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Rampaging Reaver Titan Princeps


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Crucible of Retribution!


Doom of Molech next up:

Titandeath Campaign Book Rumours

 gorgon wrote:
A couple weeks back, the esteemed Penddraig of the Heresy 30K forum posted a write-up of the Vigilus open day. He mentioned some AT-related stuff that I didn't see posted here. Apologies if it was.

The Beta-Garmon campaign book is due for release in January and will come along with transfers for the titan Legions involved - although these transfers will take a few months of releases for them to all to come out. This book will also include new maniple types such as the Lupercal Maniple (clearly an uncontroversial name) that includes 5 warhounds - this may jump the queue to my new favourite maniple.

The plastic weapon upgrades sprues for the Warlord and reaver will also be new year releases but no confirmation as to when. They will also be the only weapon upgrades in plastic. All other weapons will be in resin but there was no idea whether that would be individual releases like Contemptor weapons or combined weapon packs like Necromunda. Currently, the quake cannon and gatling blaster for the Warlord are finished and the reaver warp missile rack is being worked on.

Discussion around the Mechanicum questoris knights took place. Specialist Games would like to do them but they are not an immediate plan - likely they would be resin upgrades to the plastic bodies and would have a separate terminal pack to reflect the unusual weapons and ionic-flare shields they carry.

Knight Household special rules are planned for future development.

There are plans for a titan Volkite weapon but this would be a rare relic and limited use within a maniple. Also, no idea yet which class of titan it would be mounted on.


 reds8n wrote:
from the BL weekeknder, Titandeath seminar
via : https://twitter.com/track_of_words
"including Legio Solaria (a light Legio, lots of warhounds and reavers) - the good guys - and Legio Vulpa (a heavy Legio) - the bad guys "

Alendrel wrote:
My notes from the stream:

Mostly reviewing the releases to date. Mentioned the Legio Gryphonicus transfers coming soon.

People were panicking about the Warhound not being released cause it wasn't included in the initial model reviews.

More maniples will be coming.

Titandeath will have about 5 new maniples.

Titandeath campaign - Beta-Garmmon near the end of the Heresy. Thousands of Titans committed. Far more Titans during the Great Crusade than during modern 40K as they were well suited to crushing planetary conquest.

Worked together with Black Library establishing the background and events of Titandeath. BL tapped Guy Haley to write the HH novel, Specialist Games gave him the initial background and they had meetings back and forth for integration between the game background and novel. There's a primarch involved!

Imperial Hunters and Nova Guard are the "star" Legios, wanted to focus on ones that existed in the background but hadn't been previously explored in depth.

Imperial Hunters are an Artemis inspired hunter cult, all Princeps are women.

Legio Krytos didn't have a Low Gothic name or color scheme - chose God Breakers cause they wanted something totally metal sounding.

All the core book Narrative missions are from previously published background - no one has found where the ice planet scenario is from yet! Andy challenges people to find it.

Titandeath first of planned/hoped campaign books. Inspired by HH black books but not as large - HH books are very time-consuming. More about 100 pages.

Each focus on a conflict, new Legio rules, etc.

Gryphonics, Godbreakers, Imperial Hunters, Nova Guard and others getting legio rules in Titandeath.

Titandeath campaign system inspired by Planetary Empires campaign.

4 or 5 levels of crew skill, newbie to hard vets.

Some books will have supporting model releases.

"..an entire spectruum of Titans planned".

Light Scout Titan below the Warhound!

A Titan between the Warhound and Reaver, and one between the Reaver and Warlord.

Part of a years long product plan.

AT books can be used to expand setting, taking a passing reference and focusing on it.

Going over why it's set in the HH again. Talking about "Adeptus Titanicus: The Beast Arises" as a way to explore that setting and introduce Orks. *NOT* a hard plan at this point, but just the ways they are leaving themselves to expand.

Announcement on weapon packs "fairly soon/very soon just not quite ready yet".

Ursus Claws will be done at some point, probably as resin.

New person, Blake, just started with Specialist Games this week with his job being making AT upgrades.

Part of the design goal with AT and Necromunda was making a game "as good as you remember it, not necessarily as it was."

Showing off Legio Mortis decals. Holly Goodwin and Dominic Obager doing the color decals. Also include an affilated Knght Household. Malinax on Mortis sheet. Gryphonics has Vyroni.

Future plans for Knights: will be adding more Knights, have ideas for some scenarios/Stratagems for Knight only battles. "20-30 Knights a side." "Andy wishlisting!"

They want to do transfers for all the "main name" Legios, prob 1-2 every few months.

Talking personal hobby projects, Andy working on his Titan maniple, either Furean or Fire Wasps.

Andy collects Emperor's Children in 30K, inspired by an old pic of EC with two Fureuns in the background.

Talking about the history of AT and its design. Tony was the photographer for the original AT products.

Not seeing Lucius pattern Titans happening currently, but encourage conversions. Get the ice cream tubs!

Command Terminals are Andy's favorite new rules element, really reinforces the idea you are command a Titan. Also keeps the board tidy and not cluttered with tokens!

Have talked internally about doing downloadable honor banner images or resin banners (so you can heat them up and bend them).

New upgrades guy already has a "long list" of things to work on.

"Unprecedented" levels of plastic invested in the line already, mix of plastic and resin for future releases.

Titandeath supplement planned to release a month or two after the novel - don't want the supplement to spoil the novel.

 schoon wrote:
Just listened to the Warhammer Live hour-long talk on AT18

Here are my notes (even though I see other notes above - justr to make suer nothing was missed)

- - Titandeath Campaign (next book)

- - Horus Heresy
- - Set in Beta Garmon star cluster
- - Huge Loyalist force gathered - Traitor forces had to respond with equal force
- - Primarchs will be present
- - Guy Haley is writing the novel about this - December 2018 release
- - Will have more Maniple types in it
- - Imperial Hunters (will have all female princeps) & Nova Guard will be there
- - Legio Krytos (Godbreakers) will also be there
- - Will be first of several books - it takes a long time to write these
- - 100 pages
- - Legio Rules for at least those listed above will be in it
- - Full campaign system - roughly based on old Planetary Empires hex set rules
- - New weapon variants & Knights
- - Release "soon" after the novel (early '19?)

- - They have more Titans in the works

- - One scout lighter than Warhound
- - Between Warhound and Reaver
- - Between Reaver and Warlord
- - Between Warlord and Imperator

- - Other books will center on other Titan campaigns
- - Line will expand slowly
- - They have a very long roadmap planned out - out to at least 2020 if sales support it
- - Psi-Titans are in the works
- - Ursus Claws for Warhounds are in the works
- - They created the game as they wished it was in the old AT88 days - including Mars pattern over the more boxy Lucius pattern
- - Decal sheets will have one Legio and one Knight Household
- - They'd like to do mass Knight formations as part of the game - in the future
- - They plan to work their way through all the famous legions
- - Legio Fureans is linked to the Emperor's Children
- - Regarding Lucius Pattern Titans - they do not plan to do these
- - They just hired a new guy for designing Titan weapons, add-ons, etc
- - They will work in both plastic and resin as is appropriate
- - They'll stay in the HH for a long time - something else might be possible, but no plans for now
- - They want AT18 events at Warhammer tourneys

Unreleased Forgeworld Warzone


Pictures and sources:

Image from Battlebunnies.
Too many to post here. More can be seen here:

Leakycheese Twitter

Unknown sources:

AT Facebook Group:


All three major classes of titan are slated for release. First release in "about three to four months" according to the team.
Warlords are coming first, month after that will be reavers, then two months later it's warhounds. Six Knights and two Warlords in the core game.

Warhounds were the last to be designed, which is the reason for the schedule.

Buildings are multipart modular plastics, will come i single and multi sprue packs.

Knights are three on a single sprue.

All of the titans have had three sets of shoulder armor made. Titanicus logo, eye of horus and blank, for freehanding.

What we know:
Reworked into plastics after success of Blood Bowl and a large amount of positive feedback from fans
Scale is 8mm
Will be a black book for Titan combat
Most likely be a starter box containing rules, dice and plastic terrain only
No release date as yet - will be 2018
No plans to do vehicles or infantry during the initial run - possibility in future depending on the game's success
Legio Krytos (Godbreakers) - Traitor Legion - allied to Iron Warriors!

2017 Snippets

Extracts from James Hewitt AMA

Question... “For Adeptus Titanicus - I heard that you really managed to capture that feel of a titan machine spirit railing against it's Princeps? So if the Princeps is playing it safe and staying back shooting from afar there's a chance the Titan will require some sort of self control check to stop it charging in with it's power fist and going against the player's wishes? If so, you're my favourite person. If not, well you might still place in the top 100 I suppose.”

James’ Answer “Do I get a special prize or something for being your favourite person? Because yeah, that's pretty much what happens. Basically, when you push your titan's reactors to do something cool and unusual (it involves rolling a number of special Reactor Dice, which can lead to your engines overheating, but lets you supercharge weapons, turn on the spot more easily, go faster, etc.) there's a chance that the Machine Spirit will rebel against this mistreatment. You get a Command check, representing your Princeps' Willpower trying to keep the machine in check, but if you fail there's a table you roll on. The plan (which is hopefully still the case) was that in campaign play, titans would each have their own personalities and preferred methods, a bit like Tyranid instinctive behaviour. In short, though, yeah, that can totally happen. I'll accept a certificate in the post.”

Question: why is it taking so long to see an updated version of "full" Epic (rather than titans only heresy era AT) hit the shelves? Was fear of competition for 40k sales really a blocker?

James's Answer: 1.I think the biggest barrier is how extensive the range would have to be. Even though most 40k / 30k models are sculpted digitally now, shrinking them down to 'new epic' scale is much more than just hitting a de-biggify button. Chris, our wonderfully talented sculptor, spent about four months converting the Warlord Titan from 40k scale to AT scale. Now, let's say you wanted to release a full mass-battle Epic game. Let's set it in the Horus Heresy, because then you only really need to do one faction's worth of models. Think of how many different units there are in 30k - each one of them would need to be scaled down. It would take years to get to the point where you've got armies worthy of playing games with. And that's just with one faction - people would be crying out for all the other races, too. Titanicus is great because you can sculpt three classes of titan, a few different weapon bits, and the game plays perfectly well. The Specialist Brands team is small, and is also working on Necromunda and Blood Bowl... but hey, as long as people keep buying their stuff the teams will keep getting bigger, so, like, maybe one day?

One definite new piece of information that is exciting though

We all want our Orks! I did some early planning on Gargant rules...

Interestingly, it's set during the Heresy for the same reason the original Adeptus Titanicus was set during the Heresy - because it means you only have to sculpt one set of models, and paint them different colours!

If the game's successful, which I'm hoping it will be, I'm sure there could be expansions that introduce the alien races

Warhammer Fest 2017

Little Plastic Soldiers wrote:ADEPTUS TITANICUS UPDATE
27th May 2017

Direct from the Specialist Game Seminar at Warhammer Fest 2017

– Detailed tabletop war game akin to a naval warfare game

– Smaller scale than 40k

– Set during the Horus Heresy

– Wide range of Titans, Knights, Terrain and Modular buildings

– New rules, inspired by the classic 1988 game

– coming soon(ish), no set date.

Titan Owners Club previewed artwork

Warhammer Fest 2017- Adeptus Titanicus Concept Images

Some concept images for Adeptus Titanicus rolls on at Warhammer Fest today with Drake snapping some quick pictures for us.

One thing reported is that:

"Imperial Knights are Cataphractii sized.Marine is about 8mm."

A lot of work has gone into banner looks and shapes.

Posing of legs has also been heavily thought out.

Warhounds will definitely not be a forgotten aspect of the game.

New Legio schemes also seem to be on the way soon.

Imperial Hunters (white, red and green scales)
Legio Krytos (green and white)
Suspected Legio Osedax (Cockatrices) for the red Titans with skeletal banners

Horus Heresy Weekender 2017

Warhammer Community images


nevaks80 wrote:

Andy is the specialist games manager, but he didn't design the game, that was James Hewitt (who did Betrayal at Calth, Silver Tower, Gorechosen, new Blood Bowl, and had something to do with Dreadball when he was at Mantic). From talking to James, it seems like Andy ran the project, helped with the design and made sure things ran on time, but James did the actual game design. I got the impression they're a close team, there are only three of them and it sounds like they're all really working together.

He also said they'd worked on AT for most of last year, and had tested it for six to eight months (which he said was above average for GW games). He said it drew inspiration from previous editions of AT / epic etc but was most similar to first edition AT, but with much more modern design.

Turn sequence based on the original AT scheme of 'I go you go, next phase':

I think Andy worded it badly in the seminar, because what he said didn't reflect the games I'd seen. It's not really like the original AT (where the turn sequence is based on the orders that have been issued), and it's definitely not what I'd think of as "I go you go" - but I can see what he was getting at. Instead it's more like: in the movement phase, I move a titan, then you move a titan, then I move a titan, and so on. I'd call that 'alternate activation' rather than 'I go you go'.

Models are much bigger than the old scale AT - no specifics shared but a Warlord will be noticeably bigger than a Space Marine Dreadnaught.

Chris (sculptor, has been working on the AT titans, and was helping run the game on Friday) and James both mentioned that the 40k scale game had been scaled up to four times the size of AT. Google says the 40k Warlord is 22.5" tall, so that would make the AT Warlord about 5.6" tall - smaller than a knight, bigger than a dreadnought. Maybe dreadknight size?

Knights are basically disposable pawns but can cause a fair bit of damage in groups

'Disposable pawns' wasn't said in the seminar far as I recall, and really wasn't the impression I got. James said they were like pack hunters taking down a big predator - they're not pawns, they're not disposable, but if you leave them in the open in front of a warlord they're dead.

Couple of other things I found online that aren't up here yet:

People from Titan Owners Club were playing on both nights, and one of them was watching on Friday and did this write-up:

Hi all.

I am here watching the new Adeptus Titanicus game carried out with 28mm scale Titans.

The game seems fast and pacey.

There are modifiers to to hit rolls (such as -1 if partially obstructed by a building.

Reactors are powered up and down to boost shields/strength of certain weapons and move faster. For instance a Reaver can move 6" as standard or 9" if he pushes his reactors.

Reactor overload actions are worked out at the end of the game turn. They can result in several different results like loosing shields, or prevent yourself from firing further Plasma weaponary or even reactor meltdown.

The game acts akin to chess where each unit takes it in turn to do an action. Turning the Titans have limits in 45 degree angles and cost movement or action points.

Each Titan runs a command panel as below where all information such as the one below.

They list the weapons that the Engine is equipped with, arcs of fire,range etc. It also enables you to keep track or apply special actions and keep track of that Titans activities.

When a Titan is hit without shields, the location of the hit (effected by arc of the strike) is rolled and damage is calculated against that part. Damage points are applied and damage strength is rolled to see how bad the damage is. It can result in reactor leaks, basic armour damage (easier to damage in the future) and even Engine Death.

Damage can be repaired by Servitor units which obviously costs actions.

The buildings used are Cad onto Foamboard of the modular plastic buildings that will be available to buy to assemble as you desire.

Hopefully I can get Bone Garland down and involved on Sunday.

Drake Seta

Last thing... someone else who was there on Friday posted a load of info on /tg. I actually searched 4chan to find this really detailed write-up of how the game works. Many Bothans died.

Mechanically i was not able to directly play the game but I paid as much attention as I could whilst taking photos, and I think I have a pretty good perception of it. Conceptually its clear as crystal (sans knights but its easy to imagine the game with them)

Imagine titans as something of a giant battleship. Vehicle so vast they have armour differences for each location - Legs are actually quite strong on most titans. This is done because most things a titan fight will be attacking from below and you might imagine that titan vs titan combat, gettingyour leg blown out is badnews.

(The rules are for a certain FW. They even have a similar layout (but a blueish tint instead of red) to the book. The models themselves im not sure, will likely find out sunday)

However, not as bad as getting your fething face shot up. Which happened on at least two occasions that game.

If your void shields are down, and your hit in the face, you can expect your moderatii to die and your MIU's severed.

A reaver titan may expect to survive about 3 bad hits to the face before being destroyed if memory serves me right (it had also been beaten up bad before)
You may be fearing "oh feth alphastrike city" but you'd be very wrong (at least if your a titan, not sure on knights as none took part). Multiple reasons for this and I will explain the conceptual part first;

Ranges matter ALOT in this game. First turn only Apoc launchers and Volcano cannons were in range.


(The titan weapons seen, turbo lasers, plasma blastgun, sunfury plasma annhiliator, laser blasters, melta cannons and inferno guns, all weapons that were not in range turn 1 (aside from one instance of for laser blaster/turbo laser i'll get to that in a moment)

Onto mechanically why: the game is done in phases like 40, however each "turn" each sides roll a D10 (yes the game uses d10s!) for initiative.

The side with the higher initiative activates a titan first.

For example (there weas a phase before this, which was not done in turn one, i;ll check my actual written notes soon) Team 1 moves a warlord titan. Team 2 moves a titan of their choice and so on.

Once all titans are moved, we enter the repair phase, where the tech priest on board will begin to repair any current damage. This can be stuff such as plasma reactors leaking etc. Then its damage control ; are these leaking system causing bad effects? what means are being used to dampen these?

I'll go back to more specifics once i've covered damage because its quite important.
We enter the combat phase after this. Naturally this where (most) the attacking happens.
Titans cannot split weapons without giving an order beforehand (more later). First you roll to hit as per usual however other factors are taken into account; dead moderatii, range (seemed to be for certain weapon types) and cover all adjust these values to hit.

Then, the enemy rolls a void save. This is dependent on how many void shields they currently have operating. Shields tend to become less effective as the game goes on due to systems being damaged and the shields being bombarded so less are operating at one time.


Once the enemy has no shields (or they fail a save iirc) you will begin hitting them.
This is where things get interesting. the old familar D6+Strength, then a bonus if you flanked (there didnt seem to be side armour for each component. Probably for the best otherwise we might have 3 values for each damn piece and there are alot of pieces)

Then your total is compared against the various thresholds for that location. Normal, Critical, Devastating

Normal, obviously, just does damage. Critical and devastating you roll on tables.
These cause additional damage as well as special effects. Devastating ones tend to be permanent - such as a plasma reactor being blown open or a crew member being heavily wounded.

Thats the essence of the game. There are of course specific for deaths of a titan.
One such result is a rather understated "silenced" - crew is dead, perforated beyond function, but stands tall and remains on the board.

Another is "laid low" the titan scatters a short distance, then you roll for the direction it falls

Of course more dramatic explosions exist.
Before all this however (im not sure it applies first turn, it may of just been to help familiaries people with the game to skip it first turn) is Orders Phase.

Each titan has a number of orders. These include: Emergency repairs (bonuses to repairing but you either move, or shoot - you'll actually do alot of moving in this game. ALOT). Stride - immiedately move (iirc) but again, you must either move or fire.

There was one more orders but alas it was not used. OH WAIT. CHARGE.
Charge; move. make immiedate attack.. you may of course make another melee attack later.


Melee combat, from what little i've seen is absolutely viable. A reaver punched another 4 times in the face, causing 2 criticals, forcing the enemy titan (which had a chainfist!) to back off like the Treasonous Legio Mortis pussycat it was
(Yeah repair was after move)

So how do you do orders?
Well if your the Princep Seniororous (no idea how to spell bs latin), you pass your order automatically everyone else makes d10 command checks.

Fail, and well, many guard players know what happens next; no more orders for that team.

We now also have something familar to Battletech players; heat! In this case its the plasma reactor.

You can boost certain actions by powering up your reactor.
For example movement can be exchanged for a better value that is listed in brackets, special rules of some weapons (for example laser blasters can be used to overpower a shield) can be activated ,some weapons require powering (Belicosa's for example)

Plasma weapons can be outright simply improved using reactor power, though the boosts do not work against void shields because of how these weapons work (so much like tabletop, void shields are countered by chaffire, though some strong weapon types can defeat them)

Another use is boostingyour shields. Declaring power to your void shields (it done per instance of weapon fired, so not like jinking) gives you the ability to reroll 1's.
So one believable tactic is to spook someone into keep overcharging their reactor, eventually they will overload it and bad things happen.

Bad things include the machine spirit trying to throw you off like a pissed off horse, forcing your princep to engage in a Machine-Spirit rodeo via a command check

As I mentioned earlier; titans manuervarability is limited. This includes arcs of rotation - you can charge and rotate btw
I believe thats everything besides some loose change intricasies.


This includes no premeasuring.
Yes, currently premeasuring is not allowed. No weapon uses fantasy cannonball rules currently
If you failed to hit witha blast weapon, you scatter d10 (no direct hit)

Orders that failed - unit carries on as normal.

Voiods do not work in melee - this might be expected.
Overcharging will not (at least as movement goes) cancel your action. Unless of coures your dead.

One order I forgot, that made the game very interesting; First Fire. You fire a single weapon in the order phase, you may not move.

Points cost as per usual are the basis of the game balance (in addition too force org) weapons them selves have specifiic casts
Shields can regen, just like table top.

Saturday night's game was a blast too. It was smaller because the big room was in use, they had to do it in a corridor, I don't think they'd planned to do it originally but the Friday one was so popular they wheeled it out again. But it was still a really exciting game to watch. Seems really solid and tactical - I spoke to James about designing it and he said he thinks one of the most important things in a game is decision making, like, 'do I do X or Y', where both are possibly valid options. You can really see it from watching the game. Both teams spent a long time talking strategy, and listening in on the Mortis side on Saturday night it really was because there were a lot of things to think about. I don't mean that in a bad way though - it wasn't a case of too many options slowing the game down, more that they were really trying to out-think the other side, and the game rewards you for thinking properly about the sequence you activate things in, the orders you give to your titans, and especially combining fire. On both nights you could see the teams working that last one out as time went by... at first it was lots of peacemeal fire, stripping shields and doing minor damage. But as it went on they realised that they had to focus. Then they started using smaller titans to strip shields, because big guns (like the warlord volcano cannon) were a bit useless against a shielded titan but totally devastating against an unshielded one.

I didn't get a chance to play, but I really came away wanting to. I can't wait for this, and I'm really hoping they do another demonstration at Warhammer Fest (they said they didn't know but maybe).

More snippets, this from Atia

 Atia wrote:
The 8mm Warlord is still about the same size as the FW Thanatar, and has still the same amount of parts, if it would be done in resin (which is not yet decided thanks to more ressources and a hard to find spot in the release schedule thanks to the next two years of planned GW releases).

I also did a little extra write-up after the event for some additional information snippets:

"Adeptus Titanicus and Specialist Games:

- The design work for the initial titans is done, but they haven't decided on the production yet. Maybe plastic, maybe resin. But they know how they will look and the scale. You could take pictures of an 8mm warlord and a 28mm scale one, and wouldn't notice a difference.
- This is meant to be a specialist game - like the heresy, it will probably be expensive. That said, you only need around 5 titans per side for a normal sized game, with smaller games having only one titan (and these are still quite fun and tactical).
- The basic rule book will have fluff for Legio Gryphonicus, Legio Tempestus and 1-2 other ones, aswell as Knights. Also scenarios for big events, like the Battle for the Magna City or Molech.
- Plan is to do "black book style" campaign books after that, with the titans' death as the first.
- The different Titan Legions will get specific traits. Tempestus can deep strike, Astorum may also get the "lucius teleportation stuff".
- Plan is to explore all the different titans that exist in the fluff. Stuff like Nightgaunts or Nemesis titans will be it's own unique class, not weapon variants of the Warlord. These may also be done in 28mm scale if they sell well.
- The Ordo Sinister Psi-Warlords are controlled by a psychic null, and they use psychers as batteries! They want to do a new head piece aswell as a new weapon for it.
- Table size will be 4x4, with 4x6 for the big battles like Molech.
- Probably no Imperator Titan, atleast at the start. They were quite rare, even in 30k, and the scale would make them quite big, even with 8 mm.
- The next two years are quite busy for GW and FW, so no ETA for the release slot."

Also - you guys will love the other specialist game that should be announced later this year, probably at Warhammer Fest

From Col. Hertford's blog

Adeptus Titanicus Review - Part 1 - Command Panel
Today's post is about Adeptus Titanicus and the demo game I played in on the Saturday night of the weekender.

Specialist Games were in force at the Horus Heresy Weekender 2017 to discus the new Adeptus Titanicus Rules. I brought my own titan up, the Reaver Titan "Bellator Ferrum" from Legio Tempestus, to join in the battle. The Loyalist team outnumbered the Traitors, so "Bellator Ferrum" joined the traitor faction of Tempestus for the evening. This game was run by James Hewitt, the games designer. This series of post will give a detailed flavour of the rules.

The Command Panel

The command panel is where it is all at in Adeptus Titanicus.

Starting in the top left, we have the order space. The orders on the right go here, but more on orders later.

Command - This is the number the titan has to roll to above to get receive orders.
Ballistic Skill - This is the value you have to roll on a D6 to hit without modifiers.
Speed - This has two values, the first is the normal speed. The second is when you decide to push extra reactor power to the legs.
Weapon Skill - This is the value you have to roll on a D6 to hit in close combat without modifiers.
Manoeuvre - The number of turns a titan can make. This has two values, the first is the normal numbers of turns. The second is when you decide to push extra reactor power to the legs to get additional turns.
Servitor Clades - This is the amount of dice you roll in the repair phase.

The box to the right is the power and shields console. The top line is the amount of output the titans reactor can put out. This is currency to boost actions like moves and turns. Shields can be boosted to allow you to re-rolled failed saves. Some weapons like plasma weapons can be overcharged using power. The largest lasers must be powered up to fire. A warning on this is if you are in the orange or red, you need to roll to see if bad things happen. The bottom line is the number of shields your titan currently has.

The box directly beneath these is the structure console. This has three sections for Head, Body, and Legs. The round circles on the left are the armour. The three linked circles on the left are the structural section. This box is important as its not possible to repair the things in this box.

The boxes at the bottom are the weapons. I didn't get a good look at the Warhound console, but i assume its has two weapons. Arm Weapons are in a 90 degree arc to the front. The Reaver carapace weapon is 360 Degree arc. The Warlord carapace is a fixed forward fire. When weapons are destroyed, the card is flipped over. Additional damage would then be rolled as the damage then can flash back into the Titan.

That is it for today, tune in for another instalment soon.

More from M_R_Parker of B&C:

A really cool seminar going over the background of the Titanicus games (and the background of the Horus Heresy setting as well), looking at some of the older models and some of the promo shots and White Dwarf articles for the older iterations of the game (fun fact: back in the day the only way to get smoke effects into their shots was to use cigar smoke. Good to see Health & Safety wasn't always so overpowering...). We got a little insight into the new game, some of the background for it, what they're potentially including, and some insight into the modelling process for the new kits. Apparently someones been working on making the 40k scale Warlord into a AT scale and it's taken them around 2 to 3 months to complete. It's scaled so well that they've taken shots of the resultant models and without any reference for scale there's no way to determine which model is which. Apparently they're trying to do the same for the Reaver, but with it not being an existing CAD they're having to do things manually, which is a longer process.
The game itself seems like a lot of fun, and seems to scale incredibly well. Apparently it can go from a single Warlord on each side all the way to around 10 or so Titans on each side and the only real impact is the time required to play it. Plus it's not following the traditional Fantasy / 40k system of 'My turn, then Your turn' but each phase is a one action followed by the other players action, and so on until the turn is finished. This keeps the game flowing without you having nothing to do for about 10 minutes whilst your opponent has his turn. I think this will be a really good system to get into when it comes out - which is still not finalised. Because it's going out in GW stores it has to fight it's way into the main GW schedule, and apparently there's already a lot lined up for the next two years which is making Titanicus problematic to schedule.

From Battle Bunnies

Beta Garmon is an important setting during the Horus Heresy and is referenced in this picture below.
It also shows two Titan Legios in the top row which are being reintroduced into the IP.
Imperial Hunters are returning into the game too.
Legio Krytos "God Breakers" the Pragmatic wrecking ball of the Titan Legions.
Knights aren't very durable against Titans, but really can't be ignored.
They have done Legio specific traits for Mortis and Tempestus.
Scenarios include the House Devine vs Titans in the end of Vengeful Spirit and they are planning Titan Death on Beta Garmon
Planning for game to be on 4x4 giving the collectors place for the datasheets.
App support might happen if demand is high
No plans for Imperator yet.
Ordo Sinister will feature
Ursus claws will be done
No word on price yet.
Models will be relatively expensive.

Blip from Tactical Command

Right then, here is what I learned from this morning's seminar on Adeptus Titanicus:

Andy Hoare is the lead designer.

Still a WIP with not all of the rules nailed down so no release date as yet and not sure whether it'll be plastic or resin. Probably a mix.

Game built around 5 units or so per side with a standard 4x4 area but lots of campaign missions are 6x4. Play testing games of 5v5 were about 2hrs long.

Turn sequence based on the original AT scheme of 'I go you go, next phase':

Core rule book has 3 ways of play: open, matched and narrative (battles from HH series)

Uses some custom dice - e.g. reactor dice for over loading weapons etc.

Status cards are used for unit stats, locational damage and critical damage effects. App support for this may come if it proves popular enough. Command terminal cards with pegs to keep track of things will be used - sounded a bit like Armada.

Models are much bigger than the old scale AT - no specifics shared but a Warlord will be noticeably bigger than a Space Marine Dreadnaught. All the current titans and knights FW make will appear in AT. Knights will be the smallest unit. Decals and banners will be available.

Knights are basically disposable pawns but can cause a fair bit of damage in groups (known as knight banners).

Titans will come with weapon options with pre cut holes for magnetisation but no magnets for legal reasons.

Some of the old legios are going to be coming back. Focus on the battle on Beta Garmin(?) (Known as the 'Titan death' because of the carnage amongst the Titan legions). Lots of background on Legio Crytos (from the Tallarn books) linked to the Iron Warriors. Legio specific warlord traits appear granting army wide buffs to give the legios different flavours

No definite plans to do orks/eldar etc but will do terrain and objective pieces. This is most definitely NOT a prelude to a revamped Epic.

From Rictus (Thanks Warhams-77)

Horus Heresy Weekender 2017 - Adeptus Titanicus

Not a lot to report from the Adeptus Titanicus seminar.

However watching the demo game and chatting to Andy Hoare the game looks very entertaining. From what I saw not having a lot of models in a force allows there to be a lot of depth to each Titan.

I won't repeat what I have put up after previous events but I will repeat that the game is Horus Heresy set so only expect Imperial Titans and Knights, no Xenos and no vehicles & infantry, expect to see classes of Titan and Knights we have already seen as models in 28mm and those we haven't yet seen - though we may have heard of them previously in the background material and novels.

The mock up buildings used in the demo games were scaled up versions of those done for the game, so if you look at the pictures below you can get an idea of what they will look like. Expect them to be modular and with plenty of potential.

There looks to be a some great nods going back to the earliest days of the original Adeptus Titanicus, both in the feel of the game and the background material used.

The control panel (can't remember actual name of them) allow you to keep track of everything on your titan. While there is a chance we will get one included with each titan the chances are we'll get a pack of them in the box game and then be able to buy add on packs as you need.

Knight units will tend to be used either as a protective screen (aka cannon fodder) or as fast flankers to peck away at the enemy. While they die easily to ignore them will be a big risk.

I have to say I am really looking forward to the game, even more than I was before (which was a lot)...but the release date could be a year away, though from what was said it is likely to be this year.

A better photo of the console for the participation game

M_R_Parker of B&C

Titanicus mainly finished but it does not yet have a release slot. There's lots coming out from GW in the next 2 years and Titanicus is jostling for position amongst them.

Legio specific rules for Gryphonicus and Mortis at the moment, other Legios to follow

Titanicus models will have points for magnets, to swap out weapons, etc. They can't sell magnets however.

Phases follow previous [Epic] versions rather than 40k "I go, you go" - so a movement phase on a "I move one, you move one, I move another one, ..." etc, same for repair, shooting, combat, etc

Our very own Koppo

 Koppo wrote:
OK, so I managed to get myself a warhound in the Adeptus Titanicus demo game.

This game is awesome. I cannot express how much I enjoyed playing and how brilliant this game is.

Brief partial synopsis:

Uses a turn sequence of roll for initiative(D10 off) Orders, move, fix, shoot, remove orders

Goes unit activation (so I move one, you move one until nothing to move then I fire one, you fire one until nothing left to fire)

Titans get a plasma overheat track. Doing stuff extra to the bare minimum causes a roll that may odd 0,1 or 2 to your overheat. If your overheating then between movement and shooting you might have "bad things" happen, I got a "take a powerful hit" which than caused my plasma to overheat by and extra 1 each turn! The opposing Warlord lost all of its void shields from an overheat (which is very, very bad).

A titan has 3 locations; Head, Body, legs. Each tracks damage separately. You can choose to target an area for a modifier to your to hot roll or take it randomly.

Right, time for bed so I'll leave with: This game is very awesome and will take all of my money as soon as it comes out.

Not sure on the source of this one - posted by MeanGreenStompa

Titan Stat Card

2017 new years open day

From Battle Bunnies

- Adeptus Titanicus is delayed (it was originally planned to be released around february). Not being rushed out. Might be out before the end of the year.

- There will be complete plastic buildings (which you can destroy yourself, by cutting etc).
- Thanks to Blood Bowl, and the delay there is a possibility of plastic Titans which go on sale at the same time as the black book / resin ones.
- The book art for 'Titan's Death' is being worked on right now.

July Open Day 2016

From Battle Bunnies

- It's basically the new EPIC.

- It will be set during the Horus Heresy (for now). It's just easier to start with Titans vs Titans, and expand later on.

- It will be in 8mm scale. You will be able to make out power armour marks.

- Since all is done in CAD, they can release all titans done for AT also in 28mm scale if they prove to be liked.

- The reason the new Knight got upscaled was because of AT - they wanted to make him look distinguishable from the Questoris and Cerastus chassis. Oh, and he was originally meant to be the 'Warden'.

- They will start with titans, and will expand to tanks/flyers and infantry aswell as other races later. But that's still a while out.

- The first models will be Warhound/Reaver/Warlord aswell as Knights, done in resin.

- The starter box will be just a game set-up starter, without models (atleast that's what's planned for now). It will be done in plastic and be all about scenery and rules.

- They may do a nice Black Book version of the rules too, including propper background and lots of colour schemes!

- The planned release is the next Horus Heresy Weekender.

- They may do a 28mm scale Adeptus Titanicus battle at the next HH Weekender

From myself:

- They're digging into all previous Epic games for inspiration, but it will be a new rule set.
- Expect Titans to have a plasma reactor power tracker to keep track of how much power they have.
- They'll be able to overload the reactor to boost power with a risk (Overload voids, increase speed, etc)
- Harpoons will be back but nowhere near as ridiculous as they used to be!
- Expect 2nd edition Epic orders and damage charts
- Expect 1st edition campaign and upgrade rules
- Engine war will be a bit of a slugfest, with Titans slowly blasting each other to Atoms, staggering about, weapons missing, systems burnt out, but still able to fight until you smash the legs, pulverise the MIU's or cause the reactor to go nuclear.
- Manourberability is key - the heavier the Titan, the slower they are. He described a play test where his final warlord was scragged when an enemy warhound got behind it and he didn't have enough power to overload the reactor to take more turns than they can
- Knights are objective grabbers and shield droppers, don't expect them to go toe to toe with Titans and survive
- Campaign games are the default mode of play, similar to Necromunda as he described it. With options for competitive and open play.
- Machine spirit personality will play a role. This sounded really exciting. Titans will pick up a personality the more used they are. So you could end up wth a Titan geared for close combat and have it turn into a bit of berserker which will have an effect of it becoming less controllable in battle. 'Resting' the Titan becomes an important choice to make. Yes, your Titan could end up with PTSD or worse...

Posted on Battle Bunnies

It was James Hewitt I chatted to and he was willing to divulge quite a lot of information and was clearly excited on the topic (as was I!). I'm still recalling things as I managed to collar him for nearly 30 minutes! Allow me to expand a few points. Be advised that he was describing early playtest rules. He's only played it internally with 3 man team. He's currently frantically printing out paper models for an expanded playtest across GW. So bear that in mind:

Like previous Epic versions, it's currently an alternative activation system instead of UGOIGO

The plasma tracker
The plasma tracker was very interesting. Each Titan will have a certain amount of power they generate per turn. They then use the power to move, fire weapons, do damage control and repair voids. There's currently an overload mechanic whereby you can increase the power they generate to do additional actions. However, overtaxing the reactor carries risks, though he didn't expand on the risks.

Titan Datasheets
He described each Titan as having its own unit card with stats (move, turns etc.), plasma power tracker, damage track and weapon hard points. He seemed to be describing a hybrid of 1st Edition (weapon hard points, stats and refits) and 2nd Edition Titan datasheets (hit location and critical damage tables).

An expanded description of his playtest
He described a typical Warlord as having 4 inch movement and a single 90 degree turn. Warhounds having an 8 inch movement and could make two 90 degree turns. In his playtest, he described the final turn with only 1 Warlord facing off against 2 Warhounds, with everything else disabled or destroyed. One Warhound distracted him to the front, and took down the Warlords last remaining Voids. The Warlord then returned fire and blew it away. But, crucially, failed his reactor overload and was not able to take an additional turn to face the other, hidden, Warhound with his thicker frontal armour. This left his rear, and the vulnerable reactor housing, exposed and unshielded. On the Warhound’s turn, it moved out and fired on the rear of an unshielded Warlord and breached its reactor!

Machine Spirit Personalities
This is something that, as he described, was hinted at in the background but something that he'd like to explore within the game. I think ideas are still being developed, but he wanted to give Titan's their own personalities, for example the close-combat equipped Titan turning into a berserker. The idea being that you try to issue the Titan an order but the Machine Spirit, feeling more than a little rage as a result of doing far too much close combat and not having any rest, starts exerting its influencing on the Princeps! He mentioned that during campaigns, you'll want to rest Titans as they become mentally burnt out and start developing undesirable personalities.

Game types
He described the default game as Campaign games and used Necromunda as an example - you have a roster and for a game, you choose entries from your roster. Between games, you can apply for refits and your crews gain experience. Ejecting heads were mooted as an example of the Princeps and Moderatii being able to survive the destruction of their Titan. He described that, similar to Age of Sigmar, they're also planning to have an open play and competitive play option as well for those who just want to plop down some Titans and just have at it.

He really wants to codify Titans. He's currently been scouring archives and has got a lot of material including Jes Goodwin’s ancient sketches.

The future
He got very excited when I mentioned Psi-Titans!
Imperator Titans would only appear if the game proves to be popular.
I asked about Banelord Titans and vehicles. Again, it's all about popularity.
However, he is writing the rules engine so that they are able to add in vehicles or infantry without requiring a whole new set of rules to be written. He described the jarring effect of Titans and Infantry needing two sets of rules in previous games and it's something that he definitely wants to avoid.

Finally, here's the early prototype casting:

For 3rd party stuff post here - https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/756954.page

This message was edited 137 times. Last update was at 2023/07/06 13:32:05

Made in us
DCM User

I think plastic Titans - especially Warlords - are almost certain now, aren't they?

I hope so!

Also, thanks for starting - and maintaining - this thread.

Given your level of interest here, I know you'll do a great job at it!

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/08/17 23:53:22

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

I know this might sound churlish, but do we need the rumour from 2016? Weekender is the best source these days, and including earlier stuff given the delay may lead to confusion?

Made in se
Regular Dakkanaut

Cividale del Friuli (UD) Italy

People, we must keep the thread alive, ALIVE!

Really looking forward for this game and its evolutions.

This would be my first time to buy GW miniatures in years, more than 5 I would say.

Professional armourer, artist, blacksmith.

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Alpharius wrote:
I think plastic Titans - especially Warlords - are almost certain now, aren't they?

I hope so!

Also, thanks for starting - and maintaining - this thread.

Given your level of interest here, I know you'll do a great job at it!

I don't know I figure they might do the knights and warhounds in plastic but I do not see them giving up the required production capability for plastic warlords or reavers I hope I am wrong though.

Still has the potential to be the most expensive war game ever made on a £ per model count basis.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/08/17 23:54:01

Your last point is especially laughable and comical, because not only the 7th ed Valkyrie shown dumber things (like being able to throw the troopers without parachutes out of its hatches, no harm done) - Irbis 
Made in gb
Lit By the Flames of Prospero

Rampton, UK

Awesome stuff, really looking forward to this one !!
Made in gb
Mighty Vampire Count


Some lovely artwork and this looks great


"Unimaginably ancient xenos artefact somewhere on the planet, hive fleet poised above our heads, hidden 'stealer broods making an early start....and now a bloody Chaos cult crawling out of the woodwork just in case we were bored. Welcome to my world, Ciaphas."
Inquisitor Amberley Vail, Ordo Xenos

"I will admit that some Primachs like Russ or Horus could have a chance against an unarmed 12 year old novice but, a full Battle Sister??!! One to one? In close combat? Perhaps three Primarchs fighting together... but just one Primarch?" da001


A Bloody Road - my Warhammer Fantasy Fiction 
Made in gb
Deadly Dire Avenger

Bath, England

I would definitely welcome a return of Epic, Epic Space Marine is what got me started in GW, and it really was Epic.
Made in gb
Slashing Veteran Sword Bretheren


Wait, are people saying plastic Titans as in the current scale models but in plastic form to play the game at a bigger size or is it just plastic for new titans in this smaller scale? Why would it be expensive?

Definitely buying the book, I wanna see some glorious God-engine artwork!

Fury from faith
Faith in fury

Numquam solus ambulabis 
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

 unmercifulconker wrote:
Wait, are people saying plastic Titans as in the current scale models but in plastic form to play the game at a bigger size or is it just plastic for new titans in this smaller scale? Why would it be expensive?

Definitely buying the book, I wanna see some glorious God-engine artwork!

Plastic(possibly) in the new 8mm Epic scale. The expense comes from a Warlord being roughly the size of the a plastic 40k Knight at that scale. So either way your probably looking at expensive or very expensive depending on what GW decide for the kit.
Made in gb
Slashing Veteran Sword Bretheren


Ooohhhh right, haha yes I imagine it will be pricey at that size, thought it was gonna be a lot smaller. Thanks for the info.

Ahwell, maybe one day we'll get a proper sized Warhound in plastic at least.

Fury from faith
Faith in fury

Numquam solus ambulabis 
Made in gb
Rampaging Reaver Titan Princeps


 Alpharius wrote:
I think plastic Titans - especially Warlords - are almost certain now, aren't they?

Not guaranteed though
They've flirted and hinted with the idea. Personally, it'd be silly if they didn't at least do the first run in plastic. Resin will make it expensive for all but the most dedicated gamer. A set with plastic Titans will have the long departed Epic vets returning in droves.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
I know this might sound churlish, but do we need the rumour from 2016? Weekender is the best source these days, and including earlier stuff given the delay may lead to confusion?

It was only 6 months ago. I've left them but stuck them in a spoiler

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Alpharius wrote:

Also, thanks for starting - and maintaining - this thread.

Given your level of interest here, I know you'll do a great job at it!

So, everyone!

No problem, I'm just a complete Epic fanboy who's a bit over the moon at its return!

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/02/05 22:15:28

Made in au
Liche Priest Hierophant

Yeah I really hope they're able to get at least the basic Titans and Knights in plastic (with the rarer designs as either resin upgrades or full resin kits), not just for my wallets sake but so that I'll have others too play with. I have no doubt that I'd be able to build a Titanicus force even if it was entirely resin (if at the cost of every other hobby lol), but I doubt I'd be able to get anyone else into the game.
Made in gb
Rampaging Reaver Titan Princeps


New Info from Blip on Tactical Command Forums also added to OP:

Right then, here is what I learned from this morning's seminar on Adeptus Titanicus:

Andy Hoare is the lead designer.

Still a WIP with not all of the rules nailed down so no release date as yet and not sure whether it'll be plastic or resin. Probably a mix.

Game built around 5 units or so per side with a standard 4x4 area but lots of campaign missions are 6x4. Play testing games of 5v5 were about 2hrs long.

Turn sequence based on the original AT scheme of 'I go you go, next phase':

Core rule book has 3 ways of play: open, matched and narrative (battles from HH series)

Uses some custom dice - e.g. reactor dice for over loading weapons etc.

Status cards are used for unit stats, locational damage and critical damage effects. App support for this may come if it proves popular enough. Command terminal cards with pegs to keep track of things will be used - sounded a bit like Armada.

Models are much bigger than the old scale AT - no specifics shared but a Warlord will be noticeably bigger than a Space Marine Dreadnaught. All the current titans and knights FW make will appear in AT. Knights will be the smallest unit. Decals and banners will be available.

Knights are basically disposable pawns but can cause a fair bit of damage in groups (known as knight banners).

Titans will come with weapon options with pre cut holes for magnetisation but no magnets for legal reasons.

Some of the old legios are going to be coming back. Focus on the battle on Beta Garmin(?) (Known as the 'Titan death' because of the carnage amongst the Titan legions). Lots of background on Legio Crytos (from the Tallarn books) linked to the Iron Warriors. Legio specific warlord traits appear granting army wide buffs to give the legios different flavours

No definite plans to do orks/eldar etc but will do terrain and objective pieces. This is most definitely NOT a prelude to a revamped Epic.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

West Michigan, deep in Whitebread, USA

Yeah, people are meaning expensive as in, imagine a game where you need at least two-three 40k scale knights per player, just at the basic game. Epic returned will be absolutely fething awesome, but lots of people think games like Star Wars Armada are godawful expensive when you need to spend $150 a player for a fleet, where in this new iteration of AT, that'll likely be the cost of a single Warlord, not including rules.

Titans are sweet, but not what I would be eager for a new Epic about. I want to see ranks of troops and tanks and walkers, where a 4x6 table can give you the same scope as a 12x15 foot 40k table!

"By this point I'm convinced 100% that every single race in the 40k universe have somehow tapped into the ork ability to just have their tech work because they think it should."  
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Omadon's Realm

 zedmeister wrote:
New Info from Blip on Tactical Command Forums also added to OP:

Right then, here is what I learned from this morning's seminar on Adeptus Titanicus:

Andy Hoare is the lead designer.

No definite plans to do orks/eldar etc but will do terrain and objective pieces. This is most definitely NOT a prelude to a revamped Epic.

If AH is doing it I have very high hopes, IA13 is a work of art and I am still saddened he no longer works on HH.

I am not saddened by the lack of xenos this early, or of them saying 'yeah it's not epic', as it will expand if it's a hit, I should think.

I'd personally like to see it start with the HH and then expand with xenos etc along with expansion rulesets by timeline, like Battletech, according to eras.

I hope plastics are a certainty for this, I think it will make or break it to at least have a core plastic, whether that be the warlord or the lighter titans I don't know, but what I'd love to see is a rapidly followed up expansion with plastics of the others of the 'main 3' titans, so if they do warlords to start, a boxed set of warhounds and reavers to follow up.

Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

Like with Blood Bowl GW management surely used previous sale numbers to estimate demand. Now with BB actually being a hit, things could change (fingers crossed) but it is a bit hard to imagine they will get plastic titans from concept to warehouse til the end of the year. With BB they showed it's possible (9 months they said). But a Warlord kit with lots of options in plastic is a different beast tbh. I hope they take the time and make the latter. But that could mean waiting a year or longer.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
The book's pages shown by warhammer-community are amazing. I'm looking forward to reading it

This message was edited 6 times. Last update was at 2017/02/05 23:09:35

Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

Oh good. Proprietary dice.

Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

Made in gb
Member of a Lodge? I Can't Say

I hate GW sometimes. They bring back an amazing game but make the models huge so that nobody under 20 can afford to play.

On a different note, if Warlords are knight sized are Emperors Warlord sized?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/02/05 23:41:39

Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

FW didn't say Knight-sized, they said similiar to their larger Dreadnought kits. And they have no plans for Emperors in AT.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2017/02/05 23:51:20

Made in ca
Dakka Veteran

8mm should be interesting for CAD infantry...if we get that far.

Only thing that worries me is that in the evolution from AT to Epic if titans get simplified from what this game is offering.
Made in gb
Member of a Lodge? I Can't Say

Warhams-77 wrote:
FW didn't say Knight-sized, they said similiar to their larger Dreadnought kits. And they have no plans for Emperors in AT.

I thought they did. And for some reason I thought the Ordo Sinster maintained Emperor class titans.
Made in us
Ship's Officer


Yeah unless they go plastic we're looking at a good 200-300 usd to get into the base game. That is just my wild guess, but if each titan has to have those stat sheets and cards that will drive up the cost further. That stuff is cool, it certainly looks awesome. But the resin models is the thing that will drive the cost of this up to insane levels.

I kind of wish they went for an even smaller scale, so the models were smaller thus less expensive.

Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

From Rictus

Horus Heresy Weekender 2017 - Adeptus Titanicu

Not a lot to report from the Adeptus Titanicus seminar.

However watching the demo game and chatting to Andy Hoare the game looks very entertaining. From what I saw not having a lot of models in a force allows there to be a lot of depth to each Titan.

I won't repeat what I have put up after previous events but I will repeat that the game is Horus Heresy set so only expect Imperial Titans and Knights, no Xenos and no vehicles & infantry, expect to see classes of Titan and Knights we have already seen as models in 28mm and those we haven't yet seen - though we may have heard of them previously in the background material and novels.

The mock up buildings used in the demo games were scaled up versions of those done for the game, so if you look at the pictures below you can get an idea of what they will look like. Expect them to be modular and with plenty of potential.

There looks to be a some great nods going back to the earliest days of the original Adeptus Titanicus, both in the feel of the game and the background material used.

The control panel (can't remember actual name of them) allow you to keep track of everything on your titan. While there is a chance we will get one included with each titan the chances are we'll get a pack of them in the box game and then be able to buy add on packs as you need.

Knight units will tend to be used either as a protective screen (aka cannon fodder) or as fast flankers to peck away at the enemy. While they die easily to ignore them will be a big risk.

I have to say I am really looking forward to the game, even more than I was before (which was a lot)...but the release date could be a year away, though from what was said it is likely to be this year.


A better photo of the stat card for the participation game


This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2017/02/06 00:16:19

Made in gb
Rampaging Reaver Titan Princeps


First fire, hello old friend. Now there's a term I've missed

Also, added to OP - thanks

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/02/06 00:14:33

Made in gb
Member of a Lodge? I Can't Say

Maybe I can get a starter box for my birthday. Hopefully one side isn't plastered in chaos stuff.
Made in gb
Lit By the Flames of Prospero

Rampton, UK

The increased scale combined with resin titans seems to be prohibitive to many possible customers.

I think the choice of material used for the main forces could well make or break the game.

What was the reason given for not making them in 6mm ?
I cannot seem to remember..

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/02/06 00:15:16

Made in gb
Member of a Lodge? I Can't Say

Made in gb
The Daemon Possessing Fulgrim's Body

Devon, UK

 Rayvon wrote:

The increased scale combined with resin titans seems to be prohibitive to many possible customers.

I think the choice of material used for the main forces could well make or break the game.

What was the reason given for not making them in 6mm ?
I cannot seem to remember..

It doesn't matter what the given reason was, or even if there was one, I think we can figure out what the actual reason is.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/02/06 00:18:46

We find comfort among those who agree with us - growth among those who don't. - Frank Howard Clark

The wise man doubts often, and changes his mind; the fool is obstinate, and doubts not; he knows all things but his own ignorance.

The correct statement of individual rights is that everyone has the right to an opinion, but crucially, that opinion can be roundly ignored and even made fun of, particularly if it is demonstrably nonsense!” Professor Brian Cox

Ask me about
Barnstaple Slayers Club 
Made in gb
Rampaging Reaver Titan Princeps


 Azreal13 wrote:

It doesn't matter what the given reason was, or even if there was one, I think we can figure out what the actual reason is.

Hush you!

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