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Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

I'd like to say it's going to be the first of the goblins, since Minion's KS got cancelled and is being rejigged as large monsters with actual goblins to happen as a metal KS sometime in 2015.

And if it's not the goblins, it should be - now that the competition issue is resolved and before it comes up again! - Get those models to market, mate! Of course, it could also be Pillars of Destiny, but I guess I shouldn't guess about those.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/10/16 19:41:07

Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

Goblins and Elves are indeed being very much worked on, but we do not want to exit with just a couple of models, we want to provide a variety when we release a new race. We've already commited that mistake in the past with our Undead and Daemon factions, with people continuously emailing us asking for more (and thus also -very logically- saving on P&P).
Rest assured that they are coming soon enough ;-)

Anyway, I'll mark you down Azazelx for "goblins" *makes note* :-)

P.S. The competition issue has no reason to come up again, we respected it and as far as we are concerned it's over.

Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


Wait. Minion wants to do goblins in metal? In 2015?

I declare Shieldwolf the winner and champion. You may not have felt there was a competition, but Minion clearly did--a competition they had to lose at all costs.

Made in us
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran

California the Southern

Have we seen any clue as to what a finished Shieldwolf goblin will look like? I know we saw body sketches a while back, but that's all I remember seeing.

If there's been more, please enlighten me.

I still want that Barbarian Warlord- he reminds me of my Diablo 3 character!

Poorly lit photos of my ever- growing collection of completely unrelated models!

Watch and listen to me ramble about these minis before ruining them with paint!
Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

Hi everyone,

I'd like to repeat that the competition is still valid in what we are revealing for the month of November, the first person who guesses correctly what will come out in the "Monuments of Glory" release will be rewarded one for FREE, shipping included :-)

@highlord tamburlaine We have not revealed any models, but here's an official "leak" we'll also be posting soon enough in our Facebook page. Angelos has worked a lot on their history (which I believe you will find rather interesting and different from what we usually see with dumb and silly goblins), but he's currently stopped and is working on the Elves.

Here's a very summarizing description:
Goblins in the Shieldwolf World may have a very very little of clumsiness but that's about it, they are definitely not dumb or silly, quite the opposite. Shieldwolf goblins can be described in various words, they are demented, psycho, aggresive, evil, twisted, thieving, cunning. They have shown signs of courage other races would normally envy, and they are known not to have good relations with any other race, they trust no-one and they especially hate Humans and Orcs. They wage war only if it is in their favor, theirs is a war of attrition, where their superior numbers overwhelm the enemy. And it is known that it best to die a swift death than be imprisoned by goblins, where the worst awaits you...

Hope it answers your question.

As you can see it's extremely faithful to the concept artwork, and that is due to the new sculpting team we have been working with for the past year. Additional wolrd-class sculptors have been commissioned or have been booked for a later date, since we want to make things simply exceptional. It is a strange feeling when we had to wait for some sculptors for over a year -we have some that have booked us for 2016!-, but the sculpts we have been producing the past months are simply as good as they get! The funny thing for the sculptors is that almost all of them(!) had been booked for Kickstarters, meaning that while Angelos is directly financing the development of the sculpts, his company had to wait on the sculptors for other manufacturer's sculpts that had been financed from pledgers even a year ahead! The most important part of it all was that the Community has also financed companies that have a "dark past" (we presume at the ignorance of the backers) with ridiculously high pricing, and obviously that penalises and becomes frustrating to manufacturers that are willing to directly finance their products, some -like us- spending several tenths of thousands of pounds in various projects! It inevitably dictates alternative strategies...

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
The Pillars of Destiny project sounds like a Kickstarter for a game starter.

That is correct. Despite the fact current revenue from sales of our range is steady and reassuring, the financial capabilities a crowdfunding project offers would allow Shieldwolf to speed up the production of other HIPS for 28mm heroic fantasy kits, something only one other company worldwide is currently manufacturing (everyone else has dropped out, names are irrelevant and unnecessary). "Shieldwolf:War is coming"(TM) is an army game, not skirmish. This takes requirements at an entirely different level. Also, for some of our armies, there are no "proxies", so we must make them available. We have resisted the cheaper PVC option and frozen all our ready-to-mould resin kits, taking thus a further financial blow. But the Community in our opinion is clear on what it wants, we have received pm's,emails etc and they are all asking us for more "real plastic" kits reasonably priced, thus we are trying our best to sevice it. This alone should speak for itself.

This is the Oak Elf kit, like others we have shown, this also ready to cast in resin and can be available in less than a month, with 2 weapon options and -as always- in regiments of 20s. It was planned to be based on 20mm bases. We are currently sculpting some Elf characters and experimenting 3D sculpts, but the final decisions of what will be included or not will be made one day before the official announcement. Otherwise, we will maybe looking at some of these later in 2015.

But this is a company that is taking carefull steps, learning and evolving with specific plans. Quality has not been compromised, neither has our customer service.
So, these too (i.e. the Elven Oak Order), along with other projects are all put aside in favor of going full plastic for the troops in our game. And this was a decision not easily taken, I can assure you of that!

One may say that all previous Kickstarters who launched in order to finance HIPS have miserably failed, and those who have made it were to finance non-"heroic" scale in the cheaper restic option and not HIPS. The difference with this KS is that it is run from an established manufacturer who also has an additional ace up his sleeve; Shieldwolf will be heavily co-funding it.
And that's enough revelations for one day, we'll be happy to show you some new stuff in November :-)

Thank you.
The Shieldwolf Team.

Made in us
Stoic Grail Knight

Central Cimmeria

Fantastic! I love the Goblin sculpt, and the news is very exciting!
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:

 BobtheInquisitor wrote:
The Pillars of Destiny project sounds like a Kickstarter for a game starter.

That is correct.

So, I guessed correctly? Does that mean I won something?

I'm a winner, guys. I totally won something. Guys, guys, I won. My luck has changed now; it's all finally starting to pay off.
Because I won.

Made in us
Stoic Grail Knight

Central Cimmeria

Uhhh....I hate to break it to you Bob, but I think the contest was just for the November release. Maybe you will still win that one?
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


 Gallahad wrote:
Uhhh....I hate to break it to you Bob, but I think the contest was just for the November release. Maybe you will still win that one?

No no no, man, it's cool. I totally won this. Like a boss!

It's a good thing, too, 'cause I really need this win.

Made in us

Bob, you're always a winner in my book!
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


 Alpharius wrote:
Bob, you're always a winner in my book!

It's a book of Lottery tickets, right?

Hey guys, I won the Lotto! No need for Shieldwolf's free prize now, 'cause I just won the Lotto.

Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

Hi all!!!

So, project "Monuments of Glory" slowly released, we have more coming in the next few days :-)
Shieldwolf Miniatures enters a new category, that of the busts. First 4 are sculpted by the extremely talented Giorgos Tsougkouzidis.
Hope you like them.

In the meanwhile, our largest project of all, that of "Pillars of Destiny" which has taken trully a lot of work, time and funds is ahead of schedule!
Although in theory it could be launched within the next couple of weeks, we will be 99% launching mid January- early February 2015...
A huge innovative project co-funded by this Company, with exclusive top-quality European manufacturing and a precise list of stretch goals. Meaning if all are reached, there will be no more.
More info coming soon.... :-)

Edit: Ah, forgot. Azazelx won the competition, so a goblin bust will soon be on it's way to Australia. Hope you like it... ;-)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/11/15 15:48:20

Made in se
Dakka Veteran

The goblin bust, in particular, looks awesome, and I don't usually like busts. So great job.

Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

@ grefven Thanks Grefven, I too believe it has plenty of character and that's what brings a mini to life! :-)

Made in au
Unstoppable Bloodthirster of Khorne

Melbourne .au

Wow! And well.. I was not expecting that to happen.

Made in gb
Incorporating Wet-Blending

Wales: Where the Men are Men and the sheep are Scared.

Those busts are fantastically detailed. I even like the goblin and I almost never like goblin miniatures.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
a precise list of stretch goals. Meaning if all are reached, there will be no more.

Very smart move. More people should work that way to ensure they don't overextend themselves.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/11/16 04:00:59

Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

 Azazelx wrote:
Wow! And well.. I was not expecting that to happen.

Hope you like it! You will be receiving an automated email when it's shipped. :-)

 carlos13th wrote:
Those busts are fantastically detailed. I even like the goblin and I almost never like goblin miniatures.

Thanks! Pleases us even more, means we mut' ve done a really good job I guess :-)

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 carlos13th wrote:

a precise list of stretch goals. Meaning if all are reached, there will be no more.

Very smart move. More people should work that way to ensure they don't overextend themselves.

Don't know carlos13th if it's a smart move or not but we think it's an honest approach we are no KS company. Everything we have produced has been from Angelo's pockets, we have never asked others for backing before nor are we willing to make this a trend. The crowdfunding route was almost dictated to us from the huge crowd it attracts away from bussiness practices like ours. In 2 years we have poured a larger capital than most of any other colleagues we know of and are pouring tenths of thousands of pounds in this one as well. We have no experience in this but consider ourselves accountable to our backers and will try our best to prove them right, we currenltly have a 100% perfect customer track record and we are not willing to compromise that.
This is what we have calculated and this is what we can offer. You will not be seeing any "sketch" artwork from us, nor some dozen sculpts WiP (which lately some creators don't even bother with). We make fun of such practices, although according to our findings they -apparently- work well with others. Our bussiness is to make ourselves always better, not interfere with others. Quoting Angelos -who has repeated this like 1000 times- "A good product is always a good product. No matter what!". But with all this crowdfundings going around it obviously seems we had no valid options left :-(
Anyway, a huge KS project we have been working on since April 29th, the date we revised Company Policy according to the Market's function. 5 complete 28mm "heroic" scale armies. Top of the line sculptors commissioned for this. No 3rd country production, no PVC, no restic, no thousands of $$$ for stretch goals of 1single small (!) mini (Lol). 100% eropean manufacturing, with our name on top of it. Best materials worldwide. Innovative. With superb artwork, with models that vary from 20mm to 100mm bases, with some models already painted for the people to see exactly what they will be receiving. And, our co-funding! :-)

More coming within the next few days. You can expect... the unexpected! ;-)

(Edited for spelling mistakes)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/11/16 09:20:11

Made in us
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran

California the Southern

100mm bases?

Do go on...

Are the 5 armies you plan on funding ones we've already seen, or 5 totally new and different than what you've teased so far?

Poorly lit photos of my ever- growing collection of completely unrelated models!

Watch and listen to me ramble about these minis before ruining them with paint!
Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

20mm, 25mm, 40mm, 50mm and 100mm. Troops in HIPS and everything else in our polyurethane resin.
To our knowledge some of these armies do not currently exist by any other manufacturer in this scale, others however do in different esthetics/vision.
Can't say much more, we will be revealing the first army this week, little by little more and more pieces of the puzzle will show up...

Made in us
Brutal Black Orc

The Empire State

I'm interested.

You don't see too many wargame companies coming out of Greece, do ya?

Made in se
Executing Exarch

5 armies... In HIPS... 28mm.. By a company that had already proven it can make GW-quality HIPS sprues. My god. I have to start saving. Right now.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/11/16 17:55:18

Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

 Shieldwolf Miniatures wrote:
Can't say much more, we will be revealing the first army this week, little by little more and more pieces of the puzzle will show up...

Looking forward to the reveal this week
Made in us
Stoic Grail Knight

Central Cimmeria

I'm interested! I hope that you are just 'revealing' to project in December and not launching it. Basically everybody stateside will need some time for our wallets to recover from Christmas/Thanksgiving.

I also hope that you have an initial funding goal that is "low" with appropriate stretchgoals, meaning you aren't asking for the funds to tool five armies from the get go, rather the funds to tool half a sprue or something.

Made in us

Did SW mention if they'd be coming out with their own rules too?
Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

 Gallahad wrote:
I'm interested! I hope that you are just 'revealing' to project in December and not launching it. Basically everybody stateside will need some time for our wallets to recover from Christmas/Thanksgiving.

Doing so in December is suicidal. Official date will be announced some time before and we are currently looking at mid/late-January but may just as well be begining of February.
 Gallahad wrote:

I also hope that you have an initial funding goal that is "low" with appropriate stretchgoals, meaning you aren't asking for the funds to tool five armies from the get go, rather the funds to tool half a sprue or something.

It's much lower than you'd expect. A lot of discussion was put into this and we tested a range of options. We believe to have come up with the best -and most reasonable- solution. The entire structure of the campaign will offer a wide variety of minis from each race/faction, with HIPS as choke-point stretch goals.
 Alpharius wrote:
Did SW mention if they'd be coming out with their own rules too?

In theory, we can still deliver a beta-version of our game just in time for the campaign even if we prefer to have them tested as much as possible first. We have playtested till nausea, but we want other people -and minds- to see for themselves. We are currently talking to people -and gaming clubs- worldwide to see if they can help us out after Easter 2015. Anyway, this has not been decided yet.
The campaign -for now at least, although most probable to remain as such-, stands as "miniatures only" campaign.

Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

First army has been revealed, one down and 4 to go! :-)
In the following 2 months we will be releasing more information and reviewing sculpts and artwork.
Hope you will enjoy the ride as much as we!

"...At times the King himself would take a handfull of faithful warriors and head over to the Kingdom of Talliareum to pilage the villages. But what made this Orc different, was that instead of killing everyone in his path, he kidnapped Humans of certain crafts, like blacksmiths and architects.

He enslaved them and had them work for him. This was very strange behaviour for the Orcs and they initially thought the King was going mad. Aburgoth wasn't called The Terrible for no reason however and obviously no-one dared challenge him.

As time passed, the Valley Orcs came to appreciate what they were learning. Their weaponry became better and their towers didn't risk crumbling any longer when a fierce storm hit their settlements. With time, the greenskinned warriors developed such an arsenal that no other Orc faction could match. Heavy armored warriors who would create an impenetratable thick shieldwall and when close enough would engage the enemy to deliver them death... "

Made in us
Experienced Saurus Scar-Veteran

California the Southern

Big hammer is big.

Orcs deserve big hammers once in a while. They also deserve to get to wear real armor. Hate the ramshackle nonsense you usually see orcs wearing. Dude looks ready (or at least was in the process of already) to get his fight on.

The fact that he is able to stand upright compared to his hunched over and half naked mountain relatives is a plus.

Poorly lit photos of my ever- growing collection of completely unrelated models!

Watch and listen to me ramble about these minis before ruining them with paint!
Made in us
Haughty Harad Serpent Rider

Richmond, VA

Looking great. Did I miss or has it not been stated what the first few hard plastic kits would be?

"...and special thanks to Judgedoug!" - Alessio Cavatore "Now you've gone too far Doug! ... Too far... " - Rick Priestley "I've decided that I'd rather not have you as a member of TMP." - Editor, The Miniatures Page "I'd rather put my testicles through a mangle than spend any time gaming with you." - Richard, TooFatLardies "We need a Doug Craig in every store." - Warlord Games "Thank you for being here, Judge Doug!" - Adam Troke 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Well, I just read this thread from top to bottom and went to check out Shieldwolf's site.

I must say I'm cautiously excited. I haven't held any of the minis in person, but from the photos of what seem to be actual minis, they look to be of very nice quality and for a good price.

I really hope - and it sounds like they've put a lot into this - that SW takes the opportunity with hard plastic minis to make them as modular as possible - weapon options and the like to maximise the use we all get out of each sprue. Things like the head/neck and arm/shoulder joints being compatible amongst species and so on.

Regardless, an ordered progression of stretch goals that actually correspond to appropriate costs, and no overextending with hamfisted ideas and no planning? That sounds like the sort of campaign I could really get behind. And I LIKE the occasional kickstarter that goes off the wall, but almost none of the ones I've backed that have done that have delivered on time.

So, anyone want to hazard a guess what the other four armies will be? I'm quite excited to see any of the ones SW has suggested, but offhand I'd prefer Elves, Dracantropii, Araves and Goblins, and probably in that order - I just hope their Araves don't become cheap historical stereotypes though in the background, but it sounds like SW has put a lot of thought in, so I'm optimistic on that part.

In terms of what's perhaps more likely than just fulfilling my person demands - goblins would be a shoe-in though, since in a lot of fantasy worlds they join up alongside orcs. Undead as well probably, because everyone and their uncle seems to find them fascinating, which I've never understood - but hey, it takes all kinds. I feel like European-medieval style humans would be kind of a waste at this point, since there's so much historical stuff out in plastic now, unless SW has a REALLY cool concept to change them up dramatically. Infernals and Barbarians could be a possibility too since they're already in resin, but that might be a reason not to get into them at this moment.

Regardless, I'm quite excited for it - and as much as I'd like to see the KS up so I can have minis sooner, delaying till after the Christmas craziness is probably a great idea.
Made in gr
Regular Dakkanaut

@Longstrider, this a list of reviews (text and video) published on their facebook wall. Maybe you will find them interesting and useful:






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