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Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Eumerin wrote:
 anab0lic wrote:
I wonder if the success of this KS will lead to Privateer Press teaming up with Mythic for a relaunch/new edition of warmachine... would probably be a smart business move on their part.

Privateer has already been doing a stream of Kickstarter for its sci-fi Warmachine spin-off. I suspect if they did decide to use KS for Warmahordes, they'd follow the same path that they did with the spin-off game.

Im not happy about the use of kickstarter by PP but the kickstarters for NeoMechanica and for Riot Quest have essentially been pre-order systems to enable the company to better manage production for initial demand followed by a very quick release to what passes for normal distribution these days. Howeer there are now a few kits and models for Riot Quest that are kickstarter only.

And for that reason I don't want kickstarter anywhere near WM/H. It would completely set the wrong tone and give the wrong impression. And imagine if your fctions new updates or models were reliant on a kickstarter campaign receiving funding? Id eave the game entirely. BUT if PP partner with another company to help them churn out full plastic kits, id be up for it. Been saying for years that PP needs to partner up in this area if they are ever to regain ground in the wargames market.
Made in us
Executing Exarch

 Chillreaper wrote:
Okay, so we've got Shadow Sun and 8th Dimension in a box, the Martians (which have to be my favourite looking group) have to be coming in a few days.

Which Protector faction do they get boxed with? Draken? Mutates? Please don't let it be the Greenies...

Elemental Champions seems like a possible thematic pairing. And both factions already have one monster in the core pledge add-ons.
Made in us
Boosting Black Templar Biker


I'm waiting for Martians before I make any pledges into this KS. Given that they're in a bunch of the art it shouldn't be an issue with them getting in, plus Phobos is already one of the goals.

This seems like a pretty good buy for the game especially for people who were interested that have never gotten in before.

It's too bad Voltron will likely never see a reprint or change-up =/


Check out my internet stuff here: https://linktr.ee/rybackstun 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

I get the feeling they will be placing Martian Menace with the Dragons. Its the best option for the protectors to be opposite them.

I hope that where they go at least. The other options either dont have enough material to flesh out as part of a faction addon box, or are too dumpy to imagine their inclusion.

Im pretty chuffed for this game though. Its a good game I like to play when my friends bring over their monpoc stuff, but now I can buy in at 85% off of retail.... its just crazy good.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/11/07 04:47:44

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

Guys, Phobos-7 was unlocked at 440k

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in us
Nihilistic Necron Lord

What’s the scale on this? I had someone telling me today that the models and map squares with these are larger than the current resin figs but I can’t find a quick reference to back that up.

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Guys, Phobos-7 was unlocked at 440k

We're talking about the inevitable faction box addon that contains one protector faction and one destroyer faction, and who would appear opposite the martians. The only two factions it could be, that has the numbers to fill a faction, is the draken armada and legion of mutates.

 AduroT wrote:
What’s the scale on this? I had someone telling me today that the models and map squares with these are larger than the current resin figs but I can’t find a quick reference to back that up.

Monpoc doesn't have a scale, and if it technically does, then none of the sculptors ever follow it. ever.

But the base size has remained consistent across all versions of the game. 60mm square for monsters, 30mm square for units. So you can use the CMG era models on the post 2018 release monpoc maps.

The v2 models are a bit bigger than the originals, but its nothing that should prevent you from using them in either version if you so choose. Scale has no relevance to monpoc.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Bossk_Hogg wrote:
hazefrog wrote:
So these plastic minis are going to be of the same quality as the resin minis? same detail level?

Unlikely, but Mythic's PVC is quite good IMO.

Seconded. While they wont have the same exact detail as resin/metal, their PVC/Abs blend is shockingly good detail quality and they feel durable without that floppy sword syndrome.

I urge those who want first hand spectacle of that quality to check out one of their latest releases, solomon kane. While not GW quality, they are impressive, especially for boardgame minis.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/11/07 08:59:59

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

 Wiz Warrior wrote:

But the base size has remained consistent across all versions of the game. 60mm square for monsters, 30mm square for units. So you can use the CMG era models on the post 2018 release monpoc maps.

The v2 models are a bit bigger than the originals, but its nothing that should prevent you from using them in either version if you so choose. Scale has no relevance to monpoc.

I have every original model ever made outside the Quantums that PP repainted in-house for the last first edition Gencon prize pool. Is there any way to get just the new rules/stats?

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


sounds like the veteran pledge may be what you want

Made in us
Executing Exarch

 Wiz Warrior wrote:
 lord_blackfang wrote:
Guys, Phobos-7 was unlocked at 440k

We're talking about the inevitable faction box addon that contains one protector faction and one destroyer faction, and who would appear opposite the martians. The only two factions it could be, that has the numbers to fill a faction, is the draken armada and legion of mutates.

What's wrong with the other Protector factions? All you need is two (non-stretch goal) monsters from the faction to go in the box, and a handful of units. While a glance at the Privateer store shows only two Elemental Champions up for sale (which I'm guessing means that they're the only two brought to v2), and one of those is already a stretch goal, you've still got Tritons, for instance.

rybackstun wrote:It's too bad Voltron will likely never see a reprint or change-up

Just glanced at my Voltron box where I'd tucked it away. I've never played with the set, but I'm glad I grabbed it. Didn't it get released just a bit too early to enjoy the benefits of the new series? I would imagine that the license would cost quite a bit more, now.

Also, from what I understand, the combiners weren't brought back in v2. So the game currently can't support Voltron.

On another note, a glance at the Privateer news section shows that the game got new releases just last month (a new Necroscourge monster, and something from a faction called Vegetyrants). Makes me wonder how the game will be handled once the kickstarter is released. Will Mythic's involvement be a one-off thing, with the Kickstarter basically acting as a potential introduction for a large number of people? Or will the two companies continue to collaborate on this? Also, since it appears that some of the monsters from v1 haven't been introduced in v2, I'm wondering if any of those will show up in the kickstarter? The figure designs already exist, so the only new content needed would be the updated cards.
Made in us
Boosting Black Templar Biker


Eumerin wrote:

rybackstun wrote:It's too bad Voltron will likely never see a reprint or change-up

Just glanced at my Voltron box where I'd tucked it away. I've never played with the set, but I'm glad I grabbed it. Didn't it get released just a bit too early to enjoy the benefits of the new series? I would imagine that the license would cost quite a bit more, now.

Also, from what I understand, the combiners weren't brought back in v2. So the game currently can't support Voltron.

Negative. Voltron released close to the end of v1 and after that Monpoc went AWOL for a few years. I know the combiner rules are no longer in the game but since it would be a special product outside the normal releases it wouldn't be an issue to rerelease those monsters/units outside the normal game flow once again, should they be able to cover the licensing fee of course. Would be awesome to see Legendary Defender in the game.

But I would also understand why they wouldn't even try going for that again as well.


Check out my internet stuff here: https://linktr.ee/rybackstun 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Eumerin wrote:
 Wiz Warrior wrote:
 lord_blackfang wrote:
Guys, Phobos-7 was unlocked at 440k

We're talking about the inevitable faction box addon that contains one protector faction and one destroyer faction, and who would appear opposite the martians. The only two factions it could be, that has the numbers to fill a faction, is the draken armada and legion of mutates.

What's wrong with the other Protector factions? All you need is two (non-stretch goal) monsters from the faction to go in the box, and a handful of units. While a glance at the Privateer store shows only two Elemental Champions up for sale (which I'm guessing means that they're the only two brought to v2), and one of those is already a stretch goal, you've still got Tritons, for instance.

Like i said, they dont have the produced numbers by pp yet to fill, what we are seeing now in v2, as the bare minimum requirement of 3 monsters and 15 unit models to be conwidered a viable standalone faction.

And those 2 preotector factions, are all thats left to fit the criteria to be part of a combined faction addon for the ks campaign.

Id love to see some tritons and swwrm more fleshed out, but pp seem to insist on working on new factions before bothering. I am desperate for elemental champions, but so far, we have 2 monsters and 1 unit, with another unit released next month. And still no faction base for them after all this time.

Its annoying, but at least its new content for monpoc.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/11/07 19:03:13

Made in us
Executing Exarch

 Wiz Warrior wrote:

Like i said, they dont have the produced numbers by pp yet to fill, what we are seeing now in v2, as the bare minimum requirement of 3 monsters and 15 unit models to be conwidered a viable standalone faction.

But the Agenda system means that they don't need that. All that they need is enough figures to fill their half of the add-on box. Allied figures from different factions in the same agenda will fill up the slack in a game.

Also, as I mentioned above, some of it depends on what Mythic and Privateer intend to do with the kickstarter. Four monsters (not counting the combiners) were released for each of the twelve v1 factions, plus units. A number of those models haven't yet been released for v2 (including, apparently, to my surprise, one of the GUARD monsters), but the designs exist. And based on what we've seen with v2 so far, there's no reason to expect that the designs would be changed. Given that, Mythic could quickly and easily put plastic versions of all of those figures into production. Privateer would simply need to produce the cards. Now whether that would happen before this kickstarter hit an absurdly high add-on number is anyone's guess. But it is a possibility.

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Im just going by precedent and what Leo from mythic flatly and explicitely stated that each faction add on box would contain 2 factions, one from each agenda.

I cant help you beyond that.

[Edited for brevity, as nothing more need to be said]

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2021/11/07 21:33:52

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

I'm really excited for this KS as it is a stellar way into current MonPoc, but following this has mostly made me wish I hadn't missed the Mythic Battles 1.5 KS. :-(

Anyone looking to sell theirs?

11527pts Total (7400pts painted)

4980pts Total (4980pts painted)

3730 Total (210pts painted) 
Made in gb
Yu Jing Martial Arts Ninja

North Wales

NewTruthNeomaxim wrote:
I'm really excited for this KS as it is a stellar way into current MonPoc, but following this has mostly made me wish I hadn't missed the Mythic Battles 1.5 KS. :-(

Anyone looking to sell theirs?

The pledge manager for MB: Ragnarok is still open (until the end of the year, I think). You can get all the MB: Pantheon stuff in it either instead of or as well as the Ragnarok stuff.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

 AduroT wrote:
What’s the scale on this? I had someone telling me today that the models and map squares with these are larger than the current resin figs but I can’t find a quick reference to back that up.

They're probably talking about the Apex versions of monsters, which are larger than the original versions by quite a bit. The map and tile size remains the same and is compatible with everything else.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Eumerin wrote:
Also, as I mentioned above, some of it depends on what Mythic and Privateer intend to do with the kickstarter. Four monsters (not counting the combiners) were released for each of the twelve v1 factions, plus units. A number of those models haven't yet been released for v2 (including, apparently, to my surprise, one of the GUARD monsters), but the designs exist. And based on what we've seen with v2 so far, there's no reason to expect that the designs would be changed. Given that, Mythic could quickly and easily put plastic versions of all of those figures into production. Privateer would simply need to produce the cards. Now whether that would happen before this kickstarter hit an absurdly high add-on number is anyone's guess. But it is a possibility.

The initial 6 factions had 5 monsters in 1.0 if you include the combiners. PP has been releasing some of the combiners as stand alone monsters without the gimmick (Tyrannix and Legionairre)

Lore wise, Laser Knight was wrecked and is not coming back to Guard. The Green Fury faction salvaged him and rebuilt him as Earth Knight.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/11/08 17:52:36

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Any guesses as to how Mythic is going to handle offering additiinal buildings?
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Building add-on.
Made in us
Raging Rat Ogre


I'm pondering the utility of a second complete pledge...in addition to having sufficient units of a type for each sub-faction, it would also allow for the Hyper/Mega evolution of the monsters...all lovingly sprayed in some appropriate neon burns-your-eyes-to-stare-at colors.

I'll dig out my old 1.0 stuff and see what holes exist to make a minimum of 15 units per subfaction...

Urusei Yatsura, Cerebus the Aardvark, Machiavelli, Plato and Happy Days. So, how was your childhood?

Made in us
Boosting Black Templar Biker


Has anyone gone through the Rulebook on the KS to see how different from the War Game this is? I'm curious as to how growing from one to the other will end up playing out.


Check out my internet stuff here: https://linktr.ee/rybackstun 
Made in us
Executing Exarch

AFAIK, the pdf rulebook on the site is the same as the one released by Privateer Press. But I don't have v2, so I can't compare.

Also, Mythic hasn't ruled out some tweaks to the rules. However, they *have* said that any changes to the rules need to be cleared by Privateer first. When all is said and done, this is still Privateer's game.
Made in ca
Dakka Veteran

The rules are all Privateer Press. Mythic is not responsible for the rules at all for this kickstarter. It is literally a repackage of the existing game with cheaper models and slightly updated graphics for cards and rules.

Ongoing rules updates will come through Privateer Press.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

 rybackstun wrote:
Has anyone gone through the Rulebook on the KS to see how different from the War Game this is? I'm curious as to how growing from one to the other will end up playing out.

I havent yet seen any difference beyond formatting and quality of life improvements. But the pdf in the ks is also not final print copy, so we shall see if there are any changes beyond minor rearrangements in format/wording/grammar/etc.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Sacredroach wrote:
I'm pondering the utility of a second complete pledge...in addition to having sufficient units of a type for each sub-faction..

Since this is different enough from v1, the utility of duplicates is pretty limited in v2. Not many buildings i can imagine id use in vs beyond 2x, with the exception of media building competitively.

Same with the units. Maybe a second repair truck, maybe another crawler. I would buy an addon that gave us a duplicate of each unit tbat only had one model, but i wouldnt buy an entire core pledge just for the units.

There seems to be enough steam for rwquests of duplicate single models in the ks comments, so its a safe bet we will have the option during pledge manager.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/11/09 00:09:24

Made in ca
Dakka Veteran

There's a couple of specialists that make sense to double up on, but not enough to warrant a double pledge.

Most of the popular ones to duplicate are available from PP here:

Disagree on non-duplication of buildings. Its very justifiable to take up to 4 power plants (if mechanical), 4 highrise (if living, 6 are already in the core pledge), 4 media (good chance this gets nerfed before the KS is delivered), and 4 Tokyo Triumph (if you are armoured).

That said, you certainly don't need to load up on buildings to that extent.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

At those prices, i could justify buying double pledges from Mythic for not much more, and double everything instead of getting just a dozen models.

Im just not seeing any benefit to give PP my money thats not been filtered through Mythic first.
Made in ua
Fresh-Faced New User

 Wiz Warrior wrote:
At those prices, i could justify buying double pledges from Mythic for not much more, and double everything instead of getting just a dozen models.

Im just not seeing any benefit to give PP my money thats not been filtered through Mythic first.

maybe the resin models will get put on clearance due to the massive decline in demand thanks to the plastic models?

Made in us
Executing Exarch

 LunarSol wrote:

The initial 6 factions had 5 monsters in 1.0 if you include the combiners

Which is why I explicitly stated I wasn't counting them.

Lore wise, Laser Knight was wrecked and is not coming back to Guard. The Green Fury faction salvaged him and rebuilt him as Earth Knight.

And the latest Necroscourge monster is the reanimated form of one of the missing Tritons. However, there's nothing stopping Privateer from putting either of them back into the game in their "original" versions. The rationale would be that players are fighting an "early" battle before the monsters in question were defeated. Further, it's not as if they haven't "canonically" killed off other monsters in the past. IIRC, the GUARD monster featured in the first comic book (I have a vague recollection that it was Sky Sentinel) killed its opponent in that issue (I didn't read any of the later issues, so I can't comment on them). Hasn't stopped that opponent (and I can't remember who it was) from being reissued. It's also strongly suggested that Uber Corp's monsters are based off of the remains of defeated monsters that Uber Corp has had the opportunity to study. That hasn't stopped the original versions of those monsters from being rereleased, either.

It makes sense to make all of the original monsters available. And the kickstarter is a good opportunity to do so.

maybe the resin models will get put on clearance due to the massive decline in demand thanks to the plastic models?

Based on what I've seen and heard, I suspect that there aren't all that many resin models out there. And it might be a while before the plastics are released. From the look of things, Privateer doesn't seem to be that concerned about it. They just released new figures last month. And they've apparently got some new ones with a Mesoamerican theme due out in January. So it looks like they anticipate that resin sales will continue for the time being even with the kickstarter.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/11/09 06:19:47

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

It looks like king kondo is finally about to join the fray soon.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Chillreaper wrote:
NewTruthNeomaxim wrote:
I'm really excited for this KS as it is a stellar way into current MonPoc, but following this has mostly made me wish I hadn't missed the Mythic Battles 1.5 KS. :-(

Anyone looking to sell theirs?

The pledge manager for MB: Ragnarok is still open (until the end of the year, I think). You can get all the MB: Pantheon stuff in it either instead of or as well as the Ragnarok stuff.

Awesome! Thanks so much for this. I've heard Mythic Battles: Pantheon is like a best in class level competitive game, do we know/think Ragnarok might be of similar quality with Mythic out of the picture?

Sorry, not trying to derail as I am also 100% in on MonPoc!

11527pts Total (7400pts painted)

4980pts Total (4980pts painted)

3730 Total (210pts painted) 
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