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2024/12/30 12:26:02
Subject: Re:Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
- My warbikers got oath'ed turn one and obliterated before doing anything. Due to the stealth/cover buff it took all of the dark angel's big guns to do so, but it's hard to judge a unit from that.
Well, seems like they worked like they usually did
I had the pleasure or displeasure of facing grey knight new detach, i was almost completely countered. ignore modifiers wrecked my mek with flashgitz, the new strat of minus 2 charge countered my one good charge and so on.
I was holding on but by T2 things were hitting the fan quickly... we did not finish the game but i told him the way things were going, probably going to be my loss, even though i was leading on score.
Some stuff to take note, tanbustas are amazing for their cost. Gorkanaught only goes on dread waagh, little support on this detach. I messed up terrain but my opponent also forgot his faction rule so quid pro quo. Probably downsizing mek with flashgitz into a SAG with 5 flashgitz. Need to try tankbustas/nobz combo on a truck
This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2024/12/30 15:05:04
2024/12/30 16:27:31
Subject: Re:Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
Lathe Biosas wrote: Has anyone field tested the Blood Axes themed Grotmas detachment?
Dude, chill. It's been out there for like two days
No. Must play (vicariously, in this case) with all the new toys, immediately Those Dark Angels guys were rebuilding their lists before they finished reading the PDF.
So finally got a game in. Ironically, I was facing the new Dark Angels played by a veteran.
The good:
- Snikrot going up to S8 during the Waaagh! was a game changer, he just plowed through those marines. He and his unit benefit from re-roll to charges and +1S immensely, and I actually used the ranged buff in T1 to get a BS4+ rokkit shot off.
- Tank bustas with SAG, pulsa rokkit and dakka buff wiped out the the remaining knights and their librarian. You absolutely need to hide these in a trukk. As soon as they were out in the open my opponent targeted them with every spare shot he could, and they bled models fast. Same statline as flash gits, after all.
- Flash gits with MA mek were extremely difficult to shift for my opponent while he had his face full of kommandos, and being able to resurrect the casualties inflicted by failed taktiks is gold. Despite being a bad target for them due to -1 damage and 2+, they still wiped 3 deathwing knights.
- The move after fall back stratagem is gold. As the ravenwing had a lot of fall back shenanigans, being able to move 6" during my opponent's turn messed up a lot of shots and charges for him.
- Squig riders with stealth and permanent cover were nigh invincible... until I failed a spectacular 17 saves in a row with exactly zero successful feel no pain rolls.
- Fall back and shoot/charge is very valuable on kommandoz and squigs to move past screens and wipe out valuable targets, and a death sentence for anyone foolish enough to try fight flash gits in combat
- I regularly had situations where +1S improved the wound roll, it's much more useful than I originally though and stacks incredibly well with the Waaagh!
- The detachment isn't super CP hungry, most power comes from the taktiks. Yet, not bringing at least one unit of gretchin was a mistake.
The meh:
- The detachment had literally no impact on stormboys during the game. They did win me the game by deep striking onto objectives, screening out terminators and then dying slow enough to score 15 VP. Not having a character with them seriously lowers their utility in this detachment. There was no unit
- The sustained/lethal stragem is nice but doesn't really match what my army was trying to do. I used it once and it felt like a waste compared to just grenading the target.
- My warbikers got oath'ed turn one and obliterated before doing anything. Due to the stealth/cover buff it took all of the dark angel's big guns to do so, but it's hard to judge a unit from that.
The bad
- I had a unit of shoota boyz with Ufthak and Weird boy for deep strike shenanigans, but the lack of AP and fighting power didn't add up well. My opponent realized their weakness and just kept me stuck in combat while neutering the unit with the -1 to wound -1 to hit stratagem so I could neither kill his deathwing dread nor ravenwing speeder. Warboss/Big Mek is probably a much better unit composition for them.
- The enhancement for adding a warboss to a unit of kommandoz was fun, but didn't do much in the end. Kommadoz lack the punch of nobz or beastsnaggas, so despite the +1 to hit buff they struggled to put relevant damage into any marine unit.
- Removing kommadoz or stormboyz from the board was pretty useless, as your opponent can shut it down by tagging them and snikrot does it better.
In general, taktiks are definitely powerful, but very much a double-edged sword. The damage caused by the mortal wounds penalty can quickly cause significant casualties to expensive units, and opponent can use otherwise useless forced battleshock tests to switch off your sneaky protection.
For those facing the new Dark Angels detachment, be aware of some pitfalls:
- All dreads are deathwing. Any unit lead by a named character is deathwing. Speeders and Planes are ravenwing. If they are decent players, they will used these units to trigger their extremely powerful stratagems.
- Speaking of stratagems, make Azrael a priority target. Fighting against that guaranteed extra CP is an uphill battle.
- Be aware of the ravenwing command squad. The benefit immensely from the outrider buff and will plow through a unit of nob profiles as if they were gretchin.
Wow, sounds like an excellent game.
I'm glad that the Grotmas Detachment worked so well for you.
Besides Snikrot, do any of the other named orks work for this detachment?
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/12/30 16:29:52
BorderCountess wrote: Just because you're doing something right doesn't necessarily mean you know what you're doing...
I’ve got mine with regular kannon and all the melee
I'm not using one currently, but when I was I used Kannon, Lobba, 4x Big Shootas and all the melee options.
'Ard Case was dependent on whether I was putting shooting units inside or not.
How is everyone's lists looking these days now we're headed into the new year? I've abandoned by Hunta Rig in favour of just putting more trukk-mounted Dakka into the list to make it a bit more flexible. Being basically a melee-exclusive army was becoming very limiting, especially when my regular opponents are hyper mobile Drukhari and Dakka Space Marines.
- My warbikers got oath'ed turn one and obliterated before doing anything. Due to the stealth/cover buff it took all of the dark angel's big guns to do so, but it's hard to judge a unit from that.
Well, seems like they worked like they usually did
What was your list?
Well, it definitely took more firepower to kill them, but oath and storm speeder debuff pretty much negated the taktiks. Or the taktiks negated his buffs, depending how you want to look at it. Either way, they soaked most of the T1 firepower, which is more than they usually do.
List was
10 Flash gits + MA Big Mek + Trukk
6 Tank Bustas w/ rokkit pistols and pulsa rokkit + SAG + Trukk
4 Squigs + Mozrog
6 Bikes + Wartrike
20 Shoota boyz with 2 rokkits, PK + Ufthak and weird boy
10 Stormboyz
10 Kommandoz w/ rokkit, PK + Snikrot
10 Kommandoz w/ rokkit, PK + Beastboss
I probably went a bit heavy on characters and could have played better, but I still managed to barely win the game against a good player with a terrifying list.
7 Ork facts people always get wrong: Ragnar did not win against Thrakka, but suffered two crushing defeats within a few days of each other. A lasgun is powerful enough to sever an ork's appendage or head in a single, well aimed shot. Orks meks have a better understanding of electrics and mechanics than most Tech Priests. Orks actually do not think that purple makes them harder to see. The joke was made canon by Alex Stewart's Caphias Cain books.
Gharkull Blackfang did not even come close to killing the emperor. Orks can be corrupted by chaos, but few of them have any interest in what chaos offers. Orks do not have the power of believe.
2024/12/31 17:21:32
Subject: Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
Have a 1k war horde list.
Can’t decide which enhancement for which character.
I have mega boss, warboss, and a mek.
I’m thinking follow me ladz on the megaboss to up their mobility.
Killchoppa for the warboss with nobz
And I can’t decide which enhancement for the mek that will be w/ boyz in a battlewagon, and supported by kanz, but maybe supa cybork body seems appropriate lol.
2025/01/06 12:08:03
Subject: Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
johnpjones1775 wrote: Have a 1k war horde list.
Can’t decide which enhancement for which character.
I have mega boss, warboss, and a mek.
I’m thinking follow me ladz on the megaboss to up their mobility.
Killchoppa for the warboss with nobz
And I can’t decide which enhancement for the mek that will be w/ boyz in a battlewagon, and supported by kanz, but maybe supa cybork body seems appropriate lol.
How many points do you have to play with? If you've got heaps of points you might be better off squeezing another unit in.
Both of your suggestions for the bosses are solid choices though.
2025/01/06 12:27:47
Subject: Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
johnpjones1775 wrote: Have a 1k war horde list.
Can’t decide which enhancement for which character.
I have mega boss, warboss, and a mek.
I’m thinking follow me ladz on the megaboss to up their mobility.
Killchoppa for the warboss with nobz
And I can’t decide which enhancement for the mek that will be w/ boyz in a battlewagon, and supported by kanz, but maybe supa cybork body seems appropriate lol.
How many points do you have to play with? If you've got heaps of points you might be better off squeezing another unit in.
Both of your suggestions for the bosses are solid choices though.
Before any enhancements 70pts left over, and that’s my entire ork collection so far.
Automatically Appended Next Post:
Forceride wrote: Really depends on what you want. Follow me lads has a lot flexibility both for boss on squig and meganobz.
7' meganobz are deceptively fast, on the other hand a truck can give them 12' move and 10wounds
killchoppa, i generally reserve for something that can combo up or has wound re-rolls, honestly feel boss on squig is the best bet.
You forgot the fallback and charge enhancement, lot of potential to some characters as well
i give the FNP to something like megaboss, with lots of wounds convert's him into a mini boss on squig
Still this is opinion based, your options are not bad, really depends on your list so i just gave you some ideas.
yeah the 4+++ on the mega boss was my initial go to, but being only for the boss not the unit means once the bodyguards are gone swamping him with massed fire would like be what happens. Meanwhile I think the mek wouldn’t be quite as a magnet of fire allowing the 4+++ to keep him alive much longer the most might expect.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2025/01/06 13:26:31
2025/01/06 16:24:46
Subject: Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
With 70 points left over I'd be tempted to fit in a unit of Stormboys or a weirdboy for objective shenanigans.
What does the rest of the list look like? Ultimately if the list is missing something that an enhancement can cover, then get the enhancement. If not, just add more objective scoring units.
2025/01/06 20:10:44
Subject: Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
Afrodactyl wrote: With 70 points left over I'd be tempted to fit in a unit of Stormboys or a weirdboy for objective shenanigans.
What does the rest of the list look like? Ultimately if the list is missing something that an enhancement can cover, then get the enhancement. If not, just add more objective scoring units.
kinda hard to do that if you don’t have them
2025/01/06 21:08:30
Subject: Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
Afrodactyl wrote: With 70 points left over I'd be tempted to fit in a unit of Stormboys or a weirdboy for objective shenanigans.
What does the rest of the list look like? Ultimately if the list is missing something that an enhancement can cover, then get the enhancement. If not, just add more objective scoring units.
kinda hard to do that if you don’t have them
Sorry, I didn't see the comment that you didn't have any other models available
I'd go with Killchoppa on the Warboss, Follow Me on the Megaboss, and Kunnin' on the Mek.
Warboss gets the most attacks with Waaagh, thus gets the most benefit from Killchoppa in lieu of anything with Anti.
Megaboss gets the most out of Follow Me, with or without a transport.
Mek is a toss up, but I think I'd prefer the potential utility of fall back and charge over the 4+++.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2025/01/07 08:52:08
2025/01/08 14:41:18
Subject: Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
The grotmas detachment is now available from the app.
7 Ork facts people always get wrong: Ragnar did not win against Thrakka, but suffered two crushing defeats within a few days of each other. A lasgun is powerful enough to sever an ork's appendage or head in a single, well aimed shot. Orks meks have a better understanding of electrics and mechanics than most Tech Priests. Orks actually do not think that purple makes them harder to see. The joke was made canon by Alex Stewart's Caphias Cain books.
Gharkull Blackfang did not even come close to killing the emperor. Orks can be corrupted by chaos, but few of them have any interest in what chaos offers. Orks do not have the power of believe.
2025/01/09 13:32:34
Subject: Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
I am using new recruit. Any success with new detach? I an still experimenting.
Undefeated so far, and it starts showing up in top ranks of GTs.
One of the main powerhouses of the army are the new tankbustas though. In general it feels and plays like a better version of dread mob with access to more units, but with less powerful stratagems.
7 Ork facts people always get wrong: Ragnar did not win against Thrakka, but suffered two crushing defeats within a few days of each other. A lasgun is powerful enough to sever an ork's appendage or head in a single, well aimed shot. Orks meks have a better understanding of electrics and mechanics than most Tech Priests. Orks actually do not think that purple makes them harder to see. The joke was made canon by Alex Stewart's Caphias Cain books.
Gharkull Blackfang did not even come close to killing the emperor. Orks can be corrupted by chaos, but few of them have any interest in what chaos offers. Orks do not have the power of believe.
2025/01/12 19:04:50
Subject: Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
Boss Snikrot (95pts): Mork’s Teeth, Slugga
Beastboss (95pts): Skwad Leader, Beast Snagga klaw, Beastchoppa, Shoota
Big Mek in Mega Armour (125pts): Mek Kaptin, Kustom mega-blasta, Power klaw, Grot oiler, Kustom force field
Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun (65pts): Close combat weapon, Shokk attack gun, Grot assistant
Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun (65pts): Close combat weapon, Shokk attack gun, Grot assistant
Quick question, I’m looking at playing against dark eldar, and the splinter weapons Anti infantry 3+ seems nasty vs ORKS, because our high toughness is what makes us durable, not saves or wounds like marines.
Does anyone have experience vs dark eldar and any advice? I was thinking Dredd mob would be good to use but want to play with the tactical brigade thing.
2025/01/12 21:51:02
Subject: Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
Andykp wrote: Quick question, I’m looking at playing against dark eldar, and the splinter weapons Anti infantry 3+ seems nasty vs ORKS, because our high toughness is what makes us durable, not saves or wounds like marines.
Does anyone have experience vs dark eldar and any advice? I was thinking Dredd mob would be good to use but want to play with the tactical brigade thing.
I quite regularly play against Drukhari, and yes splinter weapons can be pretty nasty. However, they have very little AP on those weapons, so you're nearly always getting your saves in against them, especially if you use a lot of Snagga stuff to get FNPs as well.
Generally speaking they're very maneuverable and department damage well, but they're not so good at taking a punch in return. Use Ork movement to its fullest so that you're the one controlling the flow of the game, and hit them them hard so that the return isn't so bad.
2025/01/12 23:18:49
Subject: Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
Andykp wrote: Quick question, I’m looking at playing against dark eldar, and the splinter weapons Anti infantry 3+ seems nasty vs ORKS, because our high toughness is what makes us durable, not saves or wounds like marines.
Does anyone have experience vs dark eldar and any advice? I was thinking Dredd mob would be good to use but want to play with the tactical brigade thing.
If you’re concerned about him chewing through you dudes and you want to use tactikal brigade, just bring a lot of boyz.
They’re also super glass cannons. Iirc they’re super heavy is the only thing over T9, so wrecking them shouldn’t be too hard.
Just get close and krump ‘em
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2025/01/12 23:20:57
2025/01/12 23:46:06
Subject: Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
Good to know thanks. Tactikal brigade sounds a lot of fun, so a lot of boyz should do the job, not a problem, I have a LOT of boyz. I mostly play against marines, loyal of chaos so everything under t9 sounds like a dream.
2025/01/13 16:23:35
Subject: Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
amazing conversion, btw where did you get the axes from?
Also for the player talking about anti-inf 3, don't forget we have mounted and great vehicles to soak damage, always try to out maneuver them.
For some reason i settled in always bringing a mek with my gorka, the +1 t hit is such a huge game changer, i really did not realized it until i tried it out again with and with out(it felt like i am relearning the game, humbling moment ).. I used it last games to babysit my flashgitz and oh man those 2 were absolute bullies, the flashgitz fired around 240shots over 3 rounds(6 activation's with overwatch and full re-roles) in one game. It was insane when properly played and used, truly felt as a bully that day..
Anyway, have you guy's tried breakaboys with tankbustas in a truck? Currently considering maybe moving to them in order to cut the warboss+nobz and gain like 40 extra points for maybe a few more grots or a squad of boyz?
Still have to try 5rockets vs 6rockets in a truck.
2025/01/14 17:23:12
Subject: Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
Axes are simple rectangles from 2mm plastik shaped by knife.
Brian Saipp on Nottingham GT has a very strict list smells like a nerfhammer swinging above our heads…
Brian Seipp
Player Name: Brian Seipp
Factions Used: Orks
Army Points: 2000
Army Enhancements (list on which model): Mek Kaptain (Big Mek w/ Mega Armor), Gob Boomer (Big Mek w/ SAG)
Detachment: Takitkal Brigade
=== Characters ===
Big Mek w/ Mega Armor (125 pts) - Kustom Mega Blasta, Power Klaw, Mek Kaptain
Big Mek w/ SAG (75 pts) - Grot Oiler, Gob Boomer
Big Mek w/ SAG (65 pts) - Grot Oiler
Big Mek w/ SAG (65 pts) - Grot Oiler
Warboss (75 pts) - Power Klaw, Attack Squig
Warboss (75 pts) - Power Klaw, Attack Squig
Warboss (75 pts) - Power Klaw, Attack Squig
=== Other ===
6x Breaka Boyz (140 pts) - 2x Bomb Squig, Tank Hammer
6x Breaka Boyz (140 pts) - 2x Bomb Squig, Tank Hammer
6x Breaka Boyz (140 pts) - 2x Bomb Squig, Tank Hammer
5x Burna Boyz (60 pts) - Kustom Mega Blasta
10x Flash Gitz (160 pts) - Ammo Runt
5x Flash Gitz (80 pts) - Ammo Runt
Tomsug wrote: Axes are simple rectangles from 2mm plastik shaped by knife.
Brian Saipp on Nottingham GT has a very strict list smells like a nerfhammer swinging above our heads…
Brian Seipp
Player Name: Brian Seipp
Factions Used: Orks
Army Points: 2000
Army Enhancements (list on which model): Mek Kaptain (Big Mek w/ Mega Armor), Gob Boomer (Big Mek w/ SAG)
Detachment: Takitkal Brigade
=== Characters ===
Big Mek w/ Mega Armor (125 pts) - Kustom Mega Blasta, Power Klaw, Mek Kaptain
Big Mek w/ SAG (75 pts) - Grot Oiler, Gob Boomer
Big Mek w/ SAG (65 pts) - Grot Oiler
Big Mek w/ SAG (65 pts) - Grot Oiler
Warboss (75 pts) - Power Klaw, Attack Squig
Warboss (75 pts) - Power Klaw, Attack Squig
Warboss (75 pts) - Power Klaw, Attack Squig
=== Other ===
6x Breaka Boyz (140 pts) - 2x Bomb Squig, Tank Hammer
6x Breaka Boyz (140 pts) - 2x Bomb Squig, Tank Hammer
6x Breaka Boyz (140 pts) - 2x Bomb Squig, Tank Hammer
5x Burna Boyz (60 pts) - Kustom Mega Blasta
10x Flash Gitz (160 pts) - Ammo Runt
5x Flash Gitz (80 pts) - Ammo Runt
I don't think we'll be hit all that much. Maybe some minor points adjustments, and Mek Kaptin being limited to non-mega armour Meks.
Brian's list is good but it isn't terribly durable and is relying on a turn or two to blast stuff off the table and then move in to clean up. Some bad rolls and the list bounces off. Granted it's mitigated by +1s, rerolls and Stealth, but it has exploitable weaknesses.
Every time Orks get anything new, they get a huge bump in the amount of people at top tables playing them. Also, we only had a 50% win rate over the weekend, which is exactly where GW wants us, regardless of the number of events won. I think we'll do alright in the next balance update.
2025/01/15 12:26:46
Subject: Our Codex is da biggest an da best! - Orks 10th Edition Tactics
Not a fan of footslogging on 2k points , there is just too much stuff that can clear 1w low save units.
On the other hand, has a lot of use at 1kpts, funny as that is.
Another thing i do not like, is the sacrifice of move, transports, if used well can provide with a nice shell, and force opponent to give up a charge, or if it consolidates into you, provide a free fight phase with no retaliation.
This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2025/01/15 14:04:32