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2015/10/28 21:26:31
Subject: Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Arch Magos w/ 4 Meg of RAM
Cheers Gits - gorgeous figure. Really loved paintign him. Definitely gonna have to get some more DE at soe point.
2015/10/28 22:39:00
Subject: Re:Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Mekboy Hammerin' Somethin'
Inflatable love badger wrote:
I'd actually like to see how that looks anywho. I have a few spares of both, red and green, if you pm me I can post you a couple if you like.
Wow thats really kind, thank you for the offer, I had a proper look through my bits box and found half a donze, they are approx 15 mm the current tube is 23mm so they are about 5 mm to short really but roughly the right width. I have put an order in for some green plastic rods, will see if they get here in time. Have tried wet blending for the first time with the current lightsaber, some limited success so that will have to be how it looks for the moment.
I will take a photo of the tube next to the guy so you could get a rough idea what it looks like.
Also found this on Dakka which is might give you an idea
Looking Brilliant as expected Januine
2015/10/29 04:09:02
Subject: Re:Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Dakka Veteran
Argh, I haven't been able to do nearly any painting this month due to work/teething baby/sick
Will try and get my butt in gear
2015/10/29 05:03:29
Subject: Re:Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Decrepit Dakkanaut
Finished Frankenstein's Dreadnought. Only one more figure to go... but it's a really important one!
2015/10/29 08:39:31
Subject: Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver
Gitsplitta, that's incredible. Well done. Am loving all of your Halloween minis!
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/10/29 16:03:19
2015/10/29 12:56:27
Subject: Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Ancient Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought
I... actually don't know. Help?
Splitta, that is incredible. Glad I didn't enter this month, I've seen so many beautiful paintjobs!
2015/10/29 13:00:23
Subject: Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Decrepit Dakkanaut
Thanks guys. That one was a toughie to paint. Not so much the process of paining, but deciding how to paint it.
... and yes, there are some really fantastic entries for this month's competition.
2015/10/29 20:41:23
Subject: Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Steady Space Marine Vet Sergeant
Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom
Here are 4 out of the 5 LotD models I'm doing. Starting to feel the pressure now The 3rd and 4th models I finished tonight. Just got the leader to do tomorrow/saturday. Should be able to make it. Then just a case of taking reasonable pictures.
More pictures in my Blog. Will have better pictures for the final entry pictures.
2015/10/29 20:44:25
Subject: Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?
Awesome stuff! Can't wait to see the finished products!
2015/10/29 20:58:04
Subject: Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Decrepit Dakkanaut
Those are looking great Zambro.
2015/10/30 04:17:29
Subject: Re:Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain
Cypher is done! Here are the pics (they are also in my P&M blog):
Far from my best work (the shading on the robes just did not turn out the way I wanted, I wonder what I should have done to make it look better...), but still adequate, as I am still learning. For those of you who don't know much about Cypher, here is a bit of background:
At the time of the Horus Heresy, some of the Dark Angels turned to Chaos. These traitors became known as the Fallen. After Horus' defeat, the Fallen went into hiding. Cypher was one of them. To prevent anyone from finding out about the Fallen, the Dark Angels have been rounding up every Fallen they can get their hands on. The one they want the most is Cypher. Many times they have come close to nabbing him, only to have him get away. The Black Templars chapter did manage to catch him, but he got away when the Dark Angels actually started fighting the Templars to get him (this is why the Dark Angels and the Black Templars hate each other). Cypher remains at large in the galaxy, always having some trick or other to avoid capture. No one knows his true agenda, although there are many rumors...
I feel like the tricky nature of Cypher makes him go well with this month's theme for the contest. After all, he has tricked the Dark Angels enough times, as well as having tricked Inquisitors, Chaos warlords, Guard officers, and more over the years. I certainly enjoyed painting him, although I am sorry I was not feeling the inspiration I needed to finish the Chosen that accompany him on the tabletop (in his special formation). I'm sure we've all been there in our painting...
Good luck to everyone else who hasn't finished yet, it looks to be a pretty awesome month for voting!
2015/10/30 06:03:28
Subject: Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Incorporating Wet-Blending
I had great luck with shading robes with abaddon black and lahmian medium. Super thin, build up the depth in layers. I tend to airbrush robes if i can now
2015/10/30 12:04:06
Subject: Re:Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Stalwart Veteran Guard Sergeant
Hello guys and girls, finally managed to finish a challenge! Deathshroud Terminators, not as totally Halloween themed as some other entries, but they do have scythes and Papa Nurgle does so love to give nice squishy suppurating Treats to his followers.
CLACKAVOID (n.) Technical BBC term for a page of dialogue from Blake's Seven.
2015/10/30 16:50:46
Subject: Re:Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Mekboy Hammerin' Somethin'
Those scythes look ace Love badger
my dilemma should I change the lightsaber or not. Options are
1. Use the rod on the left side cut to size to replace the existing rod.
2. I put the middle pic in for Love badger to see, its a good colour but photo is slightly deceptive on size since its in front of the model.
3. Rework the wet blending to make it lighter (thats my 4th attempt its a bit too dark, the first was the best)
4. Leave it as it is before I mess it up
2015/10/30 18:25:54
Subject: Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?
Some awesome entries so far, another day to get them all in! Get to it, folks!
@MG: If anything, all I'd do is hit the whole thing with a green glaze to bring some colour back in. But it's fine as is, really!
2015/10/30 18:35:23
Subject: Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Decrepit Dakkanaut
Bloody well done guys. Looking forward to voting.
Consider me out. I was going to do them today, but spent most of it praying to the porcelain god, and the rest in bed.
Turns out I don't know how to cook.
2015/10/30 18:58:18
Subject: Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Mysterious Techpriest
I don't think I can do much more with my entry, I can't get any matt varnish so ... shiney, pictures up to my pin hole camera made by a 5 year old with bananas for fingers pictures:
@Gits: That looks cool, I really want some 28mm pumpkins right now
@ BC: That sucks, a case of the U-bend blues, get well soon mate!
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/10/30 19:07:23
2015/10/30 20:18:59
Subject: Re:Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Mysterious Techpriest
Those are based on Mantic's ghouls, right?
2015/10/30 22:06:36
Subject: Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Blood-Drenched Death Company Marine
I'm desperately, frenziedly even, trying to get the Wolfman's Straitjacket done, but painting around the fur without ruining it is proving to be painstakingly slow work!
2015/10/30 22:14:08
Subject: Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Arch Magos w/ 4 Meg of RAM
Owwww. Head like a broken saw!! Nearly finished. Ish. How long left Para?!!
2015/10/30 22:17:04
Subject: Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Longtime Dakkanaut
Just need to paint up my base and i'll be ready. Ended up leaving it to the last minute haha
Mary Sue wrote: Perkustin is even more awesome than me!
2015/10/30 22:22:16
Subject: Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?
Januine wrote:Owwww. Head like a broken saw!! Nearly finished. Ish. How long left Para?!!
Finish is 'officially' midnight GMT tomorrow, but as usual there will be a 10-12 hour amnesty before I get around to putting the voting thread together. If anyone desperately needs more time then let me know and I'll know to wait before compiling the entries.
2015/10/30 22:24:34
Subject: Re:Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Quick-fingered Warlord Moderatus
I just took a scan through the finished entries so far on the initial post and as i was going through i got to 'Inflatable Love Badger's entry.
Proof pic of a large eldar flyer - Final pics of a unit of deathshroud terminators.
I nearly fell of my chair laughing!
"thats incredible - he's made that plane look just like five terminators! he's a genius!!"
Being sincere for a sec; I'm liking the models dude - nicely restrained with the wear/weathering/neglect but still looking like the suits are 'lacking proper attention'.
| "ashtrays and teacups do not count as cover"
"jack of all trades, master of none; certainly better than a master of one"
The Ordo Reductor - the guy's who make wonderful things like the Landraider Achillies, but can't use them in battle.. |
2015/10/30 22:31:10
Subject: Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?
Ah, yeah, I think he submitted an either/or proof and I just grabbed the first pic... Oops. Not that it really matters, he did post the other Proof.
This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/10/30 22:31:44
2015/10/30 22:41:32
Subject: Re:Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Quick-fingered Warlord Moderatus
I think i remember it - i did a similar thing with my 'corpse' tbh.
| "ashtrays and teacups do not count as cover"
"jack of all trades, master of none; certainly better than a master of one"
The Ordo Reductor - the guy's who make wonderful things like the Landraider Achillies, but can't use them in battle.. |
2015/10/31 00:21:27
Subject: Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Stalwart Veteran Guard Sergeant
Cheers for the feedback
I think I originally posted both the flyer and the terminators aa a 'trick OR treat' but posting from my phone often buggers up so hope both came out. Got bored of the flyer almost as soon as I basecoated it, the flip-paint obsession burned out, so cracked on with the terminators.
CLACKAVOID (n.) Technical BBC term for a page of dialogue from Blake's Seven.
2015/10/31 00:38:29
Subject: Re:Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Arch Magos w/ 4 Meg of RAM
Just need to finish highlighting the guardsman and paint his intestines and I'll be done. Can't quite see straight yet so may be later today before that gets done - lol
2015/10/31 01:25:39
Subject: Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Near Golden Daemon Caliber
Some fantastic stuff guys I may search out the daylight and take better photos but it's likely to rain tomorrow so done is done enough.
Looking forward to any more finished entries you guys can knock out, really good stuff floating around so far.
2015/10/31 03:29:45
Subject: Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
Powerful Pegasus Knight
Nice work from everyone so far. Looking forward to seeing some more work done.
Also thank you all for the comments on my Cygnar/pirates. I am really happy with how they turned out.
@Gits, that Dreadnought is excellent! I love the colors and the pumpkin base.
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts." |
2015/10/31 04:47:38
Subject: Re:Dakka (unofficial) Monthly Painting Challenge Round 8: October 2015: Trick or Treat?
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar
I noticed that my proof pic is the LotD counts-as I started, not the chaplain I switched too halfway through. His proof pic is somewhere in the thread though.
As an aside, I did finish two of the original guys
Spoilered, as they are not my entry.