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Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

Good morning everyone :-)

We are happy to announce the Valkyries hard plastic kit and heroines are now made available!


and the respective heroines!

Heroine_A (with great axe)


Valkyries Heroine_B (with sword and shield)


Valkyries Heroine_C (with spear)


and make sure to check out the rest of our Krumvaal Northern Alliance range if you haven't already! :-)

The Araves and the Qamar are due for retail Q4 for this year!

Thank you! :-)

Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

New item available at the store! This time for the Talliareum faction, a big guy :-)


Thank you!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/09/05 05:34:32

Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

Hi everyone!

So, Black Friday is upon us and that's the only time in the year that Shieldwolf Miniatures traditionally has sales, so if you wanted something now is the time to grab it!


Thank you!

Made in us
Knight of the Inner Circle

Baltimore, MD USA

The Aravises are in the process of delivery. Can anyone who has received theirs post some pics? Would like to see the sprue and some assembled models. Haven't gotten mine yet. But hopefully soon.
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


I can post pics of the sprue. I’ll try to assemble a couple soonish.
[Thumb - IMG_1620.jpeg]

[Thumb - IMG_1621.jpeg]

Made in us
Knight of the Inner Circle

Baltimore, MD USA

Thanks Bob
Made in us
Knight of the Inner Circle

Baltimore, MD USA

Well, my kickstarter stuff cleared customs and is about to leave NY, so should be here soon...

Still no unboxings or assembled minis anywhere. I did read in the KS comments that the Araves are a bit smaller than the shieldmaidens. Someone stated 30mm vs 32mm. If so that makes these better for me.

Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


Ok, I finally got a few together. I put them next to the first 28mm mini I could find, a Death Fields Grognard. They might not be as tall as the Shieldmaidens, but they seem to fit well with WA’s 28mm scale.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Just a note: I had to cut down all of their necks a little bit.
[Thumb - IMG_1651.jpeg]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/06/05 21:49:59

Made in us
Knight of the Inner Circle

Baltimore, MD USA

The pics look good Either my googlefu is lacking or yours are the only pictures of them on the internet,

From your pics, Size-wise they look good. And the bodies look nice. I am not sold on the weapons. May see if WA Afghan arms look better. But I may still put daemonette arms on them and make them alternate daemonettes...

Tracking says mine are in Maryland... so hopefully delivery tomorrow or Friday.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/06/05 22:23:03

Made in nz
Warrior with Repeater Crossbow


I just got mine yesterday.

They look great, a shame some of the heads didn't work and they had to use the shield maiden heads. I would love to have some maskless versions of the masked faces.
Made in us
Knight of the Inner Circle

Baltimore, MD USA

And mine arrived! Will have a go after work. They do look nice.
Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

Pic from the Northstar FB
[Thumb - 448885658_876447274523581_4177439321983061540_n.jpg]

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

Now which one's hair looks the most like Mileena?

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

We are proud to announce the latest hard-plastic kit is now available via retail!

A dual kit, to assemble either 20 Aravises Archers

or 20 Charemises Swords

As time goes by we will be adding one after the other all the rest of the goodies that were created via the last kickstarter! And that's plenty :-)

With much appreciation, thank you.

Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

Araves Ogres Troopers now available!


Thank you :-)

Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

Now camels have also been made available! Hope you like them as much as we do :-)


Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

Today's addition, thanks also to the support we received in our latest kickstarter, the Araves Ogre Tyrant :-)


Thank you.

Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

Today's release is the Araves Snake Sorceress :-)


We hope you like her as much as we do!

Thank you.

Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

Latest addition is the Heroine_A (sword and whip version) for the Araves faction again!


Thank you!

Made in nz
Warrior with Repeater Crossbow


Nice one.

Is there a chance of a set of resin alternative heads for the plastic warriors?
Made in us
Legendary Master of the Chapter


Looks like a fantastic opportunity to make Chandler Bing “whoop-pah!” noises at my opponent.

Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

 Cirith wrote:
Nice one.

Is there a chance of a set of resin alternative heads for the plastic warriors?

Thank you. What did you have in mind? ('cause you are most certainly thinking of something in particular,no?)

Made in nz
Warrior with Repeater Crossbow


I like the plastic heads with veils, however I would also like the same heads without veils.
Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

Now available the Talliareum Ogre Pistoliers, this time for the Ogre Kingdoms


Thank you!

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


very nice

Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

Thank you Orlando!

This week's release features the Shieldmaiden Wolf Cavalry, from the original Krumvaal Northern Alliance faction!


Have a great week ya all! :-D

Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

New week, new release! More reinforcements for the Ogre Kingdoms, with more Ogre Mercenary Troopers!


Thank you!

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

The Battle Barge Buffet Line

Looks good! I'm a fan of variant non-barbarian/mongol ogres of all varieties.

We Munch for Macragge! FOR THE EMPRUH! Cheesesticks and Humus!
Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

Good morning everyone!

The latest release now available is for the small green fellas, the Forest Goblin Army Banner Bearer!


Thank you!

Made in gr
Dakka Veteran

Thought it would be nice to drop this here! :-)

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