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Brainy Biophagus Brewing Potent Chemicals

 Ahtman wrote:
I guess some people are upset the mutated genestealers are going to be Necromunda specific type and not have 40k rules.

I can't imagine, outside of a tournament setting, that if someone mixed these in to a Tyranid army many would care that much.

my plan is to turn one of the six into a broodlord, then mix the other five in with my other purestrains. when there's already a mix of the 1st edition space hulk and the new kit, they can't be too ergregious

i have played games of the current edition 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Richmond, VA

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Isn't there some new terrain in the Necromunda video, right at the start?

Yeah, some kind of computer terminal.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Well, that was a bloody good preview for fans of Necro - love everything about it - and I hope the start of exploring the other parts of Necromundan areas that have been hinted at since the Warhammer Day talks following N17! Hive Mortis (Scavvies), Sump Seas, Polar Scrap Spoils, the Great Fissure, the Navis Mortua, and the Eye of Selene. Thinking on it, each of those others could offer opportunity to introduce an apt new Spyrer/gang retinue pairing...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/19 15:48:03

Made in gb
Leader of the Sept

What does the hive mind think about the box set? Is it a FOMO one shot run, or is it likely to stick about for a bit? Budgeteer is keen to budget!

Please excuse any spelling errors. I use a tablet frequently and software keyboards are a pain!

Terranwing - w3;d1;l1
51st Dunedinw2;d0;l0
Cadre Coronal Afterglow w1;d0;l0 
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


 Flinty wrote:
What does the hive mind think about the box set? Is it a FOMO one shot run, or is it likely to stick about for a bit? Budgeteer is keen to budget!

Impossible to say.
So far everything Necromunda model wise that isn't terrain has been long term. So in theory you can budget and wait to get the models on their own.

If you want the boxed set, most of those have been limited time products, even the core sets have sold out and changed steadily. So I would treat the core box as FOMO limited run. How long that limited run period is will be impossible to say until its released. It might be one and done or one with a limited restock period.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

 Flinty wrote:
What does the hive mind think about the box set? Is it a FOMO one shot run, or is it likely to stick about for a bit? Budgeteer is keen to budget!

I'm thinking it might replace the "Hive War" boxed set and be around that thing's $170USD pricetag, if not a bit lower to match the current trend of cheap "core" set for a specialist game with a supplemental scenery add-on set. Like how Kill Team and WarCry have been going.
Made in gb
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator

Exeter, UK

 Flinty wrote:
What does the hive mind think about the box set? Is it a FOMO one shot run, or is it likely to stick about for a bit? Budgeteer is keen to budget!

Given how poorly the Ash Wastes box sold, GW may well be under-printing this one to compensate.
Made in pl
Regular Dakkanaut

 Shakalooloo wrote:

Given how poorly the Ash Wastes box sold, GW may well be under-printing this one to compensate.

Because Ash Waste was overpriced and poorly marketed. The Mad Max idea is itself great (dunno about rules as i didnt play it) but there was only Orlock vehicle unit at start. Its 2 years and we dont have Delaque vehicle yet.

You could take Gencult vehicles. Sure, but there wasnt even one painted to show it (at least i didnt see one) in the rulebook. All in all it was very, very cheaply marketed.

Hopefuly this Secundus version will be much better. It could use a game system of players vs AI script.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Ash Wastes always felt like an idea that got a really great starting budget and then it got redirected mid-design. Leading to it being front-loaded with a bunch of awesome stuff; but running out of steam fast before giving each of the gangs their own vehicle.

In theory it should have had at least one multi-build core vehicle per gang and one character vehicle.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

Glumy wrote:
 Shakalooloo wrote:

Given how poorly the Ash Wastes box sold, GW may well be under-printing this one to compensate.

Because Ash Waste was overpriced and poorly marketed. The Mad Max idea is itself great (dunno about rules as i didnt play it) but there was only Orlock vehicle unit at start. Its 2 years and we dont have Delaque vehicle yet.

You could take Gencult vehicles. Sure, but there wasnt even one painted to show it (at least i didnt see one) in the rulebook. All in all it was very, very cheaply marketed.

The other reason it was "poorly marketed" is that the word of mouth from the fans has things like "Its 2 years and we don't have Delaque vehicle yet " when they literally said that not every faction would get vehicles.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Overread wrote:
Ash Wastes always felt like an idea that got a really great starting budget and then it got redirected mid-design. Leading to it being front-loaded with a bunch of awesome stuff; but running out of steam fast before giving each of the gangs their own vehicle.

In theory it should have had at least one multi-build core vehicle per gang and one character vehicle.

Again, they front-loaded it by managing expectations and saying "not every gang would get a vehicle".

The part that failed Ash Wastes, in all likelihood, is simply that they gave us the wrong terrain to go with it. Would have been a great time to push out a new set of Realm of Battle tiles with just generic "wasteland" vibes.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/19 18:50:53

Made in us
Hangin' with Gork & Mork

Ignoring the pricing issue, compared to the Dark Uprising and Ash Waste boxes this new one is underwhelming.

Amidst the mists and coldest frosts he thrusts his fists against the posts and still insists he sees the ghosts.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


 Kanluwen wrote:

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Overread wrote:
Ash Wastes always felt like an idea that got a really great starting budget and then it got redirected mid-design. Leading to it being front-loaded with a bunch of awesome stuff; but running out of steam fast before giving each of the gangs their own vehicle.

In theory it should have had at least one multi-build core vehicle per gang and one character vehicle.

Again, they front-loaded it by managing expectations and saying "not every gang would get a vehicle".

The part that failed Ash Wastes, in all likelihood, is simply that they gave us the wrong terrain to go with it. Would have been a great time to push out a new set of Realm of Battle tiles with just generic "wasteland" vibes.

Agreed they front loaded it with that comment, which in itself instantly means a bunch of gangs and players are "not interested" and aren't customers of it. Again it just feels to me like the budget got cut during development or the focus got shifted or whatever and they cut their losses and did with what they could. Or it was always a plan to have it split in two and there's some Ashwastes 2.0 story and system that would have added more to other factions that we never saw.

IT just doesn't make sense to me to have a game mode that's new to a game and then exclude a selection of core factions.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in ca
Longtime Dakkanaut

Kanluwen wrote:
The other reason it was "poorly marketed" is that the word of mouth from the fans has things like "Its 2 years and we don't have Delaque vehicle yet " [b]when they literally said that not every faction would get vehicles.

In which article did they say that?
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


 Altruizine wrote:
Kanluwen wrote:
The other reason it was "poorly marketed" is that the word of mouth from the fans has things like "Its 2 years and we don't have Delaque vehicle yet " [b]when they literally said that not every faction would get vehicles.

In which article did they say that?

I recall it being said fairly early on in the marketing that not every faction would get one. I don't think they highlighted at the start which factions would and wouldn't get one. Which to me is a huge problem because it basically turns off people from being interested.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

One thing I'd like to see in Necromunda - given their travels within the Imperium and putting on performances - is the addition of Harlequins. House Catallus sounds like they might fill that role, but I honestly don't know much about the lore of Necromunda.

I think if some kind of carnival-clown gang was added to the game, I might be persuaded to purchase a copy of Secundus...

 frankelee wrote:
They don't need to be obnoxious about this, just put a Spyrer gang out. If they'd have put all the work they put into making mediocre Necromunda boxed sets over the last five years into fleshing out a Warhammer Quest game, we could actually have a great Warhammer Quest game and not realize we missed anything.

There is a very soft ALIENS style adventure to be had here with the Ambot rules...


...see page 5 for possibilities!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Ahtman wrote:
Ignoring the pricing issue, compared to the Dark Uprising and Ash Waste boxes this new one is underwhelming.

This feels much closer to the Kill Team starter set, and if priced sensibly it would be a good starting point for beginners. £75 and I'd be interested as I've always been a fan of Genestealers and the Van Saar half of the set would be ideal for use in other sci-fi games.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/19 20:03:57

Casual gaming, mostly solo-coop these days.

Made in de
Aspirant Tech-Adept

SamusDrake wrote:
One thing I'd like to see in Necromunda - given their travels within the Imperium and putting on performances - is the addition of Harlequins. House Catallus sounds like they might fill that role, but I honestly don't know much about the lore of Necromunda.

I think if some kind of carnival-clown gang was added to the game, I might be persuaded to purchase a copy of Secundus...

There were Brat gangs in Confrontation and they're mentioned in Newcromunda too.

Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

They'll do!

Casual gaming, mostly solo-coop these days.

Made in gb
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator

Exeter, UK

 Dryaktylus wrote:
SamusDrake wrote:
One thing I'd like to see in Necromunda - given their travels within the Imperium and putting on performances - is the addition of Harlequins. House Catallus sounds like they might fill that role, but I honestly don't know much about the lore of Necromunda.

I think if some kind of carnival-clown gang was added to the game, I might be persuaded to purchase a copy of Secundus...

There were Brat gangs in Confrontation and they're mentioned in Newcromunda too.

That's what my metal Harlequins are meant to be!
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

 Shakalooloo wrote:

That's what my metal Harlequins are meant to be!

I would very much like to see your gang.

Casual gaming, mostly solo-coop these days.

Made in gb
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator

Exeter, UK

SamusDrake wrote:
 Shakalooloo wrote:

That's what my metal Harlequins are meant to be!

I would very much like to see your gang.

My best efforts at 'pastel'.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/19 21:13:59

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Lord Damocles wrote:
twoseventwo wrote:
Unless I dreamt it there was very old lore suggesting Spyrer suits were Tau technology, but they've clearly not leant into that with this design.

The implication seemed to be more that the Tau might have encountered Spyrers, and that their language was influenced by them.

It would make no sense that the Tau were somehow creating archeotech fitted with technology which they didn't employ in their own suits, and spying technology which they wouldn't be able to access with their slower than light communications.

That definitely wasn't what the implication was.

The last few pages of the 3rd edition Tau codex have a Genetor investigating the Tau. Regarding their technology, he discusses how they might be using their tech to sneakily monitor the Imperium and gather information. He lists the Necromunda Spyrers as one place where Tau Tech has got into the Imperium, and says they're potentially sending information back to the Tau.
Made in gb
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator

Exeter, UK

 Mentlegen324 wrote:
 Lord Damocles wrote:
twoseventwo wrote:
Unless I dreamt it there was very old lore suggesting Spyrer suits were Tau technology, but they've clearly not leant into that with this design.

The implication seemed to be more that the Tau might have encountered Spyrers, and that their language was influenced by them.

It would make no sense that the Tau were somehow creating archeotech fitted with technology which they didn't employ in their own suits, and spying technology which they wouldn't be able to access with their slower than light communications.

That definitely wasn't what the implication was.

The last few pages of the 3rd edition Tau codex have a Genetor investigating the Tau. Regarding their technology, he discusses how they might be using their tech to sneakily monitor the Imperium and gather information. He lists the Necromunda Spyrers as one place where Tau Tech has got into the Imperium, and says they're potentially sending information back to the Tau.

But aren't Spyrer suits ancient artefacts passed down over generations, and the Tau only 'recently' became a space-faring race, and certainly one that never got anywhere near to Necromunda?
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

Thats a wonderful gang you have there, Shakalooloo!

Casual gaming, mostly solo-coop these days.

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Shakalooloo wrote:
 Mentlegen324 wrote:
 Lord Damocles wrote:
twoseventwo wrote:
Unless I dreamt it there was very old lore suggesting Spyrer suits were Tau technology, but they've clearly not leant into that with this design.

The implication seemed to be more that the Tau might have encountered Spyrers, and that their language was influenced by them.

It would make no sense that the Tau were somehow creating archeotech fitted with technology which they didn't employ in their own suits, and spying technology which they wouldn't be able to access with their slower than light communications.

That definitely wasn't what the implication was.

The last few pages of the 3rd edition Tau codex have a Genetor investigating the Tau. Regarding their technology, he discusses how they might be using their tech to sneakily monitor the Imperium and gather information. He lists the Necromunda Spyrers as one place where Tau Tech has got into the Imperium, and says they're potentially sending information back to the Tau.

But aren't Spyrer suits ancient artefacts passed down over generations, and the Tau only 'recently' became a space-faring race, and certainly one that never got anywhere near to Necromunda?

I don't know where the idea that they're "ancient" artifacts has came from. The classic article written by Jervis Johnson just says is "Each rig is meticulously crafted off-world,a wondrous device of half-forgotten technologies worth its own weight in credits".

"Recently" for the Tau becoming spacefaring was/is at the time of M41.999 still several thousand years ago. The Kroot joined them in M38. The Tau themselves wouldn't need to get to Necromunda either, just their tech.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/19 21:33:08

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

These days now they can integrate Votaan as well into some of the suits.
Made in gb
Primered White


No guarantee that Imperial paranoia about xenos influence is actually accurate, of course.

It took me a while to like the new Orrus but I think I got there once I realised the Studio paint scheme was probably meant to be bling. If I end up with some maybe I'll give those those metallic colour-shifting paints a try.
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

I can recommend Turbo Dork for those

Made in gb
Sadistic Inquisitorial Excruciator

Exeter, UK

 Mentlegen324 wrote:
I don't know where the idea that they're "ancient" artifacts has came from. The classic article written by Jervis Johnson just says is "Each rig is meticulously crafted off-world,a wondrous device of half-forgotten technologies worth its own weight in credits".

If the technologies are 'half-forgotten', that implies ancient Dark Age tech, not stuff bought off newcomer xenos.
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Shakalooloo wrote:
 Mentlegen324 wrote:
I don't know where the idea that they're "ancient" artifacts has came from. The classic article written by Jervis Johnson just says is "Each rig is meticulously crafted off-world,a wondrous device of half-forgotten technologies worth its own weight in credits".

If the technologies are 'half-forgotten', that implies ancient Dark Age tech, not stuff bought off newcomer xenos.

That's making the assumption that the Imperium fully understands all Tau tech, though. Some of it could very well be based on ideas that the Imperium no longer has a full grasp of. Regardless though, it's the Tau codex itself that suggests the link between them.

Looking into it more it though turns out the place that quote I gave is from is technically not entirely canon, it's written by Jervis Johnson but it was published in the Fanatic magazine so its not entirely clear how much it is. Not sure where the original lore for the Spyrers was as Lexicanum doesn't give anything beyond a link to the GW site that no longer works.
Made in ca
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Overread wrote:
 Altruizine wrote:
Kanluwen wrote:
The other reason it was "poorly marketed" is that the word of mouth from the fans has things like "Its 2 years and we don't have Delaque vehicle yet " [b]when they literally said that not every faction would get vehicles.

In which article did they say that?

I recall it being said fairly early on in the marketing that not every faction would get one. I don't think they highlighted at the start which factions would and wouldn't get one. Which to me is a huge problem because it basically turns off people from being interested.

I doubt they said any such thing, and my instinct says Kanluwen is making it up.

I just skimmed ~10 of the Warhammer Community articles about the Ash Wastes releases and saw no such announcement.
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