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No surprises, really - but exciting nonetheless!



And of course stuff from the core box:




[Thumb - IMG_0208.PNG]

[Thumb - IMG_0209.PNG]

This message was edited 25 times. Last update was at 2024/07/19 14:50:41

Made in us
Dangerous Branchwraith


The AT-ST pose is a tad of a bummer, but I understand with that base size the pose of its legs in motion might not work.

The snowspeeder looks good though. Is there more concrete date on when all of this is due out yet?

Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

AT-STs and Snow Speeders.

What a shock.

Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

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The Daemon Possessing Fulgrim's Body

Devon, UK

They produce/order half a bajillion metric tonnes a month of transparent plastic for X Wing and the Speeder can't have a clear stem?

We find comfort among those who agree with us - growth among those who don't. - Frank Howard Clark

The wise man doubts often, and changes his mind; the fool is obstinate, and doubts not; he knows all things but his own ignorance.

The correct statement of individual rights is that everyone has the right to an opinion, but crucially, that opinion can be roundly ignored and even made fun of, particularly if it is demonstrably nonsense!” Professor Brian Cox

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Barnstaple Slayers Club 
Made in gb

West Sussex, UK

I was expecting it but still disappointed to see new cards being added to these starter duplicate figure sets to force people to buy them over extra copies of the base game.

Also have to agree with the weird decision on the flight base.
Made in us
Long-Range Ultramarine Land Speeder Pilot

Rohnert Park

Aeneades wrote:
I was expecting it but still disappointed to see new cards being added to these starter duplicate figure sets to force people to buy them over extra copies of the base game.

Also have to agree with the weird decision on the flight base.

They also just FAQ'd a X-Wing ship to no longer have certain upgrade slots which means that it can't even use some of the cards included in its packaging.

Marrying miniature to upgrade cards has always been an ugly practice of FFG's but now it is even worse. They really should just sell cards separately and reduce the cost of their models.

Sell me your painted Arkanaut Ironclad!
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Dakka Veteran


I'm fairly excited about this, although I'd like to see the T-47 next to some of the infantry, since it looks very small.

I am hoping that we'll see releases more than once a quarter. Every other month would be nice. I also hope that we see something unconventional and unexpected soon. I love classic stuff like speeder bikes and AT-ST, but I'm eager to see weirder stuff.
Made in us
Member of a Lodge? I Can't Say

Philadelphia PA

I am hoping that we'll see releases more than once a quarter. Every other month would be nice

Be careful what you wish for, X-wing is already scraping the bottom of the barrel for new ships and I can't imagine Legion won't run into a similar issue if it catches on. There's only so many different types of storm trooper you can make before it gets out of hand.

I prefer to buy from miniature manufacturers that *don't* support the overthrow of democracy. 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

 jake wrote:
I'm fairly excited about this, although I'd like to see the T-47 next to some of the infantry, since it looks very small.

T-47s are very small. Look at how Luke and Dack stuff themselves into one.
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

 ScarletRose wrote:
I am hoping that we'll see releases more than once a quarter. Every other month would be nice

Be careful what you wish for, X-wing is already scraping the bottom of the barrel for new ships and I can't imagine Legion won't run into a similar issue if it catches on. There's only so many different types of storm trooper you can make before it gets out of hand.

The base game already has a "new" unit with the rebels using a Clone wars AT-RT walker. Just like Armada, Legion is a game that's going to have to lean pretty hard on the expanded universe right from the start.
Made in us


Completely agree with Scarlett Rose. AT-RTs are okay because they feel like OT stuff (even though they are PT). But I kinda dread stuff from Rebels showing up.

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Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon


Nice enough models, still no excite for the game.

Made in us
Dakka Veteran


 ScarletRose wrote:
I am hoping that we'll see releases more than once a quarter. Every other month would be nice

Be careful what you wish for, X-wing is already scraping the bottom of the barrel for new ships and I can't imagine Legion won't run into a similar issue if it catches on. There's only so many different types of storm trooper you can make before it gets out of hand.

I don't see that as a problem. I love classic Star Wars stuff, but I also love seeing new and different and seldom used stuff. I'd rather have lots of releases with a few of them being a little unoriginal or silly than only a few releases every year. Armada's release schedule is maddening.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 MajorWesJanson wrote:
 jake wrote:
I'm fairly excited about this, although I'd like to see the T-47 next to some of the infantry, since it looks very small.

T-47s are very small. Look at how Luke and Dack stuff themselves into one.

I know, but these look super small to me. Like, way to small to be in scale with the infantry. I'm betting thats not true, but i'd love to see a photo next to the Infantry so i can get a sense of scale.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Manchu wrote:
Completely agree with Scarlett Rose. AT-RTs are okay because they feel like OT stuff (even though they are PT). But I kinda dread stuff from Rebels showing up.

What are you dreading from Rebels? I feel like the show has done a good job of bridging the gap between Clone Wars and the OT. I'm having trouble thinking of anything from the show I wouldn't want to see in this game.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/10/26 08:37:35

Made in nl
Stone Bonkers Fabricator General

We'll find out soon enough eh.

 Manchu wrote:
Completely agree with Scarlett Rose. AT-RTs are okay because they feel like OT stuff (even though they are PT). But I kinda dread stuff from Rebels showing up.

Strongly disagree, some of the most interesting designs in the Star Wars IP come from the EU material, and considering we've already had confirmation that Legion isn't "official" ie does not have to adhere to the Disneycanon/Legends content split, they can heavily curate the designs we see as models for several years before they have to start barrel-scraping. Besides which Rebels isn't EU, it and the CGI Clone Wars are part of Disneycanon so are as official as the movies, not that it really matters. Not to mention that when they get to the barrel-scraping stage for OT-era material, they can instead go back and do a full Clone Wars range, or a NuTrilogy range, or both, or even go way way back and do several different Old Republic eras. If you think about it, doing a Rebels-to-Endor period justice, with a curated selection of the better EU material, would likely reach the barrel-scraping stage just as a new generation of gamers who's main experience of Star Wars will have been the new films get to the sort of age they'll be asking for models as gifts, so they can shift right into a NuT theme and have multiple films & books worth of stuff to draw on, and by that point probably a new CGI TV show as well(since this is the last Rebels season, and there's no reality in which Disney won't try and replicate its success with the NuT setting next year or the year after).

It's a whole different ballgame from X-Wing, where you have to reach pretty hard beyond the interceptor/fighter/bomber triad for the main factions and a lot of the EU ships are unaligned factions, minor factions, or one-offs; even basic infantry for both main factions can have multiple variations that are distinct visually, mechanically, or both, and there's far more scope for distinctive characters when you can actually, you know, see the character. They'll be able to be much more selective in what they draw from the EU.

I mean, think about just what we've seen in the Disneycanon that they can use:

Rebels: Rebel Troopers with environmental and Alderaanian-style variants, Rebel Commandos, Rebel Intelligence/SpecForce, and within those multiple different types of squad(infantry, heavy infantry, support weapon squads, jump troopers etc), plus Speederbike units, Airspeeders, U-Wings, reprogrammed droids, salvaged Clone Wars gear etc. All the different characters and officers too.

Imperials: Stormtroopers with their environmental variants, Scout Troopers, Shoretroopers, Death Troopers, Naval Troopers, again with all the various actual types/loadouts of squad, also Speederbikes & Airspeeders, both tracked and repulsorlift variants of the TX-225 Occupier, AT-STs, AT-PTs, AT-DPs, also Clone Wars gear but the better stuff and in better condition, combat droids of various types, etc, and also various characters and officer types.

If they're clever with the game mechanics and card abilities they can make even the "shared" units distinct; Imperial versions better maintained and equipped but more expensive, Rebel types cheaper to bring to the table but rag-tag and equipped with whatever they had to hand. Even if they released a unit box each for both factions every single month, there's 2 or 3 years worth of "OT-era" material before they even have to go near the Legends/EU stuff, and they could tack on another year or so of releases on there with just the really good EU stuff. I reckon after four or five years straight most folk would have had their fill of OT-era stuff anyway and then they can jump forward or back as their market research decrees.

I need to acquire plastic Skavenslaves, can you help?
I have a blog now, evidently. Featuring the Alternative Mordheim Model Megalist.

"Your society's broken, so who should we blame? Should we blame the rich, powerful people who caused it? No, lets blame the people with no power and no money and those immigrants who don't even have the vote. Yea, it must be their fething fault." - Iain M Banks
"The language of modern British politics is meant to sound benign. But words do not mean what they seem to mean. 'Reform' actually means 'cut' or 'end'. 'Flexibility' really means 'exploit'. 'Prudence' really means 'don't invest'. And 'efficient'? That means whatever you want it to mean, usually 'cut'. All really mean 'keep wages low for the masses, taxes low for the rich, profits high for the corporations, and accept the decline in public services and amenities this will cause'." - Robin McAlpine from Common Weal 
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I know it's not a Disney-approved way of thinking but to me anything that doesn't appear in a Star Wars motion picture is EU. My reasoning is, movies scripts tend to trump all else. But that's not really why I'm wary of EU stuff in Legion.

So to give an example, take the HWK-290. The design of that ship is entirely a function of PC graphics in 1995. Similarly, ships from Rebels look the way they do because they are designed for a stylized cartoon. This stuff is Star Warsy enough, I guess, within its own context. But - to my eyes at least - it doesn't fit well with the world of the films, which generally have a much higher level of quality in design.

Made in us
Prescient Cryptek of Eternity

East Coast, USA

 Azreal13 wrote:
They produce/order half a bajillion metric tonnes a month of transparent plastic for X Wing and the Speeder can't have a clear stem?

I'm assuming that the stem actually is clear. It looks painted. The bases for Rebels start red and the stem looks like the same color as the base, which implies that both were primed at the same time. I'd be absolutely shocked to find out that flight stems are natively a weird blueish color.

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Completed Trades With: ultraatma 
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Decrepit Dakkanaut

Biloxi, MS USA

 Manchu wrote:
I know it's not a Disney-approved way of thinking but to me anything that doesn't appear in a Star Wars motion picture is EU. My reasoning is, movies scripts tend to trump all else. But that's not really why I'm wary of EU stuff in Legion.

So to give an example, take the HWK-290. The design of that ship is entirely a function of PC graphics in 1995. Similarly, ships from Rebels look the way they do because they are designed for a stylized cartoon. This stuff is Star Warsy enough, I guess, within its own context. But - to my eyes at least - it doesn't fit well with the world of the films, which generally have a much higher level of quality in design.

The Ghost looked perfectly fine translated to film in Rogue One and fit in just fine to the ragtag nature of the Rebel fleet.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/10/26 18:45:39

You know you're really doing something when you can make strangers hate you over the Internet. - Mauleed
Just remember folks. Panic. Panic all the time. It's the only way to survive, other than just being mindful, of course-but geez, that's so friggin' boring. - Aegis Grimm
Hallowed is the All Pie
The Before Times: A Place That Celebrates The World That Was 
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Ancient Venerable Black Templar Dreadnought

Where ever the Emperor needs his eyes

 Yodhrin wrote:

I mean, think about just what we've seen in the Disneycanon that they can use:

Rebels: Rebel Troopers with environmental and Alderaanian-style variants, Rebel Commandos, Rebel Intelligence/SpecForce, and within those multiple different types of squad(infantry, heavy infantry, support weapon squads, jump troopers etc), plus Speederbike units, Airspeeders, U-Wings, reprogrammed droids, salvaged Clone Wars gear etc. All the different characters and officers too.

Imperials: Stormtroopers with their environmental variants, Scout Troopers, Shoretroopers, Death Troopers, Naval Troopers, again with all the various actual types/loadouts of squad, also Speederbikes & Airspeeders, both tracked and repulsorlift variants of the TX-225 Occupier, AT-STs, AT-PTs, AT-DPs, also Clone Wars gear but the better stuff and in better condition, combat droids of various types, etc, and also various characters and officer types.

Dark Trooper Phase 1-3, Imperial Super Commandos, Rebel Aligned Super Commandos, Royal Guard of all Flavors.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Riverside, CA USA

Good LORD you people are salty! It's an AT-ST and an airspeeder**, that look exactly like an AT-ST and an airspeeder**. The cards in packs thing sucks, but is a surprise to exactly zero people. I'm sure somebody will scan them, which is all I need, I already have 1/48th AT-STs and speeders aplenty, but it's nice to have official ones too.

For myself, I can't wait to see more non-movie troops and vehicles. Star Wars has always been more about the novels and comics and video games to me. Movies are great and all that, but the expanded universe is where it really shines

**I never understood why everyone treats them only as snowspeeders, they even mention in ESB that they were "having trouble adapting them to the cold". But since you only saw them on Hoth they got typecast

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/10/26 19:11:59

~Kalamadea (aka ember)
My image gallery 
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Decrepit Dakkanaut

The Battle Barge Buffet Line

Is the rulebook going to be a free download for this like other FFG games (notably xwing)?

We Munch for Macragge! FOR THE EMPRUH! Cheesesticks and Humus!
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Fixture of Dakka

I just wish there was an additional commander in the first wave.
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The Daemon Possessing Fulgrim's Body

Devon, UK

 Kalamadea wrote:
Good LORD you people are salty!

It's almost like people are taking their experiences with the producing company and other games based on the same property and applying them to this one, isn't it?

We find comfort among those who agree with us - growth among those who don't. - Frank Howard Clark

The wise man doubts often, and changes his mind; the fool is obstinate, and doubts not; he knows all things but his own ignorance.

The correct statement of individual rights is that everyone has the right to an opinion, but crucially, that opinion can be roundly ignored and even made fun of, particularly if it is demonstrably nonsense!” Professor Brian Cox

Ask me about
Barnstaple Slayers Club 
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Fixture of Dakka

 Azreal13 wrote:
 Kalamadea wrote:
Good LORD you people are salty!

It's almost like people are taking their experiences with the producing company and other games based on the same property and applying them to this one, isn't it?

It's really important there isn't cross faction upgrade purchases for this one. Buying everything is a significant issue when painting is required.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

 Kalamadea wrote:
Good LORD you people are salty! It's an AT-ST and an airspeeder**, that look exactly like an AT-ST and an airspeeder**. The cards in packs thing sucks, but is a surprise to exactly zero people. I'm sure somebody will scan them, which is all I need, I already have 1/48th AT-STs and speeders aplenty, but it's nice to have official ones too.

For myself, I can't wait to see more non-movie troops and vehicles. Star Wars has always been more about the novels and comics and video games to me. Movies are great and all that, but the expanded universe is where it really shines

**I never understood why everyone treats them only as snowspeeders, they even mention in ESB that they were "having trouble adapting them to the cold". But since you only saw them on Hoth they got typecast

Well its the internet, and its DAKKA. So there are endless mountains of saltiness, but its pretty justified. If you've been a FFG customer (not a fanboy) then you realize how bad this game/release is

Card packs is the way to go. FFG has done it for years and now GW is adopting it. It only really hurts your game.

Cool models still, but after Gencon demo its just an abomination of all of FFGs other games

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/10/26 19:46:28

Made in us
Prescient Cryptek of Eternity

East Coast, USA

 Azreal13 wrote:
 Kalamadea wrote:
Good LORD you people are salty!

It's almost like people are taking their experiences with the producing company and other games based on the same property and applying them to this one, isn't it?

Well... it seems like one of your complaints was that the flight stem wasn't clear when it's very obviously painted. Chances are very good that it is clear given that just about every flight stand the company produces for it's various games are clear... including Star Wars X-Wing, Star Wars Armada and Star Wars Imperial Assault.

Most of the complaints I've heard about Legion are along the lines of "OMG! This works exactly like everyone expected it to work, but I am going to act shocked and confused and angry anyways."

Automatically Appended Next Post:
str00dles1 wrote:
 Kalamadea wrote:
Good LORD you people are salty! It's an AT-ST and an airspeeder**, that look exactly like an AT-ST and an airspeeder**. The cards in packs thing sucks, but is a surprise to exactly zero people. I'm sure somebody will scan them, which is all I need, I already have 1/48th AT-STs and speeders aplenty, but it's nice to have official ones too.

For myself, I can't wait to see more non-movie troops and vehicles. Star Wars has always been more about the novels and comics and video games to me. Movies are great and all that, but the expanded universe is where it really shines

**I never understood why everyone treats them only as snowspeeders, they even mention in ESB that they were "having trouble adapting them to the cold". But since you only saw them on Hoth they got typecast

Well its the internet, and its DAKKA. So there are endless mountains of saltiness, but its pretty justified. If you've been a FFG customer (not a fanboy) then you realize how bad this game/release is

Card packs is the way to go. FFG has done it for years and now GW is adopting it. It only really hurts your game.

Cool models still, but after Gencon demo its just an abomination of all of FFGs other games

What a terrible decision on FFG's part. Why would they possibly have wanted to take a highly valued IP and design a rules system for it using parts from other highly commercially successful games? What craziness is this?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/10/26 19:57:34

Check out my website. Editorials! Tutorials! Fun Times To Be Had! - kriswallminis.com


Completed Trades With: ultraatma 
Made in us
The Daemon Possessing Fulgrim's Body

Devon, UK

 Kriswall wrote:
 Azreal13 wrote:
 Kalamadea wrote:
Good LORD you people are salty!

It's almost like people are taking their experiences with the producing company and other games based on the same property and applying them to this one, isn't it?

Well... it seems like one of your complaints was that the flight stem wasn't clear when it's very obviously painted. Chances are very good that it is clear given that just about every flight stand the company produces for it's various games are clear... including Star Wars X-Wing, Star Wars Armada and Star Wars Imperial Assault.

So, which is it, chances are it's clear or it's very obviously painted? Aside from the fact that I disagree that it's obviously painted, and painting a transparent component for box art is a highly unusual thing to do, it appears you're trying to tell me I'm wrong because your opinion is different, not out of any evidence to the contrary. Not a strong position to argue from.

Most of the complaints I've heard about Legion are along the lines of "OMG! This works exactly like everyone expected it to work, but I am going to act shocked and confused and angry anyways."

Listen harder. Many of the complaints are not this.

We find comfort among those who agree with us - growth among those who don't. - Frank Howard Clark

The wise man doubts often, and changes his mind; the fool is obstinate, and doubts not; he knows all things but his own ignorance.

The correct statement of individual rights is that everyone has the right to an opinion, but crucially, that opinion can be roundly ignored and even made fun of, particularly if it is demonstrably nonsense!” Professor Brian Cox

Ask me about
Barnstaple Slayers Club 
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Shocked confused and angry?

I’m more disappointed.

I’m not at all a fan of the business model of having useful upgrade cards in kits I’m not otherwise fussed for.

X-Wing is particularly bad for this. Not only may I not be especially fussed for a model, but it might even be a model that’s for a different faction.

That to me is just mercenary as a sales tactic.

And worse? Sucky models are made good, but only if you buy a boxed set. Worst offender there is the Imperial Raider. Now it’s a gorgeous model, but it’s flipping expensive. And as it can only be used in Epic play, my chances for using it are somewhat reduced. But if I don’t want my iconic TIE Advanced to fly like a brick and hit like a feather, it’s a purchase I need to make.

That’s just bloody rude.

Armada isn’t quite as bad. From what I gather, the upgrades are kept within the Factions, so I won’t need to buy Imperial Ship X to make Rebel Ship A work properly. Better, but still the chance I may wind up buying ships just for the cards.

Shadespire? Marginally better than Armada, if only due to cost. Time will tell how essential it becomes to buy outside your Warband to get that truly killer card upon which the most flexible combo depends. If we don’t need to buy other Warbands, it may yet get a pass from me. But until we know, I’m not diving in.

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Fixture of Dakka

It's more that it works exactly like everyone expected it to work, but people are disappointed that its not different because they've grown to dislike the way FFG works.
Made in pl
Longtime Dakkanaut

Ah, at least the AT-ST looks like something I could put together just for fun. Assuming the plastic they used is at least X-Wing levels of quality that is.
Made in us


I really hope so. The RW plastics are not very impressive, in terms of the material.

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