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2024/11/27 20:49:10
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon
By all means, these are from the vanguard miniatures renegade regulars range, the ones labeled "militia"
The link is to the bulk of the infantry. But there is also various crew, casualties, ogres and specialists available. Although the officers are a little bit too obvious chaos for my use.
Brutal, but kunning! |
2024/11/28 15:34:46
Subject: [Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience
On an Express Elevator to Hell!!
Thank you!
On my project list is to one day try and do the Siege of Vraks*, as I know they do Kreig equivalents as well.. I shall be clearing out Vanguard on that day
* Along with fully themed defensive earthworks, hundreds of infantry and tanks on both sides. I think I need to stop working to have the time though
2024/11/29 05:13:03
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon
That would be quite a fantastic project
Brutal, but kunning! |
2024/11/29 21:26:33
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon
Thunder thunder, thunder Thunderhawk!
Quite a nice kit to build.
2024/11/29 23:30:50
Subject: [Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Villanous Scum
I just built one too, lovely kit. Looking forward to painting it and having it shot down at Bac-Con. Automatically Appended Next Post:
First murder bots done.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/11/30 01:36:28
On parle toujours mal quand on n'a rien à dire. |
2024/11/30 13:45:25
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon
A squad of eldar vypers ready for action
Brutal, but kunning! |
2024/12/01 14:26:46
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon
And a scorpion supertank
Brutal, but kunning! |
2024/12/03 15:12:38
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience
On an Express Elevator to Hell!!
Love the robots Ingtaer, nice to see them in some brighter and stand-out colours
Those Eldar look incredible Gitdakka, I love the Vanguard Eloi range. I am halfway through an SM 2nd/NetEpic Eldar army for my Great Crusade World Eaters to fight against, but have been sidelined by a 40k Squat/Votann army (a couple of colleagues and I have gone mental for 2nd edition at the moment and are hurriedly putting armies together..) But I am missing painting small scale!
2024/12/04 20:25:40
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon
Thanks @Pacific. Ah yes, we all face these hobby dilemmas. Gotta paint them all!
Here is my latest additions, a squad of fire prisms
2024/12/08 18:40:25
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Fresh-Faced New User
Trying out some Legion Imperialis style Epic Squats. Removing the old rectangular supports on the bikes and from the individual squats themselves seems to give them a more realistic feel on the 3D printed 25mm bases.
2024/12/08 20:05:22
Subject: [Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?
Those bases turned out very nice!
2024/12/09 08:15:06
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience
On an Express Elevator to Hell!!
Well that has to be the best ever first post on the forum OGmoney! Welcome
Just been working on some Eldar in between other projects. These are Vanguard Miniatures Eloi. I still have a bag of old Grav Tanks so using a few of those here
2024/12/11 07:41:43
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer
Lots of great stuff, good job guys
Those are incredible, OGMonkey! And clearly great minds think alike, as I've just printed myself a squat army ^^ (KMFP Goliath Consortium)
I've done a couple tests to check out paint schemes too:
Size wise, most of the big stuff is more or less "ok",, but all the infantry and smaller vehicles needed to be rescaled at 80% to make them suitable:
Infantry rescaled alongside marines look like this:
Regular vehicles, rescaled:
The rescaled infantry side by side with the big guys:
And the choo chooo ^^
Then again, even downscaled, some of the stuff looks.... well, like this xD
So far I'm thinking about doing a very old school, primary colors paint scheme:
2024/12/11 08:32:25
Subject: [Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience
On an Express Elevator to Hell!!
Wow! Those are fantastic. Had been after a Squat army but had been difficult to get alternatives after Onslaught stopped distribution to the UK. Have seen a few of those prints up for sale so think that might be my next project now!
2024/12/12 01:05:17
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Fresh-Faced New User
Those do look cool Albertorius, I might have to find some of those 6mm Squats you painted up to do Living Ancestor and Grand Warlord stands for my army.
I'm going straight old school models and OG paint job for my squat project. Just picked up a NIB Colossus and put together a few more stands worth of Squats since my last post. Thanks for all the kind comments btw!
2024/12/12 10:49:31
Subject: [Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Inspiring SDF-1 Bridge Officer
Those look so pretty
Nice to see progress too!
2024/12/15 11:54:51
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon
Very cute squats. I just finished this batch of falcon tanks
Brutal, but kunning! |
2024/12/15 17:51:59
Subject: [Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Longtime Dakkanaut
A small 2k game of EpicAU, Night Lords vs Mechanicum. The astartes attempted a speedy overrun of the harbour, but bounced hard from the wall of robots and got blasted with rocket artillery until they slunk back into the burning waves.
More in the spoilers!
2024/12/20 01:19:06
Subject: [Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Villanous Scum
That is an insanely beautiful table!
Finished another unit!
Dont look at me like that, it counts...
On parle toujours mal quand on n'a rien à dire. |
2024/12/20 07:49:17
Subject: [Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Longtime Dakkanaut
A unit indeed, not a detachment nor a formation...
Keep at it and it'll start to count
2024/12/21 12:52:16
Subject: [Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon
Happy to report it does seem the LI community isn’t terribly Puritan about the exact number of models per base.
This is a positive thing if you ask me, especially given how cash intensive infantry can be to get together in sufficient numbers.
And just because I’m a slag/idiot and have the standard number per base? I think I’d be up for a single model per base, provided, as ever, what each base is remains visually distinct and indentifiable from across the board. I would prefer three or four for basic infantry, but not a cross I’m gonna nail myself to.
2024/12/21 14:38:35
Subject: [Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Villanous Scum
Sherrypie wrote:A unit indeed, not a detachment nor a formation...
Keep at it and it'll start to count
Its an Arch Magos on foot, it is a detachment! ;p
Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:Happy to report it does seem the LI community isn’t terribly Puritan about the exact number of models per base.
This is a positive thing if you ask me, especially given how cash intensive infantry can be to get together in sufficient numbers.
And just because I’m a slag/idiot and have the standard number per base? I think I’d be up for a single model per base, provided, as ever, what each base is remains visually distinct and indentifiable from across the board. I would prefer three or four for basic infantry, but not a cross I’m gonna nail myself to.
I am not overly bothered unless people put a single missile marine on a base... I do 4 assault or Termies as its just too cluttered with 5.
For this unit though I am keeping one of the servitors aside to ride an Abeyant, because why not!
On parle toujours mal quand on n'a rien à dire. |
2024/12/27 01:23:18
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Fresh-Faced New User
So I tried very hard to acquire the 2nd Edition Epic Squat Army Data Cards from the Squat & Warlords box set I once upon a time had with no success. I was also unwilling to drop $200 to buy a set off eBay from one of you Brits... so I re-designed my own. They aren't done yet but close and I will be sharing them for free in the near future to anyone that loves 2nd edition Epic Battles as much as I do (was the first Warhammer game I played).
Every image is scanned in from my old White Dwarf collection, edited in Photoshop and then designed out in Indesign. I've also rewritten most everything on the cards. Let me know what you think of them.
2025/01/01 16:49:00
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience
On an Express Elevator to Hell!!
OGmoney are you the chap that has been adding these to the Middlehammer FB group? If so, I know these are going to be really valuable to the Epic community, so please keep up the good work! Like you say the originals are getting scarce now and crazily expensive when they are found, so these will be a great boon.
Inspired by some of Gitdakka's efforts, I have managed to get my arse into gear with some Eldar forces.
Firstly aspect warriors, clock-wise from top-right: Singing Swords (30k-era Aspect house), Fire Dragons, Swooping Hawks, Dark Reapers. The Singing Swords and Fire Dragons are from Vanguard Miniatures, while the bottom two are 3D prints from Lord Chronos designs. The Grav Tanks are GW originals, of which I got a bag of about 30 for about £5 and am steadily working my way through them
Finally an army shot so far. The Warp Hunters and Doom Weaves are originals (don't ask how much they cost! But think it must be the same $/gram weight cost of just buying gold ) I'm working on some command units (Warlock and Avatar), and have some Howling Banshees, Jet Bikes and Vypers on their way from Vanguard. I'm hoping to add a Titan or two eventually also to help round out the army.
2025/01/06 04:05:17
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Fresh-Faced New User
Thanks @Pacific It has been a passion project over the Christmas break. I just requested permission to that Warhammer FB Group you mentioned so will be eager to share my designs as soon as I'm accepted.
In the meantime I've been adding to my Epic Squat force. Still deciding on the color scheme I want to go with... thinking the OG super colorful theme but not 100% yet. You can see in the background I got gifted a new Tau Vespid Killteam for the Holidays so I have been distracted a bit.
2025/01/06 08:35:12
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon
@Pacific great to hear the eldar work inspired. Cool concept with the tanks matching their aspects colors. Keep it up!
This is not the best pictures, but I just finished my phantom titan (the vanguard model). A hard build as it is fully pose-able, but I like how it turned out.
This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2025/01/06 08:44:15
Brutal, but kunning! |
2025/01/06 10:18:28
Subject: [Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Did Fulgrim Just Behead Ferrus?
Amazing stuff, as always!
2025/01/07 10:17:08
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience
On an Express Elevator to Hell!!
That Titan is absolutely cracking Gitdakka, I love the retro-inspired colour scheme. You have also now sold me the miniature! On the Vanguard site it looks almost like something from Gunpla (I think due to the way it is painted) which had put me off ordering one. But this now has me convinced
How does it scale with the Adeptus Titanicus machines? I had read it is about 8.5cm tall.
I'm carrying on with the Aeldari myself and completed some command units. The Avatar and Falcon are GW classics (I was crying as I painted them due to how crazily expensive they were! But for a command unit it's the one time you can not feel so guilty to splash the cash..) The Warlocks are Vanguard Miniatures, as are most of the he casualties on the Avatar base. This force will be used as enemies of the World Eaters for a Great Crusade-era campaign, so it is to fit with that.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2025/01/07 10:18:18
2025/01/07 18:32:46
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon
Glad to hear you like it! Your eldar are turning out great i see! That Avatar is brutal. Here is some pictures for size comparisions and measurement (weird angle, but the tip of the head and the back antenna reaches 8.5cm)
He looks good next to a warhound but will likely be dwarfed by a TI warlord titan or even a TI reaver.
Dunno where you are from pacific, but I read on the vanguard page that they have paused shipping to EU since december 1st because of some new trade laws. But I hope they have resolved it soon.
Brutal, but kunning! |
2025/01/07 18:57:30
Subject: Re:[Epic] Epic and Epic 30k thread - show it off.
Strangely Beautiful Daemonette of Slaanesh
OGmoney wrote:Thanks @Pacific It has been a passion project over the Christmas break.
In the meantime I've been adding to my Epic Squat force. Still deciding on the color scheme I want to go with... thinking the OG super colorful theme but not 100% yet. You can see in the background I got gifted a new Tau Vespid Killteam for the Holidays so I have been distracted a bit.
Love the Squats! Great ideas with re-basing them, too... gonna steal that idea!
I got a ton of the old guys years ago for cheap... but all on the 5 man bases...