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Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Madison, WI

Excellent work! Looks great!

Anvildude: "Honestly, it's kinda refreshing to see an Ork vehicle that doesn't look like a rainbow threw up on it."

Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory
Made in cz
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

the Republic of Belarus


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This message was edited 6 times. Last update was at 2024/02/26 13:46:32

the Republic of Belarus
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Madison, WI

That's insanely good. Well done man.

Anvildude: "Honestly, it's kinda refreshing to see an Ork vehicle that doesn't look like a rainbow threw up on it."

Gitsplitta's Unified Painting Theory
Made in cz
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

the Republic of Belarus

BadMoonDred WIP

the Republic of Belarus
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Wow. That's some incredible work. I love the step by step photos, very informative. It looks absolutely stunning. Warboss approves.

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in cz
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

the Republic of Belarus

 Warboss_Waaazag wrote:
Wow. That's some incredible work. I love the step by step photos, very informative. It looks absolutely stunning. Warboss approves.

спасибо!!! это еще не конец...

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4ая ХТХ опция... можно вместо клешни стрелялу фронтального крепления цеплять

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/09/06 09:55:40

the Republic of Belarus
Made in cz
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

the Republic of Belarus

не надоело!

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This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/09/07 10:22:59

the Republic of Belarus
Made in us
Hardened Veteran Guardsman


That's some amazing scratchbuilding. Quite impressive!

Guard, Templars, Dungeons & Dragons, Terrain & More. - https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/800909.page

Way too little free time. 
Made in cz
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

the Republic of Belarus

 blockade23 wrote:
That's some amazing scratchbuilding. Quite impressive!

спасибо! я я стараюсь.

the Republic of Belarus
Made in us
Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Мой друг, ты делаешь больше, чем пытаешься. Вы практиковались и оттачивали свои навыки. С каждой новой сборкой вы становитесь лучше. Было приятно наблюдать это.

My friend, you do more than try. You practice with each new project. I have watched you hone your skills. You are getting better with every build. It has been a pleasure to witness.

Like my Facebook page!

Waaazag da Kan't Stoppable (ORKS) ~6,000 points
Orks-in-Progress, Finished Orks.
Terrain I'm making.
The Darion Sector War Campaign.
Into the Jaws of Hell 40k campaign.
I do commissions. If you are interested send me a PM and we can talk concepts and pricing. 
Made in cz
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

the Republic of Belarus

финал сборки. возможно я найду недостатки. насверлённый ствол?!? или облой?!? я вдоволь наигрался с магнитами
теперь грунтовать и красить. тут также варианты сборки и сравнение с оригиналом.

the Republic of Belarus
Made in cz
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

the Republic of Belarus

в грунте

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This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/09/12 11:14:34

the Republic of Belarus
Made in cz
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

the Republic of Belarus

вот и все что я хотел сказать про BadMoons

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This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/09/19 15:10:04

the Republic of Belarus
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