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Made in us
Knight of the Inner Circle

Baltimore, MD USA

The prophecy is upon us! Funded!
Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

Funded, with 2+ days to go! Onwards to as many stretch goals as possible now! :-D

LINK to the project! THANK YOU!!

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2022/10/09 12:28:24

Made in us
Stoic Grail Knight

Central Cimmeria

Those alien camels are very cool.
Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

We hope you like them as much as we do! :-)

Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

Didn't even know this was running until I spotted the SW thread had some posts again! I have no disposable this week, but going to back for a PM buck.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Also - Shieldwolf - your sig is from the previous campaign - not this one!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/10/10 10:27:09

Made in gr
Storm Trooper with Maglight

Συγχαρητήρια on securing the funding

Question: Will it be possible to purchase the "3 Araves Ogres/25 $" as an add-on once the KS is completed? So far the only way I've seen of getting the Araves Ogres is through the pledge levels.
Made in us
Knight of the Inner Circle

Baltimore, MD USA

 Esmer wrote:
Συγχαρητήρια on securing the funding

Question: Will it be possible to purchase the "3 Araves Ogres/25 $" as an add-on once the KS is completed? So far the only way I've seen of getting the Araves Ogres is through the pledge levels.

If we reach $25,000 then the ogre pack will be available as an add-on.
[Thumb - 1.jpg]

Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

Thank you @Azazelx, your feedback is always appreciated (and support naturally)! Fixed!
Hehe, thanks @Esmer, it's what @Smokestack said. And since we have reached it, with your help, they have now been added to the optional add-ons.

This is where we stand 10 hours before the finish line, it's not much but it's honest work

This is where we currently stand, 10 hours before the end!

...and so much more!
Come have a look, and vote for the next stretch goal! We are doing this, together!


Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

Well, I retweeted the link to the campaign earlier - not that I've got a ton of followers on there, but hopefully it has some help.

Made in us
Knight of the Inner Circle

Baltimore, MD USA

3 hours left. If you were on the fence about backing, now is the time!

Current stretch goals are:
Baby Bears at $27,000 (will be 6 Euro if you want to add-on)
Arivises Standard bearer at $28,000

we are at $26,118 at the moment. Dont have Euro symbol on my comp....
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

The Battle Barge Buffet Line

That's an interesting take on the idea of a troll though, for me personally, it looks a bit too much like a goblin/ogre half breed. YMMV. Regardless, congratulations!

We Munch for Macragge! FOR THE EMPRUH! Cheesesticks and Humus!
Made in us
Knight of the Inner Circle

Baltimore, MD USA

Ended $26,698
Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

Thank you for supporting our company (directly or indirectly, we appreciate both)!
We'll do our very best to prove you right and hope you all like the end results!

The entire team is almost out due to common cold, so we are going to rest this week as we need much needed sleep! Then we must get to work, service our 310 supporters and examine again what could have been done better to improve for the next project.
Keep safe and have a great day!

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Get well soon, and well done

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


The smoke test is going out for the Arves KS pledge manager

Inputting your pledge is COMPLICATED so read the instructions on the update here https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/shieldwolf/araves-vs-valkyries/posts/3670963


you'll be presented with 2 selectable options for your pledge. YOU SHOULD ONLY PICK ONE (although the interphase will let you select both)

choose the option you want, leave the other set to NONE and your sorted

I screwed it up initially (and had to go back and fix it) and i imagine lots of other folk will too. Hopefully shieldwolf don;t have to chase too many folk who have got it wrong

Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


When does this pledge manager close? I totally forgot this funded, and set no funds aside.

Made in us
Knight of the Inner Circle

Baltimore, MD USA

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
When does this pledge manager close? I totally forgot this funded, and set no funds aside.

The Pledge Manager will close on Thursday 22 December.
Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

Three days before Christmas? Possibly not the best timing.

Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

 Azazelx wrote:
Three days before Christmas? Possibly not the best timing.
Good point.

And a needlessly complex pledge manager too.

Just had a thought, does Greece use the Gregorian calendar for business and secular matters? Because I do know that the Julian calendar is used by the Greek Orthodox Church, and they celebrate Christmas in early January: I think it will be 7th January this season. If Greece as a whole uses the Julian calendar, then I can see how they might forget that for most of Europe and the Americas, Christmas is 25th December, and so 22 December is difficult for us.

Works in Progress: Many. Progress, Ha!
My Games Played 
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Truly 2022 is the year of the Landshrect Ogre.

Or however that damn thing is spelled.

Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

It is true (except for the Julian calendar since we use the Gregorian one), and we appreciate the feedback.
The Pledge Manager (PM) also opened just before Black Friday, so it is bad timing.

That said, our delivering on a timely manner remains a priority. Being morally correct towards people who have already supported us with their hard earned money will always defeat making more money from others, that's the policy of the company anyway. Not the fastest way to become rich but I guess we feel just fine with how we are doing :-D

Since we are already lagging 3 weeks behind the original schedule (should have the PM ready early November and ending it early December) we wish to speed things up as much as possible so there were no second thoughts on the decision.
Just wanted to address the concerns but we do hear you and you are right regarding bad timing. It is what it is.

Wanted to drop this here (that's why I logged in TBH in the first place today), it's the only time of the year that the company offers discounts, hence doing our best to support our collaborators worldwide.

Thank you! :-D

Edit: I forgot to address the "complicated" pledge manager. When offering so many pledges and choices in order to accomodate all our backers, there's no way around it. Still, we feel most people (if not all) will have absolutely a very easy time submitting it, the smoke test showed zero issues :-)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/11/23 09:44:14

Made in us
Knight of the Inner Circle

Baltimore, MD USA

Got my pledge invitation today. Filled out no problem. The only complicated part was I got a Horde army. There is the option to use it as a Horde army or a Garrison army... You have to choose the one you want and check "none" on the one you dont. But that was addressed in the update so not too bad.

Added 10 goblins, another 20 araves and the 5 ice wolves.
Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:
It is true (except for the Julian calendar since we use the Gregorian one), and we appreciate the feedback.
The Pledge Manager (PM) also opened just before Black Friday, so it is bad timing.

That said, our delivering on a timely manner remains a priority. Being morally correct towards people who have already supported us with their hard earned money will always defeat making more money from others, that's the policy of the company anyway. Not the fastest way to become rich but I guess we feel just fine with how we are doing :-D

Since we are already lagging 3 weeks behind the original schedule (should have the PM ready early November and ending it early December) we wish to speed things up as much as possible so there were no second thoughts on the decision.
Just wanted to address the concerns but we do hear you and you are right regarding bad timing. It is what it is.

Honestly, it's both bad timing and bad planning/implementation.Black Friday and Christmas were always on the calendar in their existing locations. Starting 3 weeks earlier than Black Friday or even Ending 2 weeks after Christmas would have been much less of an issue for many people, Dropping a PM at this exact time of year...

Playing it off as a moral decision is an ...interesting way to look at it, as it also very much affects the people who did "already supported us with their hard earned money" as well, as you know as well as the rest of us that people like to add more in a PM - which is why PMs exist - good for the business and the customer.

Hopefully it's more of a situation where you plan to extend it by a few weeks at the end, but want/need most people to be wrapped up before then so the PM doesn't bleed into February...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Ancestral Hamster wrote:
 Azazelx wrote:
Three days before Christmas? Possibly not the best timing.
Good point.

And a needlessly complex pledge manager too.

Just had a thought, does Greece use the Gregorian calendar for business and secular matters? Because I do know that the Julian calendar is used by the Greek Orthodox Church, and they celebrate Christmas in early January: I think it will be 7th January this season. If Greece as a whole uses the Julian calendar, then I can see how they might forget that for most of Europe and the Americas, Christmas is 25th December, and so 22 December is difficult for us.

I live in the third largest Greek city in the world, and I know that the Diaspora celebrates Christmas here at the same time as everyone else. Easter on the other hand, is much more important and so when it's on a different date, it either gets celebrated twice (one with everyone else) as well as more importantly on the Orthodox date.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/11/23 20:10:17

Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

@Shieldwolf Miniatures: If I have given offense, I apologize.
I have filled out my pledge manager with a minimum of difficulty, so it wasn't as complex as it looked initially. It would not take my credit card information until I turned off the AdBlocker, but that's at my end.

As for the calendar issue, that's good to know. Most of my knowledge of your country is dated, being of the Classical period, so Marathon, Salamis, and the Peloponnesian war.

 Azazelx wrote:

I live in the third largest Greek city in the world, and I know that the Diaspora celebrates Christmas here at the same time as everyone else. Easter on the other hand, is much more important and so when it's on a different date, it either gets celebrated twice (one with everyone else) as well as more importantly on the Orthodox date.

I stand corrected. I see that my personal experience has deceived me. Firstly, a high school classmate whose family did celebrate Christmas according to the Julian calendar, and a special Christmas Mass at the Getty Center when the Icons of Sinai exhibit was there. A Greek Orthodox church had applied for permission to hold Christmas mass using these ancient relics of their faith. It was granted, and I was working that night, which was in January, thus the Julian calendar again. I don't know if the priests actually got to take the icons out of the cases, or simply conducted services in close proximity to them.

Works in Progress: Many. Progress, Ha!
My Games Played 
Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

@Ancestral Hamster
No offence taken whatsoever, you are making good points and next time we'll make sure to plan the timing better. We are not "playing it off" as a moral decision, it is what it is and we are being honest about it.

Like I said though, timing should have been better calculated, therefore it is we who stand corrected.

Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

 Ancestral Hamster wrote:

 Azazelx wrote:

I live in the third largest Greek city in the world, and I know that the Diaspora celebrates Christmas here at the same time as everyone else. Easter on the other hand, is much more important and so when it's on a different date, it either gets celebrated twice (one with everyone else) as well as more importantly on the Orthodox date.

I stand corrected. I see that my personal experience has deceived me. Firstly, a high school classmate whose family did celebrate Christmas according to the Julian calendar, and a special Christmas Mass at the Getty Center when the Icons of Sinai exhibit was there. A Greek Orthodox church had applied for permission to hold Christmas mass using these ancient relics of their faith. It was granted, and I was working that night, which was in January, thus the Julian calendar again. I don't know if the priests actually got to take the icons out of the cases, or simply conducted services in close proximity to them.

I'm sure in some places/some greeks celebrate Christmas on the Julian date (or twice) - and even moreso if it simply means attending a special mass, but it's not the predominant case here.

Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:
@Ancestral Hamster
No offence taken whatsoever, you are making good points and next time we'll make sure to plan the timing better. We are not "playing it off" as a moral decision, it is what it is and we are being honest about it.

Like I said though, timing should have been better calculated, therefore it is we who stand corrected.

I think that reply was to me rather than to AH, but regardless - a good move keeping tyhe PM open a bit longer. I've just now been able to send you guys a bunch of moneys.

Posting this here more as an update in case anyone else on Dakka was unable to afford to use Christmas-time money on this KS and wants to hit the PM before it closes up...

Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

A review of plastic Valkyries https://wargameterrain.blogspot.com/2023/05/shieldwolf-miniatures-plastic-fantasy.html
Made in us
Knight of the Inner Circle

Baltimore, MD USA

The review of the Valkyries looks good. I didnt actually get any of them though. I focused on the Araves...

Speaking of which... the last update had some bad news. None of the "non-veiled" heads made it on the sprue... the sculptor apparently misrepresented their ability... so they are putting the shield-maiden heads on the sprue... with the veiled heads. I am pretty disappointed by that, but it is what it is. Any way, update linked below and relevant text pasted as well...


"...For that to happen, we are casting in-house the resin miniatures (almost done) and awaiting for Renedra to tool the hard plastic kit of the Aravises; this will be by late summer. Due to the fact non-veiled heads did not work for the tooling, we decided to add the Shieldmaiden versions to allow for more variety (also because in our lore the Charemises and Aravises must be distinct plus we promised a dual kit so we had to figure some way to provide it). That way each box will include 15 unveiled heads (15 different sculpts) and 27 veiled heads (9 different sculpts) for a total of 42 heads per box."
Made in us
Knight of the Inner Circle

Baltimore, MD USA

A backer only update posted today. They made the heads without veils available as an STL download since they wont be on the actual sprue... I dont have a 3D printer but appreciate the gesture.
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