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Made in us
Incorporating Wet-Blending

Thanks all!

I posted Smashville article links in the MonPoc KS comments.

Sorry, should have asked after the final components were added:

* Core: $120 : "23 Monsters, 24 buildings and 93 Units. Plus Anglax and the Mythic HQ Building."
* Faction Add-On: $35 : "5 monsters, 2 buildings and 16 units!"

So the Core has about 5x more content, but is about 4x the price of a dual faction add-on. Plus most of the sculpts I like are in the core, anyway. I'm pure faction, but my wallet and storage space isn't!


Any info on Map Pack 2? LineOfSight had a good review of the Calamity Park map, but Comet Catastrophe is new. I read that CC is a 3-4 player map? I dunno if I'll get this game to the table often (or at all, not that that stops me from buying a game!), so think I'll skip Battle Royale. I'm hoping if we have a 3-4 player game, we can use CC?

Edit: I have two v1 starters of dice.

So far, Core + Wreckburg + Map 2 (?) + Stat cards (?).

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2021/11/20 23:50:32

Crimson Scales and Wildspire Miniatures thread on Reaper! : https://forum.reapermini.com/index.php?/topic/103935-wildspire-miniatures-thread/ 
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

So this was my first ever kickstarter and from what I can tell covid hit at the most inopportune time and destroyed mythics ability to continue their business model with these kickstarters?

Can anyone with more knowledge of this whole situation tell me if theres even a slight chance that i didnt waste 450$?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/09/12 04:37:30

Made in us
Executing Exarch

hazefrog wrote:
So this was my first ever kickstarter and from what I can tell covid hit at the most inopportune time and destroyed mythics ability to continue their business model with these kickstarters?

Can anyone with more knowledge of this whole situation tell me if theres even a slight chance that i didnt waste 450$?

I don't think it was COVID. Mythic had a *lot* of Kickstarters at the time that were supposed to be in production. I suspect (but don't know for certain) that they'd started to use successful kickstarters to pay for earlier kickstarters, with the expectation that eventually they would have one that would allow them to "catch up" on the funding. But that's just a suspicion on my part. I'm not aware of any official explanation provided as to what exactly went wrong.

As things currently stand, the MonPoc kickstarter has not been cancelled, and the last word from Mythic (March, 2023) was that Mythic still planned to get the product produced and sent out.. Mythic has sold some of the properties that it kickstarted. The remaining kickstarters are being worked on and released in the order that they were funded. MonPoc is at the end of that list, since it was the last kickstarter that Mythic ran. So it will be the last one released. That assumes that Mythic doesn't run out of money in the meantime.

Right now, Mythic seems to be keeping itself afloat by the aforementioned property sales, and by selling excess product produced for each of the kickstarters that its released so far. As a MonPoc subscriber, I'm on their e-mail list. So I occasionally get e-mails about the latest game that's been released, and an alert that I now have a chance to buy that game. The most recent was 6: Siege, which released earlier this year. The question is whether that will be enough to allow them to complete all of the kickstarters that they've promised to deliver.

Unfortunately, I don't know how many kickstarters are still in their pipeline.
Made in ca
Dipping With Wood Stain

Anastyr was Mythics final KS and not MonPoc.
As for them completing it? I say fat chance.
They sold Anastyr and Hel to CMON and Solomon Kane and Reichbusters to Monolith.

Mythic took a second ranso….er….contribution for wave 2 of Darkest Dungeon and has been radio silent for over 6 months.

If there is even a chance that they have the ability to deliver MonPoc, expect to pay almost as much as you’ve already paid, plus shipping (again) to get your pledge.
Every game they have released and not sold, you either pay again or get nothing. Which is why the sunk cost fallacy is keeping them afloat.
If you’ve backed any projects from Mythic, just accept that will get nothing in return, and they’ll sell your pledge to some one else if you don’t pay for it twice.

Just flip through the comments of any of their last 6 campaigns and you’ll see what I mean.

Mythic is done. Expect nothing from them going forward. And even if there is, you’ll be shelling out for your pledge again.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

At this point I feel Mythic is just sitting on MonPoc to ransom back to PP/SteamForge for as much as they can so Leo and the others can just disappear with the money as it's the last thing they haven't sold off or delivered (that I'm aware of).

It is truly a cursed game system.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/09/12 17:18:49

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Indeed I feel really sorry for PP as every time Mon Apoc gets its head up it gets slapped down by something outside of their firm. And the game sells well too; its not that there isn't a market and isn't market interest - there's 100% an interested market for the game.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in us
Executing Exarch

 Monkeysloth wrote:
At this point I feel Mythic is just sitting on MonPoc to ransom back to PP/SteamForge for as much as they can so Leo and the others can just disappear with the money as it's the last thing they haven't sold off or delivered (that I'm aware of).

It is truly a cursed game system.

Can they? I would think that PP reserved the right to make miniatures for it if they chose to do so. At the very least, if Mythic did have some sort of exclusive rights, then the contract should have included a reversion clause in the event that Mythic was unable to deliver product within a certain amount of time for any reason at all.
Made in gb
Revving Ravenwing Biker

Wrexham, North Wales

I think PP were releasing new models during the kickstarter, but it was the fact that it was a kickstarter that killed the mainline production. People spent a fortune on Mythic (with their track record!) and so didn't buy the regular production stock. and when it went down the toilet they'd rather wait it out than buy a basic starter set and play a great game.

Monpoc seems cursed. The designers can turn out a grerat game but then some management idiot somehow makes a decision that kills it.
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

PP always wanted to be a licensing company that creates great IPs and then sells them. I guess MonPoc is working as intended?

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

PP can absolutely still make MonPoc stuff. Mythic doesn't own it or anything like that.

MonPoc's issue is honestly just that it can really expand so far. It might be my favorite game of all time, but it doesn't take very much to run out of meaningful design space. They've designed like 80 monsters and nearly two dozen factions. There's hundreds of little support units who by their nature aren't really supposed to do that much not to mention all the buildings and the complications they add.

In PPs announcement about selling WM, they said they wanted to do something with Monpoc other than continue to expand it and I completely get it. The game has done everything it needs to do. It really doesn't need anything more.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


The thing is the KS has your most loyal, most keen and biggest chunk of active fanbase. If their money is all tied up in it then they've all got a huge negative experience. Which scuppers the parent firm wanting to invest into it again because their core market is currently not very happy.

IF PP release totally new stuff it might not sell because those people are still waiting/hoping/readying to pay a huge sum of cash to get the KS stuff

If PP releases anything even close to what the KS was going to release then you've got very angry KS fans

So they are kind of stuck in a limbo. Going a new directly with the game entirely would at least "refresh" things and there's a chance to start clean; but it can also be a huge gamble that it doesn't recapture the original market.

PP really needs a line drawn under the KS so its a closed issue. Even if its cancellation with no refunds it at least draws a line and lets people move on.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

PP has never been never shy to screw customers over.

I expect that just like last time they will leave the fans hanging without even a word of acknowledgement that something went wrong, maybe reboot the game in 10 years again once nostalgia has overpowered the resentment.

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

 lord_blackfang wrote:
PP has never been never shy to screw customers over.

I expect that just like last time they will leave the fans hanging without even a word of acknowledgement that something went wrong, maybe reboot the game in 10 years again once nostalgia has overpowered the resentment.

I don't know, but for me the well is truly poisoned. I will never forget Mythic robbing me of $600, and though it isn't PP's fault I can never not associate it with the brand.

11527pts Total (7400pts painted)

4980pts Total (4980pts painted)

3730 Total (210pts painted) 
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


NewTruthNeomaxim wrote:
 lord_blackfang wrote:
PP has never been never shy to screw customers over.

I expect that just like last time they will leave the fans hanging without even a word of acknowledgement that something went wrong, maybe reboot the game in 10 years again once nostalgia has overpowered the resentment.

I don't know, but for me the well is truly poisoned. I will never forget Mythic robbing me of $600, and though it isn't PP's fault I can never not associate it with the brand.

Yep and that's the big issue Mon Apoc has now. About the only way I could see PP saving it is if they can raise enough funds to basically pay Mythic to complete the KS on behalf of their customers.

Which is the opposite of the way it should have gone in general, but it might be the only way to save the franchise. Or at least not have to start-over rebuilding it with basically zero fans (this assumes most of the core demographic of active fans got burned on the KS in some form)

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in us
Incorporating Wet-Blending

And that's why, if you own a license, you *should* be careful to whom you license it out, not that you and I could name some IP's whose licensing turned out badly. Of course, at the time, PP probably didn't know the risk of Mythic. That doesn't mean backers of the Mythic MonPoc have ill feelings toward MonPoc and PP as well. And speaking of licensing...


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/09/17 05:04:51

Crimson Scales and Wildspire Miniatures thread on Reaper! : https://forum.reapermini.com/index.php?/topic/103935-wildspire-miniatures-thread/ 
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

PP already got paid for the license, mission accomplished. Everything else is our problem.

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


at the time PP licenced it out it looked more likely that PP was on the way out than mythic

Made in us
Executing Exarch

 lord_blackfang wrote:
PP already got paid for the license, mission accomplished. Everything else is our problem.

In the short-term, sure. But in the long-term, it's damaged the reputation of the game among the potential playerbase. That affects PP.
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Eumerin wrote:
 lord_blackfang wrote:
PP already got paid for the license, mission accomplished. Everything else is our problem.

In the short-term, sure. But in the long-term, it's damaged the reputation of the game among the potential playerbase. That affects PP.

PP barely exists as a company. I mean WM/H, P3 paints and everything else is all part of Steam Forge Games. I thought that what was left of PP was a subsidiary of SFG now as well with like half a dozen employees if that.

PP is probably never going to produce anything independently again. Its their own fault. Really glad the SFG picked up their stuff tho.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/09/20 09:53:21

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

Eumerin wrote:
 lord_blackfang wrote:
PP already got paid for the license, mission accomplished. Everything else is our problem.

In the short-term, sure. But in the long-term, it's damaged the reputation of the game among the potential playerbase. That affects PP.

They literally already did this with MonPoc once before and it didn't stop the KS raking in 1,3 million bucks.

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
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