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[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/21 08:35:41

Post by: MongooseMatt

It looks like my group is getting into Adeptus Titanicus in a big way, and I don't think we are alone, so I thought it might it be fun if we posted what projects we are currently working on. The idea is that with lots of ideas getting passed about, you might just get that last bit of encouragement it takes to get a model finished!

Bonus points if you back up your reports with photos of work in progress and the finished articles!

To start things off, I have already posted pictures of the first Warlords of Legios Mortis and Xestobiax, but this weekend I polished off the first knights of House Malinax:

Normally I pay homage to the Church of Duncan on how to paint things, but he has not covered House Malinax yet, so I had to strike out on my own - I put some painting notes together here, for those of you interested: https://ttgamingdiary.wordpress.com/2018/08/21/house-malinax/

So, what have you all been up to?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/21 08:53:28

Post by: Strg Alt

I fear you are alone. AT was the first GW game that nobody ordered in my local GW store. Nobody! There won´t even be demo games in the store. GW was successful in pricing out the whole local community. LOL!

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/21 09:54:38

Post by: TeAXIIIT13

I’ve got a warlord and a box of knights that arrived today so will be working on them, been looking forward to this for months.

If he’s alone how come I’m here? How come there’s other posts on here about the rules and models? How come grandmaster edition sold out in an hour? The price is exactly what I expected and that’s fine totally worth it, and who knows when the reaver and Warhounds come out they might release a cheap started box.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/21 13:20:53

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Warlord partbuilt, ready for painting.

The number of the thin coats shall be two, and two shall be the number of the thin coats.

May crack on with building my Knights today. Currently bingeing Clone Wars, dehydrating Mango, and need to do some washing up ready for a fat old fry up tonight.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
First Knight built.

What a lovely kit!

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/21 14:43:35

Post by: Imateria

I have the Warlord mostly built, just waiting on some 5mm magnets to turn up for the arms and missile launchers, though I suspect that in the end I'll only swap out one of the Volcano Cannons for a Mori Quake Cannon. Knights are also fully built, they're a really nice kit to put together.

Not sure when I'll get to paint them though, concentrating on my Dark Eldar for a tournement next month for the moment.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/21 15:38:07

Post by: AndrewGPaul

I've finished my first Knight banner from House Atrax, but my Warlord is still nekkid:

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/21 16:17:06

Post by: Overread

My warlord intimidates me!

Mostly because its a very expensive model that I actually want to do right! I've a feeling I'll only get so far with construction until its rather like Andrews and naked and then end up stopping. I'll have to get some knights so that I can not only have something smaller to finish but to also start work on finding a good paint scheme and then steadily build up from knights to hounds to reaver to warlord.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/21 16:30:13

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Warlord will suit neatness over technical ability.

Provided you get a smooth under or base coat, you should be dandy

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/21 16:52:01

Post by: Overread

But I've got neither of those as yet!

Must say I still love the little defensive guns on the Warlord; was something I first saw on the old Dawn of Water Winter Assault in the final mission where the Imperator (damaged and downed) had defensive weapons on it you could fire (on that they shot straight through swarms of necron and their obelisks). I think it eve had them on its arms not just on its chest/legs which I thought was a neat feature

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/21 18:40:00

Post by: btom

I'm in this in a BIG way, AT was the game I played most as a kid so you'll understand the motivation in trying to replicate the 3 day, 25 titan battle that still represents my favourite gaming memory (29 years ago....)

Have 6 warlord skeletons built so far, 4 more to build and have 2 unofficial reavers and 2 unofficial warhounds I'm going to finally get painted, hoping to play the first game next week before my kids go back to school. Been buying up a lot of n gauge buildings which might not suit the aesthetic but are cheap and look great and have a new purpose made mat for them to go on so nearly ready to go.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
And yes you can judge my enthusiasm for this by the fact I have been lurking here for 4 years before I posted

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/21 18:58:30

Post by: Overread

btom wrote:
I'm in this in a BIG way, AT was the game I played most as a kid so you'll understand the motivation in trying to replicate the 3 day, 25 titan battle that still represents my favourite gaming memory (29 years ago....)

I now fully expect to see photos of the 50 titan battle that takes all week to play out!

And welcome to the site!

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/21 19:20:43

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Can we also just a wee second to be thankful that we’re not having to deal with dodgy ankle joints?

For those that had the old Beetle Backs, broken ankles were a very real pain! But now we’ve got five lovely anchoring points!

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/21 19:29:34

Post by: Overread

I'm actually surprised they didn't make the toes of each foot a moving part as well considering how the leg can be fully posed and the angle arrangement is REALLY neat

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/21 19:36:40

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Possibly just a faff too far?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/21 19:38:21

Post by: Overread

Possibly, but would make standing on other surfaces for a raised leg on a base a bit more easily posed. Esp since they went as far as to put detail on the underside of the leg, so they fully expect some to make in-motion walking titans.

Still its a fantastic kit; knocks socks off the old metal one I have (in other news anyone want vintage stuff?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/21 19:46:31

Post by: Thargrim

Strg Alt wrote:I fear you are alone. AT was the first GW game that nobody ordered in my local GW store. Nobody! There won´t even be demo games in the store. GW was successful in pricing out the whole local community. LOL!

Nobody else bought it at my lgs either, game was doa in the community. I did buy some knights though got them built up, even drilled out the gun barrels....which was kinda stressful cause there is no room for error...cause no spares if I mess up. I am unsure how i'm going to paint my force, I guess I have some time to think about it...no sense in rushing until the warhounds are out.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/21 19:51:13

Post by: Overread

Hopefully once you've got a few titans painted up and on the table you can coax some others into the game locally. I think some might have been put off by the price; but I think others just didn't know what they were getting into - heck hte Warlord is a fantastic kit in itself, worth owning even if one isn't going to game.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/21 19:56:55

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik


The cost of an army is actually fairly modest. Warlord, couple of Reavers, box of Warhounds. All in, should easily weigh in under £200.

The closest equivalent I can think of, in terms of scale, would be Warmahordes (even then I may be wrong). Yet a Warlord is easily twice the size of your standard Warjack, and a more accomplished kit. Without being intimately familiar with them, from memory it’s more the size of a Colossal - and a better price.

The release itself is also closer to AoS than say, Necromunda or Blood Bowl. Can easily prove a grower as releases come.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/21 20:31:23

Post by: btom

 Overread wrote:

I now fully expect to see photos of the 50 titan battle that takes all week to play out!

And welcome to the site!

Thanks, might take a while to get to 50, I'm a pretty slow (lazy) painter.

Speaking of which, am interested to see how everyone else is painting theirs, painting the skeleton first seems the most expedient but painting the armour separately is a bit of a pain.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:

The cost of an army is actually fairly modest. Warlord, couple of Reavers, box of Warhounds. All in, should easily weigh in under £200.

The closest equivalent I can think of, in terms of scale, would be Warmahordes (even then I may be wrong). Yet a Warlord is easily twice the size of your standard Warjack, and a more accomplished kit. Without being intimately familiar with them, from memory it’s more the size of a Colossal - and a better price.

The release itself is also closer to AoS than say, Necromunda or Blood Bowl. Can easily prove a grower as releases come.

I agree about the price but what I really like is that its a little like a Bloodbowl team, once you have a Maniple for example that is a fairly comprehensive force you could play with for a long time and will certainly come in cheaper than a 40k army for instance.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/21 20:39:33

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Cheap to switch it up too, especially if you’ve magnetised.

I didn’t bother, but for those on a tighter budget/possessed of more sense, that’s an appeal as well. No need to buy more than your core Titans when the weapons are easily switched up.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/21 22:17:10

Post by: Overread

For me magnets on the main weapons just makes sense and I'm actually REALLY pleased to see GW thought of that as well. Whilst they haven't put magnets in the box, they have put slots in the weapon slots designed for magnets. (5mm diameter, 2mm depth).

You might only buy 3 or so Warlords ever and field them at once, but with magnets in the arms you can at least change the composition of the weapons you choose to take as much as you desire.

This adds so much versatility and whilst one might glue down one or two more highly posed or just for ease; I think having one or two magnetized ones around will be very good value for any player.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/21 22:20:27

Post by: puzzledust

I don't want to get off topic or derail the thread but could someone direct me to where I might find out which Knights go with which Legios?
I know nothing of the fluff and I'd like to paint things correctly.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/21 22:25:45

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

I also suspect the spectacle of the game will help sell it.

The one thing they didn’t do enough with was showing off the size of the Warlord. Sure we had pics, but precious little reference.

For us Sad Old Grognards, they could’ve put it next to the old Warlord and Imperator Titan - because this Warlord is a serious piece of kit! But without that, it was hard to appreciate it.

Now, once we see games being played, I really think people will be blown away. Models. Tactics. Overall gameplay.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/21 22:31:16

Post by: GoatboyBeta

puzzledust wrote:
I don't want to get off topic or derail the thread but could someone direct me to where I might find out which Knights go with which Legios?
I know nothing of the fluff and I'd like to paint things correctly.

At the moment I think your best bet would be to trawl through the 40k wiki pages on the various Forge worlds, Legios and Knight houses, as well as any big battles/campaigns. Fingers crossed it wont be too long before we get some kind of lovely background and campaign book.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/21 22:50:50

Post by: Soulless

I just collected my GME today and aside from just grinning like an idiot while unboxing Ive only just started assembling the buildings.

Will get around to the actual models soon enough but told myself I would finish my Killteam before I start anything else.

What a fantastic game this seems to be though, cant wait to try it out!

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/22 02:31:33

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Got a box of knights, damn these things are cute!

Quite small and fiddly tough so handle them whit care. A bit limiting wep options but i guess thats allright for a unit that is just ment as flanker/harasser/distraction.
Never been mutch for lore so it will have its own colour, i just need to find the time first.

But i have a question, who is that will actualy sell the game past what we have now at release week? is it GW or is it FW?

edit, knights ready for painting

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/22 02:52:03

Post by: Thargrim

 FrozenDwarf wrote:
Got a box of knights, damn these things are cute!

Quite small and fiddly tough so handle them whit care. A bit limiting wep options but i guess thats allright for a unit that is just ment as flanker/harasser/distraction.
Never been mutch for lore so it will have its own colour, i just need to find the time first.

But i have a question, who is that will actualy sell the game past what we have now at release week? is it GW or is it FW?

It seems all of the plastics and the core stuff will be sold through GW, just like necromunda and blood bowl. Any resin upgrades or off the wall bits they do will probably be forgeworld.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/22 09:27:37

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

The Knights are pretty cool. Built my three yesterday, and they were a fun build.

They may also prove, following further releases, a cheap way to vary your Legio. Questoris are useful, but what when we get the lanky FW chassis? Those tend to be a bit more specialised, and I can imagine the Lancer being really quit’s popular.

Just want to see the pricing on the Reaver and Warhounds now. I’m suspecting both will be around the £45 mark, but that’s just speculation.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/22 13:32:05

Post by: Lysenis

Knights and bases are done. Got two warlords to build (skeletons only) and a bunch of terrain. Already list building and theory crafting!

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/22 15:02:37

Post by: weasel_beef

Assembled the six battlefield assets last night. BIG MOVES being made over here.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/22 15:56:47

Post by: bortass

Anyone painting the tokens, arc templates, etc? If so what colors did you go with? I saw the guy from GMG painted one of the arc templates, so I plan to do the same. I'm thinking of going with a bronze color, though a thin glaze over silver would be interesting too. No idea what color ink I'd use though.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/22 16:33:09

Post by: FrozenDwarf

sheesh, you guys are speed painters.....
barly got the knight legs and torso done today. my own body said no more painting. (hate getting old)


[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/23 10:09:15

Post by: General Helstrom

Nice idea for a thread

In preparation for the game's release I built enough scenery to fill a table. This includes a crashed spaceship, large rock formations and a load of tiny little trees.

Now that the big box is in I've built my first Warlord, painted the basic metal and slapped on the base colors:

The coming days I shall be painting trim:

So... Much... Trim...

My Knights are on hold until I get some new drill bits to put 2mm magnets in their arms.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/23 16:47:34

Post by: Soulless

Taken me three days to finish the buildings, havent even started on the rest D:

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/24 00:15:31

Post by: BrianDavion

I've only just started assmblying, wanted to snag some magnets first. I'm doing Legio Atarus. the Firebrands. should be a nice and easy colour scheme. also nice that the associated Knight house, Col'Khak is named, well there's nothing offically printed with their colour scheme a diamorama suggests that they use a simple red with silver trim. so thats good.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/24 01:24:18

Post by: puzzledust

Can anybody help a brother out and tell me what knight houses go with the following Legios? I've been searching but I don't know much about the fluff or how to determine this.

Legio Fureans
Legio Xestobiax

These are the two I'm going with. Unfortunately there are NO Xestobiax transfer sheets out there and I'm too lazy to make my own.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/24 01:54:00

Post by: BrianDavion

puzzledust wrote:
Can anybody help a brother out and tell me what knight houses go with the following Legios? I've been searching but I don't know much about the fluff or how to determine this.

Legio Fureans
Legio Xestobiax

These are the two I'm going with. Unfortunately there are NO Xestobiax transfer sheets out there and I'm too lazy to make my own.

I have a hunch House Fureans didn't really HAVE any Knight houses associated with them. a Knight house tends to be associated with a Legion when the forge world strikes a bargin with a kn ight world of supplies in return for tech support. Fureans homeworld was basicly broken so I doubt struck any of those bargins and the Legion themselves tended not to form alliances, save that with Legio Mortis. Doesn't mean they can't have knights with them, but they likkely would have the knights operating with them on a case by case basis.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/24 02:25:33

Post by: puzzledust

BrianDavion wrote:
puzzledust wrote:
Can anybody help a brother out and tell me what knight houses go with the following Legios? I've been searching but I don't know much about the fluff or how to determine this.

Legio Fureans
Legio Xestobiax

These are the two I'm going with. Unfortunately there are NO Xestobiax transfer sheets out there and I'm too lazy to make my own.

I have a hunch House Fureans didn't really HAVE any Knight houses associated with them. a Knight house tends to be associated with a Legion when the forge world strikes a bargin with a kn ight world of supplies in return for tech support. Fureans homeworld was basicly broken so I doubt struck any of those bargins and the Legion themselves tended not to form alliances, save that with Legio Mortis. Doesn't mean they can't have knights with them, but they likkely would have the knights operating with them on a case by case basis.

Thank you for explaining that. So maybe I could just pick any chaos aligned knight house? Now I need to figure out how I am going to mask those flames. I think by cutting each flame out of masking tape with an exacto..... gonna take a while.
I'll make one of my two warlords Xestobiax (good version) because I love purple.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/24 02:49:52

Post by: BrianDavion

puzzledust wrote:
BrianDavion wrote:
puzzledust wrote:
Can anybody help a brother out and tell me what knight houses go with the following Legios? I've been searching but I don't know much about the fluff or how to determine this.

Legio Fureans
Legio Xestobiax

These are the two I'm going with. Unfortunately there are NO Xestobiax transfer sheets out there and I'm too lazy to make my own.

I have a hunch House Fureans didn't really HAVE any Knight houses associated with them. a Knight house tends to be associated with a Legion when the forge world strikes a bargin with a kn ight world of supplies in return for tech support. Fureans homeworld was basicly broken so I doubt struck any of those bargins and the Legion themselves tended not to form alliances, save that with Legio Mortis. Doesn't mean they can't have knights with them, but they likkely would have the knights operating with them on a case by case basis.

Thank you for explaining that. So maybe I could just pick any chaos aligned knight house? Now I need to figure out how I am going to mask those flames. I think by cutting each flame out of masking tape with an exacto..... gonna take a while.
I'll make one of my two warlords Xestobiax (good version) because I love purple.

yeah ani chaos knight house should work, if you can't pick one, maybe go with House Devine?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/24 10:35:19

Post by: skeleton

oké Progress so far, build the buildings was a lot of fun and its very modular, started on my knights but dont know how to arm them stubber or melta??

still thinking on the collors for my knights, one of the warlords will be legio mortis and the other will be a good guy dont know yet.
will end up whit on of the two you get decals for

error on my side there is only one melta so you have no choise

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/24 11:16:45

Post by: BrianDavion

 skeleton wrote:
oké Progress so far, build the buildings was a lot of fun and its very modular, started on my knights but dont know how to arm them stubber or melta??

still thinking on the collors for my knights, one of the warlords will be legio mortis and the other will be a good guy dont know yet.
will end up whit on of the two you get decals for

stubber or melta is really irrelevant as the detail too fine to notice the differance unless you look real close. that said the melta is IIRC a straight upgrade for the points. So proably worth snagging if you can.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/24 13:48:09

Post by: FrozenDwarf

ye, kit comes whit 3 stubbers and 1 melta.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/24 14:27:33

Post by: weasel_beef

bortass wrote:
Anyone painting the tokens, arc templates, etc? If so what colors did you go with? I saw the guy from GMG painted one of the arc templates, so I plan to do the same. I'm thinking of going with a bronze color, though a thin glaze over silver would be interesting too. No idea what color ink I'd use though.

I clipped/cleaned all the tokens and arcs the other night and intend to paint them as well.

For a bronze, if you're using GW paints, you could do Warplock Bronze, wash w/ Nuln Oil, and highlight w/ Stormhost Silver. The silver highlights on bronze pop really well...I used that on the AoS endless machine cogs spell and it looks pretty nice.

For the general tokens...void shield and damage trackers, I'm thinking either a metal base with gold details or a bronze. I think metal will look better for the tokens as they'll need to stand out a bit on the command terminal. Going to likely try a Leadbelcher base, Balthazar Gold for the details, and than wash w/ Nuln Oil.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/24 14:47:03

Post by: doktor_g

Mine came yesterday. I have so much to do! Finishing up Roman Cavalry. Whole dang German Platoon that's just assembled. 4 blood bowl teams, now the game I have been waiting for 2 years just came..... Decisions decisions.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/24 15:53:10

Post by: Overread

My knight kit just arrived - very neat! Impressed that 3 knights fit so well onto a single sprue and they are thicker/chunkier (in a good way) than I was expecting!

Few niggles:
1) The body segments go together well but have very soft edges to the join areas. So one has to be a little more careful lining up parts. Surprising as a lot more recent GW product have had very firm lines on them or peg/slots.

2) A shame there are no spare weapon options in the box, but a few more kits and some weapon expansion packs will solve that. Plus I'd honestly not be able to see where they could fit more onto the sprue so that would likely have meant two sprue and thus a higher cost (and I think the £20 is very solid to have in the range).

Also where are people putting the magnets and of what size for the arms? I assume at the shoulder and into the body; since whilst that does mean each weapon is fixed to a specific side, there is more room to put the magnet in; whilst on the arm joint area there is far less room to drill in a hole to fit a magnet.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/24 16:41:26

Post by: Mendi Warrior

 Overread wrote:

Also where are people putting the magnets and of what size for the arms? I assume at the shoulder and into the body; since whilst that does mean each weapon is fixed to a specific side, there is more room to put the magnet in; whilst on the arm joint area there is far less room to drill in a hole to fit a magnet.

Same dilemna here. If magnetised at weapon - shoulder join you have the most flexibility but much less space, while if magnetised at shoulder - torso join, you have less flexibility but more space. And there is still one unknown parameter: are additional weapons coming with or without the shoulder (component 26 on the sprue)? If no shoulder included, then it will have to be magnetised at the weapon - shoulder join. I would be surprised and disappointed if there were no shoulder component with additional arms' weapons.

Also thinking of maybe adding one under the carapace for the upcoming tiny missile pod.

I was thinking 1mm x 1mm or 2mm x 1mm (diameter x height).

Progress so far:

6 Knights in 4 sub-assemblies:

(1) legs: if leaving the banners aside for now, make an annotation of the built (A, B, or C) as the poses are slightly different, otherwise it is just a couple more minutes finding the matching banner
(2) torsos
(3) carapaces: carapace + shield + heavy stubber/meltagun, you can point the weapon in various directions but if you do so dry fit with the torsos, the back of meltagun is a bit longer than the heavy stubber and if you leave the torso and carapace separate it is best it does not hinder removing the carapace
(4) ranged weapons: I didn't glue them to the shoulder component
Pieces left aside for now: heads, a couple of banners, shoulders

2 Warlords wip in 2 sub-assemblies so far

(1) legs
(2) torsos

The sculpting is great, details are many and very neat.

No flash, no mould lines (except maybe, if you are a perfectionist, on the knights rapid-fire battlecannon).

A real pleasure to build.

For the armour plates to be painted while still on the sprue, I looked into the possibility to remove some of the frame to have easier access. I see General Helstrom did this as well for the legs' armour plates.

[Thumb - Warlord - Armour plates.JPG]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/24 16:46:59

Post by: Overread

In fairness flash/mouldlines tend to be more of an issue on older moulds. IT's one big bonus of getting models at or near launch as you're mostly dealing with totally fresh moulds with very little wear and tear from mass production. In contrast some older sculpts can end up with far more mould lines as the mould gets older and older and isn't yet replaced with a fresh one.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/24 16:56:54

Post by: Mendi Warrior


I would add that the sprues are quite well thought of, there are relatively few attachment points that are really visible once the model is built.

To such a point that for some components I had to look back at the sprue to identify where the attachment points were. The cut was so clean there wasn't anything to remove (I always tend to spend a lot of time cleaning every components).

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/24 17:01:22

Post by: Overread

Mendi Warrior wrote:

I would add that the sprues are quite well thought of, there are relatively few attachment points that are really visible once the model is built.

To such a point that for some components I had to look back at the sprue to identify where the attachment points were. The cut was so clean there wasn't anything to remove (I always tend to spend a lot of time cleaning every components).

Honestly the only thing on a warlord and knights that I've had issue with is ridges on the weapons for the warlord (seriously WHY ridges on the mould lines!); which is no diffrent to the pains of plasma gun marines for decades. Overall very well thought out and very neat kits! Love the legwork on the Warlord.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/24 17:14:04

Post by: Mendi Warrior

 Overread wrote:

Honestly the only thing on a warlord and knights that I've had issue with is ridges on the weapons for the warlord (seriously WHY ridges on the mould lines!); which is no diffrent to the pains of plasma gun marines for decades. Overall very well thought out and very neat kits! Love the legwork on the Warlord.

Weapons are for later today or tomorrow, I'll discover that then I think I read somewhere ridges were meant to somehow hide the potential mould lines ... knowing myself, I would still clean them.

Plasma guns … old WHFB skeletons are also a pain to clean.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/24 18:11:38

Post by: FrozenDwarf

meh, i dident bother whit mags on the knights, cuz that is 2mm you have to cut of the arms somewhere to avoid getting stupidly long arms.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/24 19:25:18

Post by: GoatboyBeta

puzzledust wrote:
Can anybody help a brother out and tell me what knight houses go with the following Legios? I've been searching but I don't know much about the fluff or how to determine this.

Legio Fureans
Legio Xestobiax

These are the two I'm going with. Unfortunately there are NO Xestobiax transfer sheets out there and I'm too lazy to make my own.

If there is one thing painting non house Terryn 40k Knights has taught me, its don't sweat a lack of transfers

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/24 19:39:27

Post by: BrianDavion

 FrozenDwarf wrote:
meh, i dident bother whit mags on the knights, cuz that is 2mm you have to cut of the arms somewhere to avoid getting stupidly long arms.

Yeah magnetizing knights doesn't seem that important. as it si they're cheap eneugh that you can afford to have some extras in differant configs I suspect

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/25 14:18:20

Post by: bortass

I have everything from the GME built in they various sub assemblies. I'll wait till later to start me sector terrain box.

The only things painted so far are the tokens and arc templates since I wanted to do those on the sprue and they needed to be done first if I wanted to play.. I went with VMA gold, Agrax wash, VMA bright brass dry brush, followed up with VMA chrome. I'm not gonna bother with the mold lines on the cogs and might not even touch up the sides. You really don't look at them closely. I just wanted them to be prettier than plain plastic.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/26 10:44:49

Post by: TeAXIIIT13

Finished my warlord and knights yesterday and then had a game against my brothers 2 warlords and knights, I got stomped, was awesome thoug, can’t wait for the other titans and knights

[Thumb - 94648DE2-AACC-485D-9334-CA824F8D3371.jpeg]
[Thumb - 49790E36-178E-4000-A0EC-99A8ECC5B2CB.jpeg]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/26 13:12:17

Post by: Soulless

Got everything assembled (and subassembled) and sorted now ready for painting but I need to figure out what scheme I want.

Magnetised the titan weapons at the shoulders (where the model has indents for magnets) and the carapace weapons.
I REALLY hope that GW/FW realise that they need to release weapon upgrades now that include that part of the arm, else they have effectively ruined the magnetisation they themselves proposed :O

Automatically Appended Next Post:
BTW, anyone got any good (and simple-ish) tips on how to base for AT to preserve the sense of scale?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/26 16:28:39

Post by: Sherrypie

Got some knights built. One banner with melee weapons and meltas for flanking charges (and extra communication towers) and another for fire support with rocket pods and the obligatory double avenger for brraaap noises

[Thumb - DSC_1134.JPG]
[Thumb - DSC_1132.JPG]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/26 17:06:37

Post by: Mendi Warrior

A few pictures
- 6 knights in sub-assemblies, heads still on sprue for now (awaiting magnets and more info on additional weapons)
- 2 warlords in sub-assemblies, legs and torsos, only one leg fully glued to allow for fine-tuning the other, one is resting on some rocks (pine bark), the other is advancing (nothing glued to the bases yet except for the pine bark), still many components on sprue, heads and armour plates in particular

I also started toying with civitas imperialis components
- 1 building made of 9 independent modules (ground floor + 2 x towers with 3 levels and a roof). The roof is simply made of cardboard, cut in triangles, glued together and topped with a CoD component. The roof's base is such that its measurement matches the inner of the tower's last level, and the top such that it matches the base of the CoD element. You can choose the height of the roof as you like.

While busy with the civitas imperialis stuff, I noticed a few things of interest:

(1) As we know the components have 3 different heights: low, medium, high. If you glue a low and a medium component together you end up slightly below the height of the high one, it is a 1mm difference. No big deal you may say but implications are that the crevice that is inside will then be 1mm lower than the ones of the adjacent components, resulting in difficulties putting the floor tiles in place, and potentially giving higher modules some leaning (think Tower of Pisa) because of the module's base resting lower there than on the roof.

(2) If you use something else than the floor tiles, beware of thickness. The crevice's height is about 1.5mm. Using something thicker as floor will generate problems fitting the floor into the crevice and also potentially give your higher modules some leaning.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Sherrypie wrote:
Got some knights built. One banner with melee weapons and meltas for flanking charges (and extra communication towers) and another for fire support with rocket pods and the obligatory double avenger for brraaap noises

Lovely and efficient conversion, are they Mk II lightning claws?

[Thumb - 20180826_174246.jpg]
[Thumb - 20180826_174922.jpg]
[Thumb - 20180826_171814 (2).jpg]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/26 17:45:02

Post by: Mr_Rose

Just finished assembling my first banner of knights; magnetising at the elbows was tricky but it has worked out great, and seems like a good ‘just in case’ for when Forge World come out with alternate/extra weapon arms. Unless they sell arms with shoulders, in which case I might cry…

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/26 19:52:20

Post by: BrianDavion

Soulless wrote:
Got everything assembled (and subassembled) and sorted now ready for painting but I need to figure out what scheme I want.

Magnetised the titan weapons at the shoulders (where the model has indents for magnets) and the carapace weapons.
I REALLY hope that GW/FW realise that they need to release weapon upgrades now that include that part of the arm, else they have effectively ruined the magnetisation they themselves proposed :O

Automatically Appended Next Post:
BTW, anyone got any good (and simple-ish) tips on how to base for AT to preserve the sense of scale?

a few ideas, the most simple is ruined buildings on the base, (it's what Duncan suggests in his "how to paint a Legio Gryphonicus warlord titan" tutorial") another idea might be to find some 3rd party infantry thats to scale and put them on the base. Someone suggested these to me https://vanguardminiatures.co.uk/shop/cybershadows-infantry-platoon/ (they'd be PERFECT Skitarii ) another idea might be, if you're willing to sacrifice one of the baby knight minis, to put a wrecked knight on the base would be good too most people are familer with the knights in 40k and know how big they are, so a wrecked knight on the base would hammer in the scale.

If you've got a IK in a display case this would even serve to enforce it to people who don;t play 40k, as they;d look at a IK, compare it to a space marine (or whatever) and immediatly know it's massive

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/26 21:39:46

Post by: Sherrypie

Mendi Warrior wrote:

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Sherrypie wrote:
Got some knights built. One banner with melee weapons and meltas for flanking charges (and extra communication towers) and another for fire support with rocket pods and the obligatory double avenger for brraaap noises

Lovely and efficient conversion, are they Mk II lightning claws?

Plastic cataphractii ones from the BaC set, they fit in pretty much perfectly without any major surgery and the hanging pterugii help to convey their slow and ponderous motion (one has to be careful though, so they'll align with the rest of the figure's motion). Should be more visible when they'll get their bases and some paint.

Next up though, gonna start the first Warlord. That is some sweet kit.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/27 06:58:38

Post by: Regis_sotum

Got my GME yesterday, and it is outstanding. Started with warlord and knights, implanting magnets all around. Actually, big guy looks great with Turbo Lasers! And the elbow can be made movable quite easy.
The only controversy is arm magnets soket place at the shoulder - elbow would do far better, since you would not have to re-make the whole arm for each weapon. Probably, my second warlord will be modifided this way.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/27 10:09:45

Post by: AndrewGPaul

With any luck, the entire GME set will be finished by next weekend, in time to order a Reaver or two.

As for the magnets at the shoulder, it's a more solid position than the elbow. Any additional weapons will come with the upper arm pieces anyway, and the arms are specific to one side of the titan anyway, so you don't lose any flexibility there. I suppose you could magnetise at the elbow, and also magnetise the armour plates over the arms, but ... any minor benefit doesn't outweigh the extra guddling about, IMO.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/27 10:53:14

Post by: BrianDavion

Yeah the Reaver has forced me to pick up my pace, I've nearly got my first Walord, completed then it's onto the next, it's coming out beautifully. I'm really happy with the colour scheme I've got, red white and gold.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/27 11:54:43

Post by: jonolikespie

I got my single warlord's skeleton built, magnetized, masked, undercoated, basecoated, and washed.

I just airbrushed the armour panels from the lower half, hopefully they can be trimmed, weathered, and attached in the next day or two.

I also have the chains and banner poll dangling from it's crotch, but no banner yet. Hopefully Legio Krytos will walk soon.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/27 13:18:19

Post by: weasel_beef

I started painting the markers/tokens and arc measuring things last night. Got the basecoat of Leadbelcher on the markers and basecoat of Warplock Bronze on the arcs. Probably paying a little too much attention to these pieces, but I need something to work on to keep the AT-hype going while I figure out a color scheme for my knights and warlord.

Edit: Definitely going to throw a clear coat on all the pieces after completion. I've got a pot of the GW 'Ardcoat, but it's kind of glossy. If I dilute it with water a bit, will it be a bit less glossy? Or am I applying too much?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/27 14:42:09

Post by: AndrewGPaul

I'm now considering changing my plan - the second Warlord might now be a Loyalist machine (either Fire Wasps because that's the classic matchup or Warp Runners because they're cool, even without flames). A pair of Reavers in September and a pair of Warhounds in October will set me up nicely with an Axiom Maniple.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/27 19:33:18

Post by: Regis_sotum

And Atarus Warlord is basicaly done. Some trimming and little fixing remains, but I am glad with it. The god-engine is ready for this week clash, and the only question left unsolved is the name. "Judex Furores", Furious Judge, or maybe "Bellator Aeternam", Eternal Warrior?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/27 20:02:45

Post by: Mr_Rose

Just going through the assembly instructions for the buildings in the GME and it turns out they use exactly half of the sprues…
For anyone that bought the big Sector box, is there a different booklet with additional/different examples in it?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/27 20:41:29

Post by: Sherrypie

Got the first Warlord underway, boy is it fun to build. I shall also always cherish the memory of those brave Bretonnian knights who got lobotomised for these statues and banners

[Thumb - DSC_1136.JPG]
[Thumb - DSC_1138.JPG]
[Thumb - DSC_1139.JPG]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/27 20:44:48

Post by: Mr_Rose

Oh, that is a good idea. I’ll have to raid my bitz box…

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/27 21:11:47

Post by: Mendi Warrior

 Mr_Rose wrote:
Just going through the assembly instructions for the buildings in the GME and it turns out they use exactly half of the sprues…
For anyone that bought the big Sector box, is there a different booklet with additional/different examples in it?

Nope, it is exactly the same booklet.

Don't hesitate checking the old Cities of Death codex, there are a few ideas that can be replicated.

A couple elements I created combining the new civitas imperialis, an old FW censorium and a few other items.

[Thumb - 20180827_182610 (2).jpg]
[Thumb - 20180827_102757 (2).jpg]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/27 21:17:20

Post by: Mr_Rose

At last! The fabled Imperial Shopping Mall!

Seriously though, the cathedral looks aces.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/27 21:26:33

Post by: Mendi Warrior

 Mr_Rose wrote:
At last! The fabled Imperial Shopping Mall!

Seriously though, the cathedral looks aces.

Lol and thanks

The "shopping mall" is actually the back of the cathedral's lowest level (not counting the polystyrene base). With a door opening up a couple of levels I thought it would be nice to add a terrace

Each "level" is an independent module so it can be rearranged.

Using civitas imperialis components goes very fast with huge footprint buildings.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/27 21:37:04

Post by: Mr_Rose

Can we see the back of the completed ‘stack’/cathedral?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/27 22:02:14

Post by: Mendi Warrior

 Mr_Rose wrote:
Can we see the back of the completed ‘stack’/cathedral?

Sure, one pic of the back without the polystyrene base, one with the base, the base and the various sub-modules (the tower is also in 3 independent parts). The polystyrene just happened to have that particular shape, a bit reminiscent of Japanese castles, probably more than 10 years that it was in my "bitz box".

[Thumb - 20180827_234844 (2).jpg]
[Thumb - 20180827_235044 (2).jpg]
[Thumb - 20180827_235951 (2).jpg]
[Thumb - 20180827_235752 (2).jpg]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/27 23:43:26

Post by: Mr_Rose

That’s pretty awesome though I guess that big resin part helped a little :p seriously tho, nice job which I’m totally not stealing… except for the pyramid roof which is going on top of the ‘bell tower’ of my ‘Palace of Westminster’ when I get it finished.

Oh! How did you support those roof panels in the middle there?
Sprue or plasticard?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/28 06:43:49

Post by: Mendi Warrior

 Mr_Rose wrote:
That’s pretty awesome though I guess that big resin part helped a little :p seriously tho, nice job which I’m totally not stealing… except for the pyramid roof which is going on top of the ‘bell tower’ of my ‘Palace of Westminster’ when I get it finished.

Oh! How did you support those roof panels in the middle there?
Sprue or plasticard?


Absolutely, it was also the perfect excuse to see how the old FW epic buildings fit with the new civitas imperialis. I believe they are just perfect. As resin is quite heavy and the roof tiles pretty light, best to add support underneath. It is ok on 2x2 footprints. Beware that depending on your choice of roof tiles, if not totally flat, the resin might not stand perfectly on top of them. I'll probably add a little base to elevate the resin tower and circumvent the problem.

Support for the roof panels in the middle is simply sprue. There are quite a few sprues layouts with an X, I found these perfect. I also clean the sprue so it is totally flat. The double and triple roof tiles can be easily cut into single ones which allows for more variations. I also used sprue for the smaller 2x2 roof, it is made of 4 single roof tiles, it helps avoid gaps.

[Thumb - 20180827_102315 (2).jpg]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/28 07:37:16

Post by: BrianDavion

Regis_sotum wrote:
And Atarus Warlord is basicaly done. Some trimming and little fixing remains, but I am glad with it. The god-engine is ready for this week clash, and the only question left unsolved is the name. "Judex Furores", Furious Judge, or maybe "Bellator Aeternam", Eternal Warrior?

ohh thats nice, I was doing Legio Atarus myself but over time the little tweeks and customizations I added to the paint scheme has resulted in a completely differnat custom Legio. I'll hopefully have a pic ready soon

BTW anyone done up custom transfers for any of the Legios yet?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
This is Dominus Belli nearly ready to walk

excuse the poor picture quality my tablet sucks.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/28 08:43:12

Post by: Yodhrin

Nice to see things picking up a bit here, the FB group is getting a touch soul-destroying(insisting someone delete photos of their Titan because it had a single teeny wee 3d printed Deimos Rhino on the base as decoration... ).

I couldn't resist doing a touch of converting to my Warlord, the two images show the first stage with armour plating just tac'd on to check the "full stride" pose still let them all fit(they do, barely). Subsequently I decided to also modify the helmet, which now has some vertical "vents" in the faceplate, and the left shoulderpad, on which I've replaced the cog on the Opus Titanica with a shield & scroll heraldic device I can paint on top of. No pics of those yet.


At the moment I'm waiting for supplies - my black spray is empty, and I want to try hitting the undercoated chassis with a solid gloss lacquer coat before I apply the metallic since I've read it can make metal acrylics "pop" a bit more, so I'm waiting for cans of all that, and I have a second box of Knights on the way(I'd planned to wait on those, but I borked my initial attempt to cast up some extra battle cannons by assembling the one from my first box before I thought to mold it; this time I'll do the individual parts) along with the big terrain box.

I'll say this though - there are times I envy the folk who don't have any particular affinity for the lore, it must be so much easier to not feel compelled to spend whole weekends researching Sassanid Persia to help construct background for your Knight Household. Just for example...

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/28 10:12:51

Post by: schoon

Excellent work on the buildings, Mendi.

There's a great one on the AT Facebook group right now of two buildings linked by a sky bridge.

...and excellent posing on that Warlord, Yodhrin! The forward stride really animates the model.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/28 11:27:10

Post by: Daston

I went for the GM box and 2 warlords that im builing as 2 legions to demo games at our club and with friends. First warlord is mostly done, just fine detail, decals and weathering to go.

[Thumb - 20180827_221830.jpg]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/28 13:24:47

Post by: Mendi Warrior

 schoon wrote:
Excellent work on the buildings, Mendi.

There's a great one on the AT Facebook group right now of two buildings linked by a sky bridge.

...and excellent posing on that Warlord, Yodhrin! The forward stride really animates the model.

Thanks a lot

Curious to see it, could you post it here? I have yet to succumb to the sirens of FB (yep, I am truly a dinosaur in this regard).

A sky bridge is definitely on my to do list. I have quite a few other ideas but I'll have to pause for a couple of days.

It is extremely cool to see all the other great projects here, it is quite emulating.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/28 14:49:40

Post by: schoon

Let's try this...

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/28 14:51:28

Post by: Daston

My god! I need more sets

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/28 15:03:02

Post by: Mendi Warrior

Cool, thanks a lot schoon


(my wallet is crying now)

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/28 15:13:47

Post by: Daston

 weasel_beef wrote:
I started painting the markers/tokens and arc measuring things last night. Got the basecoat of Leadbelcher on the markers and basecoat of Warplock Bronze on the arcs. Probably paying a little too much attention to these pieces, but I need something to work on to keep the AT-hype going while I figure out a color scheme for my knights and warlord.

Edit: Definitely going to throw a clear coat on all the pieces after completion. I've got a pot of the GW 'Ardcoat, but it's kind of glossy. If I dilute it with water a bit, will it be a bit less glossy? Or am I applying too much?

Ard coat is a gloss varnish, you need a matt varnish from army painter/Vajello or a spray matt varnish like GWs purity seal

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/28 16:11:04

Post by: The_Real_Chris

Got my magnets, but probably no other work will be done until September. About a dozen guys in my club in Uxbridge it seems. I will be using my old metal forumware warlords, reaver and warhounds until i can get the newer ones into service.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/28 22:53:06

Post by: General Helstrom

Tonight I ran our club's inaugural AT game. Lots of fun was had as a five-player co-op zombie Knight hunt turned into a desperate knife fight when two of the Warlords declared for the Warmaster! Two Warlords got completely obliterated, two were crippled and one was badly damaged. The loyalists carried the day but at great cost and with heavy hearts - the Horus Heresy has begun!

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/29 01:45:18

Post by: BrianDavion

a low chance I know but has anyone done custom transfer sheets for any of the various other Legios?

Or simply knows a good place to get some hereldric type decals the right size for the tilting shield?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/29 11:58:44

Post by: Yodhrin

Almost done with my wee modded shoulder section. The shield and scroll will serve as a canvas to put the Legio name & icon on at the painting stage.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/29 13:10:10

Post by: weasel_beef

Daston wrote:
 weasel_beef wrote:
I started painting the markers/tokens and arc measuring things last night. Got the basecoat of Leadbelcher on the markers and basecoat of Warplock Bronze on the arcs. Probably paying a little too much attention to these pieces, but I need something to work on to keep the AT-hype going while I figure out a color scheme for my knights and warlord.

Edit: Definitely going to throw a clear coat on all the pieces after completion. I've got a pot of the GW 'Ardcoat, but it's kind of glossy. If I dilute it with water a bit, will it be a bit less glossy? Or am I applying too much?

Ard coat is a gloss varnish, you need a matt varnish from army painter/Vajello or a spray matt varnish like GWs purity seal

Ah dang, okay. Already put the coat on the firing arcs, will pop by the FLGS at lunch and see if I can get a matte one for the tokens. Thanks!

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/29 14:27:40

Post by: Lysenis

 Yodhrin wrote:
Almost done with my wee modded shoulder section. The shield and scroll will serve as a canvas to put the Legio name & icon on at the painting stage.

To be that good! That looks AMAZING! . . .

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/29 14:49:29

Post by: puzzledust

 General Helstrom wrote:
Tonight I ran our club's inaugural AT game. Lots of fun was had as a five-player co-op zombie Knight hunt turned into a desperate knife fight when two of the Warlords declared for the Warmaster! Two Warlords got completely obliterated, two were crippled and one was badly damaged. The loyalists carried the day but at great cost and with heavy hearts - the Horus Heresy has begun!

Hey Helstrom do you happen to know how your friend masked out the flames? I'm planning to paint mine in Legio Fureans as well and wondering the best way to do the flames.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/29 15:02:42

Post by: General Helstrom

puzzledust wrote:
Hey Helstrom do you happen to know how your friend masked out the flames? I'm planning to paint mine in Legio Fureans as well and wondering the best way to do the flames.

Yes - he didn't He drew the outline of the flames with a fine-tipped technical drawing pen, then painted them in. His advice was to use a fine brush in an upward motion to create the flames, so you get a sharp tip to them.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/29 16:12:43

Post by: FrozenDwarf

 weasel_beef wrote:
Daston wrote:
 weasel_beef wrote:
I started painting the markers/tokens and arc measuring things last night. Got the basecoat of Leadbelcher on the markers and basecoat of Warplock Bronze on the arcs. Probably paying a little too much attention to these pieces, but I need something to work on to keep the AT-hype going while I figure out a color scheme for my knights and warlord.

Edit: Definitely going to throw a clear coat on all the pieces after completion. I've got a pot of the GW 'Ardcoat, but it's kind of glossy. If I dilute it with water a bit, will it be a bit less glossy? Or am I applying too much?

Ard coat is a gloss varnish, you need a matt varnish from army painter/Vajello or a spray matt varnish like GWs purity seal

Ah dang, okay. Already put the coat on the firing arcs, will pop by the FLGS at lunch and see if I can get a matte one for the tokens. Thanks!

try satin varnish.
mat and gloss is like the end of the scales. gloss adds unatural shine to it, matt removes any hint of it and they can be pretty rough on the final look. test, test and more test!
allso, GWs matt leaves a light greyish tone over the model so avoid it.

satin is the middle ground, it is more towards the gloss scale but it is very little compared to standard gloss.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/29 19:46:37

Post by: Sherrypie

Getting ready for priming, now with infantry, crushed buildings and a sand paper road.

[Thumb - DSC_1140.JPG]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/30 07:00:14

Post by: Regis_sotum

The first battle is done, and it is great. We actually spend most of the time thinking about tatcics, avoiding exposed position and trying to flank the enemy; getting hard cover is essential to survival. It helps to keep shields online, and a shielded titan gives a feeling of being inpenetrable - until the voids go down.

Managing reactor is almost a mini-game in itself; and a hillarious one. Burning Warhound, running in circles with plasma leaks all over is most funny. It was seriously considered to ram him into something before he was done. However, knights charged him, caused catastrophic and the subsequent detonation of blastgun razed half of the buildings, finished off the knights and ripped of an arm from another unshielded warhound nearby.

Knights, by the way, are just brutal in full strength, murdering his at close quarters anithng unlucky to face them; especially with melta weapons. Always go for the melta. But, while knights live fast, they die fast as well, incapable of eduring any serious fire. Still, with House traits and stratagems, em masse knights should be a viable stand-alone force. We might homerule some of this - for we do want to start a campaign on AT in the next month!

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/30 08:51:42

Post by: schoon

Amazing work on that shoulder pad, Yodhrin!

I'm going to replace the Aquila on the front/back shoulder sections with a wolf head for my Legio Lupos Warlord.

Great battle report, Regis. Thanks for sharing.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/30 10:38:35

Post by: Macrossmartin

BrianDavion wrote:

BTW anyone done up custom transfers for any of the Legios yet?

Working on it, Brian. I'm in the midst of making artwork for Crucius, (who will be half my collection), although I'm in two minds as to what traitor Legio to do to face them.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/30 15:46:10

Post by: ecurtz

I haven't committed to AT yet, but I did buy a box of knights for making a micro Imperial Knights:Renegade set.

Has there been any news about a second knight kit with the Forgeworld styles and the missing weapons? If not has anyone kit bashed some nice carapace weapons? A Space Wolf or Chaos terminator power fist seems like it will do for the gauntlet.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/30 18:54:44

Post by: BrianDavion

Macrossmartin wrote:
BrianDavion wrote:

BTW anyone done up custom transfers for any of the Legios yet?

Working on it, Brian. I'm in the midst of making artwork for Crucius, (who will be half my collection), although I'm in two minds as to what traitor Legio to do to face them.

Nice, I nearly went Crucis but black and white I figured might be a hassle.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/30 19:03:02

Post by: Lord_Thallium

Here is my First Warlord Titan. Furore Pectore Features of Legio Furean I have the Transfers left to go but otherwise she is all done. I'm just not skilled enough to paint the flames all over the armour....
I am adding 2 Reavers and 4 Warhounds to the force when they come out.

[Thumb - IMG_20180826_163445.jpg]
[Thumb - IMG_20180826_163453.jpg]
[Thumb - MVIMG_20180826_163459.jpg]
[Thumb - MVIMG_20180826_163510.jpg]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/30 20:54:17

Post by: BrianDavion

So, reposting my titan from earlier

I'm trying to figure out what Legion it should be, I sort of went with some inspiration from a few sources, and did my own thing and am wondering at this time if it's clsoer to Legio Artaus, Legio Metallica, or if it's really it's own thing and not close eneugh to eaither legion, what do you guys all think? I'm mostly asking so I can figure out what decals to use gimme your thoughts

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/31 02:28:37

Post by: TheTrans

Just working on cracking out some lucius based armour for the warlord

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/31 02:51:18

Post by: Yodhrin

Spotted that on FB, amazing work chief.

Sadly my own Warlord is back to the drawing board, my attempt at being clever with the undercoats backfired so now it's taking a bath in some Cif Actifizz in the hopes I can get all the stuff off again before the W&N varnish completely sets up.

Ragin' :/

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/31 03:07:38

Post by: BrianDavion

 Yodhrin wrote:
Spotted that on FB, amazing work chief.

Sadly my own Warlord is back to the drawing board, my attempt at being clever with the undercoats backfired so now it's taking a bath in some Cif Actifizz in the hopes I can get all the stuff off again before the W&N varnish completely sets up.

Ragin' :/

yeah that's thge problem with things like warlords. on one hand they're big amazing models and you're tempted to do fancy things, on the other hand if something goes wrong it's horriable. I've never done decals before but wanna do it, but 1: I need to figure out what decals to do my legio (anyone know if my earlier post matches closely a canon Legio or should I just go nuts with a custom one?) 2: I've got a spacer wolves project going on now that I'll experiment on first. Space Marines are easier to strip and if I mess up a tac marine it's not a big deal.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/31 03:35:56

Post by: Yodhrin

Yup, it's a nightmare. The CIF is having no effect either :/ Managed to get a sameday deliver from Amazon on some Biostrip20, hopefully that can handle it, or at least take the metallic topcoat off so I see what I'm doing and don't leave white spirit on too long trying to get the gloss varnish off.

Rather than trying to fanny about being fancy/lazy, assuming I can salvage things I'll just give it a blast of Chaos Black and then go in and paint the metals by hand with the Vallejo alcohol-based paints.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/31 06:44:00

Post by: Mr_Rose

Fairy Power Spray. Instant* strip for acrylics, leaves the plastic untouched.

*well, 5-10 mins

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/31 07:09:11

Post by: Regis_sotum

TheTrans wrote:
Just working on cracking out some lucius based armour for the warlord

Great implementation! Does capture tha boxy feeling of Lucius warlord. Back when we were designing epic models for campaign, I did not tackle Lucious, unsure in possibility of success; and made an look-alike variant, "Anvillus". No your job makes me want to re-attempt it once more.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/31 11:11:54

Post by: Yodhrin

 Mr_Rose wrote:
Fairy Power Spray. Instant* strip for acrylics, leaves the plastic untouched.

*well, 5-10 mins

Alas they changed the formulation and the old one is getting harder to find. This Biostrip stuff is supposed to be miraculous though so we'll see what happens when it shows up tonight.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/31 11:28:56

Post by: Malika2

Regis_sotum wrote:
TheTrans wrote:
Just working on cracking out some lucius based armour for the warlord

Great implementation! Does capture tha boxy feeling of Lucius warlord. Back when we were designing epic models for campaign, I did not tackle Lucious, unsure in possibility of success; and made an look-alike variant, "Anvillus". No your job makes me want to re-attempt it once more.

Got some better pics of those?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/31 12:43:24

Post by: BrianDavion

 Yodhrin wrote:
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Fairy Power Spray. Instant* strip for acrylics, leaves the plastic untouched.

*well, 5-10 mins

Alas they changed the formulation and the old one is getting harder to find. This Biostrip stuff is supposed to be miraculous though so we'll see what happens when it shows up tonight.

t rubbing alchol works beautifully too.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/31 12:46:23

Post by: Sherrypie

Second Warlord coming together, this one's going to be a walking ossuary full of skulls and skeletons like a walking reminder of the pitiful insignificance of each soldiers' life. Look up and despair before the God-Machine, mortals.

[Thumb - DSC_1143.JPG]
[Thumb - _20180831_153220.JPG]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/08/31 19:56:44

Post by: Sherrypie

One well spent pile of skeletons later... Tomorrow, sculpting new fingers, ribs, spines and filigree as well as filling gaps.

[Thumb - DSC_1144.JPG]
[Thumb - DSC_1145.JPG]
[Thumb - DSC_1146.JPG]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/01 03:14:55

Post by: Yodhrin

Success! This Biostrip stuff is brutal in all the right ways - went through two layers of Leadbelcher, a layer of Winsor & Newton gloss varnish, and a car primer undercoat in 30 minutes like they were nothing, leaving the plastic untouched.

It's like Dettol but thicker and messier, basically, in that it goes on as a goo(but sticks better), and has to be scrubbed at using a lot of dish detergent before you let water near it to prevent the partially dissolved paint turning to sticky rubbery mess(though I suspect if you were more patient and left it to soak for a full hour or two, it might break down more easily). It's also pricey, at 10 quid for a 500ml tub(I was careful to scrape as much as I could back into the pot - it should keep working for a while yet).

So, I wouldn't replace my standard strippers(dettol and 99% isopropanol) with it, but in cases like this where you've royally buggered a big expensive model? Yeah I'd say worth it, my usuals would have struggled to get through the varnish layer.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/01 06:48:02

Post by: schoon

Not exactly a project, but it soon will be:


[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/01 08:06:09

Post by: BrianDavion

those'll be real handy, especially if the price is right

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/01 17:49:25

Post by: Sherrypie

Gaze upon the God-Machine and despair. The little fella on the base has dropped his gun, as there is no point in resisting.

[Thumb - DSC_1148.JPG]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/01 18:11:29

Post by: Mr_Rose

What’s the dome bit you have under the raised foot?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/01 19:27:01

Post by: Sherrypie

 Mr_Rose wrote:
What’s the dome bit you have under the raised foot?

It's a cap from a plastic cover of a spring-loaded needle for pumping insulin. My lady has diabetes and tends to produce quite a lot of re-purposable trash to fuel my terrain building

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/02 05:59:24

Post by: BrianDavion

So I've started going over the white on mine with Screaming skull.. giving it a nice cream colour more in line with the firebrands. the real pain is going to be doing all that trim again in silver

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/02 09:57:08

Post by: Darnok

Got my GME just yesterday, started building the Knights first. Damn, some fiddly parts in there!

Brilliant models though, and I will be busy with them for quite some time.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/02 10:26:07

Post by: BrianDavion

 Darnok wrote:
Got my GME just yesterday, started building the Knights first. Damn, some fiddly parts in there!

Brilliant models though, and I will be busy with them for quite some time.

yeah nothing hits your appreciation of the scale like realizing something the length of a space marines height is a fiddly little easily lost bit at this scale

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/02 10:38:30

Post by: Mr_Rose

Micro Knights are impossibly adorable, gonna hase to get like a whole herd of them…

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/02 13:57:51

Post by: TeAXIIIT13

Got two reavers on order so will have a blast when they show up

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/03 11:28:31

Post by: AndrewGPaul

 Yodhrin wrote:
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Fairy Power Spray. Instant* strip for acrylics, leaves the plastic untouched.

*well, 5-10 mins

Alas they changed the formulation and the old one is getting harder to find. This Biostrip stuff is supposed to be miraculous though so we'll see what happens when it shows up tonight.

Test a bit of sprue first, or one of the spare carapace bits.. I keep hearing from people how it's great for resin, metal and plastic models, but the stuff I got (in the spray bottle) softens the plastic to the point that brushing with a toothbrush will make it stretch and smear. Perhaps the stuff in the tub is a different formula to the stuff in the spray bottle.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/03 12:42:22

Post by: General Helstrom

I got a little stuck painting my first Warlord Imber Cruor, the Blood Rain. The bone in his blue-and-bone color scheme looks very yellow, which makes the blood drops look very orange, which makes the whole heraldry look like the print on a cheap pair of boxers :(

I've put him aside for a bit and started working on my Knights instead. I have some Karak Stone on order to knock the bone tone down a notch. I'll also touch up the blood drops with Khorne Red if that doesn't do it. As Imber Cruor sits on my desk these past few days he is growing on me again though.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/04 11:29:43

Post by: Nostromodamus

It actually reminds me of some of the GW iconography from way back in the RT/2nd ed. days, I'd say keep it, it looks cool to me!

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/04 17:13:09

Post by: schoon

Starting on a building project...

I have four of the the 40K Comm objectives for the tower tops, and I'm thinking of picking up a Marauder bomber to be crashed into the side of one of the towers...

More as things progress!

[Thumb - Quad Tower.jpg]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/05 08:08:25

Post by: Yodhrin

Is anyone else doing a homebrew Legio, and if so are you struggling a bit with a colourscheme as I find myself doing? Every time I come up with something I think would be cool, I realise it's too close to one of the existing official Legios, it's infuriating.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/05 09:02:11

Post by: General Helstrom

 Yodhrin wrote:
Is anyone else doing a homebrew Legio, and if so are you struggling a bit with a colourscheme as I find myself doing? Every time I come up with something I think would be cool, I realise it's too close to one of the existing official Legios, it's infuriating.

Yes. I originally wanted to do something death-themed in the skull-and-bones sense, as I have lots of cool old WFB Undead transfers lying around for some reason. I figured black and bone would look awesome and had it all planned out. Then I read Titanicus which to my horror featured the Pallidus Mor in exactly the same heraldry. Back to the drawing board...

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/05 09:04:33

Post by: Sherrypie

 Yodhrin wrote:
Is anyone else doing a homebrew Legio, and if so are you struggling a bit with a colourscheme as I find myself doing? Every time I come up with something I think would be cool, I realise it's too close to one of the existing official Legios, it's infuriating.

Homebrew all day. Not really struggling though, as Legio Favilla will march to war in a full panoply of autumnal browns, red and sunbleached bone punctuated by occasional checkers and frescoes.

Fluffwise, though, I really like Legio Suturvora but their scheme just isn't inspiring enough

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/05 14:24:20

Post by: Lysenis

Does working on Ork rules count for this thread?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/05 14:34:25

Post by: FrozenDwarf

 Yodhrin wrote:
Is anyone else doing a homebrew Legio, and if so are you struggling a bit with a colourscheme as I find myself doing? Every time I come up with something I think would be cool, I realise it's too close to one of the existing official Legios, it's infuriating.

yup. i have never like beeing tied to "you must paint it this and that way".
thus i finaly got my knights done, dropping watermarkings for now.


[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/06 02:45:45

Post by: BrianDavion

 General Helstrom wrote:
 Yodhrin wrote:
Is anyone else doing a homebrew Legio, and if so are you struggling a bit with a colourscheme as I find myself doing? Every time I come up with something I think would be cool, I realise it's too close to one of the existing official Legios, it's infuriating.

Yes. I originally wanted to do something death-themed in the skull-and-bones sense, as I have lots of cool old WFB Undead transfers lying around for some reason. I figured black and bone would look awesome and had it all planned out. Then I read Titanicus which to my horror featured the Pallidus Mor in exactly the same heraldry. Back to the drawing board...

Pallidus Mor is useally depicted black and yellow so you might be able to get away with it.

that said said Maybe Black and a pale green?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/06 07:13:43

Post by: schoon

 Lysenis wrote:
Does working on Ork rules count for this thread?

I'm going to say, "Yes!"

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/06 10:11:53

Post by: BrianDavion

 schoon wrote:
 Lysenis wrote:
Does working on Ork rules count for this thread?

I'm going to say, "Yes!"

But only if he shows us the rules when he's done!

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/06 13:07:24

Post by: Yodhrin

Agreed. Even if SG have to take things slow, doesn't mean we have to wait about for them to have Xenos fun, I'm eager to see what folk come up with.

Things are looking up on my end, I finally found a colourscheme to shamelessly pinch, so Legio Aetherius will be a light warm green-grey with scarlet as a secondary, scarlet & white and black & white for check and stripe accents, and cool brass trim(credit goes to Gavin Lee Manners, though as I don't use an airbrush mine will be an approximation rather than a direct lift of his technique).

I also started trying to figure out some iconography, drawing from alchemy and related mysticism. Did a preliminary wee sketch for the Legio symbol, though I'm leaning towards replacing the Unity within the aether-cog with the classic bisected skull as the main version at least.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/06 13:46:57

Post by: MongooseMatt

I claim first Reavers built!

Just finished putting these two chaps together, and I am hoping to get them finished off this weekend in Legio Mortis colours.

I put some quick construction notes together - you can read these at https://ttgamingdiary.wordpress.com/2018/09/06/reavers-assembled/

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/06 15:54:17

Post by: Lysenis

BrianDavion wrote:
 schoon wrote:
 Lysenis wrote:
Does working on Ork rules count for this thread?

I'm going to say, "Yes!"

But only if he shows us the rules when he's done!

Most likely in the form of a blog post

Automatically Appended Next Post:
MongooseMatt wrote:
I claim first Reavers built!

Just finished putting these two chaps together, and I am hoping to get them finished off this weekend in Legio Mortis colours.

I put some quick construction notes together - you can read these at https://ttgamingdiary.wordpress.com/2018/09/06/reavers-assembled/

Whats with those foot actuator joints? Can they be different?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/06 16:35:51

Post by: Daston

Waiting for mine to turn up, any pics of the arm joints?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/06 17:30:23

Post by: Sherrypie

Got my first base done, now I'm stuck painting billion armour plates like old parchment... this might take a while.

[Thumb - DSC_1149.JPG]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/06 18:32:46

Post by: Daston

2nd Warlord is nearly finished and made a start on the Knights

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/07 06:33:50

Post by: schoon

MongooseMatt wrote:
I claim first Reavers built!

Holy guacamole, that was fast!

I'm guessing that I've still got a week to wait till they even arrive.

They look beautiful!

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/07 08:15:48

Post by: Regis_sotum

So, we had our second game, even better one than the first. This time Atarus Warlord and the Raver faced unspecified Chaos Warlord and his twelve traitor knights.

The left flank started as a battle between the Reaver and a knight banner, which the titan won, catching them in the open; but he still did not went untouched, loosing carapace mout to tiny meltas. After that, damaged Reaver flanked Chaos warlord.
Black titan was duelling with Atarus warlord at that moment, drawing all the attention. Traitor lost his shields, carapace megabolters and took a hit in the face from the Volcano cannon, not really dealing much in return. However, that let the second banner to flank the loyalist warlord and dive into close range, where it was basically helpless: volcano cannons just can't hit a knight in base contact because of the 5" template, not even speaking of carapace AML. Ardex lascannons did not do much, and the only option left was kicking - wich the Warlord is awful at. Tiny traitors succseeded at ripping of the right arm, and disabled the left one, and the carapace AML.

And at that moment Chaos warlord just turned and charged the Reaver. He had a fist, and oh the fist it was, smashing the loyalist into the building behind it. They both pushed reactors like no tommorow, Reaver's melta ripped the plasma annihilator off a Warlord and wouded its princeps with a crititcal to the head. But the Chaos Fist still breached the torso of the loyalist. Reaver, being in a red reacor, went off like a nuclear warhead in a roll of 10 at Catastrophic Damage. That was too much for the black Warlord - with all those melta hits before - and the trator fell to the right.
With the loyalist Warlord luckily stomping three knights at that moment, it was victory.

Speaking of the results. Meltas are brutal - if all traitor knights had them, Atarus Warlord wolud probably go down; Reaver melta is even more destrucitve, surpassing both volcano cannons when in short range. Arioch powerclaw is murderous as well, but watch out - it can litteraly throw your victim back, making it easier to step back and shoot you (using good bs instead of ws) with the aforementioned melta cannon. All that in mind, the smaller engines are a deadly threat even to the Warlord - mainlySo, we had our second game, even better one than the first. This time Atarus Warlord and reaver faced unspecified Chaos Warlord and his twelve traitor knights.

The left flank started as a battle between the Reaver and a knight banner, which the titan won easly, catching them in the open; but he still did not went untouched, loosing carapace mout to tiny meltas. After that, rever flanked Chaos warlord.
Black titan was duelling with Atarus warlord at that moment, drawing all the attention. Traitor lost his shields, carapace megabolters and took a hit in the face from the Volcano cannon, not really dealing much in return. However, that let the second banner to flank the loyalist warlord and dive into close range, where it was basically helpless: volcano cannons can not hit a knight in base contact because of the 5" template, not even speaking of carapace AML. Ardex lascannons did not do much, and the only option left was kicking - wich the warlord is awful at. Tiny traitors succseeded at ripping of the right arm, and disabled the left one, and the carapace AML.

And at that moment Chaos warlord just turned and charged the reaver. He had a fist, and oh the fist it was, smashing the reaver into the building behind it.. They both pushed reactors like no tommorow, reaver,s melta ripped the plasma annihilator off a warlord and wouded princeps with a crititcal to the head. But the Chaos Fist still breached the torso of the loyalist. Reaver, being in a red reacor, went off like a nuclear warhead in a roll of 10 at Catastrophic Damage. Black warlord did not manage stand against that - with all those melta hits before - and fell to the right.
With the loyalist warlord luckily stomping three knights at that moment, it was victory.

Speaking of the results. Meltas are brutal - if all traitor knights had them, Atarus warlord wolud probably go down; reaver melta is even more destrucitve, surpassing both volcano cannons when in short range. Arioch powerclaw is murderous as well, but watch out - it can litteraly throw your victim back, making it easier to step back and shoot you (using good bs instead of ws) with the aforementioned melta cannon. All that in mind, smaller engines are a deadly threat to even the biggest ones, because their destructive power is comparable, but they can not tank hits, like a bigger titan can. Knights are an extreme of this - glass hammers, basically.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/07 14:26:40

Post by: Lysenis

Regis_sotum wrote:
So, we had our second game, even better one than the first. This time Atarus Warlord and the Raver faced unspecified Chaos Warlord and his twelve traitor knights.

The left flank started as a battle between the Reaver and a knight banner, which the titan won, catching them in the open; but he still did not went untouched, loosing carapace mout to tiny meltas. After that, damaged Reaver flanked Chaos warlord.
Black titan was duelling with Atarus warlord at that moment, drawing all the attention. Traitor lost his shields, carapace megabolters and took a hit in the face from the Volcano cannon, not really dealing much in return. However, that let the second banner to flank the loyalist warlord and dive into close range, where it was basically helpless: volcano cannons just can't hit a knight in base contact because of the 5" template, not even speaking of carapace AML. Ardex lascannons did not do much, and the only option left was kicking - wich the Warlord is awful at. Tiny traitors succseeded at ripping of the right arm, and disabled the left one, and the carapace AML.

And at that moment Chaos warlord just turned and charged the Reaver. He had a fist, and oh the fist it was, smashing the loyalist into the building behind it. They both pushed reactors like no tommorow, Reaver's melta ripped the plasma annihilator off a Warlord and wouded its princeps with a crititcal to the head. But the Chaos Fist still breached the torso of the loyalist. Reaver, being in a red reacor, went off like a nuclear warhead in a roll of 10 at Catastrophic Damage. That was too much for the black Warlord - with all those melta hits before - and the trator fell to the right.
With the loyalist Warlord luckily stomping three knights at that moment, it was victory.

Speaking of the results. Meltas are brutal - if all traitor knights had them, Atarus Warlord wolud probably go down; Reaver melta is even more destrucitve, surpassing both volcano cannons when in short range. Arioch powerclaw is murderous as well, but watch out - it can litteraly throw your victim back, making it easier to step back and shoot you (using good bs instead of ws) with the aforementioned melta cannon. All that in mind, the smaller engines are a deadly threat even to the Warlord - mainlySo, we had our second game, even better one than the first. This time Atarus Warlord and reaver faced unspecified Chaos Warlord and his twelve traitor knights.

The left flank started as a battle between the Reaver and a knight banner, which the titan won easly, catching them in the open; but he still did not went untouched, loosing carapace mout to tiny meltas. After that, rever flanked Chaos warlord.
Black titan was duelling with Atarus warlord at that moment, drawing all the attention. Traitor lost his shields, carapace megabolters and took a hit in the face from the Volcano cannon, not really dealing much in return. However, that let the second banner to flank the loyalist warlord and dive into close range, where it was basically helpless: volcano cannons can not hit a knight in base contact because of the 5" template, not even speaking of carapace AML. Ardex lascannons did not do much, and the only option left was kicking - wich the warlord is awful at. Tiny traitors succseeded at ripping of the right arm, and disabled the left one, and the carapace AML.

And at that moment Chaos warlord just turned and charged the reaver. He had a fist, and oh the fist it was, smashing the reaver into the building behind it.. They both pushed reactors like no tommorow, reaver,s melta ripped the plasma annihilator off a warlord and wouded princeps with a crititcal to the head. But the Chaos Fist still breached the torso of the loyalist. Reaver, being in a red reacor, went off like a nuclear warhead in a roll of 10 at Catastrophic Damage. Black warlord did not manage stand against that - with all those melta hits before - and fell to the right.
With the loyalist warlord luckily stomping three knights at that moment, it was victory.

Speaking of the results. Meltas are brutal - if all traitor knights had them, Atarus warlord wolud probably go down; reaver melta is even more destrucitve, surpassing both volcano cannons when in short range. Arioch powerclaw is murderous as well, but watch out - it can litteraly throw your victim back, making it easier to step back and shoot you (using good bs instead of ws) with the aforementioned melta cannon. All that in mind, smaller engines are a deadly threat to even the biggest ones, because their destructive power is comparable, but they can not tank hits, like a bigger titan can. Knights are an extreme of this - glass hammers, basically.

Can I use this on my blog to show more people?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/07 15:38:11

Post by: Regis_sotum

 Lysenis wrote:

Can I use this on my blog to show more people?

Sure, why not. Tell the world, that even in the cold Russia, we play AT.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/07 17:18:17

Post by: Lysenis

Regis_sotum wrote:
 Lysenis wrote:

Can I use this on my blog to show more people?

Sure, why not. Tell the world, that even in the cold Russia, we play AT.

Sweet! Oh and what is that warlord based off of? the 2x plate traitor warlord?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/07 18:49:49

Post by: Regis_sotum

 Lysenis wrote:
Regis_sotum wrote:
 Lysenis wrote:

Can I use this on my blog to show more people?

Sure, why not. Tell the world, that even in the cold Russia, we play AT.

Sweet! Oh and what is that warlord based off of? the 2x plate traitor warlord?

Actually, six - two traitor, one blank at the chest, two blank at the back and a hood with Opus titanicus. Model overall is an high-speed kitbash from the old custom Thanatar-cynis, that did not saw any action for about a year; now it is reborn as a chaos god-engine trough the precise process of slapping anything that fits on it.
The result is quite good, it seems.

Regarding older models photo. Not much, but here they are. It had been suggested in our company to rebase and modify them to fit a lower class - so that the warlord becomes a reaver and so on - to get more engines for the incoming AT campaign.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/08 10:52:56

Post by: Daston

Started to look at the Reavers and how to magnetise them, dosn't look too hard to be honest.

I have 2 boxes so plan on doing Left and right of each weapon arm, this will allow for all combinations.

I drilled a 5.5mm hole into the top part of the arm (the bit on the Chassis frame). This will house a 5x1mm magnet.

I then used the hole at the top of as a guide for each arm so that the magnets line up. These will have a 2x1mm magnet put in.

This should mean the magnets are in perfect alignment, just waiting on Amazon for the 2x1 magnets to turn up!

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/08 16:55:49

Post by: Mendi Warrior

Cool advice for magnetising the Reaver, thanks a lot.

I came across this product while looking for some magnets: a combination of magnets and steel balls, the magnets being shaped so the steel balls fit nicely. Maybe something useful for allowing even more flexibility in posing the weapons.


Back from a few days off, I continued building some more terrain.

What can you do with a bottle of milk and a CoD component? An industrial building of course. Still a lot of details to add, pipes, stairs, chimneys in particular.

[Thumb - Industrial Building1.JPG]
[Thumb - Industrial Building2.JPG]
[Thumb - Industrial Building3.JPG]
[Thumb - Industrial Building4.JPG]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/08 18:51:17

Post by: Yodhrin

Oh yeah, consider that idea pinched for sure

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/08 19:14:57

Post by: SirDonlad

I split a GME box with a friend and got three knights - obviously i had to pose them like my full size ones but i only had two GW style knights...

Going to recreate my current full-scale maniple in AT scale

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/09 12:59:35

Post by: crnaguja

My reaver arrived today. Mortem pyram (death pyre) shall walk soon enough. I aslo assembled 3 knights. Converted them to have sicarian ruststalkers power swords instead of reapers chainswords(I never liked the look of that weapon) and converted 2 heavy stubbers (28 mm) to battle cannons.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/09 19:21:13

Post by: Regis_sotum

Another update - this time it's from the assembly line. Since the terrain is destructable, I want to make an underlying base with rubble for each building. The idea is to remove the structure when it is destroyed, leaving the ruin with the same footprint - all free from the rushed search for the suitable piece of rubble nearby.
Also, Xestobiax warlord is operational with the new weaponry, and the base for Atarus Warlord now features a fallen knight and some defence positions with a spare stubber from the knight kit.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/10 10:07:21

Post by: MongooseMatt

And now I claim first Reavers painted - two for the Legio Mortis!

I put together a few painting notes on these chaps (https://ttgamingdiary.wordpress.com/2018/09/10/reavers-of-legio-mortis/) but TL;DR, I am beginning to loathe those leg assemblies. Lovely when finished but, by the Throne, actually getting there...

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/10 10:35:32

Post by: Keranis

I love seeing all you guys' Titans, loads of inspiration in this thread

Currently working on my first Warlord, and have 2 Reavers and 3 Knights ready to paint, with 6 more Knights and a 2nd Warlord still on sprues

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/10 12:04:56

Post by: Mendi Warrior

Very nice Reavers.

Eagerly awaiting mine to arrive.

In the meantime, whenever I have some time available, I continued experimenting with ways to break the overall cubic feel of the civitas imperialis sets.

Here is a modified tower (all modules are independent). Quite happy with the result. Now I'll try to replicate it a few times

[Thumb - Capture B.JPG]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/10 16:29:04

Post by: Keranis

My first Warlord is complete (minus bases and transfers). Base will be done at a later point, when i get my "absolutely not Mechanicum troops in 6mm scale" 3rd party bits and more Titanicus buildings for ruins.
Anyways, no more talk, time for pictures!

And the "absolutely not Mechanicum troops in 6mm scale" 3rd party bits that i ordered include 40 "Totally not Skitarii troops", 20 "absolutely not Castellax/Kastellans", and 2 "I can't believe these aren't Dunecrawlers":

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/10 17:27:41

Post by: Nostromodamus

Where might one acquire such unique troop models?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/10 18:51:12

Post by: Keranis

 Nostromodamus wrote:
Where might one acquire such unique troop models?

The "Absolutely not Mechanicum" models? https://vanguardminiatures.co.uk/product-category/defeat-in-detail-6mm/cybershadows/

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/10 19:23:09

Post by: Soulless

Keranis wrote:
My first Warlord is complete (minus bases and transfers). Base will be done at a later point, when i get my "absolutely not Mechanicum troops in 6mm scale" 3rd party bits and more Titanicus buildings for ruins.
Anyways, no more talk, time for pictures!

That looks absolutely fantastic! And very striking with the bright colorscheme

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/10 20:20:21

Post by: Mad Doc Grotsnik

Want more guns already!

Volcano Cannons are fun, but I want those other affects. Being able to tonk a Titan and potentially force it to turn 45 degrees (more if you hit it twice and get jammy) is potentially game winning. Right target at right time, and you can knock that Titan out of the game for a good couple of turns!

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/10 20:42:08

Post by: Lysenis

 Mad Doc Grotsnik wrote:
Want more guns already!

Volcano Cannons are fun, but I want those other affects. Being able to tonk a Titan and potentially force it to turn 45 degrees (more if you hit it twice and get jammy) is potentially game winning. Right target at right time, and you can knock that Titan out of the game for a good couple of turns!
I am in the process of printing some out for me to test things with. Quakes are my favorite but its random on the turn so you could shift it one way then shift it back.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/11 05:49:00

Post by: schoon

Mendi Warrior wrote:
Here is a modified tower (all modules are independent). Quite happy with the result. Now I'll try to replicate it a few times

I like the way you've expanded from narrow to wide on the way up.

That's giving me some ideas!

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/11 08:08:51

Post by: Mendi Warrior

 schoon wrote:
Mendi Warrior wrote:
Here is a modified tower (all modules are independent). Quite happy with the result. Now I'll try to replicate it a few times

I like the way you've expanded from narrow to wide on the way up.

That's giving me some ideas!

Thanks, feel free to steal the idea

It took me a couple of iterations before finding a way I was happy with. Here are a few pics of the final structure. For the top part I cut a 51x51mm square, then I centered 4 walls (2 x 29x26mm and 2 x 19x26mm as I'm using 5mm thickness foamboard) to get a 29x29mm base. Now, you might want to adapt the measures depending on the angle you want. Notice that with a 29x29mm base you have exactly the footprint of the top of a single module, best to go for 27x27mm if you want to imbricate one in the other. Or add 1mm thick plasticard all around to rest on the lower top part of the walls. Also make sure your walls are well cut otherwise you might end up with a leaning tower The 29x29mm base served as a guide to place the civitas imperialis components. Then I used the connectors and cardboard to finish the corners. The cardboard is just a triangle with a slight cut to help fold it in the right shape.

Planning to add a few extra and experiment some more with the idea.

Don't hesitate to show your adaptations of the idea.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Keranis wrote:
My first Warlord is complete (minus bases and transfers).

Simply gorgeous, absolutetly lovely!

[Thumb - CaptureA.JPG]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/11 12:12:59

Post by: Patriarch

Keranis wrote:
My first Warlord is complete (minus bases and transfers). Base will be done at a later point, when i get my "absolutely not Mechanicum troops in 6mm scale" 3rd party bits and more Titanicus buildings for ruins.
Anyways, no more talk, time for pictures!

Lovely work! On the trailing leg, did you gave to have to do a bit of "work" to make the armour panels fit? - if you did, it doesn't show.

My warlord is in a similar pose, I hadn't realised the armour plates might not fit with the shin bent forward, so keen to know if you got around it.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/11 17:43:48

Post by: FrozenDwarf

any1 knows the scale of this game btw?

im looking for terrain stuff but whitout a scale, it gets a bit hard.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/11 18:14:35

Post by: Keranis

Patriarch wrote:

Lovely work! On the trailing leg, did you gave to have to do a bit of "work" to make the armour panels fit? - if you did, it doesn't show.

My warlord is in a similar pose, I hadn't realised the armour plates might not fit with the shin bent forward, so keen to know if you got around it.

I did have to do a little tinkering to get the plates to fit. Mostly, the front plate actually rests mostly on the little black armour plates between the feet, and the top of it overlaps slightly with the spot that the kneepad is supposed to connect to - so i simply snipped off the kneepad connecters (on the back of the plate. The angle of the photo does cover it up quite good, it's definitly more visible once i turn it more to the side and look at it xD
I can send you a few pics with closeups of the "problem areas" and how i fixed it if you want?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 FrozenDwarf wrote:
any1 knows the scale of this game btw?

im looking for terrain stuff but whitout a scale, it gets a bit hard.

I read some people compare the 8mm scale of the game, to 1:200 scale (apparenly called "Z scale")

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/11 18:59:07

Post by: Yodhrin

Based on the image of the Walord from the back of its box(which is "actual size" and fairly neutrally posed) the scale appears to be roughly 1:270 - much of the old heroic 6mm stuff looks perfectly appropriate, and the Z scale stuff is a bit big in terms of its details(unless you're going for a big building with big windows etc, but I would have to add a lot of smaller detailing to make it clear that it's a big building rather than an out of scale building to be comfortable using them).

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/12 07:23:32

Post by: Patriarch

Keranis wrote:
I did have to do a little tinkering to get the plates to fit. Mostly, the front plate actually rests mostly on the little black armour plates between the feet, and the top of it overlaps slightly with the spot that the kneepad is supposed to connect to - so i simply snipped off the kneepad connecters (on the back of the plate. The angle of the photo does cover it up quite good, it's definitly more visible once i turn it more to the side and look at it xD
I can send you a few pics with closeups of the "problem areas" and how i fixed it if you want?

Thank you! PM sent.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/13 10:08:36

Post by: FrozenDwarf

added some colour to the tokens whitout dropping too mutch time on it, plain plastic grey is a bit boring.


[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/13 11:55:34

Post by: MongooseMatt

Took a leaf out of a suggestion on these forums and grabbed the Cityscape set.

You can get your own from here: https://ttcombat.com/collections/dropzone-commander/products/cityscape-card-scenery-pack

This whole 6x4 set up costs just £20, and takes 20 minutes to set up out of the box. If you play Titanicus... you kinda want this

I'll get some more piccies tomorrow, if anyone is interested in seeing more...

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/13 14:51:24

Post by: FrozenDwarf

ye, mix it with the AT terrain and you have a board that suits both games.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/13 20:51:37

Post by: BrianDavion

ohh wow yeah that's PERFECT

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/14 08:46:25

Post by: schoon


That makes for some good terrain density!

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/14 09:25:34

Post by: Regis_sotum

And so it begins. Tommorow we start a campaign based early in the Heresy, 006M31. The first chapter will include enforcing Compliance on some unlucky xeno-human state and the betrayal itself; combat roster is made of Atarus, Xestobiax, two supporting knight houses and Sons of Horus - though not everyone has decided their allegiance at the moment.
As for the tanks and infantry - we have created a bunch of terminals for regular troops, just to provide some... let's call it target-rich enviroment. It includes non-compliant humans (count as guard) and space marines. We have taken an idea of "Unit Strength", that reflects an actual number of smaller vehicles/infantry squads, represented by a single base, to keep the movement and activation swift - otherwise they act like knight banners.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/14 12:27:49

Post by: BrianDavion

Regis_sotum wrote:
And so it begins. Tommorow we start a campaign based early in the Heresy, 006M31. The first chapter will include enforcing Compliance on some unlucky xeno-human state and the betrayal itself; combat roster is made of Atarus, Xestobiax, two supporting knight houses and Sons of Horus - though not everyone has decided their allegiance at the moment.
As for the tanks and infantry - we have created a bunch of terminals for regular troops, just to provide some... let's call it target-rich enviroment. It includes non-compliant humans (count as guard) and space marines. We have taken an idea of "Unit Strength", that reflects an actual number of smaller vehicles/infantry squads, represented by a single base, to keep the movement and activation swift - otherwise they act like knight banners.

loving that paint scheme. makes mine which is the same Legio look horriable by comparison

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/14 15:14:14

Post by: AndrewGPaul

Dropzone Commander, or other 10mm buildings look excellent for AT. We've been using the MDF models from 4Ground for our games.

(a nitpick about those card buildings, Matt - the flaps should fold down so there's a lip round the top of each building).

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/14 15:53:32

Post by: Soundtheory

 AndrewGPaul wrote:

(a nitpick about those card buildings, Matt - the flaps should fold down so there's a lip round the top of each building).

Yes! Are you trying to trigger my OCD, MongooseMatt??!

In all seroiusness, though, those buildings do look good, and appear to offer a lot of good LOS-blocking terrain: even the smallet look like that can give a Warlord some cover.

Thanks for posting the picture!

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/14 17:52:45

Post by: Yodhrin

Regis_sotum wrote:
And so it begins. Tommorow we start a campaign based early in the Heresy, 006M31. The first chapter will include enforcing Compliance on some unlucky xeno-human state and the betrayal itself; combat roster is made of Atarus, Xestobiax, two supporting knight houses and Sons of Horus - though not everyone has decided their allegiance at the moment.
As for the tanks and infantry - we have created a bunch of terminals for regular troops, just to provide some... let's call it target-rich enviroment. It includes non-compliant humans (count as guard) and space marines. We have taken an idea of "Unit Strength", that reflects an actual number of smaller vehicles/infantry squads, represented by a single base, to keep the movement and activation swift - otherwise they act like knight banners.

Very cool. Will you share the terminals you've developed for regular forces once you've tested them a bit?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/14 18:13:14

Post by: Regis_sotum

 Yodhrin wrote:
Regis_sotum wrote:
And so it begins. Tommorow we start a campaign based early in the Heresy, 006M31. The first chapter will include enforcing Compliance on some unlucky xeno-human state and the betrayal itself; combat roster is made of Atarus, Xestobiax, two supporting knight houses and Sons of Horus - though not everyone has decided their allegiance at the moment.
As for the tanks and infantry - we have created a bunch of terminals for regular troops, just to provide some... let's call it target-rich enviroment. It includes non-compliant humans (count as guard) and space marines. We have taken an idea of "Unit Strength", that reflects an actual number of smaller vehicles/infantry squads, represented by a single base, to keep the movement and activation swift - otherwise they act like knight banners.

Very cool. Will you share the terminals you've developed for regular forces once you've tested them a bit?

No problem. You may expect first ones in a few days after the tommorow - and, it seems, in addition to the guard and Sons of Horus, we will also be joined by Salamanders armor battlegroup. That makes it three detachment terminals.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/14 18:45:56

Post by: Lysenis

 AndrewGPaul wrote:
Dropzone Commander, or other 10mm buildings look excellent for AT. We've been using the MDF models from 4Ground for our games.

(a nitpick about those card buildings, Matt - the flaps should fold down so there's a lip round the top of each building).
This is what I am using with normal AT18 terrain. Works great and all the big buildings are big enough to disrupt los for a Warlord which is important I think.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/15 02:43:16

Post by: Yodhrin

Man, I had actually forgotten how fun painting can be with the right models. I suspect because I chose to abandon attempts to go with the "popular" style of hyper-smooth gradients in favour of a more "painterly" effect.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/15 09:04:55

Post by: FrozenDwarf

ye, i severly loose inntrest after painting the same model more then 2-3 times cuz i put so mutch effort in neatness on the first model, so this game is just lovely.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/15 09:58:00

Post by: Plant

Any thoughts on converting thunderstrike gauntlets? I'm trying to build a mini version of my knight army.
I tried a cut down marine powerfist but it was much too large.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/15 10:04:19

Post by: BrianDavion

 Plant wrote:
Any thoughts on converting thunderstrike gauntlets? I'm trying to build a mini version of my knight army.
I tried a cut down marine powerfist but it was much too large.

rumor has it the knight weapons sprue upgrade pack'll be out in december, might be worth just waiting

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/15 10:27:46

Post by: Plant

Hmm delayed gratification. I may just build one without an arm, untill I see what happens in December. Are the upgrades in plastic or resin?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/15 10:37:10

Post by: Nostromodamus

Thoughts on running 2x Knight banners 3-strong vs. 1x banner 6-strong?

Got my Legio Mortis Axiom Maniple all built with Knight support, just waiting on Warhounds!

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/15 10:57:09

Post by: BrianDavion

 Plant wrote:
Hmm delayed gratification. I may just build one without an arm, untill I see what happens in December. Are the upgrades in plastic or resin?

haven't a clue sadly.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/15 12:15:02

Post by: FrozenDwarf

 Nostromodamus wrote:
Thoughts on running 2x Knight banners 3-strong vs. 1x banner 6-strong?

as i see it, 6 knights has more staying power, aka they can keep a titan bugged down in cqc for longer.
2x3 is better for flanking tactics.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/15 12:58:23

Post by: DaemonJellybaby

 FrozenDwarf wrote:
 Nostromodamus wrote:
Thoughts on running 2x Knight banners 3-strong vs. 1x banner 6-strong?

as i see it, 6 knights has more staying power, aka they can keep a titan bugged down in cqc for longer.
2x3 is better for flanking tactics.

Can't titans just walk out of combat though?

I would see a unit of 6 knights as a good target for template weapons first and foremost.

2x3 makes more targets and forces your opponent to make target priority decisions.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/16 03:02:28

Post by: Thargrim

I'm currently building my first reaver and almost messed up bad on the legs. I didn't even pose it that differently. Just a slightly one foot forward pose. But the larger leg plates on the shins barely fit on the inward facing part. Maybe I made the stance too wide. I barely pulled it off, might still have to cut or find a way to work battle damage into it. This is the most challenging individual model I have built this year, no doubt.

I assume the top carapace weapon takes a 5x1mm magnet? And which size magnets would you guys suggest using if I magnetize the arms where the ball joint goes into the shoulder?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/16 06:28:13

Post by: FrozenDwarf

ye carpace is 5x1mm.

i dunno about the shoulder yet, cuz the gun arms and fist arms have different shoulder mount design, the gun arms are ball pegs while the fist is just a peg.
you could use the same 5mm and stuff it up the shoulder socket, but then you have to cut/file off moust likely half of the balljoint/peg.

my reaver will(if everything goes according to plan) have a little cinematic pose for guns so fist is not a wep option for that reaver.
as sutch i plan to glue the arm in place in the shoulder and instead put 5mm mags on the weps and arms, countersunk the mags into the plastic as mutch as i can to not make it look odd.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/16 08:44:39

Post by: Mendi Warrior

 Thargrim wrote:
I'm currently building my first reaver and almost messed up bad on the legs. I didn't even pose it that differently. Just a slightly one foot forward pose. But the larger leg plates on the shins barely fit on the inward facing part. Maybe I made the stance too wide. I barely pulled it off, might still have to cut or find a way to work battle damage into it. This is the most challenging individual model I have built this year, no doubt.

I assume the top carapace weapon takes a 5x1mm magnet? And which size magnets would you guys suggest using if I magnetize the arms where the ball joint goes into the shoulder?

One single piece of advice there: dry fit before gluing, constantly dry fit, I mean really constantly.

For the legs, I did steps 1 to 9, then skipped 10, 11, 12, before doing step 13. From step 13 I only glued the front and back pistons so as to have somewhat better access for painting. Basically the front piston is the longest so it allows to determine the maximum "compression" you can have positioning the lower leg leaning forward. Don't go further than that otherwise you run into trouble as you can't fit the piston and the legs' plates will go lower than the foot. The plating on the back piston is slightly different from the plating on the lateral ones, so if in doubt check how they look like. I also watched a couple of YouTube videos showing the movement of the foot while walking to have a better view of how best to position it.

For the magnets for the ball joint, I'm thinking about using 3x1mm magnets or ones with a 3mm diameter. The reasoning being a ball magnet might allow for even more flexibility in posing the arm. Not sure how this would work in practice. Does anyone have some experience with some ball magnets?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/16 09:08:07

Post by: Mr_Rose

Ball magnets suck. It’s not possible to make a spherical magnetic field so they end up with poles which, in turn, means they have a preferred alignment, destroying poseability. You’d be better off with a countersunk or ring magnet in the socket and a ferromagnetic (steel) ball.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/16 13:15:46

Post by: Mendi Warrior

 Mr_Rose wrote:
Ball magnets suck. It’s not possible to make a spherical magnetic field so they end up with poles which, in turn, means they have a preferred alignment, destroying poseability. You’d be better off with a countersunk or ring magnet in the socket and a ferromagnetic (steel) ball.

Forgetting about ball magnets then, there is no point if they self-defeat the poseability potential. Thanks for the advice.

I envisaged ferromagnetic balls, most seem to have 5mm or larger diameters though and I read a few comments about some being not too reactive to magnets. Any good source? Also looking at 1mm steel sheet but I lack the proper tools to work with that.

In the meantime, as I eventually got my pre-ordered reavers, I started assembling them (3 separate sub-assemblies: legs, torsos, missile launchers, they are not glued to the bases).

[Thumb - Reavers.JPG]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/17 09:01:58

Post by: General Helstrom

I've been all over the place this past month - magnetising, converting and half-painting my Knights, magnetising and converting my Reaver, and putting paint and decals on my Warlord in between. It all got a bit confused so this weekend I sat down to actually get something finished. Meet Imber Cruor, the Blood Rain! As the "flag Titan" of Legio Rictus, Imber Cruor leads from the front. It is escorted by Legio infantry. Due to their distinctive helmet covers, they are affectionately referred to as "little boneheads".

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/17 09:17:10

Post by: Regis_sotum

So, the first chapter is finished. Xeno sympathizers have been pacified, even if accidentally - their protective shield generator have been exploded by Traitor Warlord fire directed at the Xestobiax Warhoud, hiding inside the generator complex.

Oh, as for the treachery. In the beginning of the final assault on the generator (second battle at the day), a message have been recived from Horus about the Emperor, betraying the humanity. Princepc Senoris Shevchuk of Legio Atarus immediately declared for the Warmaster, stating that he better belive his respected commander and almost a century of battles, rather than some distant and never met Emperor. Horrified with this, Salamanders, Xestobiax maniple and Zhao-Akhad knight banners refused Shevchuk commands, and the fire was opened.

Poor space marines, as well as unfortunate xeno scum had been all but exterminated by the close-range Titan engagment, that quickly dissolved into point-blank duels with a lot of melta fire. In the end, Traitors emerged victorious, with a badly damaged Warhound and a slightly scarred Warlord of Princeps Senoris himself. Of the loyalist only the support group survived, the last arriving on the field already after the Horus message; though they still suffered some serious damage, especially Taranis knights.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/17 09:55:22

Post by: MongooseMatt

 AndrewGPaul wrote:

(a nitpick about those card buildings, Matt - the flaps should fold down so there's a lip round the top of each building).

I did see that, but did not want the blank white card visible

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/17 12:30:17

Post by: AndrewGPaul

Finally I've finished everything!
The grand Master Edition in its entirety:

Warlord titans:

Reaver titans:



[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/17 14:45:02

Post by: Buckaroo13

Over at AMGAS we are building our forces but it's slow going... such a lovely model!

[Thumb - IMG_20180915_195941.jpg]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/18 06:24:02

Post by: GoatboyBeta

So I've nearly got my first Reaver done in what I thought were the Lego Ignatum(Fire Wasps) colours of black and red with silver trim and hazard stripes. But it seems that apart from the two engines in the August WD, the only other source of the mostly black scheme are a couple of old epic era pics of a pair of Warhounds and a Reaver. The problem is that everything else(including recent HH book covers) shows Ignatum sporting a predominantly red with gold trim and hazard stripe scheme

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/18 11:24:01

Post by: Patriarch

GoatboyBeta wrote:
So I've nearly got my first Reaver done in what I thought were the Lego Ignatum(Fire Wasps) colours of black and red with silver trim and hazard stripes. But it seems that apart from the two engines in the August WD, the only other source of the mostly black scheme are a couple of old epic era pics of a pair of Warhounds and a Reaver. The problem is that everything else(including recent HH book covers) shows Ignatum sporting a predominantly red with gold trim and hazard stripe scheme

I'm definitely going with gold trim for the Fire Wasps even if it isn't the latest official scheme. I don't think silver trim looks particularly good with red, although it seems silver is now in so you are fine for canon purposes!

Gold trim also allows them to seamlessly mix in with my Deaths Heads (heresy!) if I want to play combined against someone with their own set of models.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/18 11:51:56

Post by: xttz

One completed army (at least for the time being!)

Now to start on the huge pile of buildings & ruins I have...

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/18 12:24:13

Post by: Zenithfleet

EDIT 3: OK, I REALLY think I've got the images working now. Thanks!


To everyone above: Awe-inspiring work.

Against my better judgment I've braved the ludicrous Australian prices and am currently working on my first Reaver. Armour plates just blu-tacked on for the moment.

I tried to give it the classic splay-legged stance, rather than the more upright pose of the new models. I was worried I might have to give it a Warlord-sized base, but the base it came with proved just wide enough.

I did make a mistake with the feet, though. I didn't realise they needed to face forward so the shin connectors would fit properly. Had to twist the foot around after it had already semi-glued itself to the base. Narrow escape!

Also had to trim the inner armour plates on the shins so they didn't cut into the base, but I should be able to hide that with some battle damage.

Am thinking of painting it as Legio Praetor--the Legion that (ten thousand years later) fought the Tyranids on the icefields at Maccrage. There doesn't seem to be any info out there about their colour scheme, heraldry or history, though. Which I guess means I get to make it up.

Meanwhile here's some terrain I'm working on. I don't have any of the new GW stuff, but I did have some MDF building prototypes lying around from Aussie company BPLaser that I reckon are the perfect size:

Plus the centrepiece, a 3D foamboard puzzle kit of St Paul's Cathedral that I found in an op shop for $2

Also got some Knights on the way. Affording a Warlord is unpossible, but I might just have a cunning plan to do a pair of proxies on the cheap...

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/18 13:33:42

Post by: Macrossmartin

Sweet Mother Mechanicus, Xttz! Well done!

Breaking up the blue on the Titan's carapaces like that is particularly effective.

Zenithfleet: Unfortunately, I can't see your pics. Anyone else likewise?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/18 14:43:39

Post by: Soulless

Oh my, you people are really getting stuff done fast! I told myself I would wait painting anything until I have a few more (or everything ) but seeing all those beautiful titans above just makes it itch to get started!

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/18 16:16:25

Post by: SirWeeble

I've noticed several pictures here - and in the rulebook of knights with missile pods on their carapace. Are those included with the knights?

I already threw out the remainders of my sprues and didn't notice them on there, nor were they in the instruction book. I'm really hoping I didn't toss them out.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/18 16:53:21

Post by: Flinty

@Helstrom - I love the infantry on the Warlord base. Great work.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/18 17:55:36

Post by: Lysenis

DaemonJellybaby wrote:
 FrozenDwarf wrote:
 Nostromodamus wrote:
Thoughts on running 2x Knight banners 3-strong vs. 1x banner 6-strong?

as i see it, 6 knights has more staying power, aka they can keep a titan bugged down in cqc for longer.
2x3 is better for flanking tactics.

Can't titans just walk out of combat though?

I would see a unit of 6 knights as a good target for template weapons first and foremost.

2x3 makes more targets and forces your opponent to make target priority decisions.

They can but it can lead to them being charged which makes this dangerous for them as 3" is melee range and to get out of that means you are at least giving a charging unit 1 extra attack so it was thought out.

If you have enough cover on the board this is a non issue. Without enough cover knights die in droves

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/18 19:35:14

Post by: FrozenDwarf

SirWeeble wrote:
I've noticed several pictures here - and in the rulebook of knights with missile pods on their carapace. Are those included with the knights?

I already threw out the remainders of my sprues and didn't notice them on there, nor were they in the instruction book. I'm really hoping I didn't toss them out.

seems it it is going to take some time before we get addition wep sprues for any of ATs models, and that is bad as everything has to be make belive for the time beeing. (aka you pay the points but there is no visual representation)

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/18 20:00:36

Post by: Lysenis

 FrozenDwarf wrote:
SirWeeble wrote:
I've noticed several pictures here - and in the rulebook of knights with missile pods on their carapace. Are those included with the knights?

I already threw out the remainders of my sprues and didn't notice them on there, nor were they in the instruction book. I'm really hoping I didn't toss them out.

seems it it is going to take some time before we get addition wep sprues for any of ATs models, and that is bad as everything has to be make belive for the time beeing. (aka you pay the points but there is no visual representation)

Some of us might have a 3d printer. . . Some of us might be board and decided to make our own. . .

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/18 22:29:42

Post by: General Helstrom

 Flinty wrote:
@Helstrom - I love the infantry on the Warlord base. Great work.

Thanks I wanted to get the scale across and do something of an homage to the 1990s original, so I rescued some rather abused Imperial Guard minis off eBay.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/19 04:53:28

Post by: Regis_sotum

SirWeeble wrote:
I've noticed several pictures here - and in the rulebook of knights with missile pods on their carapace. Are those included with the knights?

I already threw out the remainders of my sprues and didn't notice them on there, nor were they in the instruction book. I'm really hoping I didn't toss them out.

Do not worry, missile pods are not included on the sprues; not even released yet. Mine are custom 3d-printed, as well as many others, I suppose. Also, in this thread there are some good conversions, too.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/19 10:43:10

Post by: BrianDavion

 FrozenDwarf wrote:
SirWeeble wrote:
I've noticed several pictures here - and in the rulebook of knights with missile pods on their carapace. Are those included with the knights?

I already threw out the remainders of my sprues and didn't notice them on there, nor were they in the instruction book. I'm really hoping I didn't toss them out.

seems it it is going to take some time before we get addition wep sprues for any of ATs models, and that is bad as everything has to be make belive for the time beeing. (aka you pay the points but there is no visual representation)

not that big a deal really, the forces in an average AT game are small eneugh that keeping track of what unit goes with what card isn't going to be TOO hard

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/19 10:43:46

Post by: Zenithfleet

Macrossmartin wrote:

Zenithfleet: Unfortunately, I can't see your pics. Anyone else likewise?

Weird. I can't see them either... when I'm not logged in. But when I log in, they appear just fine.

Anyone know what's wrong? (They're Flickr links.)

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/19 13:06:44

Post by: aldo1234

Slowly getting there with my first warlord titan


[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/19 21:37:17

Post by: angelofvengeance

A WIP of my Legio Astorum Warlord and a WIP of House Vyronii Knight


[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/20 02:59:13

Post by: BrianDavion


[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/20 14:22:32

Post by: Stormonu

Zenithfleet wrote:
EDIT: Ooookay, this is weird. When I'm not logged in, I can't see my pics. But when I am logged in, there they are.

Anyone know what the problem is?

(They're Flickr images in case that has anything to do with it.)


To everyone above: Awe-inspiring work.

Against my better judgment I've braved the ludicrous Australian prices and am currently working on my first Reaver. Armour plates just blu-tacked on for the moment.

I tried to give it the classic splay-legged stance, rather than the more upright pose of the new models. I was worried I might have to give it a Warlord-sized base, but the base it came with proved just wide enough.

I did make a mistake with the feet, though. I didn't realise they needed to face forward so the shin connectors would fit properly. Had to twist the foot around after it had already semi-glued itself to the base. Narrow escape!

Also had to trim the inner armour plates on the shins so they didn't cut into the base, but I should be able to hide that with some battle damage.

Am thinking of painting it as Legio Praetor--the Legion that (ten thousand years later) fought the Tyranids on the icefields at Maccrage. There doesn't seem to be any info out there about their colour scheme, heraldry or history, though. Which I guess means I get to make it up.

Meanwhile here's some terrain I'm working on. I don't have any of the new GW stuff, but I did have some MDF building prototypes lying around from Aussie company BPLaser that I reckon are the perfect size:

Plus the centrepiece, a 3D foamboard puzzle kit of St Paul's Cathedral that I found in an op shop for $2

Also got some Knights on the way. Affording a Warlord is unpossible, but I might just have a cunning plan to do a pair of proxies on the cheap...

I think if you take out the “s” on the https addresses in the images everyone should be able to see them.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/20 18:13:32

Post by: Sherrypie

First warlord of Legio Favilla is getting somewhere, though the decision to try some NMM without prior experience tends to slow progress down a bit...

[Thumb - _20180920_150831.JPG]
[Thumb - _20180916_173448.JPG]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/20 20:55:55

Post by: Fajita Fan

 xttz wrote:
One completed army (at least for the time being!)

Now to start on the huge pile of buildings & ruins I have...

I love this, really nice.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/20 21:01:28

Post by: Fajita Fan

 Lysenis wrote:
 FrozenDwarf wrote:
SirWeeble wrote:
I've noticed several pictures here - and in the rulebook of knights with missile pods on their carapace. Are those included with the knights?

I already threw out the remainders of my sprues and didn't notice them on there, nor were they in the instruction book. I'm really hoping I didn't toss them out.

seems it it is going to take some time before we get addition wep sprues for any of ATs models, and that is bad as everything has to be make belive for the time beeing. (aka you pay the points but there is no visual representation)

Some of us might have a 3d printer. . . Some of us might be board and decided to make our own. . .

That’s what I’ve been doing along with 40k bit kitbashing, I’m also hoping to see others’ ideas as well till official weapon sprues come out. I’ll make the files public once I find the originals I modified to give those guys credit.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
By the way the cardboard buildings for Dropzone Commander make pretty decent filler terrain. I’ve printed a bunch and laminated them for durability and I’m 3d printing some bases for them so they stand up straighter. They’re scaled “close enough” for government work.


[Thumb - 635D2DFA-050C-4691-AADA-4C7AA43D59BB.jpeg]
[Thumb - 26E3506D-C5B7-4EB4-BD87-4B758C1B405B.jpeg]
[Thumb - 42BC5D74-58F1-48F2-B428-8305CEDA50CC.jpeg]
[Thumb - CD6F169D-41C4-468A-B980-C3F6A7067728.jpeg]
[Thumb - F025B965-BB86-43B2-B13D-DAF0E376FDB4.jpeg]
[Thumb - 14C63BCB-1502-4D8D-A0D1-EF603D6D48FB.jpeg]
[Thumb - A9C7D9F8-9546-46E9-977B-94F7B3624141.jpeg]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/22 17:00:27

Post by: Fajita Fan

These are the cardboard buildings set up on a 4x4 mat with one of those cardboard Warlords for scale. They’re scaled for 10mm but it’s close enough for cheap LoS blocking terrain. I still need to cut out all the roofs.

[Thumb - EE719935-6222-43E1-A2B0-74D10B482085.jpeg]
[Thumb - 166EFD48-42AF-470F-817D-3620282074FB.jpeg]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/24 00:17:46

Post by: Fajita Fan

3rd Warlord is getting there. The building sprues make better base materials than terrain.

[Thumb - 5A14F0BA-2B80-4991-8461-2EE02EDD7418.jpeg]
[Thumb - 5CE0913B-7B37-47C8-A6AE-CE233256494E.jpeg]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/24 01:33:35

Post by: Nostromodamus

Is it just me or do the carapace guns look a bit big?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/24 11:35:26

Post by: Fajita Fan

They are. I just eyeballed them when setting up the file for the printer. I have another file with a couple of plasma cannons and 6 more laser blasters to print at a slightly smaller scale. I’m still eyeballing how big to make a Reaver volcano cannon and some carapace megabolters.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/24 20:49:38

Post by: Skinflint Games

Zenithfleet wrote:
EDIT 2: OK, I think I've got the images working now. Thanks!


To everyone above: Awe-inspiring work.

Against my better judgment I've braved the ludicrous Australian prices and am currently working on my first Reaver. Armour plates just blu-tacked on for the moment.

I tried to give it the classic splay-legged stance, rather than the more upright pose of the new models. I was worried I might have to give it a Warlord-sized base, but the base it came with proved just wide enough.

I did make a mistake with the feet, though. I didn't realise they needed to face forward so the shin connectors would fit properly. Had to twist the foot around after it had already semi-glued itself to the base. Narrow escape!

Also had to trim the inner armour plates on the shins so they didn't cut into the base, but I should be able to hide that with some battle damage.

Am thinking of painting it as Legio Praetor--the Legion that (ten thousand years later) fought the Tyranids on the icefields at Maccrage. There doesn't seem to be any info out there about their colour scheme, heraldry or history, though. Which I guess means I get to make it up.

Meanwhile here's some terrain I'm working on. I don't have any of the new GW stuff, but I did have some MDF building prototypes lying around from Aussie company BPLaser that I reckon are the perfect size:

Plus the centrepiece, a 3D foamboard puzzle kit of St Paul's Cathedral that I found in an op shop for $2

Also got some Knights on the way. Affording a Warlord is unpossible, but I might just have a cunning plan to do a pair of proxies on the cheap...

Nice terrain! Do I see some Space Crusade marines as statues?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/24 21:01:01

Post by: Fajita Fan

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Keranis wrote:
My first Warlord is complete (minus bases and transfers). Base will be done at a later point, when i get my "absolutely not Mechanicum troops in 6mm scale" 3rd party bits and more Titanicus buildings for ruins.
Anyways, no more talk, time for pictures!

And the "absolutely not Mechanicum troops in 6mm scale" 3rd party bits that i ordered include 40 "Totally not Skitarii troops", 20 "absolutely not Castellax/Kastellans", and 2 "I can't believe these aren't Dunecrawlers":

Dude! That’s almost the exact color scheme I was doing for my Legio! I was going to integrate some purple and black into some of the armor plating.

Trying to print more plasma cannons, new slightly smaller laser blasters, a couple of megabolters, and a pair of Reaver volcano cannons.

[Thumb - D6F67A72-B09E-44FD-84AC-0A45AB6AC177.jpeg]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/25 10:49:44

Post by: FrozenDwarf

reaver base finaly done!
used a knight as scenery as i felt a house aint sturdy enugh for a titan to rest/stand on.

now i can move to the legs and torso so i dont need to have a desk full of sub stages of the build.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/25 15:13:15

Post by: Fajita Fan

MongooseMatt wrote:
Took a leaf out of a suggestion on these forums and grabbed the Cityscape set.

You can get your own from here: https://ttcombat.com/collections/dropzone-commander/products/cityscape-card-scenery-pack

This whole 6x4 set up costs just £20, and takes 20 minutes to set up out of the box. If you play Titanicus... you kinda want this

I'll get some more piccies tomorrow, if anyone is interested in seeing more...

I love this picture, that looks great!

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/26 06:01:51

Post by: Thargrim

I managed to magnetize my reaver, at both arms and the carapace. This is the first model i've ever magnetized and it feels really satisfying to click the arms on and off. I started small and got the rules box, 3 knights and a reaver so i'm definitely taking things slow. I might wait until the warhounds are out, build them. And then spray prime all of them in one go as a venator maniple.

The one thing i'm struggling with above anything else is picking a legio. I seem to be changing my mind every week. I feel like Mortis is the safe option, i'd always be happy with them. But I also really like tempestus, atarus and gryphonicus. Fureans is cool but I can't deal with all those flames. Another issue with Tempestus is I know I like to do justice to the artwork and those checker patterns are everywhere.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/26 06:39:08

Post by: tneva82

I hope I have figured how to magnetize the reaver properly.

Legio for me was easy. Victorum. I like the blue and gold and my old titans were in that scheme. On flip side it means(as I decided to use liquid gold for these too) weirdo painting system(paint all non-gold to ready, varnish, THEN paint gold...Plus other headaches of non-acrylic painting) and doesn't look like it's getting specific rules any time soon. Might just count-as something. But so far only opponent has already the one with extra reavers and mortis rules don't appeal. Hopefully something comes up soon.

Oh and no transfers either.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/26 06:56:38

Post by: FrozenDwarf

meh, im making my own legio so untill Gw makes 40k knight freeblade rules for AT, i just select whatever legio rules that works best for me.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/26 16:12:52

Post by: Fajita Fan

 Thargrim wrote:
I managed to magnetize my reaver, at both arms and the carapace. This is the first model i've ever magnetized and it feels really satisfying to click the arms on and off. I started small and got the rules box, 3 knights and a reaver so i'm definitely taking things slow. I might wait until the warhounds are out, build them. And then spray prime all of them in one go as a venator maniple.

The one thing i'm struggling with above anything else is picking a legio. I seem to be changing my mind every week. I feel like Mortis is the safe option, i'd always be happy with them. But I also really like tempestus, atarus and gryphonicus. Fureans is cool but I can't deal with all those flames. Another issue with Tempestus is I know I like to do justice to the artwork and those checker patterns are everywhere.

I wish the Reaver arms were built to be magnetized but alas. I simply glued the same 5x1 magnets I used on the Warlord and carapace weapons to the “elbows” and the tops of the guns. The arms stay in place so it’s the guns that swap not the shoulders. I did a pair of left shoulders for one powerfist and laser blaster.

Has anyone else done a pair powerfists for a Reaver? I loved the look so much I glued them in so there’s always a boxer in my lists in case someone wants to get close to my Warlords. No idea if that load out is actually good or not but who cares when a 75’ Rock ‘em Sock ‘em Robot comes in swinging?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/27 03:57:09

Post by: Zenithfleet

 Skinflint Games wrote:
Zenithfleet wrote:
EDIT 2: OK, I think I've got the images working now. Thanks!


To everyone above: Awe-inspiring work.

Against my better judgment I've braved the ludicrous Australian prices and am currently working on my first Reaver. Armour plates just blu-tacked on for the moment.

I tried to give it the classic splay-legged stance, rather than the more upright pose of the new models. I was worried I might have to give it a Warlord-sized base, but the base it came with proved just wide enough.

I did make a mistake with the feet, though. I didn't realise they needed to face forward so the shin connectors would fit properly. Had to twist the foot around after it had already semi-glued itself to the base. Narrow escape!

Also had to trim the inner armour plates on the shins so they didn't cut into the base, but I should be able to hide that with some battle damage.

Am thinking of painting it as Legio Praetor--the Legion that (ten thousand years later) fought the Tyranids on the icefields at Maccrage. There doesn't seem to be any info out there about their colour scheme, heraldry or history, though. Which I guess means I get to make it up.

Meanwhile here's some terrain I'm working on. I don't have any of the new GW stuff, but I did have some MDF building prototypes lying around from Aussie company BPLaser that I reckon are the perfect size:

Plus the centrepiece, a 3D foamboard puzzle kit of St Paul's Cathedral that I found in an op shop for $2

Also got some Knights on the way. Affording a Warlord is unpossible, but I might just have a cunning plan to do a pair of proxies on the cheap...

Nice terrain! Do I see some Space Crusade marines as statues?

They are indeed ancient statues dating back to the Great Crusade... in Space

Progress has stalled due to life getting in the way, but hoping to get stuck into the other Reaver and Knights this weekend.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/28 14:49:18

Post by: Regis_sotum

Some small hobby update. I have finally finished first maniples for both Atarus and Xestobiax. For a moment I am going to focus on knights - we have kind of a thing into thesee little guys in campaign - and probably build some Porhyrions. Don,t know how to use them yet, maybe count as Warhounds with trubo-laser, since they are of a similar size.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/28 15:46:16

Post by: Yodhrin

Been painting away at my warlord, but my desk is a gakshow at the moment so no pictures. I do have a wee preview from my side project though - I've been doing some graphics design work for a set of custom transfers, and have nailed down the most basic form of the Legio Aetherius crest:

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/28 16:14:42

Post by: schoon

Finished the buildings from the GM set - I only made two, as one is a "centerpiece" model.

I'm rather pleased how they both came out, and am looking forward to getting them based and painted.

I think I'm going to go for "winter" theme on my bases and terrain.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/28 20:52:44

Post by: Fajita Fan

Regis_sotum wrote:
Some small hobby update. I have finally finished first maniples for both Atarus and Xestobiax. For a moment I am going to focus on knights - we have kind of a thing into thesee little guys in campaign - and probably build some Porhyrions. Don,t know how to use them yet, maybe count as Warhounds with trubo-laser, since they are of a similar size.

Love the two tone blue!

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/30 00:49:03

Post by: Fajita Fan

Sprayed 4 Warlords this morning, 3 for one Legio and 1 for another. Two Reavers are built with four more on sprues. Dunno if I can finish building them all before the Warhounds are released, the plan is to get four of those as well.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/30 09:20:07

Post by: howie

Morning. Some work on my traitor and loyalist legios.

For my Loyalist Legio Ignatum I am using their “camo” scheme which they used in the Ontario’s campaign. This is mostly due to my love of the Lucius pattern and it being what drew me into wanting titans many moons ago.

For my traitors I’m going Fureans as while looking at the 28mm titans they were the ones that screamed at me from the computer screen.

Just doing some LOS blocking terrain today. Mainly miniature mountain ranges with a few buildings on them.

[Thumb - 65F5D99C-83A1-4907-9CFC-D434C2BDE500.jpeg]
[Thumb - 454FA395-008B-4D5E-B32A-A4701A4EC721.jpeg]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/30 09:57:21

Post by: tneva82

Working on my 2 warlords for legio victorum. Almost done for armour plates. Then try freehanding and weathering.

For lulz two of my original titans. While painting still not top notch guess 15 years or so has helped a bit

Not on assembling though...these are Nevaniusmus pattern warlords! Knees are better protected at rear anyway...

[Thumb - 15383008738621503625235.jpg]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/30 11:39:49

Post by: Sherrypie

Whew this takes time! Hopefully I can get at least something done before the Warhounds arrive

[Thumb - DSC_1223.JPG]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/09/30 12:53:36

Post by: Fajita Fan

That chalice on the armor is a neat touch.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/01 07:41:37

Post by: Regis_sotum

More constuction updates. To make nonstandart chaos Warlord more comfotable, old titan models for Epic are on modification. The initial plan was to downgrage titans to lower class, but being lazy and all that, I downgraded them two classes lower, so they are a bit bigger than new GW models.
Warlords have their carapace weapons replaced with plates, and armed with lasers, plasma and inferno cannon - thus, they will impersonate Heavy Scout Titans, being slightly taller than the Warhound. Imperator got just a new base and an armor repaint; I am still considering maybe replacing tower weapons with something more uniform to represent a Reaver. Or maybe not, if it's fine as it is.
This is the third maniple, in addition to Atarus and Xestobiax ones.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/01 16:04:51

Post by: FrozenDwarf

well, im getting there, slowly but steadily.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/02 19:39:36

Post by: Fajita Fan

Rumor sites say the Warhounds will be 2 for $75. Thoughts? I’m going to probably start with a pair and get two more eventually.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/02 19:48:26

Post by: tneva82

Fajita Fan wrote:
Rumor sites say the Warhounds will be 2 for $75. Thoughts? I’m going to probably start with a pair and get two more eventually.

That was based on leaks on WD but good news is shops are reporting 65$ for 2. Wouldn't be first time WD is in error.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/02 20:47:33

Post by: tneva82

For now i stop at this. For thursday game good enough(freehands, weathering, bases missing plus knights half done) and really need to paint stuff for 40k apoc game.

[Thumb - 20181002_233715.jpg]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/03 00:49:03

Post by: Fajita Fan

Those look great!

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/03 08:42:15

Post by: MongooseMatt

Finally got round to doing my second batch of Knights - went for House Vyronis.

Penned a few short notes on painting them: https://ttgamingdiary.wordpress.com/2018/10/03/house-vyronis/

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/03 21:30:37

Post by: Sherrypie

Gah, finally the first one is done, took only a month or something. Legio Favilla walks, tremble before the Ashen Gods!

Hopefully the next one will be a lot quicker, now that I actually know what I'm doing

[Thumb - DSC_1250.JPG]
[Thumb - DSC_1243.JPG]
[Thumb - DSC_1231.JPG]
[Thumb - DSC_1235.JPG]
[Thumb - DSC_1245.JPG]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/03 22:01:03

Post by: SirWeeble

Nice work on the warlord. The tiny guy on the base is a nice touch. Also the cracking pavement. I'm going to steal that one.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/04 00:44:47

Post by: Fajita Fan

Yeah, that cracked pavement is really well done.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/04 05:14:01

Post by: schoon

Great stuff! The NMM came out nicely.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/04 10:05:59

Post by: Aexcaliber

Rule Question: What if my Titan crazes, and Runs toward a Building - Collision, Damage.

How to determinate the target zone? My Titan was running into a small building, only high enough to hit the Legs. My friends idea was, to roll a Dice. But this feels wrong to me. If i only hit the Legs. Why roll a dice? The Target Zone is clear.

Any suggestions?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/04 11:41:47

Post by: Sherrypie

Aexcaliber wrote:
Rule Question: What if my Titan crazes, and Runs toward a Building - Collision, Damage.

How to determinate the target zone? My Titan was running into a small building, only high enough to hit the Legs. My friends idea was, to roll a Dice. But this feels wrong to me. If i only hit the Legs. Why roll a dice? The Target Zone is clear.

Any suggestions?

Per rules text, just roll the location and don't stress about the exact fictional details. Flying parts might hit things, abstracted hit locations like the head also include other sensors around the machine anyway (which also makes life easier regarding how the knights can melee the "head" part) and so forth. Maybe they stumble a bit and break things while struggling to get up again?

The other equally cool option is to house rule a bit. If you have leg-high buildings and collide with them, you could agree with your opponent to just take damage on your legs and be done with it. I'd be cool with such a decision at the table, if it were consistently applied should the need arise.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/04 15:16:05

Post by: Fajita Fan

Likewise I think Knights should only be able to melee a Warlord or Reaver’s legs personally. Maybe I should model a few Knights on scenic bases high enough to hit a Warlord’s head...

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/04 22:03:34

Post by: Solarus

Just picked up my first Warlord today and can't wait to put it together. Time to order magnets to make the weapons swappable.

In the meantime, I'm making more scenery.

Ugh. Can't embed an image for my first post.


[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/05 06:01:15

Post by: doktor_g

Took 3 days. Got the GM set and 2 Reavers done to here and magnetized.

[Thumb - 20181004_213909.jpg]
[Thumb - 20181004_203735.jpg]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/05 14:13:03

Post by: Regis_sotum

The clash between loyalists and traitors at LV-46 goes on. Yesterday night, flank forces met near the spaceport complex in a swift engagement. Loyalists group was made of a Xestobiax Reaver, Atarus Warhound and House Taranis banner; opposing them were knights of Zhao-Akhad and a mighty Warlord of heretic Xestobiax.
Traitors stood on defence upon meeting loyal forces. They choose their former comrade Reaver as a prime target, quickly stripping it of Void Shields and head armor. However, before the killing blow was dealt, Atarus Warhound emerged from the flank. Effortlessly shrugging of full fire from the Warlord (not a single character shield save failed!), the scout titan flanked it.
While traitor knights abandoned thier cornered commander, going close to the loyalist Reaver and badly damaging him, Taranis knights charged into the fray, draining all focus on them. Warlord tried to stomp them, but just mildly damaged few knights, so they successfully got in the back of the battle titan. The following fire concentration on the Warlord got its shields first collapsed, then burned out, and breached the torso armor entirely. First fire from mauled reaver got through, and the traitor titan died. First, it backed a few steps, accidentally crushing one Taranis knight, and then fell, buring under itself the rest of the kinght banner.
After that, it only took few minutes - the Reaver miraculosly escaped being melta'ed in the head, while the Warhound finished traitor knights off. The loyalists stand wounded, but victorious. Tommorow starts the grand battle - two full maniples meeting head on in the spaceport.
P.S. Some problems with photos, it seems.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/05 15:16:07

Post by: doktor_g


[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/05 22:36:00

Post by: Mendi Warrior

I made my first steps into magnetising.

I wanted to be able to combine different weapons without buying lots of additional models and change weapons from left to right and vice-versa if I ever wanted to.

I used 3x1mm, as well as 1x1mm magnets and 2mm diameter steel balls to magnetise my knights. I still don't know if I want to magnetise the head or not. I gave a try at magnetising the torso and the legs but I was not happy with the result (positioning was too akward). All the weapons and arms are ready, for the torsos I need a new 3mm drill.

I'm quite pleased with the result.

[Thumb - Knight1.JPG]
[Thumb - Knight2.JPG]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/06 00:03:04

Post by: Formosa

Nearly finished this, I chose the decals based on looks rather than a particular legio

[Thumb - A6FF7D13-2EDC-491C-9680-F4BFD919D218.jpeg]
[Thumb - 364E143F-DD46-4CC0-BCBD-FE9CA0093D91.jpeg]
[Thumb - C200EF2E-4758-44FE-8465-D15331920494.jpeg]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/07 07:02:23

Post by: Fajita Fan

Good idea on the volcano weapon glow, I might try that too.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/07 19:41:36

Post by: Flinty

That's a lot of good looking chevron and hazard striping. Nice work!

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/07 20:00:27

Post by: Fajita Fan

All of my white paint is garbage. Even my newest Ceramite and White Scar are just chunky messes of particles in a white wash. I didn't keep the receipt either :(

I'm having decent success with Pallid Wych Flesh then drybrushing the thin white I can get out of the other pots across armor panels. My closest place that sold Vallejo paints closed so it's a bit of a trek to find out if their white is any better.

For those of you spraying tian exoskeletons you might give Rustoleum aluminum paint+primer a try:

It's brighter than GW's Leadbelcher rattle can but can be toned down with an extra wash layer, it depends on how dark you want it. At $3 a can it's pretty good.

[Thumb - 10B5937D-20F6-415B-9EDF-C60292A659CB.jpeg]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/07 21:15:26

Post by: Sherrypie

One weekend, six knights. Iudex Ultionis gets some little friends to run around with

[Thumb - _20181007_233138.JPG]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/07 22:48:38

Post by: schoon

Nice - are those some lightning claws I see?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/08 05:31:01

Post by: Sherrypie

 schoon wrote:
Nice - are those some lightning claws I see?

Yup, cataphractii ones from Calth. The red pteruges aren't too visible in the pic but fit right in.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/08 06:30:32

Post by: tneva82

Nice idea. I might borrow that idea.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/08 13:05:48

Post by: Zenithfleet

Way behind everyone else, but making a bit of progress. Hope the pics work this time.

Second Reaver--this one's declared for the heroic Rebel Alliance. Armour plates brought to you by the ancient and now-lost technology of Cerulean Tacitus.

Chainfist courtesy of an unlucky Ork Gargant that got in its way. (Actually from a 40K Killa Kan kit, I believe.)

Three loyalist Knights (Imperial dogs that they are):

A WIP attempt at sticking cloaks on the rebel Knights, because why not:

Modest progress on the buildings:

A tactical simulation in progress (AKA first test game using the basic rules):

And something a little bit heretical, because I can't afford a Warlord:

...oh, and this isn't strictly speaking Titanicus-related, but... I also converted two Knights for classic Epic to count as Chaos Scout Titans. Just showing them here in case anyone wants to nick an idea or two.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/08 13:12:25

Post by: Fajita Fan

I like how you splayed the Reaver legs to make them look like the old models.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/10 00:27:37

Post by: Fajita Fan

I should be working but I'm playing a video game. :(

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/10 03:55:52

Post by: Breotan

Waiting for my order of Scions Power Fists. All the ones I had were used already so I needed to order from eBay all the way from Australia. It's gonna be a while before they get here. :(

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/10 05:27:44

Post by: Fajita Fan

They’re worth the effort, I really like how mine look.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/10 11:26:52

Post by: Cruxeh

Currently working on painting my Reaver, as well as the 6 or so additional weapons for my first Knight lance.
As for the knights themselves, I'll be sticking with how they look at the moment until I find inspiration to improve the paintjob.

Not sure if this link will work, but hey:

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/10 14:40:43

Post by: MongooseMatt

The Warhounds arrived today, and managed to get two built in record time.

Put together some quick notes on the build here: https://ttgamingdiary.wordpress.com/2018/10/10/warhounds-arrive/

However, the short story: quickest Titans to build by far, and maybe the best in construction terms. A joy to work with.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/10 15:24:16

Post by: Fajita Fan

Those look great! I’m glad to hear Warhounds are fast, after four Warlords, two Reavers, and four more Reavers to go I’m getting really tired of their shins and ankles with all the armor pieces down there.

Room for magnets on the arms?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Cruxeh wrote:
Currently working on painting my Reaver, as well as the 6 or so additional weapons for my first Knight lance.
As for the knights themselves, I'll be sticking with how they look at the moment until I find inspiration to improve the paintjob.

Not sure if this link will work, but hey:

Love the sword on those arms, I thought about doing spear/shield knights and try to make some house rules for them and I like the look. I still have plenty of Lizardmen spears and bags of storm shields that might look kinda cool.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/10 15:49:30

Post by: MongooseMatt

Fajita Fan wrote:

Room for magnets on the arms?

Will need a bit of hacking/slicing on the arms, but plenty of room.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/10 16:00:01

Post by: Fajita Fan

Cool, mine arrive at the store tomorrow.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Whoa I just noticed the armor has a little Chaosy spike look to it, that’s neat!

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/10 17:21:54

Post by: Malika2

Currently working on getting this printed... does that count?


[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/10 19:58:08

Post by: Fajita Fan

What is it?

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/11 04:42:02

Post by: schoon

Some sort of heavy tracked thingie...

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/11 09:21:24

Post by: Cruxeh

Fajita Fan wrote:

Love the sword on those arms, I thought about doing spear/shield knights and try to make some house rules for them and I like the look. I still have plenty of Lizardmen spears and bags of storm shields that might look kinda cool.

Thanks! I was really happy to see that the swords from the Sicarian Infiltrators/Ruststalkers kit are a perfect fit. Which got even better when I realized that the (lower) arms of that kit also work perfectly with the magnets I'm using.

Granted, I am now in real danger of buying another Sicarian kit next time I buy another set of Knights, so it's not all sunshine.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/11 12:54:12

Post by: Regis_sotum

So, the grand battle if the campaign. Both loyalists and traitors moved their forces to secure industrial complex landing fields - the winner being the one to leave the planet - and met each other in frontal combat. The landings were needed intact, unlike the giant factory itself...
Loyalists maniple "Judex Fureanis" was composed of Warlord (volcano cannon, plasma annihilator, turbolasers), two reavers (melta-fist-turbolaser and twin gatling with missiles) and three knights (thermal cannons, RFBC and missiles).
Traitor "Aliter Vindicta" venator maniple invluded a Reaver (warp missle, laser blaster and volcano cannon), three Warhouds (all with plasma, two with flamers, one with megabolter) and was reinforced by the Warlord (Volcano cannon, Quake cannon, Laser blasters).
The battle was firece and hang in the balance to the end - right fom the start, with the first order being "first fire" with the warp missile (got crit on the loyalist reaver); the knights lasted just a turn. Then one by one, traitor Warhounds tring to flank loyalist Warlord overheated and were torn apart - but not before the last of them managed to kill the Warlord trough the torso armor, breached by volcano cannon fire. Scout titan did not live long after that: loyalist Reaver failed command check, and the machine spirit took over, shooting the legs off the traitor with criticals.
Than, traitor Reaver was brutally dispatched in melee by the the loyalists - only for its killer to be beheaded by point blank fire from traitor Warlord. At the end of the six turns, only two overheated titans stood on the battlefied - loyalist gatling Reaver and the traitor Warlord. Traitors won this one by points, yet failed to secure the spaceport.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/11 13:31:07

Post by: Fajita Fan


[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/11 13:57:40

Post by: Sherrypie

That's a great game, Regis! I really like your table, lots of interesting details and different height levels scattered around.

That little campaign of yours isn't too bad, either.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/14 02:48:03

Post by: Fajita Fan

I 3D printed a couple of Volcano cannons for Reavers - one was too big and the other too small. I have an extra set of Warlord Volcanoes so I started cutting one down to see how it looks. It’s still kinda big but at least it’s more detailed than the ones I printed. I still need to add some bits to the joint to build it up a bit but that’ll do for now.

[Thumb - 99DC8DCC-6368-47A3-A3AB-CBC6B2BAFBE7.jpeg]
[Thumb - EDECD091-6B49-4E51-A259-45D000059F1B.jpeg]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/14 21:51:56

Post by: Nostromodamus

Here’s my Legio Mortis Reaver with some House Makabius support.

[Thumb - E0025A20-5AE4-4453-AFF7-0E18C0B0FAEA.jpeg]
[Thumb - 95A22EE2-A784-488D-BF0C-406CDB652207.jpeg]
[Thumb - 8227E758-2102-4AA4-BD4E-2DD04B10CE81.jpeg]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/14 23:45:14

Post by: Fajita Fan

How many of you guys are spraying your Reavers with the leg armor on vs off? Since it covers the underlying area pretty thoroughly I'm debating just gluing them on and pushing a brush in there to get some Leadbelcher down in the recesses.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/15 00:29:55

Post by: Nostromodamus

Fajita Fan wrote:
How many of you guys are spraying your Reavers with the leg armor on vs off? Since it covers the underlying area pretty thoroughly I'm debating just gluing them on and pushing a brush in there to get some Leadbelcher down in the recesses.

Exactly what I did. My skill cap is tabletop and I usually don’t paint anything I won’t see so fully assembling before priming works fine for me.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/15 01:31:09

Post by: Fajita Fan

Didn’t get as far today as I hoped because of real life.

Knocked out two Warhounds, all of the weapons are magnetized so I can swap them out. They’re both Loyalists, dunno if my Traitor legio will get any Warhounds for awhile.

I mocked up a pair of Reaver Volcanoes because I’m not totally pleased with my cut down Warlord Volcano. The back ends are from a pair of Warlord plasmas I didn’t build and the other parts are from the Volcanoes I printed that were too small. I just sorta built it up to make it bulkier and it’ll do until the official model comes out.

So far for my Reavers I’ve got 3 Volcanoes, two melta cannons, two carapace turbo lasers, and and a carapace warp missile made from 40k and 3D printed bits. Now I just have to assemble four more Reavers before another prime-a-thon.

I haven’t touched painting my four Warlords since priming and the first wash layers, trying to get as much assembly done as possible before the weather gets too cold to spray. Fall is actually here :(

[Thumb - B8F1E1FC-7271-4197-BFF0-015B199E8037.jpeg]

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/15 02:30:23

Post by: Eumerin

Fajita Fan wrote:
How many of you guys are spraying your Reavers with the leg armor on vs off? Since it covers the underlying area pretty thoroughly I'm debating just gluing them on and pushing a brush in there to get some Leadbelcher down in the recesses.

I slapped a small piece of painter's tape on each of the connection points on both the ankles and the armor, and then sprayed everything down.with the primer I was using. Then I painted up the ankles and the back of the armor, avoiding the spots that hadn't been primed, and finally glued everything in place. It really depends on how quickly you want to push through everything. If you know you need to get it done *now*, for whatever reason, then go ahead and put the ankle armor on before you paint. But if you can afford to wait an extra days, then taking the extra time is well worth it.

I also did the same with the shoulder guards. And IIRC, I didn't glue the torso and leg assemblies to each other until after I'd primed, since it made it a little easier to spray the thing properly. But that last bit is pretty minor compared to the other items.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/15 07:07:24

Post by: FrozenDwarf

Fajita Fan wrote:
How many of you guys are spraying your Reavers with the leg armor on vs off? Since it covers the underlying area pretty thoroughly I'm debating just gluing them on and pushing a brush in there to get some Leadbelcher down in the recesses.

complete sub assembly. (did that on my knights aswell)
the only complete sections of the models i actualy gluded together before i spray basecoated was the skeleton legs, torso(minus armor parts and head) and weapons.

the way i see it is that a mainple is 3-5 models big. whit that low amount of models as your "army", you have no reason not to put your best effort on the paintjob regardless of what that skill level is.
if your technique is limited to tabletop(as i am) atleast do it neatly.

true, no one will look between the armorplates, but you will know.

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/15 08:35:19

Post by: MongooseMatt

I managed to get two Warhounds done this weekend, and they are now resplendent in Legio Mortis colours:

Really liking these models - I put together a few painting notes (and more piccies!) here: https://ttgamingdiary.wordpress.com/2018/10/15/warhounds-of-legio-mortis/

[AT] Report on your AT Projects! @ 2018/10/15 12:38:50

Post by: Eiríkr

Excellent! I've picked up my first box of Warhounds on Saturday, looking forward to spending some time working on them. I'm going to go for Legio Atarus, just love that cherry red and ivory scheme.

If I may ask, where did you source the buildings Fajita Fan?