the replies guys! @TheDraconicLord: I didn't even notice I did him in Gundam-ish colors! Yeah, the white is pretty horrible, lol. So many thin layers..... My Eldar allies are going to be Harlequin themed, and I've been wanting to grab the Shadowseer model for a LONG time. @Mould2k: Thanks! The Skinks are really fun to paint, and are great canvases for bright colors Heres a Air Caste Pilot: And one of the Fire Warriors: I'm not too happy with the Fire Warrior. The paints a bit thick and the colors are a bit jumbled up. Oh well Tell me what you think! Thanks, Lucarikx
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/11/06 15:10:05
2013/11/07 20:04:17
Subject: ~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA, Tau, and Lizardmen! ~ Farseer and Crisis Commander + More Tau!
Longtime Dakkanaut
Air Caste Pilot looks great!
I, however, think the colour you chose for the skin of your Tau is a bit too... greenish. Or maybe that's the camera ?
My WiP -affiliated Traitors - War on Tranch : Renegades
The World Tree's offsprings - Various WIPs : Skavens, Tzeentch & Nurgle CSMs, Marine Swap
My first tutorial - Object Source Lighting
What will I achieve in 7 months? : Radio Omid is online
"Squat Hulk- in space no one knows you no longer exist." - Gitzbitah
"Now you're just being silly, everyone knows red paint tastes fasta." - monkeytroll
"Both servers are on different continents so space meteors or thermonuclear war will not be enough take out dakka hopefully." - legoburner
Please remember to tick the "Disable Voting" box, if the pics you are uploading do not deserve votes (ie. early WIP, blurry pics, batreps, ...) Thanks in advance. |
2013/11/07 22:59:36
Subject: Re:~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA, Tau, and Lizardmen! ~ Fire Warriors!
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Thanks, Yggdrasil! The skin is a lot more blue IRL, almost Teal.
Heres some FW I got built and primed in 3 hours:
Heres a real test model!
I like this one much much more than the first one
Thanks for looking!
2013/11/08 13:19:06
Subject: ~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA, Tau, and Lizardmen! ~ Fire Warrior Test Model!
Longtime Dakkanaut
Well, the second test model looks crisper & neater than the first...
There's also less yellow on it, which I think helps !
Good job !
My WiP -affiliated Traitors - War on Tranch : Renegades
The World Tree's offsprings - Various WIPs : Skavens, Tzeentch & Nurgle CSMs, Marine Swap
My first tutorial - Object Source Lighting
What will I achieve in 7 months? : Radio Omid is online
"Squat Hulk- in space no one knows you no longer exist." - Gitzbitah
"Now you're just being silly, everyone knows red paint tastes fasta." - monkeytroll
"Both servers are on different continents so space meteors or thermonuclear war will not be enough take out dakka hopefully." - legoburner
Please remember to tick the "Disable Voting" box, if the pics you are uploading do not deserve votes (ie. early WIP, blurry pics, batreps, ...) Thanks in advance. |
2013/11/08 14:29:36
Subject: Re:~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA, Tau, and Lizardmen! ~ Fire Warrior Test Model!
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Thanks again, Yggdrasil!
Here are the first 8 FW that are up to TT quality. I need to clean up the white a bit more and finish the bases, but they are pretty much done
I should have the other 8 done over the weekend, then I'll direct my attention to the Kroot.
Thanks for looking!
2013/11/25 21:57:19
Subject: Re:~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA, Tau, and Lizardmen! ~ 11/25: Eldar Jetbikes!
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Hey guys! I didn't finish the FW, but I think I got something a little more juicy for you guys:
My kinda-Harlequin Jetbikes! Sorry pics aren't great
I still have to finish the bases and do some touch ups, but they are pretty much done! Better pics will come when they are completely done, as well.
Thanks for looking!
2013/11/25 22:02:48
Subject: ~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA, Tau, and Lizardmen! ~ 11/25: Eldar Jetbikes!
Longtime Dakkanaut
Not to keen on the bright yellow helmets, but the rest looks all battered & weathered, while still retaining their flashy colours... That's great !
My WiP -affiliated Traitors - War on Tranch : Renegades
The World Tree's offsprings - Various WIPs : Skavens, Tzeentch & Nurgle CSMs, Marine Swap
My first tutorial - Object Source Lighting
What will I achieve in 7 months? : Radio Omid is online
"Squat Hulk- in space no one knows you no longer exist." - Gitzbitah
"Now you're just being silly, everyone knows red paint tastes fasta." - monkeytroll
"Both servers are on different continents so space meteors or thermonuclear war will not be enough take out dakka hopefully." - legoburner
Please remember to tick the "Disable Voting" box, if the pics you are uploading do not deserve votes (ie. early WIP, blurry pics, batreps, ...) Thanks in advance. |
2013/11/25 23:21:53
Subject: Re:~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA, Tau, and Lizardmen! ~ 11/25: Eldar Jetbikes!
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Thanks Yggs. I'm not too sure about the helms either, but I can't decide on another color to use.
Heres a Sanguinary Priest I finished a little while back:
Thanks for looking!
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/11/25 23:25:33
2013/12/02 19:44:59
Subject: ~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA, Tau, and Lizardmen! ~ 11/25: Eldar Jetbikes and Sanguinary Priest!
Bane Lord Tartar Sauce
Some interesting work on here. I'm a fan of your Mephiston conversion, definitely one of the more original takes on the idea that I've seen. I would love to see a whole army done in a similar style, sort of mid-mutation and succumbing to the black rage. Automatically Appended Next Post: Interesting idea with the card designations on your tau units. I can't say I would have gone that route, especially since there aren't enough suits to cover the entire range of FOC categories, but it's still a novel idea.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/12/02 19:47:08
2013/12/27 16:36:52
Subject: Re:~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA, Tau, and Lizardmen! ~ 11/25: Eldar Jetbikes and Sanguinary Priest!
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Hey guys! Long time, no update! I haven't done much because of school and stuff, but I do have a little bit to show
I feel really silly for doing this, but I couldn't help myself! Without further ado, I present Tau color scheme #3! lol.
Its a bit of a mix between my old schemes, and draws a lot of inspiration for Yggdrasil's Tau, as well as from Lew_b81's Tau Drop Troops on Warseer.
Sorry for the short update!
C&C wanted, as always
2013/12/28 13:44:54
Subject: ~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA, Tau, and Lizardmen! ~ 12/27: New Tau Scheme(again!)
Longtime Dakkanaut
Wow, so you're in for some dirty grubby Tau !! That's a nice start !!
My WiP -affiliated Traitors - War on Tranch : Renegades
The World Tree's offsprings - Various WIPs : Skavens, Tzeentch & Nurgle CSMs, Marine Swap
My first tutorial - Object Source Lighting
What will I achieve in 7 months? : Radio Omid is online
"Squat Hulk- in space no one knows you no longer exist." - Gitzbitah
"Now you're just being silly, everyone knows red paint tastes fasta." - monkeytroll
"Both servers are on different continents so space meteors or thermonuclear war will not be enough take out dakka hopefully." - legoburner
Please remember to tick the "Disable Voting" box, if the pics you are uploading do not deserve votes (ie. early WIP, blurry pics, batreps, ...) Thanks in advance. |
2013/12/28 21:59:17
Subject: Re:~ Lucarikx's Blog: BA, Tau, and Lizardmen! ~ 12/27: New Tau Scheme(again!)
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator
Thanks, Yggs! Here is my first Broadside before weathering: And after the first step of sponging: Lucarikx
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/12/28 22:08:22