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Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/05/17 00:27:38

Post by: KernelTerror

Hello Dakka, After an 8 year hobby break, I could no longer ignore the call of the dark gods and am glad to be back in modeling business. Since I have been lurking a lot around here, I thought I might as well start a blog and see where that takes us.
I am more or less continuing the last project I had before pausing. It started because of a text in the CSM Codex 3rd edition that described the entourage of Abbadon, including two unknown folks that had just traveled to the center of the eye of terror and brought back an artifact known as the Heart of Chaos. That started my interest towards the pariah of the chaos space marines, no longer part of the main legions/armies but working as small warbands, exploring the ever changing innards of the Eye of Terror, fighting each other or selling their fighting force to the highest/meanest bidder.
Since then I have had the opportunity to look inside some of the Black Crusade RPG books, which give a lot of interesting material to work from.

Anyway, here is what I finished so far, 5 renegade bastards, from the 4 different warbands I though of so far.
And since I seem to be unable to paint a miniature without making up stories in the mean time, some fluff to go with them, skip it if it bores you.

EDIT 2016/10/28 : added group shots of each warband and spoilered detailed descriptions of individuals

Sacrifice to Sin

These are very devout fellows that worship both Slaanesh and Tzeentch. Reason for this bi-headed cult took place a few thousand years ago, when two demon worlds collided and gave birth to the well of soul disunion. The northern hemisphere of that world is pierced in seemingly endless pits that supposedly run trough the whole planet. Offerings to the gods by the Sacrifice to Sin cult consists in throwing war prisoners in these pits. Given circumstances, cultists will also throw themselves in them. They will then be processed through the demonic layers of the well, for hundreds or thousand of years. Some of the sacrifices will then sometimes be rejected in the swamps of the southern hemisphere, slowly being born again from the muds. Most of them are mindless chaos spawn, just good enough to be hunted for sport by the cultists. On much rarer occasions, some sacrificed the mutations and scars in their mind and souls. Rendered insane by their voyage across the demon, they are now recruits of interest for the cult, home to the mad and broken.


Notorious Members
Sister Morgue is one such former sacrificed. Thrown a millennium ago with some of her sisters for the Adeptus Sororitas, she came back cursed with the memory of her previous existence, and will try to slay any member faith unfortunate enough to witness her existence.

Next up for this faction is a former Night Lord, WIP pics sould be coming soon.

Mill of sickness grains

The Mill of Sickness grains used to be an Adeptus Titanicus transport , used by the renegade forces during the final assault on Terra. If it did deliver its machine, none of them survived the siege. The transport ended up being requisitioned by a Death Guard detachment during the fall back to the eye of terror. But the decay that comes with transporting that many Nurgle worshipers did not sit well with the Adeptus crew, and before reaching their destination, both sides had ended up slaughtering each other. When finally entering the eye of terror, the warp drives gave up and the Mill ended up drifting without goals. Aboard only remainded a handfull of Death Guard Marines, but Papa Nurgle had noticed their struggle, and blessed the ship. Its emtpy titan bays becam gigantic cathedrals to decadence and sickness. The ship now also resurrects its former crew where they live a short life, ended by sickness or by the claws or the minions of Nurgle only to be born again the next day.


Notorious Members
Brother Toad the slimy is one of the Death Guard veterans that now rot in the Mill

Paint wise, I am well aware that it lacks contrast. But it kind of suits me, the guy is basically a massive pack of rotting slime.

The Silent Reap

The Silent Reap is a sect of unconventional Khorne worshipers who believe their anger and blood thirst should be only focused in martial skill, and only manifested through the sound of a blade entering flesh. They therefore adopt strategies that any other Khornate warrior would deem dishonorable, and even cowardly. Such strategies usually involve stealth to slaughter the ennemy before he notices his time has come. If any death is an offering to khorne, so is the whole perfection in execution. The skulls of the fallen are gathered and brought back to the Silent Reap's temple in the eye of terror, but the the bodies are often arranged in dreadfull scupltures, to let the spared foes that death comes anywhere.


Notorious Members
HateMask, one of these godly khorne worshippers

I painted that one 8 years ago actually, as the only miniature of this project I painted back then

Vivisector Cult

The Vivisector Cult is a group of wretched beings drawn to the dark gods in their quest for forbidden knowledge. Psykers, Magos or adepts of any kind can end up relinquishing their soul in exchange for heretic lore... There is no real hierarchy in this faction, its members associate and betray each other depending on their findings or needs. Their network regularly reaches to the fringe of the loyalist adepts, drawn by greed and lust for power.


Notorious Members
Collector Huygens used to be an Iron Warrior, and if he still maintains links to his battle brothers, he now takes advantage of the Vivisectors's informers to locate battle fields and salvage what remains once the guns stopped singing. Obviously you sometimes need to make sure the guns start singing...

Magos Purgatory, one of the heads of the Vivisectors. much of a behind the scenes actor, he coordinates the lower level actors of the cult and oversees the manufacturing of warmachines and equipment for the cult. Some say that although hated and despised on Mars, he still has ties inside the darkest branches of the loyalist Adeptus Mechanicus.

I realise I could have done more regarding conversion/chaotification on those two, but I think the paintjob did the trick. With the latest GW release, lots of minis could be next for this faction. Getting my hands on Nephahrya from TGG2 could be pretty nice too...

Okay, that's all for now Dakka, let me know what you think, I'll be posting some WIP soon.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/05/17 07:49:04

Post by: Llamahead

Brilliant painting excellent stuff. Have you checed out some of the Inquisimunda stuff on here?

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/05/17 10:48:19

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks Llamahead !

Yes, in the last weeks I have been following some very inspiring projects such as KrautScientist's, Ex Profundis or Lamby's to cite but a few.
And then there is that guy who suddenly drops by, posts some masterpieces, then goes AWOL.

I was not familiar with your work on the Conclave of Hrin, but what I saw by quickly scrolling through looks great and rich in background, I'll make sure to read it properly later on.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Now regarding WIP, I wanted to use this guy

Yeah I know, it is in a dreadful state, but it is one of 5 the very first miniatures I bought as a kid last century, back when I was completely clueless regarding painting or modeling. Not only was it assembled with gel style super-glue, but the poor bastard had a few layers of paint. He started as a Night Lord, then somehow turned into a fallen dark angel. Then for some reason my cousin primed it black again, then painted him as an Iron warrior. On top of that, I might have been a bit trigger happy while stripping it, and might have attacked some of the details... But that won't stop us now will it ?
Here is what he looks like right now,

Gave the poor bastard some repositioned legs, and greenstuffed the hell out him. I also gave him a chainsaw getting out of his chest and into his beak so he can give a bloody hug of death to people. The Tabar is part of a keyholder, obvioulsy needs more work on the belt, and smoothing of the different GS parts.

Don't know yet what he will get for a right arm, but might be just an empty hand. He is carrying a two handed weapon after all.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/05/18 23:10:17

Post by: KernelTerror

Bastard was now given a claw and some mutating shoulders that should match his fellow Sister Morgue. Posing is not definitive yet as his body is still holding with putty.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/05/26 21:46:36

Post by: KernelTerror

Okay, so the last addition to Sacrifice to Sin is done. A former night lord who ended up as unwilling payment to the Cult. Now reborn as Vampire, a truer than ever disciple of Slaanesh and Tzeentch, endlessly roaming the eye of terror in search for sacrifices.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
And regarding WIP, I will keep working on the Sacrifice to Sin warband with two cultists from DV, scum just good enough to attract bullets and that needs to proove worthy of being sacrificed when returning to the demon world. They are now PIP.

One is unconverted, but the second is, as I wanted all lower class cultists of that warband to wear scarves

And last project to date, that bloke, for the Mill of SIckness Grains

The idea is that his brain started expanding as a result of one too many blessing. But his brothers would not give up on him, and by some good old papa nurgle medicine, fitted him with an extended helmet and tore some ribs from his back to support it.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/05/31 21:14:38

Post by: KernelTerror

Got some more additions, first of a DV Chosen is joining the Silent Reap warband, bringing them to a staggering number of 2. Need to find more psychos with power axes...

And finished the two cannon fodders for Sacrifice to Sin

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/06/07 22:39:08

Post by: KernelTerror

Been a while since last update, nothing finished yet as I can't seem to focus on one miniature at a time.
Still, got to slap some basic paint on the brain nurgle guy

On the side of Sacrifice to Sin, converted an old daemonette who had been hanging headless in my bitbox for a few years. Also replaced the missing arm with a gun, since demons with guns are cool.

Regarding the Vivisector Cult, assembled a lower class follower whose sole purpose is to carry a saw around, to saw stuff.

And an heretic Magos Geoprospector

Still missing an arm, a cowl, lots of wiring, sensors, and a big badass drill. Sterted modelling the claw on his right arm though

And finally, since focusing on four warbands in parallel seemed too easy, started a fifth one with that bloke and his oversized spaulders.

Yup, the idea was shamelessly stolen from Krautscientist's brilliant Doomwall terminator. That band will be a knightly warband all equipped with terminator armors, been wanting to deface that Captain Stern bastard for a while now, but one thing at a time...

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/06/10 22:52:22

Post by: KernelTerror

And finished to paint Brother Cauldron, of the Mill of Sickness Grains

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/06/11 02:35:15

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Giant eviscerator guy looks really cool.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/06/11 07:44:44

Post by: KernelTerror

Thank you Warboss_Waaazag, I am still unsure if I will be able to sculpt his left arm since the original cultist's will not fit. Worst case scenario I can always cop out and do the usual mechanicus tentacle...

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/06/11 07:57:06

Post by: Ezra Tyrius

Amazing stuff you've got here! Love the fluff parts mixed in between, really gives the models a nice bit of context
Any chance we'll get some Green Stuff tutorials from you? I'm working on a little Chaos warband myself, and those mutations you make are inspiring me to make some more offerings to the Dark Gods

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/06/11 18:45:31

Post by: KernelTerror

Thank you Ezra Tyrius. Just had a quick look at you Chaos Warband Blog and it seems you too cannot help but making up fluff for your guys while kitbashing/painting. I will read it properly later on, but the first post picked up my interest.

Regarding Green Stuff I had never touched it before the end of my hobby break and the beginning of this blog, so there are definitely a lot of better scuplters out there. Nonetheless, next time I end up doing something interesting I try to think of posting a step by step here. And of course if you want more information regarding something you see here, please ask, I'll do my best to answer.

Regarding Tools I have been helped a lot by this tool . There are some other ones out there, but I am happy with this one. It comes with three size of lines, and the handles can also be placed at 45° of the lines in order to produce a more organic feel (Did not try that feature yet though).

I also built this roll maker

I wanted to have something with less regular lines, in order to produce a more imperfect/organic feel for some of the pipes on Brother Cauldron's head. It was made pretty simply by rolling sewing thread around a piece of cardboard, and covering it with diluted PVA. Definitely not a replacement of the one above, but can sometimes be useful.

And finally there is this

It is a piece of bike light reflector I found in the street, and I think the pattern is quite interesting.

I used it on the shoulder of Brother Cauldron, but did not paint is in a way that enhances the geometric aspect of it, would not have been Nurgly I think. I think I will try this again on a Tzeentch or Slaanesh guy, and this time highlight the edges madly.
I will also keep my eyes open for more plastic bits with weird patterns ^^.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/06/11 21:33:36

Post by: Ezra Tyrius

Interesting techniques! Never thought of using random items to create interesting patterns, definitely going to try that sometime

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/06/12 07:30:13

Post by: KernelTerror

Yup, Keep an eye open, there are tools everywhere. And let me know if you find anything interesting ^^ !
Also, be very generous regarding the amount of water you use to prevent the stuff from sticking, I wasn't, and the greenstuff you see on the bike tool above stayed stuck :(

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/06/22 21:57:00

Post by: KernelTerror

Allright, between work missions abroad and music festivals, does not feel like there is enough time to defile a whole ravenwing bike. So had to settle for continuing to defile that one. Might still change a bit, but for now I am pretty happy with that bloke, will soon switch to paint mode...

No guns on that bloke, leave that to the lower servants, this leaves a lot more room for sensors and engineering/peopleslaying tools

I also just unpacked a random supply drop from ebay, with a lot of interesting bits inside. Among them, there is that guy

Nope, not a plane, but a space crusade dreadnought from the nineties. Well half of it anyway. Not sure about stripping the paint though, I kind of fear how it would react after being on the model for so long. Fear not little dread ! You shall be reborn in chaos ( And hopefully coolness) !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/06/23 15:12:24

Post by: Ezra Tyrius

Wow, that's an awesome conversion! Great work on the sculpting too, getting all those wires in the right spot must've been a pain I'm guessing he's part of the Vivisector Cult?

Also, an ancient dreadnought! I wonder what you're going to do with that... I wouldn't worry too much about stripping the paint, I don't think the age of the paintjob matters that much, as I don't think the paint can merge with the metal (unless you would happen to reside in the Warp, in which case you are a heretic)

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/06/24 00:46:03

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks man ! Yes, he will be in the Vivisector Cult, responsible for recon and exploration. Haven't thought of a name nor of more background yet, It should arrive while painting.

And regarding the dread I was concerned because he is plastic, not metal and that I had never stripped plastic, otherwise he would have been bathing in acetone right away (Well I did put some in acetone a long time ago, but let us leave it at that ^^ ...).
But while on a supermarket supply run, I ran into some paint stripper for wood and plastic, and darn, that is the good stuff !

Still some cleaning up to do I admit, but still, that will be nicer to paint.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/06/24 16:45:04

Post by: KernelTerror

Alright, now if I want to start working on that dread I need to make some room on my desk. So I finished this two guys :

Operator DIV7 is a lower class servant of the vivisector cult, recruited to work in slavery in one of the cult's warp laboratory. But through hard work and skill, he managed to rise in the cult and become responsible for the operation of a rolling scythe. This tool's primary purpose is that of a saw and a breaching tool, to carve passages through the metal walls of ships or hives. Operator DIV7 was also able to use it as a weapon on some occasions, using variations in the speed/rotation of the wheel to throw from the floor to the opponents body. Another last resort use, is to release the wheel and let it run its bloody path through the ennemy ranks.

Nunwhore Sasshtra, the living Totem of the Scarves is a demon regularly summoned by the scarves, a lower class cult that serves the Sacrifice To Sin. Not much is known about this demon, despite a probable genealogy to the Slaanesh Daemonettes. When repressing an insurrection created by the scarves during the purge of hive Bertha, Inquisitor Malemort observed an unique behaviour on one of its follower, wounded by Sasshtra. What first appeared to be a simple fleshwound to the arm rapidly degenerated until the limb hardened and fell of. Over a few days, the arm had transformed itself in a claw similar the one Sasshtra uses in battle. The artifact is still kept by Inquisitor Malemort for study.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/06/28 19:18:24

Post by: KernelTerror

Okay, finally finished my Magos Explorator here is what he looks like so far :

Magos Cassian is the head of one the the Vivisector cult's exploration party, that regularly gather artifacts and knowledge in and out of the Eye of Terror. While in the field, he transplants himself onto a non STC one wheeled chassis. That highly heretical constructs provides him with all the tools and sensors needed when out of his study. He also usually carries along the Kerepinia demon claw, a weapon doubling as a heavy manipulation tool if needed...

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/06/29 17:51:21

Post by: Ezra Tyrius

Fantastic work on the Magos Explorator, he looks absolutely amazing

Any chance you'll give us a hint of what it is you're dragging out of the Warp next?

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/06/29 22:51:54

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks mate, means a lot. And excellent timing as well, I was on my way to an update ^^.
So, remember that fella ?

Well, time to start a new faction.

The Knight of the Asylum are a very unconventional and disturbing chaos warband, and probably one of the most elitist one. Their obsession can be imagined by taking a look at their beliefs. Although do they acknowledge the ruinous pantheon, they focus they worship on a lesser god, Kor Robespier, lord of the mads. The most colorful manifestation of their adoration is the very precise abductions they perform throughout the galaxy. Without discernible pattern, they will travel through entire solar systems to track a particular individual and bring it back to their homeship in the Eye of Terror : The Asylum. These individuals may be generals or soldiers, kings or beggars, humans or xeno, heretic or devout sororita. Only the knights seem to know why such a person deserves to be jailed in the asylum, and what madness of his deserves worship.
The knights only field space marines in tactical dreadnought armour, as to deep strike on the objective, close in and disappear as fast as they arrived. All of them are veterans of the long war, called from their legions to fulfill a higher goal. Their original identity is erased on the Asylum, they instead pick the titles of the abductees they bring bag to the eye of terrors. The most ancient knights have hundred of titles, that only the mad can understand.

Admiral is one of the Knights of the Asylum the most proficient with ship to ship hit and runs. As such, he took charge of the abductions of many officers and personnels in both the renegade and imperial fleets. As a reward, he was offered the krsukand demon gun, that shoots the severed boiling tongues of the damned.

That moment when you notice a painting mistake once you finished uploading . Will have to work on that knee...

Now what is next, you ask. Well, this silly knee is next, but that should be quick
No, the next big guy is the space crusade dreadnought. Since it misses its legs, I experimented with plasticard, and I think that could work. The design I chose comes in three sections for each leg :

That assemble as such, big dog style :

The base is still drying, and I will probably build the feet directly on it so I cannot show more for now. I also plan on giving the dreadnought arms, and a sword, but I'll need to look how the legs fit first...

Beside that, as I cannot decently focus on only one project, I started some stuff, for example that floating Nurgle librarian, that has not not passed brainstorming yet, so I am not even sure it will make it farther. First reason for that is the Head, sculpted out of leftover greenstuff, It would clearly not fit something else than a mutated Nurgle son of a bile. It will get a lot more wire and stuff, but I need to see it painted to decide I think...

And second reason this guy might be a bad idea is that cape. Yup, that's a pink grapefruit veiny white skin. Yup it has been sitting in my bitbox for a while, thought of using it as a banner. Now the next step is to drench that skin in PVA and see how it reacts...

More ideas along those of course, but nothing showable yet. The more I look at the Skullreaper sprues, the more I think I need some. A pretty expensive kit indeed, but their medieval terminator looks could be a very nice base for a conversion...

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/06/30 23:03:13

Post by: KernelTerror

Quick update, I assembled the legs in what should be their final position and started to work on the feet.
Here is a crappy picture of me holding the dreadnought body where I think of placing it. That is going to be one tall bastard...

Still need to work on the feet and on the leg fixations to the body, but that will probably wait until next week when back from holiday.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/07/09 22:18:16

Post by: KernelTerror

Work going slowly on the Space Crusade Dread, the legs are now attached to the body, and some minor greenstuff wires and such.
Next step, some bloody arms. And probably a sword.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/07/13 23:41:08

Post by: KernelTerror

All right, WIP update time. The space crusade dreadnought now has arms. Some more riveting to do, plus, hands, then a sword and ranged weapons.

Also started a new terminator for the Nurgle warband. Top of his armor mutated in a big ass tumor from which tumours will soon spawn.

Also got some work done on the nurgle cherub/psyker. Ignore the green wires, they are just maintaining the coil into place.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/07/14 22:34:38

Post by: KernelTerror

It now has hands ! And a placeholder sword as well...

And I realised the vivisector cult did not have any scalpel, so that will be corrected with that scalpel hand, poorly photographed below.

Some more face wiring on the nurgle cherub, plus some tools. he is now ready for paint, since many parts will be unreachable once the coil is in place

Brother Symbiosys is ready for paint too

Even if he might get some more tentacles, have yet to decide.

And a new conversion of a DV chosen, nominated for the 2015 trophy of people carrying their weapon in a unusual manner. Darn, maybe I'll finish one sprue of that DV box before getting the AOS after all...

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/07/16 23:17:56

Post by: KernelTerror

Allright update in color for once, painting is almost finished on the nurgle cherub's "body", Now I need to attach the hood and paint it. Also that eye is not even started.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/07/17 07:58:08

Post by: Ezra Tyrius

Amazing work Kernel, although I wouldn't want to bump into that thing in my nightmares

The dread's looking good too, can't wait to see that painted up

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/07/19 14:43:01

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks man, glad to hear that the cherub is repulsive. The dread still needs some greenstuffing to have it look a bit more chaosy, and I should receive his sword next week, hopefully it will fit.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/07/20 18:57:05

Post by: KernelTerror

All right, So I just received that MSG sword (credits go to bossfearless for pointing me in that direction ^^). Really nice kit so far, and they bothered to document a lot of different setup you can assemble. You can even buy two of these, and assemble an even bigger weapon. But that is kind of the problem here, I went from one of the biggest around and ended up with a sword for a Titan (Only partially assembled).

On anorther hand, one of the design seems to fit.

Just had to reposition the right arm, but it fits nicely imo.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/07/20 20:44:00

Post by: Ezra Tyrius

Holy Terra that sword is huge

Dread's coming along nicely I see, can't wait to see it painted up

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/07/21 21:18:00

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks. So do I, it has been nearly a month since I received the original dread part. So i have been very happy to start applying the base-coat tonight.

But the finished work for this post is Virus :

Virus, also called Lord of the crawlers was once one of the Mill of sickness grain's most powerful psyker. As a librarian of the death guard he accumulated forbidden lore on the most dreadful affliction in the galaxy, and was copiously blessed by Nurgle. But a few millenia ago, as his power had kept growing, the one that would be named Virus tried to seize power on the ship. The folly of his rebellion against the demonic overlords that rule the Mill cost him highly. At the peak of the battle, the psyker was mortally wounded, and only survived by forsaking his Astartes body and transferring his twisted soul into the mortal one of an unfortunate cultist. He since then have been rambling in the darkest places of the ship, mutating and feeding on hate to try to rise back to his former glory. Wherever he goes, he is always followed by swarms of demonic flies from the warp, carrying the latest plagues born from Virus.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/07/21 21:44:01

Post by: darkcloak

You're awesome.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/07/22 17:45:23

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks man, glad you like them !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/07/24 00:56:13

Post by: youidiotkid

I know I've already commented on your other thread, but this mini looks putrid, just how Papa Nurgle demands it. That freehand on the cloak is a nice touch.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/07/24 16:22:25

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks man !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/07/29 19:59:47

Post by: KernelTerror

All right, so that guy took a while to finish. I will keep him around my desk in order to look for points I might have missed, but the space crusade Dreadnought is about done. I am pretty happy with how it turned out in the end, that old dreadnought head still has it. Credits are due, to the bossfearless for telling me about the MSG guys, who made that sword, and to Ezra Tyrius who made me buy the random bit pack that contained the original dreadnought body. As always, thanks for watching, and let me know what you think !

That was a fun project, but I am pretty glad to be reaching the end o fit. Problem is, the other warbands should get dreadnoughts too...Especially since the vivisector cult will should soon welcome 6 more members, but I'll get to that... Here are some ideas I had so far fot the other dreads, even if these are long term projects, I have smaller models in mind next.

- Vivisector Cult : Iscariot - Space Crusade conversion
- Mill of sickness grains : Nurglify that (got it from the same random bit bag as the space crusade body) and give it super heavy legs equipped with turrets.
- Silent Reap : Revamp an old scholl dread, maybe going contemptor style...
- Sacrifice to Sin : Build two chapels on the shoulders of an hellbrute, one for Tzeentch with a psyker, and one for Slaanesh with a mad max flamethrowing guitar player.
- Asylum Knights : multiple arm dreadnought with a round back armor including an big ass gun (kind of a small reaver titan)

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/08/03 10:23:42

Post by: KernelTerror

Monday is supply drop day !

That gets me the AOS box I knew I would eventually get. I just pride myself in resisting until Iscariot was finished (you take the victories you can ^^). Alongside this huge amount of guys to convert out of their righteous path, I also got a plaguebearer box, wanted to try something with these guys for a while, and an OOP terminator lord from ebay, that arrived at the same time.

But before getting started on these there is stuff that needs finishing, updates later on...

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/08/03 10:57:04

Post by: Ezra Tyrius

Fantastic work on that Dread, Kernel! Can't wait to see what the other Dreads will look like

Seems like you got a mighty fine supply drop too, what are you going to do with the AOS guys?

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/08/03 11:41:34

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks man, glad you like him !

Regarding the AOS box, a possible explanation might be "Out of love for fine looking bits" ^^. More seriously though, I already have some ideas.
Some of the khorne guys will logically join the Silent Reap, as Astartes or cultist, in both cases I will need to 40kify them.
I am also thinking of modifying a prosecutor as a slaanesh angel/raptor.
And finally the Khorgorath's pose reminded me of masss effect's Yahg. Not sure how doable that would be, the idea would be to civilize the beast a tiny bit in order to get some kind of a big demonic taskmaster for the Asylum Knights..

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Time for some work in progress posting, although it has not much to do with this morning's drop.

First I was not able to make something I like out of the weird axe DV chosen I posted before, so I went heretic and allowed a member of the silent reap to use something else than an axe. Might be for the better anyway, it will let me add more variety to the warband. Anyway, he is now unsheathing his weapon to deliver a blow. I will paint him before the assembly though, so it is still not attached.

And I started a first wave of reinforcement for the Vivisector cult : the Requisitors. These are a bunch of mechanically improved warriors that roam the galaxy in search of forbidden technology to bring back for study. Even if the cult widely experimented on them, they still are capable and intelligent artifact trackers capable of interacting with the locals on their own, a task the brainwashed servants of the cult are unable to achieve.

They are based on repositionned necron legs, plus a wide variety of bits, to represent warriors that have crossed the galaxy and the warp, equipping themselves with looted equipments of choice, and repairing their mechanical bodies with whatever was available. None of them are finished, they still miss guns, sculpting and moar bits. As always suggestions are welcome.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/08/04 03:45:10

Post by: bossfearless

I feel like that dread needs a topless slaaneshi cultist riding on top. Maybe preaching about the glory of cocaine and vaginas. I've often toyed with the idea of a CSM army and I think we have similar ideas, small warbands that go together to form a larger army.

Might I suggest a squad of heavy metal marines drawn from the various characters of Rob Zombie's album Hellbilly Deluxe (living dead girl, dragula, resurrection joe and rosa whore, cyclone jack, the superbeast, spookshow baby, just to name a few)?

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/08/04 03:52:09

Post by: Chubias244

 bossfearless wrote:
I feel like that dread needs a topless slaaneshi cultist riding on top. Maybe preaching about the glory of cocaine and vaginas. I've often toyed with the idea of a CSM army and I think we have similar ideas, small warbands that go together to form a larger army.

Might I suggest a squad of heavy metal marines drawn from the various characters of Rob Zombie's album Hellbilly Deluxe (living dead girl, dragula, resurrection joe and rosa whore, cyclone jack, the superbeast, spookshow baby, just to name a few)?

Ok then...

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/08/04 07:48:19

Post by: KernelTerror

Hehehe, yeah that could work Boss. As I mentioned earlier the slaanesh/tzeentch warband should get a dreadnought that feature "Chapels" with two characters on top presenting different aspects of the sect. One could be a flamethrower/guitar player, standing for the aspects of sound and fire. And the second one could be psychic dancer daemonette...

And Rob Zombie does have a lot of inspiring material with for example the colorful characters of house of a thousand corpse or the animated Superbeasto. It also true on stage; I had the chance to see him a few years back, and he was fully exploiting the giant screen to play horror videos alongside the show. It was as much a video event as it was a music show.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/08/04 19:12:26

Post by: bossfearless

Oooooohhh...dreads with chapels atop. That's like miniature Imperator Titans, I like it! But now I feel like the dread platform might be too small. Maybe if you bulk it out a bit, build a plasticard "deck" on top with some railings. That would give you room to work. Dammit, I thrice curse my current location. This is exactly the sort of project I would want to collaborate on.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Liking the basket hilt on that dual-sword Requisitors (hereafter referred to as ghost-pirates). I think that you need some more foppish details on these guys. I would direct you to the feathers on the caps of Empire archers. You can get packs of the hats and heads and you can use the feathers to give them some serious plumage (like I did with Shagnasty). I really think that the second one, the one with the cleaver-sword and the ork armor plate, is missing the theme that's developing with the rest. If it were me, I would avoid the big Ork plate and go with a much less blocky shoulderpad, something more like a Spanish conquistador or a Florentine fop. This unit could be all rapiers and swashbuckling and gentleman-piracy and badassery. Definitely check out some Empire plastics, they should be super cheap on Hoard o Bits on eBay, and should provide for all of your techno-heretic-fop needs.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/08/05 08:06:41

Post by: KernelTerror

 bossfearless wrote:
Oooooohhh...dreads with chapels atop. That's like miniature Imperator Titans, I like it! But now I feel like the dread platform might be too small. Maybe if you bulk it out a bit, build a plasticard "deck" on top with some railings. That would give you room to work. Dammit, I thrice curse my current location. This is exactly the sort of project I would want to collaborate on.

Yes ! Precisely like an imperator Titan, always loved that design of building an heavily gunned church on a mech. But yeah, the hellbrute will need to be reinforced and widened at the shoulder level. I guess I'll need to do a cardboard prototype to make sure. On an other hand, I do not plan on putting termies in these chapels, by some more decent sized gals :

The banshee will be appropriately vilified, headswapped, and equipped with a flamethrower guitar. The daemonette will get tentacles instead of the right claw in order to poledance for Slaanesh. Once I get my table cleaned up of WIPs, I'll start on that.

 bossfearless wrote:

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Liking the basket hilt on that dual-sword Requisitors (hereafter referred to as ghost-pirates). I think that you need some more foppish details on these guys. I would direct you to the feathers on the caps of Empire archers. You can get packs of the hats and heads and you can use the feathers to give them some serious plumage (like I did with Shagnasty). I really think that the second one, the one with the cleaver-sword and the ork armor plate, is missing the theme that's developing with the rest. If it were me, I would avoid the big Ork plate and go with a much less blocky shoulderpad, something more like a Spanish conquistador or a Florentine fop. This unit could be all rapiers and swashbuckling and gentleman-piracy and badassery. Definitely check out some Empire plastics, they should be super cheap on Hoard o Bits on eBay, and should provide for all of your techno-heretic-fop needs.

Thanks for the valuable input. Yeah the basket hilt and the the hats were the whole reason for these guys, been watching too much of a musketeer TV show I guess.
So regarding plumage on the hats I agree they needed some, but I had already gone for something slightly different. The first one will be painted as a dorsal column, and the second as a wire, joining the ones the dude already has in the back.

You will also notice I followed you advice and got rid of the ork plate. An empire arm would indeed have been perfect, but I would have had to wait for it to be delivered, and the I have a chapel dreadnought to get to ^^ ! So I went for some greenstuff instead, once the lower part of the arm is cleaned it should work.

The dude also got himself a sword to carry on his belt, greenstuffing is still required on the hilt.

And finally the leader got a shuriken pistol, I think it fits the squad's style.

And now, some finished work for the Mill of Sickness:

Interrogator Symbiosis was once a front line brute, rampaging the enemy lines in his terminator armor. But after he was stranded and left for dead on a demon world, his personality, madness, and devotion to Nurgle all got to new dark depths. After taking six centuries getting back to the Mill, the armor of the one that should soon be known as the interrogator was changed. Be it from demonic possession, xenos corruption or both, it was now alive, with squirming tentacles, and an eye that lets him see who is really a chosen of Nurgle. As so, he leads his own investigations inside and outside of the ship, as some kind of plagued inquisitor. Some say he was truly blessed and that he actually has the power of truth seeking he claims, whereas other defend he still is the brute he always was, and that tentacles just made him better at torture.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/08/09 13:32:58

Post by: KernelTerror

Short update today, I just finished this bloke for the Silent Reap warband. The challenging part was the replacement of the bolter holding arms that were stuck to the body with the new ones.

Iaimaster Kargan of the Silent Reap fancies himself as an artist of killing by the blade. He usually slays common opponent with his very first blow, when pulling his sword right out of its sheath. Kargan will feel blessed by Khorne If a battle grants him the opportunity to meet someone able to withstand his first attack, and display more of his perfection. On the cursed homeworld of the Silent Reap, Kargan established an estate that welcomes the most talented demonic blacksmith of the eye of terror, a place of perfection that allows them to produce masterpieces. However, perfection needs to be put to the test, and an entire aisle of the estate is filled with headless corpses brought back from the campaigns of Kargan. Those corpses, armored or not, are used to assert how perfectly a blade can slice through flesh. Unsuccessful smith usually remain in the aisle of headless corpses.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/08/11 22:15:39

Post by: KernelTerror

Good evening Dakka. The Requisitors are done !

Most members of the Vivisector cult only reluctantly leave their labs in dark demon worlds in the eye of terror. Out of need for interaction with the worst elements of the Imperium and xenos races, the Requisitors were created. Mercenaries that performed well enough to be noticed can be integrated to this organization, after a long an painful amelioration phase. They then move throughout the galaxy, in quest of information, forbidden lore, or corrupted artifacts. Despite being an assembly of forbidden technology and corrupted flesh, they emphasize on infiltration and patience, often making use of disposable personnel.

Lord Procello is one of the eldest member of the Requisitors, once a wealthy trader that developed an unhealthy fascination for heretic artifacts, he was saved from the wrath of the ecclesiarchy by the creator of the Requisitors himself. Unlike many of his peers, the mind of lord Procello was respected and kept almost intact. Mad as he is, he still has knowledge as valuable as his informator network.

Malatesta crossed path with the cult as a bounty hunter, sent after an heretic magos, on a fleeing run to the eye of terror. Although he did complete his mission, he was unable to escape the ship before it entered the warp. After capture and 'amelioration' by the cult, he joined the Requisitors as one of its most deadly fighters and effective assassin. Not much but a twisted sense of martial honor remains in Malatesta's twisted carcass.

Sicario was already doomed before its integration to the Requisitors. Product of a failed experiment aiming to control demonic possession by mechanizing the body of the host. Armed with a demonic gun discovered on some dark mission, he is used when senseless violence is required. His 'amelioration' seems to make him just controllable enough for the Requisitors.

In parallel I was able to paint that terminator lord for the Silent Reap. It is a miniature I wanted to get before my hobby break, but never hurried up. Now it is OOP, so I had to go to ebay. Because of that, It is not converted, I was just happy to leave it as such.

Bishop Malthus, who takes his pious behavior in his Word Bearer origin, is one of the founding member of the Silent Reap. He played a noticeable role during the second schism of the Reap. At that time, around half of the faction claimed that the Axe was the only weapon blessed by Khorne, and demanded the right to annihilate the other half. Theological discussion inside the reap are made in an arena on their homeworld. By his faith, eloquence and martial strength, Malthus played an important role in maintaining various weapons in the reap, as well as executing many members of the heretic half of the warband.

Well that was one wall of text. Anyway, now I can go work on the dreadnought mentioned above... But I might go another way, I'll try to post a first rough build tomorrow. Anyway, thanks for looking; let me know what you think.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/08/12 18:45:39

Post by: KernelTerror

Alright so I was reading my subscribed feeds and noticed I was reaching my hundredth post on Dakka. So I decided to take pictures of all four original warbands in their current states. But I got lazy, did not use proper lighting and ended up with crappy pictures... So I ended up building a lightbox out of cardboard and of a led strip I had laying around. Now they look better.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/08/12 19:10:09

Post by: Ezra Tyrius

Looking good! I like the new additions, those Requisitors are awesome (and pretty creepy)! I feel Lord Procello deserves some more screen time in the future though, he just looks absolutely boss

I'm really digging the fluff on the Silent Reap by the way, it's not so often you see religion playing much of a role in Chaos warbands nowadays (with the exception of the Word Bearers, of course), especially in Khornate ones

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/08/12 20:36:58

Post by: Llamahead

Glad to see this still going strong. The Dreadnaught is awesome and the Requisitors are gleefully twisted

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/08/23 20:43:46

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks fellas, glad you appreciate these last additions.

So between a music festival and a bachelor party in Barcelona, I did not get much time to worship the dark lords. Still, I started working on that bloke based on a AOS khorne guy. He should join the Silent Reap as a different take on possessed marines.

I also started on the Sacrifice to Sin dreadnought, based on an DV Hellbrute. I did some leg repositioning in order to straighten him up and placed additional plates in order to widen it so that he chapels have somewhere to sit.

Zoom on the two platforms, the dancing daemonette will be in the one on the left, and the one on the right with the amps will have the guitar player. The pole is not glued yet, but obviously will be properly vertical in the end.

That is all for tonight, thanks for watching, and input is always appreciated.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/08/25 20:33:10

Post by: KernelTerror

One more WIP update, with what I just realize may be hard to read pics, sorry about that, I was taking picture while attempting to stop my cat from entering the lightbox...

First off is that defiled sigmar dude, that will join the Sacrifice to Sin warband as I feel his arrogant stance fits.

And next are these guys, the Hooded Artillery, who are the reason I bought that plaguebearer box a few weeks back. Basically they are technology enhanced possessed weapon servitors for the Vivisector cult. They are built around a plaguebearer body and three old metal devastator weapons I think look good.

Well, thanks for watching guys, see you around.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/08/26 14:39:14

Post by: bossfearless

Dangit, stop making me want to build a CSM army!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/08/26 15:01:16

Post by: LeCacty

 bossfearless wrote:
Dangit, stop making me want to build a CSM army!

DO IT! Heavy Metal Chaos vs Dubstep Tau!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/08/26 16:26:10

Post by: bossfearless

 LeCacty wrote:
 bossfearless wrote:
Dangit, stop making me want to build a CSM army!

DO IT! Heavy Metal Chaos vs Dubstep Tau!

Maybe, and I mean MAYBE if there's a new CSM squad kit released. Or something. I don't know.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/08/26 16:48:37

Post by: LeCacty

 bossfearless wrote:
 LeCacty wrote:
 bossfearless wrote:
Dangit, stop making me want to build a CSM army!

DO IT! Heavy Metal Chaos vs Dubstep Tau!

Maybe, and I mean MAYBE if there's a new CSM squad kit released. Or something. I don't know.


Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/08/27 13:55:22

Post by: KernelTerror

Hell yeah ! Do It Boss ! (As long as you can keep on producing giant mechs of awesome alongside of course.)
And yeah, a new squad kit would be very much appreciated.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/08/28 09:53:04

Post by: KernelTerror

Good morning Dakka. I was pretty happy with my hooded artillery, plus because I wanted to build these guys for a while, they jumped right in first position of the paint queue. Anyway, here they are.

In the Vivisector curl, what is known as The Hooded Artillery is more a tool that an actual squad. When a servant is injured in service, or makes one too many mistake, he might be offered to one of the oldest magos of the cult, known as the Repurposer. Details of the process to produce an hooded artillery member from a discarded servant are known only by the Repurposer, but the core concept is a long sequence of demonic possessions of the servant, followed by banishments. By serving as host to a long list of different warp entities, the subject usually dies mad and in pain. But those who survive often end up an used shell with interesting remaining gift such as strength, endurance, and absence of fear. On an other hand, discipline drugs make them easy to control and trade for other goods among the cult. If only such a skill for demonic banishment had been used for the sake of the imperium...

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/08/28 11:57:44

Post by: Ezra Tyrius

You really have a way of making Chaos even more grimdark than it already is, you know that, right?

The Hooded Artillery look pretty damn awesome (and quite unnervingly grotesque), the paintjob really brings them to life

Can't wait to see what rolls out of your daemonic forge next

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/08/28 12:47:09

Post by: LeCacty

Oh lawdy lawd.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/08/28 14:46:41

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks a lot mates !
Well, next updates will probably feature the AOS conversions mentioned above and some WIP on the Sacrifice to Sin Dread. I also have some "antiques" in the mail, I'll let you know when they get here ^^.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/08/28 14:57:44

Post by: LeCacty


Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/02 18:09:01

Post by: KernelTerror

Good evening Dakka, as one would assume, getting back to work tends to impair painting productivity. Well, update time nonetheless.

So I finished painting the two AOS guys mentioned before. First, Morgenstern Kharg for the Silent Reap warband.

The Morgensterns of the Silent Reap are holy warriors of Khorne, living embodiments of the cold mechanic murdering fury of their warband. To rise to the status of Morgenstern, followers of the Reap travel to an isolated temple on their homeworld : The Arena of the BloodSmiths. If admitted, the candidates will be improved through battle, faith and science, or be killed in the process. The trials start with an 8 hour battle in a fighting pit, facing ever resurrecting demons that inhabit the arena or other candidates. During these battles, any drop of blood spilled flows through the arena's metal floor and fuels the BloodSmiths' forges where the Morgenstern armors are produced. After fighting for eight hours, the surviving candidates are taken to the armory, where their hosts will heal their wounds by directly nailing the armor pieces they forged during battle in their flesh. The candidates then retreat to the Thermae, a bathouse filled in the blood of fallen candidates of the past, to pray Khorne and gain strength for the incoming battles. The cycle is then repeated until the BloodSmiths are satisfied with their work, or the death of the subject. Needless to say the intellect of the candidates is completely destroyed in the process, but the technological enhancement implanted in the process usually stops them from becoming uncontrollable.

Built a larger backpack, to fit the body of that bloke, and to include most of the mechadendrite flamer.

Then is Lord Varacht, from the Sacrifice to Sin.

Lord Varacht was part of an Emperor's Children's attack force that landed on the well of soul disunion in an attempt to exterminate the Tzeentch half of the Sacrifice to Sin. Although major damage was done during the raid, the invaders were eventually pushed back into space by the demonic lords of the schizophrenic world, leaving many warriors without reinforcement or extraction plan. After spending centuries in the wastes, it is said the Varacht entered a sacrificial pit of his own will in order to travel to the center of the world and destroy its demonic heart. That madness did not succeed but probably saved him from alienation as he was eventually reborn as a member of the warband he once planned to exterminate.

And now for some WIP, if Sigmar was probably pissed by lord Varacht, he might try to have my soul for that one. A possessed four armed demonic angel for the sacrifice to sin.

Thanks for watching, as always, input and opinions are appreciated.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/02 18:20:57

Post by: Ezra Tyrius

That Morgenstern of the Silent Reap looks wicked! Great conversion and paintjob, as always

Lord Varacht looks pretty cool as well, I like the daemonic face on appearing on his shield

Keep up the good work!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/02 19:54:47

Post by: LeCacty

The morgenstern. I've seen that head before! Really fething cool conversion!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/02 22:02:30

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks fellas. Yeah that is a head from maxminis, they are slightly bigger than space marines heads, so they work nicely with the bigger AOS dudes. Also, Yay Gasmasks !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/03 00:48:24

Post by: LeCacty

 KernelTerror wrote:
Thanks fellas. Yeah that is a head from maxminis, they are slightly bigger than space marines heads, so they work nicely with the bigger AOS dudes. Also, Yay Gasmasks !

Maxmini all the way!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/03 20:12:42

Post by: KernelTerror

Hell yeah, got a small supply drop in the mail today.

If I am not mistaken, these are the original Bloodletter miniatures, and it is funny to see that for their fourth version, GW actually went back to this classical Belzebuth bestial look.
I remember when I saw these guys in an old white dwarf (#10x), so these dudes are from the end of the eighties and still look decent in my opinion. I have been lurking ebay since then to find me some at a decent price. There were 5 at the time, so I still need to find the remaining two.

For now I just moved them away from their square bases, and found some poses that did not cause them to put their hands or sword in the ground, but I did not settle yes on a color scheme. Maybe I will paint each one of them differently, an albino, a classic bloody red and a dark red... I'll lurk the gallery to decide I guess, but your suggestions are always appreciated !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/03 20:15:24

Post by: LeCacty

Yep, these are the original bloodletters. You can see how GW eventually reverted back to this design somewhat with the new models. Good stuff! WOOOOOO!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/04 21:05:14

Post by: KernelTerror

Another WIP update, this time regarding the Sacrifice to Sin dreadnought.

First I made him a gun, it still needs more wiring.

Work got done on the "chapels" too, the guitar one got some amp heads with greenstuff buttons to tune them to 11.

Also workds on the dancer one, with a mutating wall (Yeah, seen enough H to know where this is going)

The paper part on top will be drenched in PVA to be made into drapings.

The roof can still be removed, in order to paint properly later...

Assembled shot :

This is the 6 string bass the guitar player will use.

And finally, a four eyed terminator I just started for the Asylum Knights

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/04 21:09:44

Post by: LeCacty

Its a baby imperator!!!! *Squeeeeeeeeeee*

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/05 10:22:56

Post by: KernelTerror

Hell yeah, hopefully that will refrain me from trying to build his daddy in the living room. The missus would not like that.

Not a P&M update for this post, but had a bit of infographic fun. I sometimes refer to an entity or character that has not yet been modeled in my fluff. In order to keep track, here are organizational charts of the Vivisector Cult and the Silent Reap.

Classical layered hierarchy for the Reap :

Whereas the Vivisectors are made of independent entities, lightly supervised by the Oligarchs.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/05 11:10:46

Post by: LeCacty

I think that'll make a bunch more sense when you're done!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/05 11:29:17

Post by: KernelTerror

Ahahaha maybe, although the opposite is more likely, with new blocks being added to the graphs more quickly than I am able to produce miniatures.
Main reason for these was to take note of the entities that I introduce in the fluff (i.e. the Bloodsmiths or the Repurposer) and stay coherent.

Also, The powers of ruin surely appreciate unreadable graphs don't they ^^ ?

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/05 12:24:48

Post by: LeCacty

 KernelTerror wrote:
Ahahaha maybe, although the opposite is more likely, with new blocks being added to the graphs more quickly than I am able to produce miniatures.
Main reason for these was to take note of the entities that I introduce in the fluff (i.e. the Bloodsmiths or the Repurposer) and stay coherent.

Also, The powers of ruin surely appreciate unreadable graphs don't they ^^ ?


Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/05 12:35:36

Post by: Llamahead

Graphs for the Graphs God! Data for the Data Throne!
All Hail Colin Dark Lord of the Bureaucrats!!!!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/11 20:38:11

Post by: KernelTerror

Graph for the Graph God ! And Blood for the Blood god, I finished the bloodletters.

The Swords of Nothingness are five ancient bloodletters regularly solicited by the Silent Reap to fight at their side, or in one of the many arenas built on the reap's homeworld.

Khiist, He that lurks in the shadow and screams at the fallen

Khoven, he that leaps from below and grins at your wounds

Khantiq, he that stabs the weak and drinks the soul

Now I need to find the two last models...

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/12 01:52:41

Post by: LeCacty

Wait... that's only three. What are you hiding from us?!?!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/12 07:59:39

Post by: KernelTerror

Hahah I wish, unfortunately Khorne only blessed me with three of his minions, two remain lost in the warp ebay

One day they will be mine !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/12 16:08:08

Post by: LeCacty

You could always go with the ones that came before the hooved ones. The muscly, smaller ones. I think there's quite a few of them.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/13 11:33:52

Post by: KernelTerror

Indeed, they are pretty nice too, closer to a classical devil look than a beast. But, my OCD won't let me give up on the missing ones, they'll turn up eventually.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/13 12:16:05

Post by: LeCacty

How about a super old Chaos champion as a herald?

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/14 21:52:08

Post by: KernelTerror

Well that is precisely the problem with looking for old models, you end up overpaying for oop models you stumble into. More stuff in the mail I am afraid.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/14 22:10:06

Post by: LeCacty

Actually, on the topic of classic models, you could try to recreate them with conversions and scratchbuilding. That's something that I've been thinking about starting a thread on, and I think it'd be cool if a bunch of people did it.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/15 07:35:48

Post by: KernelTerror

Hmmmm cool idea, kind of a recipe thread for old models rebuilds. Are you thinking exacts replicas based on pictures or, an updated take on old school sculpts ?
What immediately comes to mind would be Krautscientist's brilliant Doomwall which is an homage to old school termies, of Skumle Rafte's Cypher

This project might be even more needed if that 'Ditching Slaanesh' rumors comes true...

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/15 10:11:49

Post by: LeCacty

How about an example eh?

This is one model I would definitely remake:

To do so, I would attach a specific plaguebearer head:

To a flagellant body:

With a Plaguebearer arm:

And convert up the right arm with the axe. Greenstuff a belly, fix up the robes, ta da!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/15 16:42:11

Post by: KernelTerror

Well done mate ! Soooo, get to it I guess ^^ !

Automatically Appended Next Post:
In the meantime, WIP update time, chapels for the the Sacrifice to sin dread are nearing completion, first the guitar player one :

And the dancer's one, still an open surface on the back, need to figure out what to paint/write there...

I also did some progress on the new Asylum Knight.

And on a completely unrelated note, I hijacked my workplace's 3D Printer ^^ !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/15 23:37:05

Post by: LeCacty

That's pretty metal!
3d printer?

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/16 07:34:58

Post by: KernelTerror

Yup, an Ultimaker, the lower half should be printing right now... Then they will go in an acetone bath in order to smooth the layer lines (Scary I know).
That was a test run though, and even if I am very happy with the look of the Destroyer, It does not have a high enough resolution to print more detailed models. Maybe if I decide to go for a big guy such as a Demon Prince it could print the main shape of the body, that I would then sculpt on...

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/16 20:09:19

Post by: LeCacty

So THATS what you do to get rid of the lines! Good to know.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/16 20:36:00

Post by: KernelTerror

Yup, I discussed it further this afternoon, depending on the type of plastic used it is not always a bath, but might just consist in leaving the plastic on top of the Acetone, and let the vapors do the deed.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Well, update time, I just finished Harut, the Blind angel of the Sacrifice to Sin.

The homeworld of the sacrifice to sin is a tribute to their religion's schizophrenic allegiance to both Tzeentch and Slaanesh. At this place in the eye of terror, both deities clash on all levels of the warp. The echo of their battle often brings warriors and armies to take part for one side, the other, or none of them. Such was the case of the army led by the one who was to become Harut. His original name, and legion of allegiance have been forgotten, all that is remembered is that his assault was so fierce that the whole defense force was wiped out, and that he held the world until the return of the cult. At the top of the battle the invading general was wounded by a meltagun shot to the chest, piercing his body and spraying melted metal on his face, blinding him. Even so, he kept fighting for a while and made his opponents retreat, leaving him for the planet to claim. Millenia later, many pretend that this warrior returned in the form of Harut, a blind angel indiscriminately executing mortals with his meltagun.

Thanks for wathching, let me know what you think.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/16 23:06:09

Post by: Knightley

I definitely like the idea behind the fusion of flesh and metal, the wings really help the model. I'm not 100% sold on the head choice, but I think it would grow on me.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/17 00:26:49

Post by: LeCacty

Certaintly striking! Love how all the bitz that should clash work very nicely together!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/17 07:09:54

Post by: evildrcheese

Awesome thread. So many inspirational conversions.

Keep up the great work.


Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/17 07:29:07

Post by: KernelTerror

Thank you fellas, glad you like that poor bastard.

@Knightley : Actually I was not either and it was definitely not the first candidate head, but then I remembered Mad Max Fury Road
when the guy from the bullet farm gets blinded but decides to start firing at random while driving like a jackass at the sound of Verdi's Requiem.
That is why the idea of a flying mad blind guy with a very dangerous gun stuck ^^ !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/21 07:30:34

Post by: KernelTerror

Allright, short WIP update this morning. So it has already been established that demons with guns are cool. But what of demons that are also guns ? On paper, obliterators should be the freaking cool. But when I first read of the in their codex, their models look like this.

Not the worst model ever produced, but it just looks awkward to me. The body does not look tough enough to carry that many guns, and make justice to an unit worth a lot of points. Plus, it lack the crazed demonic aspect it should have.
On another hand, it is a grea kit. With it, I can build :

A Morgenstern for the Silent Reap

A requisitor for Procello's basterds

Some kind of techno gladiator

And a guy that might end up as an obliterator...or not...

Thanks for watching, remarks are always welcome, especially at this stage of building.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/21 22:43:30

Post by: bossfearless

You know, I always liked the original obliterators. They were stiff, awkward and didn't look like they had completely thought this whole "made of guns" thing through before they signed up. Just guns coming out of all their bits and pieces, like they were guns first and people second. Neat uses for the bits.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Loving the WIP of the sound-chapel dreadnaught.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/22 07:50:57

Post by: KernelTerror

 bossfearless wrote:
You know, I always liked the original obliterators. They were stiff, awkward and didn't look like they had completely thought this whole "made of guns" thing through before they signed up. Just guns coming out of all their bits and pieces, like they were guns first and people second. Neat uses for the bits.

I see what you mean, and the illustration of an obliterator shouting in pain while firing a mortar from his belly in the 2nd ed codex would I think illustrate that. Don't get me wrong, there are also a lot of good stuff about that design, like the fact that they were not in power armor, or the unique design of their weapons. Anyway, I made sure they were still easily found on ebay before slicing him in four, so no regrets there ^^ ! Now that I think of it, rebuilding an obliterator by sticking to these designs, but scaling him up could be an interesting project...

 bossfearless wrote:

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Loving the WIP of the sound-chapel dreadnaught.

Thanks ! I am a bit stuck on the modeling of the bass guitar player right now, but I should be able to post an update on the dancer pretty soon...

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/22 21:17:47

Post by: KernelTerror

Short update, got some work done on the new Requisitor. Not sure about the head yet, it is a recycling from an old project...But on another hand, when your hand is also 5 machine guns, you need to shoot them with a big smile on your face ! He will also get a hat, since the Requisitor's boss is Procello, and in the grim darkness of the far future, only the leaders are allowed to go without a helmet/hat.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/22 22:23:37

Post by: LeCacty

Yea, the head is a bit... off? A genestealer head would provide the same aesthetic but bettererer.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/23 07:33:19

Post by: KernelTerror

Alright thanks, yeah a genestealer head would work nicely...Now always the same problem when needing a precise bit, should I get one on its own, buy a sprue, or the entire box ^^ ???

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/23 10:42:50

Post by: LeCacty

Get the one with no eyes! AND BUY A BOX!!!!!!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/23 12:13:36

Post by: bossfearless

 KernelTerror wrote:
 bossfearless wrote:
You know, I always liked the original obliterators. They were stiff, awkward and didn't look like they had completely thought this whole "made of guns" thing through before they signed up. Just guns coming out of all their bits and pieces, like they were guns first and people second. Neat uses for the bits.

I see what you mean, and the illustration of an obliterator shouting in pain while firing a mortar from his belly in the 2nd ed codex would I think illustrate that. Don't get me wrong, there are also a lot of good stuff about that design, like the fact that they were not in power armor, or the unique design of their weapons. Anyway, I made sure they were still easily found on ebay before slicing him in four, so no regrets there ^^ ! Now that I think of it, rebuilding an obliterator by sticking to these designs, but scaling him up could be an interesting project...

 bossfearless wrote:

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Loving the WIP of the sound-chapel dreadnaught.

Thanks ! I am a bit stuck on the modeling of the bass guitar player right now, but I should be able to post an update on the dancer pretty soon...

There are a lot of guitar bits at 28mm svale suutable for this project. What part are you stuck on? Maybe I can offer advice.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/23 17:16:05

Post by: KernelTerror

Moar Classic Models, Just received that bloke, apparently named BloodletterHead. Ran into the miniature while looking for classic Bloodletters, and had to get it.

 bossfearless wrote:

There are a lot of guitar bits at 28mm svale suutable for this project. What part are you stuck on? Maybe I can offer advice.

That would be very much appreciated. I am not stuck on a specific part, this is more of a case of blank page syndrome.
This was the banshee body I intended to use. The idea was to keep the lower half of the head, with the sirens, and replace the upper half. The picture shows the last experiment, with an eternal stormcast upper half, but it won't do imo, too big.

At this stage I am considering getting a guitar player kit rather than building one.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
You know what. Just by talking about it I am starting to locate what I thought wrong with it. With such a pose that crazy gal is jumping off the platform...

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/23 20:39:12

Post by: LeCacty


Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/24 07:19:32

Post by: evildrcheese

That Bloodletter head model is very cool. What are you planning on doing with it?


Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/24 07:19:58

Post by: KernelTerror

@LeCacty : I am afraid not for now, but you are right, my Nurgle guys are starting to fall behind in terms of numbers. I'll get started on their Dread once I finish the Sacrifice to Sin one...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Thanks Dr Cheese, well if you are concerned for his wellbeing I am not planning in slicing him apart ^^. Nor even modifying him actually, I'll let the model as is and just paint it.
He will join the Silent Reap as the leader of a non Astarte stealthy band of killers. On the longer run, I am thinking of making him some followers, maybe by Khornifying some eldar scorpions ?

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/24 10:42:35

Post by: LeCacty

Where do you find most of your oldhammer? E(vil)bay?

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/24 16:31:22

Post by: KernelTerror

Yup, evilbay !
I am afraid they won that battle, even stores with dedicated websites now redirect to their ebay store.
The counterpart for selling you soul can be interesting though, for example I subscribed to researches such as "Rogue Trader Era" or "Chaos OOP" and receive a daily digest. It is a very effective way to hurt your wallet ^^ !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/24 16:44:45

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

Between your super old school models and your crazy conversions, this warband is coming out really cool!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/24 20:07:49

Post by: LeCacty

 KernelTerror wrote:
Yup, evilbay !
I am afraid they won that battle, even stores with dedicated websites now redirect to their ebay store.
The counterpart for selling you soul can be interesting though, for example I subscribed to researches such as "Rogue Trader Era" or "Chaos OOP" and receive a daily digest. It is a very effective way to hurt your wallet ^^ !

*subs to those*

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/24 21:01:56

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks Warboss !
And thanks LeCacty, the more you buy before I do, the lesser the chance of me having to decide which kidney I like the least...

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/24 21:04:54

Post by: LeCacty

The right one. It's the right choice!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
*evil grin* Try searching oop citadel. Lots of chaos stuff isnt labelled as chaos and is left out

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/25 07:02:50

Post by: KernelTerror

Oooh good call, yeah, lots of interesting results there...

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/26 07:41:21

Post by: Kurnost

Nice looking models, utterly insane but that's a good thing!
With the banshee, maybe a blood angels head with a chaos or ork topknot? Same as the stormcast, mostly, but smaller

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/27 08:03:22

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks Kurnost ! I had no scale information about the BA head so that could work. For now I'll keep ideas and model the left arm first.
The other option I was considering was to ditch the banshee in favor of a classical noise marine (If I can get my hands on one).

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Well, while I was making up my mind regarding the guitar player I was able to finish the other Chapel !

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Wow, just noticed that silly sculpting mistake near the shoulder. Fixed.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/09/28 21:06:48

Post by: KernelTerror

Awwwright, modeling update time on the latest guys with parts of obliterators in them, all close to completion.

The CyberGladiator guy received a head and another weapon from the AOS box, and some heretical wiring to power him up...

I also received the genestealer sprues LeCacty suggested....And ended up finding the head to be too big for the requisitor (Am I going through a head size complex phase I wonder ?). Sorry Cacty, but no worries, having the sprue in my hand gave me some ideas, including a Nurgle guy... And as I already had planned what I intended to do to that poor genestealer head, I did it instead to the lower half of the original head, and I think it works, kind of an ArchoFlagellant look.

The Morgenstern got himself a servo weapon and some armor plate work...

And Built an hand flamer for the Asylum Knight, happy with the way the spiked plate protects the combustible tank from incoming fire...

Thanks for looking, as always, interested in what you think !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/02 17:27:05

Post by: KernelTerror

Been working on lots of models in parallel these last days, but I just finished the last Requisitor.

Morhiachi is one of the oldest requisitors still not dead or repurposed, and as such has always behaved with pride and morgue among his brothers. He has especially been challenged by his younger companion Malatesta for the rank of best swordsman in the warband. That rivalry unexpectedly reached an end on hive Belenos where the requisitors were cornered and outgunned for several days. This already bad situation took a darker turn for Morhiachi when an heavy weapon fire took his sword hand. Rather than repairing him anew, Procello took a gamble and injected the stump with a mutated, less degenerative version of the obliterator virus he had been trusted with by the Cult for field testing. Within a few hours, the stump had turned into a demonic multibarrelled weapon capable of absorbing dropped weapons, that Morhiachi soon named the bullet flail. Since then, he has secretly been training to fight left handedly, and take revenge on Malatesta, that he believe is responsible for his loss.

Nice to meet you

Updated group shot

And some WIP for the Chapel Dread, added two blade arms from the Genestealer sprue, and started modeling his left arm, that includes a scythe.

Thanks for watching fellas !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/02 20:16:04

Post by: LeCacty

The requisitors are very interesting!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/03 18:02:17

Post by: bossfearless

Dammit, stop being so awesome all the time!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/03 20:19:04

Post by: Llamahead

Real bond villain look with this guy.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/03 21:58:06

Post by: evildrcheese

Heh. Still loving the crazy conversions.

Keep up the good work.


Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/04 17:14:28

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks a lot mates, that is very kind. Yeah these requisitors are turning into a warband on themselves. Actually have two more concepts incoming for them, but I need to clear some table space first...

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/04 19:01:34

Post by: LeCacty

Clear faster!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/04 20:59:43

Post by: TheEyeOfNight

Amazing work, love the mixture of old-school bitz and brand-new models

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/04 21:51:46

Post by: KernelTerror

TheEyeOfNight wrote:Amazing work, love the mixture of old-school bitz and brand-new models

Thanks man, I can be pretty trigger happy when slicing models in parts, but always have a soft spot for old school models. Chaos has a place for everyone. as I just read on kestral's brilliant blog !

LeCacty wrote:Clear faster!

Hahaha alright, consider this me trying to clear my desk as fast as I can

Cybergladiators such as Gollem, are Magos Deum's creations. As one of the most solitary members of the Vivisector cult, Magos Deum only comes back to the Eye of Terror once every few centuries. Between these appearances, he spends most of his time on very isolated and primitive worlds, always populated by pre-gunpowder civilisations. Inquisitor Malemort tracked down several of such worlds that Magos Deum visited. Archeological studies revealed that these worlds' once florishing culture had been wiped out by the heretic, and replaced with a technological demonic religion aimed at manufacturing unspeakable non STC artifacts. As part of the takeover of a world's population, Mago Deum takes grip of several key figures such as kings or priests ans changes them into super warriors, willing to do his bidding and force obedience. After the magos's depart, most of them remain to oversee the corrupted world's activity but some are taken back to the eye of terror, and traded for technology with other members of the Cult. These Cybergladiators are very effective killing machines, and even after their allegiance was traded, with an unquestionable loyalty to their master. This last point makes them especially prized bodyguards amongst members of the Cult.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/04 23:27:18

Post by: LeCacty

So darkmech!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/07 21:25:09

Post by: KernelTerror

Time to worship Khorne !
First up Voraba, the classic bloodletter armor

The Silent Reap believes in striking fast and hard, destroying key enemy positions in a single surprise attack of extreme violence. To achieve this goal, they often rely on discardable summoning circle to call forces of the warp directly into enemy territory. Voraba is one such Demon, although his summoning process is quite unusual. If it begins with a blood mass consisting in sacrifices and prayer, the demon is not immediately summoned from the warp. It is instead channeled into an armor of a very precise design that was forged by the summoners. The demonic energy habiting it gives that primitive metal plating the strength of the most technologically carapace armors. The ritual then requires the armor to be worn by one of the cult members, that will slay all of his brothers. If Voraba is pleased by this ultimate sacrifice, he will inhabit the armour and host fully, merging flesh and metal. In battle, Voraba is the embodiment of the Reap's philosophy, slaying fast and efficiently, and capable of slicing the inhabitants of a barrack in parts without the passing by sentinels noticing...

And a Morgenstern with an obliterator hand !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/07 22:20:33

Post by: LeCacty

So much win. Especially on the bloodletter head!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/08 01:33:42

Post by: War Kitten

Some very nice conversions here. I'm impressed

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/08 07:34:59

Post by: KernelTerror

@LeCacty : Thanks mate, you should be happy to now a shipment of "MOAR CLASSIC MODELS" should be arriving next week.

@War Kitten : Thanks a lot !

Only the asylum knight left in the painting queue, then I am switching back to building mode to finish the Chapel Dread and the last child of the Obliterator.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/08 10:44:53

Post by: LeCacty

Awww yiss!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/10 12:43:27

Post by: KernelTerror

Allright, the latest Asylum Knight is about Done !

Governor is an Asylum Knight that specializes in urban warfare, with a focus on operation on hive worlds. He took his governor title during the abduction of the governor of Pythia Secundus. A few centuries ago, that world's governor disappeared while visiting an orbital station. No casualties were reported among his retinue, he just went missing from his quarters. Three decades later, he returned to his homeworld and soon took back his place when his replacement conveniently died in a transport crash. Once back in power he allocated an insane amount of resource to drilling tunnels under one of his world's major hive city. Rumors were heard of a small group of Astartes that provided help with pacifying the gangers and the scum around the excavation sites, but nobody on the planet really cared for tellings of lower level scums being incinerated.
The threat became clearer a few years after the drilling had began, when a Repulsor class cruiser emerged from the warp and positioned in orbit over the hive. The planetary defense center was quickly overrun and destroyed by the asylum knights that were already on the planet. Once defenseless, the hive could have been annihilated from orbit, but the cruiser instead sent in a single transport, that offloaded his cargo near the drilling site. We can only assume that this cargo was buried deep into the planet crust, in the well dug in the preceding years, as it was never found. Still going nearly unopposed, the asylum knights retreated to the spire, slaying the disorganized planetary forces. From there, they teleported back to the cruiser and left taking many of the hive's ruling elite with them.
The inquisition is still investigating what might have been buried under the hive, but unable to spare such a production force, the system's government still refuses to dismantle the hive.

Groups shot of the Asylum Knights

And a group shot of the Morgensterns

That was the last model to paint for now, back to building mode....

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/10 12:49:26

Post by: LeCacty

No cool light head on this one? Loving the colors, regardless!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/10 13:23:58

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks man !

No other light head though, I see that Warband as an actual gathering of knights in the medieval way. So they'll differ by heraldry, with different shades of red/orange, and especially by helmet styles.

Buuuuuut light head heads are cool, I should do something with that ^^ !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/10 13:32:54

Post by: LeCacty

Ah, makes sense. I feel like that could end up as being pretty epic! Just pick up some head bits packs from krom, maxmini, ect, and you'll be great!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/10 14:50:39

Post by: evildrcheese

So much good stuff since I last looked.

The Cybergladiator is brilliant. So much character in one mini. I also really love that bloodletter dude.


Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/10 19:42:35

Post by: KernelTerror

@LeCacty : Thanks mate, and yeah, as you probably noticed the first Asylum Knight's head if from Maxmini, and they definitely have a lot of brilliant other ones. That warband has a stricter dress code than the others, they need to wear a terminator armor, be orange/red, have a weird-ass head, have a weird-ass weapon. So it will probably grow up slowly. But yeah, lots of cool bits to put in !

@eviledrchees : Thanks Dr ! Yeah that AOS box is full of very characterful guys that just beg to be put to the knife and warped to the fortieth millennium.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/10 21:26:14

Post by: LeCacty

Do it. You know you want to!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/11 19:56:18

Post by: KernelTerror

SO I have been talking superglue and demonic skin with LeCacty on one of his many threads
 LeCacty wrote:
Can you give me a brief tutorial for the pva-superglue thing?

Now, as a disclaimer I am completely not a chemist and have no idea what I am doing. As such, if you do related stuff and get the Plague, I had nothing to do with that ^^ !

First up pour some PVA on a plastic lid or plate... Disregard the paper, It was a failed attempte to make the skien easier to peal, but it was unnecessary

The pour a little water on top of the pva

Put some superglue drops here and there, it will cause tiny crater but actually expand further away from its impact point.

FInally go fishing. Obvioulsy if would have been better to think of a posessed miniature to put this on, as it probably will dry pretty quickly hanging there.

Aaand that's It, i also gathered separated drops, will post here if I end up doing anything with those.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/11 20:04:21

Post by: LeCacty

OOOooooh That's nasty! I like it!
Come on, it's not THAT many threads is it?

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/11 20:37:47

Post by: KernelTerror

 LeCacty wrote:

Come on, it's not THAT many threads is it?

Lol ! Not a bad thing don't worry ^^ ! Okay, might have cursed you a tiny bit for hiding your greater demon project from me ! I mean this is the kind of crazy ass giant project I love to follow. You will be driven mad trying to finish it but well...Acceptable casualty ^^ !

Anyway, Time for the update of this weekend's work, first up I hope you are not fed up with the requisitors, because they are welcoming a fine looking lady

Then, the last child of the obliterator got himself a trench-coat and half of a gun...

And finally, the some Nurgle possessed marine, with a big bad sword...

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/11 20:42:47

Post by: LeCacty

Awww thanks! <3
What the hell is that nurgle guys head? I want!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/11 21:01:15

Post by: KernelTerror

It is taken from the genestealer sprue, not sure what it is supposed to be, mini spore mine chimneys ? They come in bits of three or two, so I cut one off. He might be getting some tentacles around that, will see once the arms are sculpted...

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/11 22:20:01

Post by: LeCacty

I know exactly what you're talking about. I'm totes using that as terrain for my epic buggys!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/14 03:20:03

Post by: MuchoDonchatz

Creepier and Creepier, the way chaos should be. I love the old school look of your stuff, especially using the newer plastic kits. Keep up the creeping, that crazy robot chick thing is out of sight.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/12 22:23:46

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks MuchoDonchatz !
The crazy robot chick just got a hat, as all Requisitors should, but first I want to talk about her bigger brother

That was supposed to be a simple four armed requisitor based on Genestealer torso. Not sure if it is because of thar bloody fever, but things got out of hand as I kept on adding silly stuff to it.
Now it has 5 arms and a western style holster grenade 6 shooter. Not sure if that looks good or just plain stupid, but I hat too much fun to not stick to the design !

Back shot, featuring a superglue demonic skin cape made a few post above.

Also, hat :

Thanks for watching !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/13 06:46:53

Post by: evildrcheese

Wow. That and the worm head Nurgle dudes are liable to give me nightmares.

Great work.


Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/13 17:51:38

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks evildrcheese, nightmarish should do nicely !

Allright, time for a caps lock update.


Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/13 20:46:02

Post by: LeCacty

That was pretty metal.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/13 21:42:20

Post by: KernelTerror

One of those guys showed up without a gun ! Well when you survived for centuries in the Eye Of Terror, you are probably able to kill with you hands...or even an earlobe. Still that was unprofessional, so I made him one.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/13 21:47:48

Post by: LeCacty

I'm always ready for moar oldhammer!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/13 22:25:02

Post by: KernelTerror

Heheh glad you appreciate those, I certainly do. The two horned
ones especially give the vibe of warriors that have been crossing in and out of the warp for centuries, drifting further away from humanity, their flesh and armor merging into mad demonic killing machines.

So yeah, really happy with that supply drop, they are going to be a blast to paint.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/13 23:26:49

Post by: LeCacty

Oldhammer always is! I just finished up one of the old 2nd ed Bloodletters. I'm tempted to start collecting oldhammer just because of how fun he was!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/14 07:27:12

Post by: KernelTerror

Being tempted is already having lost man ^^ ! I do not recall seeing that bloodletter, would you be hiding things from dakka ?

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/14 10:06:39

Post by: LeCacty

N..... no.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/14 20:30:47

Post by: KernelTerror

Hmmm okay, must have missed it then. But does Nurgle know you're having an affair with Khorne ^^ ?
Anyway, last WIP update before leaving for the weekend.

The Nurgle worm dude got his arms finished, and some tentacles around the head. Also a brain instead of a backpack.

Ant the Obliterator got the rest of his gun, and a melee weapon.

8 Models done, back to paint mode when I get back.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/14 23:36:43

Post by: LeCacty

I'm torn between Nurgle and Malal. And it hurts my heart. Great work BTW!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/15 07:45:42

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks man ! And I'm sure you'll make both of them happy !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/21 21:59:16

Post by: KernelTerror

Awwright, finished painting the latest requisitor !

Bossuet is a member of the Requisitor that was supposed to represent the state of the art killing machine of the Vivisector Cult, a cold mechanical executioner. And for a time it seemed that the prototype was a success, until the requisitors were sent to procure a demon possessed mace, the Pain Cross. The artifact seemed to have an unusually strong influence on Bossuet who plainly refused to hand it over tothe Cult. On a positive note, the ease with which he discarded the servitors that were tasks with disciplining him showed that both his intellect and martial skills had been improved, producing an even more interesting weapon.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/21 22:05:57

Post by: LeCacty

Very grimdark! How many kits are his bits from?

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/21 22:21:36

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks mate ! Well, we have parts of a necron warrior, a cadian grenade launcher, Sauron's mace, some genestealer parts, a space marine knife and nurgling arms. Also greenstuff, plasticard, glue mixes and unidentified pieces of plastic and metal I found in my modeling drawer.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/22 21:18:45

Post by: KernelTerror

Tonight's finished model is the last son of the olbiterator !

If the requisitors are the current organization in charge of infiltrating the imperium on account of the Vivisector Cult, they are not the first such experiment. Gibbet was once part of such a group, composed of highly efficient and intelligent improved warriors, capable of operating unsupported behind enemy lines. But long ago, their group fell from grace and the whole experiment was called to an end. Unfortunately, the group refused to be terminated, and managed to escape their containment facility, with the exception of Gibbet, who remained loyal to his masters. Instead of being killed or sent to the repurposer, he was instead given a last task, that of eliminating his former brothers in arms. Unexpectedly, he managed to complete his task in a few centuries of tracking through the galaxy. At that point, the Requisitor project was well on its way, and the Cult decided to keep Gibbet active, in case they needed to terminate another experiment...

Thanks for looking, always interested in hearing your thoughts !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/22 21:50:08

Post by: LeCacty

Honestly, this fluff is toi fething cool.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/22 22:29:49

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks man, comes up while assembling/painting, so needs to be written ! And usually gives ideas for the following models.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/27 23:19:32

Post by: KernelTerror

Work has been nutters these last days, but was able to stop for a moment and progress on the lately assembled models.
The Nurgle Dude is done !

Vermine has been raving around the corridors of the Mill of Sickness ever since the cursed ship emerged from his final trip to the eye of terror. It is said that as the warp drives ultimately gave up, the immaterium explosion they released transformed anyone who stood in the engine room into brainless masses of flesh, fusing them to the walls. It is also said that Vermine was shielded from the explosion by his unquestionable faith in Nurgle, and had instead been raised into the superior being he now is. He now proclaims himself the Headsman of Nurgle and conduces the executions the twisted miasma of the Mill whispers to him, sometimes traveling for decades to meet and execute the condemned.

And some paint in progress on the Sacrifice to Sin Dreadnought

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/10/28 00:23:28

Post by: LeCacty

Lots of great conversions, as always!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/02 18:48:44

Post by: KernelTerror

Good evening Dakka. Been a while since I started that dread, but tonight I think I can call it done, hope you like it !

Altar is one of the Sacrifice to Sin's religious and decadency propaganda machine. Based ancient Hellbrute forsaken on the Sacrifice to Sin ever assaulted battleground, he now announces the arrival of the Circus of Sin with noise and slaughter. On top of his numerous mutated appendages, Altar also enjoys annihilating his opponents with his demonic gun whose behavior is as schizophrenic as that of the cult, when it is not spitting nails that rip the flesh, or chains that drags foes to him, it may also release flames from the warp or drugged vapours of ecstatic lethality.

Some say that the Astartes currently imprisoned into the dreadnought body is not his first inhabitant, but that the sarcophagus was originally found with a dead in-occupant, and that the Sacrifice to Sin waited centuries for an appropriate candidate. They eventually found one in an unfortunate loyalist chaplain, whose superhuman constitution allow to survive an heavy meltagun direct hit. Once fused with his new body, he was abandoned on the Soul of Disunion long enough to corrupt his faith into madness. Although It might just be stories born from the twisted and drugged mind of renegades, this would be in line with the use of Altar as the central point of many chaos worshiping rituals performed within the Sacrifice to Sin.

Altar never goes to battle without his two crew members. Saytt is a Slaanesh daemon dancer whose voice and moves corrupt the mind and resolution of the purest. The noise marine Llarsen accompanies her by playing the songs of the warp, and randomly shooting corrupted bolts as he goes along.

Thanks for looking, always interested in your thoughts !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/02 21:05:56

Post by: LeCacty

So friggin cool!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/02 21:55:20

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks mate, slaughtering loyalists is always more fun when listening to death metal played by a dreadnought !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/02 22:42:39

Post by: LeCacty

That it is, but us malal followers prefer black metal
Really though, this is so cool!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/03 17:20:55

Post by: KernelTerror

Good point, good ol' misanthropic black metal ! But my guys' color scheme is not trve enough for black metal !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/03 21:50:20

Post by: LeCacty

It is a chaos kvlt!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/04 21:55:36

Post by: KernelTerror

Finished one more model tonight, one more Requisitor.

In such a talent rich organization as the Vivisector cult's Requisitors, being an exceptional blades-man is usually not enough. As deadly with a sword a she is, the reasons the make Sscythe a valued Requisitor, are her speed, stealth, and her very respected talent at interrogation. Be it from her precise use of blades, or the toxins distilled by her mutated arm, she will usually make the unlucky captives of the Cult spill their secrets.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/04 22:56:46

Post by: LeCacty


Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/05 11:26:11

Post by: evildrcheese

Awesome. I think the marine on the Helbrutes shoulder should've been playing the guitar ala the guy in the latest mad max on the speaker truck.

Awesome stuff as ever.


Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/06 22:51:33

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks guys, yeah putting a guitar player up there was probably heavily influenced by Mad Max !

Just finished an oldhammer dude

Inside the Vivisector Cult, where every member seems to never cease to create new heretic technologies, and research new domains in madness, The Gray Taskmaster silently incarnates the mechanic monotony of maintaining an infrastructure old of several millenniums.It is conjectured that he entered the service of the Cult among the first batch of simple discardable servants its creators brought in. By a combination of luck, awareness and technical efficiency, he managed to keep accomplishing its tasks without being digested and crushed by the machines and factories of the cult. He instead became part of it. Not taking part in the cults internal struggles for power, nor in its heretic scientific researches, he contents himself with perpetually inspecting and repairing the factories of the cult, and coordinating its swarms of lobotomized servants. Surviving through the centuries required him to maintain his body as well, task he accomplished by sealing it in antique power armor parts salvages along the way. He also managed to get his grip on an unique artifact, an helmet made of the assembly of the skull of a demon with a skull from a loyalist servant of the machine god. If the demon skull stays in place, the human one needs replacement every decade in order to keep providing the gray taskmaster with a deeper understanding of heretic machineries. But the cult is only too happy to pay these gory wages to such an useful tool.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/08 00:17:38

Post by: KernelTerror

And finished painting the two other oop minis, took me a while to settle on a color scheme, ended up picking up red gold and white, as I think it suits their new faction, kind of unaligned priests for all worshipers of chaos, independently of faction or allegiance.

The Warp Messiahs are a small ancient group of warriors that rarely leave the eye of Terror. For millenias, they instead have focused on exploring the Eye of Terror, meeting the twisted warriors and immortal creatures that dwell in its darkest places. Their perverted pilgrimages takes them well beyond the frontier between the reality and the warp, changing them, fusing their fleshes and armors, reaping their souls, and trading their humanity for the elevated immortality of demons. As such, they are able to travel the warp, especially when summoned by chaos sorcerers interested in the lore acquired by the messiahs during their voyages. But such information comes at a risk, as the Messiahs are still human enough to not be bound by the ritual of summoning.

Tenor is the herald of the messiahs, the one that talks for the gods. The strength of spirit of that individual only equals the damnation of his soul, as any other would have been annihilated or turned mad by the many conversations he had with ageless demons. If the stories he shares are probably his must dangerous weapon, he is never hesitant to make use of his ancient two barreled gun, and artifact given to him by an ascended warpsmith, capable of shooting shards of pure warp energy, condemning the target to a painful and slow damnation.

Organist is part of the warriors that usually follows tenor through his quest for knowledge. He does not talk, but always listens to the stories of his master. It is said that for each one of them, a corresponding cursed ammunition inhabits his heavy bolter's cursed clip. Depending on the story Tenor is declaiming, Organist will accompany him by shooting Nurgle's plague, Tzeentch's fire, or any other curse he received when the story was initially told to Tenor by a creature of the warp.

Thanks for watching, that was the last unpainted minis I had lying around. But of course, lots if new builds to get started on to please the powers of ruin.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/08 01:32:12

Post by: LeCacty

I think I'm starting to understand your fluff.
The taskmaster is probably my favourite in terms of fluff of yours so far and the model is gorgeous! Great work on the messiahs as well!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/08 11:17:39

Post by: KernelTerror

Hahaha thanks man, yeah might not be the clearest writings on the Internet. Maybe I should update the unreadable graphs from earlier, would be a bit less confusing...or maybe that would make it worse ^^ ?

Glad you like the taskmaster, that mini has so mush going on, from the weird organic skull helmet to the gun-with-a-demon chainsaw and the unique armor platings. Unfortunately marines must have been smaller at the time of its release, so making him a CSM Veteran would have been weird, had to come up with another story.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/08 11:41:07

Post by: evildrcheese

Those bloodletters in PA are interesting models. I really like the scheme you've used for them.


Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/08 14:54:01

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks Dr ! Will be looking for more of them, I know that at least another close model exists.
Funny story is that the model I use for Tenor (The one with a gun) was apparently supposed to be riding a horse, thus the left hand holding the reins and the straight legs. But I think it works this way, like he is introducing himself before starting to shoot...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Since I finished the Slaanesh party dreadnought, time to start on another warband's dread. I received that dread sarcophagus a while ago in a random bit bag, I stripped it of paint this afternoon, but is had also apparently been heavily covered in superglue and drilled in some points. Happily, this is chaos and Nurgle, so we'll greenstuff over the destroyed parts...

Since I did not have the corresponding legs, I built these, who will be made to look like...again, chapels. They will be equipped with bolter turrets.

So I just finished a dread with chapels on it, on my way to build a dread on chapels.

Aside from that, I have started building another guy, inspired from the couple Astarte/servant from Shas'vre's brilliant blog.

This chaos sigmarine will go to the sacrifice to sin; I plan on equipping him with two demon swords, one aligned to tzeentch, one to slaanesh, with the hilts being made of their respective symbols. His servant is not started yes, but will carry the marine's ranged weapon.

Thanks for looking, let me know what you think.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/11 22:04:48

Post by: KernelTerror

Took advantage of the holiday to build stuff !

First, started on the servant of the Tzeentch/Slaanesh guy of my previous post. I plan on illustrating the schizophrenic religion of this warband with these guys, hence the two heads.

He will be carrying the sheath of his master's swords, somewhere on his back. Started on the swords too, with the hilts made of Tzeentch and slaanesh marks.
(Wow, that is one crappy shot, sorry about that.)

All four main should warbands will receive a couple Master/Slave. So started this happy Nurgle terminator for the Mill of Sickness.

And the Vivisector Cult will receive that Iron Warrior techpriest, with a double blade very early WIP chainsaw axe.

Edit : Disregart the feet, it is not glued yet, and at the time of photo held only by power of the warp

Also got some decorating work done on the Dreadnought legs.

Thanks for watching, always interested in your thoughts/advices.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/14 01:27:12

Post by: KernelTerror

Did some modelling to keep my mind off sh*t, added the turrets to the dreadnought's legs, and started to work on the pose by linking it to the sarcophagus with metal wiring. I intend to sculpt demoning hellbrute style flesh around them, once my resupply of greenstuff arrives.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/14 15:17:08

Post by: LeCacty

Wow. Those legs are massive!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/14 15:32:42

Post by: KernelTerror

That they are ! I Reckon I'll have to build some miniature 'church like towers' on the sarcophagus in order to toughen it up...
Started the base sculpt of the legs, might post an update on that tomorrow.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/14 15:33:20

Post by: Ezra Tyrius

Every dag is leg day in the Warp it seems!

Loving the new additions, keep the updates coming!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/15 23:25:23

Post by: KernelTerror

Cheers mate, much appreciated, and It has indeed been Leg day today too, as I made these legs a bit sturdier than metal wire.
Does not look like much from the front :

But the rear view shows more :

Sooo yeah, a disgusting mess of cotton, paper, wood, plastic, and a lot of PVA. This is just the basic shape of the legs, but using this gory mix will be a good start for bloated mutated limbs. Hopefully my greenstuff resupply will soon arrive so I can quickly start on the finer details.

In the mean time, the merry Nurgle dude got a chainsaw, a power fist and a big ass gun

And the sword warrying servant is about finished.

I was pretty happy with that pose and biomechanical mix of plaguebearer and necron, so I did a second, more aggressive one, that should behave like an hunting dog...

All three psychos

Always interested in your feedback dakka, have a nice end of weekend !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/16 01:47:18

Post by: LeCacty

Oh my god is that a nurgling in terminator armor?

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/16 08:39:35

Post by: KernelTerror

Yes it is ! But I think it works well as a big chinless demon dude ^^ !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/20 23:49:59

Post by: KernelTerror

Update time ! Did some work on the Iron Warrior, since I could not make his double blade axe work, I settled for a more classic mechanical poweraxe.

But to not be too reasonable, added him a big ass backpack with two blade gun arms.

Also started sculpting demon faces and toenails on the Nurgle Dread !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/21 01:08:03

Post by: LeCacty

Those faces are really cool, but to add a bit to the effect you may want to blend em onto the armor a bit more and blend the metal paint with the skin where the GS is blended. Does that make sense?

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/21 11:01:01

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks mate, and yeah definitely makes sense ! I'll work on that with more GS and a file. Although ain't that what liquid greenstuff is for ?

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/21 11:39:35

Post by: evildrcheese

Really cool stuff as ever. I like the nrugling termie and the 3 psychos, really characterful stuff.


Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/21 14:23:44

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks Dr, yeah they are gonna be fun to paint !

Today I put the knife to an ork and started that bloke, who will be a servant to the Iron Warrior (Who's backpack I am removing btw, was worth experimenting, but it is over-sized imo.)

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/22 15:31:06

Post by: KernelTerror

So it has been around 6 month since I started that blog, so took a moment to shamelessly self congratulate and take pictures of the four main warbands together.

'Not very good pic that last one, the vivisector cult is getting too big for the lightbox...)

Allright, back to building stuff

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/22 19:54:07

Post by: LeCacty

Awesome work so far! Loads done in 6 months eh?

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/22 20:30:48

Post by: Llamahead

Looking good mate lots of craziness to catch up on!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/22 22:09:11

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks guys, yeah did not take long for me to fall back to my pre hobby break level of addiction. So many new stuff to build for the glory of chaos !

Finished assembling the last servant, for the nurgle terminator.

He will be flying around singing songs and stabbing people, the left blade should let me glue it to its base

Good thing it flies, because his legs are really far too small !

Speaking of legs, after riveting spiking and greenstuffing the dread's can be considered finished.

So I started putting the base of his right shoulder.

Thanks for watching !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/30 23:10:11

Post by: KernelTerror

Death from Above !!!!
Been a while since the last update, but tonight I finished this little flying dude. He will be the servant to the big nurgling terminator featured above.

His master should not take much longer...

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/11/30 23:58:21

Post by: LeCacty

What the feth is that?!?

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/12/01 09:41:52

Post by: evildrcheese

Nice work on the Terminator Lords familiar. Makes a change from seeing servants of Nurgle as green/brown.


Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/12/01 19:31:36

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks guys !

@Cacty : It is a flying maniac that stabs your face ^^ ! Made of a plaguebearer's back and arm, a nurgling's legs, a tyranid arm and the braces of an AOS khorne dude as a face.

@EDC : Yeah, his master follows the same scheme, but inverted, so a bit more classical : majority of green and red/orange flesh.

More soon !

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Got a few minutes before heading out, so time for a WIP update.

The Nurgle Termie should have been finished by now, But I realised while painting that he did not have any ammunition input to his minigun !
So I crafted him this feeding belt out of plasticard and greenstuff :

I do not like mixing building and painting, but in that case it felt too silly to leave as.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/12/01 21:42:38

Post by: LeCacty

He's so cuuuuuute!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/12/03 19:51:06

Post by: KernelTerror

So I talked about her in this blog's first post, and she is finally here, and looking brilliant.

Only three sprues, lots of details on the main figure, but no bubbles or miscast to complain about, even the mold lines on the coat are very minimal. Would be nice if they could sell the tentacle sprue on its own btw, could come in handy...

Mandatory scale shot :

Took the opportunity to order the zombie bodyguard alongside her, she should join This guy as a zombie cybergladiator...

Awwrigt, seems I have a terminator to finish, will have to make these two fine looking ladies wait.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Allright, terminator dude is about done !

And a shot of him and his mate :

Hope you like them !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/12/03 22:33:29

Post by: LeCacty

They look great! Will the nurgling marines be another warband?

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/12/03 23:21:42

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks man, much appreciated !

No, they are part of the Mill of Sickness Grains, but you're right, that design might deserve at least a second build...

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/12/04 09:24:25

Post by: Llamahead

Looks excellent really enjoying the Imperator Dread as well.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/12/05 16:00:51

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks Llamahead !

Today I finished the first Scorched Hound, a servant for the Sacrifice to Sin.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/12/11 11:06:24

Post by: KernelTerror

And finished the second servant for the Sacrifice to SIn ! Their master should be up next.

Thanks for looking !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/12/11 11:39:23

Post by: evildrcheese

Wow that zombie body guard model is cool.

Termie Lord with the mini gun looks wicked.

This is easily one of my fav P&M blogs


Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/12/11 21:13:05

Post by: KernelTerror

@EDC : Thanks man, means a lot !
Yeah that body guard is on the table right know, trying to cut line to get at the beginning of the painting queue ^^ !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/12/12 00:58:28

Post by: LeCacty

Looks awesome!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/12/17 22:51:47

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks LeCacty !
Well Its master is done

Lord spine is one of the renegade veteran that established himself as a lord on the Sacrifice to Sin's eternal battlefields. He never misses an opportunity to drench his two demon blades in the blood of any worthy foes. Some say they are each made of the compressed bodies of thousands of cultists, respectively from a Tzeentch and a Slaanesh sect. A very small number of the foes that fell victim to both blade survive, and slowly transform into a Scorched Hound, a not so living embodiment of the Sacrifice to Sin cult's duality.

All ready for a Loyalist hunting party !

Thanks for watching !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/12/18 12:13:49

Post by: evildrcheese

Excellent. Another thematic character.

What's next?


Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/12/18 17:18:00

Post by: Llamahead

Nifty Daemon Weapons

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/12/19 10:02:14

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks a lot guys !
Next in line are the Raging Heroes Girls, and the Big Axe Dude and his servant.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/12/23 19:10:05

Post by: KernelTerror

Awwright, irl stuff is currently keeping me from honoring the gods properly, let's say I have been painting a lot, but mainly walls, not minis.

Anyway, just received two of those old school archivist, pretty happy with them, still undecided on which warband they will each join, and on the degree of chaotification they will receive.

Also went on some bit box boulimia, and bought a lot of loyalist and eldar bits, all to be offered to chaos. Darn, really need to get painting in order to start assembling more stuff...

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/12/23 23:14:26

Post by: LeCacty


Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/12/29 12:00:25

Post by: KernelTerror

Good day Dakka; Today I finally finished my TGG2 Nepharya. Really fond of this model, hopefully my painting does not disrespect it ^^ !
That model's dark mechanicus look make it perfect to join the Vivisector Cult, under the name Mother Squid. I am planning on making her part of the Inner Circle, the cult's ultimate leaders.

Allright, thanks for watching dakka, now I am going to have a drink in memory of good old Lemmy. RIP.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/12/29 18:12:00

Post by: TheEyeOfNight

Well that's hauntingly amazing, nice work!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/12/29 18:28:33

Post by: evildrcheese

Excellent. I really like the choice of colours for the model, the purple and orange compliment each other really well.


Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/12/29 19:49:34

Post by: LeCacty

Not really a fan of the model (too much going on) but your work on it is epic!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/12/29 21:00:16

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks a lot guys, glad you like her. I Have been doing this other gal from Raging Heroes in the mean time :

Awwright, time to go back to painting some converted stuff.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/12/29 22:59:55

Post by: Llamahead

Great stuff.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2015/12/30 08:37:09

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks mate !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/01/02 22:40:27

Post by: KernelTerror

Finished the Vivisector cult Servant, another brainless tool mutant to take care of the dirty work.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/01/03 11:38:55

Post by: KernelTerror

And put the last touch on its Iron Warrior master. Went for a pretty dirty way of painting on that one, lots of heavy dark washes in order to get an ancient, rusty look.

Ordinance Master Hirce is part of the elite Iron Warrior detachment that joined the Vivisector Cult a few millenia ago. He kept his original position as commander of artillery support for the Cult's military operations. Since then he has not always remained with his brothers, but travelled between rebel forces supported by the cult, providing his warfare expertise and taking command at critical points. He usually goes to battle with his ceremional mechanicum Axe, a menacing weapon he yet rarely uses, as his place is not on the front lines. He is also usually equipped with an unique servo skull, a creepy artifact whose purpose is unknown, although some claim to have hear Hirce discussing artillery strikes with it.

And a Master/Servant shot :

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/01/04 17:34:35

Post by: KernelTerror

Allright, new year, new projects. I am just getting started on something never ever seen on this blog !

a squad !

Yeah, as part of a mixed bit buy I recently received these eight Blonde Angels for a very decent price. The plan is put them to the knife to create a bunch of Nurgle techmarines/apothicaries specialized in the destrtuction of entire planets. Trough unholy plague rituals and unholy technologies, this bioengineering team will show the tyranids how its done !

First step was to make bases, since there will be seven of them. Pictured here : 7 bases.

And after some knifing and glueing here is how they look :

Did replaced some legs in the end, the running poses can always come in handy. And yeah, they have date palm grains on the head, and some have seashells as bellyplates. Also, turns out heavy electrical wiring makes for some decent nugle marks...Will use that on the dread.

Time to get greenstuffing...

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/01/05 12:19:25

Post by: KernelTerror

More new projects WIPs !
As I think my recent nurgle autocannon termie worked out nicely, I decided to do another absurdely huge on, this time for the khorn warband of the Silent Reap. So I took one of my last DV Terminators, and tuned it to eleven. Here is the basic squeleton :

ANd yet another new guy, I wanted to use this metal piece for a while. As I found it last summer on the parking lot of the Giger Museum in switzerland, It is probably cursed.

Sliced it to bits

Reassembled it, and started filling the inside, with paper, PVA, and a genestealer torso.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Yet another WIP update, !

Trying a weapon setup fot the Khorne Dread :

Finished the base greenstuffing on the plage marines bu filling in the leg joints, and started sculting on the heads

And started working on laser cannons for the Nurgle Dreadnought by defacing some eldar guns

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/01/07 22:02:19

Post by: KernelTerror

Awwright, adapted the backpacks, defiled the aquilas, greenstuffed some holes and began the wiring.
So here is the current step of my nurgle happy fellas :

The one on the right will be walking with a cane, you do not experiment with demonic plagues for millenias without consequences.

And finally, the champion, with some loyalist scum as a scale comparator

Next step is to assemble the arms and weapons,
Thanks for watching, always intersted in you thoughts !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/01/10 21:32:04

Post by: KernelTerror

All done, ready to join the paint queue. You may notice that many of the use their bolter one handedly, not sure if it is still the case these days, but 3rd Ed. said so !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/01/12 23:02:22

Post by: KernelTerror

Good evening Dakka !
So I have been doing some progresses on my nurgle dreadnought these last few days, here is how he looks so far :

So you noticed it now has a head, wich might get some more armor plating on the sides, not sure yet. Of course he'll get a tougher neck, with connecting wires and tentacles, and more sculpting on top..

His melee arm is almost ready, not decided yet if sculpting posessed heads on the blade would improve the look. Thoughts ?

In term of ranged weapons, I originally intended these twin linked laser cannons, but they did not feel right.

Should have been obvious that it was too small of a gun for such a big dude ! What he needed was a big ass custom made plasma cannon (still in very very early WIP).

Yeah, in France we make guns out of wine corks. The messy part on the front is the basic shape for a demon head around the barrel, with a gaping scream-like lower jaw.

Still on dreadnought matters, I recently received this dude, that will we used for the Khorne Silent Reap Dread.

And a very very simple conversion of a DV chosen, who got an AoS axe in order to join the Silent Reap. Yeah, I know, lazy me.

Thanks for watching, always interested in suggestions/curses !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/01/13 00:03:09

Post by: LeCacty

Amazing work kernel!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/01/13 20:22:20

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks Cacty ! More should soon follow !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/01/16 22:46:04

Post by: KernelTerror

Goodnight Dakka, finished defiling that DV Termie, well, kind of, ended up replacing the legs with a sigmar dude, so almost nothing is left of the original dude.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/01/17 21:37:59

Post by: KernelTerror

Finished building the Nurgle Dread !

Added a mutated spine on its back with wires connected to his head.

Had a big ass sphere of dried up superglue staying in my bitbox for years, decided to add it to the chapel

And finished scuplting the details on the gun, damn that picture is hard to read, hopefully you'll get a better idea once its painted. Its is still not glued to the dread for painting, once it is glueable, I will add chains and wires.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/01/21 22:56:27

Post by: KernelTerror

Good evening fellas, tonight I finshed painting two of these plague marines. Let me tell you about them

Among the Nurgle worshippers that regularly visit the Mill of Sickness, the Skulls are one of the most destructive. This warband is made of specialist in rationalized destruction, able to doom millions through the use of obscure technologies or forbidden rituals. They never attack frontly, but may instead spend years planning the destruction of a a planet through the use of intrigate device and servile cultists. When they leave, a once prosper world can have been turned into a corrupted wasteland, populated by miserable warp tainted creature.
Their are named the Skulls because of their non STC helmets, the source of their power. Each one of them is an individual demonic entity, that dooms its owner from the first time it is put on. If the wearer is killed, or attempts to remove the helmet, it reacts by injecting a powerfull digestive bile into the neck, then sealing itsself. Leaving the headless corpse of its former master lying dead, the demon digests the skull and brain, gaining the knowledge it contained. Through the centuries, each helmet had countless wearers, and shared his memories with each of them, making them unrivalized specialists in their fields. The power of the skull is such that is allows the warband to replace its fallen brother by forcing the helmet on an unwilling astarte prisoncer. Thus turning a foe into a battle brother in a matter of days.

The Skull know as Fiery Skull specializes in the conception of doomsday devices able to condemn a city or an entire planet. On two occurence, the Inquisition was able to stop the construction of a drilling device that would have injected an unidentified waste below the planet's crust. The warband's goal was unclear, but clues that Fiery Skull was behind the devices was a sufficient threat. During the centuries, Fiery Skull has developped a taste for wearer with decent technological knowledge; Warpsmith or loyalist Techmarines are especially appreciated.

Portal Skull took his name because of his habit of integrating an unstable warp artifact to his armor. Exposure to such peril also brings great rewards, such as him becoming a homing beacons for demons, that he is easily able to summon. A more practical use of this device is the tainted power this artifact generates. The warband occasionnally turns Portal Skull into a power source and wire him the their technological desecrations. This usually means condeming the wearer to a painfull death, but the helmet can then be collected and granted to a new wearer, for the glory of Nurgle.

So, 2 done, 5 to go. Let me know what you think !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/01/22 03:44:46

Post by: LeCacty

I adore the scroll that Fiery Skull is holding!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/01/22 07:57:41

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks Cacty, glad this works !
Although It just occured to me it could be seen as a newspaper. Affraid I have gone a bit silly...

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/01/22 09:43:23

Post by: evildrcheese

Been a while since I dropped him here, the big Nurgle dread is looking awesome.

The Skull plague marine dudes are looking great too. I like the fluff with the portal helm.


Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/01/22 17:04:23

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks EDC, I'll try to add a Paint in Progress picture of the nurgle dread soon, just having the base colours should make him more readable in picture.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/01/23 23:50:37

Post by: KernelTerror

Good evening Dakka ! Time for the update of the day

Added a third Skull to the Nurgle squad :

If the Skulls' plans to bring misery to the imperium are usually centered around obscure technologies and sciences, they are nonetheless very pious worshipers of Nurgle. Blinded Skull reflects that most esoteric aspect, as their priest, prophet and psyker. Blessed with many sinister powers enhanced by his demonic helmet, Blinded Skull has also been gifted with a relic from the past, the skull of a death guard archivist who is said to have died during the dark days of the heresy. A notable aspect of this skull is its eyes. The left one never decayed in ten millenia, but instead transformed into a glowing crystal that radiates corrupted energy. By looking into it, Blinded Skull is about to see many things, true or false, always grotesque. The skull's right eye looks rotten, and can be extracted and fed to a mere mortal. While the eye will grow back in around seven days, the subject it was administered to will enter a trance and start mutating toward a gory death. While in that trance, it will have access to knowledge no one should speak of, but of great interest to the Skulls.

I also finished painting my arm-swap chosen conversion, I am really fond of the backpack too. Not sure where is is from, but carrying the bones of a fallen saint brother really fits the "Khornate Zealots" of this warband.

And finally, here is a pip of the Nurgle dread, with only the base colors applied so far. If the gun looks like he is falling, it is because it actually is. Once painted and glued, it will be straighter.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/01/24 00:44:28

Post by: corpuschain

That walker is fantastic. It's hideously nurgly. Good job. There's an element of John Blanche about what you do.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/01/24 22:52:13

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks Corpuschain ! Means a lot, since Blanche's work is awesome and a great source of inspiration.
I have more news on the walker, but first, some more plague marines.

With an habit of taking on enemies with far greater firepower and numbers, the Skulls have become proficients at chemical warfare. Caustic Skull is their expert in the domain. One of his more infamous deed was discovered by the imperial authorities when dismantling a dubious chain of supply of sabotaged military hardware. The weapons decayed unexpectedly and filled several planetary defense force stations with deadly gas. The Inquisition traced the source of these weapons through unscrupulous officers, greedy traders or corrupted politics up to a cult who's leader could fit Caustic Skull's description. Unfortunately, the cult committed a ritual suicide using the same gas as the imperial forces were closing on them, thus interrupting the lead.

Hectic Skull has two pleasures in life, blasting people's limbs away with plasma, and using twisted Nurgle medicine to place them back in place. With a demonic helmet that has consumed the minds of dozens of apothecaries during the years, his taste for medical experimentation knows no limits. In times of need, he is also known to enhance his lower value cultists with different drugs or grafts, making them more likely to slow down the opposition, while the skulls go through with their dark plans.

And finally, here is the Dreadnought's plasma cannon, with the regular loyalist scum for scale. Painting is almost done, although I will probably rework the eyes, they look a bit dead right now...

Thanks for watching, and Nurgle be with you !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/01/27 23:35:52

Post by: KernelTerror

As a break from all this Nurgleness, I finished a Terminator lord for the Silent Reap.

It is said that the warband of the silent reap was born in one of the warships that brought back a defeated mixed contingent or Word Bearers and World Eaters from Terra to the Eye of terror. It would explain the age of some of the Reap's leaders, who fought at the siege of Terra. Minotaur is an exception, but since his first appearance a few centuries ago, he has risen to the rank of Bishop, and as such answers to only Khorne, and a few higher lords. Some tell that he already was an exceptional being when the Bloodsmiths recruited him on a medieval world they often raid for fresh blood. Surviving the initiation and following the blood god made him into an impressive killing machine, always avid for slaughter. While the other Bishops have gathered trusted warriors around them, no warrior seems to follow the vicinity of Minotaur for long. Whereas many are attracted at his side by the speed of his rise to power, he is regularly the sole survivor of his almost suicidal campaigns. Rumors also whisper that he cannot stand to see an opening in an warrior's fighting style, and that many of his followers paid for imperfection by the might of Minotaur's antique power claws.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/01/28 19:08:14

Post by: Chaos Emperor

I Love the uniqueness of your characters, in model and character! love how every individual person has a story

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/01/28 22:39:43

Post by: KernelTerror

Cheers Chaos Emperor !
Well, the 7 Skulls are finished, blessed be Papa Nurgle !

Here are the two latest additions

Cursed Skull is the commander of the Skulls of Nurgle, regarding research, warfare, or faith, he dictates the tortured existence of his brothers. Three millenia ago, he led them to the derelict battleship The Mill of Sickness, and violently secured a large portion of its hull as their laboratory. At first, the demonic powers ruling over the ship were hostile towards these new residents, but Cursed Skull was able to demonstrate how invaluable his followers could be to the ship. Even compared to his martial skill and his intelligence, his ability to turn enemies, mortals or not, into allies is his greatest strength, and an ironic illustration of the corrupting power of his warband's cursed helmets.

Crawling Skull is both second in command and vanguard to the Skulls of Nurgle. As the master of information, he is always the first to arrive on site when the skulls take on new corruption endeavors. To fulfill his role, he regularly relies on lesser creatures, cultists being among the most common. He also entertains a privileged relation with any environment's vermin and crawling beasts. Wherever he goes, swarms of plague flies go with him. Mutations are limited among the Skulls of Nurgle, despite the evercorrupting presence of the warp, their demonic helmet preserves their integrity. Crawling Skull is the exception, a few weeks after that helmet is sealed on a new wearer, is starts to gift him with chitinous limbs, whereas his unbalanced steps become human no more.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/01/29 21:32:58

Post by: KernelTerror

Just received this dude, he will be a great addtition to the warp messias

Back to painting the dreadnought now, should soon be able to attach the gun.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/01/29 23:13:05

Post by: LeCacty

Awww yiss oldhammer!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/01/31 17:56:07

Post by: Chaos Emperor

do you mean Messiahs?
anyway those models look awesome! love your style!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/01/31 18:48:15

Post by: KernelTerror

*Surreptitiously renames the whole gallery*
Thanks man, yeah was unsure about the plural but you are absolutely right !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/01 22:12:46

Post by: KernelTerror

Well that oldhammer dude was not in the current painting batch, but welcome nonetheless, as a refreshment from the Dreadnought.
So here is the latest recruit of the warp messiahs.

As many Warp Messiahs, Composer has been traveling long enough in the warp to have forsaken his humanity, merged flesh and armor, and replaced his limbs with weapons. As he did not talk in centuries, he lets plasma and blood sing for him, and for that reason, even his brothers in arms considered him as no more than a killing machine. It is not until recently that they discovered that Composer actually serves a higher purpose. On the battlefield, he occasionally shows an obsession with eliminating a particular target, regardless of strength, rank or strategic value. Once his foe taken down, he will unload his plasma weapon on the corpse until nothing but ashes is left. The Messiahs eventually realized that these foes' curse sometimes did not end there, but were instead reborn somewhere close to the heart of the eye of terror, from which the strongest managed to travel back. Even though Composer is probably but a tool for a higher warp entity, he regained respect from the other messiahs, as they now intend to discover the place where the cursed live again.

And a family picture :

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/03 02:04:22

Post by: LeCacty

Your oldhammer stuff is, IMO, some of the best stuff on this entire plog. Simply gorgeous!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/03 08:46:59

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks man, much appreciated.
One the things I like most about models from this era, is how different these guys are from one another, because there was no modular kits yet, each was made to stand out with a personality on his own (thus making my job easier ^^). Yet you still get some coherency, for example with the very cool shape of the shoulder plates of the last guy.

Hopefully I will find more, not giving up on the last bloodletterhead marine !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/03 08:58:12

Post by: evildrcheese

Yes! Yes! Yes!

So good. The newest addition to the Warp Messiahs is wicked. I also really like the Khornite Zealot you posted a while back.


Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/03 23:17:03

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks a lot friend, helps a lot with staying motivated at painting a ridiculously over sized dreadnought ^^ !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/05 21:35:42

Post by: KernelTerror

Good evening fellas, looks like I finally finished the Nurgle Dread !

Plagued Wisdom is the name under which the inhabitants of the Mill of Sickness talk about an ancient dreadnought that dwells in isolated quarters of the ship. They call him so because of his willingness to share his knowledge and memories with the ones crazy enough to visit him, even though his age and his demonic condition makes him very likely to attack in the middle of a story. Among these stories, he often tells his own, how already sealed in his sarcophagus, he accompanied a fearless army of plagued Astartes, that ravaged many world and melted all of their inhabitant in a single gem, a powerful artifact named the Warp's ventril. He also tells how they build a gigantic fortress in the eye of terror to defend the gem, and how they were besieged for centuries by warbands coveting it. When all seemed lost, his brothers sacrificed themselves to let warpsmith attach the gem to his body, and raise him to godlike powers. For days, Plagued Wisdom, as Nurgle incarnate, slaughtered foes and friends. Eventually, the artifact was drained out, and as warp storms raised, both sides retreated, weakened and no longer attracted to an empty shell. A grotesquely deformed dreadnought was left alone on the battlefield, the powerless artifact still attached to its carcass. He wandered aimlessly for thousands of years through the Eye of terror, until he reached the Mill of Sickness, a place he no longer leaves for long.

Plagued Wisdom towers above the Nurgle freakshow !

His legs are regularly used as altar for devout ant utterly insane worshipers of the Plague God

And a few more shots of the plasma cannon :

Thanks for watching, well that was the last one in my painting queue. Back to building I guess !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/05 22:21:20

Post by: LeCacty

The face cannon is such a cool concept! Really well executed too!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/06 09:53:54

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks mate, glad you like it !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/06 23:37:13

Post by: KernelTerror

Feels like it has been a while since the last building session. Anyway, finished corrupting the last two DV terminators :
First off, a clerical looking leader for the Silent Reap :

And then, an Asylum Knight, making use of the recent epidemic of skull acnea in the AOS models ^^ !

Finally, that magos did not make it in the last painting batch, but now he is on its way to finition, with new insect legs (to be sculpted), and claws to eat the flesh of its slaves !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/07 17:17:08

Post by: corpuschain


Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/07 22:26:41

Post by: KernelTerror

Creepy is the goal, thanks !

Two more new concepts tonight, first an unfortunate eldar that somehow got stranded on the Sacrifice to Sin homeworld

And a king size servant for a magos that enjoys digging up corpses.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/07 23:08:11

Post by: LeCacty

Really like the termies and the insect.. thing...

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/07 23:26:50

Post by: KernelTerror

Thank you man, sculpt began on magos bug thing's legs, glad you like how the concept turned out.

I should also mention that I just reaped off the arms of the ogryn shovel guy, I'll come up with something more disgusting. Also, they were making it look smaller.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/17 22:53:06

Post by: KernelTerror

So I recently received a Kastelan Robot kit, meaning I could start working on my fourth dreadnought, for the Khornate Silent Reap warband.

Here is the basic concept so far :

The next step is to build him spaulders, I was thinking some bone structures, like ribs ? But at this step anything is still possible, would love to get some thoughts on that.

Progress went nicely on Magos Bugthing, replaced the chainsaw with a big deforme arm. Still need to add mechanical features and human stuff to mitigate the whole insect look.

The doomed eldar received some greeenstuff and some kind of wires entering his head. Starting to think about making a cultist crew of deranged/posessed eldars...

And finally the Ogryn received more appropriate arms, a demonic mace and a plasma cannon that should receive skulls or chains. The head will need to be altered too, for now I cannot unsee a sontaran...

Thanks for stopping by !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/18 08:36:02

Post by: Ezra Tyrius

Some amazing new additions you've got here, Kernel! That Nurgle dreadnought is absolutely massive

As for the Kastelan, a ribcage modelled unto his chest would be pretty cool, perhaps he could also have a massive spine reaching upwards with an icon of Khorne up top?

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/18 22:58:29

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks man, glad you approve my latest heresies

Actually I am putting the rib idea aside in favor on a new design for now. Ran into these hooks while going through my tools and after a bit of cutting they do pretty nice spaulders, with a cool retro look. I will greenstuff stuff onto them of course, but I think their shape matches the castelan parts.

I like the icon idea, especially since I have this big ass Khorne icon from AOS lying around. On another hand, the original back from the dread is pretty cool I'll see if I can work with it without hiding it.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/19 01:06:35

Post by: LeCacty

Looks really cool! Love the head especially

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/19 08:34:39

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks man, thought you would ^^ ! Oldhammer FTW.
4 more old school renegades are on their way btw, pics when they arrive !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/19 09:35:55

Post by: Fifty

 KernelTerror wrote:
And a family picture :

These guys looks absolutely great! Will you be getting more?

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/19 10:17:37

Post by: evildrcheese

Nice work on the dread. He looks great.

Really liking the clerical looking leader, great use of bits.

Also the wires into the head of the Eldar dude look great.


Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 0008/02/19 23:12:05

Post by: KernelTerror

@EDC Thanks a lot, Praised be Khorne !

Fifty wrote:
 KernelTerror wrote:
And a family picture :

These guys looks absolutely great! Will you be getting more?

Thanks Fifty, yeah that is the Idea, an order is on the way with one dude that will probably join them. I also unfortunately just missed an auction for the third guy with that precise bloodletter face, but I'll get him eventually...

And hurray for ten pages, the dark gods will be pleased !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/20 00:18:32

Post by: Fifty


I just lost this auction this evening - you weren't bidding on the same one, were you?

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/20 09:38:24

Post by: KernelTerror

@Fifty : I should have been yes ! But I usually wait till the last moment to place an auction, and left the office ridiculously late for a friday night. But I saw that one a couple of times already...He'll come around eventually. And keep a good look on that seller, he has great stuff. Already bought twice from him : the lastest chainsaw arm Warp Messiah and the package I am expecting now...

@LeCacty : It is indeed very pretty, and it has friends too. An Havoc squad of these guys would be wonderful...

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/21 21:00:32

Post by: KernelTerror

Allright, so here is an update for this weelend's work :

The Silent Reap to sin termie received his weapon : a sword and a fist weapon

Replaced the head of the ogryn zombie, greenstuffed the hell out of it

Completely changed my mind on the Asylum knight, went for a more classic setup, but I think it looks far better

And added skulls on magos bugthing. One always needs skull.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/21 22:05:00

Post by: evildrcheese

Awesome. I really that that Termie. The greenstuffed skull looks very cool.

He does vaguely remind me of a Pokemon though...


Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/21 22:21:23

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks man, had to hide some awful loyalist icon ^^ !
Well pokemons are probably just painted up Nurglings, so not far ^^ !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/22 19:57:25

Post by: KernelTerror

Good evening Dakka, no WIP today, but a pretty nice supply drop in the mail !

First are these two; the one on the left will join the Warp Messiahs. Not sure about the one on the left"s allegiance yet, but I think he looks pretty slaaneshy...

And these two guys look brilliant too, to me, they scream Iron Warrior.

But none on these allegiances are definitive yet, what do you guys think ?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Allright, in the mean time did some minor work on two guys, added chains and spikes to the zombie ogryn's weapon, in order to make it look more appropriate

And added a sensor array to Magos bugthin's back, damn this pic is blurry, sorry about that.

So with this I am switching to paint mode, with a pretty creepy looking paint queue,

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/28 16:23:03

Post by: KernelTerror

Good evening Dakka, I Hope you are having a great weekend. I just finished that dude, for the Vivisector cult. And decided to try a new picture layout.

Magos HellWorm, is a sinister member of the Vivisector Cult, also known as the Repurposer. Banned from the Adeptus Mechanicus for heretical perversions and warp tainting of the machine spirit, he fled to the Eye of Terror with a impressive army of corrupted servants. He soon entered the Vivisector Cult and quickly climbed to its highest ranks. The respect he inspires to his brothers is only equaled by the fear his reputation causes among the Cult's members. This fear, as his name of "The Repurposer" is justified by his constant hunger for new test subjects, as he will accept any undisciplined slave or failed apprentice to experiment the worst of the warp on them. Among his research works, one of the most despicable is his attempt to industrialize demonic possession. In a secret laboratory, known as the Screaming Factory, he combines the forces of the warp with demon hosts, protection rituals acquired from the inquisiton at an incredibly high cost and an almost uninterrupted flow of human sacrifices. The ultimate goal of Magos Hellworm's research is unclear, perhaps even to himself, but the side products of the Screaming Factory have already been of great use to the Cult. Among those, specialized servants such as the Hooded Artillery, with their twisted by repeated demon posession have already proven efficient in the Cult's operations.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/29 00:08:51

Post by: corpuschain

Some of these models would give children nightmares!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/29 00:37:34

Post by: LeCacty

Really macabre. I like it!
If I had one criticism, it would be that the skin is a bit bright. If you want to darken it and add some grime, a layer of agrax would do the trick!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/02/29 20:44:32

Post by: KernelTerror

corpuschain wrote:Some of these models would give children nightmares!

Thanks man, yeah gotta traumatize them early if you hope to raise a half decent berserk !

LeCacty wrote:Really macabre. I like it!
If I had one criticism, it would be that the skin is a bit bright. If you want to darken it and add some grime, a layer of agrax would do the trick!

Thanks man ! I absolutely see what you mean. I usually tend to over-shade my models, because evil bastards wear black, but I wanted to try something a little different. Although if you have a close look at his front left leg it was shaded using Agrax, as an experiment. I preferred the 'made of lava' look, so I left it as is (because chaos !). I'll think it over though, he is not varnished...

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/03/01 08:53:46

Post by: KernelTerror

Speaking of (voluntary) overshading, here comes the Eldar conversion. Once I finish my fourth dreadnought, I am thinking of going into a cultist frenzy and build some squads for my different warbands. I think one of those will be made of corrupted eldars with this paint scheme, grey and orange wires going into their heads.

The Shades are one of the creations of the never ending struggle between the Slaanesh and Tzeentch aspect of the Sacrifice to Sin cult. A demon more closely aligned to Tzeentch once devised a plan to trap an eldar recon team on a derelict ship. Were their seers blinded by the warp forces, or did they consent to sacrificing some of their own in order to avoid a more terrible alternative. Not long after the Eldars boarded the ship, its warp engines activated and made it reappear in low orbit above the Sacrifice to Sin homeworld. As the vessel crashed in the wastelands, all of the Slaanesh half of the chaos warband focused its attention and troops to the capture and corruption of such an appetizing bait, letting their Tzeentchian brothers free to fulfill whatever twisted objectives they had planned. Lost in ever mutating deserts, many eldars were slayed and some took their own lives. But some were destined to an even more horrible fate, as their souls were sucked out of their bodies by greater Keepers of Secrets. Soon afterwards, the shades appeared. Empty shells of the once proud warrior race, they seem to silently wander the wastelands, only filled by their pain and some drug dispensers the demon world playfully attached to them.
The one known as Bladesmith was once one of the officers of the recon team. He has now become a gear in the twisted corruption mechanism of the Sacrifice to Sin, as he gathers the fallen swords of battles that took place centuries ago, to offer them to the Gods in the demon world's sacrificial pits. His gift seems to be his knowledge of where and when the blades will resurface, and of who is destined to hold them. Without a word, he will walk alone for weeks to gather a blade, corrupt it, and rediscover it centuries later after its digestion by the demon world, in order to finally deliver it to the warrior supposed to have it.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/03/01 11:21:26

Post by: evildrcheese

Great stuff on Magos Hellworm. The name is brilliant too!


Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/03/01 19:46:47

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks EDC, yeah, sounded a bit more dignified than magos Bugthing (Only his friends call him that) !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/03/01 22:42:36

Post by: LeCacty

Lookin good!

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/03/02 08:31:14

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks man !

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/03/05 19:57:53

Post by: KernelTerror

Good evening all, finished painting this old school termie. Did not want to destroy such an old model, so just plainly ignored the Aquila on his chest. The servants of the corpse dude will not like that...

The Khornate warband of the Silent Reap is ruled through a very strict hierarchy, both religiously and politically. According to their code, the sole leaders under Khorne are the two Blood Pontifes, who command the Cardinal colleges, who in turn oversee the Bishops, each responsible for a specific aspect of the warband. Such monstrous and warped creatures as the Pontifes rarely leave the Eye of Terror or even appear to their troops. To maintain a proper control over the warband, they selected blessed warrior with an unshakable faith, their heralds. Herald Tepes used to be an archivist in a loyalist chapter, when he felt the call of the blood god. As psykers offend the blood god, the pontifes offered to release Tepes of his burden and overflowed his link to the warp with a perpetual stream of demonic energy, making him their eyes and ears. Since then, he visits whatever activity of the Silent Reap the Pontifes require information on, and disciplines the warriors who stray from the path of khornate righteousness. One of his most revered deed is the impalement of a disgraced Bishop, a most pious act he performed perfectly and in silence, dealing several fatal blows to his opponent right from his teleportation from orbit.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/03/06 14:15:10

Post by: Fifty

You are really capturing the old school Realm of Chaos vibe in this blog, which is a massive compliment compared to the spikes and skulls modern chaos that we see.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/03/06 15:01:45

Post by: LeCacty

Awesome old model! Is the skull on his pauldron original?

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/03/06 15:38:09

Post by: KernelTerror

Fifty wrote:You are really capturing the old school Realm of Chaos vibe in this blog, which is a massive compliment compared to the spikes and skulls modern chaos that we see.

Thanks man, means a lot ! Massive compliment indeed !

LeCacty wrote:Awesome old model! Is the skull on his pauldron original?

Thanks ! Yeah everything is original apart from the two wires in his back. Added them in order to fill holes in the original model ( at the spots where termies usually have grids).

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/03/06 18:34:57

Post by: LeCacty

LeCacty wrote:Awesome old model! Is the skull on his pauldron original?

Thanks ! Yeah everything is original apart from the two wires in his back. Added them in order to fill holes in the original model ( at the spots where termies usually have grids).

Oh, thats cool! I prefer the wires tbh, looks a bit admechy, no?

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/03/06 22:53:19

Post by: KernelTerror

@LeCacty : Yeah, it does a bit, and thinking of it wires coming out of the back of a terminator armor could be kind of a design flaw... But no worries, that dude does not turn his back to any enemy.

Now the model of the day is another Rogue Trader Era guy, the fourth recruit of the Warp Messiahs !

The Warp Messiahs like to think of themselves as welcome everywhere in the warp, with a duty of sharing honestly the wonders of chaos with anyone. Even though, their friendliness can take the shape of bullets or blades, they are usually deliver it upfront. But in some circumstances, it can occur that they need to eliminate an individual precisely. In these cases, they employ Screamer. During his travels in the warp, he obtained an oddly shaped helmet, that has probably fused with his face centuries ago. While many assassins use stealth and silence to fulfill their mission, Screamer takes the exact opposite approach. His demonic helmet allow him to emit a diabolically modulated sound, covering any other noise, and seemingly coming from any directions at once. As his demonic frequency reflects on his environment, Screamer is also all knowing about his surrounding and foes, and thus able to efficiently pass through the disoriented enemy lines. Sometimes, knowing death is coming will not save you.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/03/06 23:10:50

Post by: LeCacty

The messiahs are really cool, and the fluff you've written is badass. Like chaos jehovas witnesses!

Roughly how large will each warband be?

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/03/06 23:39:11

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks man ! Yeah, Chaos Jehovah witnesses does fit them right, had'nt thought of that !

Regarding the size of the warband, it is not decided no, but I want it to be exclusively made of rogue trader eras models, ant not even all of them look the part. I still have at least two more Bloodletterheaded marines to hunt down on ebay, then, we'll see.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/03/08 21:44:11

Post by: KernelTerror

Evening Dakka ! Here is a new old sneaky looking renegade, hope you like it !

Zahaarg, also known as the Graceful Master, has been around the Sacrifice to Sin warband for centuries, and has been elevated to much more than a mere mortal for his strength and unshakable faith in the Sacrifice to Sin's twisted religious precepts. When not hunting in the cult's homeland's wastelands, he infiltrates unstable imperial worlds to create cults and and train renegade militia. Behind enemy lines, the Graceful Master is well aware that he is the hunted, and that eventually his lair will be found and invaded by the Imperial forces. Because of this, he usually awaits the servants of the Emperor inside a maze of deadly traps and barricaded underground strongholds. On many occasion, the inquisition eventually crossed sword with him at the most profane place of his lair, a deadly room filled with sharp spikes and walls covered in blades. In such an unforgiving arena, Zahaarg was always able to slay an impressive amount of attackers by himself, before disappearing for decades and restarting on another world.

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/03/09 22:29:44

Post by: KernelTerror

Howdy fellas, tonight's model is not Oldhammer, nor converted, but damn, I really like these DV chosen.

All three I painted so far...

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/03/09 22:34:31

Post by: Ezra Tyrius

Looking good! Makes me want to go out and buy those DV Chosen myself

How do you do the small scripture on his shoulder pad though? It looks really neat

Warp Wanderers : Chaos warbands in the Eye of Terror @ 2016/03/09 23:06:05

Post by: KernelTerror

Thanks man, you definitely should, so much cool stuff to do with them.

Regarding the scriptures, no special trick, just a matter of finding the right thinning for the paint and to carefully shape the point of the brush. Also, having curse words in store in case of messing up is a must ^^.