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Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2240/07/12 15:15:15

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures


Latest addition is the Heroine_A (sword and whip version) for the Araves faction again!


Thank you!

Latest release is the Araves Snake Sorceress :-)


We hope you like her as much as we do!

Thank you.

Today's addition, thanks also to the support we received in our latest kickstarter, the Araves Ogre Tyrant :-)
Thank you.


Now camels have also been made available! Hope you like them as much as we do :-)



The latest hard-plastic kit is now available!


Link to the latest Kickstarter (Proud to have a 100% delivery Reputation Status!)


Link to the webstore https://www.shieldwolfminiatures.com

Imperium Desertum now available!


Some pictures for those who don't have access to the video :-)

Imperium Desertum Camelry

Imperium Desertum Banner Bearers

Imperium Desertum CGL w/crew

Imperium Desertum Ogre Troopers

Images from the last kickstarter IMPERIUM DESERTUM - IMPERIUM IMMORTALIS

Latest retail releases:


Forest Goblins Kickstarter.

Goblins will be in HIPS, Brutgoth in resin. Here are some pics



Click on the Brutgoth render pics to see even bigger versions!

Original post spoilered below:

Hello everyone,

Link to KS-2.5 Shieldmaiden Army reboot, a "miniatures-only" project this time :-)


Thank you for your support! :-D

We have updated the graphics now :-)





Current Stretch Goal list


Many of you probably have already heard of us, but some may not and since we have changed our Policy of communication since April 29th this year we are now interacting directly with the Community. Furthermore we have decided to start an Official news thread to rally everything new but also monitor and answer any questions you may have outside our Facebook page. :-)
Our website can be visited here ->http://www.shieldwolfminiatures.com/
but we also post stuff on our FB page -> https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shieldwolf-Miniatures/415230871893106

So, wouldn't know where to start from, there are so many things done and so many still left to do!

Shieldwolf Miniatures is a company based in Markopoulo, Greece, a suburb of the Hellenic capital Athens. It has been founded and owned by Dott. Angelos Margaritis, a veteran supporter of Fantasy in general but also a hobbyist and wargamer. A renowned professional in his own sector, he established a line of policies and procedures to ensure the growth of a serious and competitive company. Below we will place in the spotlight a lot of things that will explain why we here at Shieldwolf Miniatures believe we are on the right path on creating an exciting and innovative table-top wargame with perfectly casted miniatures and concepts never created before.
We will always and very much appreciate your comments and indications, since our listening to what people say improves our status. And yes, we listen, we have done so from the very beggining, regardless of not having interfered for so long. As we said, this has now permanently changed since we find it more helpfull having direct contact rather than simply monitoring the comments :-)

Achievements: To our knowledge we are one out of only 3 companies worldwide to have produced plastic modular fantasy figures in bulky/"heroic" 28mm scale. We are the first (and till present day remain the only) company to have started producing a Barbarian army (with characters,monsters,core units etc) and also have sculpted and placed in the production line an arabic army, again in 28mm bulky/"heroic" scale. We have inserted below some spoiler pics for those who haven't seen the ones we allowed "leaking".
Northern Alliance (Barbarian) Army:

Araves (Arabic) Army:

We are also one out of two companies worldwide (to our knowledge) working on a cinematic on their tabletop wargame. It has taken longer since we have decided to add more scenes and about another 60" of length. It may sound little, but it is not. It means even more funding and effort, many months of additional work. This may not interest some of you but we at Shieldwolf Miniatures love art and this is one more way of showing it. This is the small teaser we released many months ago.

Superb packaging: We have planned our packaging methods in order to avoid anything happening to the precious miniatures we produce. From the postal boxes till blisters+foam, and whenever considered necessary we ensured the addition of foam pellets. Our well organised facilities and manpower help us achieve that.

Our packaging quality is also something we researched very carefully. We finally found and imported very high-quality boxes, which can be later on used instead of thrown away and thus be enviromentally friendly.

Flawless shipping service: We are proud to announce that since the very beggining of our foundation we have kept faithful to our original targets. Keeping shipping costs low, offering free shipping options and taking advantage of both our position (which helps us gain valuable shipping time, since we are but 8km away from the International airport of Eleftherios Venizelos) and Greek Postal Service, which has proven wrong some unfair prejudice that may have existed before and maintains it's great reputation. In addition to that, everyone who has dealt with us will testify of our superb organization in Customer Service, even after putting it to the test (having everything packed and ready for the release of the plastic Orcs was a great challenge which we believe was passed with flying colors!).
We have everyday visits to the local Post Office from Monday to Friday. It has taken 24 hours to ship orders completed with PayPal and 48 (rarely it has taken up to 72) hours since we have to wait for Credit Card payments to clear.

Flawless casting: We have literally shipped thousands of minis all over the world. We have never had a single complaint for neither our materials nor castings.

Leading quality materials: Both our resin and plastic used in Shieldwolf Miniatures products has been long and carefully researched and although limits profit margins are probably the best in the market. Our Policy dictates that augmented sales are going to counter that and make the Company viable. So that's what we mean to keep on using.

Distribution: Besides our direct customer service, we have ensured additional distribution in both Europe and America, we are still working on securing an Australian distributor since we mean to accomodate better our Australian and New Zealand customer base. We have no worries that it is a matter of time till that too happens.

International embrace: We have made sure to allow 4 different languages on our website (Greek, English, German and Italian) since we mean to reach out to as many people as possible. We want to welcome them to the options tabletop miniature wargaming and Fantasy in general can offer. We mean to drive people into this hobby.

Innovation: This should be divided in two parts:
Part (a) has to do with the concept of our miniatures. We are not afraid to take a different path and walk away from what we have been used to. Some people like that, some don't. We believe in innovation however and are confident it will do us justice in the years to come.

Part (b) has to do with our game "Shieldwolf: War is coming" (TM). The game has a built that has never been introduced in any other tabletop miniature wargame. It's greatest feature in our opinion is that it allows both a simple feature for fast and casual play but also a hard-core version with (much) more elaborate rules. We have playtested this for over 2 years now, and we have to admit it will take a lot still to cover all corners since we always come up with new problems of balance issues but also new innovative rules/ideas we simply have to put in the game. All this has to be supported with artwork, map designs, fluff, specifications and lots lots more! It is not only a matter of funding this, it's about the thousand of hours we still need to spend working on it. A beta-version is still far away so in the meanwhile we keep our heads low and keep on working. We mean to release a superb game, and even if this becomes very stressful at times, we keep our faith through our passion.

Probably leaving out a lot of stuff in this first post on this thread, but we believe this is a good round-up of who Shieldwolf Miniatures is and what you can expect from us in the future.

Thank you!

The Shieldwolf Team.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/07/12 15:24:39

Post by: OrlandotheTechnicoloured

I can vouch for the quality of Shieldwolfs polystyrene (hard plastic) Orcs,

really nice sculpts, really great quality minis

(as I got an early release set of them it also included some resin bonus bits which were also very nice, so they know what they're doing with resin too)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/07/12 15:49:49

Post by: reds8n

Welcome aboard glad to have you here

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/07/12 15:54:12

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

@OrlandoTechnicoloured Thank you :-)

@reds8n We're planning to stick around... ;-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/07/12 16:11:45

Post by: privateer4hire

Looking forward to these being available via US distributor.
Very cool orcs and very much like the other designs, too!

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/07/12 16:58:44

Post by: Ketara

I'm looking forward to seeing more of your stuff. Most of what Mantic does never seems up to par with the GW stuff, and the one plastic kit you've done was impressive enough for me to hope to see more kits of similar quality from you.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/07/12 17:15:03

Post by: scarletsquig

Like the look of those boxes, are they the retail packaging for the product?

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/07/12 18:35:07

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

Ketara We are currently working on our next releases. We have postponed our September schedule in favor of something bigger.

privateer4hire They are currently available via a distributor in L.A., California. The information of our distributors can be found on our website. As for the comment, appreciate it :-)

@scarletsquig Yes they are :-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/07/12 20:39:55

Post by: privateer4hire

Thanks. For those who'd prefer a direct link the US distributor is the well-known FRP Games of Santa Clara, California

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/07/12 22:58:48

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

The plastic orcs are a great kit, but they do have one problem I noticed right away: not all of the pairs of feet fit into the lipped bases. Are non-lipped bases a possibility for the future?

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/07/13 03:37:10

Post by: Gallahad

So glad to hear of US distribution, I went immediately to buy a box, but they were already sold out! While that means I will have to wait a bit to buy it, I consider it good news for a company that has repeatedly impressed me with their dedication.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/07/13 05:15:57

Post by: Sirio

I own the Roc with giant stone, trying to convert it atm as a chained Great Eagle prisoner to use as a unit filler for my skaven (inside my slave unit), I hadn't noticed however this had a 50mm base however and can't make it fit on a 40mm base! :-(

Awesome cast and very eager to see what else is coming!

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/07/13 07:21:07

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

BobtheInquisitor Initially we liked the non-lipped bases too. If someone tries out however the lipped bases version, he will find out that the possibilities offered to him that non-lipped bases can simply not offer. For instance, our Dracantropii Infantry, immagine how you can fill their bases with swamp water-effect and make them march on that. Or for our barbaric Northern Alliance where snow effects can be so much more realistic. You'll never get that effect with non-lipped bases (especially the water effect, except if you use plasticard on each and everyone of them and carefully remove it, but that is something very few people would ever do, personally I know of no one).
Changing the norma and intoducing new things may not be easy to accept but we are willing to try :-)

@Gallahad I'm sure they'll notice and re-stock what's missing ;-)
The only thing we can do is maintain available stock at all times allowing us to pack and ship every newly placed order if not within 24hours, then 48 max (I'm afraid only our distributors themselves can confirm that) :-)

Having stock ready


Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/07/13 08:27:07

Post by: heartserenade

I've also received miniatures from Shieldwolf. Casting is ace: minimal cleanup with mold lines (I almost didn't find any in the Barbarian Hero!) and had no problems with assembly. After getting some rather unfortunaste resin casts with other major companies, this is a great breath of fresh air. Had fun painting the miniatures as well.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/07/13 14:16:10

Post by: Gallahad

 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:

@Gallahad I'm sure they'll notice and re-stock what's missing ;-)
The only thing we can do is maintain available stock at all times allowing us to pack and ship every newly placed order if not within 24hours, then 48 max (I'm afraid only our distributors themselves can confirm that) :-)

No worries, they said they would be getting a re-stock within a couple of days. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on some of those mountain orcs. I believe I will be painting/using at least some of mine as demons.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/07/21 20:32:30

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

We have been honored with yet another review, this time by french NewsFigz.

Don't forget to use the English subtitle option on the bottom right ;-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/07/29 23:33:36

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

(Minor update)

The month of July is almost over, we hope everyone is enjoying this Summer and even more the August days to come. In the heated Greek summer, work over at Shieldwolf HQ is continuously pumping. We are following our main plan and awaiting to see the results. We do however have also a plan B set in motion that will tilt things quite a bit again unexpected. :-)

We will be posting a very detailed "report" in the second week of September when it will have been decided which route to take. In the meanwhile we are working with our manufacturer on our 2nd plastic kit, we have no interest at this point for any other type of plastic. Shieldwolf:War is coming will undoubtly need also other sculpts to be produced in resin from a variety of factions and races, always with the same vision, passion and innovation. Resin is again always done in house to ensure both the quality and availability.

We have not stoppped commissioning nor preparing since our very arrival, but these things take time and the more Shieldwolf grows the more weight it will have to push forward faster. We are sculpting, painting and casting un-revealed models as we speak. We could show off some artwork but we prefer not to, after all artwork and final product -as both customers and manufacturers know only too well- are two very different things. :-)

Finally, this small post features a first overlook/progress at our current races:

Undead: We have commissioned for the future release of a couple of heroes to enrich the Undead.
Kingdom of Talliareum (Humans): We have already sculpted and painted some, we are currently planning something...nasty.
Kingdom of Hell: We are working on their regiment and 2 more heroes.
Northern Alliance: Being the only company worldwide producing a barbarian army at this scale, we are currently working on more.
Dracantropii Kingdoms: New bases available. Further update coming September.
Orcs: Having 4 factions for this race, we have for now more than enough releases for our 1st faction (Mountain Orcs) and are currently working on the 2nd, sculpting as we speak.
Araves: A surprise is being prepared for the Lords of the Sand Lands.

Other future factions and races.
(Please note some are main races -meaning one of the 12 planned- and some that are supplementary. We are only mentioning 6 out of 13 currently planned).

Dwarfs: We can't immagine our fantasy world without these interesting fellas, but there are simply too many manufacturers producing dwarfs atm. Although we have some artwork, Shieldwolf has no plans for the bearded race for the next 2 years.
Elves: We have them in the pipeline, we have shown off some artwork and sculpts in the past but nothing to be produced in the very near future. 2015 is more probable.
Tragomaxoi: A race of goat warriors, some lovely artwork and a beautiful finished sculpt for now. They are on hold.
Goblins: Plastic regiment planned and some heroes already sculpted with plenty of beautiful artwork, first minis should hit our store shortly.
The Rebels: Human faction. We have commissioned artwork but no sculpts have been created yet.

Thank you.
The Shieldwolf Team.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/08/03 14:42:48

Post by: corgan

These are some really promising sketches. Can't wait to see the finished models. At last some great alternatives for these races.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/08/03 18:41:51

Post by: Sirio

Ah! You bit me to it corgan, I just saw it too on their facebook page! Wow, that's a very interesting twist, goblins and (in this case) gobln wolf riders pop from all over these days! These are both super badass, I love them!
I had hoped for goblins for years (and maybe make them skaven slaves) and now they just seem to be showing up from all over the place, lol!

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/08/03 20:54:33

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

Actually you both beat us to it! :-)
We like doing the work behind the curtains (as we say in Greece) and then enjoy the fruits provided. These pictures were released by us on the da-warpath forum since we were dared to prove our claims, something that will however probably never happen again since we have never given a reason for people to doubt us nor do we feel held accountable for that. Since we had revealed these we posted them also in other forums and our FB page, leaving this for best and last (a bit late!). The sculpts from this artwork are both currently being professionaly painted abroad and we wish you like them as much as we do.

We'd also like to inform you (since I don't find it mentioned above) that elven sculpts (is that how you spell it? we mean sculpts of elves) will be shown from us for the first time, their book is not even 20% finished at this point and it's a beautiful race we will take our time creating. This does not mean that progress is not being made however and we are very sure you'll like what you'll see completed so far. First up is the Elven Oak Order, elf fans will have a say on this no doubt :-)

Edit: We will not be revealing any more at this point, all decisions and further updates will be posted next month. We sincerely appreciate the interest very much.

Thank you.
The Shieldwolf Team.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/08/03 21:06:33

Post by: Azazelx

Is that second picture of an Ogre or an Orc? Looks good either way, but I'm definitely after some good looking Ogres. GW's current models are a bit blobby, and Mantic's are knock-kneed, pigeon-toed and over-detailed with far too many tiny buckles and straps - good for a display model but a bit horrible for army building.

Really looking forward to someone bringing out some cool old-school Ogres, similar to the Citadel classics.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/08/05 03:21:16

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Huh? It's a secret to everybody?

Why not just tell us in the thread?

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/08/05 03:42:18

Post by: Azazelx

Dunno. I'm at work right now, so it's just reading and posting during my lunchbreak. I don't do PM or email from here...

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/08/05 06:12:47

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

 Azazelx wrote:
Dunno. I'm at work right now, so it's just reading and posting during my lunchbreak. I don't do PM or email from here...

I have a similar set-up, where I have a nigh-inaccessible computer that I use whenever I need to send email, Facebook messages or Dakka PMs. I suppose I'll have to add "discerning ogres from orcs" to the list. Perhaps the hush-hush is all about Shieldwolf's proprietary new monster--the orgro! It's the only possible answer.

The art looks a little Minion Minis, though, so they better step up production and co-opt the competition. In the 28mm fantasy not-GW market, it's eat or be eaten. They better go for the throat, like an orgro.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/08/05 14:08:40

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:

Huh? It's a secret to everybody?
Why not just tell us in the thread?

If it was a secret we wouldn't have written "pm'ed" on our thread ;-)
The reason we wrote that here was because we wanted to show we are tuning in our thread, listening to what you have to say and interact with you, however there are reasons we haven't revealed anything more, that will be done on September as promised.

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
 Azazelx wrote:
Dunno. I'm at work right now, so it's just reading and posting during my lunchbreak. I don't do PM or email from here...

I have a similar set-up, where I have a nigh-inaccessible computer that I use whenever I need to send email, Facebook messages or Dakka PMs. I suppose I'll have to add "discerning ogres from orcs" to the list. Perhaps the hush-hush is all about Shieldwolf's proprietary new monster--the orgro! It's the only possible answer.

You will find soon enough, we may even (re)quote you on this post :-)
 BobtheInquisitor wrote:

The art looks a little Minion Minis, though, so they better step up production and co-opt the competition. In the 28mm fantasy not-GW market, it's eat or be eaten. They better go for the throat, like an orgro.

I can assure you production is anything but low (you'll see for yourself), there will be no August vacation for Shieldwolf this year. As for the art I really don't think that's the case, Minion has a different look that doesn't match our vision on goblins, we don't plan to change all concepts-as-today-known, just the ones we don't like that much :-)

There is a very detailed and elaborate work behind everything we release, and everything coming has to be better than everything previously made. I think you'll agree with me on that. Goblins are a race we MUST have in our game and a lot of work has been put into them for a long time now, their book is also one of my favorites as this is a very cunning and unique race. Had to do some digging up from some very very old files we had... found it! (there was also another one with more heads, can't find it atm)

This is how we had started realising our goblins for Shieldwolf. You may even call it "Goblin body prototype" :-)
(the description and logo was just added by me)

A last word for the "go for the throat" comment, we would be mad to have something against Minion and instead we'd like to state that we wish them great success since Laarson is just now taking his first steps to create a company and that's great! Fos us augmented competition will only make us become even better. :-)

Thank you.
The Shieldwolf Team.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/08/05 18:20:21

Post by: Gallahad

For what it is worth, I have a strong preference for the goblin head farthest to the right. I think it is unique but recognizable as a goblin. I really dislike the goblin head in the middle, it has been done to death, and does not look threatening.

I really like your attitude and work ethic Shieldwolf. I am looking forward to your new releases.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/08/05 19:02:34

Post by: corgan

 Gallahad wrote:
For what it is worth, I have a strong preference for the goblin head farthest to the right. I think it is unique but recognizable as a goblin. I really dislike the goblin head in the middle, it has been done to death, and does not look threatening.

I really like your attitude and work ethic Shieldwolf. I am looking forward to your new releases.

I second this

"Threatening"!! Thanks for mentioning Gallahad! This is the crucial word! Exactly how a goblin should look unlike all the funny, cartoonish versions that everyone creates.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/08/06 08:11:03

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:
 BobtheInquisitor wrote:

Huh? It's a secret to everybody?
Why not just tell us in the thread?

If it was a secret we wouldn't have written "pm'ed" on our thread ;-)
The reason we wrote that here was because we wanted to show we are tuning in our thread, listening to what you have to say and interact with you, however there are reasons we haven't revealed anything more, that will be done on September as promised.

I'm glad to see how involved you are with us. But I also really want to point out how unintentionally funny your two sentences are next to each other.

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
 Azazelx wrote:
Dunno. I'm at work right now, so it's just reading and posting during my lunchbreak. I don't do PM or email from here...

I have a similar set-up, where I have a nigh-inaccessible computer that I use whenever I need to send email, Facebook messages or Dakka PMs. I suppose I'll have to add "discerning ogres from orcs" to the list. Perhaps the hush-hush is all about Shieldwolf's proprietary new monster--the orgro! It's the only possible answer.

You will find soon enough, we may even (re)quote you on this post :-)

I would love that! I'm looking forward to finding out.

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:

The art looks a little Minion Minis, though, so they better step up production and co-opt the competition. In the 28mm fantasy not-GW market, it's eat or be eaten. They better go for the throat, like an orgro.

I can assure you production is anything but low (you'll see for yourself), there will be no August vacation for Shieldwolf this year.

I was not being entirely serious. Please don't give up your vacation. Not the vacation.

(Vacation is the new monster you're planning to release, right? I know that vacations are mythical creatures in my country, anyway.)

As for the art I really don't think that's the case, Minion has a different look that doesn't match our vision on goblins, we don't plan to change all concepts-as-today-known, just the ones we don't like that much :-)

How do you know? Minion hasn't posted any Goblin art yet, although their diminutive spear-wielding aliens sure do look angry and sneaky.

There is a very detailed and elaborate work behind everything we release, and everything coming has to be better than everything previously made. I think you'll agree with me on that. Goblins are a race we MUST have in our game and a lot of work has been put into them for a long time now, their book is also one of my favorites as this is a very cunning and unique race. Had to do some digging up from some very very old files we had... found it! (there was also another one with more heads, can't find it atm)

This is how we had started realising our goblins for Shieldwolf. You may even call it "Goblin body prototype" :-)
(the description and logo was just added by me)

The goblins look pretty jacked. The head on the right is my favorite. Please don't make them look goofy.

A last word for the "go for the throat" comment, we would be mad to have something against Minion and instead we'd like to state that we wish them great success since Laarson is just now taking his first steps to create a company and that's great! Fos us augmented competition will only make us become even better. :-)

Thank you.
The Shieldwolf Team.

It was indeed intended as a joke. I'm no vicious orgro here. I plan to support Minion by pledging for HIPS goblins from their campaign (zombies are forbidden). I will also buy your next plastic kit based on how much I liked the mountain orcs. I wish you both good luck.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/08/06 08:44:17

Post by: Sirio

On the website and FB page you write that humans are your next release, and that the neck issues could easily be fixed but the junctions with the arms were problematic and didn't allow you to release a regiment for humans. When can we expect that?
If you are having goblins painted now, when can we expect them to be released? Are they after the humans?
And the Valley Orcs that are your next Orc release, do we have a scheduled release date for those?

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/08/06 18:27:19

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

-Fair enough, no more "pm'ed" then on our thread. :-)
-August vacation in Greece is not something nice to miss out on. ;-)
-Goblins will have a very small touch of goofiness but I think the words that best describe them would be "sinister/malicious". You will see and judge for yourselves.
-The body selected is the one on the top right, the head type selected is similar to the far right but with longer nose.
-Monsters? Hehehe... wait till January ;-)
-I guessed it was a joke but since written speach is different than oral we could've been misinterpreted.

@Sirio Human problems for their regiment dual kit have been solved for both neck and arm junctions. We are waiting to see a few things before deciding on the material, since we are looking into going plastic full range and crunching numbers. Financially that is hard but not impossible, surely not with the same frequency (note that in our first year alone we released 4 regiments, 3 resin and 1 plastic. To our knowledge noone else matches our achievement). In that case we'll need to resculpt that for plastic tooling of course.
We will say/show nothing more on the goblins till Laarson's KickStarter is over.
Valley Orcs have been and are being sculpted. This 2nd faction will also need a variety of "goodies", the Mountain Orc Chariots got a nice welcome to what Orc Chariots should really look like (to our knowledge no other 28mm scaled orc chariot has so much detail and modularity) so you should be expecting something equally complicated for them also ;-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/09/07 01:46:52

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

Hi everyone! :-)

So, today we will be (as promised also in our FB page) releasing a rather pic-heavy report to update our cutomer base and Community on our future releases and at what stage multiple projects are lying at. We know that some people are very anxious to see what else is coming, but our intention/Policy is whatever we produce has to be better than what came before it!
So, let's not waste any time and get started! :-)

Undead: We are sculpting a couple of heroes to enrich their ranks since these guys don't have any (yet), if the final results should turn up as we like, these should hit our store before X-mas 2014.

Kingdom of Talliareum (Humans): We are preparing something really nasty, once it hits you can tell us yourselves whether you like it or not. In the meanwhile all pieces for their dual regiment are finished and tested, but -as you may already know- Shieldwolf has decided to try launching full sprue plastic for all our future regiments, so they are on hold for now. Either way these come with twenty 20mm square bases and full command, along with a variety of goodies/bitz we'll be adding.

(We apologise for the quality of the pic, they all came out a bit blurry :-( )

Kingdom of Hell: We finished working on their first regiment (Infernal Assaulters Infantry) and have designed the concept artwork for 2 more heroes, one on a 25mm base and one on a 50mm base. As with all regiments this too may be destined for plastic sprue tooling (should our plans work out), so is on hold. If it does go for plastic production, it will need some re-sculpting as pieces are not eligible for the tooling process it needs. Final miniatures will stay very close to what we are revealing today however.
If our plan for going full plastic sprues fail us, these twisted guys will be massed produced in our -notorious by now- orange utility boxes and can easily hit our store in less than 1 month time! They come with 25 mm square bases and (as all our regiments) come with huge choice of convertibility and in packs of 20 with full command options.

Northern Alliance: We've been messaged before from people wanting to field an entire barbarian army at this scale (and us being the only ones producing one), so we are currently working on releasing even more stuff to enrich their ranks. As always innovation is something we are constantly working on, imagining these miniatures and bringing them to life! This is the Grand Yeti one of the "Greater Monsters" categories we have, should be carrying 4 light barbarian infantry atop once completed.

Dracantropii Kingdoms: Our Dragon Race! After our Arabic and Barbarians, seems we are the first (to our knowledge at least) to have sculpted a regiment for a Dragon race at 28mm "heroic"/bulky scale! (if we are wrong please let us know however, lol) :-)
We have already made new bases available. Their Light Dracantropii Infantry regiment is practically ready -but same goes here as for the Infernal Assaulters regiment, we have frozen this in order to favor full plastic sprue tooling via Renedra (our UK manufacturer for our plastics)-. If things do not work out and we put these in production, these guys will be packaged in our orange plastic boxes once cast in resin (for those who are not familiar we at Shieldwolf refuse to work with metal since we consider it a worse and outdated material to work with, penalising the details of a sculpt -among other defects). The Light Dracantropii Infantry regiment can be ready and in stock via our website in about 1 month time should we decide to go via resin production. They come with 25 mm square bases and (as all our regiments) in packs of 20 with full command options and tons of convertibility.

Orcs: The Orcs have been planned and divided in 4 different factions. Although a young company we are very happy to be producing what are maybe the most detailed Orc army miniatures worldwide and for the response they are receiving, we have completed our releases for now for our 1st faction (the Mountain Orcs) which became so welcome in the Community and are currently working on the 2nd, the Valley Orcs. Sculpts -and hopefully painted versions- should show up rather soon :-)

Araves: We have already showed some sculpts ready for regiment tooling, should we decide to abbandon plastic sprue-tooling (which is not our intention at the moment, quite the opposite) we have 3 regiments and a couple of Characters ready for immediate production. Two of our regiments come supplied with 20mm square bases and one regiment comes in 25x50mm bases. In the meanwhile we are preparing something else too for the Lords of the Sand Lands.

Other future factions and races.
(Please note some are main races -meaning one of the 12 planned- and some that are supplementary. We are only mentioning 6 out of 13 currently planned).

Dwarfs: We can't immagine our fantasy world without these interesting fellas, but there are simply too many manufacturers producing dwarfs atm. Although we have some artwork, Shieldwolf has no plans for the bearded race for the next 2 years.

Elves: We have them long now in the pipeline, we have amazing fluff/backround for the Elves, plenty of astonishing artwork and 3D sculpts but nothing to be produced in the very near future. 2015 is more probable/doable. This is a sample of what our first regiment will look like, the Elven Oak Order. Some characteristics will be slightly altered in order to fit our 28mm "bulky" scale but that's relatively easy since the sculpts are in 3D. Also, we noticed that there are extremely few products available that have their heads being bare (i.e. without hoods/helmets), and we find this a shame for the "pointy ears" of our World. We love those ears! Our team will try (and it shows from our initial efforts at least) to leave the most basic characteristic of this race more... evident.

Tragomaxoi: A race of goat warriors, some lovely artwork prepared and a beautiful finished sculpt for now, we didn't have any time to work on their fluff during July/August, hopefully Angelos will draw more inspiration during Autumn. They are on hold.

Goblins: (we promised no further comments other than what we have already said at this point, so bear with us)

The Rebels (Human faction): We have commissioned artwork and currently working on it but no sculpts have been created yet. We also worked a bit more on their book, there is going to be a huge alteration in all our books however (for those who have not been following our brand we've been working on fluff and rules from 2012)!

So, hope you enjoy as much as we do and bear with us till the completion of our plan, next months will be a deciding factor with our upcoming releases :-)

Thank you.
The Shieldwolf Team.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/09/07 14:02:08

Post by: Sirio

Wow! That is a lot of releases, can't wait!!!

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/09/07 18:44:36

Post by: Gallahad

I really like the looks of the Dracontropii and the Arabes.

No need to spill your secrets Shieldwolf, buy my guess is that the next plastic kit we see from you will be Goblins followed by Arabes or Talliareum humans. Likely I'm just wish listing, but I can't wait to see what comes our way next in plastic.

I am also excited for resins!

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/09/07 19:42:43

Post by: corgan

All this look great and promising!! I am a huge fan of your work and mainly of your enthusiasm and dedication to quality!!
I am really excited with all your plans and what you present!
I wish you to do great! You have my support

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/09/08 18:00:43

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

We appreciate the support, I can't reveal much at the moment as gallahad correctly perceived, since these previews are all about sculpted regiments of "frozen" projects that we intended to produce in resin. We have proved to have the knowledge and facilities for mass production and currenlty have the capacity to start releasing (+ have ready in stock obviously) 5 to 6 new regiments/year! But... ->>>we are currently focused in plastic sprue-tooling production -since that's what people have asked us for-. We listen to what you tell us and believe in this since day "one" (even if this means less regiments per year). There is only one other company worldwide (to our knowledge) that keeps on producing all their fantasy range plastic products on sprues. And they will continue to do so I think, we comprehend that, because it's simply the best material currently available to produce units/regiments.

Should we for some reason need to abbandon Renedra (which we hope with your support we will avoid doing), we will probably put all this (and much more) in the resin production line, it's the only way to complete the army game we are working on. We will need core troops. To answer a question we received in our FB page, we will not go into any other plastic production method if this doesn't work. Moulds would cost around 6 times less (we know because we had contacted Chinese factories before going to the UK), but it's too low quality material for Shieldwolf. You get what you pay for, that's no secret. In our opinion resin still remains much superior quality than any other type of plastic would/could ever offer (commonly known as PVC/restic). We really don't mind resculpting if HIPS is the way to go, regardless of it (sprue-tooling) being very costly to do. In the very next months we'll see if what we have prepared will give a definitive asnwer to that.

Anyway, if you liked what you saw today, what you're going to see next will truly capture you. And that's a promise ;-)

Thank you.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/09/11 16:37:07

Post by: howie

I look forward to your goblin previews. Hopefully they'll be similar in aesthetics to GW Gobbos. I've got both GW and Mantic gobbos and I much prefer the look of the GW ones, just the price of the mantic ones are obscenely cheap.

Hopefully you can creek in to the middle ground with great looking and very affordable minis.


Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/09/11 22:02:29

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

We cannot proceed in disclosing any further pictures (as promised in favor of a possible future colleague of ours) till a certain Kickstarter is over. Our Policy is to make our miniatures better regardless of what else is out there. After all, there is space for everyone :-)

Our goblins will look exactly as the one on the picture we released some weeks ago, we are pretty certain our Goblin range will be well received. Bear a bit more with us, you will be seeing them soon enough ;-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/09/11 22:37:21

Post by: Azazelx

The only thing I really take issue with is the slagging off of metal as a material. I like all of the models I've gotten from SW to date, but there's nothing in the resins that could not be reproduced just as well in metal.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/09/11 22:43:30

Post by: highlord tamburlaine


I need them.

Please tell me that if those are "light" infantry, some day we may see HEAVY infantry too!

Can't wait to get my hands on them. I will be purchasing quite a few.

(Also just got one of your trolls last night, and I was really impressed with the crispness of details and the nice resin quality. Good job!)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/09/11 23:30:58

Post by: Bolognesus

 Azazelx wrote:
The only thing I really take issue with is the slagging off of metal as a material. I like all of the models I've gotten from SW to date, but there's nothing in the resins that could not be reproduced just as well in metal.

yeah, but would that be practical? I don't even want to think about having to assemble a 100+ component regiment in metal rather than in resin, tbh...

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/09/12 01:51:13

Post by: heartserenade

Not to mention the weight in shipping.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/09/12 03:33:40

Post by: Azazelx

 Bolognesus wrote:
 Azazelx wrote:
The only thing I really take issue with is the slagging off of metal as a material. I like all of the models I've gotten from SW to date, but there's nothing in the resins that could not be reproduced just as well in metal.

yeah, but would that be practical? I don't even want to think about having to assemble a 100+ component regiment in metal rather than in resin, tbh...

Oh, I prefer multipart kits in plastic etc as well, but for hero models, individuals or single-piece castings, metal is quality.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/09/12 12:37:13

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

@highlord tamburlaine Yes, there will be "Heavy" Dracantropii Infantry, just like there will be "Heavy" Barbarian Infantry. Our game gives them advantages and disadvantages (e.g. currently the "heavy" armor troops have stronger attacks and better armor saves, but are disadvantaged in movement and according to the landscape drawn to fight in, let's say the Dracantropii Jungles or Northern Alliance Snowy Mountains), all will be worked out and playtested till nausea strikes us hard, we already have a team of 6 volunteers from the Greek wargaming Clubs of "Meraklis", "Bearded Hammerers" and "Lion's Den" to playtest our Beta-One (B.1) version which Angelos should have completed by next mid-year. We hope Spring of 2015 but make no promises.

@Azazelx I'm glad you bring this up, it's a chance for us to explain our choice of material. It is true that metal is cheaper than most types of resin (and the mixture of our resin is even more expensive than any other type of resin currently available), plus the fact one can use metal again if the cast doesn't come out well (simply melt it down again) which allows limited losses. Using metal would allow larger profit margins for our Company and justify as heartserenade points out larger P&P expenses, but whilst that is true, no matter which metal type one uses it remains always much grainier/denser than the properties of resin. The only "advantage" metal miniatures may have is the "feeling" given to them when you lift a miniature because of their additional weight but even that is a non-objective advantage since some people find that a minus.
Everything else in our opinion makes it a far worse material for the client. Each manufacturer uses what he thinks best (we respect that) and decided that we will work with resin.

I'm extremely tempted to post a link of a youtube video that came to our attention of an Orc Shaman review, which clearly shows that the quality of our miniatures is as best as it gets, but I'm afraid this would be misinterpreted as showing off the faults of a colleague whose metal mini was compared to ours. So best we leave it at that, we are confident time (and clients) will tell whether our material choice was correct or not.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/09/13 02:35:53

Post by: Azazelx

You're welcome to produce in any material that you choose. That's not my issue. It's with the choice of words:

(for those who are not familiar we at Shieldwolf refuse to work with metal since we consider it a worse and outdated material to work with, penalising the details of a sculpt -among other defects).

With all due respect to you, SW as a whole and your models - which you know that I like, have purchased and am a fan of, there are a great number of models in metal that simply blow away anything that SW (or most companies) have produced to date in terms of detail.

For example, I own most of these, in metal.

Then there are the more contemporary figures from Red Box Games, which again manage to capture the incredible amount of detail found in Tre's sculpts in metal. Reaper are also often a good choice for metal models with lovely fine details. Corvus Belli and their Infinity range?

HIPs and even resin are generally better for multipart models than metal, since pinning is painful. But the tiny amount of detail that is potentially lost between metal and resin would not be an issue for SW's sculpts at their present level. As I said, if you choose not to cast in metal as a personal preference or business decision, that's 100% fine with me. To criticise the material as "not good enough" is just silly.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/09/13 05:04:00

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

@Azazelx OK, reading it again now I'd have to say it does sound too categorical, you're right on the choice of words. Poor choice of words, apologies.
I'm not saying that using metal is something bad, I also wote this above -and repeat- that we respect each manufacturers decisions (including Tre's whose models I really like, I've also posted a comment on his thread :-) because good work should be praised by all) but we have decided on our manufacturing methods and will insist in using resin. That's what I should've written instead of the quoted text above.

I hope this straightens the issue, we find every other manufacturer is a colleague who has something to offer to the Community and again, apologies if anyone got offended or anything similar. *offers hand*

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/10/14 06:47:24

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Uh... I didn't realize those movies ever survived past the age of video. I was younger then, and naive...

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/10/14 18:32:30

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
Uh... I didn't realize those movies ever survived past the age of video. I was younger then, and naive...

@ BobtheInquisitor I'll make it more interesting then, after all, why not have some more fun with it? The first person here at Dakka that guesses correctly any of the upcoming November releases, will get one mailed for free. P&P included.

How's that? :-)

*Note that you have to be specific, meaning if someone says "terrain" or "hero model", that will NOT count. ;-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/10/14 18:44:02

Post by: RivenSkull

 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:
 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
Uh... I didn't realize those movies ever survived past the age of video. I was younger then, and naive...

@ BobtheInquisitor I'll make it more interesting then, after all, why not have some more fun with it? The first person here at Dakka that guesses correctly any of the upcoming November releases, will get one mailed for free. P&P included.

How's that? :-)

*Note that you have to be specific, meaning if someone says "terrain" or "hero model", that will NOT count. ;-)

Well considering that in the past few months, the only things that have been shown are the Dracantropii, demons/infernals, elves, and Araves , and the elves were only in 3d model stage, It's going to be one of the other 3.

The Dracantropii and Demon are the 2 releases I predict to be coming in November. Each of them have apparently been getting multi-piece wip's recently and would be further along than the Araves .

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/10/14 18:55:56

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

 RivenSkull wrote:
 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:
 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
Uh... I didn't realize those movies ever survived past the age of video. I was younger then, and naive...

@ BobtheInquisitor I'll make it more interesting then, after all, why not have some more fun with it? The first person here at Dakka that guesses correctly any of the upcoming November releases, will get one mailed for free. P&P included.

How's that? :-)

*Note that you have to be specific, meaning if someone says "terrain" or "hero model", that will NOT count. ;-)

Well considering that in the past few months, the only things that have been shown are the Dracantropii, demons/infernals, elves, and Araves , and the elves were only in 3d model stage, It's going to be one of the other 3.

The Dracantropii and Demon are the 2 releases I predict to be coming in November. Each of them have apparently been getting multi-piece wip's recently and would be further along than the Araves .

Dracantropii + Daemons. *writes down name*
Any other guesses? :-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/10/14 19:03:59

Post by: Gallahad

I am going to guess a set of terrain statues similar to the one you have on your webstore for monuments of glory, and an arave release for the pillars of destiny.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/10/15 00:07:21

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

 Gallahad wrote:
I am going to guess a set of terrain statues similar to the one you have on your webstore for monuments of glory, and an arave release for the pillars of destiny.

Terrain statues *writes down name*
The competition is for the November releases only (Some people have already been informed on the Pillars of Destiny project, so that would be unfair) :-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/10/15 00:16:36

Post by: carlos13th

I will guess Arabe and Elves. Thats just wishfull thinking on my part.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/10/15 00:25:40

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:
The first person here at Dakka that guesses correctly any of the upcoming November releases, will get one mailed for free. P&P included.

How's that? :-)

*Note that you have to be specific, meaning if someone says "terrain" or "hero model", that will NOT count. ;-)

 carlos13th wrote:
I will guess Arabe and Elves. Thats just wishfull thinking on my part.

OK, Araves+Elves. *makes note* :-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/10/15 00:49:59

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Monuments of Glory release... I guess that it will be a kit for Arave statues/arches that can also be used for defense.

The Pillars of Destiny project sounds like a Kickstarter for a game starter. I would guess that one of the armies is the Araves, and the other is either going to be the dracontropii or the orcs. If I had to guess, it would be orcs because you have more kits and sales data on them. If I had to hope, it would be the Dracontropii.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/10/15 06:28:27

Post by: corgan


This is a very good idea! And in case the news are expected with great interest!!

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/10/15 14:42:42

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

 bbb wrote:
Pan Fo

Lol :-D

*smiles, then makes note*

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/10/16 19:36:08

Post by: Azazelx

I'd like to say it's going to be the first of the goblins, since Minion's KS got cancelled and is being rejigged as large monsters with actual goblins to happen as a metal KS sometime in 2015.

And if it's not the goblins, it should be - now that the competition issue is resolved and before it comes up again! - Get those models to market, mate! Of course, it could also be Pillars of Destiny, but I guess I shouldn't guess about those.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/10/16 20:23:21

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

Goblins and Elves are indeed being very much worked on, but we do not want to exit with just a couple of models, we want to provide a variety when we release a new race. We've already commited that mistake in the past with our Undead and Daemon factions, with people continuously emailing us asking for more (and thus also -very logically- saving on P&P).
Rest assured that they are coming soon enough ;-)

Anyway, I'll mark you down Azazelx for "goblins" *makes note* :-)

P.S. The competition issue has no reason to come up again, we respected it and as far as we are concerned it's over.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/10/17 01:10:45

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Wait. Minion wants to do goblins in metal? In 2015?

I declare Shieldwolf the winner and champion. You may not have felt there was a competition, but Minion clearly did--a competition they had to lose at all costs.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/10/17 02:52:36

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

Have we seen any clue as to what a finished Shieldwolf goblin will look like? I know we saw body sketches a while back, but that's all I remember seeing.

If there's been more, please enlighten me.

I still want that Barbarian Warlord- he reminds me of my Diablo 3 character!

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/10/17 22:19:28

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

Hi everyone,

I'd like to repeat that the competition is still valid in what we are revealing for the month of November, the first person who guesses correctly what will come out in the "Monuments of Glory" release will be rewarded one for FREE, shipping included :-)

@highlord tamburlaine We have not revealed any models, but here's an official "leak" we'll also be posting soon enough in our Facebook page. Angelos has worked a lot on their history (which I believe you will find rather interesting and different from what we usually see with dumb and silly goblins), but he's currently stopped and is working on the Elves.

Here's a very summarizing description:
Goblins in the Shieldwolf World may have a very very little of clumsiness but that's about it, they are definitely not dumb or silly, quite the opposite. Shieldwolf goblins can be described in various words, they are demented, psycho, aggresive, evil, twisted, thieving, cunning. They have shown signs of courage other races would normally envy, and they are known not to have good relations with any other race, they trust no-one and they especially hate Humans and Orcs. They wage war only if it is in their favor, theirs is a war of attrition, where their superior numbers overwhelm the enemy. And it is known that it best to die a swift death than be imprisoned by goblins, where the worst awaits you...

Hope it answers your question.

As you can see it's extremely faithful to the concept artwork, and that is due to the new sculpting team we have been working with for the past year. Additional wolrd-class sculptors have been commissioned or have been booked for a later date, since we want to make things simply exceptional. It is a strange feeling when we had to wait for some sculptors for over a year -we have some that have booked us for 2016!-, but the sculpts we have been producing the past months are simply as good as they get! The funny thing for the sculptors is that almost all of them(!) had been booked for Kickstarters, meaning that while Angelos is directly financing the development of the sculpts, his company had to wait on the sculptors for other manufacturer's sculpts that had been financed from pledgers even a year ahead! The most important part of it all was that the Community has also financed companies that have a "dark past" (we presume at the ignorance of the backers) with ridiculously high pricing, and obviously that penalises and becomes frustrating to manufacturers that are willing to directly finance their products, some -like us- spending several tenths of thousands of pounds in various projects! It inevitably dictates alternative strategies...

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
The Pillars of Destiny project sounds like a Kickstarter for a game starter.

That is correct. Despite the fact current revenue from sales of our range is steady and reassuring, the financial capabilities a crowdfunding project offers would allow Shieldwolf to speed up the production of other HIPS for 28mm heroic fantasy kits, something only one other company worldwide is currently manufacturing (everyone else has dropped out, names are irrelevant and unnecessary). "Shieldwolf:War is coming"(TM) is an army game, not skirmish. This takes requirements at an entirely different level. Also, for some of our armies, there are no "proxies", so we must make them available. We have resisted the cheaper PVC option and frozen all our ready-to-mould resin kits, taking thus a further financial blow. But the Community in our opinion is clear on what it wants, we have received pm's,emails etc and they are all asking us for more "real plastic" kits reasonably priced, thus we are trying our best to sevice it. This alone should speak for itself.

This is the Oak Elf kit, like others we have shown, this also ready to cast in resin and can be available in less than a month, with 2 weapon options and -as always- in regiments of 20s. It was planned to be based on 20mm bases. We are currently sculpting some Elf characters and experimenting 3D sculpts, but the final decisions of what will be included or not will be made one day before the official announcement. Otherwise, we will maybe looking at some of these later in 2015.

But this is a company that is taking carefull steps, learning and evolving with specific plans. Quality has not been compromised, neither has our customer service.
So, these too (i.e. the Elven Oak Order), along with other projects are all put aside in favor of going full plastic for the troops in our game. And this was a decision not easily taken, I can assure you of that!

One may say that all previous Kickstarters who launched in order to finance HIPS have miserably failed, and those who have made it were to finance non-"heroic" scale in the cheaper restic option and not HIPS. The difference with this KS is that it is run from an established manufacturer who also has an additional ace up his sleeve; Shieldwolf will be heavily co-funding it.
And that's enough revelations for one day, we'll be happy to show you some new stuff in November :-)

Thank you.
The Shieldwolf Team.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/10/18 04:06:01

Post by: Gallahad

Fantastic! I love the Goblin sculpt, and the news is very exciting!

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/10/18 21:44:54

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
The Pillars of Destiny project sounds like a Kickstarter for a game starter.

That is correct.

So, I guessed correctly? Does that mean I won something?

I'm a winner, guys. I totally won something. Guys, guys, I won. My luck has changed now; it's all finally starting to pay off.
Because I won.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/10/19 02:41:31

Post by: Gallahad

Uhhh....I hate to break it to you Bob, but I think the contest was just for the November release. Maybe you will still win that one?

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/10/19 03:53:03

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

 Gallahad wrote:
Uhhh....I hate to break it to you Bob, but I think the contest was just for the November release. Maybe you will still win that one?

No no no, man, it's cool. I totally won this. Like a boss!

It's a good thing, too, 'cause I really need this win.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/10/19 12:58:42

Post by: Alpharius

Bob, you're always a winner in my book!

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/10/20 05:37:20

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

 Alpharius wrote:
Bob, you're always a winner in my book!

It's a book of Lottery tickets, right?

Hey guys, I won the Lotto! No need for Shieldwolf's free prize now, 'cause I just won the Lotto.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/15 15:46:51

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

Hi all!!!

So, project "Monuments of Glory" slowly released, we have more coming in the next few days :-)
Shieldwolf Miniatures enters a new category, that of the busts. First 4 are sculpted by the extremely talented Giorgos Tsougkouzidis.
Hope you like them.

In the meanwhile, our largest project of all, that of "Pillars of Destiny" which has taken trully a lot of work, time and funds is ahead of schedule!
Although in theory it could be launched within the next couple of weeks, we will be 99% launching mid January- early February 2015...
A huge innovative project co-funded by this Company, with exclusive top-quality European manufacturing and a precise list of stretch goals. Meaning if all are reached, there will be no more.
More info coming soon.... :-)

Edit: Ah, forgot. Azazelx won the competition, so a goblin bust will soon be on it's way to Australia. Hope you like it... ;-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/15 18:29:08

Post by: grefven

The goblin bust, in particular, looks awesome, and I don't usually like busts. So great job.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/15 19:06:58

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

@ grefven Thanks Grefven, I too believe it has plenty of character and that's what brings a mini to life! :-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/15 21:11:28

Post by: Azazelx

Wow! And well.. I was not expecting that to happen.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/16 03:59:26

Post by: carlos13th

Those busts are fantastically detailed. I even like the goblin and I almost never like goblin miniatures.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
a precise list of stretch goals. Meaning if all are reached, there will be no more.

Very smart move. More people should work that way to ensure they don't overextend themselves.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/16 08:30:49

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

 Azazelx wrote:
Wow! And well.. I was not expecting that to happen.

Hope you like it! You will be receiving an automated email when it's shipped. :-)

 carlos13th wrote:
Those busts are fantastically detailed. I even like the goblin and I almost never like goblin miniatures.

Thanks! Pleases us even more, means we mut' ve done a really good job I guess :-)

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 carlos13th wrote:

a precise list of stretch goals. Meaning if all are reached, there will be no more.

Very smart move. More people should work that way to ensure they don't overextend themselves.

Don't know carlos13th if it's a smart move or not but we think it's an honest approach we are no KS company. Everything we have produced has been from Angelo's pockets, we have never asked others for backing before nor are we willing to make this a trend. The crowdfunding route was almost dictated to us from the huge crowd it attracts away from bussiness practices like ours. In 2 years we have poured a larger capital than most of any other colleagues we know of and are pouring tenths of thousands of pounds in this one as well. We have no experience in this but consider ourselves accountable to our backers and will try our best to prove them right, we currenltly have a 100% perfect customer track record and we are not willing to compromise that.
This is what we have calculated and this is what we can offer. You will not be seeing any "sketch" artwork from us, nor some dozen sculpts WiP (which lately some creators don't even bother with). We make fun of such practices, although according to our findings they -apparently- work well with others. Our bussiness is to make ourselves always better, not interfere with others. Quoting Angelos -who has repeated this like 1000 times- "A good product is always a good product. No matter what!". But with all this crowdfundings going around it obviously seems we had no valid options left :-(
Anyway, a huge KS project we have been working on since April 29th, the date we revised Company Policy according to the Market's function. 5 complete 28mm "heroic" scale armies. Top of the line sculptors commissioned for this. No 3rd country production, no PVC, no restic, no thousands of $$$ for stretch goals of 1single small (!) mini (Lol). 100% eropean manufacturing, with our name on top of it. Best materials worldwide. Innovative. With superb artwork, with models that vary from 20mm to 100mm bases, with some models already painted for the people to see exactly what they will be receiving. And, our co-funding! :-)

More coming within the next few days. You can expect... the unexpected! ;-)

(Edited for spelling mistakes)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/16 08:50:22

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

100mm bases?

Do go on...

Are the 5 armies you plan on funding ones we've already seen, or 5 totally new and different than what you've teased so far?

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/16 10:03:48

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

20mm, 25mm, 40mm, 50mm and 100mm. Troops in HIPS and everything else in our polyurethane resin.
To our knowledge some of these armies do not currently exist by any other manufacturer in this scale, others however do in different esthetics/vision.
Can't say much more, we will be revealing the first army this week, little by little more and more pieces of the puzzle will show up...

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/16 11:09:55

Post by: Piston Honda

I'm interested.

You don't see too many wargame companies coming out of Greece, do ya?

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/16 17:54:19

Post by: Mymearan

5 armies... In HIPS... 28mm.. By a company that had already proven it can make GW-quality HIPS sprues. My god. I have to start saving. Right now.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/16 22:25:30

Post by: RiTides

 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:
Can't say much more, we will be revealing the first army this week, little by little more and more pieces of the puzzle will show up...

Looking forward to the reveal this week

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/16 23:59:01

Post by: Gallahad

I'm interested! I hope that you are just 'revealing' to project in December and not launching it. Basically everybody stateside will need some time for our wallets to recover from Christmas/Thanksgiving.

I also hope that you have an initial funding goal that is "low" with appropriate stretchgoals, meaning you aren't asking for the funds to tool five armies from the get go, rather the funds to tool half a sprue or something.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/17 00:09:39

Post by: Alpharius

Did SW mention if they'd be coming out with their own rules too?

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/17 21:16:55

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

 Gallahad wrote:
I'm interested! I hope that you are just 'revealing' to project in December and not launching it. Basically everybody stateside will need some time for our wallets to recover from Christmas/Thanksgiving.

Doing so in December is suicidal. Official date will be announced some time before and we are currently looking at mid/late-January but may just as well be begining of February.
 Gallahad wrote:

I also hope that you have an initial funding goal that is "low" with appropriate stretchgoals, meaning you aren't asking for the funds to tool five armies from the get go, rather the funds to tool half a sprue or something.

It's much lower than you'd expect. A lot of discussion was put into this and we tested a range of options. We believe to have come up with the best -and most reasonable- solution. The entire structure of the campaign will offer a wide variety of minis from each race/faction, with HIPS as choke-point stretch goals.
 Alpharius wrote:
Did SW mention if they'd be coming out with their own rules too?

In theory, we can still deliver a beta-version of our game just in time for the campaign even if we prefer to have them tested as much as possible first. We have playtested till nausea, but we want other people -and minds- to see for themselves. We are currently talking to people -and gaming clubs- worldwide to see if they can help us out after Easter 2015. Anyway, this has not been decided yet.
The campaign -for now at least, although most probable to remain as such-, stands as "miniatures only" campaign.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/20 01:01:21

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

First army has been revealed, one down and 4 to go! :-)
In the following 2 months we will be releasing more information and reviewing sculpts and artwork.
Hope you will enjoy the ride as much as we!

"...At times the King himself would take a handfull of faithful warriors and head over to the Kingdom of Talliareum to pilage the villages. But what made this Orc different, was that instead of killing everyone in his path, he kidnapped Humans of certain crafts, like blacksmiths and architects.

He enslaved them and had them work for him. This was very strange behaviour for the Orcs and they initially thought the King was going mad. Aburgoth wasn't called The Terrible for no reason however and obviously no-one dared challenge him.

As time passed, the Valley Orcs came to appreciate what they were learning. Their weaponry became better and their towers didn't risk crumbling any longer when a fierce storm hit their settlements. With time, the greenskinned warriors developed such an arsenal that no other Orc faction could match. Heavy armored warriors who would create an impenetratable thick shieldwall and when close enough would engage the enemy to deliver them death... "

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/20 21:48:44

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

Big hammer is big.

Orcs deserve big hammers once in a while. They also deserve to get to wear real armor. Hate the ramshackle nonsense you usually see orcs wearing. Dude looks ready (or at least was in the process of already) to get his fight on.

The fact that he is able to stand upright compared to his hunched over and half naked mountain relatives is a plus.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/21 00:26:56

Post by: judgedoug

Looking great. Did I miss or has it not been stated what the first few hard plastic kits would be?

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/21 00:56:56

Post by: Longstrider

Well, I just read this thread from top to bottom and went to check out Shieldwolf's site.

I must say I'm cautiously excited. I haven't held any of the minis in person, but from the photos of what seem to be actual minis, they look to be of very nice quality and for a good price.

I really hope - and it sounds like they've put a lot into this - that SW takes the opportunity with hard plastic minis to make them as modular as possible - weapon options and the like to maximise the use we all get out of each sprue. Things like the head/neck and arm/shoulder joints being compatible amongst species and so on.

Regardless, an ordered progression of stretch goals that actually correspond to appropriate costs, and no overextending with hamfisted ideas and no planning? That sounds like the sort of campaign I could really get behind. And I LIKE the occasional kickstarter that goes off the wall, but almost none of the ones I've backed that have done that have delivered on time.

So, anyone want to hazard a guess what the other four armies will be? I'm quite excited to see any of the ones SW has suggested, but offhand I'd prefer Elves, Dracantropii, Araves and Goblins, and probably in that order - I just hope their Araves don't become cheap historical stereotypes though in the background, but it sounds like SW has put a lot of thought in, so I'm optimistic on that part.

In terms of what's perhaps more likely than just fulfilling my person demands - goblins would be a shoe-in though, since in a lot of fantasy worlds they join up alongside orcs. Undead as well probably, because everyone and their uncle seems to find them fascinating, which I've never understood - but hey, it takes all kinds. I feel like European-medieval style humans would be kind of a waste at this point, since there's so much historical stuff out in plastic now, unless SW has a REALLY cool concept to change them up dramatically. Infernals and Barbarians could be a possibility too since they're already in resin, but that might be a reason not to get into them at this moment.

Regardless, I'm quite excited for it - and as much as I'd like to see the KS up so I can have minis sooner, delaying till after the Christmas craziness is probably a great idea.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/21 08:16:44

Post by: Pete Melvin

Well, I am certainly interested in this one for sure. I do so love Orcs and Shieldwolf Orcs are very nice indeed. Awaiting KS eagerly.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/21 09:46:28

Post by: Cergorach

I found the mountain Orcs quite interesting, something a little different from the standard Orcs we know. The plastics look very good.

That said, I have concerns.
#1 hybrid range: I love good plastics, I generally dislike resins/metals, especially for mass battle systems like this. The reason I am not buying more Mantic high elves is because they made their infantry plastic and their cavalry metal/restic. The reason why I haven't acquired a couple of boxes of plastic Mountain Orcs is because the chariots are all resin. I want such 'core' units all in plastic before I commit to a unique range (like the Mountain Orcs).
#2 You've shown with one plastic boxed set that you can commission good plastics, but one product doesn't make a trend for good plastics. Might be a good idea to release another plastic product (or two) before the launch of the KS.
#3 Isn't five armies a bit much, knowing Renandra they don't have the production capacity to do five armies worth of plastics the last time I checked with them (a year and a half plus wait time for new open production slots).

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/21 09:56:56

Post by: Pete Melvin

Cergorach wrote:
I found the mountain Orcs quite interesting, something a little different from the standard Orcs we know. The plastics look very good.

That said, I have concerns.
#1 hybrid range: I love good plastics, I generally dislike resins/metals, especially for mass battle systems like this. The reason I am not buying more Mantic high elves is because they made their infantry plastic and their cavalry metal/restic. The reason why I haven't acquired a couple of boxes of plastic Mountain Orcs is because the chariots are all resin. I want such 'core' units all in plastic before I commit to a unique range (like the Mountain Orcs).
#2 You've shown with one plastic boxed set that you can commission good plastics, but one product doesn't make a trend for good plastics. Might be a good idea to release another plastic product (or two) before the launch of the KS.
#3 Isn't five armies a bit much, knowing Renandra they don't have the production capacity to do five armies worth of plastics the last time I checked with them (a year and a half plus wait time for new open production slots).

Just my 2 pennies:

1: Thats a personal preference thing. It matters not a jot to me if they are plastic, resin or metal (id prefer they were not restic, but even that seems to have improved slightly). As a primarily historical player if I waited for plastic kits for the timelines or ranges I want to game with I'd be waiting a long time.
2: Plastic kits are expensive to tool. It may be the case that without the KS they simply cannot do any more plastics in the near to mid future
3: Perhaps they've already been in contact with Renedra and organised a slot? Time will tell.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/21 10:14:34

Post by: corgan

 Pete Melvin wrote:
Cergorach wrote:
I found the mountain Orcs quite interesting, something a little different from the standard Orcs we know. The plastics look very good.

That said, I have concerns.
#1 hybrid range: I love good plastics, I generally dislike resins/metals, especially for mass battle systems like this. The reason I am not buying more Mantic high elves is because they made their infantry plastic and their cavalry metal/restic. The reason why I haven't acquired a couple of boxes of plastic Mountain Orcs is because the chariots are all resin. I want such 'core' units all in plastic before I commit to a unique range (like the Mountain Orcs).
#2 You've shown with one plastic boxed set that you can commission good plastics, but one product doesn't make a trend for good plastics. Might be a good idea to release another plastic product (or two) before the launch of the KS.
#3 Isn't five armies a bit much, knowing Renandra they don't have the production capacity to do five armies worth of plastics the last time I checked with them (a year and a half plus wait time for new open production slots).

Just my 2 pennies:

1: Thats a personal preference thing. It matters not a jot to me if they are plastic, resin or metal (id prefer they were not restic, but even that seems to have improved slightly). As a primarily historical player if I waited for plastic kits for the timelines or ranges I want to game with I'd be waiting a long time.
2: Plastic kits are expensive to tool. It may be the case that without the KS they simply cannot do any more plastics in the near to mid future
3: Perhaps they've already been in contact with Renedra and organised a slot? Time will tell.

1. Indeed it's a personal thing, although I understand what you say. The impression that has been created to me is that the minis for units will be in plastic (like mountain orcs) and the individuals, which need a higher level of detail will be in resin (but real resin like Mierce's, not restic or trollcasr or anything).
2. I think this the goal of the KS. To fund as many as possible plastic sprues. If this is the case this would make it one of the few KS casmpaigns so far that give actual plastic sprues.
3. I don't know about this.I suppose it's a production issue, which will be clarified through the KS campaign. I am sure that Shieldwolf will give a clear answer on that. Let's also wait and see when the estimated delivery dates are going to be.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/21 10:20:37

Post by: Cergorach

@Pete "2 pennies" Melvin:

That's of course true, but I'm certainly not the only one that feels this way. It's also a simple fact that resin/metal is more expensive for the consumer then plastic, that's an issue in itself. The GW Orc plastic chariot is still cheaper then the SW chariots, especially when you can get 20% discount on GW easily and not with SW products. It's not a defect with the product, it's a reason why they don't have more sales.

They might not, they might. It just might improve their reputation for the KS and reputation is everything with KS.

Organizing a slot with Renedra is possible, but they would need a lot of slots for 5 armies, and they don't know how many yet because they don't know how the KS is going to end up...

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/21 11:02:46

Post by: Pete Melvin

Cergorach wrote:
@Pete "2 pennies" Melvin:

That's of course true, but I'm certainly not the only one that feels this way. It's also a simple fact that resin/metal is more expensive for the consumer then plastic, that's an issue in itself. The GW Orc plastic chariot is still cheaper then the SW chariots, especially when you can get 20% discount on GW easily and not with SW products. It's not a defect with the product, it's a reason why they don't have more sales.

They might not, they might. It just might improve their reputation for the KS and reputation is everything with KS.

Organizing a slot with Renedra is possible, but they would need a lot of slots for 5 armies, and they don't know how many yet because they don't know how the KS is going to end up...

Oh I never thought you were the only one, I have some friends who will only consider plastic. I have a slight preference for metal myself but am happy for things to be plastic, especially where you have big ranks of dudes, its easier to contruct the rank so it fits for starters. For me, choosing one mini over another is a balance between cost and aesthetic. If the cost differential is not lolhuge then I'll choose the mini I prefer over the cheaper one every time. I realise that puts me in a privileged position, and not everyone can neccesarily do that.

I agree that the production slot issue does need adressed. Many is the KS that has fallen at this hurdle when it proved more popular than the creator first estimated.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/21 14:47:02

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

Hi guys, I'm very happy people enter to share their opinions in our thread, I'll try to answer as much as possible.
(sorry if I leave something out, I will not do it on purpose, lol!)

Thanks for that! :-)

 highlord tamburlaine wrote:
Big hammer is big. Orcs deserve big hammers once in a while. They also deserve to get to wear real armor. Hate the ramshackle nonsense you usually see orcs wearing. Dude looks ready (or at least was in the process of already) to get his fight on.
The fact that he is able to stand upright compared to his hunched over and half naked mountain relatives is a plus.

Each of the four factions is different. The Mountain Orcs had to show/represent the savagery and haste to enter close combat. The Valley Orcs are the most disciplined faction and with a fluff people are not used to maybe, they do not wear scrap, they have a respected history of their own. The Valley Orc Warlord with 2-handed weapon (in this case maul) pictured above -a model that has already been sculpted- wears heavy armor and lacks the bit of fur that is in the clothing of the Valley Orcs. These use more something like a Warcraft Orcs vestiary.

 judgedoug wrote:
Looking great. Did I miss or has it not been stated what the first few hard plastic kits would be?

No, we havent' but people will know exactly which plastic kits we want to fund before the campaign starts. Do trust me when I tell you that plastics are not the only thing you will be drooling over on this project. Yes, "drooling over", I'm very aware of what I'm saying :-)

Longstrider wrote:
Well, I just read this thread from top to bottom and went to check out Shieldwolf's site.

I must say I'm cautiously excited. I haven't held any of the minis in person, but from the photos of what seem to be actual minis, they look to be of very nice quality and for a good price.

I really hope - and it sounds like they've put a lot into this - that SW takes the opportunity with hard plastic minis to make them as modular as possible - weapon options and the like to maximise the use we all get out of each sprue. Things like the head/neck and arm/shoulder joints being compatible amongst species and so on.

We listen to what people tell us. When we first came out with the Death Deceivers and Heavy Skeleton regiments people were asking for more detail. When we followed with the Light Barbarian Infantry people were more pleased but still asked for more dynamism and if possible, hard plastic. When we came out with the Mountain Orc Infantry people asked us for more bits left on the sprues. They also asked to produce more kits and maintain price range the same. Now, it's obvious we have put a lot into this, even if that's not what we initially wanted we think we are entitled to have our shot in a crowdfunding project. We will produce more kits, there will be more bits left on the sprues, we will not skip to the easy/cheaper solution of restic/PVC etc. But, we will need your support and comments/suggestions like the one above :-)
Longstrider wrote:

Regardless, an ordered progression of stretch goals that actually correspond to appropriate costs, and no overextending with hamfisted ideas and no planning? That sounds like the sort of campaign I could really get behind. And I LIKE the occasional kickstarter that goes off the wall, but almost none of the ones I've backed that have done that have delivered on time.

You have my word -and you can quote me on this-, that if all stretch goals are reached, we will not overextend. People will know exactly what's the last stretch goal and with which the campaign will finish.

Longstrider wrote:

So, anyone want to hazard a guess what the other four armies will be? I'm quite excited to see any of the ones SW has suggested, but offhand I'd prefer Elves, Dracantropii, Araves and Goblins, and probably in that order - I just hope their Araves don't become cheap historical stereotypes though in the background, but it sounds like SW has put a lot of thought in, so I'm optimistic on that part.

In terms of what's perhaps more likely than just fulfilling my person demands - goblins would be a shoe-in though, since in a lot of fantasy worlds they join up alongside orcs. Undead as well probably, because everyone and their uncle seems to find them fascinating, which I've never understood - but hey, it takes all kinds. I feel like European-medieval style humans would be kind of a waste at this point, since there's so much historical stuff out in plastic now, unless SW has a REALLY cool concept to change them up dramatically. Infernals and Barbarians could be a possibility too since they're already in resin, but that might be a reason not to get into them at this moment.

Regardless, I'm quite excited for it - and as much as I'd like to see the KS up so I can have minis sooner, delaying till after the Christmas craziness is probably a great idea.

CONTEST!!! :-)
Anyone who guesses what the 5 armies we have prepared for the Kickstarter campaign are, will get to pick one of the 4 busts we are producing for the "Monuments of Glory" release mailed free of charge to him.

Should make this more fun... :-)

*marks Longstrider for Orcs, and...?*

 Pete Melvin wrote:
Well, I am certainly interested in this one for sure. I do so love Orcs and Shieldwolf Orcs are very nice indeed. Awaiting KS eagerly.

Thank you, we'll try to give you reason NOT to be dissapointed :-)

Cergorach wrote:
I found the mountain Orcs quite interesting, something a little different from the standard Orcs we know. The plastics look very good.

That said, I have concerns.
#1 hybrid range: I love good plastics, I generally dislike resins/metals, especially for mass battle systems like this. The reason I am not buying more Mantic high elves is because they made their infantry plastic and their cavalry metal/restic. The reason why I haven't acquired a couple of boxes of plastic Mountain Orcs is because the chariots are all resin. I want such 'core' units all in plastic before I commit to a unique range (like the Mountain Orcs).

I appreciate the concern and If you allow me I'd like to write a response. :-)
I think that other companies also produce hybrid models (even the largest company in the market) and once painted one can't really tell the difference (the chariots are actually our only hybrid model). We wanted to have 2 resin models for the crew but it lifted production time and costs too much for us to be competitive. If you want to know however for this campaign, we haven't planned for any hybrid models nor do we want this to become a trend. I appreciate the occasion you are offering with the concern to point this out.
-> Core units in HIPS, everything else in polyurethane resin. NO hybrids! :-)
Cergorach wrote:
#2 You've shown with one plastic boxed set that you can commission good plastics, but one product doesn't make a trend for good plastics. Might be a good idea to release another plastic product (or two) before the launch of the KS.

Allow me to disagree, one product does make a good trend if one continues using the same methods and doesn't alter them. You are saying we should produce more plastics on our own, well actually that was the plan, but it would be a very very high risk. And we are VERY happy that we didn't move on and instead spent all these months (nine months counting November and at least 1 more needed). Let me explain. Let's assume for example that we kept on doing what we were doing and kept on with our initial plan. That meant we were tolling Daemons Infantry at Renedra as we speak. I'm not sure if you are familiar with the costs of HIPS, but in order to have an idea a much smaller manufacturer than us asked something like 80,000 GBP lately for 2 plastic regiments to be tooled at the same facility. And that was without a command sprue. I probably shouldn't even be telling you this but we do have the funds to produce yet another kit, without even having to depend on current sales. Do you know how much time it would take us to make back enough of our investment to move on to a 3rd kit? Years. We do not want to wait for years, and if people share that impatience of ours, then we can do this collectively. Going back to my example, something similar to our Daemon Infantry has been recently over-funded by another colleague and competitor who spent a tiny-tiny fraction on artwork much simpler than ours and didn't even have to co-fund the KS project. And we are not even talking about the same quality and for someone that has already been funded in the past for similar fantasy army projects (with results which I will restrain myself to openly judge). I'm a very passionate person for fantasy but I'm also a bussinesman and I'm going to try my best to make this company thrive. The very fact tiny Shieldwolf and the largest company worldwide are the only ones that keep on tooling quality plastics (not to wonder why it's in Europe and no some other 3rd wolrd country/continent) brings great pride and should speak for itself.
Guess we did the right thing not to throw our money in something people have already bought in the last days and which will be coming out in a year from now. As I said, VERY happy with our call :-)

I don't want to shoot numbers, but a company that has already spent thousands of pounds without crowdfunding, should be taken seriously enough. I'm very sorry if you believe that does not suffice and I too hope you will support me and my company in this effort of ours :-)
Cergorach wrote:
#3 Isn't five armies a bit much, knowing Renedra they don't have the production capacity to do five armies worth of plastics the last time I checked with them (a year and a half plus wait time for new open production slots).
You are indeed correct. We have never missed a deadline, we have great knowledge of the tooling times and costs, we will need at least 11 months before starting to deliver and we have already gone into the expense of sculpting EVERY 3-up part necessary for the 1st kit. That's some thousands of pounds that may be thrown outside the window if we do not succeed, but we believe in this and we want to show commitment. As I said, it will not be only artwork you'll be seeing from us.

 Pete Melvin wrote:
Cergorach wrote:
I found the mountain Orcs quite interesting, something a little different from the standard Orcs we know. The plastics look very good.

That said, I have concerns.
#1 hybrid range: I love good plastics, I generally dislike resins/metals, especially for mass battle systems like this. The reason I am not buying more Mantic high elves is because they made their infantry plastic and their cavalry metal/restic. The reason why I haven't acquired a couple of boxes of plastic Mountain Orcs is because the chariots are all resin. I want such 'core' units all in plastic before I commit to a unique range (like the Mountain Orcs).
#2 You've shown with one plastic boxed set that you can commission good plastics, but one product doesn't make a trend for good plastics. Might be a good idea to release another plastic product (or two) before the launch of the KS.
#3 Isn't five armies a bit much, knowing Renandra they don't have the production capacity to do five armies worth of plastics the last time I checked with them (a year and a half plus wait time for new open production slots).

Just my 2 pennies:

1: Thats a personal preference thing. It matters not a jot to me if they are plastic, resin or metal (id prefer they were not restic, but even that seems to have improved slightly). As a primarily historical player if I waited for plastic kits for the timelines or ranges I want to game with I'd be waiting a long time.
2: Plastic kits are expensive to tool. It may be the case that without the KS they simply cannot do any more plastics in the near to mid future
3: Perhaps they've already been in contact with Renedra and organised a slot? Time will tell.

1. You covered me completely.
2. Actually the risk was too great to sink the company in not producing any other plastic for many years to come.
3. We have exact timings and slots, Renedra has been informed for all the plastic kits we have scheduled and I can reveal that if the campaign goes well, the first plastic kit will commence tooling some 30 days after it has ended, with us in the meanwhile working on everything else. The people at Renedra know us and we have worked before, it brings us to a whole different level of communication and collaboration.

I saved the best for last. When I deal with people, I want to treat them as I'd like to be treated myself. I live by this rule and it has brought me far I think.
We've seen in our research that various Kickstarters offered minis that didn't look anything like the ones initially shown. That's fine.
We've seen people complain that manufacturers changed their production methods from those initially shown (e.g. from HIPS/resin to PVC). That's fine, no problem.
We've seen people argue that the creator overpromised. No sweat.
We've seen people spending hundreds of $$$ and being very sorry for supporting the project. Don't give a damn.
We've seen people get really frustrated by the missing/faulty parts they receive. Cool.
And you know why? Because this campaign is as serious as it gets. We have planned for everything but life is life and problems may appear out of nowhere. If for whatever reason you are not pleased with us, you can mail us back the items once you receive them for a full refund, no questions asked. Yap, that's a MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE. A sorry doesn't work for us, I don't do apologies.

Thanks for reading and hope you support us.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/21 15:09:38

Post by: Mymearan

Well you have won me over. Seldom have I seen a company on Kickstarter have such clear and reasonable answers to all concerns... and this before the campaign even starts!

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/21 15:31:15

Post by: Alpharius

I'll guess!

1) Orcs (Ha!)
2) Medieval Humans
3) Elves
4) Lizard Men (Highlordin' it up in here!!!)
5) Beastmen

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/21 15:38:39

Post by: judgedoug


Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/21 15:51:43

Post by: Pete Melvin

 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:

...a whole lot of things which are good

Thanks for reading and hope you support us.

Well I've got tosay I enjoyed that post by SW, it was open, informative and friendly. Games&Gears-commence taking notes.
You already had me interested, I'm halfway sold now.


Human (Kingdom of Talliareum)
Northern Alliance

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/21 16:35:22

Post by: carlos13th

Valley Orcs
Arabian Humans

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/21 16:37:10

Post by: Cergorach

@Shieldwolf Miniatures: Sounds good, I'll be keeping an eye on more plastics in the KS.

GBP80k for two Regiments/sprues? A few years ago that was more like GBP30k (which was already a LOT when compared to costs in China). The advantage is of course, your going to save a ton on shipping from China ;-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/21 19:51:05

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

We've had contact with Chinese factories before going to Renedra, going plastic had to correspond to what the company's quality reflected. I personally flew to England to see the facilities and meet the people there.
Apart from the fact their quality is not to our standards, Chinese shipping isn't as expensive as you may think, they have government laws that assist exports. And plastic sprues do have to fly from England to Athens also. :-)

Edit: One last thing I wanted to mention, this contest should have a deadline,so it's over on December 1st. By then we will have declared the winner and if it's no-one, then we will simply reveal our 2nd planned army for this campaign...

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/21 21:57:13

Post by: primalexile

Valley Orcs
Asian Humans
Wood Elves

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/21 22:10:06

Post by: RiTides

Shieldwolf - Wait, could you clarify that? I think I misread it the first time, but you are going with Renedra for tooling, right?

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/21 22:25:47

Post by: carlos13th

We have exact timings and slots, Renedra has been informed for all the plastic kits we have scheduled and I can reveal that if the campaign goes well, the first plastic kit will commence tooling some 30 days after it has ended, with us in the meanwhile working on everything else. The people at Renedra know us and we have worked before, it brings us to a whole different level of communication and collaboration.

yeah they are

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/21 23:09:15

Post by: Azazelx

Valley? Orcs & Goblins
Kingdom of Hell
Oak Elves

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/22 00:04:23

Post by: overtyrant

Dark druid humans

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/22 06:37:53

Post by: Piston Honda

Looking forward to this a lot more. Can't wait to see more Orcs and what you do with the barbarians. The goat people (Tragomaxoi) doesn't sound very appealing, would rather see Wulfen as a faction if we have to see other humanoid animals, unless you are going for a more demon like goat style?

By the way you are in competition now with Mierce for funky names I can't pronounce.

Bring on more of those Iksar looking guys, they are fun

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/22 08:45:47

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

 RiTides wrote:
Shieldwolf - Wait, could you clarify that? I think I misread it the first time, but you are going with Renedra for tooling, right?

As carlos13th said, yap!

 Piston Honda wrote:
Looking forward to this a lot more. Can't wait to see more Orcs and what you do with the barbarians. The goat people (Tragomaxoi) doesn't sound very appealing, would rather see Wulfen as a faction if we have to see other humanoid animals, unless you are going for a more demon like goat style?

By the way you are in competition now with Mierce for funky names I can't pronounce.

Bring on more of those Iksar looking guys, they are fun

Actually these are Greek names written in latin, tragomaxoi comes from tragos=goat and max(h)imos=combatant.
I don't really follow them but where do you think Mierce fishes some of their names I've seen? E.g. ever wondered what agriosavra means in Greek?
I'll give you a hint, it's written αγριοσαύρα, try going to google translate and breaking it up in αγριο σαύρα

Anyway, don't you want to get a shot at the contest? :-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/22 09:05:27

Post by: Piston Honda

I'm guessing Dracantropii follows the same method?


my guess

Valley Orcs
The Araves
Humans (Kingdom of Talliareum)
Elves (oak order)
Demon guy - kingdom of hell

Edit again: am I suppose to guess the exact name for instance Tragomaxoi? Or is goat people good enough?

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/22 11:40:21

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

Yes! Draki in Greek means Dragons and Antropi= Humans.
Thus a human dragon race, just altered the spelling a bit for the copyrights we wanted to secure :-)

Guessing the exact name, no! We'll be more than happy if one of you guesses them correctly :-)
You can wite Tragomaxoi/Goat people/Beastmen just like (e.g.) Humans/Medieval people/Kingdom of Talliareum, they all work just fine and count for the same thing, we will not play with words! :-D
Araves or Asian people are different guesses though since they are different concepts/races, can't have everything count as "Humans", we have already revealed we have plans for the "more-like-human" races of Kingdom of Talliareum,The Rebels and Araves, so they obviously are not the same thing.

Hope I made sense, lol! :-)

From the guesses above, some races you got right, some you didn't!

 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:
20mm, 25mm, 40mm, 50mm and 100mm. Troops in HIPS and everything else in our polyurethane resin.
To our knowledge some of these armies do not currently exist by any other manufacturer in this scale, others however do in different esthetics/vision.
Can't say much more, we will be revealing the first army this week, little by little more and more pieces of the puzzle will show up...

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/22 17:03:20

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Uh, Shadokesh?

I'm not good at guessing games, but plastic dragonmen or high fantasy araves would get me buying.

And orgros, of course.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/22 20:48:36

Post by: highlord tamburlaine


I don't care about the rest.

If I have to play the game though, here's my guesses-
Maybe a beastman race besides goats? More canines that aren't wolves? Jackals? Hyenas/ Gnolls?
The Arab inspired guys
Something aquatic?
Cultists or some sort of bad guys in hooded robes
The orcs and goblins you already were showing?

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/22 20:51:25

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

For the araves, I really hope to see some Harryhause Sinbad influences, with a touch of Zelda's Aganhim and Disney's Jafar for the sorcerers. Maybe a bit of The Desert Spear's ward-craft for decoration (kind of like Islamic art that uses script and repeating patterns instead of drawn images, but with magical runes).

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/22 21:43:37

Post by: Malkaven

1) Orcs
2) Trolls
3) Barbarians
4) Goblins
5) Undead

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/22 22:30:49

Post by: Alpharius

 highlord tamburlaine wrote:

Maybe a beastman race besides goats? More canines that aren't wolves? Jackals? Hyenas/ Gnolls?

Barzam, is that you?

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/23 03:47:17

Post by: Gallahad

OK, here are my guesses/wishlist

1. Orcs (given)
2. Goblins
3. Beastmen
4. Elves
5. Wolfen

I want standard old goat/cow style beastmen. And Wolfen. I have an insatiable thirst for Wolfen.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/23 05:40:42

Post by: AlexHolker

My wishlist is very short: women.

And here's some guesses/ideas beyond the mountain orcs and Arabian humans:

1. Naga/Lamia.
2. Centaurs/Cervitaurs.
3. Titans (Giants, but not ugly morons).

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/23 09:12:02

Post by: Pete Melvin

 AlexHolker wrote:
My wishlist is very short: women.

And here's some guesses/ideas beyond the mountain orcs and Arabian humans:

1. Naga/Lamia.
2. Centaurs/Cervitaurs.
3. Titans (Giants, but not ugly morons).

Clever titans would be cool for a change. The whole "hey this guy is big so is clearly dumb" shtick is pretty boring.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/23 10:57:39

Post by: Azazelx

Not a wishlist, but a "guess what's already in the pipeline".

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/24 18:46:00

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

Well, a lot of ideas and feedback of what people would like to see, 2nd army to be revealed on December 1st as announced (nobody has found them yet). :-(
So, a quick video we put together yesterday afternoon as an additional teaser, it's a little rushed but we want to show the level of work put into this. The design you see is obviously not what the final result looks like (which was finished over a month ago), also because this is artwork commissioned by us that we wish to use in our rulebook (even our draft 1.a already includes some, but we prefer enrich it as much as possible).
We find such illustrations a joy that make both reading and gaming much more enjoyable! :-)

With the feedback received (and the expereince we already had) we try to take in account when creating any new model that it is

* easy to stand/balance on the base
* sturdy enough when transported
* easy to assemble
* dynamic
* detailed
* innovative
* better/superior to whatever else is currently available (that is not easy to assess/ be objective on)

We will be very happy to hear what you think of this once it is released/revealed :-D
This is only 1 out of the 4 centerpieces our Team has planned for, this particular one stands on a 100mmx50mm base.

Thank you.
The Shieldwolf Team.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/24 19:50:04

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

I kept waiting for the video to spoil who was riding that dragon, and it never did!

That was one big sword in the rider's hand though!

Color me excited!

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/24 21:02:25

Post by: carlos13th

Second army is going to be something similar to qunari from dragon age.

I hope.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/24 21:49:45

Post by: corgan

 carlos13th wrote:
Second army is going to be something similar to qunari from dragon age.

I hope.

Hmm... That's a nice idea in general.

And looking at this picture:

is not difficult to bring this in mind:


I wouldn't have made the connection if you didn't mention.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/24 22:34:45

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

 highlord tamburlaine wrote:
I kept waiting for the video to spoil who was riding that dragon, and it never did!

That was one big sword in the rider's hand though!

Color me excited!

Good catch :-) We are slowly showing off our small differences as a brand, such as having a tendency to sculpt characters that carry -a bit- larger weapons than the normal troopers. We were initially reluctant since it was a bit too "revolutonary" from what we usually see -see e.g. Northern Alliance hero_A normal weaponry-, but we decided that this is us and we hope people will like it. So, not too exagerated, but visibly larger weaponry for some of our Characters.
Not our idea to claim since it's strongly influenced by Manga comics/animations, but nice to see them brought a bit more to the miniature world. A lord that strikes with twice as much strength than an average warrior should be able to carry a more "respectable" tool.
I guess this rider on the teaser video probably means business... ;-)

PS. Sorry, no qunari race, the bust is for Daemon Warriors, which are larger than their smaller counterparts (the Infernal Assualters) and go instead of a 25mm base on 40mm bases :-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/25 00:27:04

Post by: carlos13th

That's a shame. Was hoping based on the bust.

That said depending on how they turn out I may try to paint up the daemons as quanri.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
That's a shame. Was hoping based on the bust.

That said depending on how they turn out I may try to paint up the daemons as quanri.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/25 01:09:08

Post by: RivenSkull

Please tell me you're doing actually menacing demon troops in armor.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/25 01:13:27

Post by: Alpharius

I'd be OK with that - as long as their tongues are in control, amirite?!?

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/25 04:51:31

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

Armored demons on 40mm bases with their tongues in their mouths would be something I could see myself being interested in, especially if that bust is anything to go by.

Close enough to a Qunari for those that want one too.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/26 09:54:47

Post by: RivenSkull

Looking back on your facebook, the hooves on the previewed Infernals are comically over sized. Hopefully they are not the final version.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/26 19:30:04

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

Hooves are going to be like the ones our Infernal Assaulter Hero has http://www.shieldwolfminiatures.com/index.php?dispatch=products.view&product_id=15&sl=EN,
but these sculpts you see in the pictures for our Kingdom of Hell (Daemon) race are all destined for resin production.

We are trying to follow what our Community is asking of us and turn to complete plastic production for all the regiments, thus these will need to be re-sculpted, too many undercuts atm for these to work on HIPS. These would probably need to have the horns cut out and legs cut in 2 separate pieces, but those are technical details we can work out afterwards if needed.

A lot will inevitably depend on how this Kickstarter goes, we don't like to put all our eggs in the same basket but truth be told additional backing will help tilt the scale in favor of this. That is also the reason we named it "Pillars of Destiny" project, the Kickstarter itself will be called "Shieldwolf:War is coming" after our game. :-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/26 20:06:35

Post by: RivenSkull

Aside from the hooves being a bit oversized, the Infernals look great. Making the lower legs/hooves ratio of size a bit closer is all that really would need to be done.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/26 20:14:23

Post by: RiTides

Not sure about the video, pretty rough stage of the drawings!

I agreed the infernal WIP could use smaller hooves. I'm also not a huge fan of every model being "ripped" (I.e. like they could be in an abs commercial ).

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/26 21:10:34

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

@Rivenskull We want people to look at them and say "Daemons!" at first thought. We will be looking into it, also counting on feedback like yours, we need to know/see what people think of it.

@RiTides Oh yes, what you see is some 20' of work in something like 30". This one in particular took some 4 hours in total (non-stop work). We also happen to have the entire video of how this started out and how it finished.
The reason we showed this little teaser off was to reveal that we are planning some really big centerpieces. We had done a couple in the past, we dismissed them all, with the Team we have now it would be a pity not to move towards that direction. You will see things you are not expecting, have no doubt on that! ;-)

PS. If this model in particular gets funded, we'll be releasing for all to see the entire video of it from start to finish, it's something like 13' total duration, George did a great job recording it. :-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/27 09:19:55

Post by: Mymearan

' and '' can be used for minutes and seconds.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/27 09:35:31

Post by: lord_blackfang

Clearly the best faction list is

Valley Orcs
Mountain Orcs
Swamp Orcs
City Orcs
Space Orcs

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/27 10:17:05

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Mymearan wrote:
' and '' can be used for minutes and seconds.

I'd gathered.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/27 20:02:27

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Clearly the best faction list is

Valley Orcs
Mountain Orcs
Swamp Orcs
City Orcs
Space Orcs

You'll be surprised of what you -accidentally- hit right on target... :-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/27 20:57:01

Post by: Pete Melvin

 lord_blackfang wrote:
Clearly the best faction list is

Valley Orcs
Mountain Orcs
Swamp Orcs
City Orcs
Space Orcs

Green is best

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/27 21:46:26

Post by: lord_blackfang

 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:
 lord_blackfang wrote:
Clearly the best faction list is

Valley Orcs
Mountain Orcs
Swamp Orcs
City Orcs
Space Orcs

You'll be surprised of what you -accidentally- hit right on target... :-)

You heard it here first, folks. Space Orcs confirmed!

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/27 23:35:16

Post by: Gallahad

The hooves are way too big on your infernal assaulter. Many hoofed animals have surprisingly small hooves for their size. Large hooves make them look like children's toys.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/28 07:05:53

Post by: AlexHolker

The hair around the hoof makes it look bigger than it really is - just look at a Clydesdale. I think it would be better if you could see the hoof below the hair, though.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/28 20:47:55

Post by: Kharzak

 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:
 lord_blackfang wrote:
Clearly the best faction list is

Valley Orcs
Mountain Orcs
Swamp Orcs
City Orcs
Space Orcs

You'll be surprised of what you -accidentally- hit right on target... :-)

hmm so we already got Mountain Orcs and the Valley Orcs have been announced, I can't see space Orks or City Orcs being made so my money is on Swamp Orcs.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/30 19:20:57

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

@AlexHolker, @Gallahad We take these suggestions under serious consideration, thanks for commenting. :-)

@Kharzak Ehhh... no comment. ;-)

So, a few hours before we hit December 1st, probably going to sleep early however, so will be posting this now. Unfortunately even with the Valley Orcs revealed best guesses got 3 out of 5 so far :-( We mean to give out the price however, so contest is still on, you must guess the remaining 3! Hardest of which imo is the very next we are revealing on Monday December 8th... :-)

2nd army we have prepared is the Mercenary faction of Talliareum Ogres. This is also the only army out of the five that will not have any plastic kit but will instead consist 100% of our polyurethane resin. We think it's a beautiful and original army, which will have everything you need. And we don't mean simple troops by that, expect to see some really original and detailed concepts and sculpts. Here's the official picture teaser, hope you enjoy it as much as we! :-)

"...No one remembers how long ago these huge brutes decided to live among the Humans in the Kingdom of Talliareum. The Ogres do not go unnoticed, standing more than 8 feet tall and weighing some 400 pounds each! It comes as no surprise that they took advantage in the past of their natural strength and physical structure to beat people up, steal, abuse; there was a time they practically did as they pleased. But as the Kingdom of Talliareum slowly formed, the Ogres soon found out they couldn't deal with the better organised Humans. Highly outnumbered, they consistently got arrested, beaten, imprisoned and even executed. Some Ogres left for far away lands, but many stayed, choosing to obey the Law. Well, in a certain sense at least..."

Thank you.
The Shieldwolf Team.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/30 19:52:23

Post by: RivenSkull

I would really love to see any demon concept art/wip's. After the Mantic Abyssals went tits up with their design, I need to find new lower demons.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/11/30 22:15:27

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

We would lke to clarify that we here at Shieldwolf Miniatures are developing an army game that will -by definition- need a high number of troops but prefer these numbers to have high quality on both sculpt and material. When we have to choose between quality and numbers, we always choose quality. What we are trying to do is maintain fair prices, and the only way to do this will be with your support.
In case someone wants a bucketload of minis, I'm afraid he will have to limit himself in more of our -hopefully soon funded- plastics (or simply not pledge).

There is a reason we have the "money-back guarantee". We cannot have people saying "I pledged for an army and received this junk instead!" just because we are legally unbound. There is a moral issue and it forces us to do our job right and be accountable for our work to our backers. Another thing we'd like to reveal with the occasion is that the discounts on the RRP (Reccomended Retail Prices) that we will be offering in this campaign will be available for all to see during the campaing, we simply hate it when people backing a project end up spending more money than people who didn't! That's how we feel a project should be planned and that's exactly what we will be doing.

Anyway we are pretty sure we can stand up to the competition. Time will tell whether we were right or not :-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/05 15:12:06

Post by: Pete Melvin

Ok am I allowed a second guess?

Valley Orcs
Arabian Humans
Swamp Orcs

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/05 20:01:31

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

Oh yes, you are all allowed a 2nd guess! :-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/06 08:18:56

Post by: Azazelx

Heh. I didn't add in Ogres because I was expecting fully PVC as well.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Orcs & Goblins
Kingdom of Hell
Oak Elves

I'm assuming that the O&G force is one unified one? As opposed to several different armies. Though I'm sure they can be fielded as such.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/06 14:07:50

Post by: Vermis

 RivenSkull wrote:
Looking back on your facebook, the hooves on the previewed Infernals are comically over sized. Hopefully they are not the final version.

Ain't you seen the croc-mouth Orcs and the swords? Shieldwolf's raison d'être is 'comically over sized'. Yet another business pumping out poorly-thought cartoony fantasy minis, with some sort of phobia of restraint, subtlety, and 'less is more', and the assumption that manga is an ideal to reach for. 'Revolutionary', Shieldwolf? Pfyeah right.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/06 15:34:38

Post by: Gallahad

1. Mountain Orcs
2. Ogres
3. Goblins
4. Araves
5..Oak Elves

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/06 19:07:19

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

 Vermis wrote:
 RivenSkull wrote:
Looking back on your facebook, the hooves on the previewed Infernals are comically over sized. Hopefully they are not the final version.

Ain't you seen the croc-mouth Orcs and the swords? Shieldwolf's raison d'être is 'comically over sized'. Yet another business pumping out poorly-thought cartoony fantasy minis, with some sort of phobia of restraint, subtlety, and 'less is more', and the assumption that manga is an ideal to reach for. 'Revolutionary', Shieldwolf? Pfyeah right.

So, not a fan of heroic scale?

Their plastic mountain orcs actually work well as demons with the right paint job, much better than Mantic's concept art. When KoW 2 drops, Shieldwolf will be in a good position to sell.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/06 19:27:07

Post by: NAVARRO

I got a box of those orcs and they are very nice to mix with GW savage orcs. Nice sprues with interesting options.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/07 10:58:32

Post by: GiraffeX

I'd really like to see some decent Mummy miniatures.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/07 11:05:58

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

 Azazelx wrote:
Heh. I didn't add in Ogres because I was expecting fully PVC as well.

Actually HIPS, but I understand what you're saying :-)
 Azazelx wrote:

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Orcs & Goblins
Kingdom of Hell
Oak Elves

*noted (Valley Orcs as 1st pick)
 Azazelx wrote:

I'm assuming that the O&G force is one unified one? As opposed to several different armies. Though I'm sure they can be fielded as such.

Our goblins are a mercenary indipendent race and hate Humans and Orcs, so I'm sorry but no, they will not be fielded as such and these 2 races are also the only ones that cannot hire goblins in their armies.

 Vermis wrote:
 RivenSkull wrote:
Looking back on your facebook, the hooves on the previewed Infernals are comically over sized. Hopefully they are not the final version.

Ain't you seen the croc-mouth Orcs and the swords? Shieldwolf's raison d'être is 'comically over sized'. Yet another business pumping out poorly-thought cartoony fantasy minis, with some sort of phobia of restraint, subtlety, and 'less is more', and the assumption that manga is an ideal to reach for. 'Revolutionary', Shieldwolf? Pfyeah right.

Actually that would be "evolutionary" and it's really hard to comprehend why such menace in your comment, our Orcs look nothing like the others, our goblins are anything but dumb, our Elves besides their sculpting differences -as you have seen- are all in one same race although divided in factions (but have never fought each other), our death deceivers are unique worldwide, then again you might want to talk of the Trolls and skeletons, well, not much else we could've done there, but I guess to each his own. I'm sorry you don't see it like we do, the only sure thing is that it's impossible to please everyone and we'll keep going on our route. Hopefully we'll produce something you'll eventually like :-)

 NAVARRO wrote:
I got a box of those orcs and they are very nice to mix with GW savage orcs. Nice sprues with interesting options.

Thank you, glad you like them :-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/07 17:14:45

Post by: dubovac

If Goblins are separate army I am thinking something along the lines of Goblin alchemist or engineers maybe. That would be great and as far as I know nobody is doing it. Keep it up Shieldwolf. wish you all the best.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/07 18:19:11

Post by: Mymearan

 Vermis wrote:
 RivenSkull wrote:
Looking back on your facebook, the hooves on the previewed Infernals are comically over sized. Hopefully they are not the final version.

Ain't you seen the croc-mouth Orcs and the swords? Shieldwolf's raison d'être is 'comically over sized'. Yet another business pumping out poorly-thought cartoony fantasy minis, with some sort of phobia of restraint, subtlety, and 'less is more', and the assumption that manga is an ideal to reach for. 'Revolutionary', Shieldwolf? Pfyeah right.

That came out of nowhere. Why so hostile?

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/08 03:21:19

Post by: carlos13th

I very much like the sharp toothed "Croc mouthed" Orcs as you call them. Nice change from the many other Orc types on the market.

Why the tone Vermis? If you have genuine criticism of design choices you can do so in a way that doesn't come across as so hostile and insulting. Especially because so far Shield wolf has been very reasonable towards criticism given.

After utter disappointment with the concept art of KOW2 I will be looking intently at the Kickstarter for a Fantasy army. Hopefully a non human army takes my eye but if not maybe the Araves.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/08 04:50:49

Post by: Gallahad

carlos13th wrote:

Why the tone Vermis? If you have genuine criticism of design choices you can do so in a way that doesn't come across as so hostile and insulting. Especially because so far Shield wolf has been very reasonable towards criticism given.

Thank you Carlos13th. I agree wholeheartedly. People can give honest criticism without being rude and insulting, and the forum is better for it. It is something I could remember to do myself at times. Shieldwolf have impressed me with their courtesy, professionalism, and sense of integrity.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/08 04:53:43

Post by: RivenSkull

Yeah the croc mouth of the orcs makes them a bit more difficult to mix with other orc types, but the design is a refreshing from the frumpy mouth many other orc mini's have. It gives them a nice savage tone to them.

The tone is odd.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/08 15:20:19

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

 AlexHolker wrote:
My wishlist is very short: women.

You were the only one who got this right! :-D

3rd army revealed. Hope you like it, next goes up next Monday 15th :-)

"...they had long defied their male counterparts and exiled themselves to the coldest territories. At first, these were but a handfull of women that had stood up, they had confronted the men and resisted their destiny; after having been beaten up and abused for centuries, there came a time they decided to face the lethal wilderness of the Northern Alliance Terriories than endure the puny life the Gods had designed for them.

Many of them got captured or killed, while others simply perished in the perilous journey, their corpses still preserved in the ever-lasting ice. The few that survived however gave birth to one of the toughest factions the Shieldwolf world ever knew. And after so many centuries of total isolation these female warriors are seen ever more often, having enhanced their breed to a point they can field entire armies. And they can match up to anyone..."

Hope you like them as much as we do! :-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/08 15:54:04

Post by: lord_blackfang

You're gonna be a rich man.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/08 15:58:03

Post by: carlos13th

Are any of the human or monster armies going to get one or two female models mixed in with the males? Not interested in a pure female army personally but an army that has a mix of genders in it would be great.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/08 16:47:11

Post by: AlexHolker

 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:
Hope you like them as much as we do! :-)

I do! Even the armies that I don't want - like the Mercenary Ogres - still look cool in a "I'd be happy to play against them" sense, and the shieldmaidens are certainly promising.

Are the Shieldmaidens army all going to be in light armour, or are you planning a heavy armour unit as well?

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/08 17:36:42

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

 lord_blackfang wrote:
You're gonna be a rich man.

I already am, I have a loving wife and a beautiful son and we are all healthy. :-)

 carlos13th wrote:
Are any of the human or monster armies going to get one or two female models mixed in with the males? Not interested in a pure female army personally but an army that has a mix of genders in it would be great.

The Ogres, the Valley Orcs and the 5th army aren't going to have any female models I'm afraid, but the Shieldmaidens and the 4th army will indeed (some already sculpted) include both female and male models. The Shieldmaidens will get a few male barbarian "Overseers", men who get paid from the Shieldmaidens to train their warriors. With the occasion we will be releasing a couple of male alternatives, -but not too many, the army is for the Shieldmaidens after all..

 AlexHolker wrote:
 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:
Hope you like them as much as we do! :-)

I do! Even the armies that I don't want - like the Mercenary Ogres - still look cool in a "I'd be happy to play against them" sense, and the shieldmaidens are certainly promising.

Are the Shieldmaidens army all going to be in light armour, or are you planning a heavy armour unit as well?

The Mercenary Ogres will be the fastest to be funded, -if all goes well naturally- and even if not so, they are on our production pipeline anyway, so you will be seeing them one way or another (although if not purchased/funded via the KS there will obviously not be any discounts).
The Shieldmaiden Lords are going to have some heavy armor, the HIPS kit planned for the Shieldmaidens however is for one regiment of 20 light armored minis. If people like them, we will try to have another "heavy" armor version, but not via this project. It has not been planned for, and it would risk derailing our timetables. If however -and I say if - people ask for it to be heavy armored instead, we might call in a vote from the backers. The timetables and resources for doing the change are the same, but we will not be having any additional goals (I'm repeating myself but I want to make this clear).

We have planned for something similar to the chart/table of the wonderful Black Sailors KS which is currently running, (I'm attaching the pic below) so everyone will know exactly the number of models/stretch goals each faction has planned for and how many have been unlocked. We have spend endless hours in order to make sure these get spread out as evenly as possible, meaning if someone is interested e.g. in the Valley Orcs alone, he doesn't need to see some 15 stretch goals unlocked before he/she gets to see another Valley Orc stretch goal!
As I said above, the Ogres will get the least models/stretch goals, so in order not to have them miss out, they complete rather quickly. That does not mean that if the project is almost fully funded they will not be getting also a few goodies towards the end, but the bulk of their army is in the first third of the campaign...

Oh, and I'm glad you like them!

Thank you,

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/08 17:59:42

Post by: jorny

 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:

The Ogres, the Valley Orcs and the 5th army aren't going to have any female models I'm afraid, but the Shieldmaidens and the 4th army will indeed (some already sculpted) include both female and male models. The Shieldmaidens will get a few male barbarian "Overseers", men who get paid from the Shieldmaidens to train their warriors. With the occasion we will be releasing a couple of male alternatives, -but not too many, the army is for the Shieldmaidens after all..

Wait, so the strong independet female warriors need men to (overseers even) teach them to fight? I like your stuff, but this makes no sense.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/08 18:23:59

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

 jorny wrote:
 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:

The Ogres, the Valley Orcs and the 5th army aren't going to have any female models I'm afraid, but the Shieldmaidens and the 4th army will indeed (some already sculpted) include both female and male models. The Shieldmaidens will get a few male barbarian "Overseers", men who get paid from the Shieldmaidens to train their warriors. With the occasion we will be releasing a couple of male alternatives, -but not too many, the army is for the Shieldmaidens after all..

Wait, so the strong independet female warriors need men to (overseers even) teach them to fight? I like your stuff, but this makes no sense.

According to our fluff, the women train by themselves and reach a very high level. However, no matter how much training they have and how agile they become, they do not have the physical strength to test themselves with tougher/stronger opponents. They need the experience they lack. So once they have reached a certain level they use an "Overseer" (a male veteran barbarian character) in order to teach them what it is like to face stronger/taller/tougher adversaries/enemies. They do not "depend" on them, it's an additional way of evolving their skills.

Since we started talking fluff, the most advanced among the Shieldmaidens (which obviously includes Characters) also use magic items in their shields. This allows them further resistance. ALL female models in this faction will have shields, that's their main characteristic after all, with extremely few exceptions (e.g. the Necromancer Maiden, the Icemaiden Druid etc) who are characters using magic (Death and Ice in the respective examples).

Hope that explains a bit more, maybe you will not like the rules of our game but you'll like the minis. Or hopefully you'll like both :-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/08 18:52:38

Post by: Mymearan

I'm actually really not looking forward to this Kickstarter :(

...only because I will have to spend so much money that I really shouldn't spend.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/08 21:00:46

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

Perhaps use a different term instead of "overseer," which has problematic connotations. Maybe "sparring serfs" or "mercenary trainers" or "Martial Retainers" or something.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/08 23:30:49

Post by: overtyrant

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
Perhaps use a different term instead of "overseer," which has problematic connotations. Maybe "sparring serfs" or "mercenary trainers" or "Martial Retainers" or something.

This... When I hear overseer I think of press gangs of prisoners and slaves.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/08 23:45:50

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

I do like the artwork so far, and look forward to many flamboyantly over-the-top barbarian sorceresses wielding magical weapons.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/08 23:46:49

Post by: AlexHolker

I can think of two ways that these "overseers" could be implemented that could work nicely.

1. Instead of being generic barbarians, have them be members of one of the other factions. For example, you could make up a few Araves character minis with woolen cloaks and Shieldmaiden weapons to represent these foreign advisors.

2. Have the tallest Shieldmaidens drafted into this OPFOR role, and equipped with a mix of Shieldmaiden and captured equipment.

Or do both, with these taller Shieldmaidens spreading the burden of this role so they don't have to rely on a few foreigners. Either way, you'd have an excuse to make these "overseers" quite diverse in appearance, and even use them to hint at future factions.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/08 23:51:52

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

I like AlexHolker's ideas. I would also like to see one of the trainers (please not "overseers") be a wise old master (mistress?) Shieldmaiden.

For your game, maybe the stats could be generic enough so that someone could buy a hero from any of your factions and use it as a trainer. That way, I could use a demon or a dragonman or something more interesting.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/09 06:57:29

Post by: primalexile

Scantily clad female army, interesting

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/09 07:12:56

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

 primalexile wrote:
Scantily clad female army, interesting

So long as they are sculpted and posed like serious (fantasy barbarian) fighters, the kit should work. They are in a similar scale and style to GW Marauders, giving us an option for Chaotic women warriors, some Red Sonjas to go with our Conans if you will, and they all have shields, so they are not depending on their bikinis to save them. However, if they are sculpted in cheesecake poses or with pigeon toes and knock knees, they'll be a huge disappointment.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/09 14:23:12

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

overtyrant wrote:
 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
Perhaps use a different term instead of "overseer," which has problematic connotations. Maybe "sparring serfs" or "mercenary trainers" or "Martial Retainers" or something.

This... When I hear overseer I think of press gangs of prisoners and slaves.

We are not going to use the 'language barrier' as an excuse since a couple of us speak rather good English (maybe not fluent but I think good enough), we must admit our mistake however and note that we now comprehend why some people like jorny didn't like the fluff idea. The word "Overseer" picked from us seems to be a very bad choice then, we thought it was a synonym to "tutor"/he who looks from above, the "supervisor" if you like. We had looked for a single word
http://www.thesaurus.com/browse/overseer to define the model, 'supervisor' we didn't like, so we'll probably go with 'mercenary trainer' although we'd have prefered a single word better :-(

 AlexHolker wrote:
I can think of two ways that these "overseers" could be implemented that could work nicely.

1. Instead of being generic barbarians, have them be members of one of the other factions. For example, you could make up a few Araves character minis with woolen cloaks and Shieldmaiden weapons to represent these foreign advisors.

2. Have the tallest Shieldmaidens drafted into this OPFOR role, and equipped with a mix of Shieldmaiden and captured equipment.

Or do both, with these taller Shieldmaidens spreading the burden of this role so they don't have to rely on a few foreigners. Either way, you'd have an excuse to make these "overseers" quite diverse in appearance, and even use them to hint at future factions.

The idea of the Araves is very cool, unfortunately the Araves race uses the same bases as the Humans of Talliareum (20mm) and not those of the Northen Alliance (25mm bases). While a typical female from the Araves is 5.2 feet (1,60 meters) tall and a male Araves would measure some 5.9 feet (1,80 meters), the taller by nature Northenern women measure 6.7 feet (2+ meters). So it's hard to immagine Araves as 'mercenary trainers', the reason the Shieldmaiden hire them is to get accustomed to the larger enemies they may face in battle. We are now thinking besides the Barbarian 'ex-overseer/now mercenary trainer' of adding an optional model -Ogre maybe, or something else (?)-, but we need to see which model who made it to the final cut must now be cut off to make room for this one...

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
 primalexile wrote:
Scantily clad female army, interesting

So long as they are sculpted and posed like serious (fantasy barbarian) fighters, the kit should work. They are in a similar scale and style to GW Marauders, giving us an option for Chaotic women warriors, some Red Sonjas to go with our Conans if you will, and they all have shields, so they are not depending on their bikinis to save them. However, if they are sculpted in cheesecake poses or with pigeon toes and knock knees, they'll be a huge disappointment.

Oh, I think you will just have to bear with us a tiny bit more then and see for yourselves. Speaking of Conan, we know that Monolith launches 5th of January, and this has put us on a hard decision making mode whether we should postpone till after they have finished or launch some 10 days later in order not to strain the backers who we hope will like both projects. :-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/09 14:31:34

Post by: sauhwq

I found the mountain Orcs quite interesting, something a little different from the standard Orcs we know. The plastics look very good.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/09 14:44:17

Post by: Mymearan

 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:
overtyrant wrote:
 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
Perhaps use a different term instead of "overseer," which has problematic connotations. Maybe "sparring serfs" or "mercenary trainers" or "Martial Retainers" or something.

This... When I hear overseer I think of press gangs of prisoners and slaves.

We are not going to use the 'language barrier' as an excuse since a couple of us speak rather good English (maybe not fluent but I think good enough), we must admit our mistake however and note that we now comprehend why some people like jorny didn't like the fluff idea. The word "Overseer" picked from us seems to be a very bad choice then, we thought it was a synonym to "tutor"/he who looks from above, the "supervisor" if you like. We had looked for a single word
http://www.thesaurus.com/browse/overseer to define the model, 'supervisor' we didn't like, so we'll probably go with 'mercenary trainer' although we'd have prefered a single word better :-(

If they are Nordic Women, why not use a Nordic word, such as lärare/lærer (teacher).

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/09 15:13:13

Post by: AlexHolker

 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:
 AlexHolker wrote:
I can think of two ways that these "overseers" could be implemented that could work nicely.

1. Instead of being generic barbarians, have them be members of one of the other factions. For example, you could make up a few Araves character minis with woolen cloaks and Shieldmaiden weapons to represent these foreign advisors.

2. Have the tallest Shieldmaidens drafted into this OPFOR role, and equipped with a mix of Shieldmaiden and captured equipment.

Or do both, with these taller Shieldmaidens spreading the burden of this role so they don't have to rely on a few foreigners. Either way, you'd have an excuse to make these "overseers" quite diverse in appearance, and even use them to hint at future factions.

The idea of the Araves is very cool, unfortunately the Araves race uses the same bases as the Humans of Talliareum (20mm) and not those of the Northen Alliance (25mm bases). While a typical female from the Araves is 5.2 feet (1,60 meters) tall and a male Araves would measure some 5.9 feet (1,80 meters), the taller by nature Northenern women measure 6.7 feet (2+ meters). So it's hard to immagine Araves as 'mercenary trainers', the reason the Shieldmaiden hire them is to get accustomed to the larger enemies they may face in battle. We are now thinking besides the Barbarian 'ex-overseer/now mercenary trainer' of adding an optional model -Ogre maybe, or something else (?)-, but we need to see which model who made it to the final cut must now be cut off to make room for this one...

In that case, my vote is 100% for option #2: drop the mercenary trainers and just have the biggest, baddest Shieldmaidens in the trainer role.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/09 16:21:31

Post by: jorny

In that case, my vote is 100% for option #2: drop the mercenary trainers and just have the biggest, baddest Shieldmaidens in the trainer role.

This. A hundred time this! I still can't see any reason for the shield maidens to hire outside trainers. Especially since they are supposed to be big and strong!

What could be done instead is that they hire mercenaries for operating war machines and such.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/09 16:27:54

Post by: privateer4hire

If the males are not dropped altogether...
One thought is that the male barbarian is not a trainer but a living practice target. They have no authority but are held captive to serve as practice for the maidens to get used to fighting males and learning their tactics.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/09 16:42:11

Post by: Alpharius

That might swing the pendulum a bit too far in the the other direction...

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/09 16:51:02

Post by: RivenSkull

Men as breeding stock only......

I think I've heard that before...

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/09 19:03:25

Post by: BobtheInquisitor

 RivenSkull wrote:
Men as breeding stock only......

I think I've heard that before...

Story of my life...

Anyway, I think a word like laerer or retainer could work, if the idea isn't scrapped altogether. It might not be a bad idea to leave them out at first and see if anyone demands such units or characters.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/09 19:24:30

Post by: Ketara

Just a few potential alternative words for you:

-Condottiere (probably a bit far out)

Any of those would fit better than Overseer, and far better than the mouthful, 'Mercenary Trainer'.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/09 19:53:56

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

We appreciate all the help and comments, we are not going to be making any hasty decisions, but both breeding/training and name issues must be addressed before the project launches, we don't want any loose ends. :-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/09 20:16:33

Post by: carlos13th

I like the idea of hiring mercenaries not just to get used to different body types and fighting styles. You see it now days in MMA gyms where they will bring in sparring partners so people can fight against different fighting styles and body types. Often they will try to replicate an opponent by bringing in someone with a similar body size and fighting style.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/10 13:01:07

Post by: Theophony

My two bits.

Maybe the "overseers" can be the "overseen". The women oversee these men while they are in their lands and training them. They are Taken from all areas of the world to be used as breeding stock, trainers and targets. Some are warriors of great skill who have lost faith in their country's leadership and have left their military service. Some are warriors that fought against them in battle and proved their worth (killed many of their fighters) so they were drugged or magically contained somehow during the battle by a sect of the warrior women who "oversee" the battle and watch for "new talent" and also are watching the women to ensure they are trained well enough. These overseers could be the Valkyrie of legend (even possibly riding a Pegasus to get the view of the battle from above), they could be the best trained and most prestigious of the shieldmaidens. Then lastly would be the breeding stock, men chosen during raids into foreign lands. Not all of whom are big burly fighters, these would probably never reach the field of battle, but could be in the fluff. Some are taken for intellect, and are used to educate the ruling class of women, some are taken due to physical fitness to ensure good stock in the future, and some are taken because they are believed to be inquisitorbob because.....reasons .

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/10 15:45:44

Post by: Supercollider

I think any way you cut it, having human males in that roll would come across as sexist. It boils down to the women only being able to compete with the men, with the help (willing or other-wise) of the same men.

If I were the women in question, and I wanted a sparring partner to make sure I could best the men and I didn't think another of my own would be sufficient, I'd be looking to hire some orcs (or ogres, anything big and expressly NOT a man would do).
As a bonus, it potentially adds a dimension to the orcs as mercenaries.

But then that's still a bit sexist, really. I'm guessing the men dont have a whole part of the fluff and model-line dedicated to explaining away their weaknesses? Perhaps they could have emotional development councillors?

BTW Shieldwolf, I really like your work so far!

Edited: sexist, not misogynistic. Sorry, typing without concentrating!

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/12 17:20:52

Post by: HisDivineShadow

Theo's idea of 'The Overseen' or something similar sounds neat.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/13 19:30:41

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

@Supercollider Thanks, really appreciate it! :-D

@HisDivineShadow, @Theophony The idea -of allowing some men who demostrated true valor in the battelfield to live in exchange of training the female warriors- is very nice and close to what we want to use them for, since we currently do not wish to abbandon our initial take on mixing a few male barbarians with the Shieldmaiden faction. If we take out the mercenary trainer idea, this is what we will be following instead. Our decision is to currently cut all male characters from the Shieldmaiden army, with the exception of 2 single models; one male alternative rider and one on foot. All other models have been cut off and will be replaced in the next days with new female models to make up for the few empty spots that we now have due to this alteration.

-If people like our -small- male models mix, we'll keep them. If not, we'll simply alter their fluff and take them all out. Literally :-)

Thank you all for your comments.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/13 20:32:23

Post by: AlexHolker

I definitely do not want any male barbarians. I suggested the foreign advisors because they add more to the faction than just a Y chromosome but if they do not fit, I'd rather have no men at all. I would just give the role to a handful of Shieldmaidens who each specialise in a non-Shieldmaiden fighting style to serve an adversarial role.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/14 07:40:33

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

 AlexHolker wrote:
I definitely do not want any male barbarians. I suggested the foreign advisors because they add more to the faction than just a Y chromosome but if they do not fit, I'd rather have no men at all. I would just give the role to a handful of Shieldmaidens who each specialise in a non-Shieldmaiden fighting style to serve an adversarial role.

We are pretty sure we will not be able to satisfy everyone, I'm not saying you will not be proven right but I guess we will await to see more feedback once the project has launched, if people don't like the idea we'll see it on both Comments section and -inevitably- number of orders/pledges...

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/14 07:53:52

Post by: Azazelx

Of course, Alex - you don't need to buy every figure released for a range - and even if SW release males barbarians you can just sub more females in - this is all assuming that you plan to play the SW game with their fluff without modifying anything at all.

FWIW, I'll do what I usually/always do with miniature lines - which is to quote Simon and Garfunkel: A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.

So I'll use whichever figures I like and fashion them into an army that I'm happy with in terms of background borrowed from where ever I like and figures from wherever I like and use them in whichever games I like. I'd be quite happy to see a mixture of barbarians of both genders released by SW (either as part of one army or as two armies) and mix them in together as one force (Armies of Men for Kings of War?). Perhaps led by a suitable (not-)Conan figure from yet another range for a Cimmerian Horde?

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/14 09:24:31

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

This also happens to be our greatest bet -and worry!
We have done our best to spread stretch goals as evenly as possible, but it may be the case that some Units/models do not get unlocked, making people feel they didn't get a complete army. Although there are models for every army designed (and some also sculpted/painted), they'll need to get unlocked to be made available. For example, 4 out of 5 armies get monstrous Cavalry. Although the 4th army (the one that gets revealed tomorrow) gets theirs pretty soon and with extremely low stretch goals (500$ for each model to be precise due to our co-funding), the remaining 3 will have to wait a bit longer and get theirs with much higher stretch goals (some4-5,000$ probably). This may cause issues. We hope the hype will be such however so in the case that the whole project doesn't complete -which is our ultimate goal obviously-, every army gets a sufficient number of models unlocked.

We have received -and thank you- compliments on our artwork and we have no doubt the quality of the movie clip prepared from us is very hard/rare to be seen in Kickstarters. All this is to prove the highest quality possible. We have also received multiple -and VERY reasonable- questions regaridng on who will sculpt the models. We have gone for the best & are very happy to reveal that some of the names recruited include the very skillful Paolo Fabiani and evolving talent Davide Tedeschi from Italy, the experienced Olivier Nkweti, Olivier Bouchet and MIKH from France, the veterans Patrick Keith and Sean Bullough from the USA, etc.
In few words, what you see in the artwork will be very faithful to what you'll receive.

Let's hope things work well, we really don't know what else we could've done... :-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/14 15:50:29

Post by: corgan

 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:

We have received -and thank you- compliments on our artwork and we have no doubt the quality of the movie clip prepared from us is very hard/rare to be seen in Kickstarters. All this is to prove the highest quality possible. We have also received multiple -and VERY reasonable- questions regaridng on who will sculpt the models. We have gone for the best & are very happy to reveal that some of the names recruited include the very skillful Paolo Fabiani and evolving talent Davide Tedeschi from Italy, the experienced Olivier Nkweti, Olivier Bouchet and MIKH from France, the veterans Patrick Keith and Sean Bullough from the USA, etc.
In few words, what you see in the artwork will be very faithful to what you'll receive.

This is indeed a great gathering of astonishing sculptors!!

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/14 16:41:01

Post by: OrlandotheTechnicoloured

make sure you've got a backup plan if MIKH is late,

he is a fantastic sculptor but has been really, really slow on delivering sculpts for some projects (eg Arena Rex)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/14 19:06:56

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

 OrlandotheTechnicoloured wrote:
make sure you've got a backup plan if MIKH is late,
he is a fantastic sculptor but has been really, really slow on delivering sculpts for some projects (eg Arena Rex)

Thanks for the heads up, we had actually read about that and mentioned it to the sculptor when we made contact with him. He demonstrated professionalism when he initially told us he was unavailable for further commissions due to his burdened schedule. We discussed it however and came to an agreement that Shieldwolf will await for him to finish his other commissions first but regardless of him making it on time or not, we have currently booked his services for a precise window/period of time in which all of it will be exclusively ours.

We have great confidence in all our sculptors but in the remote case in which someone fails to deliver (regardless of the reasons), we are pretty sure that one of the others consisting our Sculpting Team will easily integrate in his program and deliver the work not executed by their colleague. That's also one of the benefits of creating a Team and not having to depend on just 2-3 people, when something can go wrong. And according to Merphy, it always does! :-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/14 19:26:04

Post by: OrlandotheTechnicoloured

That's good to know, you're aware of thing

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/15 14:38:01

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

Oh yes, we are sure something we haven't predicted will eventually turn up, but we are quite confident we will prove more than adequate to deal with it!

So, Monday again, the Kingdom of Talliareum will eventually see releases, since it's the only race in our webstore that has still not seen any models! :-(
That's because we consider it a very essential race in our world and wanted to accumulate experience before releasing anything.
A lot of companies have produced similar models, ours will bear a mix of Rennaisance/Conquistador character who will however always have something on them to make sure they are identified as fantasy models and not historical.

"...In times of darkness and despair, some races perish and others -somehow- survive. The Race of Humans was one of these. Although they were numerous, they lacked physical strength and were often picked on like the weaklings they were. Ogres did as they pleased with them, Orcs often raided and plundered their villages in the south while the Barbaric tribes pillaged their small towns up north. The neighboring Elves were the only ones who didn't bother them nor were they willing however to assist them.
The Humans saw their lives dominated by fear and their numbers kept dangerously thinning. As times went by, they inevitably realized they stood better chances through unity. That was a hard step for Humans are very hard to overcome their personal weaknesses, and have more often than any other Race challenged reasonable thinking due to their arrogance and pride. Their will to survive however overcame all vanity and personal ambitions, creating overcrowded centers which later formed huge cities.
The Humans were lucky enough to have strong and wise leaders who created the Law, took taxes and used them to build huge fortifications and outposts, while for the first time regular patrols guarded their borders and exterminated the numerous thieving warbands that had long ravaged their lands.The Kingdom of Talliareum had been formed and with it the Race of Humans survived..."

Hope you like it,

Thank you.
The Shieldwolf Team.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/15 19:52:12

Post by: primalexile

I really like the concept art with the exception of the feather.. I am so sick of feathers in Fantasy.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/15 21:43:22

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

 AlexHolker wrote:
...Damn it.

I take it you don't like it...? :-(

 primalexile wrote:
I really like the concept art with the exception of the feather.. I am so sick of feathers in Fantasy.

Thanks, some models don't have feathers, but most of them do, it may be a bit "treaded path" but we find it gives the bit of fantasy touch we so much love! :-)

As we said models will be very faithful to the concept artwork, and if you like it then that's great for us! The model above is being sculpted by Olivier Bouchet, here's a teaser before we start revealing any sculpts... That will happen soon enough :-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/16 04:14:11

Post by: Gallahad

I love it! This is the army I am most excited for so far.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/16 06:02:43

Post by: AlexHolker

 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:
 AlexHolker wrote:
...Damn it.

I take it you don't like it...? :-(

I consider them a waste of scarce resources. If there are two things not in short supply in this hobby, it's zombies and fifteenth century European men. It's barely been a month since the last manufacturer announced they were throwing their hat into the ring with plastic landsknecht. If your manufacturing budget is as tight as you say, I'd rather you not spend a significant fraction of that on something like fifteenth century German men mixed with fifteenth century Spanish men.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/16 06:16:06

Post by: Gallahad

@Alex, are there currently any plastic landsknechte or conquistadors available? Just show me where to throw my money.

I don't think there have been any available since GW went down the pajamas and skulls route with their empire troops.

Warlord has ECW stuff, but that is definitely a different look, different weapons, and a different scale. And the Perry HYW stuff is a)tiny and b)aesthetically very different.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/16 08:20:00

Post by: RivenSkull

 Gallahad wrote:
@Alex, are there currently any plastic landsknechte or conquistadors available? Just show me where to throw my money.

I don't think there have been any available since GW went down the pajamas and skulls route with their empire troops.

Warlord has ECW stuff, but that is definitely a different look, different weapons, and a different scale. And the Perry HYW stuff is a)tiny and b)aesthetically very different.

Lead Adventures has some, but not in troop size boxes

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/16 15:15:27

Post by: OrlandotheTechnicoloured

 Gallahad wrote:
@Alex, are there currently any plastic landsknechte or conquistadors available? Just show me where to throw my money.

I don't think there have been any available since GW went down the pajamas and skulls route with their empire troops.

Warlord has ECW stuff, but that is definitely a different look, different weapons, and a different scale. And the Perry HYW stuff is a)tiny and b)aesthetically very different.

not yet, but Warlord has just acquired Pro-Gloria and should be releasing their plastic landsknechte

Automatically Appended Next Post:
but that's not to say that Shieldwolf should not go forward with whatever stuff they feel they need for their world,

no point designing and making minis just because nobody else does, they've got to fit in a gameworld (in this case)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/16 17:17:13

Post by: grefven

 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:
 OrlandotheTechnicoloured wrote:
make sure you've got a backup plan if MIKH is late,
he is a fantastic sculptor but has been really, really slow on delivering sculpts for some projects (eg Arena Rex)

Thanks for the heads up, we had actually read about that and mentioned it to the sculptor when we made contact with him. He demonstrated professionalism when he initially told us he was unavailable for further commissions due to his burdened schedule. We discussed it however and came to an agreement that Shieldwolf will await for him to finish his other commissions first but regardless of him making it on time or not, we have currently booked his services for a precise window/period of time in which all of it will be exclusively ours.

I had a commission with MIKH for my own project as well, unfortunately, it had to be cancelled due to numerous delays by MIKH, and now I'm at the point where he isn't refunding the deposit I've made, so I'm really questioning his "professionalism", and this is despite a contract we've made.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/16 20:44:46

Post by: AlexHolker

 OrlandotheTechnicoloured wrote:
not yet, but Warlord has just acquired Pro-Gloria and should be releasing their plastic landsknechte

Yes, that's the one I was referring to.

but that's not to say that Shieldwolf should not go forward with whatever stuff they feel they need for their world,

no point designing and making minis just because nobody else does, they've got to fit in a gameworld (in this case)

But as has been said, there are more things that fit in the gameworld than Shieldwolf has the capacity to make, so making the best ones first and leaving the Conquistknechts until they've run out of better things to make would make more sense.

Give the Talliareum Ogres their slots, and you could give them a HIPS kit that still slots into people's existing Empire/Landsknect collections and would mesh with the Talliareum humans when you eventually make them, without just being redundant.
Give the Araves their slots, and you could use it for something interesting like a regiment of alchemists in HIPS.
Give the Shieldmaidens their slots, and you could make both the heavy and light infantry in HIPS.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/16 20:56:31

Post by: Piston Honda

Damn, Warlord is like Disney, they just buy everything.

This is the 4th or 5th company they bought up?

BEF Miniatures

Arsenal miniatures

There was another WWI range, forgot the name but was rather a large range.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/17 02:52:43

Post by: Gallahad

 RivenSkull wrote:
 Gallahad wrote:
@Alex, are there currently any plastic landsknechte or conquistadors available? Just show me where to throw my money.

I don't think there have been any available since GW went down the pajamas and skulls route with their empire troops.

Warlord has ECW stuff, but that is definitely a different look, different weapons, and a different scale. And the Perry HYW stuff is a)tiny and b)aesthetically very different.

Lead Adventures has some, but not in troop size boxes

Lead Adventure sells plastic stuff? I thought they only did metals. Could you post here or PM me a link?

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/17 03:58:09

Post by: RivenSkull

I didn't see the word Plastic. Yeah they are only in metal.

There's not really any plastic ones yet. There was the ProGloria IndieGoGo for plastic, but that will be taken over by Warlords: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/plastic-landsknecht-box

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/17 21:32:30

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

grefven wrote:
 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:
 OrlandotheTechnicoloured wrote:
make sure you've got a backup plan if MIKH is late,
he is a fantastic sculptor but has been really, really slow on delivering sculpts for some projects (eg Arena Rex)

Thanks for the heads up, we had actually read about that and mentioned it to the sculptor when we made contact with him. He demonstrated professionalism when he initially told us he was unavailable for further commissions due to his burdened schedule. We discussed it however and came to an agreement that Shieldwolf will await for him to finish his other commissions first but regardless of him making it on time or not, we have currently booked his services for a precise window/period of time in which all of it will be exclusively ours.

I had a commission with MIKH for my own project as well, unfortunately, it had to be cancelled due to numerous delays by MIKH, and now I'm at the point where he isn't refunding the deposit I've made, so I'm really questioning his "professionalism", and this is despite a contract we've made.

That's most unfortunate, we are sorry to hear that and we appreciate you letting us know. :-D
I have to tell you however that both the Law firm rappresenting us and the Greek courts which will govern any argument relative to the contracts we sign and which is clearly stated on the contracts leave very little worries on our behalf. And fraud is not something taken lightly in my country ;-)

 Gallahad wrote:
@Alex, are there currently any plastic landsknechte or conquistadors available? Just show me where to throw my money.

I don't think there have been any available since GW went down the pajamas and skulls route with their empire troops.

Warlord has ECW stuff, but that is definitely a different look, different weapons, and a different scale. And the Perry HYW stuff is a)tiny and b)aesthetically very different.

Just to make something clear (because we don't want any misinterpretations or unintentional misleading by any means) the Guard of Pramendes consists of 2 "groups".
Half of it is made of these "Conquistador" type soldiers, who among other things will also be supplying/riding the Monstrous Cavalry of the Humans.
The other half however is a more like "medieval-monk" type soldiers, we have called them the Talliareum Warrior Monks and will also be in charge of the Warmachines from this faction.
For obvious reasons we couldn't put them both on our teaser pic...
Ah, expect to see a couple of female characters too in this faction :-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/18 22:01:39

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

We would like your advice to see how our 4 armies rank so far as far as popularity is concerned.
It could decide the order with which the Center pieces will be spread out thoughout the Campaign.

Please Vote!

Thank you.
The Shieldwolf Team.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/18 22:15:13

Post by: Alpharius

Well, that was one of the least surprising 'winners' ever!

And yes - I know the vote isn't over yet, but it might as well be!

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/18 22:25:16

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

 Alpharius wrote:
Well, that was one of the least surprising 'winners' ever!
And yes - I know the vote isn't over yet, but it might as well be!

We had already done a research of our own and want this to secure our findings if you will, but mind you we are not looking only for who gets 1st place ;-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/18 22:42:08

Post by: GiraffeX

Thats quite cool I think they will do really well if they win, there isnt really anything like them at present.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/19 07:58:35

Post by: Capamaru

overtyrant wrote:
Come on ogres!

I voted for the chicks too :(

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/19 13:30:10

Post by: bubber

I went for the orcs. I love their styling.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/19 20:10:45

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

Hmmm... give or take the same results like the ones we had, although the Shieldmaidens didn't have that much of a lead from the others. The other 3 all have the same weight it seems...

So, looks like our stretch goal line-up doesn't change much, Shieldmaidens are getting their biggies faster than the others, plastic regiments line-up are the same, while Humans (claiming second place... by a thread) are getting their monstrous cavalry first :-)
2 more things before bidding you all a wonderful weekend, just to have something to talk about!
People have asked to see some greens, well I think we can do better than simple "greens", we'll post some on Monday to demonstrate the level our Sculpting Team has reached, in the meanwhile here's a teaser

Second thing, we noted our bases sizes will be from 20mm to 100mm. We lied. We will have 2 goodies on 150mmx100mm bases too ;-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/19 23:17:26

Post by: dubovac

I remember talking with you when you first showed up on a "scene" because you showed very believable idea about business and had straight vision. I am really glad that you are still following that path. Hopefully if I manage to get hold on same spare chase I will try to put some financial "faith" in you also.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/19 23:56:10

Post by: streetsamurai

While I really like what's shown so far, what I think is really lacking, is an iconic faction that will set your setting apart from the other ones.

Insectoids, fishmens or rockmans for example.

While i know that these kind of factions are more risky, cause they can be used easilly in whfb, it would make me back your project without a doubt

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/20 00:07:32

Post by: RivenSkull

Still holding out hope for a demon/abyssal army

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/20 00:20:28

Post by: Alpharius

 RivenSkull wrote:
Still holding out hope for a demon/abyssal army

Didn't someone just do one of those?!?

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/20 00:41:27

Post by: AlexHolker

 Alpharius wrote:
 RivenSkull wrote:
Still holding out hope for a demon/abyssal army

Didn't someone just do one of those?!?

Yes, Mantic did.

Warcraft-style Cervitaurs are a race I'd like to see someone make - centaurs have a lot of history behind them, and they're easy to slot into any game as pseudo-cavalry auxiliaries, and deer-centaurs tend to have better proportions than horse-centaurs do. They'd take up more sprue space per model than infantry (but still less than cavalry), so that's one potential downside.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/20 01:25:52

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

Where do the dragon men fit into the production schedule?

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/20 13:56:19

Post by: RivenSkull

 Alpharius wrote:
 RivenSkull wrote:
Still holding out hope for a demon/abyssal army

Didn't someone just do one of those?!?

Not to try and knock on Mantic, but I really didn't like the ascetics of their demons. I'm looking for something a little less "Joker Grin/Popeye Face" mix.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/20 14:17:41

Post by: Yodhrin

 AlexHolker wrote:
 OrlandotheTechnicoloured wrote:
not yet, but Warlord has just acquired Pro-Gloria and should be releasing their plastic landsknechte

Yes, that's the one I was referring to.

but that's not to say that Shieldwolf should not go forward with whatever stuff they feel they need for their world,

no point designing and making minis just because nobody else does, they've got to fit in a gameworld (in this case)

But as has been said, there are more things that fit in the gameworld than Shieldwolf has the capacity to make, so making the best ones first and leaving the Conquistknechts until they've run out of better things to make would make more sense.

Give the Talliareum Ogres their slots, and you could give them a HIPS kit that still slots into people's existing Empire/Landsknect collections and would mesh with the Talliareum humans when you eventually make them, without just being redundant.
Give the Araves their slots, and you could use it for something interesting like a regiment of alchemists in HIPS.
Give the Shieldmaidens their slots, and you could make both the heavy and light infantry in HIPS.

If they make the Araves, hmm, fine. The Shieldmaidens, maybe. Personally though, I'd rather see them make what they're already proposing to make; just because models explore similar themes doesn't mean they're interchangeable substitutes, ProGloria's plastic landsknecht might eventually be released by Warlord, but there's a reason I and others didn't put money into their own indiegogo - I don't like how they look. They take the bobblehead-syndrome of GW's "heroic" plastics and turn it up to eleven, and don't have any of the cool touches of gothic weirdness to make up for it. Shieldwolf's take on fantasy-medieval-come-renaissance human infantry is one I like, it's different enough from other offerings to justify its existence, and their scale looks much more reasonable going by the Araves sculpts.

You may not have any desire for these models right now, but don't pretend it's anything more than that.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/20 14:37:03

Post by: Alpharius

 RivenSkull wrote:
 Alpharius wrote:
 RivenSkull wrote:
Still holding out hope for a demon/abyssal army

Didn't someone just do one of those?!?

Not to try and knock on Mantic, but I really didn't like the ascetics of their demons. I'm looking for something a little less "Joker Grin/Popeye Face" mix.

I know - I was joking!

"Abyssal" was something that Mantic was calling them, and I hadn't previously seen many (any?) others asking for them.

I'd bet Shieldwolf's versions would be...more to my liking too.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/22 15:58:50

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

Don't know if this reminds you something of Friday's teaser... :-)

And this is how we are working on ALL our miniatures, we have already set it in motion ourselves to secure it works just fine, all Teams are wonderfully coordinated concept artwork-sculptor-casters-painters... yap, everything! Hope you like these as much as we do! :-)

And since it's unfair to reveal stuff from only one faction, here are a few more teasers, starting with one of the Units of the fearsome Talliareum Mercenary Ogres

Here's what the level of detail the Northern Alliance Shieldmaidens are getting, this is just some shields! :-)

And to top it off, last but not least, here's a greenskinned Hero!

And if you like these, mind you we are obviously keeping our best cards for later on ;-)

Thank you,
The Shieldwolf Team.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/22 16:43:18

Post by: overtyrant

Can't wait to get me some fatties!

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/22 17:04:18

Post by: grefven

The valley orcs, in particular, looks very nice. I like those ones.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/22 18:33:36

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

overtyrant wrote:
Can't wait to get me some fatties!

We are trying to put various touches of "I don't give a d*mn, I'm big and strong and will do what I like! As long as it doesn't get me killed or arrested..."
Enough detials to make them interesting and with character, not too many to make painting become a burden, these shown above are core-troops with modular weaponry for enhanched convertability.

grefven wrote:
The valley orcs, in particular, looks very nice. I like those ones.

Thanks, these are a couple of additional close-ups of the unpainted version to show the level of detail we are now putting on our the Valley Orc Character models :-)

A side view...

And a close-up...


Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2014/12/24 05:45:59

Post by: Gallahad

Very nice sculpts! I like the Ogres, they look very characterful. I also like how sensibly armored the Orc is.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/02 19:43:16

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

 Gallahad wrote:
Very nice sculpts! I like the Ogres, they look very characterful. I also like how sensibly armored the Orc is.


So, our first update for this year has to do with the thanking of all the people who voted in our Poll, more than 500+ !!!
Results show that Humans, Orcs and Ogres are equally popular, and that's with more than 100+ votes for each of these! Ogres and Humans will have a unique "touch", but for the Orcs especially, with all the "goodies" the Valley Orcs have to offer (some of which unique to anything else you've ever seen before from any other manufacturer worldwide), we are very confident that -with a bit of luck on our side- we will soon have the most complete and detailed Orc army in 28mm heroic scale ever created!

All things are in schedule and we will be launching -at the very latest- on the 10th of February, but we will try to make it late January if possible...

In the meanwhile we again wish you all a very happy and prosperous 2015 from everyone here in the Shieldwolf Team!

Thank you.
The Shieldwolf Team.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/03 11:45:26

Post by: willb2064

Those Ogres look fantastic, can't wait for this to launch so we can see more.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/07 19:32:58

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

So, we are keeping a bit silent these days, but everything is on schedule and we will take off as planned at the very latest on the 10th of February. The project has already been submitted and we have been given the "green light" so theoratically we could be lauching right now, but we mean to take care of a few loose ends first :-)

There are slight chances we manage to launch late January, but early February is more probable. A few more sculpts will definitely show up some time before clicking on the "launch!" button, you can expect them even more spectacular than those already previewed ;-) And mind you, we still keep surprises for the launch -some BIG surprises! :-D
Stay tuned and we hope you'll like and support what we have -already- created and what we want to create!

Thank you,
The Shieldwolf Team.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/18 21:34:11

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

Project "Monuments of Glory" completed and ready to ship on Friday!

And now... *very evil smile*... totally free to wrap things up in the next short period and launch our Kickstarter! :-D

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/19 21:23:20

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

And date has been made official. :-)
We will mark exact time of launch when we get a tad closer.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/19 21:36:58

Post by: warboss

I really hope he doesn't end up riding a kitty cat like the mantic female priestess riders did after the KOW kickstarter closed.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/19 21:55:23

Post by: RiTides

 warboss wrote:
I really hope he doesn't end up riding a kitty cat like the mantic female priestess riders did after the KOW kickstarter closed.


Okay, I got a chuckle, but we should probably put away the knives and focus on Shieldwolf on their own merit

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/19 21:59:49

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

 warboss wrote:
I really hope he doesn't end up riding a kitty cat like the mantic female priestess riders did after the KOW kickstarter closed.

I'll make you a bet. I don't know the exact size of the KOW model you're referring to, but if you still think this is a "kitty cat" after you've seen it (because the one pictured above has been already sculpted by us), I'll send you a couple of each for free! :-)

Seriously now, the picture above is the 2nd-level sketch, we still made minor corrections (like the teeth which we made a tad smaller). These are not simple lions, 4 out of 5 armies are going to receive Monstrous Cavalry Units, so "small" doesn't cut it. Angelos had already written their story, but we had to transfer that in concept artwork and after that, in physical form aka sculpts. ;-)
It might also interest you to know that while we were designing these, we were inspired by watching the trailer of "Hercules" with Dwayne Johnson back in June, July, don't remember which exactly. When we saw the trailer with the Nemea lion, Angelos said "Now THAT'S a lion!". Same goes for the Boar of Erimanthio (but that's not for the Humans)...

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/19 23:20:22

Post by: willb2064

What currency will the KS be in?

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/20 05:10:04

Post by: Gallahad

Very cool concept art! Do you have any idea what your pledge levels will look like (as in how much money I would need for the "sweet spot" pledge level)?

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/20 13:39:53

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

willb2064 wrote:
What currency will the KS be in?

Shieldwolf gold coins! :-)
But officially it's in USD... $$$

 Gallahad wrote:
Very cool concept art! Do you have any idea what your pledge levels will look like (as in how much money I would need for the "sweet spot" pledge level)?

Thanks. We have already every pledge level calculated for, since if we wanted we could press "Launch!" right now. Your question is a bit tricky, we tried answering it ourselves while creating the pledge levels but I guess "sweet spot" depends on what someone is looking for.
We have various pledge levels to facilitate as many as possible, from the purchase of a single mini till the pledging for a couple of armies.

We created this campaign with how we -as pledgers- would expect it to be. It has been a logistical nightmare, but we think to have most stuff covered. :-)

Some other things we can reveal are
-Shipping is charged during the campaign. We want people to know exactly what they are paying for, a single payment and that's it.
-Shipping will be discounted for, the more the pledges climb, the more we discount their shipping.
-Funding goal will be hilariously small. To give you an estimate, even without fees it doesn't even cover the expenses we have went into for the concept artwork alone! We do not have a KS crowdfunding crowd ready to pledge tenths of thousands of $,euros, pounds, whatever. It is a great risk if this doesn't pick up quickly, but we have decided to grow the campaign with a steady pace.
-We not only have some minis already sculpted, but professionaly painted and with 360 degree shots, it's not going to be only concept artwork. We may have world-class sculptors recruited, but we want to make sure people realize how committed we are into this. We make fun of campaigns that -even having previous campaigns and followers- don't even go into the trouble to sculpt something on their own, instead of expecting everything to be on the backers backs! That's not dedication. That's not faith. That's not passion.
-A greek hobby site took an interview from us, we are going to translate it in English and post it for all non-Greek speaking people. Guess that includes almost everyone here :-)
-When we say a full army, we mean a full army. Expect to see monsters -among which yes, Dragons! (with and without riders)-, expect monstrous cavarly, expect warmachines, expect troops, warriors, magicians, skirmish, cavalry... and some BIG thingies. You can expect the unexpected. :-D
-There will be pledge levels with limited availability. If someone thinks these are considered EBs, then yes, we'll have EBs. But the logic behind this is not to create quick buzz (or at least not only that) but mostly control/handle the pledge levels easier once the campaign has ended. Receiving the community's support is one thing, the other is to paying them back for their support. It's equally important.

We believe to have covered it all. :-)

Thank you.
The Shieldwolf Team.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/20 13:49:55

Post by: Pete Melvin

Wish you the best of luck with the KS, I'll probably be in on that one I'd imagine. I do so love my orcs.

One thing I'll say though: try to be as upfront and honest with your updates and timings as you can. I'm not saying you won't be or have not been, but of the 4 kickstarters I am still waiting on, one has dropped off the grid, one has been totally dishonest about their timelines and two are late (but not by much so far). Honesty is the best currency when it comes to keeping people on side.

Once again good luck, and Im looking forward to it.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/20 14:01:51

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

Appreciate the council, really do. :-) We have a good reputation and we mean to keep it.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/20 14:39:01

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

Also- don't forget you won't be sleeping much during the campaign!

Questions will be asked at ALL hours of the day!

Do you guys think you'll offer the option of pledging a small amount now, and adding on later with a pledge manager after the campaign?

Got zinged on home repairs this weekend and don't know how much money I'll be able to get away with spending.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/20 23:02:11

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

 highlord tamburlaine wrote:
Do you guys think you'll offer the option of pledging a small amount now, and adding on later with a pledge manager after the campaign?

We have thought of opening something like a small time window via PayPal once the campaign has finished but we have nothing decided yet for sure, so we can't promise anything. :-)

So, finally finished translating the interview, hope it helps.

The original interview for anyone interested is here http://www.wargamer.gr/index.php/community/interviews/item/4425-shieldwolf-miniatures

This is our first interview from the people behind the only Greek company manufacturing miniatures in 28mm scale. While waiting for their first campaign on Kickstarter which is due on February 10th, we asked 11 questions to this company, concerning their upcoming rule-set, their miniatures and naturally their campaign!

1st Question: Tell us 2 words describing Shieldwolf Miniatures, how was it created and how come you decided something like this in a country that has nothing similar to what you're doing?
Shieldwolf Miniatures was an idea created many years ago and something that Angelos liked a lot, since we have all been involved for many years in fantasy worlds and it fascinates us. The decision to make this into a reality was however taken on February 2012. The fact nothing else like this exists in Greece was additional motive for us to create it!

2nd Question: How was the reaction of the hobbyists?
Initially we expected better, we were set up for mass production of large scale, but we soon realized that competition was tougher than initially anticipated. Truth is that worked in our favor because although it forced us to alter our initial plans, it made us even more competitive than we initially were aiming for. The number of people who are now following us today proves this.

3rd Question: What did you change?
Well, let's start with what we kept. Our manufacturing methods rest the same, they were already at a great level. Same goes for customer service, we kept doing exactly what we started from day 1. What we changed was our sculptors, our standards and the interaction with the people who share our passion, we are now discussing openly with people and we are not afraid to show off our accomplishments in such a short period of time. Also, we are prioritizing innovation, something that makes us different from everyone else, and which was recognized to us from the release of our Mountain Orcs.

4th Question: What do you believe makes you different from other miniature manufacturers?
First of all we are not only manufacturers of miniatures, we are also producers of a game. Concerning the miniatures we replied earlier, we see things differently. For the game I'm afraid there's not much to tell because although it has been developed a lot, there's still work to be done. There aren't many fantasy army games in general, the reason is simple, it's very hard to support them. We however, in contrary with skirmish games, are looking into doing something harder and more elaborate.

5th Question: What difference does your game have from e.g. Warhammer or Kings of War?
Our game allows 2 different ways to play it, one very fast and one very hardcore, something that neither of the above offer. Compared to Warhammer it's much faster and slightly less complicated. We have different rules concerning magic and character roles and placing, while we don't include any named characters. Compared to Kings of War we include large monsters (centerpieces) which they don't have and probably more tactical and fast. Whether it's more fun to play or not will be judged from the people.

6th Question: Do you want to tell us some more specifics about your game?
The game people know today when playing an army wargame, like the ones mentioned above, is that 2 players set up their armies and then take turns playing according to certain restrictions. Before even starting a game of War is Coming, there will be a number of events that effects whatever advantages or disadvantages a players had before starting. Nothing chaotic but brings the feeling that this is war and you must cope with the unexpected. Any capable General going into battle should be able to handle that.
Another example of how a number of soldiers/warriors of each army gives advantages and disadvantages to each army and which should reflect on the game or if you like, on the field of battle. An army with few numbers (elit) compared to an army of many (horde) could and should move more effectively. Therefore, while a General/player has finished deploying his more disciplined army, instead of waiting for the masses of troops the enemy/opponent brings with him, could start playing immediately (by shooting, moving etc)! War is coming and it's not going to wait.

7th Question: Let's change a bit the subject and get back to the miniatures. What armies are you preparing and when are we going to see for example the Araves?
The Araves like many others have temporarily frozen in favor of the Kickstarter. We have already said that we have many plans for armies no one has ever created before in this scale and will be favored when possible. Dwarfs for example, which are included in our plans, have saturated choices at the moment and even if we release rules for them, you aren't going to be seeing models any time soon. Someone could use models from Mantic or Games Workshop which are the only ones at the moment that have a complete army for dwarfs. For the rest of our troops we are definitely liking very much Daemons, Goblins and Elves. For the Daemons we have a very powerful and special set of rules and vision in store for them, Goblins are a Mercenary army (like the Talliareum Ogres) while we have said before that Elves are not "good" and "bad", for us Elves are only "good", they are divided in 3 factions, the Elves of the Order who compose the main part of the army, the Oak Elves who supply skirmish units and the Shadow Elves who do all the "dirty" work (harassment, warmachine hunters κλπ). Slowly and with determination we will proceed in these armies as well, one thing at a time.

8th Question: I see. OK, let's talk about the Kickstarter. Why Kickstarter and not Indiegogo?
We chose Kickstarter because of the plans and passion we have for something really big, Indiegogo (as it is till today at least) is for smaller scale projects and with not as many people. It's definitely very important that the campaign goes well and we hope in the support of the Community. We have worked on this for 9 long months, while freezing everything else that was ready to go into production, something that financially has obvisouly not helped us and we hope our decision proves correct, not by chance we had named this “Pillars of destiny”. We have done everything we could do, we have superb sculptors, painters, concept artists, the materials we use are world's best. Every detail has been analyzed and discussed multiple times, even our pitch video which we consider every serious campaign wanting to do something great should reflect the amount of work, passion and responsability of the creators.
If this works out well, besides Games Workshop Shieldwolf will be the only other company worldwide producing this quality of fantasy miniatures in 28mm heroic/bulky scale, while we also accelarate the completion of the first edition of our game.

9th Question: What goodies have you prepared and what's the 5th army you still have not revealed?
The 5th army will be revealed during the Kickstarter in order to provide further momentum in our campaign. We have sculpted and painted models from this army too, along with the other 4 naturally. What we have prepared I can assure you are top quality not only in sculpts but also concept, while many you have never seen from any other manufacturer. And some of these are... big. Really big!

10th Question: What's your funding goal?
We have spent a very considerable amount of money preparing this Kickstarter, and that is only normal if you want to convince on what you are doing. In theory this campaign even with our cofunding should have had a funding goal of at least 62,000$. Even so, it was decided that we are going to start from an embarassingly low funding goal, which will not even cover the money spent on concept artwork alone! There is the danger of course that this does not pick up fast and that the stretch goals don't get unlocked the one after the other like we have planned, something that would be very bad not only for all the work we have put into this but for the campaign itself. We hope something like this does not happen and we'll unlock -if not all- at least most of the things we have planned for.

11th Question. Hopefully all will work out well. One last question before we finish, because it will certainly interest people. Will there be any Kickstarter exclusives or early birds?
Kickstarter exclusives will not be available. The reason is when we create something we want it to be great and share it with people, even those that at the time couldn't afford it. During our campaign we already have serious discounts to reward those who believe in us and helped us out. Now, in the great scenario that we have unlocked all our stretch goals, which we have said before will be counted and we'll not add anything else on top once everything has been met, then we'll look to do something extra with that money for the backers, but let's not rush.
For the early birds the answer is also "no", except if you mean a limited number of pledges, then in that case "yes" (although we have not baptized them early birds), we need to make sure that after the campaign we meet pledges easier.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/21 04:39:06

Post by: cincydooley

This gak looks great dude. Excited to see what you've got.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/21 04:42:09

Post by: Gallahad

 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:

10th Question: What's your funding goal?
We have spent a very considerable amount of money preparing this Kickstarter, and that is only normal if you want to convince on what you are doing. In theory this campaign even with our cofunding should have had a funding goal of at least 62,000$. Even so, it was decided that we are going to start from an embarassingly low funding goal, which will not even cover the money spent on concept artwork alone! There is the danger of course that this does not pick up fast and that the stretch goals don't get unlocked the one after the other like we have planned, something that would be very bad not only for all the work we have put into this but for the campaign itself. We hope something like this does not happen and we'll unlock -if not all- at least most of the things we have planned for.

Audentes Fortuna Iuvat!

Many newer companies have failed at the attempt to fund HIPS plastic troops. I hope your sterling reputation and experience carry you across the finish line. I will certainly be pledging.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/21 13:00:18

Post by: dubovac

Everything looks great and really promising. The guy on horse is absolutely fantastic, probably one of the best horse mounted figures I saw in long long time.
Hopefully you will be rewarded for your great vision and honest approach. We need more strong companies in the "old world".

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/21 17:43:38

Post by: drazz

I have never bought or painted a "bust" figure. But that Oak Elf is making me interested in trying my hand at it.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/21 21:14:23

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

 Gallahad wrote:
 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:

10th Question: What's your funding goal?
We have spent a very considerable amount of money preparing this Kickstarter, and that is only normal if you want to convince on what you are doing. In theory this campaign even with our cofunding should have had a funding goal of at least 62,000$. Even so, it was decided that we are going to start from an embarassingly low funding goal, which will not even cover the money spent on concept artwork alone! There is the danger of course that this does not pick up fast and that the stretch goals don't get unlocked the one after the other like we have planned, something that would be very bad not only for all the work we have put into this but for the campaign itself. We hope something like this does not happen and we'll unlock -if not all- at least most of the things we have planned for.

Audentes Fortuna Iuvat!

Many newer companies have failed at the attempt to fund HIPS plastic troops. I hope your sterling reputation and experience carry you across the finish line. I will certainly be pledging.

Appreciate the trust :-) yes, other companies tried and failed for HIPS, we do however have faith (and some advantages compared to them) so hopefully all will work out nicely.

dubovac wrote:
Everything looks great and really promising. The guy on horse is absolutely fantastic, probably one of the best horse mounted figures I saw in long long time.
Hopefully you will be rewarded for your great vision and honest approach. We need more strong companies in the "old world".

Thanks, among my favorites too, we still have some more teasers to show off before launching :-)

 drazz wrote:
I have never bought or painted a "bust" figure. But that Oak Elf is making me interested in trying my hand at it.

Then that means we might have done a really good work on it :-)
The sculptor is Georgios Tsougkoutzidis, we look forward in working more with him. Really talented, happy to have him aboard.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/23 10:21:06

Post by: Piston Honda

If all our sculpts look that good I would Kickstart this.

Does being locating in Greece create challenges in creating your own line of miniatures?

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/23 13:49:55

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

I'd say, being the first can be exciting but it does cause (unexpected/unforseen) trouble some times. :-)

We met unexpected difficulties with beureacracy, "Miniature Makers" doesn't exist as an "option" and people at various public departments couldn't place us under something "specific" when we wanted to register our bussiness or anything similar for our production facilities.
-"Toy makers?"
-"Well, what we make can also be for collectors..."
-"Then I place you under antique sellers"
-"We are manufacturers, and also these are definitely not going to be considered antiques!"
-"I see. OK, think I found it. Domestic item sellers."
-"What does that mean?"
-"Well you know, anything you can use and is directed for home use, something like kitchenware."
-"That's not us then."
-"Then we go back to toys..."

For the copyright of our Mountain Orc sprues for example, they initially wanted us to present them with every single miniature that could be assembled and have photographs covering each and every aspect of them (the ones not pictured could possibly not be covered legally). Yeah, right... *dazzled eyes* In the end, we managed to convince them of the obvious (that we simply cannot assemble thousands of variants, take thousands of photos & then pay the tenths of thousands of euros necessary for their IP expenses!)
We created first precedences for quite a few things actually, the law firm protecting us was very precise on certain terms, so we lost valuable time dealing with that, I'm pretty sure any new company in Greece registering a bussiness like ours will have a much easier time than we had. :-)

Another bad aspect we faced was prejudice from certain community members, I'm pretty sure e.g. French companies didn't have consecutive emails shot at them asking how many months it was going to take to get their stuff if they placed an order and that PayPal only covered 45 days (true story, and didn't happen only once!)... I believe this has long been overcome however (thankfully!).

Taxes was another issue, we didn't fall into the category "innovation" although there's a law protecting all "artists" here in Greece, we are considered "butique" so we are at 23% that is a lot for us (Bulgaria has 10%), we tried to prove we are not elephants, but in vain, since -again- we were something new and couldn't be thus excluded as we normally should've. We received no leniency being a start up company, but anyway something that had to be dealt with. And I'm pretty sure every single person that received items from us can testify we always had their invoice included.

I think that living in the UK makes it easier to drive to Renedra or similar manufacturers, and not having to take the plane + book a hotel every time you need visiting them. All domestic factories dealing with plastic proved useless in Greece (for what we wanted to make), we visited 8 of them and had multiple other contacts via phone. Time wasted. China was also in our list, we had give-and-take with quite a few to see their samples, send them our copies etc, just to find out their quality was not what we were looking for. Greek customs with China (due to some recent laws) was also very time-consuming...

We visited the Athens Art University, which for the sculpting department was a real promise. Very talented sculptors, but no-one sculpting in our scale (too small for them). Another waste of time and materials, we now work exclusively with professionals aboard. :-)

So yes, (to cut a small story short) we did face a lot of problems, but where's a will there's a way ;-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/23 14:12:41

Post by: Piston Honda

Psssh, You have an Iron will, I would have just taken my ball and gone home after that much trouble.

Do you see yourself/company moving operation to England/UK? Is that why it seems like the majority of miniatures come from there?

Hope you have a home run of a kicktarter.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/23 14:14:17

Post by: Nostromodamus

Good luck with the KS Shieldwolf. Going in for multiple factions in HIPS for a brand new game certainly takes balls. I hope you have no issues with funding or fulfillment!

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/23 14:14:55

Post by: Pete Melvin

An interesting tale, and one that shows how much work goes on in the background. I doubt many people realise that its rarely a case of "Have idea-sculpt mini-cast mini-sell mini" in this industry anymore.

Most people Ive spoken to dont have quite the same story as you have (which is pretty extraordinairy and kudos for keeping at it despite the obvious frustration) but certainly close. The miniatures business is like a swan gliding along. Its all pretty things on top but underneath there is a lot of thrashing going on.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/23 14:40:24

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

Thank you , appreciate the wishes, hopefully we'll give everyone good motive to back this. :-)

 Piston Honda wrote:
Do you see yourself/company moving operation to England/UK? Is that why it seems like the majority of miniatures come from there?

Negative, we are only keeping our plastic manufacturing at Renedra, our facilities here are great and more than sufficient for our for resin casting & storing, now that we are up and running it would have no substantial benefit for us (other than fiscal reasoning, but we hope that will change at some point in the future).

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/23 17:13:01

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

Thanks for the good read. Always interesting to hear about the behind the scenes stuff.

I'm looking forward to seeing how everything will be put together for the campaign, even if it seems like your dragon men are going to have to sit this one out.

Any chance you guys might run an early preview of the page? For feedback and stuff?

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/23 20:46:20

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

We have put a lot of thinking in how this should be spread out, everything could be done correctly and a bad placing of stretch goals could prove a distaster!
We have created a crowdfunding structure that will allow every person interested in a single army alone to have his/hers mark close behind. We will not have for example

Stretch goal-1: Guard of Talliareum
Stretch goal-2: Guard of Talliareum
Stretch goal-3: Guard of Talliareum
Stretch goal-4: Shieldmaidens
Stretch goal-5: Shieldmaidens
Stretch goal-6: Shieldmaidens
Stretch goal-7: Talliareum Ogres
Stretch goal-8: Talliareum Ogres
Stretch goal-9: Talliareum Ogres
Stretch goal-10: Valley Orcs
Stretch goal-11: Valley Orcs
Stretch goal-12: Valley Orcs

Instead it's going to look something more like this

Stretch goal-1: Guard of Talliareum
Stretch goal-2: Talliareum Ogres
Stretch goal-3: Guard of Talliareum
Stretch goal-4: Shieldmaidens
Stretch goal-5: Valley Orcs
Stretch goal-6: Shieldmaidens
Stretch goal-7: Guard of Talliareum
Stretch goal-8: Talliareum Ogres
Stretch goal-9: Shieldmaidens
Stretch goal-10: Valley Orcs
Stretch goal-11: Guard of Talliareum
Stretch goal-12: Shieldmaidens

Please Note: This is an example, not necessarily the final start order.

The way we have structured this is so everyone will feel involved, we can appreciate the support and love someone will show at a single specific faction and so noone will have to wait for 7-8 stretch goals before seeing something that does interests him/her. It makes perfect sense that if things pick up fast, anyone joining will immediately have a much larger variety to choose from.

We will have communicated both the initial stretch goal order and their pricing from the beginning. We do not want to be blamed that we started offering something but because things were working out too great we decided to make extra money from it (something we've spotted often in very succesful campaigns), remember that we are co-funding this.

Now, the order that has been decided may cause some people to complain, but we have not only to respect the results of the voting (which shows Ogres-Humans-Orcs all tied and Shieldmaidens leading by a good margin), but also it's impossible to release everything at once without asking for a huge amount of money!
Ogres will be getting some more goodies since they get no HIPS, and the winners of the poll (Shieldmaidens) will definitely be getting some more attention, their first centerpiece is theirs. We have tried to bring this into an equillibrium by offering first MC for the Humans and a couple of goodies for the Orcs as well, but we are very confident some people will still not be satisfied *shrugs shoulders*
We have tried our best to please as many as possible, after all without your support this KS will not succeed. :-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/23 22:09:00

Post by: RivenSkull

I thought there was going to be 5 armies in this?

I was holding out hope for demons

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/23 22:28:57

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

 RivenSkull wrote:
I thought there was going to be 5 armies in this?

I was holding out hope for demons

It is 5 armies. :-)
The 5th will be revealed at the Kickstarter to provide momentum, the 4 armies revealed should be more than enough to reach point critical ;-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/24 00:27:50

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

5th army is...dragonmen?

How do you guys plan on structuring your pledge levels?

Will there be army bundles? Multiple army bundles? Discounts for big bundles?

I'm assuming there will be a level where we can pick and choose pieces from various factions too, right?

I'm a sucker for monstrous infantry and cavalry, and I'm sure I'll want a few choice pieces at the minimum.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/24 01:03:17

Post by: Azazelx

One thing I'd like you to consider for your limited-number pledges is that the campaign is obviously going to be a global one, so it's probably worth considering some way to make sure that people in New Zealand, Poland, the UK and the US all have an opportunity to get hold of those pledge levels while still being able to sleep and go to work.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/24 01:26:13

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

 highlord tamburlaine wrote:
5th army is...dragonmen?

5th army is... secret. :-D
 highlord tamburlaine wrote:

How do you guys plan on structuring your pledge levels?

IIRC there will be 11 pledge levels, from people wanting one single mini till entire armies.

 highlord tamburlaine wrote:

Will there be army bundles? Multiple army bundles? Discounts for big bundles?

The higher your pledge, the larger the discount. It's as simple as that.
 highlord tamburlaine wrote:

I'm assuming there will be a level where we can pick and choose pieces from various factions too, right?

Actually we are going to allow you to pick whatever you like. As we have repeatedly said, we are running this campaign like we would like to have seen as pledgers. You will be allowed to choose whatever you like (in accordance to the height of your pledge naturally). And that's valid regardless of your pledge level, we mean to help you out as much as possible, so you in return can help us. :-)
 highlord tamburlaine wrote:

I'm a sucker for monstrous infantry and cavalry, and I'm sure I'll want a few choice pieces at the minimum.

Well, depends on what gets unlocked, but I can assure you we have a lot of stuff planned for, some sculpted way further than you'd expect. Personally I'd be very surprised if some of our MC don't blow you away, both concept and sculpt speaking. But danger is we'll need to get to them first... :-/
And since the danger of not taking off quickly is a possibility (and we like to diminuish it as much as possible), we'll be playing an additional card at the very beginning. Should spark things up even more... ;-)
 Azazelx wrote:
One thing I'd like you to consider for your limited-number pledges is that the campaign is obviously going to be a global one, so it's probably worth considering some way to make sure that people in New Zealand, Poland, the UK and the US all have an opportunity to get hold of those pledge levels while still being able to sleep and go to work.

A very fair point Azazelx, we are still trying to figure a way to make this as fair as possible, we do have a very respectable number of clients from both Australia and New Zealand, we do not want to favor or disfavor anyone, everybody's hard earned money is worth the same after all. We thought of limiting something for the first 24 hours, therefore everyone would benefit regardless of where he/she lives, unfortunately we have no idea how this works for a KS, and what results are given to us once the project finishes. Another is to have 2 limited pledge levels aka Early Birds, one for Europe/USA/Canada, the other for Australia/New Zealand/Japan. Again, we do not know how we can ensure only people from these areas are going to pledge there.
If you have any suggestions or other advice on how to be fair to everyone, then we will be very happy to hear about it. Last thing we want is being unfair.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/24 02:32:35

Post by: Azazelx

Well, you can't "region lock" them, but you could theoretically start them in a couple of "waves" based on their timezones. Like open some (let's just say 10) at the campaign launch, then 10 more 6 hours later, 10 more another 6 hours later, and a final 10 an additional 6 hours later.

So for example:

10 open at noon
10 open at 6pm
10 open at midnight
10 open at 6am

Base that on 3 hour intervals, 4 hour intervals, 6 hours, or vary them according to major market timezones... whatever works for you.

Of course, once they're "out there" people from any region can snap them up, whether it's because they're a night owl, nightshift worker, some not selling out fast enough or what have you.

You can also "weight" these EBs as well, since we know that realistically more backers are going to come from Europe, the UK and the US, so more EBs for these markets in their timeslots make sense. It also means that you can separate Greece and Poland's from the UK's by a couple of hours if you so choose.

You just need to make sure you don't over-saturate with too many versions. But you can kinda do that by looking to see how many sell out (or are left) of the Greek timezone EBs before opening the UK ones, and then the US ones.

Hope this helps!

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/24 04:23:31

Post by: overtyrant

Wait, Ogres are NOT going to be done in HIPS?

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/24 05:28:49

Post by: Azazelx

I believe the Ogres are going to be done in SW's resin.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/24 08:32:38

Post by: overtyrant

Oh, ok then. That's my interest dropped right of then

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/24 09:14:03

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

overtyrant wrote:
Wait, Ogres are NOT going to be done in HIPS?

@ overtyrant That is not a last minute change, we had said that from the start. HIPS takes many months to make and it was either leaving our Ogres out or using resin. We decided the latter.
We have also said that in order to make up for it (should people not be pleased that their army of choice is the only one that will not have any plastics) we will proceed in releasing faster any goodies for them. To explain myself better, from the 3 Waves planned, in Wave-1 alone Ogres will be unlocking something like 12 out of 16 stretch goals set up for them (don't remember the numbers but something like that).The other 4 races will be unlocking a lot less, so hope that pleases you guys.
Now, in case all stretch goals are met and the campaign terminates 101% succesfully, then we could ask if people want to wait some 4-5 months extra and have the Ogre troops done in HIPS. I would like to note however that we currently have 4 units designed for the Ogres, and -assuming Renedra allows it, since this is not what we have agreed on and I cannot pretend more than what we shook hands for-, making HIPS for these would take at the very best, some 16 months. That's 16 additional months from the official date of delivery. And I doubt people would like that, also because things do not work out to in the very best possible, and I'm pretty sure it will not be 16 months... *shrugs shoulders*

@Azazelx Appreciate the analytical break down, you were very very precise, better start checking out what time it is now in Sydney... :-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/24 11:41:59

Post by: overtyrant

I must of missed that, well I hope your KS goes well!

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/24 17:25:25

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

Yes, back in page #5 when we first announced it.

 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:

So, a few hours before we hit December 1st, probably going to sleep early however, so will be posting this now. Unfortunately even with the Valley Orcs revealed best guesses got 3 out of 5 so far :-( We mean to give out the price however, so contest is still on, you must guess the remaining 3! Hardest of which imo is the very next we are revealing on Monday December 8th... :-)

2nd army we have prepared is the Mercenary faction of Talliareum Ogres. This is also the only army out of the five that will not have any plastic kit but will instead consist 100% of our polyurethane resin. We think it's a beautiful and original army, which will have everything you need. And we don't mean simple troops by that, expect to see some really original and detailed concepts and sculpts. Here's the official picture teaser, hope you enjoy it as much as we! :-)

"...No one remembers how long ago these huge brutes decided to live among the Humans in the Kingdom of Talliareum. The Ogres do not go unnoticed, standing more than 8 feet tall and weighing some 400 pounds each! It comes as no surprise that they took advantage in the past of their natural strength and physical structure to beat people up, steal, abuse; there was a time they practically did as they pleased. But as the Kingdom of Talliareum slowly formed, the Ogres soon found out they couldn't deal with the better organised Humans. Highly outnumbered, they consistently got arrested, beaten, imprisoned and even executed. Some Ogres left for far away lands, but many stayed, choosing to obey the Law. Well, in a certain sense at least..."

Thank you.
The Shieldwolf Team.

Thanks, hope we'll have something to tease you all the same :-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/24 20:10:05

Post by: Yodhrin

Must. Resist. Urge. To. Buy. For. Tilean. Warband....

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/24 20:55:10

Post by: Mr Morden

I do really like the Shieldmaiden - I love the Vikings tv show and the bust pleasently resembeled Lagatha

will keep an eye on this as waiting for my Amazon army to arrive and half a dozen other kick starters...............

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/24 21:59:21

Post by: Binabik15

I really like that horse. Well muscled like a proper heroic warhorse, good pose. I wish there was a whole plastic box full of horses in that style somewhere in your production timeline, I'd be all over that. It's incredible that 1:72 horses are often well proportioned and dynamic and most 28mm scale ones are gangly or sick looking.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/24 23:08:34

Post by: RiTides

 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:
Yes, back in page #5 when we first announced it.

 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:

So, a few hours before we hit December 1st, probably going to sleep early however, so will be posting this now. Unfortunately even with the Valley Orcs revealed best guesses got 3 out of 5 so far :-( We mean to give out the price however, so contest is still on, you must guess the remaining 3! Hardest of which imo is the very next we are revealing on Monday December 8th... :-)

2nd army we have prepared is the Mercenary faction of Talliareum Ogres. This is also the only army out of the five that will not have any plastic kit but will instead consist 100% of our polyurethane resin. We think it's a beautiful and original army, which will have everything you need. And we don't mean simple troops by that, expect to see some really original and detailed concepts and sculpts. Here's the official picture teaser, hope you enjoy it as much as we! :-)

"...No one remembers how long ago these huge brutes decided to live among the Humans in the Kingdom of Talliareum. The Ogres do not go unnoticed, standing more than 8 feet tall and weighing some 400 pounds each! It comes as no surprise that they took advantage in the past of their natural strength and physical structure to beat people up, steal, abuse; there was a time they practically did as they pleased. But as the Kingdom of Talliareum slowly formed, the Ogres soon found out they couldn't deal with the better organised Humans. Highly outnumbered, they consistently got arrested, beaten, imprisoned and even executed. Some Ogres left for far away lands, but many stayed, choosing to obey the Law. Well, in a certain sense at least..."

Thank you.
The Shieldwolf Team.

Thanks, hope we'll have something to tease you all the same :-)

Polyurethane resin is "the good stuff" as far as I know (cast using a flexible silicone mold). That actually has me much more interested in that line, especially if it might ship before the others, as a big project like this in HIPS could have a considerable lead time on the plastic sculpts.

But yeah, this kind of resin is excellent (imo) and should not deter anyone from pledging for ogres (and possibly, make them even more attractive than the other choices).

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/24 23:47:55

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

It is hand casted in our silicone moulds, yes.
Here's another teaser of the big guys, we are going to release a few more teasers for sure in the next days too, I know people are awaiting from other factions too, so we'll keep stuff coming :-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/24 23:56:52

Post by: AlexHolker

Is that a sculpt in progress? There seems to be a lot of little gritty bits on it that should be smooth.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/25 00:07:50

Post by: Azazelx

 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:

@Azazelx Appreciate the analytical break down, you were very very precise, better start checking out what time it is now in Sydney... :-)

Screw Sydney. Just worry about Melbourne!
(we're on the same timezone, but we have a rivalry. You should be supporting Melbourne anyway, we're the world's third-largest Greek city!)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/25 00:42:47

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

@AlexHolker yes, we use an old text graphic character, the WIP is work in progress but I can understand people missing it. It is indeed very "grainy" (I think that is the correct term), good catch! The pics our sculptors send us (like the one above) are before sanding them so we don't waste time, you can rest assured what we are casting -and what you receive in your hands- has a very smooth feel to it :-)
Oh, and also this pic was taken some 3-4 months ago too. Mini is finished and painted ;-)

@Azazelx Lol! :-D

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/25 01:45:49

Post by: warboss

Dakka is officially turning into a rap video. I just came from the Infinity thread where there was a miniature butt shot to this one with the same. I swear... if the next thread has the Harlequins twerking then I'll just log out for the day!

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/25 04:26:38

Post by: overtyrant

 RiTides wrote:
 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:
Yes, back in page #5 when we first announced it.

 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:

So, a few hours before we hit December 1st, probably going to sleep early however, so will be posting this now. Unfortunately even with the Valley Orcs revealed best guesses got 3 out of 5 so far :-( We mean to give out the price however, so contest is still on, you must guess the remaining 3! Hardest of which imo is the very next we are revealing on Monday December 8th... :-)

2nd army we have prepared is the Mercenary faction of Talliareum Ogres. This is also the only army out of the five that will not have any plastic kit but will instead consist 100% of our polyurethane resin. We think it's a beautiful and original army, which will have everything you need. And we don't mean simple troops by that, expect to see some really original and detailed concepts and sculpts. Here's the official picture teaser, hope you enjoy it as much as we! :-)

"...No one remembers how long ago these huge brutes decided to live among the Humans in the Kingdom of Talliareum. The Ogres do not go unnoticed, standing more than 8 feet tall and weighing some 400 pounds each! It comes as no surprise that they took advantage in the past of their natural strength and physical structure to beat people up, steal, abuse; there was a time they practically did as they pleased. But as the Kingdom of Talliareum slowly formed, the Ogres soon found out they couldn't deal with the better organised Humans. Highly outnumbered, they consistently got arrested, beaten, imprisoned and even executed. Some Ogres left for far away lands, but many stayed, choosing to obey the Law. Well, in a certain sense at least..."

Thank you.
The Shieldwolf Team.

Thanks, hope we'll have something to tease you all the same :-)

Polyurethane resin is "the good stuff" as far as I know (cast using a flexible silicone mold). That actually has me much more interested in that line, especially if it might ship before the others, as a big project like this in HIPS could have a considerable lead time on the plastic sculpts.

But yeah, this kind of resin is excellent (imo) and should not deter anyone from pledging for ogres (and possibly, make them even more attractive than the other choices).

Sorry I don't trust/like resin for an army, it is either to expensive per model to build an army out of (the reason why I have not brought any of tres work) or it is cheap and to much of a pain to prepare for a whole army. This has been my experience with resin. If it was for a skirmish game with say a maximum of 10 models or so then yeah I wouldn't mind the cost/clean up. I am only interested in HIPS for this I'm afraid and if the 5th army does not get my attention then this campaign will hold no interest for me. I was going to spend a lot on this and I would've been prepared to wait for HIPS as SWM have been very open about that information but I can understand if they do not want to wait that long. It is also very nice that they would offer a refund but if I'm not prepared to take that chance.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/25 09:50:02

Post by: Mymearan

Overtyrant: the cheap, hard to assemble stuff you're talking about is not resin, it's usually called plastic resin or restic. Resin figures are usually more expensive but hold detail a lot better than HIPS, so the models look better but are more brittle.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/26 18:03:56

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

Binabik15 wrote:
I really like that horse. Well muscled like a proper heroic warhorse, good pose. I wish there was a whole plastic box full of horses in that style somewhere in your production timeline, I'd be all over that. It's incredible that 1:72 horses are often well proportioned and dynamic and most 28mm scale ones are gangly or sick looking.

(Sorry, missed that)
Thanks! I'm pretty sure when the 360's kick in, you will like it even more ;-)
Both the concept artists and sculptor when we asked for a "warrior priest on horse", were instructed to "make it better than anything else currently available". We believe to have succeeded, also because of the casting results we have had for the final result you guys will be getting in your hands :-D

Here's one of the concepts we rejected (one of the very many that will never be seen), might as well publish it here :-)

PS. There's also something else revealed in the picture above, you'll have to wait till the 10th to see it though :-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/29 13:19:46

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

Another teaser, this time a youtube clip... :-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/29 15:05:06

Post by: Prestor Jon

Will the kickstarter be a good opportunity to get existing stuff or is it going to be focused only on new stuff?

I've had my eye on the Northern Alliance barbarian troops for a while now but it's hard to find them in stock here in the US. I'm hoping that the upcoming KS will provide the opportunity and incentive for me to finally make that purchase.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/01/29 19:27:52

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

Prestor Jon wrote:
Will the kickstarter be a good opportunity to get existing stuff or is it going to be focused only on new stuff?

We will be offering discounted pricing on some of our existing range to pump up the amount of money needed for our goal, yes. I'm not allowed to tell you which minis will be available but it is safe to say you can count on a very generous discount. ;-)

Prestor Jon wrote:
I've had my eye on the Northern Alliance barbarian troops for a while now but it's hard to find them in stock here in the US. I'm hoping that the upcoming KS will provide the opportunity and incentive for me to finally make that purchase.

Glad you like them :-)
The Light Barbarian Infantry is direct only, I'm afraid that it is simply not possible financially to offer these to our retailers.

Thank you.
The Shieldwolf Team.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/02/01 13:00:42

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

Good month to everyone! :-D

So, less tha 10 days from launching, we would like to inform that we are going to take advantage of the current KS changes regarding shipping, we have isolated 3 categories which will exclusively ship to specific regions, regardless time of launch (which will probably be 21.00 Greek time, but that is still to decide and announce).

1st category is Europe, (meaning E.U only).
2nd is Atlantic (meaning USA + Canada only)
3rd is Pacific (meaning Singapore, Australia, Japan and New Zealand only)

We have currently introduced the same small limited number for all 3 categories, but might add an exception to Atlantic from which the bulk of our supporters currently resides.

Thank you.
The Shieldwolf Team.

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/02/02 23:41:04

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

We have entered the last week, so we may even start teasing a bit more, we are pretty sure you'll be seeing stuff you were not expecting. Hopefully all this work will be liked as much as we liked it ourselves, like another member said in another forum, there is an element of art in producing miniatures, and that's exactly how we feel about it! :-D

So, the teasers below have to do with the Shieldmaiden faction this time (pictures), sculpted by the very talented Paolo Fabiani. Tomorrow we'll be revealing some -beastly- goodies from the Valley Orc race. :-)

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/02/02 23:54:17

Post by: highlord tamburlaine

Is that a shield wall of some sort? Maybe part of a litter or something on the back of a larger animal?

And what seem to be some quite large shoulder pads?

I'm liking the size of the things shown off here, that's for sure!

Hopefully we'll see a reptile or two in the campaign...

Shieldwolf Miniatures (Official News thread) -- Araves Heroine_A model now avaialble! @ 2015/02/03 00:00:44

Post by: Shieldwolf Miniatures

 highlord tamburlaine wrote:
Is that a shield wall of some sort? Maybe part of a litter or something on the back of a larger animal?
 highlord tamburlaine wrote:

And what seem to be some quite large shoulder pads?
Again, affirmative.
 highlord tamburlaine wrote:

I'm liking the size of the things shown off here, that's for sure!

Hopefully we'll see a reptile or two in the campaign...

Negative. :-)

Edit: Actually allow me to slightly rephrase that last comment. There are no Dracantropii in this campaign, but there is one beasty that may be considered of "reptile" origin. But it's quite unique, so there's really nothing else like it to make the comparison and be precise. Hopefully it will be unlocked and we'll get back to this.
One thing I'm allowed to say, it is BIG. :-)