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Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2018/10/27 03:31:46

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Original First Post:
I started painting almost 3 years ago, but like many new painters, made many mistakes. Not watering my paints, not priming or washing my models, only using single layers and block colours, and so-on. The height of my ability was to use a dark wash on my weapon-metal and a light drybrush on my body-metal. My best model was my Overlord.

Well, I decided to start getting a little more serious about my painting. I bought a pile more paints, enough for me to work with layers and edge highlighting. I built myself a wet palette. I'm keeping almost the same basic scheme as with my overlord above, with the main exception being that I'm going to experiment with bone-coloured heads. The Overlord probably is a poor example of the scheme, as normally the ribcages are silver with only the shoulderpads and some extra armour pads being purple, but anyhow.

My first test is on a Heavy Destroyer I picked up, below. It came rather poorly primed, but I was too excited to try out my new paints and techniques to strip it and re-prime it.

Some things worked better than others. The bone head looks fantastic, as does the shinier metal body. The purple edge highlighting got a little sloppy in places: I need a thinner brush than my current thinnest one, and simply a steadier hand! The green power glow I underestimated how dark it would end up. Part of that is my lightest green I think dried up since I last used it a year or so ago, but also I need to use more white and yellow to really get it to look like it's glowing, way before I try my hand at anything complicated like OSL.

I also need to set up a lightbox and ask nicely to borrow my girlfriend's camera, but I'd be content with this as my new tabletop standard.

Next after this I have 5 lychguard to do, after which I'll need to start stripping models to redo them.

Index, in order completed (and not counting unfinished minis):

Nemesor Zahndrekh
Blaze, a Heroforge warlock
Szeras (old mini)
D&D Wraith
Monolith (old)
Nova, a Heroforge ranger
Last Night on Earth Zombies
Lychguard with Warscythes 1 [UPDATED]
Vargard Obyron
Necron Warriors 1
Fallen Log Base
Chainrasps 1
Terminators, old scheme, since stripped
Skulls in a sea of blood
Lychguard with Warscythes 2
Pandemic Medic
Pandemic Dispatcher (two different posts)
Pandemic Quarantine Expert
Pandemic Contingency Planner
Pandemic Scientist
Pandemic Operations Expert (w/ 4 other Pandemic minis)
Pandemic Researcher
Pandemic team panorama
Pandemic team on board
Last Night on Earth Rusting Truck
Immortals with Tesla 1
Flesh Tearers Third Company, First Squad, Tacticals,
Flayed Ones, heavy conversion
Myrmourn Banshees
Last Night on Earth, Mr Hyde, the Shop Teacher
Lion Gear Base
Ruined Azyrite Steps
Lady Olynder
Chainrasps 2
Last Night on Earth, Deputy Taylor, the Sheriff's Deputy
Canoptek Scarabs
Mortisan Soulreaper
Namarti Thralls
Last Night on Earth, Johnny, the High School Quarterback
Grimghast Reapers
Last Night on Earth, Billy, the Sheriff's Son
Last Night on Earth, Zombie #8
Lychguard with Dispersion Shields
Flesh Tearers Third Company, Second Squad, Inceptors
Last Night on Earth, Old Betsy
Last Night on Earth, Sheriff Anderson
Flesh Tearers Primaris Librarian
Necron Warriors 2
Immortals with Tesla 2
Flesh Tearers Third Company, Third Squad, Assault Intercessors
Flesh Tearers Third Company, Fourth Squad, Assault Intercessors
Necron Warriors 3
Hasmoteph the Resplendent, Necron Lord
Flesh Tearers Captain (AoBR)
Cursed City Crow Objective Markers
Akhelian King
Mouse with Mushroom
The Mummy
The Wolf Man
Creature from the Black Lagoon
Frankenstein's Monster
Tyranid Termagants
Flesh Tearers, Tenth Company, First Squad, Reivers
Necron Warriors 4
Kruleboyz Gutrippaz
Necron Warriors 5
Tyranid Genestealers
Radukar the Wolf
Karlina von Carstein
Kruleboyz Hobgrot Slittaz
Necron Warriors 4.5

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2018/11/22 02:33:55

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Progress is slow, Law School takes priority. Sucks, but well, it's responsible. I've gotten a little bit of painting done though: I've almost finished base-coating the 5 un-painted Lychguard w/ warscythes I picked up off ebay a while ago. The other 5 are very simply painted and washed, I might just keep the level of paint that's already on them and just to highlighting and updates, it seems light enough.


I've been working on paint-stripping, I bought a jug of Simple Green which works well on layer coats, but even after days and days soaking and a vigorous scrub, barely removes the blue undercoat of a bunch of ebay Warriors I used as my test case. Might have to go get something better.

And I need to do this because a pile of Kromlech Space Egyptian Weaponry arrived yesterday!

This stuff is gonna be used mainly for various HQ mods. I have an older Overlord in need of stripping, and a Cryptek I made out of the new Overlord that you get in literally every box that both require new weapons, posted below. The Cryptek is gonna get one of the Technostaves, and the Overlord will get a Khopesh. The status on that Overlord is how my poor warriors were painted before stripping, hopefully I'll have a before/after for you guys up soon.

The red on the Cryptek ties them in to the colours I use on my Canopteks. I have a second official Cryptek from ebay that needs stripping and painting to join his brother, but first things first.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2018/12/05 01:26:09

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Not too much to show here: mostly just did the last bit of base coating: the red that I use for jewels (and also to mark Canoptek and Cryptek stuff, but that's not what this bit is doing).

Been doing tiny bits of painting in between studying. I managed to miss one model on the red pass (because it was the one who I had to finish up the green first), and then gave each model a wash of Nuln Oil. Eventually I intend on getting some more varied washes so I can match better to the purpose, but for now my one wash will have to do.


That was technically a few days ago. Today I had a much more productive painting session. Fixed up the blade-up guy who was missing his red basecoat, and got most of my next layers down. All the purple went up to the next shade lighter, gold got highlighted, green got the next layer up (pretty happy with the coils on the warscythes), brown got some edge highlighting (I need a smaller brush though, I had such trouble controlling this one, I felt like I was painting the centre of each section of the staff instead of the edge each time), and the guy on the far right got the next layer of silver done as well. Just need to do silver all the way across, but keeping any joints darker like before, do the next layer of bone (keeping the space between the 'teeth' darker), and figure out how to start that 'gem' effect with the next layer of red, and then it's just edge highlighting left on this batch!


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/01/13 05:25:32

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Finally finished up those Lychguard! I learned a lot doing them. In the end I'm actually pretty happy with them! The green glow turned out fantastic, although I'm not comfortable enough to have them actually shed light or do any OSL techniques yet. The red gem effect also came out OK.


I wouldn't have been able to do it without new Christmas brushes and paints! I also got a pile new models for Christmas that will be joining us soon, one of which has already hit the painting table. You can see the two big models in the background of the photo above: a night/doom scythe that I intend to magnetize, and a Monolith that I intend to play with green stuff to make it look hewn out of stone. In addition to those, I got a new box of immortals, a new Szeras, and a beautiful Zahndrekh that, being already primed, I couldn't resist throwing on to the painting table!


He should be very striking: that gold chest plate will really make him stand out, it really looks like early Roman pectoral armour painted up like this.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/01/24 17:57:07

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I did another coat of paint all around on Zahndrekh, just highlights, gems and glows left!


Not a huge visible difference on much of him, but it brightens up a lot of him across the board, most notable in the purple and bone.

I also realized I forgot on the previous models that I only wanted the front face-plate of the models to be bone and keep the back of their skull in steel-silver. So Zahndrekh will reflect that, and I may return to the Lychguard to fix that on them.

I also did a little modelling; I had bought a while ago a damaged Overlord without any weapons, so I stuck one of my Kromlech khopesh's on him. I think it looks great in the pose! Just a shame about the damaged cape.


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/01/28 23:38:09

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Had a very productive day! I finished Zahndrekh a few days ago, but forgot to put the white line edge on his Staff of Light, and the glue smudged off the paint on his elbow. Everything has been fixed now! He stands triumphant and far superior to his Lordly brethren!

I bought some of the GW texture paints to experiment on bases. I don't have many shades, so this is Agrellan Badlands, Nuln Oil, and then drybrushed with Karak Stone and Screaming Skull. Wish I had Agrax Earthshade instead, or Lahmian Medium for my own washes but alas. I don't think simply watering down the paint would have the same effect.

Lastly, got Szeras and a custom Heroforge miniature for my D&D character. I haven't decided on cape, shield or cloth colours for the D&D miniature, but Szeras is all base coated. I'm doing his staff, second vestigial arm, and head separately, so I can get his chest properly painted first.
Szeras and Blaze

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/02/01 04:05:54

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Finished the Heroforge mini. The character is named Blaze, and is a Hexblade Warlock, imbuing his weapons with powers bargained from mysterious figures.


I'm not as happy with this mini as with my Zahndrekh. It's smaller scale I think (possibly 25mm not 28mm?), or is just a smaller person, and requires a more naturalistic approach than my sci-fi death skeleton robots. The cloak came out perfect at least! But the face and clothes... ugh. Oh well, learn for next time!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/02/09 04:02:48

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Lots of work on Szeras over the last week!


Got all the second coats on and edge highlighted the red and purple, and began building up the green glow. Just need to spot highlight the metal, finish off the skull, yellow-green and yellow to the green glow, and then start working on his flashlight and staff!

Question for y'all: what would be the most appropriate colour to have the flashlight shine? Green would be an obvious answer, but something feels off with it to me. I've had some things like computer interfaces and Canoptek creature lenses in blue, so perhaps a pale blue light would work. Alternatively I could just have it shine a more realistic yellow-y light? What do you guys think!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/02/09 07:57:49

Post by: tzurk

G'day mate! This blog is ticking along quite nicely - I know how life can get in the way sometimes, but any progress is good progress on the hobbying front.

I actually really like the effect you've got going with the bases, I love the visual of a tide of pitiless robotic humanoids crawling across a moonscape.

Your edge highlighting is really coming along - you can especially notice this on your heroforge hexblade, where you've really picked out some solid places to bring contrast. I bet he looks great on the table.

Green lights always seem appropriate for Necrons, but might get lost in the other green details on your Szeras - I personally think a Tron-style electric blue would look ace. Thanks for sharing your work, hope you keep it up in future!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/02/11 12:57:13

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Thanks for the feedback! I'm leaning the same way on the flashlight. Will start working on it soon. First, I built 5 Tesla Immortals yesterday after I finished the readings for my 11 hours of class today (Law is fun!), so I'm going to do a batch of priming soon; the other Szeras parts, 5 immortals, and 1 or 2 more D&D Heroforge minis, for my girlfriend's character and potentially an old character of hers.

I primed my Night/Doom Scythe a while ago, and I've started painting the interchangeable portal/gun, but I'm waiting on the main part until I can get access to the university 3d printer to print of a cockpit that somebody on Dakka iirc kindly made public.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/02/20 01:18:05

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Szeras' body is almost all finished! Quite happy with the spine especially of the head: a mix of Mephiston Red, Abaddon Black to darken it, and Reikland Fleshshade to thin it out and give it a more body-fluid tone did wonder as a wash over my usual bone.


I couldn't decide on skin tone for the skull, so I went through several versions of ruddy-to-pale. I think I like the splotchy end-look is not bad for a decapitated head though. Alas, the red blood seeping from one eye ended up a bit ABOVE the eye as well, but otherwise I quite like it. Next step is his staff (which I went and snapped in two when trying to bend it straight because Finecast), his head, and his flashlight.

Meanwhile, I got a few other new toys. I now have WAY too much on my painting table! I've started with some of my old ebay Warriors (primed in an unfortunate blue that won't come off in Simple Green), and also have built 5 Tesla Immortals, and a few more fun things:

My girlfriend said she'd consider playing Age of Sigmar, so I started looking into their armies and fell in love with Fish Elves. So I impulse bought an Akhelian King, and boy was it harder to put together than a Necron! Not as annoying as Tomb Blades, but trying to fit the harness on without breaking it... it was the fiddliest model I'd worked with yet.

Until of course somebody near me sold me Lady Olynder. I'd wanted this model since I first saw it. I don't intend on playing Nighthaunts, but rather intend to use her to proxy a C'tan, painted to complement my Necrons. I have some... fun ideas for how to paint her in a unique way. But oh man is she terrifyingly delicate! I'm surprised the only thing I broke was one of the rose vines for the base! I was terrified for literally every part of her, she's absolutely tiny (except still towering over all my non-vehicular models).

Lastly, I finally got the Night Scythe canopy, courtesy of Ouze. Not quite as good as his versions (I got them printed cheap) and my first try and green stuff to get it fitted. I thiiiiink it'll work out still?

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/02/20 18:00:26

Post by: amazingturtles

I really like the idea of using lady olynder as ctan, that is going to be a pretty fun project, i think. But yeah, night haunt are basically held together by the tiniest strands of plastic possible and they stress me out.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/02/20 20:13:37

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Considering I broke Szeras' staff AGAIN while finishing up painting, yeah I'm gonna absolutely destroy Lady Olynder. I just do not have gentle hands.

On that note, Szeras is finally done! Except I forgot to do the white edge to the blades again, but still worth posting. The green glow came out amazing again, and the blue flashlight actually seems to have worked, thank god. First time doing anything like OSL, so that was stressful. Definitely the best-painted model in my army now!


Next is probably just going to be those handful of warriors, but I've started basing for Olynder and my Immortals as well. Maybe I'll just do it all at once, who knows!

I also ordered a whole pile of more Ebay fun stuff, some which will get some fun and to my knowledge unique conversions. Stay tuned!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/02/20 20:17:11

Post by: Captain Brown

Good luck there Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll.



Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/02/22 00:28:40

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Thanks! I'll need it.

I know the warriors are supposed to be next, but Olynder is just too exciting...

Base coats and wash done!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/02/23 13:51:31

Post by: Flapjack

Great stuff. I like the robes on your latest paintjob, great transition of colours.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/03/03 16:56:59

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Too much on the table at once, put Olynder aside for a while until I finish less interesting pieces. Still putting along with base coats on the Warriors, Immortals, and the Doom/Night Scythe.
No pictures of the Warriors, because they still have ugly blue (I only just glued the arms and heads back on now the chest is base coated), but pics of the Immortals and the Scythe!


Cut up pieces of sprue became the famed Necron green crystals after I saw one on my eBay Warriors. They work well! Regretting doing the basing before gluing on to the base though, none of my glue seems to hold the immortals very strongly to the texture paint...Just need to base the weapon frame and the head-stripe, then on to washes and layers.


The canopy looks fantastic! Not quite as smooth as if it were a natural part of the model, but not bad for a first try. Still have to base coat the guns, the gold, and the red front-plate, and do more work on the underslung additions. Decided to switch up how I do my guns. Previously they were simply Leadbelcher + Nuln Oil, but now I'm thinking they'd look better as Black + dulled metallic edges. More contrast with the silver bodies.

Lastly, I picked up what will hopefully be my last big purchase of Necrons for a while.

Obyron, an old metal Lord, 5 more Teslamortals, 2 destroyers, and a little special something for some conversions in the back.

Ok I say last big purchase. Buuuuuuut my friend is giving me a pile of Glaivewraiths for conversion, and to do that properly I need a Doomsday/Ghost Ark, AND maybe two boxes of Sicarian Ruststalkers, and probably some more claw hands... So stay tuned to see what happens!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/03/03 20:27:53

Post by: amazingturtles

The flowers and vines on olynder are my favorite part, you've done really well with them so far.

The crystals are nifty! it's amazing what you can do with bits of sprues and things.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/04/08 18:26:50

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Had a battle with my friend's (UNPAINTED! He keeps telling me he's gonna start painting any time soon...) Ultramarines Primaris army. I lost in the end, but it was pretty close call. No good terrain, just played on my table.

Opened up the game by throwing my Olynder-Deceiver into one flank, where she killed an HQ but then died.

On my other flank, 10 Scytheguard (mix of my new painted and some unstripped ebay finds) plus Obyron (unstripped ebay find) plus, out of picture, a grey-plastic Cryptek and a painted Zahndrekh, absolutely demolished a Captain, a unit of Intercessors, and then next turn was one wound away from dropping Guilliman and another unit with him. Zahndrekh was MVP, especially when he removed the brutal Guilliman buff.

In the centre, 10 Teslammortals (half unstripped ebay, half WIP) and 5 Gaussmortals (old paint job) did fantastic against infantry, but couldn't really do any damage to this beast of a tank.

Ultimately, my first turn destroyed a signficant portion of his army, but his first turn he got no less than 6 VPs in a single turn, and while I ended up only losing by 1 VP, I could never quite make up for that brutal turn.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/04/08 23:06:49

Post by: tzurk

Some great work going on in here! Really love how Szeras turned out - the blue OSL compliments the colour palette and it definitely helps that the photos are so clear.

Lady Olynder is coming along really nicely too - I'm the same with breaking minis and would be absolutely terrified of painting her! She works great as a C'tan though - nice thinking.

Nice finds on ebay - I am exactly the same with my collection...this is the last thing I'll need for a while...oh if I add this unit I'll be at an even 2k points...oh this would be great for the start of a new army...it never ends! Can't wait to see more

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/04/09 18:32:41

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Oh man it's so hard not to buy things second hand. I'm just starting that Idoneth army, bought the Start Collecting box which I'm slowly putting together, then somebody locally is selling 20 Dark Elf Corsairs as part of a bundle. It's taking all my self control not to get the whole bundle for those Corsairs, swap out some heads and weapons with the ones I'm not using from the Akhelian Guard to pretend they're Akhelian infantry, use them as an arrow-shield ahead of my Namarti... But the bundle comes with a whole pile of other Dark Elves, some of which I don't really have much use for. Some of which I don't even know if they have rules anymore!

Anyhow, here's my very first kit-bash:


The banner snapped off as I was going to strip the model, so it's gonna have to get reglued after the rest of the model is stripped, and I'm thinking I might reduce the length of the handle of the sword a bit, but otherwise he looks awesome as a Standard Bearer Lord! Luckily the extra hand in the Akhelian King box for the special character is armoured enough to look passably Necron.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/04/10 20:07:58

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

It's hard to stay focused with so many fun toys! I'm prioritizing the Warriors right now (and I'm gonna touch up my Heavy Destroyer when I do), and then my girlfriend insists that the Monolith go next because it is, she says, hideous, and she doesn't want to have to look at it like that anymore. I concur. No offence nameless previous owner!

It's currently exams, so I get to do some painting as study breaks. Haven't painted in a while due to a whole pile of essays (4 in 7 days!), so here's where I left off before that with the Immortals and Warriors. Both are currently on the shelf until the Idoneth get built, then the Warriors will go back to the table.


Edit: I lie, I did basing on the Warriors over top of that grass. It came out well, the grass's movement left room for some nice deep cracking.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/04/10 22:43:35

Post by: Draco765

First time seeing your work, and I thought I was the only one that like the purple armor for the Necrons.

Old pic of some of my horribly painted Xereus Purple armored Necrons.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/04/11 11:51:13

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

It’s a natural feeling scheme though, I’m surprised more don’t use it. The royal colour for an ancient dynasty! I like your gold Immortal markings, those fit well! I’m experimenting with a plain white mark for mine, we’ll see how good it looks over bone .

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/04/13 23:55:28

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Going is still super slow; 2 exams down (Contracts and Criminal Law), 3 to go (Public and Constitutional, Torts, and then Public International Law).

In the meantime, I got a nice snap of how well Olynder fits in with the rest of the army! Considering she's barely started, she looks surprisingly good next to the other units!


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/04/16 01:10:35

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Finally got one of those Detolf cases for my models! No more sitting on an over-crowded shelf gathering dust for these robots! Was a bit of a pain to put together, but with my girlfriend's help it went moderately smoothly.


Not bad!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/04/16 02:18:54

Post by: Excommunicatus


Is that a Lego Monolith?

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/04/16 02:29:47

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

No, it’s the official model. Bad light plus a pretty awful paint job from e-bay. Planning on adding green stuff texture to the panels to make them look like rough stone blocks.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/05/14 14:22:55

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Alright, 3/8 done modelling the stone blocks on the Monolith. Some are coming out better than others, but all in all I think it's coming together! I have to get at least base coats down on a pile of models over the next two days for a game on Thursday so only boring pictures for the next few days.


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/05/14 14:40:34

Post by: amazingturtles

I think it's looking pretty interesting. It'll be neat to see it in your color scheme.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/05/16 12:39:10

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

As is my wont, I rocket back and forth between things. After my hands got tired with green stuff panels, I aaaaaalmost finished my set of warriors. Just need to do the gun highlights (should I go grey or steel for edge highlights?), and body highlights (currently it's just base and wash)

I know one is missing the barrel of their gun, and the other has a painted barrel rather than the green (I have a pile more with painted barrels further down the line), but I'm wanting to experiment with gun barrel effects later so it's useful to have a barrelless gun right now.


Shortly after this I got a quasi-lightbox set up, so look for better pictures in the near future!

Edit: Uh, the picture looks pretty terrible in the smaller version, click through for a better version.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/05/16 13:45:50

Post by: ListenToMeWarriors

Purple is the go to colour for Necrons to me, at least mine were. I really like the bone coloured faceplate, and kudos on your use of the Nighthaunt character as a really good counts as. The Monolith looks intense, really interested to see where that goes.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/05/16 19:47:00

Post by: Gael Knight

I like the colours you've chosen. It reminds me of some of the ceramic Necron colour schemes from the very first Necron codex.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/05/16 20:33:37

Post by: Flapjack

That monolith is looking very promising. I'll be looking out for more updates on that.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/05/17 14:27:19

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Thanks for the kind words everyone! I got in a 1k battle yesterday, and spent the 2 days before the battle hurriedly painting the models for that battle that weren't yet base coated. That's 5 Immortals, 8 Warriors and 1 Overlord all from stripped to at base coat, not bad in my opinion. Obviously they're below true tabletop quality, but at least it meant I didn't have a strange motley of grey blue and black models on the table along with my actually painted models. This is also my first attempt at a quasi-lightbox, now that I got a second table lamp for painting and photos. Much better!


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/05/19 01:50:43

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

The full 1k painted up (at least vaguely) for battle! You can see in behind my old style, with block colours and silver faceplates, contrasted with my newer models with the bone faceplates. Finally a chance for Szeras and the Kromlech swordverlord to see battle!


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/05/21 14:09:38

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

The battle went well, my first win in 8th edition! 1k is a good level for Necrons, RP feels more like it did in 7th at that level. Also getting 4 Tomb Blades return from RP over the course of a battle, in a 3-model unit? Not bad.

I only remembered to take a single picture though! This poor Blood Angel marine, about to be dismembered by the Kromlech Overlord on the centre objective.


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/05/21 19:09:00

Post by: amazingturtles

Congratulations on the win! They look good on the tabletop.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/05/22 15:48:36

Post by: Theophony

Great looking force you have there. Also congrats on the win .

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/05/27 14:32:07

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Remember my D&D character from the first page? Well, he's hit level 6, which means when he kills a humanoid he can rip their spirit out to serve him for a day as a slave ghost. Not sure how our cleric, with his odd relation to life, death, and undeath, will respond, but this means I needed a new miniature!

I've only done the base coat for most of it, and the first layer-coat for about half of the cloak, but so far I think it's coming along well. You can tell which areas are still only base coated because a lot of the paint has already chipped off on edges where I haven't hit it with the next layer yet. Looks like I'm gonna have to get a varnish to seal this one in, it's much more likely to chip than my Necrons! Will have a purple wash eventually to match the magic smoke on the D&D character's mini.


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/05/29 01:30:17

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Aaaand, finished! Only a few days to do the whole mini, not bad. Not very happy with the hands, they didn't come out quite skeletal enough, but the rest of the model came out perfect! It's slightly large to realllly be a spectre in D&D, and a bit small to be a Nighbringer Shard in 40k, but I'll just use it for D&D and look at building up a scenic base to mount it on for WH40k.


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/05/31 15:43:17

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Finished modelling the Monolith! Took a whole pile of green stuff (I ended up losing less and less per stone block as I got on), but I think it looks like a lot of fun! Right now I gave it a quick rinse to get the last dust out of it before I prime it, then it's on to the fun of painting!


I also updated my cheap home-made lighbox by building something wild out of printer paper and scotch tape, as you can see in the pictures above. I think it looks so much better!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/05/31 22:27:32

Post by: Flapjack

This looks like a fun project. The monolith will look great I bet.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/06/03 13:53:04

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Painting begins! The grey stone is the mass of the piece, with the obvious green power glow, and a silver for the engine pieces. I'm likely to dullen the silver more than usually, as the grey stone will be dirty and weathered (I'm thinking same technique I did for the base of the Grim Reaper, dark grey than a brown wash than a more sandy stone dry-brush).

The large arch will be gold, and the corners will be purple with gold accents. Should make a striking model without being an eye-sore.


I've since noticed that I forgot to put the green in the crevices of the emblem on the front of the model. That was a quick fix, but you'll have to wait until tomorrow to see it fully base-coated. I'm also seeing that my pictures managed to perfectly obscure the crystal. I painted it in the same green as the tendrils, so they'll blend in.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/06/03 14:37:25

Post by: Theophony

Nice work on the monolith mods, just the grey added really helps to bring the model more depth.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/06/04 15:52:57

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I agree! I hate seeing those plain black panels. They need SOMETHING to break up the silhouette, and I don't have the steady hand yet to free-hand on them (I've seen some beautiful pieces with people painting Egyptian-style friezes, this one linked here jumps to mind, which also inspired me to do the energy arc effect), so making them 3d was really the only other option. Plus I've never seen it done before, so it seemed natural.

Anyways, here's the base-coat, with all the colours blocked out. I think the scheme looks good like this. I was originally going to do the big arc in purple as well, but my girlfriend said gold would look better, and I think she was right!


Next I've been working on all the green, bringing it up to a glow and seeing what I can do with the central crystal. That'll be a new thing for me, all the gems I've done thus far have been round, not angular!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/06/04 16:47:22

Post by: Theophony

Gold was indeed the better choice .

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/06/05 14:27:49

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

It works well! She noticed a bit of the red from the previous paint job still hiding underneath the arch: she really hated that red so much. I kinda messed up with a flesh wash on the gold: doesn't work so well with large flat surfaces without the detail for the wash to pool... Will have to fix that!

But I did all my washes and fixed up the green! First angular gem I've done, I think it came out ok. I need to learn to blend next, get the transitions between each shade a little finer.


Question: Do you think I could benefit from a second Agrax Earthshade wash on the stone? I think the dirtiness of it is still a little underwhelming, especially once I Karnak Stone highlight all the ridges...

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/06/05 16:21:04

Post by: Theophony

I like the gem, I would not add any more dirt it as the energy has wiped most of it away. At least that’s my pseudoscience explanation of it .

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/06/06 00:43:59

Post by: amazingturtles

The gem came out well! I think that the stone could use more shade, it does still seem a bit flat.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/06/10 00:01:41

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Thanks for the input! I think I'm gonna put it off a minute, get the easy flat panels painted first, and then go back and see what I can do with the stone.

With that in mind, I got all the Metallics finished (with exception of the guns, which will be black with metallic edge-highlighting. The gold isn't super exciting, but the iron with silver edging looks very nice!


What's left? Purple panels (lighten and edge highlight), stone (wash and drybrush), guns (fix up the black and edge highlight), and then lastly try for a little bit of OSL.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/06/11 12:55:16

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Aaaand, we're done! The attempt at OSL kinda failed, but not badly enough to ruin the rest of the model!


Not entirely sure what I'll paint next. Probably either my Standard Bearer, or some random model that my girlfriend selects off the shelf for me.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/06/11 14:36:25

Post by: amazingturtles

Well done! It has to feel good to get something that impressive finished!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/06/11 15:13:14

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

It does! The locals are having a "build a small list around a centrepiece unit" themed battle day this week, so I wanted to try and get it done by then. Probably 1k or 1.5k doubles, so I'm thinking the Monolith and just a whole pile of infantry should do ok, a very OldCron army: Immortals, Warriors, Scarabs, a Monolith, and few characters.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/06/12 21:00:04

Post by: amazingturtles

Sounds like a pretty fun game to me, and it'll look quite nice as well.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/06/12 21:03:21

Post by: Flapjack

Some nice progress. I'm liking the green a lot. Nice transition of tones.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/06/13 13:20:14

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

So like last time, my list included a couple of models that were still only primed, so I whipped them up to a quick and sloppy base coat in a day. One classic cryptek, and one standard bearer lord conversion!

Classic Cryptek

aaaand a picture with his older cousin Cryptek, Illuminor Szeras

Standard Bearer Lord Conversion

aaaaand a group picture with all of the Overlords!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/06/14 22:39:59

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Group photo of the army that I’m going with tomorrow! Decided to drop the Cryptek in favour of more bodies. Ready to fail horribly!


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/06/20 13:28:11

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Whatever for?

Anyhow, my next project was GOING to be these zombie figures from the board game Last Night on Earth, but my girlfriend wants me to paint her D&D character's mini, so these will have to go on hold for a minute. I think the skin tone came out pretty good! It's warboss green mixed with a flesh tone. Half of the models are mixed with Kislev Flesh, the other half with Flayed One Flesh. The difference is pretty miniscule, and is a lot clearer after I've put the second coat on. I'll have a picture later of the ones that I put the second coat on, and 3 of them I've finished base coating.


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/06/20 18:12:10

Post by: Theophony

 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
Whatever for?

Anyhow, my next project was GOING to be these zombie figures from the board game Last Night on Earth, but my girlfriend wants me to paint her D&D character's mini, so these will have to go on hold for a minute. I think the skin tone came out pretty good! It's warboss green mixed with a flesh tone. Half of the models are mixed with Kislev Flesh, the other half with Flayed One Flesh. The difference is pretty miniscule, and is a lot clearer after I've put the second coat on. I'll have a picture later of the ones that I put the second coat on, and 3 of them I've finished base coating.


I guess Dakka Dakka ate the rest of my post , I was sorry that I hadn’t been around in a while with time constraints. I like the Gem effect on the monolith .

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/06/23 13:35:06

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Ahah, no worries From your own blog, you've had some own fun projects on the go, I can hardly blame you.

Just before jumping onto my girlfriend's D&D character, I did more work on some of the zombies. Fixed the midriffs on the two lunging girls, and got 3 of the other models base-coated. The paint isn't so keen on these models, I think it's more rubbery than plastic under there, but it's coming along.


The light's pretty terrible; this is AFTER some editing to whiten the tones. Not entirely sure why this set of pictures got so off... I'll retake in daylight soon. You can't even see the great denim jean tone on two of the models! Oh well.

The one with lighter brown hair will be highlighted up to blonde. The guy with the light shirt will have his shirt highlighted all the way up to white before I dirty it.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/06/23 16:57:10

Post by: amazingturtles

Those are some interesting looking zmobies! i don't think i've heard of the game they're from

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/06/23 17:40:22

Post by: Theophony

Zombies are always a plus.

What sort of character does your girlfriend play?

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/06/23 19:41:35

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

She’s playing a Fallen Aasimar Ranger, a bounty hunter who’s turned to fighting aberrations since she almost got her brain sucked out by a dog sized brain on legs. A very interesting model, can’t wait to show you!

Last Night on Earth is a great game!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/06/26 13:13:12

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Bad light again, but here's my girlfriend's D&D character, Heroforge custom mini. Lighting is pretty terrible. The skin and face came out amazing! Especially shocked that I managed to get the eye without it looking like a strange blob. Compared to her, my own mini looks terrible.


It's not super visible, but the shoulder pauldrons are a dark brown leather, while the chest piece is a black leather. Pants and shirt underneath the leather are dark grey and medium grey, respectively. I guess that's what I get for trying to take pictures in the evening in an old house...

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/06/26 15:53:03

Post by: Theophony

Looks good to me , I’m not great at taking pictures either, but if you have a lamp try and get the model closer to the lamp and be on the other side, almost looks like your on the same side of the lightsource.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/06/26 16:09:19

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I tried to create a sort of lightbox, two lamps each at 45 degrees from the camera, and white sheets on all sides of it to try and reflect as much light as possible behind it.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/06/30 14:38:49

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

In the eternal conundrum of my short attention span, we fell into possession of a whole pile of styrofoam. So my girlfriend, first thing she does, is say "want to make some terrain?" Hell yeah I do! But it needs to be top of the list, because this is a LOT of styrofoam to keep around otherwise! So, the slow carving and building begins.

I have two large rectangular pieces, each of some thickness, with a large circular hole in one end. Cue hill-top lakeside for Table 1, and likely active volcano for Table 2 (if I don't end up needing to cannibalize the second large piece to have enough material to finish the first.

It's slow going, I'm starting by creating the crater-lake, carving it into angles. I hope for it to be smooth enough slopes to be vaguely playable, but if it ends up just being a display board that'd be ok too.


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/07/01 02:14:32

Post by: Theophony

Always have to change gears when a windfall drops in your lap. Looking forward to the progress.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/07/01 15:04:26

Post by: MacPhail

I'm really excited to watch this lake take shape. I tried a pond recently (around page 5 of my blog), but I haven't got the water effects into it yet. I can't quite picture the scale of this one, but it looks like you'll have room for a 25mm base or maybe a 32mm on each tier of the slope? The lesson I learned was to limit the actual texture (sand, gravel, cork, scrap foam) applied to those flat surfaces and make up for it with paint, washes, and drybrushing. I made the mistake of designing exactly 32mm of flat space on the perimeter of a piece and then cluttering a third of it with cork and ballast until nobody could stand there anymore. Awesome project... good luck!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/07/02 14:26:59

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

It's gonna be wild. Once I get it carved and sealed, I'm also going to practice using my new airbrush on it.

It's 32mm per tier., but I can fit about 2.5-3 tiers between the hole and the outer wall, not counting the very top there. The scale is pretty massive: the hold for the lake alone is 11 inches across! I'm likely going to have it be more tiered than I had originally hoped: the slope is already fairly steep, and I can't get it much smoother without having it be too steep for play.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/07/02 14:57:09

Post by: Slayer Dragonwing

 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:

I only remembered to take a single picture though! This poor Blood Angel marine, about to be dismembered by the Kromlech Overlord on the centre objective.

Weird question, but are you in Ottawa? That objective marker looks exactly like one I made and donated to the local gaming shop. Either it's the same one, or someone had exactly the same idea as me, which is hilarious.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/07/02 19:58:55

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I am! There's a set of them, yes, of small silver and gold objective markers? I quite liked them!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/07/02 20:51:28

Post by: The Riddle of Steel

 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
I am! There's a set of them, yes, of small silver and gold objective markers? I quite liked them!

Wow, what a crazy coincidence that you happened to take a picture of the marker and he saw it and recognized it!


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/07/03 04:36:31

Post by: Slayer Dragonwing

 The Riddle of Steel wrote:
 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
I am! There's a set of them, yes, of small silver and gold objective markers? I quite liked them!

Wow, what a crazy coincidence that you happened to take a picture of the marker and he saw it and recognized it!


That is a crazy coincidence! I'm glad you liked the markers . I made them for the Frostgrave games we were playing at the shop. It's good to see they are still getting used. I made a new set for home, including some much larger ones for dragon hoards.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/07/04 20:01:12

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

It's such slow going with this project, because the white PVA glue I'm using on the styrofoam to start takes such a long time to glue, but I've gotten the main circle about half built. The main circle will be built like this: 32mm of just the cut styrofoam on an angle that we saw in the previous photo, than roughly 40mm of built up styrofoam, at low enough an angle to still be able to balance a 32mm model. The entire ring has had the inner ring of added styrofoam done, while about half of it has had the outer ring. Then I have to get something to fill in the four square corners of the ring!


You can fit 2 32mm models between the inner lake-edge of the ring, and the upper edge of the crater. It'll be a tight fit once I add in the water effects (I'm going to practice on my Idoneth model bases first!), but should still be playable.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/07/11 14:13:29

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I moved the terrain piece into the basement to clear off my painting desk: it's pretty ugly to have in such a public part of the house, at least until I finish carving and get the paint on it. Also, I haven't been founding the modelling to be as relaxing as painting, so I went back and did a little bit more work on my zombies, with mixed results. Adding the bit of flesh colour to their green kinda looks... off. I'll probably have to hit it with a green wash to get it to blend in better. The second batch of zombies, when I do them, will I think be the new Contrast flesh tones with a green wash overtop.

Very happy with the khaki and tan tones especially, and the half-done white dress shirt looks nice as well. Still lots of work to go. All of them need a green wash on their skin, eyes, teeth, and blood effects.
Girl on the left needs to lighten her shirt up to a grey.
Next guy needs a lighter grey highlight on his grey-blue jeans.
Next guy needs to finish his white shirt, and then highlights on his brown hair.
Next guy is pretty much done other than skin wash, face details and blood.
Next guy needs his hair finished, and to redo his shirt: it's supposed to be purple, but I realized after putting the dark purple base coat that I should have done grey with a purple wash instead, so I'm going to go over it to do that.
Girl second from the right needs a hair highlight, and to bring her shirt up to a full orange with highlights. Also maybe a subtle jeans highlight
Last guy I need to put black and grey stripes on his shirt to make it plaid.
Then need to figure out what to do with their bases. Any ideas of basing? The board, for reference, is also in second spoiler below.



Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/07/11 14:38:06

Post by: Theophony

Zombies are looking great , having painted up a few hundred Zombicide figs I know it can be a nice palette cleanser.

Are these 28mm figs? I have no experience with this game, so wondering for future use.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/07/11 17:54:03

Post by: Captain Brown

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll,

Yes, sometimes large projects can get daunting part way through and you need a break to recharge.



Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/07/14 19:59:31

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

They're 28mm I believe, but a little on the smaller side for the scale. 28mm portraying non-muscled normal-size humans, I guess. Noticeably smaller than a Necron Warrior, and sliiiightly smaller than my Namarti Thralls.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/07/14 20:14:59

Post by: Theophony

 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
They're 28mm I believe, but a little on the smaller side for the scale. 28mm portraying non-muscled normal-size humans, I guess. Noticeably smaller than a Necron Warrior, and sliiiightly smaller than my Namarti Thralls.

I’m almost guessing 25mm then, there are plenty of zombie games out there, but they all use different scales. One that I grabbed used 20mm scale while another was 15mm. I guess they worry people won’t buy more of their zombies if they can just use ones from another game.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/07/19 03:13:26

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I wouldn't be surprised: I can't say I've gone and measured them myself.

Played (and lost) a battle last week against Raven Guard and Blood Angels, 2v1. Deceiver+Zahdrekh+Obyron+10 Scytheguard ruined the new Primaris tank 1st turn, but then got wrecked. Deceiver actually survived to do some decent damage after though!

The battlelines are set

Doomscythe popped the Raven Guard autocannon Dreadnought with overkill, but failed to hit anything after that. Wraiths behind had just eliminated the first unit of Raven Guard Eliminator's, but rather than send them against the second unit of Eliminators, I sent them into the various Blood Angels infantry, where they were blasted off the table. Failed to deal with those second Eliminators too, even after a whole Destroyer salvo!

[i]The C'tan proxy hid with the warriors after doing her initial tricks

Zahndrekh, Obyron, and the final Lychguard got charged after weathering a whole turn of shooting on their Turn 2

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/09/03 15:32:16

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Alright, been a hot minute. But the zombies are all done, apart from their bases (I need to pick up some new stuff to do their bases in mud and grass) (As usual click through to see them full size in the gallery).


I also picked up a better photography app that allows me to adjust white balance, so no more weirdly yellow pictures!

I also went back and finished the basing on my first handful of Lychguard. Just need to clean up the black base rim, which isn't worth it's own photo, and we're away!


I'm still torn as to whether to drybrush green to make it glow. I gave an attempt on it on one at the front of the picture, you can see it on their eyes and ribcage, but I'm not sure if it works. Do you think that's worth attempting again on the other models?

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/09/04 19:53:08

Post by: Captain Brown

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll,

Nice progress and always a treat to see painted armies on the table top...(well your army was painted).



Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/10/23 13:32:16

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

So I gave up on the terrain project. Styrofoam is awful to use. Would not recommend.

Decided to try to do some minimal OSL practice on the Lychguard, with the eyes, ribs, and weapons.


Not entirely happy, but my roommate says it really looks like it's glowing from table-top distance so I'll accept it!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/10/23 13:51:47

Post by: Not Online!!!

Uuhh fancy.
I like them.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/11/28 05:39:54

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Thank you!

Inspired by two different Flayed One conversions I saw, I decided to combine the two concepts into one. I would try and fit Sicarian Ruststalker legs under Glaivewraith cloaks, use the Sicarian claws as one of the arms, source left-handed claws from somewhere, and boom, super unique Flayed Ones.

I mocked up a rough proof of concept here: imagine this image, but with the cloak painted to look like flayed skin! In the concept photoshop I thought I would chop the face to make it less animalistic, but having built it, the animal-like legs work really well with the animal skull, so I'm gonna keep it to have this feral theme.

My first attempt at actually building this almost failed: I couldn't apply enough heat to warp the bodies to open up the cavity without just outright melting them. So instead, the two halves of the glaivewraith body will have the gap between them filled with green stuff!

Here's what it looks like missing one arm, and not yet green-stuffed!

Any tips or hints on how to make this better or easier? I know it's gonna require some clever basing to get it to stand straight, gonna have to have lots of scattered rocks so the weird feet angles give it enough purchase...

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/12/04 16:30:56

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Played a battle against a Farsight Enclave featuring the Eight. Had to call the game early, at which point I had the lead, but we agreed that there was only a 1/4 chance I would win if we played to finish.

Drones are tricky!


The Eight bunkered down in the central shipping crate yard, where they would have a defensive position to trade fire with the Necron defensive lines.


Lord Cleomqen, the bannerbearer of the Sothis Dynasty, rallies his "Farmer levies" in defensive positions. In the midground, the Immortal warrior-caste lie in ambush in a saloon. In the background, the Tau have seized the centre of the battlefield.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/12/04 18:24:48

Post by: Captain Brown

Interesting collection of terrain from your battle Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll.



Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/12/04 18:43:07

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

The FLGS has this nice collection of sci-fi western card terrain, but it wasn't quite enough to fill the table so I had to put a more traditional Warhammer Gothic ruin on too!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/12/04 20:25:16

Post by: amazingturtles

That flayed one idea is so great

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/12/07 17:48:53

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Painted up Vargard Obyron aka Vargard Oddaros. This is him almost completed (i'll get better light for the completed photo). Just had to do basing, a last edge highlight on his warscythe, and then gonna try varnish and maybe a waterslide transfer.


Like many of the Sothis Dynasty, Vargard Oddaros is stuck reliving the same period over and over again.


For Vargard Oddaros, that period is a day that saw a close assassination attempt on the Nemesor A'ahotka, pictured here with him


Ever since then, Oddaros has stayed by A'ahotka's side, taking his orders, and leading his most trusted Lychguard against A'ahotka's enemies, certain that each one is part of the ongoing assassination attempt.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/12/09 16:34:44

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

While waiting for stuff to dry, I also did a test-paint on one of my Namarti Thralls. I wanted my Namartis to have no silver, steel, or iron. Every metal would be in a shade of bronze for weapons, copper for lower ornamentation or practical items, or gold for fanciness. This is a test of a bronze weapon. I'm pretty happy about it, but wondering whether it could use a touch of verdigris. I wouldn't put verdigris on the Akhelian weapons though, it'd only be the Namarti lower classes.


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/12/09 17:24:12

Post by: amazingturtles

Yeah, that's a nice bronze color. I like the idea of using all the colors but silver and steelish. A bit of verdigris would be good i think but not so much that it become the dominant color.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/12/11 16:16:32

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Perhaps just a little in the details? I don't want to lose the warmth of the metal, but differentiating Namarti from the high classes is a good idea. I'll experiment later.

Still working on Obyron. He's taking a varnish right now, so I picked a random model to paint while the varnish dried.


Just base coat so far, and still needs some touch-ups on the shoulder and the belt (forgot which bump was buckle and which was belt, accidentally bronzed the belt!). Going for a classic Order of Our Martyred Lady look, though I might end up re-doing her as Sacred Rose. My current plan is to get more a blue tint to her black armour. If that doesn't turn out though I think it's strip-and-Sacred-Rose time.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/12/11 18:42:33

Post by: Captain Brown

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll,

I painted Amalia Novena for the Monthly Painting Challenge as well and found her very difficult to paint as the model was so thin and small. Good work on a basecoat.



Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/12/13 13:35:20

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Alright, here's Obyron in all his glory! I initially left him gloss varnish (he is a metallic creature after all). Do you guys think I should keep gloss, or matte him back down?


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/12/15 21:33:43

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

A shot of the named characters on my shelf, nice to get some more natural sunlight for a shot!



Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2019/12/17 12:54:37

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Next on the list, is a pile more warriors. These ones are gonna get similar OSL effects, so I'm really amping up the glow on their weapons.


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/01/09 21:41:43

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Christmas gifts involved an actual lightbox! Here's a test shot with some old minis, not my paint-jobs. These ones my mother got me when I was just a kid, she commissioned them from a friend of hers. Alas both of these minis are now Legends only. At least the bolt thrower can be proxied as a Stormcast ballista ally for my Idoneth. Unfortunately no such useful proxy I know of for the sorceress.


I think I need to place the miniatures a little further back so that the front illuminates a bit more, because the shutter speed is so high from the bright background, they look much darker than they are.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/01/09 22:07:14

Post by: Not Online!!!

Probably, also this Makes me miss warhammer .

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/01/11 05:23:53

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Working through this batch of warriors! Experimenting with using the brightest silver on the arms and legs as an edge highlight which I think will work better with OSL from the gun. I think it'll look very strong at tabletop level!


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/01/12 15:47:29

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Finished the light OSL on all of them, and began basing. Just basing, water transfer squad markings, and varnish left!


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/01/12 19:59:32

Post by: gobert

Nice OSL they’ve got going on!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/01/16 04:40:17

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Progress is slow but inevitable, much like my army! A friend gave me some basing moss, which I'm trying out on these front 3 with the larger bases,


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/01/16 12:55:18

Post by: Theophony

Great work on this batch, The OSL really sells them.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/01/18 00:39:31

Post by: Maharg

Nice work on the lighting, looks really good. I wonder if you need to add some glow to the chins of the models with the guns near their faces, same with some of the knees near the pipes to add to the effect even more

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/01/20 16:02:51

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Good call on the adjustments to the OSL. I'll add a little bit on the chins, legs, and on review the right arms before sealing them.

I grabbed a handful of Nighthaunt models from a friend, and I had an idea for them that I wanted to trial on Olynder; bloody eyesockets. Ghosts wrapped in torn flesh bleeding from their eyes is pretty good horror if I can pull it off.


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/01/25 02:17:25

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I think your suggestions really worked Maharg! A little bit OSL near the face, knees, and arms, then putting on the regiment shoulder-mark waterslide transfers.



Next: A woodlands base to quickly whip together as a quick break, then the first batch of 10 Chainrasps! Corroded bronze, skeletal bodies, bloody eyes and flayed skin, come floating through the mist. This should be fun!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/01/25 13:17:41

Post by: amazingturtles

Those bits of glowing armor do look good. And the chainrasps sound like they'll be nice and creepy.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/01/25 19:07:05

Post by: Not Online!!!

So, i missed 5 contributions....

Feels blind man.
FWIW, i still like the unique painting style on them.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/01/26 23:25:41

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Thanks for the kind words guys!

The log came out mixed; the fallen log looks amazing, but the upright log in comparison looks kinda... bland and bare. Partially I blame the sculpt; the upright log is pretty much detailless. But at the same time, I should be able to add the bark flecks myself. I may return later and fix that.


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/01/27 18:53:48

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

First test for the Nighthaunt scheme! This is just base coats of everything: contrast for the bone and flesh-shawl, a light wash for the ghost-y-bits, bronze for the metal will all be corroded. Considering replacing my usual wood with the contrast wood it looks really good. Bleeding eye sockets. I think I'm happy, I want to experiment with the corroded bronze before I do the first set of ten but this is very promising.



Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/01/28 01:05:01

Post by: Maharg

Good start on the ghosts, they have a nice dirty, old look to them. Eye sockets turned out well too

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/01/28 05:55:16

Post by: Captain Brown

I echo Maharg, a nice base for the Nighthaunts.



Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/01/29 14:47:28

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

It's satisfyingly different from most nighthaunt schemes I think.

Got my hands on some Nihilakh Oxide, so here's how the metal is going to look. Too much weathering, or not enough?


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/01/30 15:58:14

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Just a minor update, a tiny bit of highlighting on the bone. Taking the teeth a level lighter makes a big difference I think!


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/01/31 15:21:52

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Bronze base coat on the first whole batch. I was a bit unhappy on the Nihilakh Oxide on the test model, so I redid the bronze; I think properly it'll be better done dotted in certain chain links rather than spread across the whole chain and just hoping it'll settle in the crevices, because that way it ended up shading the raised areas as well in strange ways.


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/01/31 15:56:58

Post by: Not Online!!!

i think the new brass does look better.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/01 15:46:11

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I had a whole pile of extra bronze paint on my palette, so put a little bit more on what will eventually by my Namarti Thrall test model, testing out how it looks for the armour as well. I think it'll look good!


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/02 11:44:34

Post by: gobert

Your bronze on the night haunts and sea elf looks good. I’d call that a successful test!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/02 11:59:51

Post by: Viterbi

Bronze looks really good on the Thrall, excited to see more of Idoneth!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/03 14:08:13

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Thanks gobert and Viterbi! Alas the Idoneth is gonna likely wait a bit, but once I get to them I'm very excited.

Meantime, a LOT of progress on the nighthaunts: finished the bone, flesh, and metal! Only the wood, stone, bases, ghostly cloaks, and blood effects left to do!


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/03 20:49:30

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

They look amazing so far. Very ethereal.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/03 22:11:22

Post by: Yorkright

That sea elf looks great with the bronze it really sets off his skin tone. Ghosts are looking good too, as Warboss said very ethereal!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/04 13:34:44

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Thanks Warboss and Yorkright! I’m glad the more realistic items and such don’t ruin the ethereal effect of the models!

The wood came out fantastic! Just one picture here of the best one, the Ghost of the Gallows.


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/05 15:30:26

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Ittttt's purple time!

First, the robes got a spectrum of white at the top to black at the tips for the purple wash to tint. The edge highlighting also got progressively darker, with white highlighting light gray, light gray highlighting dark gray, and dark gray highlighting black.

Then, the purple wash was applied. Here you can see a practice on the candelabra flames which got the same effect, as well as on one robe. The robe didn't get the appropriate spectrum of shades applied first though, so it came out looking too light, so I redid it.

Here's how it looks with about half of the models done!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/05 15:36:58

Post by: Viterbi

Nice work, they look legitimately spooky and threatening!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/06 14:11:36

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Thanks! It's a lot of work for a horde unit, but I prefer to paint real slow so.

Finished the units themselves, all that's left is basing! Blood effects, purple cloaks, stone (the gravestones I'm especially proud of), and dark red candles to match the blood. Actually I've finished basing as well, but I don't have time to take lightbox photos of these guys before I leave town for the weekend, so you'll all have to wait until I get back for those!

Next minis on the painting list are some aaaancient Terminators from when I was just a kid! Painting Space Marines will be a huge difference from both metallic Necrons and naturalistic and flow-y Nighthaunt.

Edit: do you think the candelabra-bearer's helmet is a bit bare? I'm tempted to try something to bring a little bit more interest to it, but I can't figure out what other than more Nihilakh Oxide...

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/06 15:33:51

Post by: CaptainWaffle

The group looks spooky to me. At first I was indifferent on the color choices. Now that it's all together it looks really quite good. I think the helmet looks good as it is, but if you really want to do something with it perhaps a soft purple or purple\red glaze would help. Looking forward to the terminators.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/06 19:14:00

Post by: Captain Brown

Very nice colouring Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll.

Some uniformity amongst the dead.



Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/06 23:35:37

Post by: Maharg

Nice work on those nighthaunt, the colours go together really well. Helmet looks ok as is but does blend in with the hood a bit. Captain Waffle's idea of a purple glaze sounds like a good option to help it stand out a bit whilst staying with your colour choices

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/10 13:40:07

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Back from my trip! All of a sudden some photos I'm trying to upload to the gallery here are being turned sideways, and I can't figure out why, they look upright in my phone... In the meantime, here's a few more WIPs of the Chainrasps before I take the final photo. These were before your suggestions on the helmet, which I'll try out shortly.

Close-up on the candelabra before I had filled in the candles, to see the purple smoke effect.

I'm going for a mud base, but for reasons you'll soon see once I get the finished pictures, most of it will be obscured...

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/11 12:57:20

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I got a battle in before I finished basing the minis, but I couldn't get the pictures not to be sideways... So, I gave up and here's the battle.

It was just a simple 850pts with my Nighthaunts versus his Ossiarch Bonereapers. My two units of Chainrasps tied down his Kavalos Deathriders and Archai, but the remainder of my army wasn't enough to chew through his block of Mortek Guard, and once he killed my centerpiece characters, he was able to sweep through and wipe out the rest of my army. It was super close until a turn of bad rolls for me meant I didn't kill a single Mortek Guard from all of my attacks!

Pictures in no particular order:

Kavalos Deathriders vs Chainrasps

Archai vs Chainrasps

Vokmortion overlooking Lady Olynder

Vandtos fighting Olynder (though actually modelled as Vandtos, he was played just a normal Liege

The table before Olynder finally bit it.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/12 15:31:39

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I rebuilt the old scratchbuilt Cryptek! He had completely fallen apart when I went to strip the old paint off of him, but the bits could still be used to rebuild him, better and stronger!

Here he is next to the base model I used. You can see how I cut away a lot of the waist in order to hunch him over for a more dynamic pose.


Next to the classic Cryptek. He's a good bit bulkier than this guy!


And next to the new Cryptek with Cloak. Looks like I wasn't the only one to scale creep my Cryptek!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/12 17:43:32

Post by: Captain Brown

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll,

Nice effect on the candles.

So for the photo flips, I had that when I was uploading...solved it by transferring them from phone to a computer folder and then turning them sideways there and then loading them to Dakka.

Hope that helps,


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/13 16:58:16

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Thanks Cpt Brown! I'll try that next time I have that issue.

Still haven't gotten the final pictures of the Chainrasps, hopefully I'll have those pictures for you for tomorrow.

In the meantime, the next thing on my painting table is, well, some models I've had for what must be over a decade. The Assault on Black Reach Terminators! We're gonna work through a single practice model to test out the scheme.

Inspiration is knightly tabards over armour, which means legs and arms are gray to evoke the , and the main heraldry is limited to the chest, pauldrons, and other armour pieces. For the main heraldry, I was stuck between azure/argent, like this:

Or azure/or like this (except halved instead of quartered; quartering is hard to do without using the full arms and legs):

I decided, despite my Ukrainian heritage pulling hard for the Ukrainian azure/or, that azure/argent would be cleaner. Plus, I'm doing this Ultramarine-style markings, which means white helmets for Veterans, which I think may look weird against the yellow. Either way, I was gonna be into a wild ride trying to do either white or yellow, neither of which I've done big blocks of before. The below picture is VERY rough, just the main colours blocked out to see how I like them. I know I said that arms would be gray, but the power-fist is such a big central piece it deserves the heraldic colours.


It's not too late to switch to the Azure/Or if you guys think it'd be more fun! Either case, the chapter badge will be in red, as will be the bolter casings and power swords, if that makes a difference. I'm also looking to do a little OLS from the engine exhausts to show the POWER in the power armour.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/14 20:05:54

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

These types of clean edge lines on larger panels are so much harder to do than the smaller models I'm used to!

Here's the test mini just about finished up, at least in terms of planning the scheme. I'm gonna try and be a bit cleaner when I go and do the whole batch.


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/14 20:31:40

Post by: Captain Brown


I always pained the lighter color first...then the darker and I worked the darker over from a line that I knew was not close enough, then slowed worked from that.

The other trick was to use a thin black line between the two colors.

Hope that helps,


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/16 13:44:34

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Thanks Captain Brown for the advice! I'll give that a shot, see if that makes cleaner lines. I think just generally even the rest of my edge highlighting needs to be prettied up though. I'm also considering switching my white recipe; my White Scar dried up a while ago and so I've basically been just reconstituting it as I need it, but now... Is it worth getting the Apothecary White Contrast paint? It's awful tempting.

In the meantime, here's what the basing scheme is gonna look like: mix of dirt and moonscape. Mostly so I can use the Astrogranite that I accidentally bought because I wasn't paying attention to which pot I was picking up...


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/17 16:31:09

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Got the legs done on the whole batch. These guys just need to finish off the gold to finish the legs. The wash on the face in this pic is still drying, the skin looks great other than a drop of black paint that fell on the side of his head that I need to clean up that I hadn't noticed.

Then I'll see how clean I get get the blue!


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/17 20:37:45

Post by: Viterbi

Terminators are coming together nicely, love the blue-white color scheme!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/18 19:03:35

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

You can see a bit of the preparation for me cleaning up the border between the lines, but mostly this is to show what engine exhausts are gonna look like on these guys! This plus a little OSL should really help these guy seem like their armour really is powered.


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/18 19:43:02

Post by: Fifty

I really like the ghosts. The dull colour with the (slightly) brighter purple is very effective for them.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/20 02:01:50

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I know these have been done and sitting on my shelf, but it's been a wild time and I needed a good time to take actual lightbox photos of them. So without further ado...

A Quiet Sigmarite Village
A quiet stroll through the village graveyard normally is a relaxing time to unwind after a long day's work at the tavern. By this point of the night, even the most insistent of drunks have gone home (or at least partway to pass out in the road), so it allowed Bea some rare time to sit in her own head, undisturbed. At least, undisturbed until she got home and her mother berated her about how late she was coming home. Nobody else ever walked through the graveyard, so she knew she would not be disturbed. Peace and quiet, albeit the peace of the grave and the quiet of the dead. But the graves didn't demand to be wiped clean of drunken vomit, and the dead didn't try to cop a feel as she brought them ale.

Tonight though, something was different. Perhaps it was the white mist that lay heavy amongst the tombstones, so that at least twice Bea almost tripped over uneven ground, and once even kicked an overturned gravestone that must have fallen across the path, hidden as it was in the ground-hugging cloud. She kicked it so hard she was sure her toe would be purple and swollen when she finally got home. She was grateful that there was nobody else in the graveyard to hear her near-blasphemous swearing; how disturbed would Sister Theresa be if she heard the words that Bea had learned from the old veterans who would swap war stories over a bottle of cheap whiskey!

But now, she wasn't so sure that she was alone. The hair on her arm was stood on end. But nobody else ever walked through the graveyard. There couldn't have been any movement in the mist, her eyes were playing tricks on her. That distant sound of clinking chains must be the tavern sign, the sound floating to her on the wind (though Bea's treacherous mind wouldn't let her forget that if there was a wind, she couldn't feel it, and it hardly disturbed the mist). The sound of the scrape of metal on stone was... what innocent explanation for that could there be? "Hello? Is anyone there?" Bea called out into the fog, praying to Sigmar that there would be no reply; nobody else ever walked through the graveyard.

The reply came floating through the mist; skulls with jaws open in noiseless screams, blood flowing freely from staring eye sockets, gripping in shackled hands copper blades with the familiar patina she daily fought to keep off the mugs. She was transfixed to the spot as the shapes came towards her, the leather draped across skeletal shoulders flapping in a wind that did not blow. It wasn't until they were nearly close enough to touch her that she realized that the leather was not tanned, but freshly skinned. She saw her own mother's face hanging over the shoulder of the closest spectre. Only then she screamed, but there was nobody to hear her. Nobody else ever walked through the graveyard. The dead would not be disturbed.

[click for full size]

Edit: If there's any specific ghosts you want solo pictures of, do ask!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/20 06:39:19

Post by: Viterbi

Love the story bit and the bases, nice work simulating the mist! It was really cool seeing those ghosts come together.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/20 20:43:30

Post by: Flapjack

Those spooky boys look awesome. Great paintjob and I like what you did with the bases

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/20 21:03:06

Post by: youwashock

Creepy cool. Nice work on the fluff and the minis.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/21 16:37:02

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Thanks guys! Hopefully soon we'll try the same scheme on a larger mini.

Had a social painting night, my roommate and two friends and I all sitting around a table painting our minis. I chose to trial a few more colour palette choices for my Idoneth using the Soulrender. I set out the recipe for the fins and tassels, and laboured over the colour for the swordfish. The swordfish is looking great, except their underbelly isn't as pale as I was hoping for, I did a blue wash over it and it really covered over the pale more than I had intended! But the rest of the fish colours are just perfect, and I'm loving the coral orange for the fins and plumes!


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/22 14:51:11

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

A cleaner blue! Thanks Captain Brown for the advice, I think it really helped!



Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/23 14:54:27

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I'm super happy with how the purity seals came out! Just absolutely ecstatic!


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/24 15:50:48

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

It's lens time! These are coming out great again! Soon I'll finish the white and we'll be just about done.



Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/25 13:50:56

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

All lenses and eyes done! I also totally forgot to draw attention to the Sarge's cingulum in roman red leather. Another chance to use a red shade as my accent colour!


Just need to do the white, the eagle chests, the yellow/orange light on the backside, the sarge's studs and eye, and the OSL from the back vents. Then on to the arms!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/26 05:02:14

Post by: King Thor

Lenses look awesome, as does the swordfish! What was the recipe for the lenses?

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/27 15:53:19

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

King Thor wrote:
Lenses look awesome, as does the swordfish! What was the recipe for the lenses?

Thank you! I did the lenses in the Seraphon-themed blue-green line of paints. Base Stegadon Scale Green, then Sotek Green, then Temple Guard Blue, with the dots of White scar. Each layer peeks out from the previous layer. It also helps differentiate from a more sky-blue theme.

I got the rest done! I don't quite have the steady hand to do good eyes yet, more practice needed, and need to look up schemes to do eyes. But the rest of the bodies is all done (except noticing I forgot the sarge's service stud. will have to go back and do that). I'm very happy with the golden aquilas, they came out with a lot of depth to them.



I apologize for the dirty camera lens, it gives the white a bit of a halo...

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/28 23:17:55

Post by: Captain Brown


The best way to do eyes is paint the eye black, then paint a smaller white eye shape inside the black one (so you have a thin black edge around the white), then a dot of black in the center of the white, that black dot should reach the top and bottom of the original black edge...that will prevent your eyes look like they are starring.

Hope that helps,


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/29 02:14:37

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Ooooh, I'll try that on attempt 3! Attempt 2 here is... better, but not quite right yet. The eye is smaller (like, actually eye-sized). I did at least get the chance to do his service stud and clean up the studs near the top of his armour (though the one on the left the wash pooled too much on it, I'll need to fix that).


I'm putting in way more effort on these decade-old minis that likely won't even see a tabletop than they really deserve, but I'd rather learn the techniques on these guys than on the fish-elves, so I can get it right for them!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/02/29 05:46:57

Post by: Viterbi

Painting eyes is a bastard and I hate doing them, but they give a finished look to a mini. Your attempt is looking good!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/03/01 04:22:55

Post by: MacPhail

Really nice lenses, and overall a great unit coming together. Plus, anything with Terminators always makes me feel like it's 1989 again and I'm playing Space Hulk in my mom's attic with neighbor kids. Great work!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/03/01 23:04:48

Post by: JoshInJapan

I just finished skimming through your pblog. Lots of nice stuff here. I particularly like the patchy washes on the nighthaunts and the OSL on the Terminators' vents.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/03/02 15:38:19

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Thanks for the kind words everyone! After a few attempts at a stronger OSL on the back panels from the furnace, I've given up on that for now. Red OSL on white just keeps looking like... red panels.

So the back will, in the end, just look like this.


Started work on the arms, which should by all rights be fast, but work has hit me so hard I only have maybe a half hour of spare time in a day, and then I'm off to the States for a professional convention (alas not the cool kind that I could buy minis at), so this blog might get pretty slow until next week.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/03/02 22:59:49

Post by: gobert

I think the vents look pretty cool, or rather have a nice warm glow to them. Good work Gwyn

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/03/03 14:57:42

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

So this is as far on the arms that I’m gonna get until next week. Excited to finish off these so I can get to the power sword!


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/03/03 21:46:42

Post by: Captain Brown


Keep at it.



Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/03/04 07:11:26

Post by: Viterbi

New vents look really good, nice simmering heat effect. Excited to see those terminators fully armed (sorry, I let myself out... )

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/03/13 21:20:00

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

*groans* at Viterbi

Got dropped right into the thick of it after returning from the States. Little time to pick up the brushes since then alas. Hopefully now that classes are moving online I’ll have a bit more time.


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/03/14 02:33:55

Post by: Captain Brown

One suggestion Gwyn. Something that works quite well is when your red bleeds onto the grey/silver below you can just put some black to correct, it will look like shadow and make the contrast in color more pronounced.

My two cents,


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/03/14 13:23:49

Post by: Fifty

I like the vents on the back of the terminators. Think I'll start doing something similar.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/03/18 20:20:45

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Thanks guys! I finished up the red, just time to do the sights (which I've decided will be metallic black like the main casing of the gun), the gold, and as Cpt Brown said, clean up the bleeding red!


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/03/19 21:21:46

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

One arm attached! Now for the powerfist arms, and then the power sword will be done last!


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/03/21 00:45:08

Post by: Captain Brown

Getting closer Gwyn.



Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/03/24 11:48:16

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I know this progress is painfully slow, trust I feel it too, but we're almost done!

Blue and the grey (except I forgot the fingers) is done! Next is the fingers, the shoulder badges, and then lastly the sword and gold details for the sarge!


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/03/27 17:16:47

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Finally got a substantive painting day in! Finished the sword and terminator honours! Just gonna do some limited OSL from the sword, and basing, and then on to the next project!

The terminator honours came out ok (super quick and easy drybrushes and washes with limited edge highlighting), but I'm super thrilled with how the sword came out! I decided to go for a more fiery orange-red sword rather than the traditional Imperial cold blue to be an accent colour to the blue armour elsewhere. I also gave a thin black line around the jousting shield, to help separate it from the body, on my SO's professional advice.

Here's the line of left arms!

And the Sarge with his arms attached!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/03/27 20:56:01

Post by: gobert

Cool effect on the sword Gwyn. Its cool how it comes from the nodes and fades to black at the hilt.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/03/28 09:12:44

Post by: Viterbi

Second gobert, nice sword effect and happy you're almost done. Excited for the squad picture!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/04/06 16:43:00

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Thanks Gobert and Viterbi! I'm super happy with how the sword came out, it's the most advanced blending I've done yet. With that, the practice doing lots of lenses (which I think I've gotten down pat now), and a start practicing eyes, I think I can count these terminators as a pretty good learning experience!

Anyhow, the minis are finished! Light OSL on from the sword worked in a way that it didn't coming from the furnace, but I'm ok with that. Helps pick out the sarge as special. Click on the pictures below to see them full-size in the gallery!


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/04/06 18:28:24

Post by: Captain Brown

Nice unit Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll, one you can field and on the table and feel proud.



Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/04/06 21:38:12

Post by: gobert

Good job getting them all done, they’re a nice cohesive unit! What’s next ?

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/04/07 06:39:05

Post by: Viterbi

Squad looks great, very crisp painting and nice subtle OSL on the sergeant's sword arm and shield!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/04/07 12:24:56

Post by: Maharg

That's a fine looking squad of terminator. Sword is really nice

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/04/07 14:53:22

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Thanks everyone! I only have a handful of Space Marine minis (AoBR minus like 2 or 3 lost tactical marines, plus an extra captain that I've converted with some Adeptus bits, a Battle of Macragge pilot, and the Dark Vengeance Company Master, Librarian, and Tacticals), so hopefully the scheme also works on Dark Angel minis as well.

Next up is an updated version of my old Deathmark minis. They don't see the table often (absolutely useless in units of 5, need 10 to even kill a single character reliably, and they ain't that cheap), but at least they can look better than, well... this!


Edit: The purple "barrel" is out, replaced with a LOT of glowy green. The black armour plates on the body stay in, but I need to work more purple into the model somehow. I'm thinking that the shoulder will be the normal purple, but all of what would normally be silver will instead by metallic black. The white face-plate stays too, although the jaw under it will be bone like my new scheme.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/04/10 16:32:22

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

The first step, as usual, is the build out the green glow in the recesses, then everything else, then see how far we can go with OSL. These guys have a different barrel style; the recesses in the barrel will glow yellow-green, should look very electric. Still just building out the initial gradient before I get to that though. Black with a lot of glowing green should make these guys a gorgeous mini.


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/04/11 08:07:10

Post by: Viterbi

Nice start on the necrons, wishing you a steady hand when painting the armour after building up the glow!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/04/22 18:05:01

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Finally finished exams for my second year of law school. Celebrated by finishing the green on the mini. Not quite sure it's bright enough yet, I might have to brighten it up a bit more, but I might also just call it good enough for a unit that almost never sees tabletop!


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/04/23 18:21:16

Post by: Captain Brown

 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
Finally finished exams for my second year of law school.

Congratulations Gwyn.



Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/04/24 19:44:55

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Thanks Captain Brown!

I've been throwing myself into more painting: did a few coats of purple, and two coats of black that I'll then lighten up and give metallic edges. The basic scheme is now apparent! I wanted the purple to be noticeably darker than my normal scheme, but I might still need to give a little bit more edge highlight so it doesn't look so flat. Also a single coat of Leadbelcher just to get that interior bit done, it still needs a wash and highlights.


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/04/25 12:40:46

Post by: Viterbi

Congrats on finishing the exams!

The Necrons look good, but then I can easily swayed with a little purple in a color scheme

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/04/25 13:21:07

Post by: tinfoil

Liking the 'crons! Particularly the dramatic dark purple/green glow contrast.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/04 22:23:07

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Thanks for the kind words Viterbi and tinfoil!

Pleased to declare the Deathmarks finished! I think they came out decently! Certainly much better than they were before I redid them! I'm especially proud of the OSL on their butts. Yes, Butt OSL.

Front view, spread deployment

Front view, tight deployment

Rear view

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/05 13:22:33

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I did a base as a 5-minute palate/palette-cleanser in between larger projects. And what cleanses the palate quite like skulls floating in an ocean of blood? Khorne Red and Blood for the Blood God in all the depths, and then the skulls are Skeletal Horde contrast, dry-brushed Ushabti Bone, and Screaming Skull to pick out the teeth. This will likely end up being the base for one of the Nighthaunt heroes (though ti doesn't really fit the misty-graveyard theme), or perhaps for my one Ossiarch mini.



Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/05 13:29:07

Post by: MacPhail

Nice work on those Necrons... I love how much the wash made your base colors pop, and adding the yellow to the green in the deep recesses gives a great effect. Nice overall scheme.

Also, good call on the palette/palate cleanser. I might need to line up some one-offs like that, especially in these times of more intense output.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/07 15:38:39

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

My next project is a unit of 5 Lychguard with Warscythes from e-Bay. These will complete a unit of 10 that form an elite strike force lead by Vargard Oddaros (aka Obyron). Luckily, they were already reasonably base-coated, so I don't really have to strip them.

First part of them complete; the green glowing areas (eyes, ribcage, guts, weapon parts). Every time I do this, I get a little bit better.

Front view:

Rear View

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/07 16:59:20

Post by: youwashock

Congrats on your testing. The bone-field is a cool little project.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/07 18:43:10

Post by: amazingturtles

You really have improved a lot with the glowing green! not that you were any bad to start with, but it's looking incredibly impressive now, subtle and natural.

As natural as glowing green metal skeletons can be of course

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/08 08:48:30

Post by: Not Online!!!

aye the glow effect has improved massively .

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/08 12:35:14

Post by: tinfoil

To chime in here: the green glow is really well done. Makes these models look sooo sinister!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/09 11:49:06

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Thanks youwashock, amazingturtles, Not Online and tinfoil! I'm really happy with how it came out this time.

Just a small update today, got their masks done. Not as impressive, though I tried a little bit more blending and shadows with thinner paints. Later I'll go back and add a little glow from their eyes.


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/10 14:51:19

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I decided that my previous steel warscythe blades weren't really screaming "+2S, AP-4, D2", so I tried out the traditional method of painting Necron melee weapons, and ooooh boy did it turn out beautiful! Eventually other weapons will be repainted to match this.


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/10 18:54:53

Post by: gobert

Great choice to glow up the scythes, they really make the minis pop! I agree with everyone else that your green glow has upped its game lately!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/11 05:15:43

Post by: Viterbi

New scythes look amazing, great job on the whole unit!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/12 14:20:48

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I'm glad you guys think it works! The rest of the painting doesn't have as many exciting changes; the silver and gold are already base coated by the previous owner, so now I've put the purple on them all the basic colours are blocked out now.

The big exception is the staff, because I'm at a bit of a crossroads. I did them before in brown, but did that work for you guys? Or should I do them instead in black like the official GW paintjob, or perhaps in a darkened Necron Silver? Or, perhaps most out-there, a worn gold, using silver highlights to show the wear on it This would match more with my Szeras mini?

Front view:

Rear view:

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/12 15:55:36

Post by: monkeytroll

Agreed with the others, the new glowy weapons are ace!

Staff-wise, I'm tempted by the worn gold idea, just wondering how it will look with the glowing green.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/12 16:54:49

Post by: Captain Brown

 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
The big exception is the staff, because I'm at a bit of a crossroads. I did them before in brown, but did that work for you guys? Or should I do them instead in black like the official GW paintjob, or perhaps in a darkened Necron Silver? Or, perhaps most out-there, a worn gold, using silver highlights to show the wear on it This would match more with my Szeras mini?


It all depends on what you aim to achieve...for the aged and dusty look there are good as they are. If you do them black, then you will have to dust them again otherwise they will look odd compared to the rest of the model. If you do them Silver or Gold, again you would need to weather that to match the aged and dusty look of the figures.

My two cents,


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/21 16:58:14

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

So this is the trial with a worn gold staff; I did the normal gold very warm as usual, but went with a much colder tone on the staff gold, plus the silver wear. Should differentiate it enough. Do you guys think this works, or should I go back to the usual plan?


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/21 17:04:34

Post by: youwashock

I like the gold. The green on the blades is marvelous.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/21 19:42:20

Post by: Warboss_Waaazag

I'm really digging on the royal purple. It's an excellent mix, purple, gold, and green.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/22 12:11:38

Post by: monkeytroll

I'm liking the gold, that works.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/22 15:52:29

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Do you guys think the main gold could use a thin silver highlight to brighten it up at all?

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/23 15:13:00

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Just a minor update while I consider whether to brighten up the gold; brightened up the silver bodies to match my other minis.


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/27 14:30:37

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Miniature update, got some red gems. They're not super great, but they're there.


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/28 12:47:07

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Only basing left to do! Oh, and I should put a gloss coat on the jewel on the one guy's head, tbh. This last step I just finished was doing the green icons, and the OSL. Should I do more OSL around the eyes?


Because the bases are already covered in that silver grit, I'm just gonna paint the silver grit to try and match my existing bases.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/28 12:49:04

Post by: Viterbi

Great looking squad, purple/green contrast is always nice!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/29 18:01:46

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Two parts of a triad, can't go wrong.

And they're done too!

Front View:

Rear View:

Mixed View:

Next, a board game mini, the Medic from the 10th anniversary special edition of Pandemic!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/29 21:10:53

Post by: Captain Brown

Some nice work there Gwyn.



Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/30 15:09:55

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Thanks Captain! These guys were alright, the blades came out fantastic, but the next mini is promising to be one of my best!

It's really quick and easy: a drab green for the uniform, an olive green for the accoutrements. A variety of washes give it a realistic and varied tint. Then just need to do the skin, boots, and the various Red Cross symbols. Oh no... more practice doing faces and eyes I guess!



Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/31 16:02:24

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I'm so happy with how the Medic came out! Definitely ready to cure some pandemics. You're needed out there right now buddy! I went with a more 'Nam style uniform than the modern camo, mostly because it was easier to do, and because two-tone green and olive is a very recognizable colour scheme. I free-handed the red cross on the bag, so it's sliiiightly wonky, but not wonky enough that I'm not super pleased with it.

But most of all, I think the face came out amazing. The eyes especially! I had some trouble with the lips (I hate painting lips so much), but the eyes actually weren't that difficult!





Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/31 20:24:04

Post by: monkeytroll

Good work on the medic

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/05/31 21:56:46

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I'm realizing now that there are dog hairs EVERYWHERE. My dog is shedding his undercoat all in one go because the weather went to winter to summer without ever passing through spring, and it is IMPOSSIBLE for it not to get stuck to every mini I paint. So it's just gonna have to be that way.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/01 15:20:26

Post by: gobert

Nice work on the medic, even with the odd dog hair . The free hand cross looks pretty good to me. I find circles harder, but you seem to have got yours pretty neat

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/02 16:10:01

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Alright, next project: this truck from the 10th anniversary version of Last Night on Earth, the pulpy zombie board game. You can see some of the zombies from that game that I did further up in the thread. Lots of new stuff planned for this guy, including my first big airbrushing project. I've masked off windows (including creating a missing rear window) in preparation for a rust undercoat on the metal that will be used for salt-chipping.



Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/03 05:56:33

Post by: Captain Brown

 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
I'm so happy with how the Medic came out! Definitely ready to cure some pandemics. You're needed out there right now buddy!

Brilliant there Gwyn, now you can build him a little medical field tent and join this quarter's League of Extraordinary Riveters.



Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/03 10:00:18

Post by: Not Online!!!

Trucks piqued my interest.

Also the medic seems as stated above a bit lonely

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/03 11:18:58

Post by: MacPhail

I'm very excited for this truck for two reasons... I tried my hand at salt weathering last year(good but not great) and have been itching for another go, and I love that game. I bought the original from the designers' booth when they premiered it at GenCon many years ago. So I'll be following your work!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/03 15:01:06

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

@Captain Brown and Not Online!!!: While I don't think a LoER piece is gonna happen, if I finish the truck in time I can do the Medic's other player-piece companions for the Dakka Painting Competition "Support" theme. I mean, one of them is literally a radio dispatcher, you don't get more "support" than that!

@Macphail: It's such a good game! The minis are decent too, albeit in a soft plastic that's hard to paint. I really should find some of the expansions to add to my box.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/04 23:01:14

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

And we have rust!


First airbrush attempt worked really well. It was super easy to get smooth gradients and transitions between colours. Only a little bit of spluttering and spattering, and I honestly don't care about that for this project. I have this guy salted, and as soon as I get around to it, it'll get a nice blue coat of paint!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/06 00:27:16

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

And we have blue!

Lessons learned for next time: Be more careful in where you place the salt. Try and get it on the edges of surfaces and less in inner corners. Need more bright variation in the rust too. Some of that will come in a minute when I paint in more highlights, so I can fix that up. But not the worst first attempt I've seen.



Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/06 10:14:05

Post by: Not Online!!!

Turned out pretty well no?

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/06 12:56:44

Post by: monkeytroll

Nice job on the salting - inner corners are fine, as water would collect there to aid the rusting, and can always add a bit of sponging on the edges.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/06 15:31:47

Post by: youwashock

The infamous LNoE getaway truck. In magnificent rusted splendor. Love it.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/06 22:47:22

Post by: Maharg

Rust looks good to me, great first attempt with the new technique

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/07 16:20:29

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Thanks everyone! I decided to try the painting challenge this week after all, so the truck is going to be pushed back a touch as I finish the other Pandemic minis. Will return to the truck first! So you saw the Medic earlier, here are five of the other 6 player characters: the Operations Expert, the Dispatcher, the Quarantine Specialist, the Scientist, and the Contingency Planner. There's also a Researcher. You can also see the portraits and physical descriptions that I will be using to try to keep my painting scheme close to canon.







Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/08 20:33:47

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Got skin tones almost done for all of them. Black and Asian guys came out good, but the White pair I’m not quite happy with yet.


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/09 14:43:33

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Finished the hair for the Dispatcher. Next working on his shirt and coat!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/10 04:00:26

Post by: Captain Brown

Good progress on the Pandemic figures.

I have watched the game being played once for an hour while I chatted with some members of my gaming group who did the game for a couple of months.



Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/10 22:06:30

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

And the Dispatcher is done! 4 more to go for the contest! The blue shirt was a tiny bit of my lightest blue mixed into the Apothecary White Contrast, and it went on like a dream! The jeans are just a very thin coat of the Leviadon Blue Contrast paint; a super easy and quick way of painting blue jeans!



With the Medic

I'll get a shot of him alongside his reference card to use later. The official photographs will wait until the whole gang of 5 competition minis are done (or however many I end up doing).

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/12 14:57:11

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Here he is, next to his reference image. Pretty spot on! Skin colour is darker than in the image, but pretty much all my skin tones have been coming in really dark so that'll have to do.


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/12 15:33:52

Post by: Not Online!!!

have you attempted a rather small drybrush of white to lighten the skin a bit? That can and has sometimes helped me when the skin colour that i use /used was too dark.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/12 20:43:24

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Perhaps a drybrush of Deepkin Flesh could get that more desaturated look too?

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/12 21:18:00

Post by: Not Online!!!

 Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll wrote:
Perhaps a drybrush of Deepkin Flesh could get that more desaturated look too?

Could work, allbeit i paint hand Times Pi, so be warned my advise on painting often is ,erm Shall i put it, subjective (and not my strength in regards to the Hobby)
It would certainly lighten up the protruding parts of the Face, which might be enough.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/13 17:17:25

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Hmmm, it's a subtle difference, but I think it helps somewhat to give a bit more depth to the face as a whole. Sorry for the grainy photo though!


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/14 17:53:42

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Next on the list is the Quarantine Specialist. I did the yellow first: pink undercoats work fantastically to get a really good yellow. Which is good because I only own one yellow paint and that's the hyper-bright Flash Gitz Yellow. So pink undercoat (2 coats), Flash Gitz Yellow (2 coats), Nuln Oil Wash, reapply Flash Gitz Yellow on the raised areas, Sepia wash, then a light drybrush of Flash Gitz Yellow that I accidentally got some on the face, but tbh that's ok, it didn't ruin it imho.

I don't want to paint yellow again for quite some time, even though this yellow did come out really nice.


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/14 22:09:27

Post by: gobert

I would never have thought of pink as a base for yellow, but it came out really nice! Great job you’re doing with these pandemic minis!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/15 16:21:36

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

It was a tip from a friend for painting orange, and I figured it would work just as well for yellow. It keeps the tones warm. If I had done zenithal priming I could have done thinner yellow layers, and thin translucent layers over pink has an orange tone.

Speaking of difficult colours, here's a white lab coat and a white work shirt. Apothecary White with liberal White Scar to get a really clean white look.


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/15 16:31:14

Post by: Viterbi

They are all coming along nicely, that's a great group of models!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/15 16:49:41

Post by: youwashock

Pandemic group is coming along nicely. That yellow hazmat suit is good stuff.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/16 14:10:34

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

2/5 done! Quarantine Expert can join the Dispatcher and the Medic! Not sure exactly why she has a spare gasmask lens hanging around her neck, if you guys have a different suggestion for what that thingy could be I'm open. Shame she doesn't have the walky-talky from her picture. Her eyes came out very good in these pictures! Next I'm kinda doing all 3 of the remaining folks all at once.

The gasmask lenses did come out fantastic though, I think I've really gotten the hand of blue lenses now!



With reference card:

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/16 14:20:29

Post by: Fifty

I love those Pandemic models and you've done a great job on them. Where did you get them from?

I have some too, but they are very different to yours. I'll be using mine for Afterlife. https://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/images-10667-48670_Afterlife.html I got mine via Kickstarter ages ago. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Not-So-Bored-Games-Outbreak-Miniatures-Character/dp/B07BBSS6YP

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/16 17:20:37

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

They're the 10th Anniversary special edition. https://www.zmangames.com/en/products/pandemic-10th-anniversary/

A bunch of friends and I got it for my flatmate for her birthday, and she asked if I would paint them up.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/16 17:26:22

Post by: Captain Brown

Good work on some less detailed models Gwyn.



Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/17 12:21:36

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Thanks Captain Brown. Them being less detailed certainly makes them quicker, I can just slap on some contrast, quick highlight, wash, and done, for the most part.

Group shot so far!


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/18 12:11:34

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

remember how I said I was done painting yellow for a while?

One of the minis has a safety vest and a hard hat. Well, I got that out of the way at least! And I think the difference between the darker vest and the brighter safety stripes is pretty good, though could use maybe another layer of brightness.



Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/18 12:21:26

Post by: amazingturtles

That's a bold yellow! Which is of course quite fitting for a safety vest, well done.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/18 13:25:46

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Thanks! I think the deeper folds on this guy are really good for showing off why I love the pink undercoat. That warm orange tone in the folds it creates is to die for.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/19 15:03:47

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Jumping back and forth with these last minis. Have some blue jeans! A different recipe than the Dispatcher's blue jeans, to give a little variation. After all, your blue jeans aren't identical to mine! These actually are the same paints as I use for lenses!


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/20 13:58:31

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Contingency Planner has boring pants. Lawyer pants.
*Checks chosen profession*


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/20 22:29:25

Post by: Guardling

Nice I didn't know there was minis for pandemic.
It's always nice to see clean whites.
That Quarantine Expert looks like shes wearing a Breathing Apparutus like I avoid being trained on at work, so that third lense you see is most likely the pressure guage.
FYI, that setup and gas mask are not combabtible.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/21 14:05:14

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

You wouldn’t happen to have a reference picture of that kind of pressure gauge would you?

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/21 14:22:49

Post by: amazingturtles

The contingency planner! He's one of my favorites to play as. Sadly yes, his pants are bit dull, but your paint job is working well for them.

He hasn't got time for exciting pants, he's got contingencies to plan!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/22 14:46:59

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

The Contingency Planner decided to opt for a splash of colour with a red tie! How fancy!


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/23 13:08:39

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Shoes, belt, phone, and suitcase done. Realized I forgot his belt loops earlier, so did those up to match the pants. Next, eyes (alongside eyes for all the minis) and hair (alongside hair for the Scientist who has the same colour hair).


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/23 13:16:57

Post by: youwashock

Power tie! He sort of reminds me of Ted Danson.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/23 13:18:16

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I see it! Once I paint his hair unfortunately he's a little more f***boi than Ted Danson.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/24 13:49:22

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Eyes! Eyes! Eyes! Some came out better than others. Tried to do blue eyes for the two going-to-be-blonde characters. Came out good on the Contingency Planner, less so on the Scientist but eh, acceptable. The Operations Expert's eyes are almost always shaded by his hat so I didn't put too much effort into them.

Scientist with Eyes

Contingency Planner with Eyes

Operations Expert with Eyes

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/25 14:11:23

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

And the Contingency Planner is done!

Quite happy with him, even though he's the farthest thing imaginable from fantasy or sci-fi.


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/30 00:27:09

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

And the finished Scientist! Blonde hair, with a maroon shirt to match.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/30 03:16:43

Post by: JoshInJapan

You did some fantastic work on models that weren't really meant for this kind of attention. Hats off to you!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/06/30 13:55:39

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Thanks Josh! They may be “pre-primed.” but this soft board-game-mini plastic really scuffs ridiculously easily. I’ll have to go back over all of these guys later to fix them up and seal them in varnish, they’re already getting super chipped.

Anyhow, base coats down on the 6th of the 7th!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/07/01 05:29:21

Post by: Captain Brown


I echo JoshInJapan on the work on those soft plastic game figures. Difficult in the extreme.



PS: Happy Canada Day

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/07/01 16:42:36

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

To you as well Captain Brown! The paint flakes off even as I’m painting them. I was rushing to get them done for the painting competition end of the month, so they’re not perfect. I’ll definitely have to go back and touch them up before I varnish the rest of them.

But, here’s the competition entry, such as it is.

With the reference cards



And with the ones with details on the side facing the side

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/07/03 17:07:06

Post by: Captain Brown


Nicely done for the competition.



Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/07/04 09:07:07

Post by: gobert

Great work on the competition entry Gwyn, they’re a bright and colourful bunch, just how Iike my minis! There’s something about how their faces are sculpted that reminds me of Thunderbirds, or maybe Team America. Is number 6 the last of them?

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/07/12 12:47:22

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Number 7 here is the last of them!

Her jacket is supposed to be a light blue-grey. I don't think this drybrush over the dark blue did the job... Might have to try this one again.


Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/07/12 14:09:19

Post by: amazingturtles

Very nicely done with all of them!

I agree that the jacket needs a bit more work.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/07/13 12:55:59

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I think this is somewhat better! Just cleaned it up a little, and a dark blue wash to even it out.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/07/13 13:42:48

Post by: Not Online!!!

I like this one the most
Well done chap

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/07/14 12:58:37

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Thanks Not Online!!! I'm much happier with the shirt. I finished the hair, undershirt, and lightened up the skin tone a touch. Seems like the best "generic non-tanned white person" is Cadian Flesh, then a contrast fleshtone, then reapply Cadian Flesh. Also got eyes. Serving face!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/07/14 17:39:11

Post by: Captain Brown

Painting can be really challenging with those soft plastic models and the reason I got rid of all my Airfix toy soldiers from long ago.



Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/07/15 12:47:38

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Went with really plain lower body. Black pants, white-grey shoes. I'm planning to do some fun liquid-in-vial effects for the first time on the Erlenmeyer flask, so I want that to be the focus.

So close to the end of these minis, and then I have a fully painted board game!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/07/17 21:21:16

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

And that's finished! A whole board game's worth of minis completed.

Researcher Front:

Researcher Rear:

Researcher Side, showing off the liquid-sloshing-in-flask effect, complete with shine on the glass!

And, Researcher with Reference Card:

Gonna do a few full-team pics, then back to That Rusty Old Truck?

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/07/17 21:30:34

Post by: JoshInJapan

Nice work on that flask. Glass effects are hard to get right.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/07/17 21:36:26

Post by: Maharg

Well done on completing the set, your games will look great now. The shine on the researcher's flask came out really well and I like the eyes too

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/07/18 05:57:05

Post by: ListenToMeWarriors

Great job getting the whole board game set done. And well done on the glass effects, they always allude me.

Continuing on the rusty ol' truck seems like a great place to focus on next.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/07/18 13:33:47

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Thanks for the kind words everyone! The gang together look great. All different, but all part of a team.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/07/18 20:33:01

Post by: Not Online!!!

Ah the games ready!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/07/19 09:34:50

Post by: Viterbi

Congrats on finishing the game and nice group shot!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/07/19 11:18:13

Post by: gobert

Great group shot Gwyn, you need a game night now to get using them! I like how they’re all different heights, GW seem to make all their humans exactly the same height, so it’s a refreshing change!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/07/19 13:07:05

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

I set up the board at least just for photographs. It's such a well-built edition, the cards, the box, the board, everything is gorgeous. I just hope my painting lived up to the production value of the rest of the game!

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/07/23 14:07:43

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Truck truck truck!

From where we last saw this guy ages ago, I've given her a few good washes, base coated the bed of the truck, and base coated the silver and windows. I've also done the areas that are MODELLED as scratches or rusted patches with rust streaks, though I think i need to redo the streaking, it doesn't have the same variation in colour as it should.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/07/23 14:47:51

Post by: youwashock

Your Pandemic heroes look great on the board. Glad to see the truck back in all it's weathered glory.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/07/23 16:56:11

Post by: Captain Brown


Well done on the Pandemic figures and the truck.



Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/07/24 06:08:04

Post by: Viterbi

Truck is coming along great, the rust and the normal color are contrasting nicely.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/07/24 14:07:04

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

youwashock wrote:Your Pandemic heroes look great on the board. Glad to see the truck back in all it's weathered glory.

Thanks youwashock. It makes such a difference compared to having their grey plastic on such a vibrant board.

Captain Brown wrote:Gwyn,

Well done on the Pandemic figures and the truck.



Thanks CB!

Viterbi wrote:Truck is coming along great, the rust and the normal color are contrasting nicely.

I hope so. I went over with some brown spot washes on the rust to try and get a little bit more colour variation in the rust, and I think I need to redo the streaking so it goes more brown-to-yellow, but I'm gonna do the other details first before I go back to the rust, see how I think then.

Speaking of other details, not much to show today. First coats on the various items in the truck bed, black wash on the and first coat on the tires. I think I want to knock out the wheels and tires, then finish the truck bed, then windows (aaaaaah, how do you do reflective windows at night!) then lastly see if the rust needs work.

Just realized looking at these pictures that the TOP of the rear bumper should be steel too, unpainted. I'll see if I can leave some of the rust pocks and just paint over the blue...

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/07/25 07:49:32

Post by: gobert

Truck looks really good Gwyn, nice and beat up! I think the bumper looks fine as it is

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/07/26 13:36:40

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

Thanks gobert! I'll have another look at it after some other parts are finished, see what I think then. Still leaning towards rusted iron rather than rusted paint.

Progress has been slow. Tires are done (base highlight wash), wheel hubs I did in iron with a black wash but I realize now they should be rather rusted.

Gwyn's Table: Down to the Last Drop, Boomstikkz, and Bringing Up to Snuff [DONE] @ 2020/08/01 13:44:44

Post by: Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll

And we have wheels! Thinned down browns and oranges may be "easy mode" rust weathering, but I'll take it! I also took the opportunity to put some mud on the tires themselves!