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Made in de
Crafty Goblin


**** MINIATURES ****
Maugan Ra

Shining Spears

Corsair Voidscarred Killteam

Avatar of Khaine


Dark Reapers



Shroud Runners

Guardians/Storm Guardians

Promo Videos

**** RULES ****

26.01.2022 further rule leaks from Discord

Stated: much of Moarleaks more subjective statements are from their PoV, so dont take at face value

Codex more busted than drukhari before nerfs, so many options


No Swooping Hawk models
"No warp spider. I insist. *smugmeme*"

Avatar 270 points
Jain Zar 140 points, very strong
Rangers 13ppm
Banshees 18ppm
Guardian defenders 9ppm
Storm guardians 8ppm, can still take fusion guns and flamers
Shining spears 35ppm, 3-6 model units
>"bad" clarified to compared to 8th version and other 9th units

Autarchs "far from" auto-include
Yriel still meh, no major changes
Maugen ra "more of a meme" than a strong unit
3 warlock skyrunners get 1 power
Wraithlords confirmed elite
Rangers have equipment options
Shroudrunners can only take scatter lasers
Fire dragons burning heat being 9" was pre-playtest, might have gone up to 12" (unsure)
Dark reapers can only be 5 man squad (might be typing error?), 150 points, shuriken cannon free, tempest +10 points, exarch powers all bad
Wave Serpents can take shuriken cannon (some concerns due to the cannon not being on profile)

Biel-tan exploding 6's? Response: :smugpepe:
Custom craftworlds wont be the best option now
Cloudstrike and webway strike still exist
Bladestorm limited to after losing a model
Webway portal still bad
Unit leaders can take relics like black templars(?)
CWE has -some- ignore invuln, tau and chaos have a lot more though
Expected competitive units: Banshees/fire dragons/striking scorpions/night spinners/wave serpents and basically all Heavy support units beside dark reapers
Shadowseers can give -1 attack to every enemy unit within 6"
Pivotal roles now points
One pivotal role is 3d6 discard lowest charge with a free deepstrike
Solitaires have pivotal roles, but no relics or warlord traits, "hit like potato"
Only one harlequin weapon strat is interesting
-2 to move and no overwatch is still a thing. Cost 20 tho'.

Yncarne 250 points
Yvraine "playable" but not competitive
Visarch costs 95, extremely good, ignores invulns

10 points base for corsair troops
Reavers and voidreavers corsair units

Again from the Aeldari Discord

25.01.2022 Fire Dragon Exarch power

24.01.2022 Avatar picture

23.01.2022 Weapons, Vehicle upgrades, Corsairs
The strikes Aeldari Discord again:

Spirit Stone: double Wound count for degrading profiles
Star Engines: +3'' to movement
Vectored Engine: once per battle during Command Phase activate vectored engine to give the tank Battle Focus ability
Crystal Targeting Matrix: ignore any or all modifiers to the hit roll
Serpent Shield: 5++ and ignores woundrolls of 1,2,3

Additonal rules:
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/914888436115189811/934574092353404958/20220122_225624.png?width=845&height=609New Masque Rules
Cool things. One is a transhuman on hit rolls for units more than 12" away and advance and shoot. Can't do it with transport anymore tho'
One is +1 attack and +2 to consolidation.
One is fight on death in melee.

Wave serpents will be meta. Very strong.
(Wave Serpent Image)

Shining Spears Stats
S+3 on charge, AP4 dmg 2 for basic weapons. Won't say more. Don't want to make GW too angry.

Custom Craftworld
Will be custom craftworlds subs like currently. Some traits are pretty good.

Harlequin Solitaire
Keep his 3++. No changes beside the fact he can't take relics. Very bad sadly. Like the current version :/

Falcon Drop Pod - Deepstrike Turn 1 ? Can transported unit exit and shoot/attack same turn ?
Turn 2

Pivotal Roles : Points or CP?

Heavy Weapon Platforms, weapons changed?
No meaningfull changes beside dmg d6+2

Wraithlord Datasheet
D3+3, make 2 hit rolls profile
-1 damage

Codex Release?
Codex might be a bit late sadly.
Maybe not this late. End of february probably.

Corsairs Limited to be taken?
No limitation. Tho' they aren't very good. I'll send you the datasheet if Serrato say Ave Imperator again.

Harlequin/Ynnari list building?
If full Harlequins you get luck of the laughing god.
If mixed, craftworld you get one Harlie patrol and don't loose strand of fate.

No idea how this mess will work with new CA tho

Goblet or barrel for Space Marine tears?
Important question. Think more about tau. You're their perfect counter.

Warp Spiders???
No new spiders planned this year

22.01.2022 Banshees, Wraithblades, Avatar

18.01.2022 Harlequins
again, from the Aeldari Discord:

>Codex expected mid-late Feb, followed by Renegade Knights in march and Chaos April
>In addition at least three brand new units will be released in 2023 not aspects (new not the ones we're getting this year corsairs, and quin unit hint)
>>Space Marine codex 2 Electric Blugaloo within 6 months. No Necron v2 intended
>>>New Redemptor variant, new models, new supplements

War walkers still in codex - datasheet later
Wraithlords Elites
Warlock Skyrunners don't gain additional powers from more models in the unit (Moarleaks checking to confirm to confirm)

Troupe Master datasheet revealed showing huge amounts of weapon info
>Choreographer of war gives reroll 1 on wound aura
>Different harlequin weapons now give special keywords to the model/unit
>Three abilities with info on another page (core abilities?) Harlequins Panoply, Luck of the Laughing God, Rising Crescendo
>>Luck gives free rerolls
>Still 4++
>Fusion pistol new D6+2, no limit on taking them
>All melee +1S AP2 D2
>Each of their weapons have a related stratagem
>>One will give mortal wounds on 6s (likely kiss)
>>One of the other two will ignore invulns
New Masque system complete with WL trait, relic and Strat
>Can give advance and shoot, as well as attack before removing model in melee
Shuriken Cannon shown on starweaver datasheet (only shown weapon profile)

>Kill team content, will be revealed soon

15.01.2022 Shining Spear and Wraithguard
From the Aeldari Discord:
Does not have front cover art

No new phoenix lord models shown in current print version aside maugan ra
No new HQ options
No new units aside from shroudrunners
No extra rules that play with Fate Dice

"Cant tell" information on spiritseers
"no big chances" for psychic powers (low warp charges? Or no big changes to current 8th edition versions? Question was on power ranges and warp charge)

Guardian Defenders can take serpent scale platforms
Rangers are still troops
Rangers have a -1 to hit

Refuses to release warp spider model (no new model or just not showing them?)
Showed Spears. Primarilly white colour scheme with blue detail (colour inversion), model helmetless, shuriken catapult looks more defined
Shinging spears losing 4++
Unsure on how the laser lances have changed will confirm next time
Wraithgude/blades are core, can be resurrected by Ynnari psychic power
Wraithguard profile image shared, see post

HQs have "pivotal roles"
Troopemaster lost reroll wounds
All harlequin melee weapons have same profile but unique strats, one ignores invuln
Solitaire has same profile and cost, including 3++, but cannot take relics now
A certain harlequin weapon is 3 shot ap1 D2, unspecified (got confused between it and haywire)

12.01.2022 Warlock datasheet & miniature

11.01.2022 Fire Dragon rules

Source: Auspex Tactics

10.01.2022 official Autarch preview
The preview reveals the Warp jump generator and death spinner options.
There is also a hint in the last paragraph that Dire Avengers do not get new models.

10.01.2022 Shroud Runner rules confirmation
Auspex Tactics confirmed the pevious rumours of the Shroud Runner rules and put it in a neat format:

09.01.2022 another small rule leak: Jinx, Quicken, Starweavers, new models
Some new info snippets from the Discord. The poster verified the post with a partly image from Maugan Ra:

So. For new models. We have : Maug. Corsairs. Warlock. Shining Spears. Dark reapers.
Night spinner AP-2 dmg 2
D canon d6+2 not d3+3 I was wrong last time
Shuriken canon for harlies now S6 ap1 dmg 2 But 3 shot
Now can't reroll hit rolls against Starweavers and skyweavers
Are relics any good? A lot

Shining Spears pictures? I do. Models are good. Unit is not. Can't show.
Do they lose the 4++? Nope

Also, no more double move and charge. Both in harlies and craftworlds.

And no more -1 to invuls.
So jinx doesn’t work on invuls anymore? Nope
think jinx is now removes invulns - No. -1 to armor save.
Thats’s sad - Don't worry. You have a gak ton of ignore invul and mobility. This codex is busted.

Are corsairs troop and elite? And do they look cool
Very cool. But they are not good.

Exarch traits are very busted at the moment.

Jain zar solid option

07.01.2022 rule leaks
There is a new wave of detailed rules leaks about the Wraithknight, Visarch and Yncarne, Strands of Fate, Harlequin gear and two Secondaries.
All of this came from the Eldar Discord, just passing it along.

EDIT: Screenshots removed for various reasons, check the Eldar Discord if you want to see them.


Wounds M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
7+ wounds 12" 2 2 7 7 12 6 10 3+
4-6 9 2 2 6 7 NA 5 10 3+
1-3 6 2 2 5 7 NA 4 10 3+
Swirling void energy | 6", Assault D6, S7, -2AP, D1 | Each time an attach is made with this weapon, the attack automatically hits its target

Sword of Souls (two profiles)

| Piercing Strikes | S+4, -4AP, Dd3+3 | No invun saves can be made against this profile

| Sweeping Blow | S User, -4AP, D1 | Make 2 attacks instead of 1


4++ and Halves Damage

Ynnari within 12" ignore modifiers for combat attrition

During deployment, you can set up this model in waiting instead of setting it up on the battlefield. If you do this, then when another unit is destroyed, before removing the last model in that unit, you can set this model up within 1" of that model. If this model is on the battlefield when another unit is destroyed, before removing the last model in that unit, you can remove this model from the battlefield and set it up again within 1" of that model. When this/that model is set up in either of theses ways, it cannot be set up within Engagement range of any enemy models and until the end of the turn, it is not eligible to declare a charge or perform a heroic intervention. (Thanks Garishtech for the transcribe)


Visarch (partial)

Sword of Silent Screams | S+2, -4AP, D2 | Each time an attack is made with this weapon, on a wound roll of 4+, invuln saves cannot be made against the attack

Champion of Ynnead: Regains a lost wound if an Aeldari model dies within 6" of this model on a roll of 4+, characters also add 1 to Visarch's attack characteristic

Way of the Blade (AURA): Friendly Ynnari Core within 6" can re roll a hit roll of 1 for shooting and melee

Warden of Yvraine: If your army is battle forced, if a detachment includes Ynvraine, this mode can be included in that Detachment without taking up a battlefield role slot. While a friendly Yvraine model is within 3" of this model, that Yvraine model cannot be selected as the target of ranged attacks.

Harelquin's Panoply

(Datasheet ability)

Models in this unit have a 4+ Invuln

Each time this unit makes a normal move, advance, falls back or makes a charge move, until that move is finished, models in this unit can move horizontally through models and terrain features (they cannot finish a move on top of another model or its base).

Each time a melee attack is made against this unit, subtract 1 from the attack's hit roll.

Strands of Fate

(Datasheet ability)

If every unit from your army has the Asuryani keyword and is drawn from the same Craftworld (excluding Anhrathe (Corsairs) or Unaligned), then at the start of each battle round, you can make a Strands of Fate roll. To do so, roll six D6. You can then retain the number of these dice depending on the size of battle you are playing. (4 for Strike force)

Value Roll
1 Advance
2 Charge
3 Psychic test
4 Hit
5 Wound
6 Save
Before making a roll of any of the types shown above for a unit with the Strands of Fate ability, if any of your retained dice have a result corresponding with that type of roll (as shown above) and have not been used to manipulate a roll this battle round, you can manipulate that roll. If you do so:

If that type of roll involves one D6 (i.e. a hit roll) do not roll a dice; that roll is treated as an unmodified 6.

If that type of roll involves more than one D6 (i.e. a psychic test) treat one of those dice as an unmodified 6 then roll any other dice and add up the results as normal.

Wrath of Khaine

(Craftworld Secondary)


Progressive Objective

Score 1 VP at the end of the battle round if one or more enemy units were destroyed by a melee attack made by an aspect warrior unit from your army this battle round.

Score 1 VP at the end of the battle round if one or more enemy units were destroyed by a ranged attack made by different Aspect Warrior units from your army this battle round.

Score 2 VP at the end of the battle round if one or more enemy units were destroyed by a melee attack made by an Aspect Warrior unit from your army, and one or more enemy units were destroyed by a ranged attack made by different Aspect Warrior units from your army this battle round.

Weave Veil

(Harlequin Secondary)


Progressive Objective

IF you select this objective, then Shadowseer models from your army can attempt the following psychic action.

WEAVE VOID (Psychic Action - Warp Charge 4)

One Shadowseer model from your army may attempt to perform this psychic action in your psychic phase if it is within 12" of an enemy unit that has not yet been veiled by your army. If this psychic action is successfully completed, select one enemy unit that has not yet been veiled by your army and is within 12" of the Shadowseer model that completed this action. That enemy unit is said to have been veiled by your army, and the warp charge value of this psychic action is increased by 1 for your army for the remainder of the battle.

Score 3 VP each time a unit from your army completes Weave Void.
This summary was on Reddit by SuperSpleef. It was taken from blurry images posted on the same Discord where the advent leaks originated. This makes these rumour fairly reliable, but since they are playtest rules, changes are possible. In addition, these pictures further confirm the advent leaks, which can be found in this post below the wall of pictures.


31.12.2021 Advent leaks
The following rumours, first posted on Discord, have proven true so far and are now further valideated by images. They are presumably playtest rules, so are subject to change.
I reccomend reading the pdf since it distinguishes between three different sources, but I have copied the unformatted text below:
The Book: Ynnari, Craftworlds, Harlequins, and Corsairs will
all be in the book Codex: Aeldari. Codex: Craftworld Ynarri
Harlequins CORSAIRS. The two rumour engines are Aeldari
kits, the disc with hand is part of a ranger upgrade and the
bladed arm is the Avatar.

New models include but not limited to:
Female Autarch w/ Fusion Gun, Mandiblasters
Shining Spears Confirmed plastic Shining Spears
Swooping Hawks
Warp Spiders
Phoenix Lord: Baharroth,
Guardians (with upgrade to make them Storm Guardians),
Shroud Runners (Rangers on jetbikes),
Avatar (he’s big – think FW size. He’s based off some artwork
that was done around 3rd edition)

Boxset: New 40k set will come right after Tau, featuring Eldar
vs Chaos. The Eldar side gets the new Rangers, Ranger
jetbikes (shroud runners), and the new female Autarch with
Fusion Gun.
Chaos get Warpsmith (new), Chosen(new), and
Forgefiend(still the same model)
Mentioned that Eldar/Chaos is pretty likely to get a dual
release now because of all the delays

Battlebox (Eldar Vs Chaos) :
- Female Autarch Rangers Ranger jetbikes Warp Smith
Chosen Forgefiend
These are all in a battle box like Jain zar drahzar
- Near the start of the year you'll get a chaos v eldar battle box
which has all your rangers and jetbike rangers

Combat Patrol :
and the new combat patrol has guardians, farseer, jetbikes and
a wraithlord so that's a great start too, just guardians are new

New ranger bikes & Rangers
Shroud Runners, 2 man ranger bikes that have a pregame move, can snipe characters
and a move+shoot+move rule. The bikes are equipped with a
Scatter laser, Ranger on back has a ranger long rifle (now
featuring AP-1). They can get cover and can go up to a 2+ in
Unit Details:
3-6 Shroud Runners
16 3+ 2+ 3 4 3 2 7 4+
Pre-game move and rangers ignore cover on enemy within 12"
Can have light cover/If in cover additional+1 save
35 points
Also have a MSM ability as well, so you could pretty easily
clear 32" in a single turn.
- The ranger jetbikes have scatter lasers and ranger long rifles
- Scatter lasers buffed to 6 str 6 shots
- dual kit ? Nope, just the ranger bike
- Totally new model A mix of harliquine bike and ranger
Scatter laser and ranger long rifle Looks pretty sweet tbh

- Yup new ranger jetbikes Yup new rangers Yup new Autarch
Most of those rules are right
- Advent Calendar 4 : If I was a betting man I'd say it's a
ranger holding his rifle in one arm holding the "frisby" in the
- Frisbee : It's to the new ranger kit It's an upgrade to give
dense cover or negative to charges
- Barbeque is my favourite (**??????**)

Corsairs: Two units: Corsairs/Upgraded Corsairs. The Corsair
team is essentially upgraded guardians, the elite version of the
Corsairs will feature a Warlock in the unit and can upgrade to
carry a wraith gun (Wraithcannon or d-scythe) and add in a
ranger to the unit.
Yriel is now a Corsair lord proper and can lead a full corsair
army (though still locked to Iyanden).
Corsairs are bundled in with Craftworlds now, though have
their own rules for making a corsair detachment
- Corsairs will have a ranger, a warlock in a unit
- It's going to be the eldar kill team
- Corsairs can be built as either troops or elite
- Corsairs have a keyword
- Advent Calendar 7 : Don't want to say it's not a warp spider
but it could be a corsair
- A dude with a wraithcannon is going to be overkill in
They're not a sub faction per say, more like have an additional
keyword which could be used in a patrol and get a
bonus/Corsairs have a keyword Ynnari is a subfaction
Before anyone gets their hopes up of running corsairs as your
troops choice, they can only be used as your compulsory
battleline role if the whole detachment is corsairs. The only
way to run pure corsairs is Yriel. They can be built as either
troops or elites.

Battle Focus & Psychic Powers: Battle Focus changes to a
free move after shooting for d6 if you haven't advanced or
fallen back for all factions within the book. Protect/Jinx stays
the same but protect can only target CORE.
Battlefocus :
- Battle focus has changed so after you shoot if you didn't fall
back or advance you can then make a d6 move (not into a
transport unless you're a harliquin). Battle focus rumour is

Ynnari Psychic Powers
Gaze of Ynnead is remaining the same mostly
+1 to wound in melee
6s to hit in melee are auto-wounds
Resurrect d3 CORE infantry
Give a CORE unit a 4++
Mostly, the Craftworld psychic powers have remained the
same (range is increased by double on a cast of 9 now) and
changed very little (just minor updates to bring them in line
with 9th Ed) though no more charging with quicken.
Stratagems & Farseers: Lightning Fast is still -1 to hit and
now 1CP, Fire and Fade is now 2CP, and you can’t F&F into a
transport unless you are Harlequins

Warlocks can double cast with a 1CP strat now

Eldritch storm is a strat, and it’s like orbital bombardment
though it happens in the same turn. You contribute to the blast
in the psychic phase with psychic actions, then at the end of
the phase it goes off dealing a massive amount of mortal

Webway Strike also gives exploding 6s to hit on the turn the
unit emerges from the webway.

Farseer :
- There is another 1cp strat which allows farseers to cast a
power after doing the action
- Eldrich Storm : It can do alot of mortals to an army with
little ways to stop it. You don't need to do the action for the
storm to go off, only to empower it. Every farseer can do a
psychic action to boost it
- Pick a point Every unit within 6" takes D3 (+ however many
actions passed) on a 2+ (4+ characters)

Ynnari Strength from Death is now a +1 to hit if you have
taken casualties for a unit, like Our Martyred Lady for Sisters
of Battle.
Ynnari always fights first no matter what.
You can take Dark Eldar units in a Ynnari detachment with
Craftworlds, but for every Dark Eldar unit you take, you must
take a Craftworld unit – like how Deathguard are with their
Scourges and Incubi cost a little more if you take them in a
Ynnari detachment.
- You can mix and match in the new Dex but for every dark
eldar you need one from the same battlefield role in
Scourges and incubii will cost extra per model
- Yup anything can be troops for ynarri that is troops for
craftworld, harlies and deldar
- Ynnari is a subfraction
- Corsairs cannot be ynarri unfortunately Neither can phoenix
lords, avatars, solitaires, nor are any named character without
the ynarri keyword
- They still keep they're own warlord traits, stratergms, relics,
powers, light/dark/Twilight, with a few extra treats thrown in
like roles for all your characters and missions

Craftworlds gains this new miracle dice system like Sisters
called Strands of Fate, but it's more like rolling an amount of
dice equal to the size of the game you are playing at the start
of each round. Points are priced around the same, but better
You can swap out a dice rolled in the game with a dice rolled
in the Strands of Fate pool and make the result a 6. For
example a roll of 2 is made in a morale test, if you have rolled
a 2 in the Strands of Fate roll you can swap that result of a 2 in
the morale test for a result of 6. Each dice result will be
something you can use a 6 for during the game. So, if you roll
a 2 for instance, you can use a 2 (from the dice pool) to
modify a morale test to a 6.
Strands of Fate :
- Strands of fate You roll an amount of dice each round and
keep a number depending on your battle size. For example a
strike force keeps 4
- Each dice represents an unmodified 6 but in different things
like a 1 rolled is a 6 for advancing whilst a 5 is a wound roll
It works like this Roll six dice at the start of your turn Each
dice rolled means a different thing like "hit" or "charge" You
keep however many you are allowed per game size or bonuses
Let's say you keep three hit dice for example (ie you rolled
three ones) You shoot your reaper squad at a marine squad
You roll 1,1,2,3,3,4 and 6 You then say I'm going to use my
fate dice to turn the two 1's and the 2 into 6's All your shots
now hit and you're out of fate dice this turn
- This is slightly different to what I understand the rule does
So I won't comment about the fate dice anymore
Harlequins get advance and charge, -1 to hit in melee, and get
rerolls depending on battle size.
Can use fire & fade to hop back into transports.

- Harlequins get adv charge -1 to hit them in combat Luck of
the laughing gon which is a load of rerolls depending on battle
- They still keep they're own warlord traits, stratergms, relics,
powers, light/dark/Twilight, with a few extra treats thrown in
like roles for all your characters and missions
Masques are now 3 different traits, light, dark and twilight
Fang Master is no more
Harlequin Fusion spam is gone
Fusion Pistol are D2+D6
Harlequins Troupe weapons are better, and more in line with
the box contents. 5 Fusion Pistols etc are no more.
Harlequins are able to fight on death without use of a

Secondaries are:
Psychic Action on an objective for 3 VP (Warp Charge 4:
going up by 1 each time you complete the action)
Getting 1 VP if an Aspect Warrior kills an enemy unit
Getting 2 VP if you are outside of 6’ of your deployment zone
at the end of the turn/4 if you are within your enemies
deployment zone (if the unit has the Ranger keyword, you
score at the end of your turn instead).
Harlequins get different secondaries from Craftworlds, but
Ynnari and Corsairs will share the secondaries with
Craftworlds. Secondaries are really easy to score
Craftworlds subfactions are all viable now, with most
factions getting some sort of reroll. For example Ulthwe gets
to reroll a wound roll. All factions now include at least 2
bonuses for picking them. Crafters is reroll 1 hit or wound
Alaitoc gets raven guard-like ability for cover that extends to
vehicles\bikes, Ulthwe gets bonuses for psychic powers,
Saim-hann gets bonuses for their windrider/spear units, and
Iyanden wraiths are tanky. Biel-Tan gets a strat for exploding
6s in combat/shooting for aspect warriors. Custom
Craftworlds are still in, featuring exploding 6s for melee or
shooting, adding range to shuriken weaponry, rerolling a hit
roll, etc. Ulthwe/Biel-tan both get a reroll. Biel tan reroll hit,
Ulthwe reroll wound. Saim-Hann with Spears have inbuilt
ways to move over 16 and then charge… Iyanden: +1 to
combat attrition test Reduce ap -1/2 by one (eg -2 becomes-1).
It's a iyanden relic, give spirithost unit +1 attack, if
wraithguard also give battle focus.

Wraithguard/Wraithblades, Wraithknight & Wraithunits:
Wraiths get flat -1D across the board. Confirmed -1D. All
Wraiths receiving - 1D is also correct. Wraithguard can shoot
in melee now. Wraithswords are an additional 2 attacks now
(still D1), and axes are flat D2 with no more -1 to hit.
Forceshield is now like a storm shield, adding 1 to armour
saves and a 4++.
Wraithguard D-Scythes no longer autohit and are now 12"
assault d6 S10, AP-4 D1 blast (wounds of 6 deal 1 mw) and
D-cannons are 18” heavy1 S10, AP-4, d3+3 (wounds of 6 deal
1 mw).
- It's just wraithguard, wraithlord, wraithknight and
wraithfighter which gets the -1 damage
- D sytes are going to 12" range and are going to be daft,
expensive, but daft
- Heavy wraithcannon heavy d3 str16 -4 d3+6 blast 6's to
wound cause d3 mortals in addition Sun cannon heavy 2d6
str8 -3 3 blast
Wraithknight: 5+ invulnerable 4+ with shield, Heavy
wraithcannon heavy d3 str16 -4 d3+6 blast 6's to wound cause
d3 mortals in addition Sun cannon heavy 2d6 str8 -3 3 blast.

Wave Serpent :
Wave Serpent has a 5++ and can only be wounded on a 4+
NEW - You blow the shield and target a unit within 12". That
unit then has -1 to hit till the end of the turn, can't overwatch
or set defend against anything you then charge into it

Autarchs now only give re-rolls to core, but there is a
Stratagem to extend the re-rolls to Vehicle units. Autarchs are
now 5 attacks baseline similar to Archons. Relic\WLT options
can make them monsters in melee, or you can upgrade them to
perform more buffing and utility.
NEW - Give that Autarch mandiblasters and he'll do a few
extra mortals too, I never said he was any good lol

Guardians are now 4+ base instead of a 5+. Shuriken
Catapult is now 18" and AP-1, still Assault 2. Storm
Guardians also get a lighter version of Transhuman, and can't
be wounded on a 1-2. (Upgrade possibly) Aeldari chainblades
are now AP-1, and Storm Guardians get three attacks.
- Shuriken catapult 18" assault 2 -1ap
- You're getting a lovely new guardian box which has both the
defenders and storm in it. Also the platform works for both
squads but not as a gun for the storm
- A serpent shield 5+ inv Only wound on a 3+
- Well catapults will be going to 18" and cannons going to
damage 2 so basic squads are going to be solid
NEW - This strat (blow up shield) also works on the storm
guardians serpent shield
NEW - Storm guardians get a serpent shield (platform) Tho
they only get semi transhuman (1-2 fail)
Guardians are very good value.

Bright lance is still S8, but now D3+3 and AP-4.
Shuriken Cannon now AP-1, D2
Falcon Pulse Laser is now S9 and D3+3
Scatter Laser is 6 S6 AP0 shots
Shuriken weaponry adds -2 to AP if a 6 to Wound is made.
(Shuriken cannon -2 base meaning -4 on a 6?)
New weapon Shuriken rifle 24" rapid fire 1 -1ap
Starcannon: Str7 ap3 D2 you nailed it, still 2 shots
Shuriken Catapults - Longer range, AP1
Shuriken Cannons - AP1, Damage 2, AP3 on 6
D-Cannons are D6+3, mortals on 6+

Phoenix Lords and Aspects
Phoenix Lords get 4++ across
the board. Phoenix lord have a resurrect strat that works once
per Phoenix lord. Just a heads up, there are no new phoenix
lords in the data I've seen.
Aspect Warriors will be getting 5++, +1A, staying at 3+
WS/BS and Exarchs can have a 2+/2+. Aspect Warriors have a

Reapers - Very similar to what they are already

Fast Attack Aspect Warriors:
Warp Spiders spinners are now AP-2 base, no longer gain a
bonus on a 6 to wound. Can get a power to re-deep strike after
shooting anywhere on the board once per game. Warp spiders
move instead of overwatch, and get blast and go up to ap2

Swooping Hawks las blasters are S4 base, autowound on 6s to
hit, and their ability to throw grenades deals a MW on a 4+
now but hard capped to once per turn.
- Hawks are great in the next Dex
- they have str 4 guns which auto wound on 6's to hit and the
Grenades mortal wound on 4+ (up to six a turn)

Spears - Much better, more tanky.

Battlefield Roles, Warlocks & Dire Avengers: Warlocks are
moving to Elite and get full smites now instead of Destructor.

Warlocks :
- Nice couple of elite squads you got there (the picture shows
9 warlocks)
- Warlocks are elite slot unless you take a farseer and then they
become a "free" slot
1-6 dudes on foot 1-3 on jetbikes. Just hope you didn't have 10
on jetbikes like me....

Dire Avengers
Dire Avenger are now Elites. Dire Avengers can Bladestorm
with a stratagem – now it’s just a fire twice strat for 1CP.
Avenger Catapult is now 3 shots and AP-2. Shimmershield
gives the unit a 4++, and they have a way to count as obsec via
Exarch powers.
- Avenger catapult 18" assault 3 -2ap
- Wounds of 6's add -2 to ap
Avengers are now Elites - Can shoot and still do a action
Ranger squads are moving from Troops to either Elites or Fast
The four troops are storm guardians, defender guardians,
rangers and corsairs Sorry guys
My source says rangers are troops and shroud runners are fast
Comment: Corsairs can't be troops for say, Ulthwe right?
Unless you make a separate detachment for them?
Ok_Entrepreneur3004: Only if it is a separate detachment If
you have three guardians then you can take some corsairs in a
battalion as troops for example

Elite Aspect Warriors:
Banshees gain S4 base, with +1 to wound on the charge, and
-1 to be hit in combat – still ignore overwatch and have
adv+charge. Also makes a unit fight last.
- banshees (Exarch) wounding marines on 2+ is also quite
- str 4 -4ap swords with +1 to wound (they clarified) on the
charge is quite tasty and a possible 4++ in combat
- Banshees are str4 after the boost from power swords,
scorpions are str 5 after the boost from chain blades
- The Exarch can get +1 to damage
- Force opponent to fight last, +1 A

Scorpions are now S4 base with a +1S Chainsword. Now deal
a MW on an unmodified wound roll of 6. Chainblades are now
AP-1. Exarch biting blade will add additional attacks, and is
now AP -2. Exarch’s Sustained Assault ability is now just
unmodified exploding 6s to hit.
- Scorpions are awesome They don't have a limit on how many
mortal wounds they can make The black Templar litany for
mortal wounds on 6's to wound maxes out at six whilst
scorpions can go higher I expect this to be fixed in the first faq
- Scorpions and hawks are great in the next Dex
- In regards to Scorpion chainsword: The rules I've seen are +2
-1 1 1 additional attack

Dragons :
- The fire dragons only rerolls 1 to wound
- They can with an exarch upgrade auto wound if within 9"
- Str 9 fusion guns with the same range, same shots. Don't
have to be within half range to get the +2 to damage
Fire dragons get str9 always melta rule and d6+2 damage
reroll 1s vs vehicles and battle focus 1d6

Heavy Support:
Night Spinners going to AP-2, with 6s being
Fire Prisms keep multiple profiles for their shooting, but
double shooting is now just baked into the shots. Main profile
going to d3+3, second profile to D2.
Linked fire = Add two shots to the first prism for each other
prism linking fire. Invulns can't be taken for these shots. The
other prisms can't fire their guns after linking fire. Only works
on focused shooting profile.
Wraithseers are getting the -1 to damage in a FAQ shortly after
codex drops.

Falcon :
- Yes bright lance is str 8 but the pulsar is 9
- You're going to like pulse lasers str9 D3+d3
Falcons act like drop pods now too, about 120-140pts
depending on loadout. But you can get out when you
deepstrike them.
Star engines add 3" to your movement Vectored engines
give you a once per battle battle focus move.

Avatar is going to be brutal. 14W and T8 now. Has two attack
profiles, one for S14 and one for S7 (cleaving attack), D6+2
damage on main hits, his ranged attack is like void dragon
necron beam attack. No more FNP, has a 4++, halves damage,
and a fight on death strat. Charge re-roll aura limited to CORE
only. The avatar has a reroll charge for core within 6" in the
new book. No Warlord traits, No Relics. Guardians, Aspects,
Wraithguard/Wraithlord, Windriders, Rangers, Shroud
Runners but not Corsairs are core. Fight after death stratagem.

Kill Team: There’s a kill team box coming up that includes
Eldar Corsairs, and eventually Squats will be a new KT
faction as well – but that’s way later in the pipeline.
Kill team book artwork is the Corsair team e.g. Ranger with
sword, Warlock (Ghostwalker and Voiddreamer respectively).
Additionally Felarch and the Way Seeker. He is also assuming
the opposing force Ka Chaos Legionnaires. Harlequins get a
KT box sometime next year, with a new unit for use in 40k (no
details on it yet)

25.11.2021 FAKE Reddit rumours FAKE
Initially the thread was for a different set of rumours, posted on Reddit. These are now thoroughly debunked:
There is a batch of new Craftworld rumours in the eldar subreddit.
I think it is fake (one time poster, too far out for this kind of details), but this is at least better made than the usual 1/3 obvious stuff, 1/3 edjucated guess, 1/3 wishlisting troll post. The OP claims that he can provide picture proof and answers question in the thread https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldar/comments/r1trv3/new_codex_dump. Unlike the previous Aeldari rumours this has a non-zero chance of being true, though still unlikely.

new codex dump

I’ve seen the printed Codex Craftworlds back to back for about half an hour. The good news is this means the release is imminent. I made notes as soon as I was able to, but they are not as complete and in-depth as I would like. My general observation is that there is a heavy focus on jetbikes and aspect warriors. And the models are very HQ centric. There are a lot of rules that trigger on ‘enemy unit within/out x" ‘.

Background: spent not much time on this section. The war zones are immortal sorrows and haranshema. There is art for the splintered Biel Tan and a cave battle against Khornate daemons, marines and chaosy chaotic chaos stuff and tendrils. Another against Krieg where a Saim Hann Avatar cleaves a open-topped bombard baneblade in two and jetbikes cut through guard cavalry. The model section shows a bucket load of new models:

There are new Guardian models, running with elongated back antennas and flowing clothes. Plethora of options: different sleeker rifles, dual pistols in the same style, chainswords. Leader has coat.

New Rangers: harlequinesque hoods, close combat weapons in addition to rifles, elongated antennas

New Striking Scorpions: similar to old models, but greater variance of poses, Exarch’s chainsword is inbuilt in his gauntlet. Leader model has chainsword klaive

Karandras: Slightly crouching on top of ruins. The claw is even smaller than the old version, but the chainsword is massive. The segmentation of the scorpion helm is similar to the drukhari armour style, but the rest is craftworld style with these yellow scorpion bars, except that karandras is in a very dark green and the bars are bone colored. There is a pictures of this miniature and Drazhar next to each other and the arc on the base is a continuation of on of Drazhar’s stone arcs

Asurmen: Similar to the old model, but helmet is more layered-samurai-like and he stands on a huge column with a relief of battling eldar

Dire Avengers leader: one to one 2nd edition cover rendition

Howling banshee: (note by Vovin: he clarified to mean a single Banshee hierarch model) jumping in mid air, cloaked with flowing strips not unlike spectres but horizontally, glaive

New Warp spiders: high heads with multiple eyes. Smaller backpack with web effect. Smaller sleeker weapon, held by two additional mechanical arms. Phoenix Lord has four additional mechanical arms and is held by two of them on a web of wraithbone in a monklike pose

New Vypers: larger jetbike canopy with standard jetbike middle section and rider. rear is split. each side with intake, jet and large wing. In the middle is a ‘gyroscopic harness’ of three halfcircles and a shooter/heavy weapon. There is a variant with wraithbonetendrils held by lightning between the sides instead of the weapon, rider has hammer and blindfold

New Shining Spears: standard jetbikes with underslung smaller canopy that bends on one side upwards to shield the rider, very short wings, but huge hair tail from rear, rider has multilayered plates like water ripples, knightly helmet with huge antlers, laserlances. There is a variant without the additional, upside-down canopy with Guardian helmets, axes, larger wings in the form of the Avatar helmet

vyper and two jetbikes with axes in V formation balances on tree stump, falling leaves with turbulences from the jetbikes makes this very dynamic. The trio is connected with cables and they pull a mini webway portal.

Warlocks, Dire Avengers, Falcons, Wraithguards, Fire Dragons, Swooping Hawks are the same. The latter has a new leader (Hierarch) with a pet bird, though.

There are two Avatar pictures, probably Forgeworld conversions, one with an axe and a blood weeping Horus mask. The other with female chest, burning veil and glaive and stump for the other hand. (note by Vovin: OP has clarified that he doesn't know if they are Forgeworld models, but that they look like it with different details)

(added by Vovin) Craftworld traits
Ulthwe, Alaitoc (additional meditations and can make two terrain features dense), Saim Hann, Iyanden and Yme-Loc! (get exclusively the Expert Crafters trait and -1 dmg for non-aircraft vehicles) get half a page each. 2 pages for built-a-craftworld, Biel Tan has a whole page with a custom Court of The Young King hero hammer HQ-only detachment. Ynnari get almost two pages with their trait (bonus CP for every destroyed unit, capped at three, that can be spent on Command Reroll, Insane Bravery or Counteroffensive in the same round with an addendum when not battleforged that I skipped), a couple of relics, but only a single stratagem (resurrection for 2CP) and a list of drukhari/harlequin models that can be included as mercenaries.

Crusade: all there, but haven’t spent time on it. The same for relics, but vehicle upgrades are now relics for vehicles.

Stratagems: celestial shield and seer council, forwarned are gone, Fire and Fade is still 1CP. There is a new 3CP one that lets all aspect units that have another one in 6” reroll wounds.

4 psychic tables:

runes of destruction (doom, jinx, eldritch storm, drain, mind war, executioner)

runes of war (destructor, flail, protect, horrify, enhance, quicken)

runes of fate (guide, fortune, conceal, forwarning, and two more)

runes of the revenant. (ghostwalk, storm of whispers, shield of ynnead, enliven, word of the phoenix, unbind souls)

No time to read the specific power.

3 tables of warlord traits: aspect, ynnari and generic.

Farseer can be upgraded to high farseer, knows/casts/denies additional power. Autarch upgrade gives them a shrine creed and +2 attacks if enough models in 2”. Hierarchs can become Disciples of Asurmen, giving them a 4++

Objectives are: enemy unit destroyed by attacks of two/three or more friendly units in a turn, enemy characters/monsters killed by own aspect characters and one that gives you VP if the enemy holds one designated objective

Army wide rules

some deployment rules that I skipped sadly

Battle Focus: ignores the first negative shooting modifier and resolves the rest normally

Path of Asuryan: this one is long, complicated and it would be a miracle if I got everything correct or complete. The rules text alone consists of some dense paragraphs and the list of traits is four pages long with a couple of categories. Units can choose traits from a certain category and no trait can be picked twice. But there are lots of exceptions, though. It seems that wraith units put the rule on its head and all units must choose the same trait. When a phoenix lord is part of the detachment, aspect units can take the same trait. Aspects units without an exarch are also exempt. There is a rules text for ynnari, but I can't remember what it was.

There are Lamentations, meditations, shrine creeds and exarch powers.

There is a lamentation that gives a unit deep strike, but there are not that many traits. Meditations are more plentiful. The path of the acrobat gives advance bonus, path of the arbiter, MW on dice roll when wound is mitigated after taking saves, path of the warlock: can take powers from the runes of war. an ynnari only one makes an autarch a level 1 psyker. Path of the Black Guard is Ulthwe only, gives 6” more range. There are many more. this is speculation: I think they represent former path experiences, since some model have rules like: Path of Farseer/Command etc: yaddayadda, in addition, can take up to one meditation. Speaking of which: Path of command is unchanged, but not an army wide rule, but only for the autarch with wings. The autarch on jetbike doesn’t have this and Yriel has Path of the Outcast (deploy after both armies are deployed). But I should stop here. I will describe what I could remember about the datasheets later.

All aspects have three bespoke shrine creeds that are all very powerful and a couple of unaligned ones. Then there are a dozen Exarch powers that are all unaligned, with only one locked for biel tan armies. Scorpions have one creed that lets them advance and charge if movement starts in terrain. Dark reaper shrine creeds: indirect fire with single shot, additional shot within 18", krak shot available and reroll hits on 1. There is one generic that allows to reroll charges. Some exarch powers are simple stat modifiers.

Unit entries:

entries for the Ynnari triumvirate

Farseer: still 2 powers. Witchblade is S+2 AP-2 D2 now. Path of the Farseer: +2 to all psychic tests, two meditations

Solo warlocks and spirit seers can also cast 2 powers, but only deny one. spirit seers draw from revenant runes discipline

Avatar: 14 wounds, different equipment options

Damanhalla: warp spider phoenix lord. all phoenix lords present, all I have seen in detail have 4++, have missed the Karandras profile unfortunately

Hierarchs: 4 separate HQ entries for Striking Scorpions, Swooping Hawks, Howling Banshees and Dire Avengers. Female models except the scorpion. Haven’t found their fluff, so don’t know what exactly they are. But they get three exarch powers and have one attack more than an autarch (5)

Something Swordwind, named Swooping Hawk Hierarch, Biel Tan, just the Hawk Hierarch with a scimitar and a bare head, mohawk and a shooting weapon that is mainly out of picture but has a skull pommel

Asurmen: has two seperate set of rules. Only martial harmony rule is in both, no limitations for shrine creeds. Starts every (own?) turn with an aura, 3++, parry, fallback and do stuff. And can switch when aspect warrior destroys unit or model (don't remember which): +2 attacks, reroll hits and wounds, shoot twice with D3, reroll charge

Fireheart: Saim hann jetbike diorama character, resurrects at start of round unless enemy deals additional damage against dummy. The only picture is in the small datasheet bubble, so not much to see, except that it pulls a molten heart and fire wings and the riders have fiery axes. There are another two unit entries, that are only shown in the datasheet section:

both are a single Wraithguard sized model with avatar-like molten skin, burning shoulders. One is called Embers of Khaine and agonized eldar sized head with flame hair, dagger and blood bowl in hand, loose chains around wrist. melee infantry with high single digit wounds, two or three shrine creeds from any aspects, and exploding 6 melee aura.

anvil of souls, yme-loc specific, same body, but two-handed hammer in hand and no chains. repairs vehicles and deals MW to enemy vehicles

Striking Scorpions: Chainsword: +1 -2 D1, 2 additional attacks. Mandiblaster: in first round of combat: chainswords have +1 damage. I find this very unfluffy.

Warp spiders: flat 12" move, enemy units shot at cannot advance or take actions - the same rule is on other spinner stuff, no CP cost for Fire & Fade

Wraithguard split: Wraithcannon elite, d-scythe troops. d-scythe assault flat6, does need to roll to hit. Can use old D6 auto-hit profile only during overwatch (note by Vovin: OP has stated that wraithcannon has same range, higher S, and causes 3 Mortal Wounds when wounded instead of the normal sequence)

Dire Avenger/Guardians: both 4+ Save, Shuriken catapult Assault 3 18" S4, AP-1, Only Dire Avengers have the AP on 6 rule. Dire Avengers are the only (or the only one I am aware of) that have a baked in shrine creed and can take another: Defend(+1 Sv against attacks from units within 24"

Corsairs: elite infantry, plethora of options, brace of las pistols, lasblaster, melee weapons, deep strike, two traits, lasweapons, including scatterlasers etc. can shoot twice if at least one lasshot of unit hits. Second salvo hits automatically if it is the same target.

Rangers: cannot be targeted by units when no enemy unit is within 18" at all when in terrain. Can shoot twice as long as pathfinder leader lives

Windrider Fireblades: windriders with more attacks and power axes

Vyper: reroll to hits when advanced and moved full

Anvil of Something: wraith, vyper with power fist with MW aura

Wild Rider Host: fast melee unit with 9 wounds and transport capacity for aspect units

Support weapons: troop size flat 1, vibro cannon extra damage against units in terrain

Wave Serpent field is now 5++

No Storm Guardians and Jetbike Conclaves entries if it isn’t hidden as an option somewhere.

The only point costs I remember are wraith knights are now 420 points base and guardians are 9 points

That’s it for now. If you have questions, you can ask. But if I haven’t mentioned something it is likely that I haven’t paid attention and can’t answer. So questions for relic specifics are futile.

Bold formatting by me. I added some of his replies directly into the text.

This message was edited 64 times. Last update was at 2022/02/10 07:33:07

Made in ca
Gargantuan Gargant

Eldar Corsairs stuff is one of the things that really makes me doubt its legitimacy. GW dumped that like a hot potato from FW and I don't see them incorporating them as part of a larger Craftworld Eldar release. At best, they might have introduced them in a Kill Team set or as some sort of standalone specialist game box.

That and alongside the sheer number of stuff doesn't match what the previous rumourmonger who was correct with pretty much said so far, since he mentions that it is an incomplete reboot for Eldar, and this goes far beyond that.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/11/25 15:56:12

Made in de
Crafty Goblin


I agree with you that it is unlikely.

That and alongside the sheer number of stuff doesn't match what the previous rumourmonger who was correct with pretty much said so far, since he mentions that it is an incomplete reboot for Eldar, and this goes far beyond that.
But this is plainly wrong. There was never any reliable Craftworld rumour batch. Only some wild 4chan rumours that piggybagged on the reliable miniature leak. The only thing in the reliable leak about eldar was, that they get a massive but incomplete update in 2022 and this matches the reddit dump.
Made in us
Raging Rat Ogre


A few of those would be sensible changes to bring the fluff into the game...like the Warp Spiders...but yeah, this is mostly wishlist instead of rumor.

Urusei Yatsura, Cerebus the Aardvark, Machiavelli, Plato and Happy Days. So, how was your childhood?

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Believe it when I see it.

Particularly dubious that a Swooping Hawk Exarch is now a ‘Hierarch’.

Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

But that makes sense though, because swooping hawks are totally higher than the other aspects!!1!1111

(and given recent GW naming conventions this logic is not totally out of the question)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/11/25 16:51:00

Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
51st Dunedinw2;d0;l0
Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 
Made in ie
Longtime Dakkanaut


Nice wishlist.

Reality will be a new Codex, Cards, Dice, and if Eldar players are lucky a new Avatar model.

The objective of the game is to win. The point of the game is to have fun. The two should never be confused. 
Made in gb
Mad Gyrocopter Pilot


Nice bollocks but probably bollocks all the same.

One and a half feet in the hobby

My Painting Log of various minis:
# Olthannon's Oscillating Orchard of Opportunity #

Made in pl
Longtime Dakkanaut


Sounds like bs to me.

"Tabletop games are the only setting when a body is made more horrifying for NOT being chopped into smaller pieces."
- Jiado 
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Quickly zipped through the rumour but found no mention of new Dark Reaper models...

Casual gaming, mostly solo-coop these days.

Made in gb
Executing Exarch

London, UK

Yeah, not buying it, but photos could change my mind.

Made in fi
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

If that's fake then lots of effort spent...but then again 6th ed core book was faked so fakers certainly aren't affraid of wasting time doing it. So could be either way. Corsair is dubious though

2024 painted/bought: 109/109 
Made in gb
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan

tneva82 wrote:
If that's fake then lots of effort spent...but then again 6th ed core book was faked so fakers certainly aren't affraid of wasting time doing it. So could be either way. Corsair is dubious though

IIRC that rulebook wasn't intended to be a fake, it was just a set of homebrew rules some group had written up to use themselves. Someone got a copy and thought it would be funny to 'leak' online.
Made in us
Dangerous Branchwraith


The flowing clothes on eldar guardians worries me. I wasn't hoping for much of a redesign, more of a modernization of the current look with better detail. I'm going to call bs on this simply cause I hope it's fake.

And if someone says they can provide picture proof but doesn't follow up you know it's bs 100%.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/11/25 17:25:16

Made in us
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Believe it when I see it.

Particularly dubious that a Swooping Hawk Exarch is now a ‘Hierarch’.

They are claiming the Hierarch is a new unit type as Exarches are also mentioned in the post, probably like a SM Lieutenant equivalent. So it would go Exarch->Hierarch->Autarch. FWIW, Hierarchs are not new, they are mentioned (albeit in the DE codex) in Drazhar's background as a rank of Incubi.

Games Workshop Delenda Est.

Users on ignore- 53.

If you break apart my or anyone else's posts line by line I will not read them. 
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

 Thargrim wrote:
The flowing clothes on eldar guardians worries me. I wasn't hoping for much of a redesign, more of a modernization of the current look with better detail. I'm going to call bs on this simply cause I hope it's fake.

Flowing cloth would make at least a nice visual distinction to the Guardians and justify their save a bit better IMO.

And if someone says they can provide picture proof but doesn't follow up you know it's bs 100%.

Pretty sure it says they wouldn't have access until the weekend...
Made in jp
Boosting Space Marine Biker

Stuck in the snow.

tneva82 wrote:
If that's fake then lots of effort spent...but then again 6th ed core book was faked so fakers certainly aren't affraid of wasting time doing it. So could be either way. Corsair is dubious though

On one hand so much of that like the Corsairs, the Heirarchs, the unique Craftworld specific Wraithguard, and the webway portal being pulled by a Vyper and two Jetbikes seem way too ridiculous to be true, but the more I think about it the more it sounds not totally out of the realm of possibility.

GW recently has been putting out a lot of big diorama units like St. Katherine and Katarkos, they've also been releasing a lot of faction specific and generic characters recently.

And as for Corsairs specifically, just like Orks where they added in "feral Orks" in the form of Beastsnaggas, I could definitely imagine them looking at Corsairs as something new to sell Eldar players that isn't as committal as Exodites.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/11/25 17:33:24

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

The rumour list that has so far been 100% true confirmed new Swooping Hawks.

So I don't believe this.
Made in us
Terrifying Doombull

Right, right.

They got a half-hour of access to the new codex, and after dumping a bunch of it on the internet, they'll get access again this weekend, but this time there will be pictures. Of course.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/11/25 18:01:16

Efficiency is the highest virtue. 
Made in de
Crafty Goblin


 dan2026 wrote:
The rumour list that has so far been 100% true confirmed new Swooping Hawks.

So I don't believe this.
No, it has not. Eldar miniatures were not part of this rumour. This fake news has to die.
Made in gb
Infiltrating Broodlord


 dan2026 wrote:
The rumour list that has so far been 100% true confirmed new Swooping Hawks.

So I don't believe this.

I guess tbf it's not out of the question that there's new Swooping Hawks but the old models are pictured in the codex. That's definitely happened before. And the rumour list did not actually mention any specific Eldar.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/11/25 18:08:50

Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dark Angels Dreadnought

I'm intrigued, mostly because I think GW realizes that current Eldar just don't function well so have to input a whole slew of new stuff to reinvent the line. A lot of it sounds like Lumineth type styles which I can believe.
Not sure, but any picture would be ideal.

The robed guardians actually sound more like the corsair entry (if you check the weapons)
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

That seems like a lot of very specific information to remember after just 30min with the codex....
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

Frankly, I'm interested because it puts the Aspects into more of the "Temple" styling they've always been described as.

Additionally some of the things like the unique Saim-Hann biker unit could be replicated using nothing but an upgrade sprue...

Which I find plausible.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2021/11/25 19:08:15

Made in us
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon


Well let's hope. Eldar really need it.

Made in au
Slaanesh Chosen Marine Riding a Fiend


Extremely skeptical, given the source, but it's hard to rule anything out these days.

 Vovin wrote:
 dan2026 wrote:
The rumour list that has so far been 100% true confirmed new Swooping Hawks.

So I don't believe this.
No, it has not. Eldar miniatures were not part of this rumour. This fake news has to die.

Yeah, it's been equal parts amusing and frustrating watching that set of rumours mutate and merge with others in such a short period of time.

The Circle of Iniquity
The Fourth Seal
Made in us
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon


 Marshal Loss wrote:
Extremely skeptical, given the source, but it's hard to rule anything out these days.

 Vovin wrote:
 dan2026 wrote:
The rumour list that has so far been 100% true confirmed new Swooping Hawks.

So I don't believe this.
No, it has not. Eldar miniatures were not part of this rumour. This fake news has to die.

Yeah, it's been equal parts amusing and frustrating watching that set of rumours mutate and merge with others in such a short period of time.

What!! You mean we aren't getting all of the aspects made in plastic. A plastic thunderhawk and squiggoth and all of the imperial guard redone in plastic all in the same month.

Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

Corsairs: elite infantry, plethora of options, brace of las pistols, lasblaster, melee weapons, deep strike, two traits, lasweapons, including scatterlasers etc. can shoot twice if at least one lasshot of unit hits. Second salvo hits automatically if it is the same target.
And it was precisely here where I stopped believing these rumours...

Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

It would be nice if it was true but I doubt it- too much information for starters. The one thing absolutely coming for Eldar is a plastic avatar - its appeared in the Rumour Engine pics..

But you never know..
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

 silverstu wrote:
It would be nice if it was true but I doubt it- too much information for starters. The one thing absolutely coming for Eldar is a plastic avatar - its appeared in the Rumour Engine pics..

But you never know..

Nah. There's at least one more thing, and that's Rangers...or Corsairs/Guardians.

And before someone says "THAT'S TAU!"...no, it isn't. Soulstones and five fingers.
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