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Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


I do love the werewolf you've gone with. I have him and the accompanying human "before" in my stash.

[ Mordian 183rd ] - an ongoing Imperial Guard story with crayon drawings!
[ "I can't believe it's not Dakka!" ] - a buttery painting and crafting blog
Made in se
Ancient Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought

I... actually don't know. Help?

Right now I don't think I'll be able to enter, I just feel so exhausted. If anything comes up this motnh I'll paint it, but if not, I'll see you guys next month.

To Valhall! ~2800 points

Tutorials: Wet Palette | Painting Station
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

 sockwithaticket wrote:

One werewolf breaking free of a straitjacket. In a graveyard, (naturally).

 Buttery Commissar wrote:
I do love the werewolf you've gone with. I have him and the accompanying human "before" in my stash.

I hadn't noticed your entry Sockwithaticket, I just ordered one of those guys the other day! Good luck painting him up, I will be looking for inspiration when I come to do mine.

Running Projects: Monthly Painting Challenge Entry: 100% ----- Carrion: 50% ----- Dakka Dakka Clan Ork: GONE! Gods speed lil' Ork! ----- Pilot Hayden: 30% 
Made in gb
Quick-fingered Warlord Moderatus

Hello! I wasn't going to, but against my best instincts i'm entering again.
The model is a chaos familiar i want to use in an upcoming d&d party...

edit: This is my 'proof' picture

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/10/04 10:26:15

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-px27tzAtVwZpZ4ljopV2w "ashtrays and teacups do not count as cover"
"jack of all trades, master of none; certainly better than a master of one"
The Ordo Reductor - the guy's who make wonderful things like the Landraider Achillies, but can't use them in battle..  
Made in gb
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant

Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom

 sockwithaticket wrote:
 Buttery Commissar wrote:
I know it's only the 3rd but I was honestly expecting more traditional horror entries.

This. Quite surprised at how few there are.

Me too.

But, like Para says, interpret the theme as you see fit. I'm trying to build up my Imperial Fists army, and I dont want any distractions. So I pick my entry making sure it's something I can use in a Space Marine army.

So I resisted the urge to impulse buy the Heath Ledger Joker mini from the batman minis game, and stuck with my plan to do Legion of the Damned. I ordered them today, they should be here Tuesday/Wednesday.

Made in de
Blood-Drenched Death Company Marine

United Kingdom

Buttery Commissar wrote:I do love the werewolf you've gone with. I have him and the accompanying human "before" in my stash.

Inspector #264 wrote:

I hadn't noticed your entry Sockwithaticket, I just ordered one of those guys the other day! Good luck painting him up, I will be looking for inspiration when I come to do mine.

Cheers, gents. It's a great little figure, even if the back arches a little too much, I've had it knocking around for a year thinking about how to tackle it. I don't really have a lot of experience doing fur, so this one will definitely be a challenge

Zambro wrote:
 sockwithaticket wrote:
 Buttery Commissar wrote:
I know it's only the 3rd but I was honestly expecting more traditional horror entries.

This. Quite surprised at how few there are.

Me too.

But, like Para says, interpret the theme as you see fit. I'm trying to build up my Imperial Fists army, and I dont want any distractions. So I pick my entry making sure it's something I can use in a Space Marine army.

So I resisted the urge to impulse buy the Heath Ledger Joker mini from the batman minis game, and stuck with my plan to do Legion of the Damned. I ordered them today, they should be here Tuesday/Wednesday.

Oh absolutely, I wouldn't presume to tell people they have to do it the way I want them to, hobby time is limited and we should spend it how we want to. Just as a massive fan of horror and Halloween I was hoping for a bit more stuff along those lines to ogle.

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Have a look at my gallery, sock. There's an album of old WD painting guides, one of which is all kinds of wolf furs.

[ Mordian 183rd ] - an ongoing Imperial Guard story with crayon drawings!
[ "I can't believe it's not Dakka!" ] - a buttery painting and crafting blog
Made in de
Blood-Drenched Death Company Marine

United Kingdom

Will do.

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


I'm never sure if sharing those guides is against the spirit of Dakka or not, as they're pre-written.
But I figure it's a common enough query that it hurts nothing and if people have their own methods they'll share them.

[ Mordian 183rd ] - an ongoing Imperial Guard story with crayon drawings!
[ "I can't believe it's not Dakka!" ] - a buttery painting and crafting blog
Made in gb
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Hey. Did some construction last night. Here is the Balrog:

As I have read online. It is an awfully moulded model. There are huge gaps between components and I had to hack parts off to get some semblance of an appropriate shape. I am pretty annoyed and was tempted to complain to GW, but then calmed down and realised that as it was bought 12 years ago they would just laugh and sarcastically tell me that was why they changed to a plastic version

Oh well. Need to start brushing up on my GS skills now. Should be a laugh!

GW - 670 pts || - 354 pts || - 46 pts || - 106 pts || LoTR - 400 pts (Evil) vs 0 pts (Good) || Space Hulk - 1/35 || Deathwatch Overkill - 0/50
Other MEdge: Karists - 23 points || Epirians - 0 points Shattered Earth: Awaiting delivery "Awakening" Terrain: Awaiting delivery DWMG2: 4/54
My Miniatures blog || My Terrain blog || My MEdge blog || Paradigm's Painting Challenge League Tables: 2015/16, 2016/17

The Hobby Mission: 25/713 minis complete, 98/406 terrain complete. 46 more minis in 2016 to complete my goal for this year
jreilly89: "In the far future, there are only drive-bys."
Made in us
Mysterious Techpriest

Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


Ouch, yeah that looks nasty. Still, probably worth it in the end, that thing will be beautiful once it's done!

Made in gb
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Ouch indeed! The way the mini looks in photos I've seen, I really hope that the filling I do does the job. I'll let you all decide. I'm probably gonna post a lot more WIP pics prior to painting to see what you all think. I've started much earlier this time because of my concerns over this model. Hence why I haven't posted photos of last month's minis yet!! Might try and get round to that tonight

GW - 670 pts || - 354 pts || - 46 pts || - 106 pts || LoTR - 400 pts (Evil) vs 0 pts (Good) || Space Hulk - 1/35 || Deathwatch Overkill - 0/50
Other MEdge: Karists - 23 points || Epirians - 0 points Shattered Earth: Awaiting delivery "Awakening" Terrain: Awaiting delivery DWMG2: 4/54
My Miniatures blog || My Terrain blog || My MEdge blog || Paradigm's Painting Challenge League Tables: 2015/16, 2016/17

The Hobby Mission: 25/713 minis complete, 98/406 terrain complete. 46 more minis in 2016 to complete my goal for this year
jreilly89: "In the far future, there are only drive-bys."
Made in gb
Slippery Scout Biker


Now that summer is out of the way, I seem to have a bit more hobby time so I'd like to enter the comp with this friendly looking chap, if I may :

First time painting an organic figure this big, so I hope I can do it some justice!
Made in us
Mysterious Techpriest

Made in ca
Road-Raging Blood Angel Biker


just posting a wip shot
still gotta slap on nun oil and get to shading him
metal nids... ftw?

Made in se
Ancient Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought

I... actually don't know. Help?

Hm, that might actually look good!

To Valhall! ~2800 points

Tutorials: Wet Palette | Painting Station
Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


 Zambro wrote:

So I resisted the urge to impulse buy the Heath Ledger Joker mini from the batman minis game, and stuck with my plan to do Legion of the Damned.

In the words of Sgt Nicholas Angel, 'IDEA!'

@MangoChutney: What is that awesome monstrosity!

Made in gb
Slippery Scout Biker


It's a faceless greater demon from troll outpost. It's from a recent kickstarter they did.
Isn't he cute?!
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


TP^DC just be grateful you didn't get one of the very early all-metal versions.
I didn't keep mine, there was just so much pain one person can endure.

[ Mordian 183rd ] - an ongoing Imperial Guard story with crayon drawings!
[ "I can't believe it's not Dakka!" ] - a buttery painting and crafting blog
Made in ca
Road-Raging Blood Angel Biker


@tp^dc + bc games workshop isnt alone in the terrible gaps of doom comity, that malifaux model i worked on not so long ago has so much GS work done on it im not sure why i bought the model

Made in gb
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

@buttery - I have heard about the very first version with theme tall wings that kept falling off. They sold plastic wings separately didn't they for those who kept experiencing wing breaks

@LordRahl - good to know it's not just GW. I'm very used to working with plastic and am spoilt. I quite like resin, but forgot how much of a pain metal was. Sorry, I meant "how much of a challenge metal was"

GW - 670 pts || - 354 pts || - 46 pts || - 106 pts || LoTR - 400 pts (Evil) vs 0 pts (Good) || Space Hulk - 1/35 || Deathwatch Overkill - 0/50
Other MEdge: Karists - 23 points || Epirians - 0 points Shattered Earth: Awaiting delivery "Awakening" Terrain: Awaiting delivery DWMG2: 4/54
My Miniatures blog || My Terrain blog || My MEdge blog || Paradigm's Painting Challenge League Tables: 2015/16, 2016/17

The Hobby Mission: 25/713 minis complete, 98/406 terrain complete. 46 more minis in 2016 to complete my goal for this year
jreilly89: "In the far future, there are only drive-bys."
Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


 TP^DC Deputy Manager wrote:
I'm very used to working with plastic and am spoilt. I quite like resin, but forgot how much of a pain metal was. Sorry, I meant "how much of a challenge metal was"

My opinion of metal minis is almost constantly in flux. Over the last year or so (since starting Infinity and going back to LotR's excellent metal character models, and also doing things like Batman and Mercs more recently) I've come to appreciate the detail and 'solidness' of metal, particularly for smoother detail like capes, clothes ect (I find resin tends to be either too angular or too flat for those). As a painter I would probably pick metal as my material of choice unless the plastic option is of GW/recent WGF/Malifaux quality. Assembling metal is always a pig, though, so it goes both ways.

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Plastic and resin do not feel "real" to me. If I can't put my army in a sock and kill you with it, it's just not right.

That said, GW's more modern plastic kits fit together like a dream, and some of the metals out there (Knight Models Batman I'm looking at you) are absolute sods.

[ Mordian 183rd ] - an ongoing Imperial Guard story with crayon drawings!
[ "I can't believe it's not Dakka!" ] - a buttery painting and crafting blog
Made in ca
Road-Raging Blood Angel Biker


@para thats good to hear, i still havent opened my batman mini cause i was scared it might end up like the malifaux one

Automatically Appended Next Post:
and bc ruins it again *pokes batman blister with a stick*

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/10/04 20:14:14

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


That reminds me.

Here's Yvette stood with the OH's abandoned Batman.

Don't buy this Batman, it will make you hate yourself. And then it will fall to pieces and laugh at your tears.
[Thumb - 2015-10-04 21.14.49.jpg]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/10/04 20:17:52

[ Mordian 183rd ] - an ongoing Imperial Guard story with crayon drawings!
[ "I can't believe it's not Dakka!" ] - a buttery painting and crafting blog
Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


But that's such a cool version! What in particular is so bad about it? I'm guessing the rope and cape?

Hmm, Yvette looks a little too small to pass muster in BMG, I think. If she were either taller or chunkier I think she'd do, but being that small in both height and girth she doesn't seem to fit. Thanks anyway!

From what I can see, that paintwork on Bats looks great too, regardless of the assembly issues you mention.

@LordRahl: Which particular mini is it you're wondering about? I might have built it and be able to tell you how it went together.

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


The bat on the knee glues into a small, barely noticeable groove on his shin. The hands are both separate, and the suurfaces are tiny.

Remember Bats is bigger than the average fella on the street. She's about right on scale with harley and SIlk Spectre. They're smaller than her if anything.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/10/04 20:32:04

[ Mordian 183rd ] - an ongoing Imperial Guard story with crayon drawings!
[ "I can't believe it's not Dakka!" ] - a buttery painting and crafting blog
Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


Ah, ok, good to know on both points. I'll probably get MillerBat at some point as I love the Dark Knight Returns stuff, but he's just gone down the list a notch or two!

Made in ca
Road-Raging Blood Angel Biker


it was his arm... needed a bit of work
and made his waist fit with a bit of cutting

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