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Made in gb
Thermo-Optical Hac Tao

Gosport, UK

That would annoy me too just because it doesn't make sense..? Surely if there's even a chance your guys'll live you'll take it.
Made in ru
!!Goffik Rocker!!

 FinkleLord wrote:
Bugs me when someone removes models before I even roll to hit or roll to wound.

Last game a squad of 4 chaos spawns with 6 attacks each and a biker sorc charged my 2 grot gunners. We decided not to waste time on pile ins and a chance of 2 t2 armor- wound stopping a murdertrain. Nope, that could theoretically happen - i'd say, it's around 0.016% actually. But...
Made in hk
Warwick Kinrade

Hong Kong

 Occhiolini wrote:
I think the biggest pet peeve of mine is when people go over the point limits to fit in that extra guy especially when its over 5 points.
This, especially when your opponent then has meltabombs on all his sergeants and refuses to remove them on one.

Also - tournament specific - when you get home and find some of the lists you were up against had done their maths wrong and were at least 50 points over. That said, if you still beat that list it does give you an extra bit of satisfaction

If in doubt, frag it out...
Fight spam with spam, cheese with cheese, and fluff with a razor sharp sense of the appropriate

My Slapdash and Shoddy Tau P&M Blog
Titan's Fall: A WIP Campaign Book
Made in de
Experienced Maneater

Moving one unit after measuring everything multiple times, moving another unit after measuring everything multiple times, returning to the first unit, measuring everything multiple times, then adjust the position of the first unit by a minimal distance, measuring everything multiple times, returning to the second unit, and so on. Turns take an hour and it's really boring and annoying.

Made in us
Stalwart Space Marine

 FinkleLord wrote:
Bugs me when someone removes models before I even roll to hit or roll to wound.

I knew a guy that when he would start losing like about turn 3 or 4, he would be taking his own models off the table and packing them up because he was no longer in the mood to play. Then the fact he thought he knew my armies rules even though he really didn't know his.
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Hanskrampf wrote:
Moving one unit after measuring everything multiple times, moving another unit after measuring everything multiple times, returning to the first unit, measuring everything multiple times, then adjust the position of the first unit by a minimal distance, measuring everything multiple times, returning to the second unit, and so on. Turns take an hour and it's really boring and annoying.

And is against the rules

Once you go onto moving another unit, the first unit has finished movement.
Made in nl
Devious Space Marine dedicated to Tzeentch

The Hague (NL)

Someone moving a unit, then deciding he wants to move another unit first and places them back, but then when he moves them a second time, they miraculously move one or two inches further.

I have no problem with people changing their minds, but please take care in putting your models exactly back to where they were before.

12k+ pts Chaos Marines, Heretic Guard and Daemons (The Scourged)
2k pts Tyranids (Hive Fleet Hornet) 
Made in be
Longtime Dakkanaut

Windchild wrote:

The second is people who are to kids. Bring a list that is possible for them to play against, not a bloody WAAC list.

As a kid, I would have been disgusted to be treated any differently.

Plus kids generally have a lot more potential than adults... but hey, smashing a new player into the ground isn't really nice I agree.

For those I tend to give big handicaps so they can clearly see how their list building skills can evolve and what it will change.
Made in gb
Moustache-twirling Princeps

Gone-to-ground in the craters of Coventry

 bubz wrote:
Players bringing unpainted models to games week after week really bugs me. I get that it's time consuming and expensive and whatever, but put some effort into the hobby. I'd like to see some progress over the course of a month.
They might be painting up their surprise unit, and you don't see any progress until they spring it on you.
But yeah, playing the same unpainted models all the time is something I end up doing, when I concentrate on 1 army, but play another. It's probably annoying for those I play against.

6000 pts - 4000 pts - Harlies: 1000 pts - 1000 ptsDS:70+S+G++MB+IPw40k86/f+D++A++/cWD64R+T(T)DM+
IG/AM force nearly-finished pieces: http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/images-38888-41159_Armies%20-%20Imperial%20Guard.html
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." - George Bernard Shaw (probably)
Clubs around Coventry, UK 
Made in ca
Slippery Ultramarine Scout Biker

morgoth wrote:
Windchild wrote:

The second is people who are to kids. Bring a list that is possible for them to play against, not a bloody WAAC list.

As a kid, I would have been disgusted to be treated any differently.

Plus kids generally have a lot more potential than adults... but hey, smashing a new player into the ground isn't really nice I agree.

For those I tend to give big handicaps so they can clearly see how their list building skills can evolve and what it will change.

When I started playing (fifth edition, 10 years old), my second game was against an IG Tank Line...

I had only a three weapons in my army which could take out a Leman Russ (and 5 Terminators).

I was tabled in three turns by an opponent who was cheating (only had 1 troop, would say that his tanks were much better then they were, etc.)

If I could have fought against it, I'd agree. I was fine with facing Tank Line after Tank Line once I had the models to scratch a LRBT.

I understand your point, but I do have reasons why I dislike it (I continued, whereas most of the other youth didn't)
Made in us
Nurgle Chosen Marine on a Palanquin

I really dislike a lot of little things.

When people move an extra 1/4th inch because they moved the tape measure as well (usually on accident, but I feel like an ass pointing it out)

When people can't seem to tell which direction the scatter dice points.

When people nickle and dime movement. Move 6, then re-arrange a few times to get another inch.

When people dont measure weapons from the base, or the proper weapon.

People who snatch up dice too fast, or roll too far for the other player to see.

People who bitch and moan about my armies lore.

Those were all from the same opponent too.

Made in ca
Ancient Venerable Black Templar Dreadnought


Hmmm the most annoying shenanigans:

1) Wait to see what I have before they pull out their "list" from a stack of paper. I now use an opaque carry container and pull out my one army list face-down and wait.
2) Roll a single die, one at a time "just so" with predictably good results. Surprisingly, some did not think of it as cheating till "natural rolling" is explained.
3) Any attempts at not being "transparent" where rolls are not easily seen, special rules not explained about their army, unwilling to look up a rule. Tend to find people who like to make rules on the fly.
4) Those who confuse part of playing a game includes trying to game the player = "mind games", take your psychological warfare elsewhere.
5) Partially assembled game pieces used. I have played against models with only a base, legs and a torso. Bare minimum to represent the latest net-list = no effort invested (why do that? no payback, flavor of the month).
6) Grabby people who touch my models without a thought in or out of game. Guess where 90% of my in-field model repairs come from?

About the worst of it.

A revolution is an idea which has found its bayonets.
Napoleon Bonaparte 
Made in us
Stalwart Dark Angels Space Marine

Hanskrampf wrote:
Moving one unit after measuring everything multiple times, moving another unit after measuring everything multiple times, returning to the first unit, measuring everything multiple times, then adjust the position of the first unit by a minimal distance, measuring everything multiple times, returning to the second unit, and so on. Turns take an hour and it's really boring and annoying.

Yes! Annoying as . It's not that critical if it off by 1 mm! Or the bastards who pull the tape measure over your units with spiky thin breakable bits and demand you measure from base shoving a large metal tape measure into the center of a squad. Smashing things apart!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Also. I solved the dice issues by bringing a baking tray and placing it on an unused part of the table. All dice throws are done there, in plain sight, without risk of them rolling off the table , smashing the minis, etc.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/10/16 16:51:29

I am the watcher now the night. I am ever Vigilant... 
Made in us
Fiery Bright Wizard


rules lawyers who are conviniently quiet when it's their turn.
also people who whine because a unit was moved 1/4 an inch extra in my god tyranid army. I'm not gonna measuer every single one of my fething gaunts

I'll never be able to repay CA for making GW realize that The Old World was a cash cow, left to die in a field.  
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

It's not really a playing thing, I guess, as I only have a small amount of Space Marines and mostly play Fantasy, but I get really annoyed when people hate the Ultramarines for no good reason.
Made in ca
Evasive Pleasureseeker

Lost in a blizzard, somewhere near Toronto

My biggest pet peeve of all time; Tournaments that don't allow for a proper lunch slot... I know guys generally have this super special power whereby you can chew most anything 3 times, swallow & done, but girls aren't really built for that.

Nothing makes me feel worse than having to eat while setting up/playing the next round because the organisers only allowed for a 60min lunch slot, which inevitably gets cut in half due to everything running a bit late.

Made in be
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Brennonjw wrote:
rules lawyers who are conviniently quiet when it's their turn.
also people who whine because a unit was moved 1/4 an inch extra in my god tyranid army. I'm not gonna measuer every single one of my fething gaunts

I don't think you get it.

Either you measure properly, and that means I don't have to check anymore.

Or you don't, and that means you're cheating.

Learn to move your units, or do what a WHFB player I know does: measure 6, move 5.x so there is no discussion.

And for your gaunts ? get a movement tray.
Made in us
Loyal Necron Lychguard


EddieJA wrote:
It's not really a playing thing, I guess, as I only have a small amount of Space Marines and mostly play Fantasy, but I get really annoyed when people hate the Ultramarines for no good reason.

I hate them, along with the Imperium, for very good reasons.

8th Edtion: 9405 pts - Varantekh Dynasty  
Made in ca
Unhealthy Competition With Other Legions

Toronto, Ontario

2 things. First off, going over points, even by one. I'm up there with the people who care more about the "spirit of the game"/beer and pretzels/bring fluffy or TAC lists even when I know exactly what my opponent will be bringing/try to win no matter what, but only start to play if both people will have fun, etc... But if we're playing a 1500 point game, it means up to and including 1500 points. Now, I've never said no to someone who asked if they could go 1 point over, but it still pisses me off deep down.

Oh and people who complain about how badly their marines roll on armour saves. No one rolls worse on chaos marine armour saves than me, therefore only I am allowed to kvetch about it! And even then, only because for the rest of the game I talk about how their "saving up their luck" for one big moment. And when it comes I announce it and take full credit for my great planning, in arranging the game to come down to that roll of the dice.

"He's doing the Lord's work. And by 'Lord' I mean Lord of Skulls." -Kenny Boucher

Prepare yourselves for the onslaught men. The enemy is waiting, but your Officers are courageous and your bayonettes sharp! I have at my disposal an entire army of Muskokans, tens of thousands of armour and artillery supporting millions upon tens of millions of the Imperium's finest fighting men with courage in their bellies, fire in their hearts and lasguns in their hands. Emperor show mercy to mine enemies, for as sure as the Imperium is vast, I will not!
- General Robert Thurgood of the Emperor's Own Lasguns before the landings at Traitor's Folly at the onset of the Chrislea's Road Campaign

"Pride goeth before the fall... to Slaanesh"
- ///name stricken///, former 'Emperor's Champion' 
Made in ca
Raging Ravener

rolls dices without telling you what they are doing and then tell you to roll saves .... like ,whoa ,wait what did you just do ?
Made in au
Nimble Mounted Yeoman


Fast hands and picking up successful dice instead of the failures annoy me. Especially when there are a lot of re-rolls.

But what annoys me are the people who forget that their sole purpose when standing up to that table is to ensure their opponent(s) has an enjoyable experience.

Whether that is by having a hard fought, balls-to-the-wall, 2+ hour slugfest, playing a narrative scenario where the story of the game is more important than the final outcome, or anything in between.

If both players have this mentality going in, and discuss what they want out of the game, then there should be zero problems. It's all about being aware of your actions and the effect they have on others.

Made in us
Fiery Bright Wizard


morgoth wrote:
 Brennonjw wrote:
rules lawyers who are conviniently quiet when it's their turn.
also people who whine because a unit was moved 1/4 an inch extra in my god tyranid army. I'm not gonna measure every single one of my fething gaunts

I don't think you get it.

Either you measure properly, and that means I don't have to check anymore.

Or you don't, and that means you're cheating.

Learn to move your units, or do what a WHFB player I know does: measure 6, move 5.x so there is no discussion.

And for your gaunts ? get a movement tray.

oh yes a movement tray, in 40k. if i measure the front and back row and move betwine the two, why does it matter if one gaunt is slightly closer then 6 inches?

I'll never be able to repay CA for making GW realize that The Old World was a cash cow, left to die in a field.  
Made in us
Dark Angels Librarian with Book of Secrets

morgoth wrote:
 Brennonjw wrote:
rules lawyers who are conviniently quiet when it's their turn.
also people who whine because a unit was moved 1/4 an inch extra in my god tyranid army. I'm not gonna measuer every single one of my fething gaunts

I don't think you get it.

Either you measure properly, and that means I don't have to check anymore.

Or you don't, and that means you're cheating.

Learn to move your units, or do what a WHFB player I know does: measure 6, move 5.x so there is no discussion.

And for your gaunts ? get a movement tray.

Fine, but I expect you to move your guys 6.000000", NOT AN INCH MORE!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/10/17 06:40:16

Successful Trades: Ashrog (1), Iron35 (1), Rathryan (3), Leth (1), Eshm (1), Zeke48 (1), Gorkamorka12345 (1),
Melevolence (2), Ascalam (1), Swanny318, (1) ScootyPuffJunior, (1) LValx (1), Jim Solo (1), xSoulgrinderx (1), Reese (1), Pretre (1) 
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

 Brennonjw wrote:
morgoth wrote:
 Brennonjw wrote:
rules lawyers who are conviniently quiet when it's their turn.
also people who whine because a unit was moved 1/4 an inch extra in my god tyranid army. I'm not gonna measure every single one of my fething gaunts

I don't think you get it.

Either you measure properly, and that means I don't have to check anymore.

Or you don't, and that means you're cheating.

Learn to move your units, or do what a WHFB player I know does: measure 6, move 5.x so there is no discussion.

And for your gaunts ? get a movement tray.

oh yes a movement tray, in 40k. if i measure the front and back row and move betwine the two, why does it matter if one gaunt is slightly closer then 6 inches?

Especialy as i absolutely g'tee that morgoth will also cheat during a game, likely unknowingly. Its almost impossible to play an exactly correct game of 40k, due to the horribly written rules.

Quibbling over an irrelevancy != correcting an error whcih has impact. 1 gaunt in the middle of a horde is very unlikely to have a huge impact in terms of their precise location, and so "good enough" is just that - good enough, not cheating.
Made in au
Automated Rubric Marine of Tzeentch


morgoth wrote:
 Brennonjw wrote:
rules lawyers who are conviniently quiet when it's their turn.
also people who whine because a unit was moved 1/4 an inch extra in my god tyranid army. I'm not gonna measuer every single one of my fething gaunts

I don't think you get it.

Either you measure properly, and that means I don't have to check anymore.

Or you don't, and that means you're cheating.

Learn to move your units, or do what a WHFB player I know does: measure 6, move 5.x so there is no discussion.

And for your gaunts ? get a movement tray.

movement trays in 40k?
cos we use ranks yo, or so that your serpent spam can get more under a template? not a chance,
the closest you will get is iv got one of those quick measures and if im out by 1/8 of an inch it really is no massive thing. i think you have never used a swarm type army and dont realise the notion of quick moving 200 models, but if youd like im sure someone will individually measure models movements for you jsut to show how its done.

CSM 20,000 Pts
Daemons 4,000 (ish)
WoC over 10,000
6000+ Pts

Made in be
Longtime Dakkanaut

 jreilly89 wrote:
Fine, but I expect you to move your guys 6.000000", NOT AN INCH MORE!

It's not as hard as it sounds, really

Automatically Appended Next Post:
nosferatu1001 wrote:
Quibbling over an irrelevancy != correcting an error whcih has impact. 1 gaunt in the middle of a horde is very unlikely to have a huge impact in terms of their precise location, and so "good enough" is just that - good enough, not cheating.

Except most of those people who consider "one quarter of an inch" to be no big deal, actually always get additional movement, and not just on a gaunt in the middle of a horde - which can actually make a BIG difference in the following case, which I had happen to me last week:

1. from northwest, moves south east
2. from there, moves south
3. from there, moves east.
4. from there, charges east.

And all the movement that was cheated in the middle of the horde helped immensely in making the charge possible.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/10/17 10:45:32

Made in us
5th God of Chaos! (Yea'rly!)

The Great State of Texas

Forget to use the power of bathing.

-"Wait a minute.....who is that Frazz is talking to in the gallery? Hmmm something is going on here.....Oh.... it seems there is some dispute over video taping of some sort......Frazz is really upset now..........wait a minute......whats he go there.......is it? Can it be?....Frazz has just unleashed his hidden weiner dog from his mini bag, while quoting shakespeares "Let slip the dogs the war!!" GG
-"Don't mind Frazzled. He's just Dakka's crazy old dude locked in the attic. He's harmless. Mostly."
-TBone the Magnificent 1999-2014, Long Live the King!
Made in us
Boosting Space Marine Biker

I find youthful screaming, BO, table flipping, and unpainted armies to be terribly annoying. Not necessarily in that order but more in just a general way. I would have to think about it for a little while if I had to say what one was the most annoying or even which ones were more annoying then the others. They're all red flags for me though.

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

 Sledgehammer wrote:
I have ADHD so some parts of the hobby are huge humps for me to get over.

My worst hump is how i play the game. I constantly am thinking about my strategy and what i want to do, but i also have to remember dice rolls and rules while thinking up my strategy. I usually mess up one of them and end up confusing my opponents. when it comes to dice rolls i will often forget how many hits I get (or usually something to do with numbers). I also play a pseudo foot guard army so my turns also take a long time. I have to go back and re roll alot and that makes my long turns even longer. Worse it can possibly seem like i am cheating =(.

my opponents are fine people, its just i make a bunch of mistakes when it comes to working memory.

Funny, if I had ADHD, we'd be the same exact people . And I play pseudo foot guard. Sometimes I even find myself trying to count how many dice I have in my hand like 2-3 times........thankfully I have the chessex blocks so using a little math helps. I feel your pain.

The first time I went to my local shop, I was terrified of looking bummy/nasty. Only once have I ever forgot deodera t, and I was flipping out inside. If I ever get to go back, I'd def take whatever said in this thread to consideration!

I usually get ROFL stomped
Made in us
5th God of Chaos! (Yea'rly!)

The Great State of Texas

 Dudecrap wrote:
 Sledgehammer wrote:
I have ADHD so some parts of the hobby are huge humps for me to get over.

My worst hump is how i play the game. I constantly am thinking about my strategy and what i want to do, but i also have to remember dice rolls and rules while thinking up my strategy. I usually mess up one of them and end up confusing my opponents. when it comes to dice rolls i will often forget how many hits I get (or usually something to do with numbers). I also play a pseudo foot guard army so my turns also take a long time. I have to go back and re roll alot and that makes my long turns even longer. Worse it can possibly seem like i am cheating =(.

my opponents are fine people, its just i make a bunch of mistakes when it comes to working memory.

Funny, if I had ADHD, we'd be the same exact people . And I play pseudo foot guard. Sometimes I even find myself trying to count how many dice I have in my hand like 2-3 times........thankfully I have the chessex blocks so using a little math helps. I feel your pain.

The first time I went to my local shop, I was terrified of looking bummy/nasty. Only once have I ever forgot deodera t, and I was flipping out inside. If I ever get to go back, I'd def take whatever said in this thread to consideration!

Develop a checklist on procedures to follow. Write it down if you have to. I have really bad short term memory and that helped a lot.

-"Wait a minute.....who is that Frazz is talking to in the gallery? Hmmm something is going on here.....Oh.... it seems there is some dispute over video taping of some sort......Frazz is really upset now..........wait a minute......whats he go there.......is it? Can it be?....Frazz has just unleashed his hidden weiner dog from his mini bag, while quoting shakespeares "Let slip the dogs the war!!" GG
-"Don't mind Frazzled. He's just Dakka's crazy old dude locked in the attic. He's harmless. Mostly."
-TBone the Magnificent 1999-2014, Long Live the King!
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