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Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

TN/AL/MS state line.

spiralingcadaver wrote:
These were sort of a flop. We worked pretty hard on them, tested and tried to ensure each was a fun little mini game. The feedback from the beta’s has made it pretty clear and I see no reason to finalize them any further. They will remain online and available for any to enjoy as they are.

I will be taking a new approach with the content. Mainly the gear. The gear will be revisited, redesigned and given crafting recipes, so that it can more naturally be added to campaigns. The PDF’s will be made available for free and a printed pack of cards will eventually make its way to our online store, available for free + packing and shipping.

Ah, my mistake.

BobtheInquisitor wrote:My apackage arrived and it had been beaten like a reporter at a Trump convention. Here's a picture of the Dragon King booklet, which is crumpled at the corner. Normally, I wouldn't care, but 1) I paid twice for that shipping, and 2) I was planning to sell the booklet and all the cards. Will this damage affect the resale value? Should I submit a ticket to have the booklet replaced?

Can you flatten it out under books for awhile? Unsure about resale value, but usually "crumpled" doesn't sell as well as "near mint".

Black Bases and Grey Plastic Forever:My quaint little hobby blog.

40k- The Kumunga Swarm (more)
Count Mortimer’s Private Security Force/Excavation Team (building)
Kabal of the Grieving Widow (less)

Plus other games- miniature and cardboard both. 
Made in us
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran

California the Southern

I still think you'd probably find a taker on BGG desperate to try out the campaign, and not want to incur the wrath of building models/ paying the adjusted prices.

(My tracking number showed up today too. Yay!)

Poorly lit photos of my ever- growing collection of completely unrelated models!

Watch and listen to me ramble about these minis before ruining them with paint!
Made in nl
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight

re: paying for the shipping and handling of expansion character equipment cards.. he's out of money, simple as that. Quite annoying really, as we opted to get everything with an iota of ingame content or value. Doubly so now that we're required to pay for something we thought would come with the minis as they were released to us.

I've got a feeling we'll be required to pay for the shipping of the Lantern Festival whenever that gets rushed out the door as well.

Fatum Iustum Stultorum

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

Made in us
Aspirant Tech-Adept

That's probably true, Brook. Curious what it'll be though.

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
My apackage arrived and it had been beaten like a reporter at a Trump convention. Here's a picture of the Dragon King booklet, which is crumpled at the corner. Normally, I wouldn't care, but 1) I paid twice for that shipping, and 2) I was planning to sell the booklet and all the cards. Will this damage affect the resale value? Should I submit a ticket to have the booklet replaced?

In your case, submitting a ticket makes sense. We're supposed to do that through kingdomdeath.com/support now but when I attempted to do so (for a store issue) about a week ago, no confirmation email was sent to me. Had to contact them through the support@kingdomdeath.zendesk.com support email. Might have just been me, though. /shrug

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2016/03/05 23:12:38

Made in us
Most Glorious Grey Seer

Everett, WA

 BrookM wrote:
I've got a feeling we'll be required to pay for the shipping of the Lantern Festival whenever that gets rushed out the door as well.

I don't really have a problem. Given the amazing discount at which we've gotten each expansion, I'm surprised Poots hasn't filed for bankruptcy. I just finished putting together the Dragon King and that expansion should be listed at well over $100 but we only paid $30 for it. I understand the frustration but I'm not going to get bent out of shape if I'm asked to chip in for some extra shipping costs.

Made in us
Using Object Source Lighting


But, it was his choice to make it bigger and fancier. He should've factored it into that budget rather than having people foot the bill for his overspending.

In other words, while I have empathy for wanting to make something the best it can be, I have no sympathy for making it more expensive than promised.

My painted armies (40k, WM/H, Malifaux, Infinity...) 
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


 Breotan wrote:
 BrookM wrote:
I've got a feeling we'll be required to pay for the shipping of the Lantern Festival whenever that gets rushed out the door as well.

I don't really have a problem. Given the amazing discount at which we've gotten each expansion, I'm surprised Poots hasn't filed for bankruptcy. I just finished putting together the Dragon King and that expansion should be listed at well over $100 but we only paid $30 for it. I understand the frustration but I'm not going to get bent out of shape if I'm asked to chip in for some extra shipping costs.

We're there directions? Looking a the the armor kit sprues, I have no idea what legs go onto which hips, especially since it only has two hips and six legs...

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

TN/AL/MS state line.

Personally I wish he could have shelled out for a hardback book myself. I've been playing a solo game, and my copy is already taking a beating.

There's always room for improvement.

Black Bases and Grey Plastic Forever:My quaint little hobby blog.

40k- The Kumunga Swarm (more)
Count Mortimer’s Private Security Force/Excavation Team (building)
Kabal of the Grieving Widow (less)

Plus other games- miniature and cardboard both. 
Made in us
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran

California the Southern

I'd love a separate Book of Death, maybe just put it up in the shop.

A big hardback monstrosity that has all the pertinent rules and info with Poots' typical flair and attention to detail.

I'd shell out some cash for something like that.

Poorly lit photos of my ever- growing collection of completely unrelated models!

Watch and listen to me ramble about these minis before ruining them with paint!
Made in us
Most Glorious Grey Seer

Everett, WA

I have a problem with the Lonely Tree. I have an extra pile of leaves that I can't figure out where to put them. The few shots I've been able to google all seem to be oriented the same way so that's not been much help.

Does anyone know where I can get a good variety of pics of the Lonely Tree from different angles? Hopefully I'll be able to figure out where this last bit goes.

Made in gb
Noise Marine Terminator with Sonic Blaster


 Breotan wrote:
I have a problem with the Lonely Tree. I have an extra pile of leaves that I can't figure out where to put them. The few shots I've been able to google all seem to be oriented the same way so that's not been much help.

Does anyone know where I can get a good variety of pics of the Lonely Tree from different angles? Hopefully I'll be able to figure out where this last bit goes.

Someone called Stephanie Gustafsson posted a build guide to the By Lanterns Light Facebook group on Thursday at 11.37, don't know how to post a direct link on my iPad though, sorry.

Ex-Mantic Rules Committees: Kings of War, Warpath
"The Emperor is obviously not a dictator, he's a couch."
Starbuck: "Why can't we use the starboard launch bays?"
Engineer: "Because it's a gift shop!" 
Made in nl
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Cozy cockpit of an Imperial Knight

Well great, tried submitting a ticket through their site and it gave me an error. Yay!

Fatum Iustum Stultorum

Fiat justitia ruat caelum

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Lonely tree build guide


Green Knight female build guide


the two above are in a closed facebook group so you may need to join if you can't see them (https://www.facebook.com/groups/863706623696679/)

my spreadsheet of the expansion contents (if you spot any problems let me know and i'll update)


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/03/07 13:02:14

Made in us

In a van down by the river

 spiralingcadaver wrote:
But, it was his choice to make it bigger and fancier. He should've factored it into that budget rather than having people foot the bill for his overspending.

In other words, while I have empathy for wanting to make something the best it can be, I have no sympathy for making it more expensive than promised.

In fairness, the portion of the bill we're being asked to foot is one that was technically out of his control; shipping rates have become extremely expensive compared to the predicted shipping time. This is primarily an outgrowth of the decision to switch from PVC to HIPS, but I'd venture a guess that had you put that question to the backers as a group, you would have ended up with exactly where we are today. I don't see a ton of people opting for PVC, especially as the time the decision would have been made would have been when Relic Knights and DeadZone were fulfilling and the "not-quite-there"-ness of Experiment of Death would have been known. PVC as a material would have likely been denounced, and a switch to HIPS widely applauded (since, it was...and I would still support such a switch even with hindsight). That then leads up to the bulk of the delay and thus increased shipping costs. Would putting it to a vote somehow change the fact that the outcome would be the same?

Now, I do think it was a bit of...we'll be charitable and call it "marketing" to wait until shipping was imminent to mention it would cost more. That there would be a fee was known in nebulous terms by people actively following the project, but it could have been mentioned to the masses much sooner than it was. So too could mention have been made of Adam's willingness to work with people for whom the fee was a hardship or completely out-of-whack, especially given the short notice. Communication has been somewhat spotty throughout the campaign though, and it's not really in KD's history to be particularly good at it (see also: the random restocks of their store since...ever).

Still, when you look at other projects on this forum like Robotech, AvP, even Raging Heroes and Mantic to an extent, the problems (and they are indeed problems and places that need to improve) that KD:M are giving their backers would seem to be vastly preferable.
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Central WI

I have pledged for other kickatarters that similarly scaled too big, too fast (dust, robotech, shadows of brimstone). So far I am out $200 of dust product I will most likely never see, and $300 of robotech that the creator has shown I will never see ever.

Adam has been great and I'd rather pay some shipping than never get my product. I paid my shipping fee and will continue to wait patiently for my one of each expansion to show up in Wisconsin, can't wait for the dragon king!!!!

IN ALAE MORTIS... On the wings of Death!! 
Made in us
Death-Dealing Devastator

I got all of the expansions except for the Gorm and Sunstalker expansions. I'm kicking myself a little bit for not getting those two, but my wife said no because of the models. If someone wants to sell the cards and rule books from those two expansions I would greatly appreciate it.

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Dragon King build guide


Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

SoCal, USA!

I have some money into Robotech, and I am thinking it is unlikely I will see the bulk of my split. I took a marker on Heavy Gear, and am glad I didn't throw good money after bad.

For Kingdom Death, I think the extra shipping to be less than ideal, and would have preferred notice on it I agree that the expansion in scope and weight (for the added low-priority game materials) and time (to develop, proof, and produce the extra game stuff) and cost (to develop, produce, and ship the extra game stuff) to be pretty much entirely self-inflicted.

That said, I think, had Adam run polls of PVC vs HIPS at some slight cost increase / additional delay, people would have backed it. I think a sizable number would also have chosen more gameplay stuff against a delay, with possible shipping cost increases. I do think that the bulk of backers would have agreed to pay additional shipping charges. I do think that it's unfortunate that the armor kits only make 2+2 Survivors when there is clearly enough space to have made 3+3 Survivors with marginally less variation... I think that pretty much all backers would have wanted better communications, with more frequent updates. Oh, well.

In a few days, I should have all of the stuff that I pledged for, and I hope to be satisfied with the value for what I paid. Even with extra shipping charges paid.

Made in us
Most Glorious Grey Seer

Everett, WA

 JohnHwangDD wrote:
In a few days, I should have all of the stuff that I pledged for, and I hope to be satisfied with the value for what I paid. Even with extra shipping charges paid.

I'm certain that you will. The expansion packs were sold to us at a steal.

The PVC vs HISP was discussed as the KS started. Most of us were calling for HISP. Poots' decision to use the same company that Wyrd uses is what made me willing to pledge the surprisingly large sum of money that I did. I understand the need to ask for assistance with shipping and I am very happy with how it turned out. I'm sure you will be too.

Made in us

In a van down by the river

The sad thing is even as nice as the cards themselves are, I like game cards to be in sleeves; my cat has an uncanny ability to damage the most valuable things on offer (though at least I have trained him to get off the bed if he's going to be sick).

Feline follies aside, this obviously makes them not fit in the box particularly well. I still have half the expansions to go and I'm not sure how I'm going to fit the rest in the box. I think I could cram maybe two more in, but that's obviously not going to help much when I have six or so to go.

Anyone else tackled a similar storage quandary? I was vaguely flirting with the idea of trying to design a wooden carry box to hold all the non-model game stuff, but then I woke up and remembered my carpentry skills are completely lacking.
Made in gb
Calculating Commissar

Reading, Berks

You can get some nice metal carry cases designed for Magic the Gathering cards that would work well for KD. Some of the TCG cases hold around 1000 sleeved cards, so it may be worth looking at one for the standard size cards and a smaller one for the gear cards

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Baby Spidiculese build guide


its from a closed facebook group so you may need to join if you can't see it (https://www.facebook.com/groups/863706623696679/)

Made in us
Most Glorious Grey Seer

Everett, WA

 Krinsath wrote:
Anyone else tackled a similar storage quandary?


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/03/07 17:01:49

Made in us
Spawn of Chaos

Syracuse, NY

Are these pics hosted anywhere else, for those of us who abstain from Faceplace?

- H8
Made in us

In a van down by the river

 Breotan wrote:
 Krinsath wrote:
Anyone else tackled a similar storage quandary?


I did review that, but that's just the core game I believe (based on a lack of circular terrain tokens for the Dragon King) which I didn't really have any issues fitting. My current setup has all of the cardboard tokens relocated and the entire section (the middle left in the first picture) filled with cards. I'm thinking two expansions of slack still exists there, but that'll be about it. The section on the far right is pretty chock full, and the section to the left is pretty crowded as-is. Might be able to optimize a third expansion in, but I'm still only halfway there.

I started investigating storage boxes, but the board itself becomes a hassle then so I'm dubious of that panning out.

I did stumble across this post https://www.reddit.com/r/KingdomDeath/comments/48h3yi/kdm_box_insert_design_with_room_for_all_expansions/ where he claims that it should accommodate 1700 sleeved cards. I'm interested in seeing how that pans out, but I'm not exactly hopefully he'd be selling the results if successful. Still, a neat thing to keep an eye on while I try to figure it out so I thought I'd share.
Made in us
Most Glorious Grey Seer

Everett, WA

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
 Breotan wrote:
 BrookM wrote:
I've got a feeling we'll be required to pay for the shipping of the Lantern Festival whenever that gets rushed out the door as well.

I don't really have a problem. Given the amazing discount at which we've gotten each expansion, I'm surprised Poots hasn't filed for bankruptcy. I just finished putting together the Dragon King and that expansion should be listed at well over $100 but we only paid $30 for it. I understand the frustration but I'm not going to get bent out of shape if I'm asked to chip in for some extra shipping costs.

Whe're there directions? Looking a the the armor kit sprues, I have no idea what legs go onto which hips, especially since it only has two hips and six legs...

No directions, unfortunately. Somewhere either in this thread or the one in N&R was a link to a closed facebook group that has user-created instructions. I'll update here with the link when I find it.

Edit: Nevermind, OrlandotheTechnicoloured already posted it. They've got Spidecules, Loney Tree, and The Phoenix (thank goodnes) posted there as well as others.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2016/03/07 22:59:22

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Hatemonger wrote:

Are these pics hosted anywhere else, for those of us who abstain from Faceplace?

- H8

the person doing them (Stephanie Gustafsson) also posts on BGG so some of them have appeared there too but not all of them so far


Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Well, I finally got my stuff yesterday. I'm really regretting not getting the Lion God now.

I think I may have found a typo in the dragon king book, but maybe I just don't understand it. In the People of the Stars campaign endgame, when you're building the tomb it says you lose all of your resources, rounding down. Was it supposed to be some fraction of your resources, or is there some reason to round down 100%?

Current Armies
3000 pts
2500pts (The Shining Helms)
XXXX pts (Restart in progress)
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

SoCal, USA!

 Rainyday wrote:
Well, I finally got my stuff yesterday. I'm really regretting not getting the Lion God now.

Mine is supposed to arrive today. I've kinda been regretting not getting the Lion God or the Dung Beetle Knight. Oh, well.

Made in us
Incorporating Wet-Blending

Im supposed to get mine here soon. Really thought I ordered more stuff, but ah well. Past me was a poor dumb schmuck, wasnt he xD

Ive been regretting not getting Lion God or Slenderman... Come to think of it, if anyone were wanting to part with theirs....

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