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Made in us
Blackclad Wayfarer


I bought about a $100 of supplies from http://www.greenstuffworld.com - lovely products

Bought a plastic Hive Tyrant

Made in us
Beast of Nurgle

Saint Louis, MO

 thekingofkings wrote:
bigern314 wrote:
 thekingofkings wrote:
bigern314 wrote:
Bought a 4 point Viking warband for Saga, which I hope to start playing. If not I have all kinds of use for 32 Viking minis for 35 bucks.

What vikings did you end up getting for saga?


Its 25 plus 7 bonus models according to the ad. I would have gotten it without the bonus stuff. I can use these guys in Frostgrave as well.

how do those scale with LOTR/Hobbit? always looking for some good northmen

Can't say, never painted any LOTR models.
Made in ca
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Bought a box of Venomthropes/Zoanthropes under the notion that I had some spare Neurothrope bits laying around. Needless to say that I did not. Kind of wondering about what to do with it now.
Made in us
Powerful Phoenix Lord

After having almost zero leadpile...I realized I'm a couple boxes behind (mainly due to unexpected gifts and Kickstarters) so I'm not doing any hobby purchasing lately.

Might order some primer/paint, but I don't really count that.

My to-do list is longer than I'd like.
Made in us
Slashing Veteran Sword Bretheren

Finally bought the 8th edition Rulebook. Figured it may come in handy and will be able stop asking other people to use theirs.


"War is the greatest act of worship, and I perform it gladly for my Lord.... Praise Be"
-Invictus Potens, Black Templar Dreadnought 
Made in us
Blackclad Wayfarer


 Icculus wrote:
Finally bought the 8th edition Rulebook. Figured it may come in handy and will be able stop asking other people to use theirs.

I still dont have an 8th rulebook, but I bought a few codexs and indexs. I just need to grab a minibook off ebay

Made in ro
Regular Dakkanaut

Bought some Late Romans for my SAGA project. My meta tried the game and liked it, and I am quite excited to start a historical side project.

Made in us
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

I found a wizard style figure in a bargain bin, and so of course i bought it. Thes question is: do i need more wizards?

And the answer is: yes, always.

realism is a lie
Made in us
Ultramarine Chaplain with Hate to Spare

Another Tactical Squad. Some will be Tactical marines, some will get Plasma Cannons and add to my Devastators, some will go beakie and become Sternguard.

And They Shall Not Fit Through Doors!!!

Tyranid Army Progress -- With Classic Warriors!:
Made in gb
Worthiest of Warlock Engineers


Zombies and survivors for survivial games, and a section of Modern Infantry for Spectre/survival games.
They will also be good for my homebrew system I am working on.

Oh, and some Ghar walkers.

Free from GW's tyranny and the hobby is looking better for it
Made in us
Stubborn Prosecutor

Called my local game store, found out they had an Esienhorn in stock and 'preordered' it on the spot. I get to pick it up tomorrow. Total impulse by, but maybe I'll run a few games with him in charge instead of cypher.

Bender wrote:* Realise that despite the way people talk, this is not a professional sport played by demi gods, but rather a game of toy soldiers played by tired, inebriated human beings.

https://www.victorwardbooks.com/ Home of Dark Days series 
Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

Mostly eBay purchases - got a collection of old Epic Predators, robots/dreadnoughts (which Im using for a diorama/objective marker) and a Thunderhawk gunship. They need a bath in paintstripper but got the lot for less than 10 pounds.
Also a collection of old 2nd edition Epic ork vehicles from a very helpful guy in the Epic Space Marine facebook group.

 master of ordinance wrote:
Zombies and survivors for survivial games, and a section of Modern Infantry for Spectre/survival games.
They will also be good for my homebrew system I am working on.

Oh, and some Ghar walkers.

I don't suppose you have found any good minis that would serve as Fallout or Mad Max style raiders/bad guy gangs ?

BAC-CON: An Epic Legions Imperialis Charity Event, in honour of Paul Sawyer. Tickets still available! https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/814703.page

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Made in ca
Knight of the Inner Circle

Montreal, QC Canada

Slowly buying individual parts to put together the old GW plastic fortress. I got another tower and now all I need is 3 more walls and 2 more towers and I have a full fortress.

Commodus Leitdorf Paints all of the Things!!
The Breaking of the Averholme: An AoS Adventure
"We have clearly reached the point where only rampant and unchecked stabbing can save us." -Black Mage 
Made in nl
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight

With the rumours buzzing about Imperial Knights coming, I've decided to pick up another Bombshell Miniatures mini, this time Raven Skye


to serve as an Imperial Scion on foot for whatever scenarios that are bound to come up whenever we kick off our campaign.

Fatum Iustum Stultorum

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

Made in us
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer


Iā€™ve. Made my March purchases, or at least started them...

Inspired by recently (re)watching Girls und Panzer, Iā€™ve picked up a variety of German & US tanks for GF9ā€™s Tanks game, and some 28MM scale tanks for Bolt Action (a zug of Panzer IVā€™s)

Likewise, picking up the Chimera Star Destroyer for SW Armada. ā€œThe Circle is now completeā€

Finally, I have Devil Pigā€™s Black Reach (the 40K version of Heroes of Normandie) on preorder, and hopefully should be releasing this month.

It never ends well 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Seattle, WA USA

A crap ton of Hot Wheels for Gaslands is my most recent purchase.
Made in us
Ultramarine Librarian with Freaky Familiar

Southern California, USA

I bought an Ironclad Dreadnought today. I just wish they came with plain bases.

Thought for the day: Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.
30k Ultramarines: 2000 pts
Bolt Action Germans: ~1200 pts
AOS Stormcast: Just starting.
The Empire : ~60-70 models.
1500 pts
: My Salamanders painting blog 16 Infantry and 2 Vehicles done so far!  
Made in ie
Deranged Necron Destroyer

Just bought 2000pts worth of Harlequins. My Necrons are going to kill me...

I have a Youtube. Rage Against The Imperium. Here is the link if you are interested - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0WxDMsMyI7WcChiSfApB4Q

Necrons - Legion of The Silent King - [756-809 PL, 15038-16076pts]

Unbound Army (Faction) (Necrons)
Anrakyr the Traveller
Catacomb Command Barge
Selections: Gauss Cannon, Warscythe - 3
Selections: Canoptek Cloak, Staff of Light - 2
Selections: Chronometron, Staff of Light - 3
Destroyer Lord
Selections: Warscythe
Destroyer Lord
Selections: Staff of Light
Illuminor Szeras
Imotekh the Stormlord
Selections: Warscythe
Nemesor Zahndrekh
Orikan the Diviner
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Voidscythe
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Warscythe - 3
Selections: Resurrection Orb, Staff of Light
Selections: Hyperphase Sword, Resurrection Orb
Trazyn the Infinite
Vargard Obyron


Selections: Gauss Blaster, 15x Immortal
Selections: 15x Immortal, Tesla Carbine
Necron Warriors
Selections: 100x Necron Warrior
Necron Warriors


C'tan Shard of the Deceiver
C'tan Shard of the Nightbringer
Canoptek Tomb Stalker
Selections: 25x Deathmark
Flayed Ones
Selections: 20x Flayed One
Selections: Hyperphase Sword and Dispersion Shield, 10x Lychguard
Selections: 6x Lychguard, Warscythe
Triarch Praetorians
Selections: Rod of Covenant, 10x Triarch Praetorian
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Heat Ray*
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Particle Shredder*
Triarch Stalker
Selections: Twin Heavy Gauss Cannon*

Fast Attack

Canoptek Scarabs
Selections: 63x Canoptek Scarab Swarm
Canoptek Scarabs
Canoptek Tomb Sentinel
Canoptek Wraiths
Selections: 3x Canoptek Wraith
Canoptek Wraiths
3x Canoptek Wraith w/ Transdimensional Beamer
Selections: 3x Transdimensional Beamer
6x Canoptek Wraith w/ Whip Coils
Selections: 6x Whip Coils
5x Destroyer
Selections: 5x Gauss Cannon
5x Destroyer
Selections: 5x Gauss Cannon
Tomb Blades
Selections: Shadowloom, Shieldvanes
Two Gauss Blasters - 9
Heavy Support
Annihilation Barge
Selections: Gauss Cannon - 3*
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Canoptek Spyder
Selections: Fabricator Claw Array, Gloom Prism
Doomsday Ark
Doomsday Ark
3x Heavy Destroyer
Tesseract Ark
Two Tesla Cannons
Selections: 2x Tesla Cannon
Transcendent C'tan

Doom Scythe - 4*
Night Scythe - 4*

Dedicated Transport
Ghost Ark - 3*

Lord of War
Gauss Pylon

* - This unit is magnetized so can be either model e.g. Doomscythe or Nightscythe
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

North Carolina

I'm working on some 30K Space Wolves. I'm not a fan of the FW upgrades, for the most part, so I bought some AOS Dwarf axes, Beastmen arms and Goblin Wolf Rider cloaks to trick out my plastic Mark III and IV Marines.
Made in us
Powerful Phoenix Lord

A new set of dice for role-playing. Woohoo.
Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

Picked up Tri-City and Chem-Zone 4x4s', a pair of double-sided 6x4's, and the Forges of Mars Ltd. Ed. 6x4 mat from gamemat.eu.

Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Myrtle Creek, OR

 Stevefamine wrote:
 Icculus wrote:
Finally bought the 8th edition Rulebook. Figured it may come in handy and will be able stop asking other people to use theirs.

I still dont have an 8th rulebook, but I bought a few codexs and indexs. I just need to grab a minibook off ebay

What product has the minibook for 8th?
I didn't even know one existed.

Thread Slayer 
Made in us
Powerful Phoenix Lord

There is not a minibook for 8th. Doesn't exist, at least yet.
Made in us
Stubborn Prosecutor

Found I could create a 4th Ravener form the 3 raveners box's leftoverbit. Buying a metal ravener and another box to get myself a cool nine.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Elbows wrote:
There is not a minibook for 8th. Doesn't exist, at least yet.

Isn't the battle primer (both digital and the printed one in the DI box) a mini-rulebook? 9 pages, small size?

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2018/03/02 16:02:22

Bender wrote:* Realise that despite the way people talk, this is not a professional sport played by demi gods, but rather a game of toy soldiers played by tired, inebriated human beings.

https://www.victorwardbooks.com/ Home of Dark Days series 
Made in us
Knight of the Inner Circle

Baltimore, MD USA

I bought a box of AoS Witches, a Blood coven and Yvraine (for a hag conversion). Still want to get Morathi, some warlocks and all the new Daughters of Khain snake and harpy ladies..
Made in gb
Boosting Space Marine Biker

A Dark Place

Terminator Genysis game (River Horse), a second AvP game set (Prodos).
Yes I am planning to play Aliens vs Predators vs Terminators.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/03/11 23:47:45

Made in us
Powerful Phoenix Lord

ChargerIIC, late reply - but yes the battle primer is the tiny 10-page PDF for free, but that only includes basic rules on how to play and doesn't include any of the information on:

-How to build your army
-Detachment types and CP bonuses
-Open War missions and special rules
-Narrative missions and special rules
-Matched play rules and missions
-Matched play tactical objective tables (the card deck, but in the book)
-Matched play deployment zones
-General rules for basic Warlord Traits and generic stratagems for use in the game, etc.

So the "rules of play" are not the only thing you'd want in a proper miniature rulebook. I was hoping the smaller starter boxes would have the above info but without the 150+ pages of fluff/narrative...nope.

On topic; picked up five Space Marine bikes on sprue, and a Shadespire Skeleton box for my dungeon crawls.
Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

Another order to gamemat.eu, this time picking up the Highlands of War, some Sands of Time, some Tales of Mars, plus the Highlands and the Badlands.

Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

Made in us
Powerful Phoenix Lord

I wish I could afford that many mats. I feel a bit spoiled and I have...three, lol. (honestly I'd like maybe two more).
Made in us
Shas'ui with Bonding Knife

AoS... recently finished buying the needed models for a 2000 point Beastclaw Raiders list.

Also bought the Master Grade RX-78-02 The Origin version and the High Grade RX-178 Gundam Mk II Titans version to feed my Gundam model addiction.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/03/12 14:53:49

40K - T'au Empire
Kill Team - T'au Empire, Death Guard
Warhammer Underworlds - Garrekā€™s Reavers

*** I only play for fun. I do not play competitively. *** 
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