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Alien vs Predator Miniatures Game, Prodos loses license to AvP. p.266  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in de
Warning From Magnus? Not Listening!


Prodos wrote:
 AAN wrote:

I can only confirm your experience!

I pledged with 300+ GBP in the Warzone KS and have so far received NOTHING.
It really seems to be the case that the more different stuff you pledged for, the later you get your minis.
To be fair however, I have to admit that I did not ask for an advanced shipment...

So for AvP I limited myself to a more moderate amount of pledge...

Also Rob has asked you whether you want you stuff in multiple shipments. His understanding was no. AAN I will get him to pick on Wednesday, if your view has changed.

??? Can't remember being asked...
Anyway I would love to have at least some Mishima or Capitol, if extra shipment cost apply, just PM me.

And thanks already!!!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/11/25 18:26:37

cheers and keep on gaming, Agis - http://www.adpublishing.de

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

The Battle Barge Buffet Line

You just need to decide if this is all worth the trouble/frustration/not knowing. That point was in all likelihood reached for me this weekend when I saw that the last four stretch goals and roughly 50,000 GBP raised didn't do *anything* for the value of the 75 GBP level that I was interested in pledging for (plus add ons). A 7% discount off of the warstore (27% off of full retail) isn't enough of an incentive for me personally to put up with the uncertainty of an international kickstarter so I'm mainly popping in here for pics of what I should expect sometime late next year at retail. I've lived without proper AVPM figs for decades (excluding the clix)... I can go on for a few more months.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/11/25 18:37:53

We Munch for Macragge! FOR THE EMPRUH! Cheesesticks and Humus!
Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

warboss- If the free Praetorian unlocks at 270K, which is very likely given the pace of yesterday's pledging, then the value of the 75 GBP pledge is actually almost the best of the whole bunch!

There's not a lot of percentage difference in the various pledge levels once that goal is reached, but the point for lower pledges is that the discount on the lowest is Really good- I believe about 50% off the add-on prices. It wasn't apparent that it would be that way earlier in the campaign, but it's nice- even if it doesn't help me since I'm at a higher level getting the same discount (and actually a bit less, since I'm going for the wargaming pledge).

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2013/11/25 19:10:54

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

The Battle Barge Buffet Line

 RiTides wrote:
warboss- If the free Praetorian unlocks at 270K, which is very likely given the pace of yesterday's pledging, then the value of the 75 GBP pledge is actually almost the best of the whole bunch!

There's not a lot of percentage difference in the various pledge levels once that goal is reached, but the point for lower pledges is that the discount on the lowest is Really good- I believe about 50% off the add-on prices. It wasn't apparent that it would be that way earlier in the campaign, but it's nice- even if it doesn't help me since I'm at a higher level getting the same discount (and actually a bit less, since I'm going for the wargaming pledge).

My calculation method of the discount differs significantly from that of basement dwellers (although I don't see his choices as unreasonable but rather simply different). I'm not counting the facehuggers before they've hatched so don't include the 2000 pledger/baby prizes; I also take the core set "value" as exactly what Prodos states (that it is at 75 GBP) and not the value of the individual add ons. Counting only the physical products, it's currently at 27% off for a 6+ month early preorder direct from the company... that's simply not enough for me with the uncertainties of a kickstarter. I'm willing to cut out my beloved middle men (my FLGS) but the bribe to do so doesn't come that cheap. The 75 and 100GBP pledge levels also haven't unlocked any love what so ever since 155k. I didn't do the calculation for the other pledges that I definitely won't be getting so I can't comment on whether the 75GBP pledge is better or worse than them. It's nice to hear about the praetorian but I'll take that with a grain of salt as I'm frankly not sure if they'll end up clarifying/retconning it to a higher pledge level only as happened earlier.

We Munch for Macragge! FOR THE EMPRUH! Cheesesticks and Humus!
Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

I suppose anything like Aliens/Predator, that has some seriously.. well, serious(!) fans, is always going to have that much more of a vehement reaction unless everything is perfect.

At the moment I'm in for the boxed game, additional warriors, the cigar-chewing sergeant and the female Predator. Less than a £100 - Hopefully, I'll get the miniatures I've been dreaming about being released for 20 years. Is it perfect? Of course not; would have loved some of the Predator, Alien and Aliens characters, Machiko from the comic, hell even something like the giant model of the 'Space Jockey' from Alien, and perhaps more renders of the forthcoming miniatures.

But I'm enough of a fan of Aliens/Predator, and the stuff we have seen so far looks 'good enough' (and I would actually say exceptional in some cases) for me to be happy with the release. But, I realise this is very much subjective; how much you are prepared to pay vs. the quality of the miniatures. Hopefully at least this KS will have made enough money, and the retail release will get enough momentum, to ensure the game is supported and new materials are released for it in the future.

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

 Grot 6 wrote:
 Forlorn wrote:
"So even though we have dropped a little below the young Blood Goal (due to some deliberate pulling back - same persons everytime!!). The youngbloods are unlocked"

Can someone explain why people do this and what the purpose is to pledge and retract?


Because the project is, in my opinion, a gakfest. I have changed my pledge several times, partially because of confusion, partially because I had a change of heart, and as of now, because I have decided to feth it. I'm in for whatever pops out of thier chest.

I say it is a gakfest because of it being... just jumbled up. The pledges don't do any favors, either, for the pricing, the "Add ons and add ons funding", to whatever they think they are doing by adding on the pleasure of paying for... something.

Had they just out the gate said, hey, we have X,Y, and Z. You can add these additional A, B, and C's on for this and that price, it would have gone over a little better in the long run.

Instead, they seem like they are making gak up to try to wow the late bloomers to the party. The confusing non updates kinda !@#$ me off as well.

I'm all for stuffing a cheeseburger down a dates throat for a good time, but I'm not going to stuff a roast turkey, filet minion, and a side order of gak in there if she thinks I want to get lucky.

There might be some fethers up there, nutting up the process, but in honesty, this is a gak project run pretty roughly through the ringer. Alien, the Marines, and the Preds, of all things are the only thing keeping me on board, or I would have dropped this gak run project in a hot minute.

I can't speak for anyone else, but thats MY opinion.

So it's the gakkiest gak that ever gakked gak? Or just gak?

I’m sure glad GW is going to all plastic, so the ever-rising cost of white metal won’t impact the cost of their miniatures.  
Made in us

Best to leave that line of thought alone, really...
Made in de
Decrepit Dakkanaut

 Grot 6 wrote:
 Forlorn wrote:
"So even though we have dropped a little below the young Blood Goal (due to some deliberate pulling back - same persons everytime!!). The youngbloods are unlocked"
Can someone explain why people do this and what the purpose is to pledge and retract?


Because the project is, in my opinion, a gakfest. I have changed my pledge several times, partially because of confusion, partially because I had a change of heart, and as of now, because I have decided to feth it. I'm in for whatever pops out of thier chest.

Okay, now we know why one person did it

Hive Fleet Ouroboros (my Tyranid blog): http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/286852.page
The Dusk-Wraiths of Szith Morcane (my Dark Eldar blog): http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/364786.page
Kroothawk's Malifaux Blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/455759.page
If you want to understand the concept of the "Greater Good", read this article, and you never again call Tau commies: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilitarianism 
Made in ca
Dour Wolf Priest with Iron Wolf Amulet


Geez, pledges have begun to jump quite a bit, it looks like the Power Loader's pretty much a certainty, and the Queen's still a possibility. Here's hoping!

Made in gb
Been Around the Block


Grot 6 wrote:

Forlorn wrote:
"So even though we have dropped a little below the young Blood Goal (due to some deliberate pulling back - same persons everytime!!). The youngbloods are unlocked"
Can someone explain why people do this and what the purpose is to pledge and retract?


Because the project is, in my opinion, a gakfest. I have changed my pledge several times, partially because of confusion, partially because I had a change of heart, and as of now, because I have decided to feth it. I'm in for whatever pops out of thier chest.

The lack of info, pics, all-full board design, ideas, concept and direction is what stopped me about half way when they just started to ignore people and left me with a feeling of 'F*#k it, projects a bust.'

They way its going will await for the full release and buy when it come out later on next year. They have a concept with the Aliens that would need a board system like Deadzone as has been seen buy the wargaming fans with aliens being cut down. This would have been better to have gone through more product concept testing and development, and then had Prodos work with a white knight like the card board terrain maker.

This is easy in hindsight with the outlook and thinking, but with being such a small company it would have been a better idea to evaluate this whole situation first and then go for it. Can see this going to another producer in the future with Prodos selling the rights. I have seen Prodos resin type stuff and far superior to say Mantic, but would have been better if they had worked with someone else.

Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

 adlard.matthew wrote:
I have seen Prodos resin type stuff and far superior to say Mantic, but would have been better if they had worked with someone else.

Well, while I'm sure a lot of folks here would agree with you about that second part, the first is what really matters to me

Today has already raised over 11K. If Tuesday, Wed, and Thursday repeat the trend without any increase at all, everyone will be getting that free Praetorian (80mm tall, £20 model!)
Made in us
Foul Dwimmerlaik

Minneapolis, MN

I wouldn't be surprised by at least a small surge of backers flocking over to Heroquest.


Bad news for AVP. Too bad it didn't start after AVP closed...

Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

And why would people "flock over" to Heroquest, if they just passed up Shadows of Brimstone, and Journey: Wrath of Demons? All of those are excellent looking board games, and none of them are Aliens vs Predator. None of them are even sci-fi, unless weird west counts

That project is clearly going to be a monster, but it's almost nothing like this one. And yes, feel free to say "that's a good thing" . In fact, I might suggest that you'd be happier pledging for that campaign...
Made in us
Foul Dwimmerlaik

Minneapolis, MN

 RiTides wrote:
And why would people "flock over" to Heroquest, if they just passed up Shadows of Brimstone, and Journey: Wrath of Demons? All of those are excellent looking board games, and none of them are Aliens vs Predator. None of them are even sci-fi, unless weird west counts

That project is clearly going to be a monster, but it's almost nothing like this one. And yes, feel free to say "that's a good thing" . In fact, I might suggest that you'd be happier pledging for that campaign...

It is a good thing.

I'm pledging both. In fact, Prodos did me a huge favor by sucking so much professionalism from their project that I was able to sink money Into HeroQuest that I otherwise would have happily invested in AVP to help get to those stretch goals everyone wants and keeps saying will take a second look at if they aren't reached.

Too bad I'm not the only one who feels that way, or my valid criticisms might be told they were way over the line.

You get what you give. You wanna be civil you'll get civil in kind. You wanna be passive agressive, you're gonna lose. I give as good as I get.

Made in gb
Joined the Military for Authentic Experience

On an Express Elevator to Hell!!

Hopefully not too much crossover. I think Heroquest is going to be massive regardless, but hopefully there should be a solid core of the movie franchises who don't care much about Heroquest (or at least plan to get both! )

I wouldn't be surprised by at least a small surge of backers flocking over to Heroquest.


Bad news for AVP. Too bad it didn't start after AVP closed...

I'm beginning to think.. which one of the Prodos guys had his dog take a dump on your lawn?

Seriously man, it's starting to get a bit.. weird..

Epic 30K&40K! A new players guide, contributors welcome https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/751316.page
Small but perfectly formed! A Great Crusade Epic 6mm project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/694411.page

Made in us

Salem, MA

 Hellfury wrote:

You get what you give. You wanna be civil you'll get civil in kind. You wanna be passive agressive, you're gonna lose. I give as good as I get.

Hellfury, I'm going to recommend you back away from the thread. Slowly.

Seriously though, just take a break. No one is benefitting from it and we're getting off topic.

No wargames these days, more DM/Painting.

I paint things occasionally. Some things you may even like! 
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Lookit gunslinger's avatar and find your happy place.

I’m sure glad GW is going to all plastic, so the ever-rising cost of white metal won’t impact the cost of their miniatures.  
Made in us
Foul Dwimmerlaik

Minneapolis, MN

For some reason, I can't see avatars or sigs on my tablet. Checked my setting and I think I should be seeing them. Sadly, can't see 'em.

Ok. Now THAT was off topic.

Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

By the way, if you finish an Aliens alternate ruleset for Space Hulk (like you have info about on your blog) I think that could be very popular with folks after this!

I'd already been planning to run Space Hulk with alternate models, using the alien models from Trollforged's kickstarter. I'm hoping to get those just before these, but may hold out and use these in it instead. As they should be perfect for it, if those Battle Systems pics are any indication

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2013/11/26 00:54:21

Made in gb
Omnious Orc Shaman

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away...

So, the 2000 backers freebie sits between £230k and £250k - I wonder if they are going to unlock this one before 2,000 is hit (presuming it ever does - even though the Facebook page has 6,000 likes...)

Maybe we'll find out soon as we're just shy of £240k as I type this.

Also noted earlier in the KS comments that the baby will be induced on Friday if he/she still hasn't arrived... Wonder if we'll also see that one unlocked before the end?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/11/26 01:01:06

Made in se
Regular Dakkanaut


I presume the 2000 backers will hit if we reach 2000 backers (hence it's defining name)

As for the baby reward - the KS finishes on Thursday. If the baby comes Friday or later technically they are not obliged to fulfill that reward. I am guessing it would mean at least 1600 backers - a whole bunch doing double pledging so Prodos would be giving out £20,000 in freebies that pledgers otherwise might have to spend so... It's a good will thing and it's listed in the actual pledge chart already and there is no *explaining about the baby on the chart and quite unclear even if it's explained in a link further up.

Further more their pledge discount calculations are weird. They've boosted a couple and lowered the £75 one... I tried changing up the numbers in mine and removing the shipping from the total, but they don't match up. It just does not compute. I've checked mine so many times and updated it and even made it possible to change values on box contents so you can get a clear picture of what pledge is for you according to your preferences based on value. I am not sure how they came to some of their numbers as the good ones are the same, but the bad ones "look" better.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Do you think we'll see a 240k stretch reward?

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2013/11/26 04:56:36

I’m sure glad GW is going to all plastic, so the ever-rising cost of white metal won’t impact the cost of their miniatures.  
Made in sa
Longtime Dakkanaut

Dundee, Scotland/Dharahn, Saudi Arabia

I doubt it, we're through 240k easily with nothing heard.
I think we'll be seeing the power loader soon though.
The 2000 backer bonus is off the cards though, I think.
I can't see another 600 backers coming in on this,
I hope to be proved wrong though, I'd like to see the Queen before the end too.

If the thought of something makes me giggle for longer than 15 seconds, I am to assume that I am not allowed to do it.
item 87, skippys list
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

CL VI Store in at the Cyber Center of Excellence

 Forlorn wrote:
Do you think we'll see a 240k stretch reward?

None listed. Doesn't look like Prodos have added one.

Every time a terrorist dies a Paratrooper gets his wings. 
Made in ie
Fixture of Dakka

I don't think 2000 backers will happen so planning without that goal the £175k "baby" goal may not happen either the condition was born during the KS and that's not looking likely depends how Prodos want to handle it. I think the real make or break here will be the Queen unlock and I think it's close enough to get her now remember there was no front loaded EBs here so there could be a bigger uplift than some recent projects have seen at the end. My own pledge is very much dependent on unlocking the Queen if she doesn't unlock I'll be dropping back from Real Aliens to We're in the pipe as a few bits of my pledge like the Power Loader are contingent on getting the Queen but I don't expect it to be an issue.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

CL VI Store in at the Cyber Center of Excellence

Who cares about the Queen unlock? They've already stated they are going to release the Queen within weeks of the KS ending. If they hold to that it will be in the pledge manager regardless.

Every time a terrorist dies a Paratrooper gets his wings. 
Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

They're also counting the "baby stretch" in the percentages already. I can't imagine them leaving it off, everyone would just choose the lowest 2 pledge levels in the pledge manager if they did.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/11/26 12:42:34

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

CL VI Store in at the Cyber Center of Excellence

 RiTides wrote:
They're also counting the "baby stretch" in the percentages already. I can't imagine them leaving it off, everyone would just choose the lowest 2 pledge levels in the pledge manager if they did.

Good thing Prodos are so good at communicating and are right on top of issues like this as we come close to the final 48 hours.

Yep, that was sarcasm. I've seen several questions asked on the comments section already ignored this morning. That really isn't a good thing.

With the final day being on Thanksgiving in the US I expect there will be a lot of movement one way or the other tomorrow.

Every time a terrorist dies a Paratrooper gets his wings. 
Made in us
Dankhold Troggoth

Shadeglass Maze

Yeah I hope they'll clarify, I just have to assume its in as its all that makes the pledge levels remotely balanced (otherwise lowest 2 will be by far the best choices when the free praetorian is in).

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/11/26 13:03:06

Made in gb
Omnious Orc Shaman

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away...

I think the sarcasm is well placed at the moment - I had expected the Prodos involvement to really pick up at the end of the KS but they've totally gone missing today. Even the comments board is getting decidely tetchy right now... It's 1pm in the UK now and not a peep from them - although maybe they are all on the maternity ward

I hadn't factored that this ends on Thanksgiving - that could be an absolute blinding move by Prodos...

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